mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:08:32 +03:00
3181 lines
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3181 lines
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update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
# Simple Icons slugs
| Brand name | Brand slug |
| :--- | :--- |
| `.ENV` | `dotenv` |
| `.NET` | `dotnet` |
| `/e/` | `e` |
| `` | `1dot1dot1dot1` |
| `1001Tracklists` | `1001tracklists` |
| `1Panel` | `1panel` |
| `1Password` | `1password` |
| `2FAS` | `2fas` |
| `2K` | `2k` |
| `365 Data Science` | `365datascience` |
| `3M` | `3m` |
| `42` | `42` |
| `4chan` | `4chan` |
| `4D` | `4d` |
| `500px` | `500px` |
| `7Zip` | `7zip` |
| `99designs` | `99designs` |
| `9GAG` | `9gag` |
| `A-Frame` | `aframe` |
| `ABB RobotStudio` | `abbrobotstudio` |
| `Abbott` | `abbott` |
| `Abbvie` | `abbvie` |
| `About.me` | `aboutdotme` |
| `Abstract` | `abstract` |
| `abuse.ch` | `abusedotch` |
| `Academia` | `academia` |
| `Accenture` | `accenture` |
| `Accusoft` | `accusoft` |
| `Acer` | `acer` |
| `ACM` | `acm` |
| `ActiGraph` | `actigraph` |
| `Activision` | `activision` |
| `ActivityPub` | `activitypub` |
| `Actix` | `actix` |
| `Acura` | `acura` |
| `Adafruit` | `adafruit` |
| `AdBlock` | `adblock` |
| `Adblock Plus` | `adblockplus` |
| `AdGuard` | `adguard` |
| `Adidas` | `adidas` |
| `Adminer` | `adminer` |
| `Adobe` | `adobe` |
| `Adobe Acrobat Reader` | `adobeacrobatreader` |
| `Adobe After Effects` | `adobeaftereffects` |
| `Adobe Audition` | `adobeaudition` |
| `Adobe Creative Cloud` | `adobecreativecloud` |
| `Adobe Dreamweaver` | `adobedreamweaver` |
| `Adobe Fonts` | `adobefonts` |
| `Adobe Illustrator` | `adobeillustrator` |
| `Adobe InDesign` | `adobeindesign` |
| `Adobe Lightroom` | `adobelightroom` |
| `Adobe Lightroom Classic` | `adobelightroomclassic` |
| `Adobe Photoshop` | `adobephotoshop` |
| `Adobe Premiere Pro` | `adobepremierepro` |
| `Adobe XD` | `adobexd` |
| `AdonisJS` | `adonisjs` |
| `ADP` | `adp` |
| `Adroll` | `adroll` |
| `Advent Of Code` | `adventofcode` |
| `Adyen` | `adyen` |
| `Aegis Authenticator` | `aegisauthenticator` |
| `Aer Lingus` | `aerlingus` |
| `Aeroflot` | `aeroflot` |
| `Aeroméxico` | `aeromexico` |
| `Aerospike` | `aerospike` |
| `AEW` | `aew` |
| `AFFiNE` | `affine` |
| `Affinity` | `affinity` |
| `Affinity Designer` | `affinitydesigner` |
| `Affinity Photo` | `affinityphoto` |
| `Affinity Publisher` | `affinitypublisher` |
| `Afterpay` | `afterpay` |
| `Agora` | `agora` |
| `AI Dungeon` | `aidungeon` |
| `AIB` | `aib` |
| `AIOHTTP` | `aiohttp` |
| `Aiqfome` | `aiqfome` |
| `Air Canada` | `aircanada` |
| `Air China` | `airchina` |
| `Air France` | `airfrance` |
| `Air India` | `airindia` |
| `Air Transat` | `airtransat` |
| `AirAsia` | `airasia` |
| `Airbnb` | `airbnb` |
| `Airbrake` | `airbrake` |
| `Airbus` | `airbus` |
| `Airbyte` | `airbyte` |
| `Aircall` | `aircall` |
| `AirPlay Audio` | `airplayaudio` |
| `AirPlay Video` | `airplayvideo` |
| `Airtable` | `airtable` |
| `Airtel` | `airtel` |
| `Ajv` | `ajv` |
| `Akamai` | `akamai` |
| `Akaunting` | `akaunting` |
| `Akiflow` | `akiflow` |
| `Alacritty` | `alacritty` |
| `Alamy` | `alamy` |
| `Albert Heijn` | `albertheijn` |
| `Alby` | `alby` |
| `Alchemy` | `alchemy` |
| `Aldi Nord` | `aldinord` |
| `Aldi Süd` | `aldisud` |
| `Alfa Romeo` | `alfaromeo` |
| `Alfred` | `alfred` |
| `Algolia` | `algolia` |
| `Algorand` | `algorand` |
| `Alibaba Cloud` | `alibabacloud` |
| `Alibaba.com` | `alibabadotcom` |
| `Alienware` | `alienware` |
| `AliExpress` | `aliexpress` |
| `Alipay` | `alipay` |
| `Allegro` | `allegro` |
| `AlliedModders` | `alliedmodders` |
| `AlloCiné` | `allocine` |
| `AllTrails` | `alltrails` |
| `AlmaLinux` | `almalinux` |
| `Alpine Linux` | `alpinelinux` |
| `Alpine.js` | `alpinedotjs` |
| `Alteryx` | `alteryx` |
| `Altium Designer` | `altiumdesigner` |
| `Alwaysdata` | `alwaysdata` |
| `ALX` | `alx` |
| `Amazon` | `amazon` |
| `Amazon Alexa` | `amazonalexa` |
| `Amazon API Gateway` | `amazonapigateway` |
| `Amazon CloudWatch` | `amazoncloudwatch` |
| `Amazon Cognito` | `amazoncognito` |
| `Amazon DocumentDB` | `amazondocumentdb` |
| `Amazon DynamoDB` | `amazondynamodb` |
| `Amazon EC2` | `amazonec2` |
| `Amazon ECS` | `amazonecs` |
| `Amazon EKS` | `amazoneks` |
| `Amazon ElastiCache` | `amazonelasticache` |
| `Amazon Fire TV` | `amazonfiretv` |
| `Amazon Games` | `amazongames` |
| `Amazon Identity Access Management` | `amazoniam` |
| `Amazon Lumberyard` | `amazonlumberyard` |
| `Amazon Luna` | `amazonluna` |
| `Amazon Music` | `amazonmusic` |
| `Amazon Pay` | `amazonpay` |
| `Amazon Prime` | `amazonprime` |
| `Amazon RDS` | `amazonrds` |
| `Amazon Redshift` | `amazonredshift` |
| `Amazon Route 53` | `amazonroute53` |
| `Amazon S3` | `amazons3` |
| `Amazon Simple Email Service` | `amazonsimpleemailservice` |
| `Amazon SQS` | `amazonsqs` |
| `Amazon Web Services` | `amazonwebservices` |
| `AMD` | `amd` |
| `Ameba` | `ameba` |
| `American Airlines` | `americanairlines` |
| `American Express` | `americanexpress` |
| `AMG` | `amg` |
| `AMP` | `amp` |
| `Amul` | `amul` |
| `ANA` | `ana` |
| `Anaconda` | `anaconda` |
| `Analogue` | `analogue` |
| `Andela` | `andela` |
| `Android` | `android` |
| `Android Auto` | `androidauto` |
| `Android Studio` | `androidstudio` |
| `Angular` | `angular` |
| `AniList` | `anilist` |
| `Animal Planet` | `animalplanet` |
| `AnkerMake` | `ankermake` |
| `Anki` | `anki` |
| `Ansible` | `ansible` |
| `Answer` | `answer` |
| `Ansys` | `ansys` |
| `Ant Design` | `antdesign` |
| `Anta` | `anta` |
| `Antena 3` | `antena3` |
| `Anthropic` | `anthropic` |
| `Anycubic` | `anycubic` |
| `AnyDesk` | `anydesk` |
| `Anytype` | `anytype` |
| `AOL` | `aol` |
| `Apache` | `apache` |
| `Apache Airflow` | `apacheairflow` |
| `Apache Ant` | `apacheant` |
| `Apache Cassandra` | `apachecassandra` |
| `Apache CloudStack` | `apachecloudstack` |
| `Apache Cordova` | `apachecordova` |
| `Apache CouchDB` | `apachecouchdb` |
| `Apache Druid` | `apachedruid` |
| `Apache ECharts` | `apacheecharts` |
| `Apache Flink` | `apacheflink` |
| `Apache FreeMarker` | `apachefreemarker` |
| `Apache Groovy` | `apachegroovy` |
| `Apache Guacamole` | `apacheguacamole` |
| `Apache Hadoop` | `apachehadoop` |
| `Apache HBase` | `apachehbase` |
| `Apache Hive` | `apachehive` |
| `Apache JMeter` | `apachejmeter` |
| `Apache Kafka` | `apachekafka` |
| `Apache Kylin` | `apachekylin` |
| `Apache Maven` | `apachemaven` |
| `Apache NetBeans IDE` | `apachenetbeanside` |
| `Apache OpenOffice` | `apacheopenoffice` |
| `Apache Parquet` | `apacheparquet` |
| `Apache Pulsar` | `apachepulsar` |
| `Apache RocketMQ` | `apacherocketmq` |
| `Apache Solr` | `apachesolr` |
| `Apache Spark` | `apachespark` |
| `Apache Storm` | `apachestorm` |
| `Apache Superset` | `apachesuperset` |
| `Apache Tomcat` | `apachetomcat` |
| `Aparat` | `aparat` |
| `Apifox` | `apifox` |
| `APM Terminals` | `apmterminals` |
| `Apollo GraphQL` | `apollographql` |
| `Apostrophe` | `apostrophe` |
| `App Store` | `appstore` |
| `Appian` | `appian` |
| `Appium` | `appium` |
| `Apple` | `apple` |
| `Apple Arcade` | `applearcade` |
| `Apple Music` | `applemusic` |
| `Apple News` | `applenews` |
| `Apple Pay` | `applepay` |
| `Apple Podcasts` | `applepodcasts` |
| `Apple TV` | `appletv` |
| `AppSignal` | `appsignal` |
| `Appsmith` | `appsmith` |
| `AppVeyor` | `appveyor` |
| `Appwrite` | `appwrite` |
| `Aqua` | `aqua` |
| `ARAL` | `aral` |
| `ArangoDB` | `arangodb` |
| `Arc` | `arc` |
| `ArcGIS` | `arcgis` |
| `Arch Linux` | `archlinux` |
| `Archicad` | `archicad` |
| `Archive of Our Own` | `archiveofourown` |
| `Ardour` | `ardour` |
| `Arduino` | `arduino` |
| `Argo` | `argo` |
| `Argos` | `argos` |
| `Ariakit` | `ariakit` |
| `ARK Ecosystem` | `arkecosystem` |
| `Arlo` | `arlo` |
| `Arm` | `arm` |
| `Arm Keil` | `armkeil` |
| `Ars Technica` | `arstechnica` |
| `Artifact Hub` | `artifacthub` |
| `Artix Linux` | `artixlinux` |
| `ArtStation` | `artstation` |
| `arXiv` | `arxiv` |
| `Asahi Linux` | `asahilinux` |
| `Asana` | `asana` |
| `Asciidoctor` | `asciidoctor` |
| `asciinema` | `asciinema` |
| `ASDA` | `asda` |
| `Aseprite` | `aseprite` |
| `ASKfm` | `askfm` |
| `AssemblyScript` | `assemblyscript` |
| `Asterisk` | `asterisk` |
| `Aston Martin` | `astonmartin` |
| `Astra` | `astra` |
| `Astral` | `astral` |
| `Astro` | `astro` |
| `ASUS` | `asus` |
| `AT&T` | `atandt` |
| `Atari` | `atari` |
| `Atlassian` | `atlassian` |
| `Auchan` | `auchan` |
| `Audacity` | `audacity` |
| `Audi` | `audi` |
| `Audible` | `audible` |
| `Audio-Technica` | `audiotechnica` |
| `Audiobookshelf` | `audiobookshelf` |
| `Audioboom` | `audioboom` |
| `Audiomack` | `audiomack` |
| `Aurelia` | `aurelia` |
| `Auth0` | `auth0` |
| `Authelia` | `authelia` |
| `Authentik` | `authentik` |
| `Authy` | `authy` |
| `AutoCAD` | `autocad` |
| `AutoCannon` | `autocannon` |
| `Autodesk` | `autodesk` |
| `Autodesk Maya` | `autodeskmaya` |
| `Autodesk Revit` | `autodeskrevit` |
| `AutoHotkey` | `autohotkey` |
| `AutoIt` | `autoit` |
| `Automattic` | `automattic` |
| `Autoprefixer` | `autoprefixer` |
| `AutoZone` | `autozone` |
| `avajs` | `avajs` |
| `Avast` | `avast` |
| `avianca` | `avianca` |
| `Avira` | `avira` |
| `Awesome Lists` | `awesomelists` |
| `awesomeWM` | `awesomewm` |
| `AWS Amplify` | `awsamplify` |
| `AWS Elastic Load Balancing` | `awselasticloadbalancing` |
| `AWS Fargate` | `awsfargate` |
| `AWS Lambda` | `awslambda` |
| `AWS Organizations` | `awsorganizations` |
| `AWS Secrets Manager` | `awssecretsmanager` |
| `Awwwards` | `awwwards` |
| `Axios` | `axios` |
| `B&R Automation` | `bandrautomation` |
| `Babel` | `babel` |
| `Babelio` | `babelio` |
| `Babylon.js` | `babylondotjs` |
| `Backblaze` | `backblaze` |
| `Backbone.js` | `backbonedotjs` |
| `Backendless` | `backendless` |
| `Backstage` | `backstage` |
| `Badoo` | `badoo` |
| `Baidu` | `baidu` |
| `Bakaláři` | `bakalari` |
| `Bamboo` | `bamboo` |
| `Bambu Lab` | `bambulab` |
| `Bandcamp` | `bandcamp` |
| `BandLab` | `bandlab` |
| `Bandsintown` | `bandsintown` |
| `Bank of America` | `bankofamerica` |
| `Barclays` | `barclays` |
| `Baremetrics` | `baremetrics` |
| `Barmenia` | `barmenia` |
| `Basecamp` | `basecamp` |
| `Baserow` | `baserow` |
| `Basic Attention Token` | `basicattentiontoken` |
| `Bastyon` | `bastyon` |
| `bat` | `bat` |
| `Bata` | `bata` |
| `Battle.net` | `battledotnet` |
| `Bazel` | `bazel` |
| `Beatport` | `beatport` |
| `Beats` | `beats` |
| `Beats by Dre` | `beatsbydre` |
| `BeatStars` | `beatstars` |
| `Beekeeper Studio` | `beekeeperstudio` |
| `Behance` | `behance` |
| `Beijing Subway` | `beijingsubway` |
| `BEM` | `bem` |
| `Bentley` | `bentley` |
| `Bento` | `bento` |
| `BentoBox` | `bentobox` |
| `BentoML` | `bentoml` |
| `BeReal` | `bereal` |
| `Betfair` | `betfair` |
| `Better Stack` | `betterstack` |
| `Bevy` | `bevy` |
| `Big Cartel` | `bigcartel` |
| `bigbasket` | `bigbasket` |
| `BigBlueButton` | `bigbluebutton` |
| `BigCommerce` | `bigcommerce` |
| `Bilibili` | `bilibili` |
| `Billboard` | `billboard` |
| `BIM` | `bim` |
| `Binance` | `binance` |
| `Bio Link` | `biolink` |
| `Biome` | `biome` |
| `BisectHosting` | `bisecthosting` |
| `Bit` | `bit` |
| `Bitbucket` | `bitbucket` |
| `Bitcoin` | `bitcoin` |
| `Bitcoin Cash` | `bitcoincash` |
| `Bitcoin SV` | `bitcoinsv` |
