Eric Cornelissen 287317b7b6 Lint the SVG's title content ()
* Add custom SVGLint rule to lint the general <title> format

i.e. the <title> should be "[ICON_NAME] icon"

* Check if there exists an entry in simple-icons.json with the icon name

... found in the <title>

* Normalize all icons <title> value

* Fix mismatch between HTML's icon title and simple-icons.json title

... due to HTML special entities (such as `&amp;`). Affected icons:

- AT&T (AT&amp;T)
- Let's Encrypt (Let&apos;s Encrypt)

* Refactor .svglintrc.js

to make the code style more in line with scripts/prepublish.js

* Add SVG with invalid <title> format

* Add SVG with unknown title

* Revert 6912816 and f002504
2019-07-03 23:33:03 +02:00

1 line
1.2 KiB

<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Microsoft OneDrive icon</title><path d="M4.92 17.562c-.499.305-1.059.457-1.68.457-.92-.029-1.68-.346-2.287-.951-.607-.601-.922-1.367-.953-2.282.016-.862.291-1.594.83-2.192.54-.601 1.225-.948 2.058-1.05-.03-.178-.042-.367-.042-.566.03-1.14.42-2.084 1.17-2.819.754-.735 1.7-1.125 2.842-1.155.719 0 1.364.165 1.934.51.48-.766 1.096-1.395 1.861-1.859.779-.465 1.65-.705 2.609-.721 1.291.03 2.385.436 3.314 1.516 1.785 1.756 3.03h-.285c-.465 0-.869.06-1.23.194-.479-.51-1.035-.898-1.664-1.169-.615-.271-1.29-.39-2.011-.39-.66 0-1.29.104-1.89.33-.6.225-1.14.539-1.62.959-.42.36-.765.766-1.05 1.23s-.48.96-.585 1.485c-.36.075-.705.179-1.021.314-.51.239-.944.569-1.289 1.005-.33.375-.586.811-.75 1.305-.165.496-.256 1.006-.256 1.545 0 .6.091 1.156.301 1.666l-.062-.091zm16.848-3.747c1.576.391 2.318 1.32 2.225 2.781-.092 1.463-.943 2.287-2.555 2.471H8.7c-2.104-.277-3.138-1.365-3.102-3.263.034-1.905 1.104-2.954 3.21-3.135.275-2.04 1.316-3.3 3.12-3.78 1.806-.494 3.342.061 4.612 1.681.436-.36.986-.511 1.65-.466.668.045 1.234.181 1.697.436.6.314 1.08.765 1.396 1.336.313.568.479 1.215.479 1.919l.006.02z"/></svg>