A plugin for Mibew Messenger to send notifications about new chats to Telegram.
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Mibew Telegram plugin

Plugin for Mibew Messenger to send notifications on new chats into Telegram.


  1. Get the archive with the plugin sources. You can download it from the official site or build the plugin from sources.
  2. Untar/unzip the plugin's archive.
  3. Put files of the plugins to the <MIBEW-ROOT>/plugins folder.
  4. Configure the plugin by altering the section plugins in "<Mibew root>/configs/config.yml" file.

If the "plugins" structure looks like plugins: [] it will become:

        "Mibew:Telegram": # Plugin's configurations are described below
            token: "YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN"
            chat: "YOUR_CHAT"

or (if you want to send notifications to multiple chats):

        "Mibew:Telegram": # Plugin's configurations are described below
            token: "YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN"
            chat: ["YOUR_CHAT1", "YOUR_CHAT2"]
  1. Navigate to <MIBEW-BASE-URL>/operator/plugin page and enable the plugin.

Plugin's configurations

The plugin can be configured with values in "<Mibew root>/configs/config.yml" file.


Type: String

Telegram bot's auth token.


Type: String or Array

Chat ID or chat IDs to send notifications to.

Obtaining auth token and chat id(s)

The information in this section is based upon this document.

  1. Create new bot with the help of @BotFather and get auth token. See https://core.telegram.org/bots for details.

The bot will be able to send messages either to:

  • account that is in chat with the bot;
  • any channel it belongs to.

To send any message the bot will need to use either ID of a user or ID of a channel.

2.1 Determine user ID

To get user ID, one need to send any message to the bot from the Telegram client. Then call the following URL from any web browser: https://api.telegram.org/bot<YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN>/getUpdates

The answer will appear as a JSON structure:

{"ok":true,"result":[{"update_id":987654321,"message":{"message_id":2, "from":{"id":<USER_ID>, "first_name":"<USER_FIRST_NAME>", "last_name":"<USER_LAST_NAME>", "username":"<USER_NAME>"},"chat":{"id":<USER_ID>, "first_name":"USER_FIRST_NAME", "last_name":"<USER_LAST_NAME>", "username":"<USER_NAME", "type":"private"},"date":1550617591, "text":"<MESSAGE>"}}]}

Then it will be possible to use USER_ID (a number) in your configuration to send notifications to related user.

2.2. Get channel ID

First, create a channel and keep it public as you need to obtain the channel ID. Give a name @YourNewChannelName to your channel.

Next, from your bot thread, go to the bot parameters page. You should see that the bot is in both Members and Administrators lists.

To get channel ID, you just need to send a message to @YourNewChannelName from any web browser using the bot API key: https://api.telegram.org/bot<YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN>/sendMessage?chat_id=@YourNewChannelName&text=FirstMessage

The answer will appear as a JSON structure:

{"ok":true, "result":{"message_id":1, "chat":{"id":<CHANNEL_ID>, "title":"Your Channel", "username":"YourNewChannelName", "type":"channel"}, "date":1550617591, "text":"<MESSAGE>"}}

Then it will be possible to use CHANNEL_ID in your configuration to send notifications to the related channel.

And you can now edit your channel and convert its type to private.

Build from sources

  1. Obtain a copy of the repository using git clone, download button, or another way.
  2. Install node.js and npm.
  3. Install Gulp.
  4. Install npm dependencies using npm install.
  5. Run Gulp to build the sources using gulp default.

Finally .tar.gz and .zip archives of the ready-to-use Plugin will be available in release directory.


Apache License 2.0