mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 10:01:23 +03:00
744 lines
28 KiB
744 lines
28 KiB
// Initialize requirements
var fs = require('fs'),
https = require('https'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
eventStream = require('event-stream'),
runSequence = require('gulp4-run-sequence'),
through = require('through2'),
lodash = require('lodash'),
PoFile = require('pofile'),
strftime = require('strftime'),
del = require('del'),
bower = require('bower'),
gulp = require('gulp'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
phpcs = require('gulp-phpcs'),
order = require('gulp-order'),
handlebars = require('gulp-handlebars'),
handlebarsEngine = require('handlebars'),
defineModule = require('gulp-define-module'),
header = require('gulp-header'),
zip = require('gulp-zip'),
tar = require('gulp-tar'),
gzip = require('gulp-gzip'),
chmod = require('gulp-chmod'),
xgettext = require('gulp-xgettext'),
concatPo = require('gulp-concat-po'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
eslint = require('gulp-eslint'),
removeDuplicateHeaders = require('mibew-gulp-greh'),
mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
// Set global configuration
var config = {
mibewPath: 'mibew',
configsPath: 'mibew/configs',
phpVendorPath: 'mibew/vendor',
jsVendorPath: 'mibew/js/vendor',
pluginsPath: 'mibew/plugins',
avatarsPath: 'mibew/files/avatar',
cachePath: 'mibew/cache',
jsPath: 'mibew/js',
chatStylesPath: 'mibew/styles/chats',
pageStylesPath: 'mibew/styles/pages',
i18nPath: 'i18n',
i18nPrefix: 'mibew-i18n-',
releasePath: 'release',
uploadPath: 'upload',
compiledTemplatesHeader: fs.readFileSync('tools/compiled_templates_header.txt'),
getComposerUrl: 'https://getcomposer.org/installer',
phpBin: 'php -d "suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar" -d "memory_limit=512M"',
package: require('./composer.json'),
msginit: 'msginit',
msgcat: 'msgcat'
config.i18nSuffix = '-' + config.package.version + '-' + strftime('%Y%m%d');
// Tasks for cleaning //////////////////
// Cleans all built files
gulp.task('clean', function(callback) {
return del([
config.jsPath + '/compiled/**/*',
'!' + config.jsPath + '/compiled/.keep',
config.chatStylesPath + '/*/templates_compiled/client_side/*.js',
config.chatStylesPath + '/*/js/compiled/*.js',
config.pageStylesPath + '/*/templates_compiled/client_side/*.js'
], callback);
// Cleans temporary English translation in the release dir
gulp.task('clean-tmp-po', function(callback) {
return del([config.releasePath + '/translation.po'], callback);
// Cleans temporary files of translations in the release dir
gulp.task('clean-tmp-i18n-files', function(callback) {
return del([
config.releasePath + '/**/*',
'!' + config.releasePath + '/*.zip',
'!' + config.releasePath + '/*.tar.gz',
'!' + config.releasePath + '/*.pot'
], callback);
// Cleans all files prepared for uploading to CDN
gulp.task('clean-upload', function(callback) {
return del([config.uploadPath], callback);
// Cleans everything
gulp.task('clean-all', function(callback) {
runSequence( ['clean', 'clean-upload'],
callback );
// Watcher tasks ///////////////////////
// Watch styles
gulp.task('watch', function() {
gulp.watch(config.pageStylesPath + '/**/*.handlebars', gulp.series('page-styles'));
gulp.watch(config.chatStylesPath + '/**/js/source/**/*.js', gulp.series('chat-styles-js'));
gulp.watch(config.chatStylesPath + '/**/*.handlebars', gulp.series('chat-styles-handlebars'));
// Service tasks //////////////////
// Get and install PHP Composer
gulp.task('get-composer', function(callback) {
// Check whether Composer is already in place
if (fs.existsSync('./composer.phar')) {
// Get installer from the Internet
https.get(config.getComposerUrl, function(response) {
// Run PHP to install Composer
var php = exec(config.phpBin, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
callback(error ? stderr : null);
// Pass installer code to PHP via STDIN
// Install Composer dependencies excluding development ones
gulp.task('composer-install', gulp.series('get-composer', function(callback) {
exec(config.phpBin + ' composer.phar install --no-dev',