| `BitComet` | `bitcomet` |
| `Bitdefender` | `bitdefender` |
| `Bitly` | `bitly` |
| `Bitrise` | `bitrise` |
| `BitTorrent` | `bittorrent` |
| `Bitwarden` | `bitwarden` |
| `Bitwig` | `bitwig` |
| `Blackberry` | `blackberry` |
| `Blackmagic Design` | `blackmagicdesign` |
| `Blazemeter` | `blazemeter` |
| `Blazor` | `blazor` |
| `Blender` | `blender` |
| `Blockbench` | `blockbench` |
| `Blockchain.com` | `blockchaindotcom` |
| `Blogger` | `blogger` |
| `Bloglovin` | `bloglovin` |
| `Blueprint` | `blueprint` |
| `Bluesky` | `bluesky` |
| `Bluesound` | `bluesound` |
| `Bluetooth` | `bluetooth` |
| `BMC Software` | `bmcsoftware` |
| `BMW` | `bmw` |
| `BNB Chain` | `bnbchain` |
| `BoardGameGeek` | `boardgamegeek` |
| `boAt` | `boat` |
| `Boehringer Ingelheim` | `boehringeringelheim` |
| `Boeing` | `boeing` |
| `Bombardier` | `bombardier` |
| `Bookalope` | `bookalope` |
| `BookBub` | `bookbub` |
| `Bookmeter` | `bookmeter` |
| `BookMyShow` | `bookmyshow` |
| `BookStack` | `bookstack` |
| `Boost` | `boost` |
| `Boosty` | `boosty` |
| `Boots` | `boots` |
| `Bootstrap` | `bootstrap` |
| `BorgBackup` | `borgbackup` |
| `Bosch` | `bosch` |
| `Bose` | `bose` |
| `Botble CMS` | `botblecms` |
| `boulanger` | `boulanger` |
| `Bower` | `bower` |
| `Box` | `box` |
| `Boxy SVG` | `boxysvg` |
| `Braintree` | `braintree` |
| `Brandfolder` | `brandfolder` |
| `Brave` | `brave` |
| `Breaker` | `breaker` |
| `Brenntag` | `brenntag` |
| `Brevo` | `brevo` |
| `Brex` | `brex` |
| `Bricks` | `bricks` |
| `British Airways` | `britishairways` |
| `Broadcom` | `broadcom` |
| `Bruno` | `bruno` |
| `BSD` | `bsd` |
| `bspwm` | `bspwm` |
| `BT` | `bt` |
| `Buddy` | `buddy` |
| `Budibase` | `budibase` |
| `Buefy` | `buefy` |
| `Buffer` | `buffer` |
| `Bugatti` | `bugatti` |
| `Bugcrowd` | `bugcrowd` |
| `Bugsnag` | `bugsnag` |
| `Buhl` | `buhl` |
| `Buildkite` | `buildkite` |
| `BuiltByBit` | `builtbybit` |
| `Bukalapak` | `bukalapak` |
| `Bulma` | `bulma` |
| `Bun` | `bun` |
| `Bungie` | `bungie` |
| `bunq` | `bunq` |
| `Burger King` | `burgerking` |
| `Burp Suite` | `burpsuite` |
| `Burton` | `burton` |
| `Buy Me A Coffee` | `buymeacoffee` |
| `BuySellAds` | `buysellads` |
| `BuzzFeed` | `buzzfeed` |
| `BVG` | `bvg` |
| `Byju's` | `byjus` |
| `ByteDance` | `bytedance` |
| `C` | `c` |
| `C++` | `cplusplus` |
| `C++ Builder` | `cplusplusbuilder` |
| `Cachet` | `cachet` |
| `Caddy` | `caddy` |
| `Cadillac` | `cadillac` |
| `CafePress` | `cafepress` |
| `Caffeine` | `caffeine` |
| `Cairo Graphics` | `cairographics` |
| `Cairo Metro` | `cairometro` |
| `CakePHP` | `cakephp` |
| `Cal.com` | `caldotcom` |
| `Calendly` | `calendly` |
| `Calibre-Web` | `calibreweb` |
| `Campaign Monitor` | `campaignmonitor` |
| `Camunda` | `camunda` |
| `Canonical` | `canonical` |
| `Canva` | `canva` |
| `Canvas` | `canvas` |
| `Capacitor` | `capacitor` |
| `Car Throttle` | `carthrottle` |
| `Cardano` | `cardano` |
| `Carlsberg Group` | `carlsberggroup` |
| `Carrd` | `carrd` |
| `Carrefour` | `carrefour` |
| `Carto` | `carto` |
| `Cash App` | `cashapp` |
| `Castbox` | `castbox` |
| `Castorama` | `castorama` |
| `Castro` | `castro` |
| `Caterpillar` | `caterpillar` |
| `CBC` | `cbc` |
| `CBS` | `cbs` |
| `CCleaner` | `ccleaner` |
| `CD Projekt` | `cdprojekt` |
| `Celery` | `celery` |
| `Celestron` | `celestron` |
| `CentOS` | `centos` |
| `Ceph` | `ceph` |
| `Cesium` | `cesium` |
| `Chai` | `chai` |
| `Chainguard` | `chainguard` |
| `Chainlink` | `chainlink` |
| `Chakra UI` | `chakraui` |
| `Channel 4` | `channel4` |
| `Charles` | `charles` |
| `Chart.js` | `chartdotjs` |
| `ChartMogul` | `chartmogul` |
| `Chase` | `chase` |
| `ChatBot` | `chatbot` |
| `Chatwoot` | `chatwoot` |
| `CheckiO` | `checkio` |
| `Checkmarx` | `checkmarx` |
| `Checkmk` | `checkmk` |
| `Chedraui` | `chedraui` |
| `Cheerio` | `cheerio` |
| `Chef` | `chef` |
| `Chemex` | `chemex` |
| `Chess.com` | `chessdotcom` |
| `Chevrolet` | `chevrolet` |
| `Chia Network` | `chianetwork` |
| `China Eastern Airlines` | `chinaeasternairlines` |
| `China Southern Airlines` | `chinasouthernairlines` |
| `Chocolatey` | `chocolatey` |
| `Chromatic` | `chromatic` |
| `Chrome Web Store` | `chromewebstore` |
| `Chromecast` | `chromecast` |
| `Chrysler` | `chrysler` |
| `Chupa Chups` | `chupachups` |
| `Cilium` | `cilium` |
| `Cinema 4D` | `cinema4d` |
| `Circle` | `circle` |
| `CircleCI` | `circleci` |
| `CircuitVerse` | `circuitverse` |
| `Cirrus CI` | `cirrusci` |
| `Cisco` | `cisco` |
| `Citrix` | `citrix` |
| `Citroën` | `citroen` |
| `CiviCRM` | `civicrm` |
| `Civo` | `civo` |
| `CKEditor 4` | `ckeditor4` |
| `Clarifai` | `clarifai` |
| `Claris` | `claris` |
| `Clarivate` | `clarivate` |
| `Clerk` | `clerk` |
| `Clever Cloud` | `clevercloud` |
| `ClickHouse` | `clickhouse` |
| `ClickUp` | `clickup` |
| `CLion` | `clion` |
| `Cliqz` | `cliqz` |
| `Clockify` | `clockify` |
| `Clojure` | `clojure` |
| `Cloud 66` | `cloud66` |
| `Cloud Foundry` | `cloudfoundry` |
| `CloudBees` | `cloudbees` |
| `CloudCannon` | `cloudcannon` |
| `Cloudera` | `cloudera` |
| `Cloudflare` | `cloudflare` |
| `Cloudflare Pages` | `cloudflarepages` |
| `Cloudflare Workers` | `cloudflareworkers` |
| `Cloudinary` | `cloudinary` |
| `Cloudron` | `cloudron` |
| `Cloudsmith` | `cloudsmith` |
| `Cloudways` | `cloudways` |
| `Clubforce` | `clubforce` |
| `Clubhouse` | `clubhouse` |
| `Clyp` | `clyp` |
| `CMake` | `cmake` |
| `CNCF` | `cncf` |
| `CNET` | `cnet` |
| `CNN` | `cnn` |
| `Co-op` | `coop` |
| `Coca Cola` | `cocacola` |
| `Cockpit` | `cockpit` |
| `Cockroach Labs` | `cockroachlabs` |
| `CocoaPods` | `cocoapods` |
| `Cocos` | `cocos` |
| `Coda` | `coda` |
| `Codacy` | `codacy` |
| `Code Climate` | `codeclimate` |
| `Code::Blocks` | `codeblocks` |
| `Codeberg` | `codeberg` |
| `Codecademy` | `codecademy` |
| `CodeceptJS` | `codeceptjs` |
| `CodeChef` | `codechef` |
| `Codecov` | `codecov` |
| `CodeFactor` | `codefactor` |
| `Codeforces` | `codeforces` |
| `Codefresh` | `codefresh` |
| `CodeIgniter` | `codeigniter` |
| `Codeium` | `codeium` |
| `Codemagic` | `codemagic` |
| `Codementor` | `codementor` |
| `CodeMirror` | `codemirror` |
| `CodeNewbie` | `codenewbie` |
| `CodePen` | `codepen` |
| `CodeProject` | `codeproject` |
| `Coder` | `coder` |
| `CodersRank` | `codersrank` |
| `Coderwall` | `coderwall` |
| `CodeSandbox` | `codesandbox` |
| `Codeship` | `codeship` |
| `CodeSignal` | `codesignal` |
| `CodeStream` | `codestream` |
| `Codewars` | `codewars` |
| `Coding Ninjas` | `codingninjas` |
| `CodinGame` | `codingame` |
| `Codio` | `codio` |
| `CoffeeScript` | `coffeescript` |
| `Coggle` | `coggle` |
| `Cognizant` | `cognizant` |
| `Coil` | `coil` |
| `Coinbase` | `coinbase` |
| `CoinMarketCap` | `coinmarketcap` |
| `ComicFury` | `comicfury` |
| `comma` | `comma` |
| `Commerzbank` | `commerzbank` |
| `commitlint` | `commitlint` |
| `Commodore` | `commodore` |
| `Common Workflow Language` | `commonworkflowlanguage` |
| `Compiler Explorer` | `compilerexplorer` |
| `Composer` | `composer` |
| `CompTIA` | `comptia` |
| `Comsol` | `comsol` |
| `Conan` | `conan` |
| `Concourse` | `concourse` |
| `Conda-Forge` | `condaforge` |
| `Conekta` | `conekta` |
| `Confluence` | `confluence` |
| `Construct 3` | `construct3` |
| `Consul` | `consul` |
| `Contactless Payment` | `contactlesspayment` |
| `containerd` | `containerd` |
| `Contao` | `contao` |
| `Contentful` | `contentful` |
| `Contentstack` | `contentstack` |
| `Contributor Covenant` | `contributorcovenant` |
| `Conventional Commits` | `conventionalcommits` |
| `Convertio` | `convertio` |
| `Cookiecutter` | `cookiecutter` |
| `Cooler Master` | `coolermaster` |
| `Copa Airlines` | `copaairlines` |
| `Coppel` | `coppel` |
| `Cora` | `cora` |
| `CorelDRAW` | `coreldraw` |
| `Corona Engine` | `coronaengine` |
| `Corona Renderer` | `coronarenderer` |
| `Corsair` | `corsair` |
| `Couchbase` | `couchbase` |
| `Counter-Strike` | `counterstrike` |
| `CountingWorks PRO` | `countingworkspro` |
| `Coursera` | `coursera` |
| `Coveralls` | `coveralls` |
| `cPanel` | `cpanel` |
| `Craft CMS` | `craftcms` |
| `Craftsman` | `craftsman` |
| `CrateDB` | `cratedb` |
| `Crayon` | `crayon` |
| `Creality` | `creality` |
| `Create React App` | `createreactapp` |
| `Creative Commons` | `creativecommons` |
| `Creative Technology` | `creativetechnology` |
| `Credly` | `credly` |
| `Crehana` | `crehana` |
| `Crew United` | `crewunited` |
| `Critical Role` | `criticalrole` |
| `Crowdin` | `crowdin` |
| `Crowdsource` | `crowdsource` |
| `Crunchbase` | `crunchbase` |
| `Crunchyroll` | `crunchyroll` |
| `CRYENGINE` | `cryengine` |
| `CryptPad` | `cryptpad` |
| `Crystal` | `crystal` |
| `CSS Design Awards` | `cssdesignawards` |
| `CSS Modules` | `cssmodules` |
| `CSS Wizardry` | `csswizardry` |
| `CSS3` | `css3` |
| `CTS` | `cts` |
| `Cucumber` | `cucumber` |
| `Cultura` | `cultura` |
| `curl` | `curl` |
| `CurseForge` | `curseforge` |
| `Custom Ink` | `customink` |
| `CyberDefenders` | `cyberdefenders` |
| `Cycling '74` | `cycling74` |
| `Cypress` | `cypress` |
| `Cytoscape.js` | `cytoscapedotjs` |
| `D` | `d` |
| `D-EDGE` | `dedge` |
| `D-Wave Systems` | `dwavesystems` |
| `D3.js` | `d3dotjs` |
| `Dacia` | `dacia` |
| `DAF` | `daf` |
| `daily.dev` | `dailydotdev` |
| `Dailymotion` | `dailymotion` |
| `DaisyUI` | `daisyui` |
| `Dapr` | `dapr` |
| `Dark Reader` | `darkreader` |
| `Dart` | `dart` |
| `Darty` | `darty` |
| `Das Erste` | `daserste` |
| `Dash` | `dash` |
| `Dashlane` | `dashlane` |
| `Dask` | `dask` |
| `Dassault Systèmes` | `dassaultsystemes` |
| `data.ai` | `datadotai` |
| `Databricks` | `databricks` |
| `DataCamp` | `datacamp` |
| `Datadog` | `datadog` |
| `DataGrip` | `datagrip` |
| `Dataiku` | `dataiku` |
| `DataStax` | `datastax` |
| `date-fns` | `datefns` |
| `DATEV` | `datev` |
| `DatoCMS` | `datocms` |
| `Datto` | `datto` |
| `DaVinci Resolve` | `davinciresolve` |
| `Dazhong Dianping` | `dazhongdianping` |
| `DAZN` | `dazn` |
| `DBeaver` | `dbeaver` |
| `dblp` | `dblp` |
| `dbt` | `dbt` |
| `DC Entertainment` | `dcentertainment` |
| `De'Longhi` | `delonghi` |
| `Debian` | `debian` |
| `Decap CMS` | `decapcms` |
| `Decentraland` | `decentraland` |
| `DeepCool` | `deepcool` |
| `Deepgram` | `deepgram` |
| `deepin` | `deepin` |
| `DeepL` | `deepl` |
| `Deepnote` | `deepnote` |
| `del.icio.us` | `delicious` |
| `Deliveroo` | `deliveroo` |
| `Dell` | `dell` |
| `Delphi` | `delphi` |
| `Delta` | `delta` |
| `Deluge` | `deluge` |
| `Deno` | `deno` |
| `Denon` | `denon` |
| `Dependabot` | `dependabot` |
| `Depositphotos` | `depositphotos` |
| `Der Spiegel` | `derspiegel` |
| `Deutsche Bahn` | `deutschebahn` |
| `Deutsche Bank` | `deutschebank` |
| `Deutsche Post` | `deutschepost` |
| `dev.to` | `devdotto` |
| `DevExpress` | `devexpress` |
| `DeviantArt` | `deviantart` |
| `Devpost` | `devpost` |
| `devRant` | `devrant` |
| `Dgraph` | `dgraph` |
| `DHL` | `dhl` |
| `diagrams.net` | `diagramsdotnet` |
| `Dialogflow` | `dialogflow` |
| `Diaspora` | `diaspora` |
| `Dictionary.com` | `dictionarydotcom` |
| `Digg` | `digg` |
| `Digi-Key Electronics` | `digikeyelectronics` |
| `DigitalOcean` | `digitalocean` |
| `Diners Club` | `dinersclub` |
| `Dior` | `dior` |
| `Directus` | `directus` |
| `Discogs` | `discogs` |
| `Discord` | `discord` |
| `Discourse` | `discourse` |
| `Discover` | `discover` |
| `Disqus` | `disqus` |
