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Core Architecture

The Core of Mibew Messenger can be divided into three basic parts: the Server side application, client side applications and the Widget. This page does not describe low-level organization of the parts, but provides their overview, describes their purpose and illustrates how they interacts with each other.

Server side application

The Server side part of Mibew Messenger is written in PHP and works with MySQL database. It's built on top of Symfony 2 web framework. In its actual state Mibew Messenger does not use full Symfony's stack but utilizes several Symfony's components.

Mibew Messenger does not depend solely on Symfony. There are other third party server side libraries used in Mibew Messenger too. Here is the list:

  • Composer is used to manage dependencies.
  • Handlebars.php is the server side template engine of Mibew Messenger.
  • Handlebars.php helpers gives some extra power to templates.
  • Stash is used to work with cache.
  • Canteen HTML5 library simplifies dynamic markup generation.
  • PHP semver is used within the plugins manager to handle plugins' dependencies.
  • Swiftmailer is used as an abstraction layer for sending emails.
  • UAParser helps to detect browser used by a client.
  • Punycode library is used to provide IDN support.

The Server side part of Mibew Messenger can be divided into a number of subsystems. These subsystems are not completely isolated but can be described separately. At the moment the most important subsystems are:

  • Cache subsystem.
  • Client application's requests processor.
  • Events dispatcher.
  • Plugins manager.
  • Routing subsystem.
  • Styles and templates.

Client side applications

Client side applications are written in JavaScript. They're built on top of Marionette.js framework and utilize several other third party libraries:

  • jQuery is used for DOM manipulations.
  • Underscore.js is used to simplify routine JavaScript operations.
  • Backbone.js is the base of Marionette.js framework.
  • Handlebars.js is the client side template engine.
  • Vex provides beautiful and customizable dialog popups.
  • Validator.js simplifies data validation at the client side.

As it was pointed above a client side application is a Marionette.js application that performs a limited number of tasks. One should note that not all JavaScript files in Mibew Messenger are related to client side applications. At the moment there are three client side applications:

  • Chat application.
  • Users application.
  • Thread log application.

Chat application implements all client side logic for both user and operator chat windows. The application communicates with the Server side application using the special RPC-like protocol.

Users application implements all client side logic for the page with the list of awaiting users. The application communicates with the Server side application using the special RPC-like protocol.

Thread log application is a stub application that only renders thread log. This application does not exchange data with the Server side application.

Client — Server interaction

This is just an overview of the interaction. It does not contain a full description of low level stuff that powers the interaction.

Interaction between a client side application and the Server side application is an RPC-like interaction. Let's call interacting parties Alice and Bob. Each data package that is transferred from Alice to Bob may contain requests for functions invocation and results of previous Bob's requests.

Alice can synchronously call several functions at Bob's side. Each function can use results of previously called functions as its arguments. Such behaviour provides unlimited flexibility and reduces the number of transferred packages.

A part of a client side application (namely Mibew.Server object which is defined in js/source/default/server.js) sends AJAX request to the web server of Mibew Messenger at regular intervals. Also there is an option to send such request immediately.

Encoded package is sent as the body of HTTP(S) POST request. The Server side application invokes all requested functions and generates the response package in JSON format. If the Server side application needs to call something at the client side, requests for these calls should be included in the response package.

At the Server side \Mibew\RequestProcessor\ClientSideProcessor class is responsible for the interaction. Actually it's an abstract class, so requests from different client side applications are served by different requests processors:

  • \Mibew\RequestProcessor\ThreadProcessor is used to interact with the Chat application.
  • \Mibew\RequestProcessor\UsersProcessor is used to interact with the Users application.

The Widget

The Widget is a mix of HTML markup and JavaScript code that should be inserted into the markup of the target site. In other words the Widget is a chat button.

The code of the Widget is written in pure JavaScript without use of any libraries or frameworks. It is done intentionally to avoid possible problems with the JavaScript code of the target site.

Widget — Server interaction

Interaction between the Server and the Widget is optional. It is used only if Enable "Tracking and inviting" option is turned on in the settings of Mibew Messenger.

The Widget sends requests to the Server at regular intervals. To avoid problems with cross-domain requests JSONP technique is used.

At the moment there is no way to pass custom data from the Widget to the Server. Nevertheless the Server can use powerful RPC-like protocol to do something at the Widget side (within the context of the target web page). It also makes possible to load external JavaScript libraries before invocation of a function.