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
callback(error ? stderr : null);
// Install all Composer dependencies
gulp.task('composer-install-dev', gulp.series('get-composer', function(callback) {
exec(config.phpBin + ' composer.phar install',
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
callback(error ? stderr : null);
// Installs bower dependencies
gulp.task('bower-install', function(callback) {
bower.commands.install([], {}, {})
.on('error', function(error) {
.on('end', function() {
// We should manually minify JavaScript files that was not minified
// by bower packages' authors
// TODO: This is a temproary workaround and should be removed once
// the packages will be fixed
var stream = eventStream.merge(
gulp.src(config.jsVendorPath + '/backbone/backbone.js',
{base: config.jsVendorPath})
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
// There are neither "@license" tag nor "!preserve" in the
// header. Add the header manually
"// Backbone.js 1.1.2\n"
+ "// (c) 2010-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors\n"
+ "// Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license.\n"
+ "// For all details and documentation:\n"
+ "// http://backbonejs.org\n"
gulp.src(config.jsVendorPath + '/json/json2.js',
{base: config.jsVendorPath})
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
// There are neither "@license" tag nor "!preserve" in the
// header, add the header manually
.pipe(header("// json2.js. Public Domain. See http://www.JSON.org/js.html\n"))
.on('error', callback)
.on('end', callback);
// Tasks for checking //////////////////
// Checks all PHP files with PHP Code Sniffer
gulp.task('phpcs', gulp.series('composer-install-dev', function() {
return gulp.src([
config.mibewPath + '/**/*.php',
'!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/*.*',
'!' + config.pluginsPath + '/**/*.*',
'!' + config.cachePath + '/**/*.*'
], {
// Content of the cache directory is readable only for webserver.
// Thus we must to set "strict" option to false to prevent "EACCES"
// errors. At the same we need to see all errors that take place.
strict: false,
silent: false
bin: config.phpVendorPath + '/bin/phpcs',
standard: 'PSR2',
warningSeverity: 0
// Checks all JavaScript Source files with ESLint
gulp.task('eslint', function() {
return gulp.src(config.jsPath + '/source/**/*.js')
// Restore empty English translation in the source code
gulp.task('post-pack-cleanup', function(callback) {
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.mibewPath + '/locales/en/'));
del(['translation.po', config.releasePath + '/translation.po'], callback);
// Tasks of compiling //////////////////
// Compile all JavaScript files of the Mibew Messenger Core
gulp.task('js', function() {
return eventStream.merge(
gulp.src(config.jsPath + '/source/**/*.js')
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.jsPath + '/compiled'));
// Compile and concatenate Handlebars templates for all chat styles
gulp.task('chat-styles-handlebars', function() {
return getChildDirs(config.chatStylesPath)
.then(function (dirs) {
return Promise.all(dirs.map(function (dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
gulp.src(config.chatStylesPath + '/' + dir
+ '/templates_src/client_side/**/*.handlebars')
// Use specific version of Handlebars.js
handlebars: handlebarsEngine
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.chatStylesPath + '/' + dir
+ '/templates_compiled/client_side'))
.on('end', resolve)
.on('error', reject);
// Compile and concatenate js files for all chat styles
gulp.task('chat-styles-js', function() {
return getChildDirs(config.chatStylesPath)
.then(function (dirs) {
return Promise.all(dirs.map(function (dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
gulp.src(config.chatStylesPath + '/' + dir
+ '/js/source/**/*.js')
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.chatStylesPath + '/' + dir
+ '/js/compiled'))
.on('end', resolve)
.on('error', reject);
// Performs all job related to pages styles
gulp.task('page-styles', function() {
return getChildDirs(config.pageStylesPath)
.then(function (dirs) {