| `Disroot` | `disroot` |
| `Distrokid` | `distrokid` |
| `Django` | `django` |
| `DJI` | `dji` |
| `Dlib` | `dlib` |
| `DLNA` | `dlna` |
| `dm` | `dm` |
| `Docker` | `docker` |
| `Docs.rs` | `docsdotrs` |
| `Docsify` | `docsify` |
| `Doctrine` | `doctrine` |
| `Docusaurus` | `docusaurus` |
| `Dogecoin` | `dogecoin` |
| `DOI` | `doi` |
| `Dolby` | `dolby` |
| `DoorDash` | `doordash` |
| `Dota 2` | `dota2` |
| `Douban` | `douban` |
| `Douban Read` | `doubanread` |
| `Dovecot` | `dovecot` |
| `Dovetail` | `dovetail` |
| `Doxygen` | `doxygen` |
| `DPD` | `dpd` |
| `Dragonframe` | `dragonframe` |
| `Draugiem.lv` | `draugiemdotlv` |
| `Dreamstime` | `dreamstime` |
| `Dribbble` | `dribbble` |
| `Drizzle` | `drizzle` |
| `Drone` | `drone` |
| `Drooble` | `drooble` |
| `Dropbox` | `dropbox` |
| `Drupal` | `drupal` |
| `DS Automobiles` | `dsautomobiles` |
| `DTS` | `dts` |
| `DTube` | `dtube` |
| `Ducati` | `ducati` |
| `DuckDB` | `duckdb` |
| `DuckDuckGo` | `duckduckgo` |
| `Dungeons & Dragons` | `dungeonsanddragons` |
| `Dunked` | `dunked` |
| `Dunzo` | `dunzo` |
| `Duolingo` | `duolingo` |
| `Duplicati` | `duplicati` |
| `DVC` | `dvc` |
| `dwm` | `dwm` |
| `Dynatrace` | `dynatrace` |
| `E.Leclerc` | `edotleclerc` |
| `E3` | `e3` |
| `EA` | `ea` |
| `Eagle` | `eagle` |
| `EasyEDA` | `easyeda` |
| `easyJet` | `easyjet` |
| `eBay` | `ebay` |
| `EBOX` | `ebox` |
| `Eclipse Adoptium` | `eclipseadoptium` |
| `Eclipse Che` | `eclipseche` |
| `Eclipse IDE` | `eclipseide` |
| `Eclipse Jetty` | `eclipsejetty` |
| `Eclipse Mosquitto` | `eclipsemosquitto` |
| `Eclipse Vert.x` | `eclipsevertdotx` |
| `Ecovacs` | `ecovacs` |
| `EDEKA` | `edeka` |
| `Edge Impulse` | `edgeimpulse` |
| `EditorConfig` | `editorconfig` |
| `Educative` | `educative` |
| `edX` | `edx` |
| `egghead` | `egghead` |
| `Egnyte` | `egnyte` |
| `Eight` | `eight` |
| `Eight Sleep` | `eightsleep` |
| `EJS` | `ejs` |
| `El Jueves` | `eljueves` |
| `Elastic` | `elastic` |
| `Elastic Cloud` | `elasticcloud` |
| `Elastic Stack` | `elasticstack` |
| `Elasticsearch` | `elasticsearch` |
| `Elavon` | `elavon` |
| `Electron` | `electron` |
| `Electron Fiddle` | `electronfiddle` |
| `electron-builder` | `electronbuilder` |
| `Elegoo` | `elegoo` |
| `Element` | `element` |
| `elementary` | `elementary` |
| `Elementor` | `elementor` |
| `Eleventy` | `eleventy` |
| `Elgato` | `elgato` |
| `Elixir` | `elixir` |
| `Ello` | `ello` |
| `Elm` | `elm` |
| `Elsevier` | `elsevier` |
| `Embarcadero` | `embarcadero` |
| `Embark` | `embark` |
| `Ember.js` | `emberdotjs` |
| `Emby` | `emby` |
| `Emirates` | `emirates` |
| `Emlakjet` | `emlakjet` |
| `Empire Kred` | `empirekred` |
| `EndeavourOS` | `endeavouros` |
| `Engadget` | `engadget` |
| `Enpass` | `enpass` |
| `EnterpriseDB` | `enterprisedb` |
| `Envato` | `envato` |
| `Envoy Proxy` | `envoyproxy` |
| `EPEL` | `epel` |
| `Epic Games` | `epicgames` |
| `Epson` | `epson` |
| `Equinix Metal` | `equinixmetal` |
| `Eraser` | `eraser` |
| `Ericsson` | `ericsson` |
| `Erlang` | `erlang` |
| `ERPNext` | `erpnext` |
| `esbuild` | `esbuild` |
| `ESEA` | `esea` |
| `ESLGaming` | `eslgaming` |
| `ESLint` | `eslint` |
| `Esoteric Software` | `esotericsoftware` |
| `ESPHome` | `esphome` |
| `Espressif` | `espressif` |
| `ESRI` | `esri` |
| `etcd` | `etcd` |
| `Ethereum` | `ethereum` |
| `Ethers` | `ethers` |
| `Ethiopian Airlines` | `ethiopianairlines` |
| `Etihad Airways` | `etihadairways` |
| `Etsy` | `etsy` |
| `Event Store` | `eventstore` |
| `Eventbrite` | `eventbrite` |
| `Evernote` | `evernote` |
| `Excalidraw` | `excalidraw` |
| `Exercism` | `exercism` |
| `Exordo` | `exordo` |
| `Exoscale` | `exoscale` |
| `Expedia` | `expedia` |
| `Expensify` | `expensify` |
| `Experts Exchange` | `expertsexchange` |
| `Expo` | `expo` |
| `Express` | `express` |
| `ExpressVPN` | `expressvpn` |
| `EyeEm` | `eyeem` |
| `F-Droid` | `fdroid` |
| `F-Secure` | `fsecure` |
| `F#` | `fsharp` |
| `F1` | `f1` |
| `F5` | `f5` |
| `Facebook` | `facebook` |
| `Facebook Gaming` | `facebookgaming` |
| `Facebook Live` | `facebooklive` |
| `FACEIT` | `faceit` |
| `Facepunch` | `facepunch` |
| `Fairphone` | `fairphone` |
| `Falco` | `falco` |
| `Falcon` | `falcon` |
| `FamPay` | `fampay` |
| `Fandango` | `fandango` |
| `Fandom` | `fandom` |
| `Fanfou` | `fanfou` |
| `Fantom` | `fantom` |
| `Farcaster` | `farcaster` |
| `FareHarbor` | `fareharbor` |
| `FARFETCH` | `farfetch` |
| `FastAPI` | `fastapi` |
| `Fastify` | `fastify` |
| `Fastlane` | `fastlane` |
| `Fastly` | `fastly` |
| `Fathom` | `fathom` |
| `Fauna` | `fauna` |
| `Favro` | `favro` |
| `FeatHub` | `feathub` |
| `FedEx` | `fedex` |
| `Fedora` | `fedora` |
| `Feedly` | `feedly` |
| `Ferrari` | `ferrari` |
| `Ferrari N.V.` | `ferrarinv` |
| `FerretDB` | `ferretdb` |
| `FFmpeg` | `ffmpeg` |
| `Fi` | `fi` |
| `Fiat` | `fiat` |
| `Fido Alliance` | `fidoalliance` |
| `FIFA` | `fifa` |
| `Fig` | `fig` |
| `Figma` | `figma` |
| `figshare` | `figshare` |
| `Fila` | `fila` |
| `File.io` | `filedotio` |
| `Files` | `files` |
| `FileZilla` | `filezilla` |
| `Fineco` | `fineco` |
| `Fing` | `fing` |
| `Firebase` | `firebase` |
| `Firefish` | `firefish` |
| `Firefly III` | `fireflyiii` |
| `Firefox` | `firefox` |
| `Firefox Browser` | `firefoxbrowser` |
| `Fireship` | `fireship` |
| `Firewalla` | `firewalla` |
| `FIRST` | `first` |
| `fish shell` | `fishshell` |
| `Fitbit` | `fitbit` |
| `FiveM` | `fivem` |
| `Fiverr` | `fiverr` |
| `Fizz` | `fizz` |
| `Flashforge` | `flashforge` |
| `Flask` | `flask` |
| `Flat` | `flat` |
| `Flathub` | `flathub` |
| `Flatpak` | `flatpak` |
| `Flickr` | `flickr` |
| `Flightaware` | `flightaware` |
| `Flipboard` | `flipboard` |
| `Flipkart` | `flipkart` |
| `Floatplane` | `floatplane` |
| `Flood` | `flood` |
| `Fluent Bit` | `fluentbit` |
| `Fluentd` | `fluentd` |
| `Fluke` | `fluke` |
| `Flutter` | `flutter` |
| `Flux` | `flux` |
| `Fluxus` | `fluxus` |
| `Fly.io` | `flydotio` |
| `Flyway` | `flyway` |
| `FMOD` | `fmod` |
| `Fnac` | `fnac` |
| `Folium` | `folium` |
| `Fonoma` | `fonoma` |
| `Font Awesome` | `fontawesome` |
| `FontBase` | `fontbase` |
| `FontForge` | `fontforge` |
| `foobar2000` | `foobar2000` |
| `foodpanda` | `foodpanda` |
| `Ford` | `ford` |
| `Forgejo` | `forgejo` |
| `Formik` | `formik` |
| `Formspree` | `formspree` |
| `Formstack` | `formstack` |
| `Fortinet` | `fortinet` |
| `Fortran` | `fortran` |
| `Fossa` | `fossa` |
| `Fossil SCM` | `fossilscm` |
| `Foundry Virtual Tabletop` | `foundryvirtualtabletop` |
| `Foursquare` | `foursquare` |
| `Foursquare City Guide` | `foursquarecityguide` |
| `FOX` | `fox` |
| `Foxtel` | `foxtel` |
| `Fozzy` | `fozzy` |
| `Framer` | `framer` |
| `Framework` | `framework` |
| `Framework7` | `framework7` |
| `Franprix` | `franprix` |
| `Frappe` | `frappe` |
| `Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft` | `fraunhofergesellschaft` |
| `FreeBSD` | `freebsd` |
| `FreeCAD` | `freecad` |
| `freeCodeCamp` | `freecodecamp` |
| `freedesktop.org` | `freedesktopdotorg` |
| `Freelancer` | `freelancer` |
| `freelancermap` | `freelancermap` |
| `FreeNAS` | `freenas` |
| `Freepik` | `freepik` |
| `Frontend Mentor` | `frontendmentor` |
| `Frontify` | `frontify` |
| `Fubo` | `fubo` |
| `Fueler` | `fueler` |
| `Fuga Cloud` | `fugacloud` |
| `Fujifilm` | `fujifilm` |
| `Fujitsu` | `fujitsu` |
| `Funimation` | `funimation` |
| `Fur Affinity` | `furaffinity` |
| `Furry Network` | `furrynetwork` |
| `FusionAuth` | `fusionauth` |
| `FutureLearn` | `futurelearn` |
| `G2` | `g2` |
| `G2A` | `g2a` |
| `G2G` | `g2g` |
| `Galaxus` | `galaxus` |
| `Game & Watch` | `gameandwatch` |
| `Game Developer` | `gamedeveloper` |
| `Game Jolt` | `gamejolt` |
| `GameBanana` | `gamebanana` |
| `Gameloft` | `gameloft` |
| `Gamemaker` | `gamemaker` |
| `Garmin` | `garmin` |
| `Gatling` | `gatling` |
| `Gatsby` | `gatsby` |
| `Gcore` | `gcore` |
| `GDAL` | `gdal` |
| `Géant` | `geant` |
| `GeeksforGeeks` | `geeksforgeeks` |
| `General Electric` | `generalelectric` |
| `General Motors` | `generalmotors` |
| `Genius` | `genius` |
| `Gentoo` | `gentoo` |
| `Geocaching` | `geocaching` |
| `Geode` | `geode` |
| `GeoPandas` | `geopandas` |
| `Gerrit` | `gerrit` |
| `GetX` | `getx` |
| `Ghost` | `ghost` |
| `Ghostery` | `ghostery` |
| `GIMP` | `gimp` |
| `Gin` | `gin` |
| `GIPHY` | `giphy` |
| `Git` | `git` |
| `Git Extensions` | `gitextensions` |
| `Git for Windows` | `gitforwindows` |
| `Git LFS` | `gitlfs` |
| `GitBook` | `gitbook` |
| `Gitconnected` | `gitconnected` |
| `Gitea` | `gitea` |
| `Gitee` | `gitee` |
| `GitHub` | `github` |
| `GitHub Actions` | `githubactions` |
| `GitHub Copilot` | `githubcopilot` |
| `GitHub Pages` | `githubpages` |
| `GitHub Sponsors` | `githubsponsors` |
| `gitignore.io` | `gitignoredotio` |
| `GitKraken` | `gitkraken` |
| `GitLab` | `gitlab` |
| `Gitpod` | `gitpod` |
| `Gitter` | `gitter` |
| `Glassdoor` | `glassdoor` |
| `Glide` | `glide` |
| `Glitch` | `glitch` |
| `Globus` | `globus` |
| `Glovo` | `glovo` |
| `glTF` | `gltf` |
| `Gmail` | `gmail` |
| `GNOME` | `gnome` |
| `GNOME Terminal` | `gnometerminal` |
| `GNU` | `gnu` |
| `GNU Bash` | `gnubash` |
| `GNU Emacs` | `gnuemacs` |
| `GNU IceCat` | `gnuicecat` |
| `GNU Privacy Guard` | `gnuprivacyguard` |
| `GNU social` | `gnusocial` |
| `Go` | `go` |
| `GoCD` | `gocd` |
| `GoDaddy` | `godaddy` |
| `Godot Engine` | `godotengine` |
| `GoFundMe` | `gofundme` |
| `GOG.com` | `gogdotcom` |
| `Gojek` | `gojek` |
| `GoLand` | `goland` |
| `GoldenLine` | `goldenline` |
| `Goldman Sachs` | `goldmansachs` |
| `Goodreads` | `goodreads` |
| `Google` | `google` |
| `Google AdMob` | `googleadmob` |
| `Google Ads` | `googleads` |
| `Google AdSense` | `googleadsense` |
| `Google Analytics` | `googleanalytics` |
| `Google Apps Script` | `googleappsscript` |
| `Google Assistant` | `googleassistant` |
| `Google Authenticator` | `googleauthenticator` |
| `Google BigQuery` | `googlebigquery` |
| `Google Bigtable` | `googlebigtable` |
| `Google Calendar` | `googlecalendar` |
| `Google Campaign Manager 360` | `googlecampaignmanager360` |
| `Google Cardboard` | `googlecardboard` |
| `Google Chat` | `googlechat` |
| `Google Chrome` | `googlechrome` |
| `Google Chronicle` | `googlechronicle` |
| `Google Classroom` | `googleclassroom` |
| `Google Cloud` | `googlecloud` |
| `Google Cloud Composer` | `googlecloudcomposer` |
| `Google Cloud Spanner` | `googlecloudspanner` |
| `Google Cloud Storage` | `googlecloudstorage` |
| `Google Colab` | `googlecolab` |
| `Google Container Optimized OS` | `googlecontaineroptimizedos` |
| `Google Data Studio` | `googledatastudio` |
| `Google Dataflow` | `googledataflow` |
| `Google Dataproc` | `googledataproc` |
| `Google Display & Video 360` | `googledisplayandvideo360` |
| `Google Docs` | `googledocs` |
| `Google Drive` | `googledrive` |
| `Google Earth` | `googleearth` |
| `Google Earth Engine` | `googleearthengine` |
| `Google Fit` | `googlefit` |
| `Google Fonts` | `googlefonts` |
| `Google Forms` | `googleforms` |
| `Google Gemini` | `googlegemini` |
| `Google Home` | `googlehome` |
| `Google Keep` | `googlekeep` |
| `Google Lens` | `googlelens` |
| `Google Maps` | `googlemaps` |
| `Google Marketing Platform` | `googlemarketingplatform` |
| `Google Meet` | `googlemeet` |
| `Google Messages` | `googlemessages` |
| `Google Nearby` | `googlenearby` |
| `Google News` | `googlenews` |
