Eric Cornelissen 287317b7b6 Lint the SVG's title content ()
* Add custom SVGLint rule to lint the general <title> format

i.e. the <title> should be "[ICON_NAME] icon"

* Check if there exists an entry in simple-icons.json with the icon name

... found in the <title>

* Normalize all icons <title> value

* Fix mismatch between HTML's icon title and simple-icons.json title

... due to HTML special entities (such as `&amp;`). Affected icons:

- AT&T (AT&amp;T)
- Let's Encrypt (Let&apos;s Encrypt)

* Refactor .svglintrc.js

to make the code style more in line with scripts/prepublish.js

* Add SVG with invalid <title> format

* Add SVG with unknown title

* Revert 6912816 and f002504
2019-07-03 23:33:03 +02:00

1 line
1.3 KiB

<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Apple Pay icon</title><path d="M4.388 8.284c-.282.337-.732.602-1.182.564-.056-.455.164-.938.422-1.237C3.91 7.265 4.402 7.02 4.8 7c.047.474-.136.938-.412 1.284zm.407.654c-.651-.038-1.21.375-1.518.375-.315 0-.788-.356-1.304-.346-.67.01-1.293.393-1.635 1.005C-.366 11.194.155 13.005.834 14c.333.493.732 1.033 1.257 1.014.496-.019.693-.327 1.293-.327.605 0 .778.327 1.304.318.543-.01.885-.493 1.218-.986.38-.56.535-1.104.544-1.133-.01-.01-1.05-.412-1.06-1.625-.009-1.015.82-1.498.858-1.526-.468-.702-1.2-.778-1.453-.797zM8.56 7.564v7.389h1.135v-2.526h1.57c1.434 0 2.442-.996 2.442-2.436 0-1.441-.989-2.427-2.404-2.427H8.559zm1.135.967h1.308c.984 0 1.546.53 1.546 1.464 0 .934-.562 1.47-1.551 1.47H9.694V8.53zm6.084 6.478c.713 0 1.374-.364 1.674-.943h.023v.887h1.05v-3.678c0-1.066-.844-1.754-2.142-1.754-1.205 0-2.095.697-2.128 1.654h1.022c.084-.455.501-.753 1.073-.753.694 0 1.083.327 1.083.929v.407l-1.416.086c-1.317.08-2.03.625-2.03 1.573 0 .957.736 1.592 1.791 1.592zm.305-.876c-.605 0-.99-.294-.99-.744 0-.465.371-.735 1.079-.778l1.26-.08v.417c0 .692-.58 1.185-1.35 1.185zm3.844 2.83c1.106 0 1.626-.427 2.08-1.721L24 9.592h-1.153l-1.336 4.365h-.023l-1.336-4.365h-1.186l1.921 5.38-.103.327c-.173.554-.454.767-.956.767-.089 0-.262-.01-.333-.019v.887c.066.019.347.028.432.028z"/></svg>