2014-12-18 19:21:38 +03:00
2018-05-10 02:05:54 +03:00
* This file is a part of Mibew Open Street Map Plugin.
2014-12-18 19:21:38 +03:00
2018-05-10 02:05:54 +03:00
* Copyright 2014-2018 the original author or authors.
2014-12-18 19:21:38 +03:00
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
2018-05-10 02:05:54 +03:00
(function (Mibew, $, L) {
2014-12-18 19:21:38 +03:00
* Display popup with a map and a marker on it.
* @param {String} country Name of the country. It will be used in the
* marker's title.
* @param {String} city Name of the city. It will be used in the marker's
* title.
* @param {Number} latitude Latitude of the point the marker should be
* placed.
* @param {Number} longitude Longitude of the point the marker should be
* placed.
var showMap = function (country, city, latitude, longitude) {
var $canvas = $('<div id="map-canvas"></div>');
html: $canvas,
onComplete: function() {
2018-05-10 02:05:54 +03:00
var map = L.map('map-canvas', {
center: [latitude, longitude],
zoom: 9
var osmUrl='https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var osmAttrib='Map data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors';
var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 19, attribution: osmAttrib});
L.marker([latitude, longitude]).addTo(map).bindPopup('<strong>' + city + ', ' + country + '</strong>').openPopup();
2014-12-18 19:21:38 +03:00
* Makes all necessary actions to get Geo info and show it on the map.
* This is a replacement for Mibew.Views.QueuedThread.prototype.showGeoInfo
* and Mibew.Views.Visitor.prototype.showGeoInfo methods.
var showGeoInfo = function() {
var ip = this.model.get('userIp'),
agentId = Mibew.Objects.Models.agent.get('id'),
server = Mibew.Objects.server;
if (ip) {
2018-05-10 02:05:54 +03:00
'function': 'openStreetMapGetInfo',
2014-12-18 19:21:38 +03:00
'arguments': {
'agentId': agentId,
'ip': ip,
'return': {
'country': 'country',
'city': 'city',
'latitude': 'latitude',
'longitude': 'longitude'
'references': {}
function (args) {
// Make sure there is enough data to display the map
if (!args.errorCode) {
showMap(args.country, args.city, args.latitude, args.longitude);
* This is a temporary copy of Mibew.Views.QueuedThread which will be used
* for extending it.
var baseThreadView = Mibew.Views.QueuedThread;
Mibew.Views.QueuedThread = baseThreadView.extend(
/** @lends Mibew.Views.QueuedThread.prototype */
* Open window with geo information
* This method overrides
* Mibew.Views.QueuedThread.prototype.showGeoInfo method.
showGeoInfo: showGeoInfo
* This is a temporary copy of Mibew.Views.Visitor which will be used for
* extending it.
var baseVisitorView = Mibew.Views.Visitor;
Mibew.Views.Visitor = baseVisitorView.extend(
/** @lends Mibew.Views.Visitor.prototype */
* Open window with geo information.
* This method overrides Mibew.Views.Visitor.prototype.showGeoInfo
* method.
showGeoInfo: showGeoInfo
2018-05-10 02:05:54 +03:00
})(Mibew, jQuery, L);