| `Google Pay` | `googlepay` |
| `Google Photos` | `googlephotos` |
| `Google Play` | `googleplay` |
| `Google Pub/Sub` | `googlepubsub` |
| `Google Scholar` | `googlescholar` |
| `Google Search Console` | `googlesearchconsole` |
| `Google Sheets` | `googlesheets` |
| `Google Slides` | `googleslides` |
| `Google Street View` | `googlestreetview` |
| `Google Tag Manager` | `googletagmanager` |
| `Google Tasks` | `googletasks` |
| `Google Translate` | `googletranslate` |
| `GoToMeeting` | `gotomeeting` |
| `Grab` | `grab` |
| `Gradle` | `gradle` |
| `Gradle Play Publisher` | `gradleplaypublisher` |
| `Grafana` | `grafana` |
| `Grammarly` | `grammarly` |
| `Grand Frais` | `grandfrais` |
| `GrapheneOS` | `grapheneos` |
| `Graphite` | `graphite` |
| `GraphQL` | `graphql` |
| `Grav` | `grav` |
| `Gravatar` | `gravatar` |
| `Graylog` | `graylog` |
| `Greasy Fork` | `greasyfork` |
| `Great Learning` | `greatlearning` |
| `Greenhouse` | `greenhouse` |
| `GreenSock` | `greensock` |
| `Grid.ai` | `griddotai` |
| `Gridsome` | `gridsome` |
| `GroupMe` | `groupme` |
| `Groupon` | `groupon` |
| `Grubhub` | `grubhub` |
| `Grunt` | `grunt` |
| `GSK` | `gsk` |
| `GSMArena.com` | `gsmarenadotcom` |
| `GStreamer` | `gstreamer` |
| `GTK` | `gtk` |
| `Guangzhou Metro` | `guangzhoumetro` |
| `Guilded` | `guilded` |
| `gulp` | `gulp` |
| `Gumroad` | `gumroad` |
| `Gumtree` | `gumtree` |
| `Gunicorn` | `gunicorn` |
| `Gurobi` | `gurobi` |
| `Gusto` | `gusto` |
| `Gutenberg` | `gutenberg` |
| `H&M` | `handm` |
| `H3` | `h3` |
| `Habr` | `habr` |
| `Hack Club` | `hackclub` |
| `Hack The Box` | `hackthebox` |
| `Hackaday` | `hackaday` |
| `Hacker Noon` | `hackernoon` |
| `HackerEarth` | `hackerearth` |
| `HackerOne` | `hackerone` |
| `HackerRank` | `hackerrank` |
| `Hackster` | `hackster` |
| `HAL` | `hal` |
| `Handlebars.js` | `handlebarsdotjs` |
| `Handshake` | `handshake` |
| `Handshake` | `handshake_protocol` |
| `HappyCow` | `happycow` |
| `Harbor` | `harbor` |
| `HarmonyOS` | `harmonyos` |
| `HashiCorp` | `hashicorp` |
| `Hashnode` | `hashnode` |
| `Haskell` | `haskell` |
| `Hasura` | `hasura` |
| `Hatena Bookmark` | `hatenabookmark` |
| `haveibeenpwned` | `haveibeenpwned` |
| `Haxe` | `haxe` |
| `HBO` | `hbo` |
| `HCL` | `hcl` |
| `HDFC Bank` | `hdfcbank` |
| `Headless UI` | `headlessui` |
| `Headphone Zone` | `headphonezone` |
| `Headspace` | `headspace` |
| `Hearth` | `hearth` |
| `hearthis.at` | `hearthisdotat` |
| `Hedera` | `hedera` |
| `Helium` | `helium` |
| `HelloFresh` | `hellofresh` |
| `Helly Hansen` | `hellyhansen` |
| `Helm` | `helm` |
| `Help Scout` | `helpscout` |
| `HelpDesk` | `helpdesk` |
| `Hepsiemlak` | `hepsiemlak` |
| `HERE` | `here` |
| `Heroku` | `heroku` |
| `Hetzner` | `hetzner` |
| `Hevy` | `hevy` |
| `Hexlet` | `hexlet` |
| `Hexo` | `hexo` |
| `HEY` | `hey` |
| `Hi Bob` | `hibob` |
| `Hibernate` | `hibernate` |
| `Hilton` | `hilton` |
| `Hilton Hotels & Resorts` | `hiltonhotelsandresorts` |
| `Hitachi` | `hitachi` |
| `Hive` | `hive` |
| `Hive` | `hive_blockchain` |
| `HiveMQ` | `hivemq` |
| `Homarr` | `homarr` |
| `Home Assistant` | `homeassistant` |
| `Home Assistant Community Store` | `homeassistantcommunitystore` |
| `HomeAdvisor` | `homeadvisor` |
| `Homebrew` | `homebrew` |
| `Homebridge` | `homebridge` |
| `Homepage` | `homepage` |
| `homify` | `homify` |
| `Honda` | `honda` |
| `Honey` | `honey` |
| `Hono` | `hono` |
| `Honor` | `honor` |
| `Hootsuite` | `hootsuite` |
| `Hoppscotch` | `hoppscotch` |
| `Hostinger` | `hostinger` |
| `Hotels.com` | `hotelsdotcom` |
| `Hotjar` | `hotjar` |
| `Hotwire` | `hotwire` |
| `Houdini` | `houdini` |
| `Houzz` | `houzz` |
| `HP` | `hp` |
| `HSBC` | `hsbc` |
| `HTML Academy` | `htmlacademy` |
| `HTML5` | `html5` |
| `htmx` | `htmx` |
| `htop` | `htop` |
| `HTTPie` | `httpie` |
| `Huawei` | `huawei` |
| `HubSpot` | `hubspot` |
| `Hugging Face` | `huggingface` |
| `Hugo` | `hugo` |
| `Humble Bundle` | `humblebundle` |
| `HumHub` | `humhub` |
| `Hungry Jack's` | `hungryjacks` |
| `Husqvarna` | `husqvarna` |
| `Hyper` | `hyper` |
| `Hyperskill` | `hyperskill` |
| `Hypothesis` | `hypothesis` |
| `Hyprland` | `hyprland` |
| `Hyundai` | `hyundai` |
| `i18next` | `i18next` |
| `i3` | `i3` |
| `Iata` | `iata` |
| `iBeacon` | `ibeacon` |
| `Iberia` | `iberia` |
| `Iced` | `iced` |
| `Iceland` | `iceland` |
| `ICICI Bank` | `icicibank` |
| `Icinga` | `icinga` |
| `iCloud` | `icloud` |
| `IcoMoon` | `icomoon` |
| `ICON` | `icon` |
| `Iconfinder` | `iconfinder` |
| `Iconify` | `iconify` |
| `IconJar` | `iconjar` |
| `Icons8` | `icons8` |
| `ICQ` | `icq` |
| `IEEE` | `ieee` |
| `iFixit` | `ifixit` |
| `iFood` | `ifood` |
| `IFTTT` | `ifttt` |
| `IGDB` | `igdb` |
| `IGN` | `ign` |
| `iHeartRadio` | `iheartradio` |
| `IKEA` | `ikea` |
| `Île-de-France Mobilités` | `iledefrancemobilites` |
| `Image.sc` | `imagedotsc` |
| `ImageJ` | `imagej` |
| `IMDb` | `imdb` |
| `iMessage` | `imessage` |
| `Imgur` | `imgur` |
| `Immer` | `immer` |
| `Immich` | `immich` |
| `Imou` | `imou` |
| `ImprovMX` | `improvmx` |
| `Indeed` | `indeed` |
| `Indian Super League` | `indiansuperleague` |
| `Indie Hackers` | `indiehackers` |
| `IndiGo` | `indigo` |
| `Inductive Automation` | `inductiveautomation` |
| `Inertia` | `inertia` |
| `INFINITI` | `infiniti` |
| `InfluxDB` | `influxdb` |
| `Infomaniak` | `infomaniak` |
| `InfoQ` | `infoq` |
| `Informatica` | `informatica` |
| `Infosys` | `infosys` |
| `Infracost` | `infracost` |
| `Ingress` | `ingress` |
| `Inkdrop` | `inkdrop` |
| `Inkscape` | `inkscape` |
| `Inoreader` | `inoreader` |
| `Insomnia` | `insomnia` |
| `INSPIRE` | `inspire` |
| `Insta360` | `insta360` |
| `Instacart` | `instacart` |
| `Instagram` | `instagram` |
| `Instapaper` | `instapaper` |
| `Instatus` | `instatus` |
| `Instructables` | `instructables` |
| `Instructure` | `instructure` |
| `Intel` | `intel` |
| `IntelliJ IDEA` | `intellijidea` |
| `Interaction Design Foundation` | `interactiondesignfoundation` |
| `InteractJS` | `interactjs` |
| `Interbase` | `interbase` |
| `Intercom` | `intercom` |
| `Intermarche` | `intermarche` |
| `Internet Archive` | `internetarchive` |
| `Internet Computer` | `internetcomputer` |
| `Intigriti` | `intigriti` |
| `Intuit` | `intuit` |
| `InVision` | `invision` |
| `Invoice Ninja` | `invoiceninja` |
| `ioBroker` | `iobroker` |
| `Ionic` | `ionic` |
| `Ionos` | `ionos` |
| `iOS` | `ios` |
| `IOTA` | `iota` |
| `IPFS` | `ipfs` |
| `IRIS` | `iris` |
| `iRobot` | `irobot` |
| `ISC2` | `isc2` |
| `Issuu` | `issuu` |
| `Istio` | `istio` |
| `Itch.io` | `itchdotio` |
| `iTerm2` | `iterm2` |
| `iTunes` | `itunes` |
| `ITVx` | `itvx` |
| `IVECO` | `iveco` |
| `Jabber` | `jabber` |
| `Jaeger` | `jaeger` |
| `Jaguar` | `jaguar` |
| `Jamboard` | `jamboard` |
| `Jameson` | `jameson` |
| `Jamstack` | `jamstack` |
| `Jasmine` | `jasmine` |
| `JavaScript` | `javascript` |
| `JBL` | `jbl` |
| `JCB` | `jcb` |
| `Jeep` | `jeep` |
| `Jekyll` | `jekyll` |
| `Jellyfin` | `jellyfin` |
| `Jenkins` | `jenkins` |
| `Jest` | `jest` |
| `JET` | `jet` |
| `JetBlue` | `jetblue` |
| `JetBrains` | `jetbrains` |
| `Jetpack Compose` | `jetpackcompose` |
| `JFrog` | `jfrog` |
| `JFrog Pipelines` | `jfrogpipelines` |
| `JHipster` | `jhipster` |
| `Jinja` | `jinja` |
| `Jira` | `jira` |
| `Jira Software` | `jirasoftware` |
| `JitPack` | `jitpack` |
| `Jitsi` | `jitsi` |
| `John Deere` | `johndeere` |
| `Joomla` | `joomla` |
| `Joplin` | `joplin` |
| `Jordan` | `jordan` |
| `JOUAV` | `jouav` |
| `Jovian` | `jovian` |
| `JPEG` | `jpeg` |
| `jQuery` | `jquery` |
| `JR Group` | `jrgroup` |
| `jsDelivr` | `jsdelivr` |
| `JSFiddle` | `jsfiddle` |
| `JSON` | `json` |
| `JSON Web Tokens` | `jsonwebtokens` |
| `JSR` | `jsr` |
| `JSS` | `jss` |
| `JUCE` | `juce` |
| `Juejin` | `juejin` |
| `JUKE` | `juke` |
| `Julia` | `julia` |
| `Juniper Networks` | `junipernetworks` |
| `JUnit5` | `junit5` |
| `Jupyter` | `jupyter` |
| `Just Eat` | `justeat` |
| `JustGiving` | `justgiving` |
| `K3s` | `k3s` |
| `k6` | `k6` |
| `Kaggle` | `kaggle` |
| `Kagi` | `kagi` |
| `Kahoot!` | `kahoot` |
| `KaiOS` | `kaios` |
| `Kakao` | `kakao` |
| `KakaoTalk` | `kakaotalk` |
| `Kali Linux` | `kalilinux` |
| `Kamailio` | `kamailio` |
| `Kaniko` | `kaniko` |
| `Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund` | `karlsruherverkehrsverbund` |
| `Kasa Smart` | `kasasmart` |
| `KashFlow` | `kashflow` |
| `Kaspersky` | `kaspersky` |
| `Katacoda` | `katacoda` |
| `Katana` | `katana` |
| `Kaufland` | `kaufland` |
| `KDE` | `kde` |
| `Kdenlive` | `kdenlive` |
| `Kedro` | `kedro` |
| `Keenetic` | `keenetic` |
| `Keep a Changelog` | `keepachangelog` |
| `KeePassXC` | `keepassxc` |
| `Kentico` | `kentico` |
| `Keras` | `keras` |
| `Keybase` | `keybase` |
| `KeyCDN` | `keycdn` |
| `Keycloak` | `keycloak` |
| `Keystone` | `keystone` |
| `KFC` | `kfc` |
| `Khan Academy` | `khanacademy` |
| `Khronos Group` | `khronosgroup` |
| `Kia` | `kia` |
| `Kibana` | `kibana` |
| `KiCad` | `kicad` |
| `Kick` | `kick` |
| `Kickstarter` | `kickstarter` |
| `Kik` | `kik` |
| `Kingston Technology` | `kingstontechnology` |
| `Kinopoisk` | `kinopoisk` |
| `Kinsta` | `kinsta` |
| `Kirby` | `kirby` |
| `Kit` | `kit` |
| `Kitsu` | `kitsu` |
| `Klarna` | `klarna` |
| `KLM` | `klm` |
| `Klook` | `klook` |
| `Knative` | `knative` |
| `Knex.js` | `knexdotjs` |
| `KNIME` | `knime` |
| `Knip` | `knip` |
| `KnowledgeBase` | `knowledgebase` |
| `Known` | `known` |
| `Ko-fi` | `kofi` |
| `Koa` | `koa` |
| `Koc` | `koc` |
| `Kodak` | `kodak` |
| `Kodi` | `kodi` |
| `Koenigsegg` | `koenigsegg` |
| `Kofax` | `kofax` |
| `Komoot` | `komoot` |
| `Konami` | `konami` |
| `Kong` | `kong` |
| `Kongregate` | `kongregate` |
| `Konva` | `konva` |
| `Kotlin` | `kotlin` |
| `Koyeb` | `koyeb` |
| `Krita` | `krita` |
| `KTM` | `ktm` |
| `Ktor` | `ktor` |
| `Kuaishou` | `kuaishou` |
| `Kubernetes` | `kubernetes` |
| `Kubuntu` | `kubuntu` |
| `KuCoin` | `kucoin` |
| `Kuma` | `kuma` |
| `Kununu` | `kununu` |
| `Kuula` | `kuula` |
| `KX` | `kx` |
| `Kyocera` | `kyocera` |
| `L'Équipe` | `lequipe` |
| `LabVIEW` | `labview` |
| `LADA` | `lada` |
| `Lamborghini` | `lamborghini` |
| `Land Rover` | `landrover` |
| `LangChain` | `langchain` |
| `LanguageTool` | `languagetool` |
| `Lapce` | `lapce` |
| `Laragon` | `laragon` |
| `Laravel` | `laravel` |
| `Laravel Horizon` | `laravelhorizon` |
| `Laravel Nova` | `laravelnova` |
| `Last.fm` | `lastdotfm` |
| `LastPass` | `lastpass` |
| `LaTeX` | `latex` |
| `Launchpad` | `launchpad` |
| `Lazarus` | `lazarus` |
| `LazyVim` | `lazyvim` |
| `LBRY` | `lbry` |
| `Leader Price` | `leaderprice` |
| `Leaflet` | `leaflet` |
| `League of Legends` | `leagueoflegends` |
| `Leanpub` | `leanpub` |
| `LeetCode` | `leetcode` |
| `Lefthook` | `lefthook` |
| `Legacy Games` | `legacygames` |
| `Leica` | `leica` |
| `Lemmy` | `lemmy` |
| `Lemon Squeezy` | `lemonsqueezy` |
| `Lenovo` | `lenovo` |
| `Lens` | `lens` |
| `Leptos` | `leptos` |
| `Lerna` | `lerna` |
| `Leroy Merlin` | `leroymerlin` |
| `Les libraires` | `leslibraires` |
| `Less` | `less` |
| `Let's Encrypt` | `letsencrypt` |
| `Letterboxd` | `letterboxd` |
| `levels.fyi` | `levelsdotfyi` |
| `LG` | `lg` |
| `Li-Ning` | `lining` |
| `Libera.Chat` | `liberadotchat` |
| `Liberapay` | `liberapay` |
| `Libraries.io` | `librariesdotio` |
| `LibraryThing` | `librarything` |