return Promise.all(dirs.map(function (dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
gulp.src(config.pageStylesPath + '/' + dir
+ '/templates_src/client_side/**/*.handlebars')
// Use specific version of Handlebars.js
handlebars: handlebarsEngine
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.pageStylesPath + '/' + dir
+ '/templates_compiled/client_side'))
.on('end', resolve)
.on('error', reject);
// Performs all job related to chat styles
gulp.task('chat-styles', gulp.series('chat-styles-handlebars', 'chat-styles-js'));
// Prepares ready to use development version of Mibew Messenger without
// packing or validating it
gulp.task('rebuild', function(callback) {
['js', 'chat-styles', 'page-styles', 'composer-install',
// Tasks for localization issues ///////
// Generate POT-file based upon the source code
gulp.task('generate-pot', function() {
return eventStream.merge(
config.mibewPath + '/**/*.php',
'!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/*.*',
'!' + config.pluginsPath + '/**/*.*',
'!' + config.cachePath + '/**/*.*'
], {
// Content of the cache directory is readable only for
// webserver. Thus we must to set "strict" option to false
// to prevent "EACCES" errors. At the same we need to see all
// errors that take place.
strict: false,
silent: false
language: 'PHP',
keywords: [
{name: 'getlocal'},
{name: 'no_field'},
{name: 'wrong_field'},
{name: 'failed_uploading_file', singular: 2}
gulp.src(config.jsPath + '/source/**/*.js', {base: config.mibewPath})
language: 'JavaScript',
keywords: [
{name: 'trans'}
config.chatStylesPath + '/default/templates_src/**/*.handlebars',
config.pageStylesPath + '/default/templates_src/**/*.handlebars'
], {base: config.mibewPath})
.pipe(concatPo(config.i18nPrefix + 'translation'
+ config.i18nSuffix + '.pot',
headers: {
'Project-Id-Version': 'Mibew Messenger '
+ config.package.version,
'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To': config.package.support.email,
'POT-Creation-Date': strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z'),
'PO-Revision-Date': '',
'Last-Translator': '',
'Language-Team': '',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
// Generate temporary English translation to be used in the release
gulp.task('generate-tmp-po', gulp.series('generate-pot', function(callback) {
return exec(config.msginit + ' --no-translator --no-wrap -i '
+ config.releasePath + '/' + config.i18nPrefix + 'translation'
+ config.i18nSuffix + '.pot' + ' -l en -o '
+ config.releasePath + '/translation.po',
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
callback(error ? stderr : null);
// Generate complete translations (that includes missed strings) to be used
// in the release
gulp.task('generate-pos', gulp.series('generate-tmp-po', function(callback) {
return getChildDirs(config.i18nPath + '/translations')
.then(function (dirs) {
return Promise.all(dirs.map(function (dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
mkdirp(config.releasePath + '/' + dir, function (error) {
if (error) {
exec(config.msgcat + ' ' + config.i18nPath + '/translations/'
+ dir + '/translation.po ' + config.releasePath
+ '/translation.po --no-location --no-wrap --use-first'
+ ' -o ' + config.releasePath + '/' + dir
+ '/translation.po',
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
var sources = [
config.i18nPath + '/translations/' + dir + '/**/*',
'!' + config.i18nPath + '/translations/' + dir
+ '/translation.po'
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.releasePath + '/' + dir))
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', resolve);
// Packaging tasks /////////////////////
// Pack sources for release as .zip and .tar.gz archives
gulp.task('pack-sources', gulp.series('composer-install', 'bower-install', function() {
gulp.src(config.mibewPath + '/locales/en/translation.po')
gulp.src(config.releasePath + '/translation.po')
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.mibewPath + '/locales/en/'));
var sources = [
config.mibewPath + '/**/*',
// Exclude user's config
'!' + config.configsPath + '/config.yml',
// Exclude cache files but not the ".keep" file.
