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synced 2025-03-03 21:08:32 +03:00
* Add some icons in Readme * Align icons at left * Add some more icons * Remove inline image - Use relative icons path * Format Third Party Extensions as a table * force website build * added readme-icons foler with icons for the readme.md file, as well as icons for light and dark modes in the readme.md titles * restored corrupted svgs for readme-icons * moved the icons to asset/readme, added icons for Drawio, Hexo and Jetpack Compose * - Use `develop` branch absolutified links for README images - Strip dark image theme links before publish to Github and npm - Clean third party extensions table * Commit to tag (ony inside master branch) * Fix differences in README * Reintroduce link in README logo * Drop uneeded newline from README * Fix error in README * Add newlines for SVGs * Newlines for all SVGs * Reuse black icons from library * Commit using Github Actions bot * Reuse diagrams.net library icon for white version * Fix comment * Bump 'strip-gh-theme-links' action to v2 * removed assets/readme icons * Test with 'fill=white' * Test with 'style="fill:white"' * added filter:invert(1) to PHP, TS, Simple Icons and Blender * added readme-icons test, changed the name of light icons in assets/readme * reloaded icons in Readme * fixed typo in iconsPath for readme-icons test * fixed typo on the darkiconsPath resolution * restored absolute paths * minimized the white icons on assets/readme * restored test scripts * Apply changes * Disable color output testing in CI * Revert latest change Co-authored-by: Eric Cornelissen <ericornelissen@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Álvaro Mondéjar <mondejar1994@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jorge Amado Soria Ramirez <darksoul.uci@gmail.com>
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