| `LibreOffice` | `libreoffice` |
| `LibreOffice Base` | `libreofficebase` |
| `LibreOffice Calc` | `libreofficecalc` |
| `LibreOffice Draw` | `libreofficedraw` |
| `LibreOffice Impress` | `libreofficeimpress` |
| `LibreOffice Math` | `libreofficemath` |
| `LibreOffice Writer` | `libreofficewriter` |
| `LibreWolf` | `librewolf` |
| `libuv` | `libuv` |
| `Lichess` | `lichess` |
| `Lidl` | `lidl` |
| `LIFX` | `lifx` |
| `LightBurn` | `lightburn` |
| `Lighthouse` | `lighthouse` |
| `Lightning` | `lightning` |
| `LimeSurvey` | `limesurvey` |
| `LINE` | `line` |
| `LineageOS` | `lineageos` |
| `Linear` | `linear` |
| `LinkedIn` | `linkedin` |
| `Linkerd` | `linkerd` |
| `Linkfire` | `linkfire` |
| `Linksys` | `linksys` |
| `Linktree` | `linktree` |
| `LintCode` | `lintcode` |
| `Linux` | `linux` |
| `Linux Containers` | `linuxcontainers` |
| `Linux Foundation` | `linuxfoundation` |
| `Linux Mint` | `linuxmint` |
| `Linux Professional Institute` | `linuxprofessionalinstitute` |
| `LinuxServer` | `linuxserver` |
| `Lion Air` | `lionair` |
| `Liquibase` | `liquibase` |
| `listmonk` | `listmonk` |
| `Lit` | `lit` |
| `Litecoin` | `litecoin` |
| `Literal` | `literal` |
| `LITIENGINE` | `litiengine` |
| `LiveChat` | `livechat` |
| `LiveJournal` | `livejournal` |
| `Livewire` | `livewire` |
| `LLVM` | `llvm` |
| `LMMS` | `lmms` |
| `Lobsters` | `lobsters` |
| `Local` | `local` |
| `Lodash` | `lodash` |
| `Logitech` | `logitech` |
| `Logitech G` | `logitechg` |
| `LogMeIn` | `logmein` |
| `Logseq` | `logseq` |
| `Logstash` | `logstash` |
| `Looker` | `looker` |
| `Loom` | `loom` |
| `Loop` | `loop` |
| `LoopBack` | `loopback` |
| `Loot Crate` | `lootcrate` |
| `Lospec` | `lospec` |
| `LOT Polish Airlines` | `lotpolishairlines` |
| `LTspice` | `ltspice` |
| `Lua` | `lua` |
| `Lubuntu` | `lubuntu` |
| `Lucia` | `lucia` |
| `Lucid` | `lucid` |
| `Ludwig` | `ludwig` |
| `Lufthansa` | `lufthansa` |
| `Lumen` | `lumen` |
| `Lunacy` | `lunacy` |
| `Lutris` | `lutris` |
| `Lydia` | `lydia` |
| `Lyft` | `lyft` |
| `MAAS` | `maas` |
| `macOS` | `macos` |
| `MacPaw` | `macpaw` |
| `Macy's` | `macys` |
| `Magasins U` | `magasinsu` |
| `Magento` | `magento` |
| `Magic` | `magic` |
| `Magisk` | `magisk` |
| `Mahindra` | `mahindra` |
| `mail.com` | `maildotcom` |
| `Mail.Ru` | `maildotru` |
| `mailbox.org` | `mailboxdotorg` |
| `MailChimp` | `mailchimp` |
| `Mailgun` | `mailgun` |
| `Mailtrap` | `mailtrap` |
| `MainWP` | `mainwp` |
| `Major League Hacking` | `majorleaguehacking` |
| `Make` | `make` |
| `MakerBot` | `makerbot` |
| `Malt` | `malt` |
| `Malwarebytes` | `malwarebytes` |
| `Mamba UI` | `mambaui` |
| `MAMP` | `mamp` |
| `MAN` | `man` |
| `ManageIQ` | `manageiq` |
| `Manjaro` | `manjaro` |
| `Mantine` | `mantine` |
| `Mapbox` | `mapbox` |
| `MapLibre` | `maplibre` |
| `MariaDB` | `mariadb` |
| `MariaDB Foundation` | `mariadbfoundation` |
| `Markdown` | `markdown` |
| `Marketo` | `marketo` |
| `Marko` | `marko` |
| `Marriott` | `marriott` |
| `MarvelApp` | `marvelapp` |
| `Maserati` | `maserati` |
| `MasterCard` | `mastercard` |
| `mastercomfig` | `mastercomfig` |
| `Mastodon` | `mastodon` |
| `Material Design` | `materialdesign` |
| `Material Design Icons` | `materialdesignicons` |
| `Material for MkDocs` | `materialformkdocs` |
| `Matillion` | `matillion` |
| `Matomo` | `matomo` |
| `Matrix` | `matrix` |
| `Matter.js` | `matterdotjs` |
| `Mattermost` | `mattermost` |
| `Matternet` | `matternet` |
| `Mautic` | `mautic` |
| `Max` | `max` |
| `Max-Planck-Gesellschaft` | `maxplanckgesellschaft` |
| `Maytag` | `maytag` |
| `Mazda` | `mazda` |
| `McAfee` | `mcafee` |
| `McDonald's` | `mcdonalds` |
| `McLaren` | `mclaren` |
| `mdBook` | `mdbook` |
| `MDN Web Docs` | `mdnwebdocs` |
| `MDX` | `mdx` |
| `MediaFire` | `mediafire` |
| `MediaMarkt` | `mediamarkt` |
| `MediaTek` | `mediatek` |
| `MediBang Paint` | `medibangpaint` |
| `Medium` | `medium` |
| `Medusa` | `medusa` |
| `Meetup` | `meetup` |
| `MEGA` | `mega` |
| `Meilisearch` | `meilisearch` |
| `Meituan` | `meituan` |
| `Meizu` | `meizu` |
| `Mendeley` | `mendeley` |
| `MentorCruise` | `mentorcruise` |
| `Mercado Pago` | `mercadopago` |
| `Mercedes` | `mercedes` |
| `Merck` | `merck` |
| `Mercurial` | `mercurial` |
| `Mermaid` | `mermaid` |
| `Messenger` | `messenger` |
| `Meta` | `meta` |
| `Metabase` | `metabase` |
| `Metacritic` | `metacritic` |
| `MetaFilter` | `metafilter` |
| `Metasploit` | `metasploit` |
| `Meteor` | `meteor` |
| `Metro` | `metro` |
| `Metro de la Ciudad de México` | `metrodelaciudaddemexico` |
| `Metro de Madrid` | `metrodemadrid` |
| `Métro de Paris` | `metrodeparis` |
| `MeWe` | `mewe` |
| `MG` | `mg` |
| `Micro Editor` | `microeditor` |
| `micro:bit` | `microbit` |
| `Micro.blog` | `microdotblog` |
| `Microgenetics` | `microgenetics` |
| `MicroPython` | `micropython` |
| `Microstation` | `microstation` |
| `MicroStrategy` | `microstrategy` |
| `MIDI` | `midi` |
| `Migadu` | `migadu` |
| `Mikrotik` | `mikrotik` |
| `Milanote` | `milanote` |
| `Milvus` | `milvus` |
| `Minds` | `minds` |
| `Minetest` | `minetest` |
| `MinGW-w64` | `mingww64` |
| `Mini` | `mini` |
| `MinIO` | `minio` |
| `Mintlify` | `mintlify` |
| `Minutemailer` | `minutemailer` |
| `Miraheze` | `miraheze` |
| `Miro` | `miro` |
| `Misskey` | `misskey` |
| `Mitsubishi` | `mitsubishi` |
| `Mix` | `mix` |
| `Mixcloud` | `mixcloud` |
| `Mixpanel` | `mixpanel` |
| `MLB` | `mlb` |
| `MLflow` | `mlflow` |
| `MobX` | `mobx` |
| `MobX-State-Tree` | `mobxstatetree` |
| `Mocha` | `mocha` |
| `Mock Service Worker` | `mockserviceworker` |
| `Modal` | `modal` |
| `Modin` | `modin` |
| `Modrinth` | `modrinth` |
| `MODX` | `modx` |
| `Moleculer` | `moleculer` |
| `Momenteo` | `momenteo` |
| `Monero` | `monero` |
| `MoneyGram` | `moneygram` |
| `MongoDB` | `mongodb` |
| `Mongoose` | `mongoose` |
| `Mongoose` | `mongoosedotws` |
| `Monica` | `monica` |
| `monkey tie` | `monkeytie` |
| `Monkeytype` | `monkeytype` |
| `MonoGame` | `monogame` |
| `Monoprix` | `monoprix` |
| `Monster` | `monster` |
| `Monzo` | `monzo` |
| `Moo` | `moo` |
| `Moodle` | `moodle` |
| `Moonrepo` | `moonrepo` |
| `Moq` | `moq` |
| `Moqups` | `moqups` |
| `Morrisons` | `morrisons` |
| `Moscow Metro` | `moscowmetro` |
| `Motorola` | `motorola` |
| `Mozilla` | `mozilla` |
| `mpv` | `mpv` |
| `MQTT` | `mqtt` |
| `MSI` | `msi` |
| `MSI Business` | `msibusiness` |
| `MTA` | `mta` |
| `MTR` | `mtr` |
| `MUBI` | `mubi` |
| `MUI` | `mui` |
| `Mulesoft` | `mulesoft` |
| `Müller` | `muller` |
| `Multisim` | `multisim` |
| `Mumble` | `mumble` |
| `MUO` | `muo` |
| `Mural` | `mural` |
| `MuseScore` | `musescore` |
| `MusicBrainz` | `musicbrainz` |
| `MX Linux` | `mxlinux` |
| `MyAnimeList` | `myanimelist` |
| `MyGet` | `myget` |
| `MYOB` | `myob` |
| `Myspace` | `myspace` |
| `MySQL` | `mysql` |
| `N26` | `n26` |
| `n8n` | `n8n` |
| `Namebase` | `namebase` |
| `Namecheap` | `namecheap` |
| `NameMC` | `namemc` |
| `NameSilo` | `namesilo` |
| `Namu Wiki` | `namuwiki` |
| `Nano` | `nano` |
| `NASA` | `nasa` |
| `National Grid` | `nationalgrid` |
| `National Rail` | `nationalrail` |
| `NativeScript` | `nativescript` |
| `NATS.io` | `natsdotio` |
| `Naver` | `naver` |
| `NBA` | `nba` |
| `NBB` | `nbb` |
| `NBC` | `nbc` |
| `NDR` | `ndr` |
| `NEAR` | `near` |
| `NEC` | `nec` |
| `Neo4j` | `neo4j` |
| `Neovim` | `neovim` |
| `Neptune` | `neptune` |
| `NestJS` | `nestjs` |
| `NetApp` | `netapp` |
| `NetBSD` | `netbsd` |
| `netcup` | `netcup` |
| `Netdata` | `netdata` |
| `NetEase Cloud Music` | `neteasecloudmusic` |
| `Netflix` | `netflix` |
| `NETGEAR` | `netgear` |
| `Netlify` | `netlify` |
| `Nette` | `nette` |
| `Netto` | `netto` |
| `Neutralinojs` | `neutralinojs` |
| `New Balance` | `newbalance` |
| `New Japan Pro-Wrestling` | `newjapanprowrestling` |
| `New Relic` | `newrelic` |
| `New York Times` | `newyorktimes` |
| `Newegg` | `newegg` |
| `Next.js` | `nextdotjs` |
| `NextBillion.ai` | `nextbilliondotai` |
| `Nextcloud` | `nextcloud` |
| `NextDNS` | `nextdns` |
| `Nextdoor` | `nextdoor` |
| `Nextra` | `nextra` |
| `NextUI` | `nextui` |
| `Nexus Mods` | `nexusmods` |
| `NFC` | `nfc` |
| `NGINX` | `nginx` |
| `Nginx Proxy Manager` | `nginxproxymanager` |
| `ngrok` | `ngrok` |
| `NgRx` | `ngrx` |
| `NHL` | `nhl` |
| `NiceHash` | `nicehash` |
| `niconico` | `niconico` |
| `Nike` | `nike` |
| `Nikon` | `nikon` |
| `Nim` | `nim` |
| `Nintendo` | `nintendo` |
| `Nintendo 3DS` | `nintendo3ds` |
| `Nintendo GameCube` | `nintendogamecube` |
| `Nintendo Switch` | `nintendoswitch` |
| `Nissan` | `nissan` |
| `NixOS` | `nixos` |
| `Node-RED` | `nodered` |
| `Node.js` | `nodedotjs` |
| `Nodemon` | `nodemon` |
| `Nokia` | `nokia` |
| `Nomad` | `nomad` |
| `Norco` | `norco` |
| `Nordic Semiconductor` | `nordicsemiconductor` |
| `NordVPN` | `nordvpn` |
| `Normalize.css` | `normalizedotcss` |
| `Norton` | `norton` |
| `Norwegian` | `norwegian` |
| `Notepad++` | `notepadplusplus` |
| `Notion` | `notion` |
| `Notist` | `notist` |
| `Noun Project` | `nounproject` |
| `Novu` | `novu` |
| `NOW` | `now` |
| `npm` | `npm` |
| `Nrwl` | `nrwl` |
| `NSIS` | `nsis` |
| `ntfy` | `ntfy` |
| `Nubank` | `nubank` |
| `Nucleo` | `nucleo` |
| `NuGet` | `nuget` |
| `Nuke` | `nuke` |
| `Numba` | `numba` |
| `NumPy` | `numpy` |
| `Nunjucks` | `nunjucks` |
| `Nushell` | `nushell` |
| `Nutanix` | `nutanix` |
| `Nuxt.js` | `nuxtdotjs` |
| `NVIDIA` | `nvidia` |
| `nvm` | `nvm` |
| `Nx` | `nx` |
| `NXP` | `nxp` |
| `NZXT` | `nzxt` |
| `O'Reilly` | `oreilly` |
| `OBS Studio` | `obsstudio` |
| `Observable` | `observable` |
| `Obsidian` | `obsidian` |
| `OCaml` | `ocaml` |
| `oclif` | `oclif` |
| `Octane Render` | `octanerender` |
| `Octave` | `octave` |
| `October CMS` | `octobercms` |
| `OctoPrint` | `octoprint` |
| `Octopus Deploy` | `octopusdeploy` |
| `Oculus` | `oculus` |
| `Odnoklassniki` | `odnoklassniki` |
| `Odoo` | `odoo` |
| `Odysee` | `odysee` |
| `Oh Dear` | `ohdear` |
| `okcupid` | `okcupid` |
| `Okta` | `okta` |
| `Ollama` | `ollama` |
| `OnePlus` | `oneplus` |
| `OnlyFans` | `onlyfans` |
| `ONLYOFFICE` | `onlyoffice` |
| `ONNX` | `onnx` |
| `OnStar` | `onstar` |
| `Opel` | `opel` |
| `Open Access` | `openaccess` |
| `Open Badges` | `openbadges` |
| `Open Bug Bounty` | `openbugbounty` |
| `Open Collective` | `opencollective` |
| `Open Containers Initiative` | `opencontainersinitiative` |
| `Open Source Hardware` | `opensourcehardware` |
| `Open Source Initiative` | `opensourceinitiative` |
| `OpenAI` | `openai` |
| `OpenAI Gym` | `openaigym` |
| `OpenAPI Initiative` | `openapiinitiative` |
| `OpenBSD` | `openbsd` |
| `OpenCV` | `opencv` |
| `OpenFaaS` | `openfaas` |
| `OpenGL` | `opengl` |
| `openHAB` | `openhab` |
| `OpenID` | `openid` |
| `OpenJDK` | `openjdk` |
| `OpenJS Foundation` | `openjsfoundation` |
| `Openlayers` | `openlayers` |
| `openmediavault` | `openmediavault` |
| `OpenMined` | `openmined` |
| `OpenNebula` | `opennebula` |
| `OpenProject` | `openproject` |
| `OpenSCAD` | `openscad` |
| `OpenSea` | `opensea` |
| `OpenSearch` | `opensearch` |
| `OpenSSL` | `openssl` |
| `OpenStack` | `openstack` |
| `OpenStreetMap` | `openstreetmap` |
| `openSUSE` | `opensuse` |
| `OpenTelemetry` | `opentelemetry` |
| `OpenText` | `opentext` |
| `OpenTofu` | `opentofu` |
| `Openverse` | `openverse` |
| `OpenVPN` | `openvpn` |
| `OpenWrt` | `openwrt` |
| `OpenZeppelin` | `openzeppelin` |