'!' + config.cachePath + '/**/!(.keep)',
// Exclude avatars but not the ".keep" file.
'!' + config.avatarsPath + '/!(.keep)',
// Exclude plugins but not the ".keep" file.
'!' + config.pluginsPath + '/!(.keep)',
'!' + config.pluginsPath + '/*/**/*',
// Exclude Git repositories that can be shipped with third-party libs
'!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/.git',
'!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/.git/**/*',
// Exclude vendors binaries
'!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/bin/**/*',
// Exclude JavaScript sources
'!' + config.jsPath + '/source/**/*',
// Actually we does not need backbone.babysitter and backbone.wreqr
// dependencies because they embed into marionette.js. So we exclude
// "backbone.babysitter" and "backbone.wreqr" directories and all their
// contents.
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/backbone.babysitter{,/**}',
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/backbone.wreqr{,/**}',
// Exclude dot files within third-party JS libraries.
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/**/.*',
// Exclude config files of various package systems
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/**/{bower,component,package,composer}.json',
// Exclude config files of various build systems
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/**/Gruntfile.*',
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/**/gulpfile.*',
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/**/Makefile',
// Exclude HTML files from third-party JS libraries. Such files can be
// used for docs or for tests, we need none of them.
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/**/*.html',
// There are too many useless files in Vex.js library. Exclude them.
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/vex/sass{,/**}',
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/vex/docs{,/**}',
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/vex/docs{,/**}',
'!' + config.jsVendorPath + '/vex/coffee{,/**}'
var srcOptions = {
// Dot files (.htaccess, .keep, etc.) must be included in the package
dot: true,
// Content of the cache directory is readable only for webserver. Thus
// we must to set "strict" option to false to prevent "EACCES" errors.
// At the same we need to see all errors that take place.
strict: false,
silent: false,
// Preserve root directory name (i.e. 'mibew/')
base: '.'
var version = config.package.version;
return eventStream.merge(
gulp.src(sources, srcOptions)
.pipe(zip('mibew-' + version + '.zip')),
gulp.src(sources, srcOptions)
.pipe(tar('mibew-' + version + '.tar'))
// Pack translations for release as .zip and .tar.gz archives
gulp.task('pack-i18n', function(callback) {
return getChildDirs(config.i18nPath + '/translations')
.then(function (dirs) {
return Promise.all(dirs.map(function (dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var srcOptions = {
base: config.releasePath
gulp.src(config.releasePath + '/' + dir
+ '/**/*', srcOptions)
.pipe(zip(config.i18nPrefix + dir
+ config.i18nSuffix + '.zip')),
gulp.src(config.releasePath + '/' + dir
+ '/**/*', srcOptions)
.pipe(tar(config.i18nPrefix + dir
+ config.i18nSuffix + '.tar'))
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', resolve);
// Tasks of releasing //////////////////
// Prepare release of Mibew Messenger
gulp.task('prepare-release', function(callback) {
['phpcs', 'js', 'chat-styles', 'page-styles', 'generate-pot',
// Prepare releases of translations for Mibew Messenger
gulp.task('prepare-i18n-release', function(callback) {
runSequence( 'clean-tmp-po',
// Mirror prepared releases of Mibew Messenger and its translations in a form
// intended for uploading into the CDN
gulp.task('prepare-for-upload', function(callback) {
gulp.src(config.releasePath + '/mibew-' + config.package.version + '.*')
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.uploadPath + '/core/' + config.package.version + '/'));
gulp.src(config.releasePath + '/mibew-i18n-translation-' + config.package.version + '-*.pot')
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.uploadPath + '/i18n/_pot/' + config.package.version + '/'));
return getChildDirs(config.i18nPath + '/translations')
.then(function (dirs) {
return Promise.all(dirs.map(function (dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
gulp.src(config.releasePath + '/mibew-i18n-' + dir + '-' + config.package.version + '-*.*')
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.uploadPath + '/i18n/' + dir + '/' + config.package.version + '/'))
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', resolve);
// Perform all preparations before uploading the release of Mibew Messenger and
// its translations into the CDN
gulp.task('prepare-all', function(callback) {
runSequence('clean-all', 'prepare-release', 'prepare-i18n-release',
'prepare-for-upload', callback);
// Prepare release archives of the development version of Mibew Messenger
gulp.task('default', function(callback) {
['js', 'chat-styles', 'page-styles', 'generate-tmp-po'],
['post-pack-cleanup', 'clean-tmp-po'],
* Loads and prepare js file for a client side application with the specified
* name.