| `OpenZFS` | `openzfs` |
| `Opera` | `opera` |
| `Opera GX` | `operagx` |
| `OPNSense` | `opnsense` |
| `OPPO` | `oppo` |
| `Opsgenie` | `opsgenie` |
| `OpsLevel` | `opslevel` |
| `Optimism` | `optimism` |
| `Oracle` | `oracle` |
| `Orange` | `orange` |
| `ORCID` | `orcid` |
| `Org` | `org` |
| `Organic Maps` | `organicmaps` |
| `Origin` | `origin` |
| `Osano` | `osano` |
| `OSF` | `osf` |
| `OSGeo` | `osgeo` |
| `Oshkosh` | `oshkosh` |
| `OSMC` | `osmc` |
| `osu!` | `osu` |
| `Otto` | `otto` |
| `Outline` | `outline` |
| `Overcast` | `overcast` |
| `Overleaf` | `overleaf` |
| `OVH` | `ovh` |
| `OWASP` | `owasp` |
| `OWASP Dependency-Check` | `dependencycheck` |
| `ownCloud` | `owncloud` |
| `Oxygen` | `oxygen` |
| `OYO` | `oyo` |
| `p5.js` | `p5dotjs` |
| `Packagist` | `packagist` |
| `Packer` | `packer` |
| `Packt` | `packt` |
| `Paddle` | `paddle` |
| `PaddlePaddle` | `paddlepaddle` |
| `Paddy Power` | `paddypower` |
| `Pagekit` | `pagekit` |
| `PagerDuty` | `pagerduty` |
| `PageSpeed Insights` | `pagespeedinsights` |
| `PagSeguro` | `pagseguro` |
| `Palantir` | `palantir` |
| `Palo Alto Networks` | `paloaltonetworks` |
| `Palo Alto Software` | `paloaltosoftware` |
| `Panasonic` | `panasonic` |
| `pandas` | `pandas` |
| `Pandora` | `pandora` |
| `Pantheon` | `pantheon` |
| `Paperless-ngx` | `paperlessngx` |
| `Papers With Code` | `paperswithcode` |
| `Paperspace` | `paperspace` |
| `Paramount+` | `paramountplus` |
| `Parity Substrate` | `paritysubstrate` |
| `Parrot Security` | `parrotsecurity` |
| `Parse.ly` | `parsedotly` |
| `Passport` | `passport` |
| `Pastebin` | `pastebin` |
| `Patreon` | `patreon` |
| `Paychex` | `paychex` |
| `Payhip` | `payhip` |
| `Payload CMS` | `payloadcms` |
| `Payoneer` | `payoneer` |
| `PayPal` | `paypal` |
| `Paytm` | `paytm` |
| `PCGamingWiki` | `pcgamingwiki` |
| `PDM` | `pdm` |
| `PDQ` | `pdq` |
| `Peak Design` | `peakdesign` |
| `Pearson` | `pearson` |
| `Peerlist` | `peerlist` |
| `PeerTube` | `peertube` |
| `Pegasus Airlines` | `pegasusairlines` |
| `Pelican` | `pelican` |
| `Peloton` | `peloton` |
| `Penny` | `penny` |
| `Penpot` | `penpot` |
| `Percy` | `percy` |
| `Perforce` | `perforce` |
| `Perl` | `perl` |
| `Perplexity` | `perplexity` |
| `Persistent` | `persistent` |
| `Personio` | `personio` |
| `Pets at Home` | `petsathome` |
| `Peugeot` | `peugeot` |
| `Pexels` | `pexels` |
| `pfSense` | `pfsense` |
| `Phabricator` | `phabricator` |
| `Philips Hue` | `philipshue` |
| `Phoenix Framework` | `phoenixframework` |
| `PhonePe` | `phonepe` |
| `Phosphor Icons` | `phosphoricons` |
| `Photobucket` | `photobucket` |
| `Photocrowd` | `photocrowd` |
| `Photon` | `photon` |
| `Photopea` | `photopea` |
| `PHP` | `php` |
| `phpMyAdmin` | `phpmyadmin` |
| `PhpStorm` | `phpstorm` |
| `Pi Network` | `pinetwork` |
| `Pi-hole` | `pihole` |
| `Piaggio Group` | `piaggiogroup` |
| `Piapro` | `piapro` |
| `Picard Surgelés` | `picardsurgeles` |
| `Picarto.TV` | `picartodottv` |
| `Picnic` | `picnic` |
| `PicPay` | `picpay` |
| `Picrew` | `picrew` |
| `Picxy` | `picxy` |
| `Pimcore` | `pimcore` |
| `Pinboard` | `pinboard` |
| `Pine Script` | `pinescript` |
| `Pingdom` | `pingdom` |
| `pino` | `pino` |
| `Pinterest` | `pinterest` |
| `Pioneer DJ` | `pioneerdj` |
| `Piped` | `piped` |
| `pipx` | `pipx` |
| `Pivotal Tracker` | `pivotaltracker` |
| `Piwigo` | `piwigo` |
| `Pix` | `pix` |
| `Pixabay` | `pixabay` |
| `Pixelfed` | `pixelfed` |
| `pixiv` | `pixiv` |
| `Pixlr` | `pixlr` |
| `pkgsrc` | `pkgsrc` |
| `Planet` | `planet` |
| `PlanetScale` | `planetscale` |
| `PlanGrid` | `plangrid` |
| `Platform.sh` | `platformdotsh` |
| `PlatformIO` | `platformio` |
| `Platzi` | `platzi` |
| `Plausible Analytics` | `plausibleanalytics` |
| `PlayCanvas` | `playcanvas` |
| `Player FM` | `playerfm` |
| `Player.me` | `playerdotme` |
| `PlayStation` | `playstation` |
| `PlayStation 2` | `playstation2` |
| `PlayStation 3` | `playstation3` |
| `PlayStation 4` | `playstation4` |
| `PlayStation 5` | `playstation5` |
| `PlayStation Portable` | `playstationportable` |
| `PlayStation Vita` | `playstationvita` |
| `Pleroma` | `pleroma` |
| `Plesk` | `plesk` |
| `Plex` | `plex` |
| `Plotly` | `plotly` |
| `Plume` | `plume` |
| `Pluralsight` | `pluralsight` |
| `Plurk` | `plurk` |
| `Plus Codes` | `pluscodes` |
| `PM2` | `pm2` |
| `pnpm` | `pnpm` |
| `Pocket` | `pocket` |
| `Pocket Casts` | `pocketcasts` |
| `PocketBase` | `pocketbase` |
| `Podcast Addict` | `podcastaddict` |
| `Podcast Index` | `podcastindex` |
| `Podman` | `podman` |
| `Poe` | `poe` |
| `Poetry` | `poetry` |
| `Pointy` | `pointy` |
| `Pokémon` | `pokemon` |
| `Polars` | `polars` |
| `Polestar` | `polestar` |
| `Polkadot` | `polkadot` |
| `Poly` | `poly` |
| `Polygon` | `polygon` |
| `Polymer Project` | `polymerproject` |
| `Polywork` | `polywork` |
| `Pond5` | `pond5` |
| `Pop!_OS` | `popos` |
| `Porkbun` | `porkbun` |
| `Porsche` | `porsche` |
| `Portainer` | `portainer` |
| `PortSwigger` | `portswigger` |
| `Posit` | `posit` |
| `PostCSS` | `postcss` |
| `PostgreSQL` | `postgresql` |
| `PostHog` | `posthog` |
| `Postman` | `postman` |
| `Postmates` | `postmates` |
| `POWERS` | `powers` |
| `pr.co` | `prdotco` |
| `pre-commit` | `precommit` |
| `Preact` | `preact` |
| `Prefect` | `prefect` |
| `Premier League` | `premierleague` |
| `PrepBytes` | `prepbytes` |
| `PrestaShop` | `prestashop` |
| `Presto` | `presto` |
| `Prettier` | `prettier` |
| `Pretzel` | `pretzel` |
| `Prevention` | `prevention` |
| `Prezi` | `prezi` |
| `Prime` | `prime` |
| `Prime Video` | `primevideo` |
| `PrimeNG` | `primeng` |
| `PrimeReact` | `primereact` |
| `Printables` | `printables` |
| `Prisma` | `prisma` |
| `Prismic` | `prismic` |
| `Private Division` | `privatedivision` |
| `Private Internet Access` | `privateinternetaccess` |
| `Pro Tools` | `protools` |
| `Probot` | `probot` |
| `Processing Foundation` | `processingfoundation` |
| `ProcessWire` | `processwire` |
| `Product Hunt` | `producthunt` |
| `Progate` | `progate` |
| `Progress` | `progress` |
| `Prometheus` | `prometheus` |
| `Pronouns.page` | `pronounsdotpage` |
| `ProSieben` | `prosieben` |
| `Proteus` | `proteus` |
| `Proto.io` | `protodotio` |
| `protocols.io` | `protocolsdotio` |
| `Proton` | `proton` |
| `Proton Calendar` | `protoncalendar` |
| `Proton Drive` | `protondrive` |
| `Proton Mail` | `protonmail` |
| `Proton VPN` | `protonvpn` |
| `ProtonDB` | `protondb` |
| `Protractor` | `protractor` |
| `Proxmox` | `proxmox` |
| `Pterodactyl` | `pterodactyl` |
| `PUBG` | `pubg` |
| `Publons` | `publons` |
| `PubMed` | `pubmed` |
| `Pug` | `pug` |
| `Pulumi` | `pulumi` |
| `Puma` | `puma` |
| `Puppet` | `puppet` |
| `Puppeteer` | `puppeteer` |
| `PureScript` | `purescript` |
| `PurgeCSS` | `purgecss` |
| `Purism` | `purism` |
| `Pushbullet` | `pushbullet` |
| `Pusher` | `pusher` |
| `PWA` | `pwa` |
| `PyCharm` | `pycharm` |
| `PyCQA` | `pycqa` |
| `Pydantic` | `pydantic` |
| `PyG` | `pyg` |
| `PyPI` | `pypi` |
| `PyPy` | `pypy` |
| `PyScaffold` | `pyscaffold` |
| `PySyft` | `pysyft` |
| `Pytest` | `pytest` |
| `Python` | `python` |
| `PythonAnywhere` | `pythonanywhere` |
| `PyTorch` | `pytorch` |
| `PyUp` | `pyup` |
| `Qantas` | `qantas` |
| `Qase` | `qase` |
| `Qatar Airways` | `qatarairways` |
| `qbittorrent` | `qbittorrent` |
| `QEMU` | `qemu` |
| `Qgis` | `qgis` |
| `Qi` | `qi` |
| `Qiita` | `qiita` |
| `Qiskit` | `qiskit` |
| `QIWI` | `qiwi` |
| `Qlik` | `qlik` |
| `QMK` | `qmk` |
| `QNAP` | `qnap` |
| `Qt` | `qt` |
| `Qualcomm` | `qualcomm` |
| `Qualtrics` | `qualtrics` |
| `Qualys` | `qualys` |
| `Quantcast` | `quantcast` |
| `QuantConnect` | `quantconnect` |
| `Quarkus` | `quarkus` |
| `Quarto` | `quarto` |
| `Quasar` | `quasar` |
| `Qubes OS` | `qubesos` |
| `Quest` | `quest` |
| `QuickBooks` | `quickbooks` |
| `QuickLook` | `quicklook` |
| `QuickTime` | `quicktime` |
| `quicktype` | `quicktype` |
| `Quip` | `quip` |
| `Quizlet` | `quizlet` |
| `Quora` | `quora` |
| `Qwant` | `qwant` |
| `Qwik` | `qwik` |
| `Qwiklabs` | `qwiklabs` |
| `Qzone` | `qzone` |
| `R` | `r` |
| `R3` | `r3` |
| `RabbitMQ` | `rabbitmq` |
| `Racket` | `racket` |
| `RAD Studio` | `radstudio` |
| `Radar` | `radar` |
| `radarr` | `radarr` |
| `RadioPublic` | `radiopublic` |
| `Radix UI` | `radixui` |
| `Railway` | `railway` |
| `Rainmeter` | `rainmeter` |
| `Rakuten` | `rakuten` |
| `Ram` | `ram` |
| `Rancher` | `rancher` |
| `Rapid` | `rapid` |
| `Rarible` | `rarible` |
| `Rasa` | `rasa` |
| `Raspberry Pi` | `raspberrypi` |
| `Ravelry` | `ravelry` |
| `Ray` | `ray` |
| `Raycast` | `raycast` |
| `Raylib` | `raylib` |
| `Razer` | `razer` |
| `Razorpay` | `razorpay` |
| `Rclone` | `rclone` |
| `React` | `react` |
| `React Bootstrap` | `reactbootstrap` |
| `React Hook Form` | `reacthookform` |
| `React Query` | `reactquery` |
| `React Router` | `reactrouter` |
| `React Table` | `reacttable` |
| `Reactive Resume` | `reactiveresume` |
| `ReactiveX` | `reactivex` |
| `ReactOS` | `reactos` |
| `Read the Docs` | `readthedocs` |
| `Read.cv` | `readdotcv` |
| `ReadMe` | `readme` |
| `Realm` | `realm` |
| `Reason` | `reason` |
| `Reason Studios` | `reasonstudios` |
| `Recoil` | `recoil` |
| `Red` | `red` |
| `Red Bull` | `redbull` |
| `Red Hat` | `redhat` |
| `Red Hat Open Shift` | `redhatopenshift` |
| `Redash` | `redash` |
| `Redbubble` | `redbubble` |
| `Reddit` | `reddit` |
| `Redis` | `redis` |
| `Redmine` | `redmine` |
| `Redox` | `redox` |
| `Redragon` | `redragon` |
| `Redsys` | `redsys` |
| `Redux` | `redux` |
| `Redux-Saga` | `reduxsaga` |
| `RedwoodJS` | `redwoodjs` |
| `Reebok` | `reebok` |
| `Refine` | `refine` |
| `Relay` | `relay` |
| `Reliance Industries Limited` | `relianceindustrieslimited` |
| `remark` | `remark` |
| `Remedy Entertainment` | `remedyentertainment` |
| `Remix` | `remix` |
| `remove.bg` | `removedotbg` |
| `Ren'Py` | `renpy` |
| `Renault` | `renault` |
| `Render` | `render` |
| `Renovate` | `renovate` |
| `Renren` | `renren` |
| `Replit` | `replit` |
| `Republic of Gamers` | `republicofgamers` |
| `ReScript` | `rescript` |
| `RescueTime` | `rescuetime` |
| `ResearchGate` | `researchgate` |
| `Resend` | `resend` |
| `ReSharper` | `resharper` |
| `Resurrection Remix OS` | `resurrectionremixos` |
| `Retool` | `retool` |
| `RetroArch` | `retroarch` |
| `RetroPie` | `retropie` |
| `ReVanced` | `revanced` |
| `reveal.js` | `revealdotjs` |
| `ReverbNation` | `reverbnation` |
| `Revolt.chat` | `revoltdotchat` |
| `Revolut` | `revolut` |
| `Revue` | `revue` |
| `REWE` | `rewe` |
| `Rezgo` | `rezgo` |
| `Rhinoceros` | `rhinoceros` |
| `Rich` | `rich` |
| `Rider` | `rider` |
| `Rimac Automobili` | `rimacautomobili` |
| `Rime` | `rime` |
| `Ring` | `ring` |
| `Riot Games` | `riotgames` |
| `Ripple` | `ripple` |
| `RISC-V` | `riscv` |
| `Riseup` | `riseup` |
| `Ritz Carlton` | `ritzcarlton` |
| `Rive` | `rive` |
| `roadmap.sh` | `roadmapdotsh` |
| `Roam Research` | `roamresearch` |
| `Robinhood` | `robinhood` |
| `Roblox` | `roblox` |
| `Roblox Studio` | `robloxstudio` |
| `Robot Framework` | `robotframework` |
| `Rocket` | `rocket` |
| `Rocket.Chat` | `rocketdotchat` |
| `RocksDB` | `rocksdb` |
| `Rockstar Games` | `rockstargames` |
| `Rockwell Automation` | `rockwellautomation` |
| `Rocky Linux` | `rockylinux` |
| `Roku` | `roku` |
| `Roll20` | `roll20` |
| `Rolls-Royce` | `rollsroyce` |
| `rollup.js` | `rollupdotjs` |
| `Roon` | `roon` |
| `Root Me` | `rootme` |
| `Roots` | `roots` |
| `Roots Bedrock` | `rootsbedrock` |
| `Roots Sage` | `rootssage` |
| `ROS` | `ros` |
| `Rossmann` | `rossmann` |
| `Rotary International` | `rotaryinternational` |
| `Rotten Tomatoes` | `rottentomatoes` |
| `Roundcube` | `roundcube` |
| `RSocket` | `rsocket` |
| `RSS` | `rss` |
| `RStudio IDE` | `rstudioide` |
| `RTÉ` | `rte` |
| `RTL` | `rtl` |
| `RTLZWEI` | `rtlzwei` |
| `RTM` | `rtm` |
| `RuboCop` | `rubocop` |
| `Ruby` | `ruby` |
| `Ruby on Rails` | `rubyonrails` |
| `Ruby Sinatra` | `rubysinatra` |
| `RubyGems` | `rubygems` |
| `RubyMine` | `rubymine` |
| `Ruff` | `ruff` |
| `Rumahweb` | `rumahweb` |
| `Rumble` | `rumble` |
| `Rundeck` | `rundeck` |
| `Runkeeper` | `runkeeper` |
| `RunKit` | `runkit` |
| `Runrun.it` | `runrundotit` |
| `Rust` | `rust` |
| `RustDesk` | `rustdesk` |
| `RxDB` | `rxdb` |
| `Ryanair` | `ryanair` |
| `Rye` | `rye` |
| `S7 Airlines` | `s7airlines` |
| `Sabanci` | `sabanci` |
| `Safari` | `safari` |
| `Sage` | `sage` |
| `Sahibinden` | `sahibinden` |
| `Sailfish OS` | `sailfishos` |
| `Sails.js` | `sailsdotjs` |
| `Salesforce` | `salesforce` |
| `Salla` | `salla` |
| `Salt Project` | `saltproject` |
| `Sam's Club` | `samsclub` |
| `Samsung` | `samsung` |
| `Samsung Pay` | `samsungpay` |
| `San Francisco Municipal Railway` | `sanfranciscomunicipalrailway` |
| `SanDisk` | `sandisk` |
| `Sanic` | `sanic` |
| `Sanity` | `sanity` |
| `São Paulo Metro` | `saopaulometro` |
| `SAP` | `sap` |
| `Sartorius` | `sartorius` |
| `Sass` | `sass` |
| `Sat.1` | `sat1` |
| `Satellite` | `satellite` |
| `Saturn` | `saturn` |
| `Sauce Labs` | `saucelabs` |
| `Saudia` | `saudia` |
| `Scala` | `scala` |
| `Scaleway` | `scaleway` |
| `Scania` | `scania` |
| `Schneider Electric` | `schneiderelectric` |
| `scikit-learn` | `scikitlearn` |
| `Scilab` | `scilab` |
| `SciPy` | `scipy` |
| `Scopus` | `scopus` |
| `SCP Foundation` | `scpfoundation` |
| `Scrapbox` | `scrapbox` |
| `Scrapy` | `scrapy` |
| `Scratch` | `scratch` |
| `Screencastify` | `screencastify` |
| `Scribd` | `scribd` |
| `Scrimba` | `scrimba` |
| `ScrollReveal` | `scrollreveal` |
| `Scrum Alliance` | `scrumalliance` |
| `Scrutinizer CI` | `scrutinizerci` |
| `ScyllaDB` | `scylladb` |
| `Seagate` | `seagate` |
| `SearXNG` | `searxng` |
| `SEAT` | `seat` |
| `SeatGeek` | `seatgeek` |
| `SecurityScorecard` | `securityscorecard` |
| `Sefaria` | `sefaria` |
| `Sega` | `sega` |
| `Selenium` | `selenium` |
| `Sellfy` | `sellfy` |
| `Semantic Scholar` | `semanticscholar` |
| `Semantic UI` | `semanticui` |
| `Semantic UI React` | `semanticuireact` |
| `Semantic Web` | `semanticweb` |
| `semantic-release` | `semanticrelease` |
| `Semaphore CI` | `semaphoreci` |
| `Semrush` | `semrush` |
| `SemVer` | `semver` |
| `Sencha` | `sencha` |
| `Sennheiser` | `sennheiser` |
| `Sensu` | `sensu` |
| `Sentry` | `sentry` |
| `SEPA` | `sepa` |
| `Sequelize` | `sequelize` |
| `Server Fault` | `serverfault` |
| `Serverless` | `serverless` |
| `Session` | `session` |
| `Sessionize` | `sessionize` |
| `Setapp` | `setapp` |
| `SFML` | `sfml` |
| `shadcn/ui` | `shadcnui` |
| `Shadow` | `shadow` |
| `Shanghai Metro` | `shanghaimetro` |
| `ShareX` | `sharex` |
| `sharp` | `sharp` |
| `Shazam` | `shazam` |
| `Shell` | `shell` |
| `Shelly` | `shelly` |
| `Shenzhen Metro` | `shenzhenmetro` |
| `Shields.io` | `shieldsdotio` |
| `Shikimori` | `shikimori` |
| `Shopee` | `shopee` |
| `Shopify` | `shopify` |
| `Shopware` | `shopware` |
| `Shortcut` | `shortcut` |
| `Showpad` | `showpad` |
| `Showtime` | `showtime` |
| `Showwcase` | `showwcase` |
| `Shutterstock` | `shutterstock` |
| `Sidekiq` | `sidekiq` |
| `SideQuest` | `sidequest` |
| `Siemens` | `siemens` |
| `SiFive` | `sifive` |
| `Signal` | `signal` |
| `Similarweb` | `similarweb` |
| `Simkl` | `simkl` |
| `Simple Analytics` | `simpleanalytics` |
| `Simple Icons` | `simpleicons` |
| `SimpleLogin` | `simplelogin` |
| `Simplenote` | `simplenote` |
| `Sina Weibo` | `sinaweibo` |
| `Singapore Airlines` | `singaporeairlines` |
| `SingleStore` | `singlestore` |
| `Sitecore` | `sitecore` |
| `SitePoint` | `sitepoint` |
| `SiYuan` | `siyuan` |
| `Skaffold` | `skaffold` |
| `Sketch` | `sketch` |
| `Sketchfab` | `sketchfab` |
| `SketchUp` | `sketchup` |
| `Skillshare` | `skillshare` |
| `ŠKODA` | `skoda` |
| `Sky` | `sky` |
| `Skypack` | `skypack` |
| `Skyrock` | `skyrock` |
| `Slack` | `slack` |
| `Slackware` | `slackware` |
| `Slashdot` | `slashdot` |
| `SlickPic` | `slickpic` |
| `Slides` | `slides` |
| `SlideShare` | `slideshare` |
| `Slint` | `slint` |
| `smart` | `smart` |
| `SmartThings` | `smartthings` |
| `smash.gg` | `smashdotgg` |
| `Smashing Magazine` | `smashingmagazine` |
| `SMRT` | `smrt` |
| `SmugMug` | `smugmug` |
| `Snapchat` | `snapchat` |
| `Snapcraft` | `snapcraft` |
| `SNCF` | `sncf` |
| `Snort` | `snort` |
| `Snowflake` | `snowflake` |
| `Snowpack` | `snowpack` |
| `Snyk` | `snyk` |
| `Social Blade` | `socialblade` |
| `Society6` | `society6` |
| `Socket.io` | `socketdotio` |
| `Softpedia` | `softpedia` |
| `Sogou` | `sogou` |
| `Solana` | `solana` |
| `Solid` | `solid` |
| `Solidity` | `solidity` |
| `Sololearn` | `sololearn` |
| `Solus` | `solus` |
| `Sonar` | `sonar` |
| `SonarCloud` | `sonarcloud` |
| `SonarLint` | `sonarlint` |
| `SonarQube` | `sonarqube` |
| `sonarr` | `sonarr` |
| `Sonatype` | `sonatype` |
| `Songkick` | `songkick` |
| `Songoda` | `songoda` |
| `SonicWall` | `sonicwall` |
| `Sonos` | `sonos` |
| `Sony` | `sony` |
| `Soriana` | `soriana` |
| `Soundcharts` | `soundcharts` |
| `SoundCloud` | `soundcloud` |
| `Source Engine` | `sourceengine` |
| `SourceForge` | `sourceforge` |
| `SourceHut` | `sourcehut` |
| `Sourcetree` | `sourcetree` |
| `Southwest Airlines` | `southwestairlines` |
| `Spacemacs` | `spacemacs` |
| `Spaceship` | `spaceship` |
| `SpaceX` | `spacex` |
| `spaCy` | `spacy` |
| `Spark AR` | `sparkar` |
| `Sparkasse` | `sparkasse` |
| `SparkFun` | `sparkfun` |
| `SparkPost` | `sparkpost` |
| `SPDX` | `spdx` |
| `Speaker Deck` | `speakerdeck` |
| `Spectrum` | `spectrum` |
| `Speedtest` | `speedtest` |
| `SpeedyPage` | `speedypage` |
| `Sphere Online Judge` | `spoj` |
| `Sphinx` | `sphinx` |
| `SpigotMC` | `spigotmc` |
| `Spine` | `spine` |
| `Spinnaker` | `spinnaker` |
| `Spinrilla` | `spinrilla` |
| `Splunk` | `splunk` |
| `Spond` | `spond` |
| `Spotify` | `spotify` |
| `Spotlight` | `spotlight` |
| `Spreadshirt` | `spreadshirt` |
| `Spreaker` | `spreaker` |
| `Spring` | `spring` |
| `Spring` | `spring_creators` |
| `Spring Boot` | `springboot` |
| `Spring Security` | `springsecurity` |
| `Spyder IDE` | `spyderide` |
| `SQLAlchemy` | `sqlalchemy` |
| `SQLite` | `sqlite` |
| `Square` | `square` |
| `Square Enix` | `squareenix` |
| `Squarespace` | `squarespace` |
| `SRG SSR` | `srgssr` |
| `SSRN` | `ssrn` |
| `SST` | `sst` |
| `Stack Exchange` | `stackexchange` |
| `Stack Overflow` | `stackoverflow` |
| `Stackbit` | `stackbit` |
| `StackBlitz` | `stackblitz` |
| `StackEdit` | `stackedit` |
| `StackHawk` | `stackhawk` |
| `StackPath` | `stackpath` |
| `StackShare` | `stackshare` |
| `Stadia` | `stadia` |
| `Staffbase` | `staffbase` |
| `Stagetimer` | `stagetimer` |
| `Standard Resume` | `standardresume` |
| `StandardJS` | `standardjs` |
| `Star Trek` | `startrek` |
| `Starbucks` | `starbucks` |
| `Stardock` | `stardock` |
| `Starling Bank` | `starlingbank` |
| `Starship` | `starship` |
| `STARZ` | `starz` |
| `Statamic` | `statamic` |
| `Statista` | `statista` |
| `Statuspage` | `statuspage` |
| `Statuspal` | `statuspal` |
| `Steam` | `steam` |
| `Steam Deck` | `steamdeck` |
| `SteamDB` | `steamdb` |
| `Steamworks` | `steamworks` |
| `Steelseries` | `steelseries` |
| `Steem` | `steem` |
| `Steemit` | `steemit` |
| `Steinberg` | `steinberg` |
| `Stellar` | `stellar` |
| `Stencil` | `stencil` |
| `Stencyl` | `stencyl` |
| `Stimulus` | `stimulus` |
| `Stitcher` | `stitcher` |
| `STMicroelectronics` | `stmicroelectronics` |
| `StockX` | `stockx` |
| `StopStalk` | `stopstalk` |
| `Storyblok` | `storyblok` |
| `Storybook` | `storybook` |
| `Strapi` | `strapi` |
| `Strava` | `strava` |
| `Streamlabs` | `streamlabs` |
| `Streamlit` | `streamlit` |
| `StreamRunners` | `streamrunners` |
| `Stripe` | `stripe` |
| `strongSwan` | `strongswan` |
| `Stryker` | `stryker` |
| `StubHub` | `stubhub` |
| `Studio 3T` | `studio3t` |
| `Studyverse` | `studyverse` |
| `styled-components` | `styledcomponents` |
| `stylelint` | `stylelint` |
| `StyleShare` | `styleshare` |
| `Stylus` | `stylus` |
| `Subaru` | `subaru` |
| `Sublime Text` | `sublimetext` |
| `Substack` | `substack` |
| `Subtitle Edit` | `subtitleedit` |
| `Subversion` | `subversion` |
| `suckless` | `suckless` |
| `Sumo Logic` | `sumologic` |
| `Suno` | `suno` |
| `Sunrise` | `sunrise` |
| `Supabase` | `supabase` |
| `Super User` | `superuser` |
| `Supercrease` | `supercrease` |
| `Supermicro` | `supermicro` |
| `SurrealDB` | `surrealdb` |
| `SurveyMonkey` | `surveymonkey` |
| `SUSE` | `suse` |
| `Suzuki` | `suzuki` |
| `Svelte` | `svelte` |
| `SVG` | `svg` |
| `SVG.js` | `svgdotjs` |
| `SVGO` | `svgo` |
| `Swagger` | `swagger` |
| `Swarm` | `swarm` |
| `SWC` | `swc` |
| `Swift` | `swift` |
| `Swiggy` | `swiggy` |
| `Swiper` | `swiper` |
| `SWR` | `swr` |
| `Symantec` | `symantec` |
| `Symbolab` | `symbolab` |
| `Symfony` | `symfony` |
| `Symphony` | `symphony` |
| `SymPy` | `sympy` |
| `Syncthing` | `syncthing` |
| `Synology` | `synology` |
| `System76` | `system76` |
| `T-Mobile` | `tmobile` |
| `Tabelog` | `tabelog` |
| `Tableau` | `tableau` |
| `TableCheck` | `tablecheck` |
| `Taco Bell` | `tacobell` |
| `tado°` | `tado` |
| `Taichi Graphics` | `taichigraphics` |
| `Taichi Lang` | `taichilang` |
| `Tails` | `tails` |
| `Tailscale` | `tailscale` |
| `Tailwind CSS` | `tailwindcss` |
| `Taipy` | `taipy` |
| `Take-Two Interactive Software` | `taketwointeractivesoftware` |
| `Talend` | `talend` |
| `Talenthouse` | `talenthouse` |
| `Talos` | `talos` |
| `Tamiya` | `tamiya` |
| `Tampermonkey` | `tampermonkey` |
| `Taobao` | `taobao` |
| `Tapas` | `tapas` |
| `Target` | `target` |
| `Task` | `task` |
| `Tasmota` | `tasmota` |
| `Tata` | `tata` |
| `Tata Consultancy Services` | `tcs` |
| `Tauri` | `tauri` |
| `TaxBuzz` | `taxbuzz` |
| `Teal` | `teal` |
| `TeamCity` | `teamcity` |
| `TeamSpeak` | `teamspeak` |
| `TeamViewer` | `teamviewer` |
| `TechCrunch` | `techcrunch` |
| `TED` | `ted` |
| `TeePublic` | `teepublic` |
| `Teespring` | `teespring` |
| `Tekton` | `tekton` |
| `TELE 5` | `tele5` |
| `Télé-Québec` | `telequebec` |
| `Telegram` | `telegram` |
| `Telegraph` | `telegraph` |
| `Temporal` | `temporal` |
| `Tencent QQ` | `tencentqq` |
| `TensorFlow` | `tensorflow` |
| `Teradata` | `teradata` |
| `teratail` | `teratail` |
| `Termius` | `termius` |
| `Terraform` | `terraform` |
| `Tesco` | `tesco` |
| `Tesla` | `tesla` |
| `TestCafe` | `testcafe` |
| `Testin` | `testin` |
| `Testing Library` | `testinglibrary` |
| `TestRail` | `testrail` |
| `Tether` | `tether` |
| `Textpattern` | `textpattern` |
| `TGA` | `tga` |
| `Thangs` | `thangs` |
| `Thanos` | `thanos` |
| `The Algorithms` | `thealgorithms` |
| `The Boring Company` | `theboringcompany` |
| `The Conversation` | `theconversation` |
| `THE FINALS` | `thefinals` |
| `The Irish Times` | `theirishtimes` |
| `The Mighty` | `themighty` |