* @param {String} name Application name.
* @returns A files stream that can be piped to any gulp plugin.
var getClientSideApp = function(name) {
var appSource = config.jsPath + '/source/' + name;
return gulp.src(appSource + '/**/*.js')
appSource + '/init.js',
// The following line is equivalent to
// gulp.src([appSource + '/*.js', '!' + appSource + '/app.js']);
appSource + '/!(app).js',
appSource + '/models/**/base*.js',
appSource + '/models/**/*.js',
appSource + '/collections/**/base*.js',
appSource + '/collections/**/*.js',
appSource + '/model_views/**/base*.js',
appSource + '/model_views/**/*.js',
appSource + '/collection_views/**/base*.js',
appSource + '/collection_views/**/*.js',
appSource + '/regions/**/base*.js',
appSource + '/regions/**/*.js',
appSource + '/layouts/**/base*.js',
appSource + '/layouts/**/*.js',
appSource + '/**/base*.js',
// The following line is equivalent to
// gulp.src([appSource + '/**/*.js', '!' + appSource + '/app.js']);
'!' + appSource + '/app.js',
appSource + '/app.js'
{base: process.cwd()}
.pipe(concat(name + '_app.js'));
* Wraps a handlebars template with a function and attach it to the
* Handlebars.templates object.
* @returns {Function} A function that can be used in pipe() method of a file
* stream right after gulp-handlebars plugin.
var wrapHandlebarsTemplate = function() {
return defineModule('plain', {
wrapper: '(function() {\n'
+ 'var templates = Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {};\n'
+ 'Handlebars.templates["<%= relative %>"] = <%= handlebars %>;\n'
+ '})()',
context: function(context) {
return {relative: context.file.relative.replace(/\.js$/, '').replace(/\\/g, '/')};
* Extracts gettext messages from handlebars templates.
* @returns {Function} A function that can be used in pipe() method of a file
* stream.
var xgettextHandlebars = function() {
var helperRegExp = /\{{2}l10n\s*('|")(.*?[^\\])\1.*?\}{2}/g;
return through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {
var po = new PoFile();
match = false,
contents = file.contents.toString();
while (match = helperRegExp.exec(contents)) {
// Try to find item in the .po file by its name
var item = lodash.find(po.items, function(item) {
return match[2] === item.msgid;
var line = contents.substr(0, match.index).split(/\r?\n|\r/g).length;
if (!item) {
// There is no such item, create new one
item = new PoFile.Item();
item.msgid = match[2].replace(/\\'/g, "'").replace(/\\"/g, '"');
// Add new reference
item.references.push(file.relative + ':' + line);
// Update file contents
file.contents = Buffer.from(po.toString());
* Retrieves list of all dirs which are placed in the specified one.
* @param {String} srcDir A dir to search.
* @returns Promise A promise which will be resolved with list of child dirs or
* rejected with the occured error.
var getChildDirs = function(srcDir) {
return (new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readdir(srcDir, function (err, files) {
if (err) {
} else {
})).then(function (files) {
// Replace all files that are not a directory with nulls.
return Promise.all(files.map(function (file) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fs.lstat(srcDir + '/' + file, function (err, stat) {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(stat.isDirectory() ? file : null);
}).then(function(dirs) {
// Remove all nulls from the array.
return dirs.filter(function (dir) {
return null !== dir;