| `The Models Resource` | `themodelsresource` |
| `The Movie Database` | `themoviedatabase` |
| `The North Face` | `thenorthface` |
| `The Odin Project` | `theodinproject` |
| `The Register` | `theregister` |
| `The Sounds Resource` | `thesoundsresource` |
| `The Spriters Resource` | `thespritersresource` |
| `The Washington Post` | `thewashingtonpost` |
| `Thingiverse` | `thingiverse` |
| `ThinkPad` | `thinkpad` |
| `thirdweb` | `thirdweb` |
| `Threadless` | `threadless` |
| `Threads` | `threads` |
| `Three.js` | `threedotjs` |
| `Threema` | `threema` |
| `Thumbtack` | `thumbtack` |
| `Thunderbird` | `thunderbird` |
| `Thunderstore` | `thunderstore` |
| `Thurgauer Kantonalbank` | `thurgauerkantonalbank` |
| `Thymeleaf` | `thymeleaf` |
| `Ticketmaster` | `ticketmaster` |
| `TickTick` | `ticktick` |
| `Tidal` | `tidal` |
| `TiddlyWiki` | `tiddlywiki` |
| `Tide` | `tide` |
| `Tidyverse` | `tidyverse` |
| `TietoEVRY` | `tietoevry` |
| `TikTok` | `tiktok` |
| `Tilda Publishing` | `tildapublishing` |
| `Tile` | `tile` |
| `Timescale` | `timescale` |
| `Tina` | `tina` |
| `Tinder` | `tinder` |
| `Tindie` | `tindie` |
| `Tinkercad` | `tinkercad` |
| `tinygrad` | `tinygrad` |
| `TinyLetter` | `tinyletter` |
| `Tistory` | `tistory` |
| `tldraw` | `tldraw` |
| `tmux` | `tmux` |
| `Todoist` | `todoist` |
| `Toggl` | `toggl` |
| `Toggl Track` | `toggltrack` |
| `Tokyo Metro` | `tokyometro` |
| `Toll` | `toll` |
| `TOML` | `toml` |
| `Tomorrowland` | `tomorrowland` |
| `TON` | `ton` |
| `Top.gg` | `topdotgg` |
| `Topcoder` | `topcoder` |
| `Toptal` | `toptal` |
| `Tor Browser` | `torbrowser` |
| `Tor Project` | `torproject` |
| `Toshiba` | `toshiba` |
| `TOTVS` | `totvs` |
| `TourBox` | `tourbox` |
| `Tower` | `tower` |
| `Toyota` | `toyota` |
| `TP-Link` | `tplink` |
| `tqdm` | `tqdm` |
| `Traccar` | `traccar` |
| `TradingView` | `tradingview` |
| `Traefik Mesh` | `traefikmesh` |
| `Traefik Proxy` | `traefikproxy` |
| `Trailforks` | `trailforks` |
| `TrainerRoad` | `trainerroad` |
| `Trakt` | `trakt` |
| `Transifex` | `transifex` |
| `Transmission` | `transmission` |
| `Transport for Ireland` | `transportforireland` |
| `Transport for London` | `transportforlondon` |
| `Travis CI` | `travisci` |
| `Treehouse` | `treehouse` |
| `Trello` | `trello` |
| `Trend Micro` | `trendmicro` |
| `Treyarch` | `treyarch` |
| `Tricentis` | `tricentis` |
| `Trilium` | `trilium` |
| `Triller` | `triller` |
| `TrillerTV` | `trillertv` |
| `Trino` | `trino` |
| `Trip.com` | `tripdotcom` |
| `Tripadvisor` | `tripadvisor` |
| `trivago` | `trivago` |
| `Trivy` | `trivy` |
| `Trove` | `trove` |
| `tRPC` | `trpc` |
| `TrueNAS` | `truenas` |
| `TrueUp` | `trueup` |
| `trulia` | `trulia` |
| `Trusted Shops` | `trustedshops` |
| `Trustpilot` | `trustpilot` |
| `Try It Online` | `tryitonline` |
| `TryHackMe` | `tryhackme` |
| `ts-node` | `tsnode` |
| `Tubi` | `tubi` |
| `TUI` | `tui` |
| `Tumblr` | `tumblr` |
| `TuneIn` | `tunein` |
| `Turbo` | `turbo` |
| `Turborepo` | `turborepo` |
| `TurboSquid` | `turbosquid` |
| `Turkish Airlines` | `turkishairlines` |
| `Turso` | `turso` |
| `Tutanota` | `tutanota` |
| `TV Time` | `tvtime` |
| `TV4 Play` | `tv4play` |
| `Twilio` | `twilio` |
| `Twinkly` | `twinkly` |
| `Twinmotion` | `twinmotion` |
| `Twitch` | `twitch` |
| `Typeform` | `typeform` |
| `TypeORM` | `typeorm` |
| `Typer` | `typer` |
| `TypeScript` | `typescript` |
| `TYPO3` | `typo3` |
| `Typst` | `typst` |
| `Uber` | `uber` |
| `Uber Eats` | `ubereats` |
| `Ubiquiti` | `ubiquiti` |
| `Ubisoft` | `ubisoft` |
| `uBlock Origin` | `ublockorigin` |
| `Ubuntu` | `ubuntu` |
| `Ubuntu MATE` | `ubuntumate` |
| `Udacity` | `udacity` |
| `Udemy` | `udemy` |
| `UFC` | `ufc` |
| `UIkit` | `uikit` |
| `UiPath` | `uipath` |
| `Ulule` | `ulule` |
| `Umami` | `umami` |
| `Umbraco` | `umbraco` |
| `UML` | `uml` |
| `Unacademy` | `unacademy` |
| `Under Armour` | `underarmour` |
| `Underscore.js` | `underscoredotjs` |
| `Undertale` | `undertale` |
| `Unicode` | `unicode` |
| `Unilever` | `unilever` |
| `Uniqlo` | `uniqlo` |
| `Uniqlo` | `uniqlo_ja` |
| `United Airlines` | `unitedairlines` |
| `United Nations` | `unitednations` |
| `Unity` | `unity` |
| `UnJS` | `unjs` |
| `Unlicense` | `unlicense` |
| `UnoCSS` | `unocss` |
| `unpkg` | `unpkg` |
| `Unraid` | `unraid` |
| `Unreal Engine` | `unrealengine` |
| `Unsplash` | `unsplash` |
| `Untappd` | `untappd` |
| `UpCloud` | `upcloud` |
| `Uphold` | `uphold` |
| `UpLabs` | `uplabs` |
| `Upptime` | `upptime` |
| `UPS` | `ups` |
| `Upstash` | `upstash` |
| `Uptime Kuma` | `uptimekuma` |
| `Uptobox` | `uptobox` |
| `Upwork` | `upwork` |
| `USPS` | `usps` |
| `uTorrent` | `utorrent` |
| `V` | `v` |
| `V2EX` | `v2ex` |
| `V8` | `v8` |
| `Vaadin` | `vaadin` |
| `Vagrant` | `vagrant` |
| `Vala` | `vala` |
| `Valorant` | `valorant` |
| `Valve` | `valve` |
| `Vapor` | `vapor` |
| `Vault` | `vault` |
| `Vaultwarden` | `vaultwarden` |
| `Vauxhall` | `vauxhall` |
| `vBulletin` | `vbulletin` |
| `Vectary` | `vectary` |
| `Vector Logo Zone` | `vectorlogozone` |
| `Vectorworks` | `vectorworks` |
| `Veeam` | `veeam` |
| `VEED` | `veed` |
| `Veepee` | `veepee` |
| `Vega` | `vega` |
| `VEGAS` | `vegas` |
| `Velog` | `velog` |
| `Venmo` | `venmo` |
| `Vercel` | `vercel` |
| `Verdaccio` | `verdaccio` |
| `Veritas` | `veritas` |
| `Verizon` | `verizon` |
| `Vespa` | `vespa` |
| `VEXXHOST` | `vexxhost` |
| `vFairs` | `vfairs` |
| `Viadeo` | `viadeo` |
| `Viaplay` | `viaplay` |
| `Viber` | `viber` |
| `Viblo` | `viblo` |
| `VictoriaMetrics` | `victoriametrics` |
| `Victron Energy` | `victronenergy` |
| `Vim` | `vim` |
| `Vimeo` | `vimeo` |
| `Vimeo Livestream` | `vimeolivestream` |
| `Virgin` | `virgin` |
| `Virgin Atlantic` | `virginatlantic` |
| `Virgin Media` | `virginmedia` |
| `VirtualBox` | `virtualbox` |
| `VirusTotal` | `virustotal` |
| `Visa` | `visa` |
| `visx` | `visx` |
| `Vite` | `vite` |
| `VitePress` | `vitepress` |
| `Vitess` | `vitess` |
| `Vitest` | `vitest` |
| `Viva Wallet` | `vivawallet` |
| `Vivaldi` | `vivaldi` |
| `Vivino` | `vivino` |
| `Vivint` | `vivint` |
| `vivo` | `vivo` |
| `VK` | `vk` |
| `VLC media player` | `vlcmediaplayer` |
| `VMware` | `vmware` |
| `Vodafone` | `vodafone` |
| `Void Linux` | `voidlinux` |
| `VoIP.ms` | `voipdotms` |
| `Volkswagen` | `volkswagen` |
| `Volvo` | `volvo` |
| `Vonage` | `vonage` |
| `Voron Design` | `vorondesign` |
| `Vowpal Wabbit` | `vowpalwabbit` |
| `VOX` | `vox` |
| `VSCO` | `vsco` |
| `VSCodium` | `vscodium` |
| `VTEX` | `vtex` |
| `Vue.js` | `vuedotjs` |
| `Vuetify` | `vuetify` |
| `Vulkan` | `vulkan` |
| `Vultr` | `vultr` |
| `Vyond` | `vyond` |
| `W3Schools` | `w3schools` |
| `Wacom` | `wacom` |
| `Wagmi` | `wagmi` |
| `Wagtail` | `wagtail` |
| `Wails` | `wails` |
| `WakaTime` | `wakatime` |
| `WALKMAN` | `walkman` |
| `Wallabag` | `wallabag` |
| `WalletConnect` | `walletconnect` |
| `Walmart` | `walmart` |
| `Wantedly` | `wantedly` |
| `Wappalyzer` | `wappalyzer` |
| `Warner Bros.` | `warnerbros` |
| `Warp` | `warp` |
| `Wasabi` | `wasabi` |
| `wasmCloud` | `wasmcloud` |
| `Wasmer` | `wasmer` |
| `Watchtower` | `watchtower` |
| `Wattpad` | `wattpad` |
| `Wayland` | `wayland` |
| `Waze` | `waze` |
| `WazirX` | `wazirx` |
| `Wear OS` | `wearos` |
| `Weasyl` | `weasyl` |
| `Web3.js` | `web3dotjs` |
| `WebAssembly` | `webassembly` |
| `WebAuthn` | `webauthn` |
| `webcomponents.org` | `webcomponentsdotorg` |
| `WebdriverIO` | `webdriverio` |
| `Webex` | `webex` |
| `Webflow` | `webflow` |
| `WebGL` | `webgl` |
| `WebGPU` | `webgpu` |
| `Weblate` | `weblate` |
| `Webmin` | `webmin` |
| `WebMoney` | `webmoney` |
| `Webpack` | `webpack` |
| `WebRTC` | `webrtc` |
| `WebStorm` | `webstorm` |
| `WEBTOON` | `webtoon` |
| `webtrees` | `webtrees` |
| `WeChat` | `wechat` |
| `WeGame` | `wegame` |
| `Weights & Biases` | `weightsandbiases` |
| `Welcome to the Jungle` | `welcometothejungle` |
| `Wellfound` | `wellfound` |
| `Wells Fargo` | `wellsfargo` |
| `WEMO` | `wemo` |
| `Western Digital` | `westerndigital` |
| `Western Union` | `westernunion` |
| `WeTransfer` | `wetransfer` |
| `WezTerm` | `wezterm` |
| `wgpu` | `wgpu` |
| `WhatsApp` | `whatsapp` |
| `When I Work` | `wheniwork` |
| `Wii` | `wii` |
| `Wii U` | `wiiu` |
| `wiki.gg` | `wikidotgg` |
| `Wiki.js` | `wikidotjs` |
| `Wikidata` | `wikidata` |
| `Wikimedia Commons` | `wikimediacommons` |
| `Wikimedia Foundation` | `wikimediafoundation` |
| `Wikipedia` | `wikipedia` |
| `Wikiquote` | `wikiquote` |
| `Wikivoyage` | `wikivoyage` |
| `Winamp` | `winamp` |
| `Wipro` | `wipro` |
| `Wire` | `wire` |
| `WireGuard` | `wireguard` |
| `Wireshark` | `wireshark` |
| `Wise` | `wise` |
| `Wish` | `wish` |
| `Wistia` | `wistia` |
| `Wix` | `wix` |
| `Wizz Air` | `wizzair` |
| `Wolfram` | `wolfram` |
| `Wolfram Language` | `wolframlanguage` |
| `Wolfram Mathematica` | `wolframmathematica` |
| `Wondershare` | `wondershare` |
| `Wondershare Filmora` | `wondersharefilmora` |
| `Woo` | `woo` |
| `WooCommerce` | `woocommerce` |
| `WordPress` | `wordpress` |
| `Workplace` | `workplace` |
| `World Health Organization` | `worldhealthorganization` |
| `WP Engine` | `wpengine` |
| `WP Rocket` | `wprocket` |
| `WPExplorer` | `wpexplorer` |
| `Write.as` | `writedotas` |
| `WWE` | `wwe` |
| `Wwise` | `wwise` |
| `Wykop` | `wykop` |
| `Wyze` | `wyze` |
| `X` | `x` |
| `X.Org` | `xdotorg` |
| `XAMPP` | `xampp` |
| `Xcode` | `xcode` |
| `XDA Developers` | `xdadevelopers` |
| `Xendit` | `xendit` |
| `Xero` | `xero` |
| `XFCE` | `xfce` |
| `Xiaohongshu` | `xiaohongshu` |
| `Xiaomi` | `xiaomi` |
| `Xing` | `xing` |
| `XMPP` | `xmpp` |
| `XO` | `xo` |
| `XRP` | `xrp` |
| `XSplit` | `xsplit` |
| `XState` | `xstate` |
| `Y Combinator` | `ycombinator` |
| `yabai` | `yabai` |
| `Yale` | `yale` |
| `Yamaha Corporation` | `yamahacorporation` |
| `Yamaha Motor Corporation` | `yamahamotorcorporation` |
| `YAML` | `yaml` |
| `Yandex Cloud` | `yandexcloud` |
| `Yarn` | `yarn` |
| `Yelp` | `yelp` |
| `Yeti` | `yeti` |
| `Yii` | `yii` |
| `Yoast` | `yoast` |
| `YouTube` | `youtube` |
| `YouTube Gaming` | `youtubegaming` |
| `YouTube Kids` | `youtubekids` |
| `YouTube Music` | `youtubemusic` |
| `YouTube Shorts` | `youtubeshorts` |
| `YouTube Studio` | `youtubestudio` |
| `YouTube TV` | `youtubetv` |
| `Yr` | `yr` |
| `Yubico` | `yubico` |
| `YunoHost` | `yunohost` |
| `Żabka` | `zabka` |
| `Zaim` | `zaim` |
| `Zalando` | `zalando` |
| `Zalo` | `zalo` |
| `ZAP` | `zap` |
| `Zapier` | `zapier` |
| `Zara` | `zara` |
| `Zazzle` | `zazzle` |
| `Zcash` | `zcash` |
| `ZCOOL` | `zcool` |
| `ZDF` | `zdf` |
| `ZebPay` | `zebpay` |
| `Zebra Technologies` | `zebratechnologies` |
| `Zed Industries` | `zedindustries` |
| `Zelle` | `zelle` |
| `Zend` | `zend` |
| `Zendesk` | `zendesk` |
| `Zenn` | `zenn` |
| `Zenodo` | `zenodo` |
| `Zensar` | `zensar` |
| `Zerodha` | `zerodha` |
| `ZeroTier` | `zerotier` |
| `Zerply` | `zerply` |
| `Zettlr` | `zettlr` |
| `Zhihu` | `zhihu` |
| `Zig` | `zig` |
| `Zigbee` | `zigbee` |
| `Zigbee2MQTT` | `zigbee2mqtt` |
| `Ziggo` | `ziggo` |
| `Zilch` | `zilch` |
| `Zillow` | `zillow` |
| `ZincSearch` | `zincsearch` |
| `Zingat` | `zingat` |
| `Zod` | `zod` |
| `Zoho` | `zoho` |
| `Zoiper` | `zoiper` |
| `Zomato` | `zomato` |
| `Zoom` | `zoom` |
| `Zorin` | `zorin` |
| `Zotero` | `zotero` |
| `Zsh` | `zsh` |
| `Zulip` | `zulip` |
| `Zyte` | `zyte` |