Improve statistics aggregation algorithm a little

This commit is contained in:
Dmitriy Simushev 2015-05-28 13:49:42 +00:00
parent 9f3ce28877
commit fc789e6ef9
2 changed files with 25 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -207,9 +207,8 @@ function calculate_thread_statistics()
. "GROUP BY m.threadid) tmp "
. "WHERE t.threadid = tmp.threadid "
. "AND (t.dtmcreated - :start) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for threads that older than
// statistics aggregation interval
. "AND (:today - t.dtmcreated) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > t.dtmcreated "
// Ignore threads when operator does not start chat
. "AND t.dtmchatstarted <> 0 "
// Ignore not accepted invitations
@ -241,9 +240,8 @@ function calculate_thread_statistics()
. "COUNT(*) as missed_threads "
. "FROM {thread} "
. "WHERE (dtmcreated - :start) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for threads that older than
// statistics aggregation interval
. "AND (:today - dtmcreated) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > dtmcreated "
// Ignore threads when operator does not start chat
. "AND dtmchatstarted = 0 "
// Ignore not accepted invitations
@ -271,9 +269,8 @@ function calculate_thread_statistics()
. "ROUND(AVG(dtmchatstarted-dtmcreated),1) AS avg_waiting_time "
. "FROM {thread} "
. "WHERE (dtmcreated - :start) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for threads that older than
// statistics aggregation interval
. "AND (:today - dtmcreated) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > dtmcreated "
// Ignore threads when operator does not start chat
. "AND dtmchatstarted <> 0 "
// Ignore all invitations
@ -304,9 +301,8 @@ function calculate_thread_statistics()
. "SUM(invitationstate = :invitation_ignored) AS invitations_ignored "
. "FROM {thread} "
. "WHERE (dtmcreated - :start) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for threads that older than
// statistics aggregation interval
. "AND (:today - dtmcreated) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > dtmcreated "
. "AND (invitationstate = :invitation_accepted "
. "OR invitationstate = :invitation_rejected "
. "OR invitationstate = :invitation_ignored) "
@ -428,9 +424,8 @@ function calculate_operator_statistics()
. "WHERE m.ikind = :kind_agent "
. "AND m.threadid = t.threadid "
. "AND (m.dtmcreated - :start) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for messages that older
// statistics aggregation interval
. "AND (:today - m.dtmcreated) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > m.dtmcreated "
// Ignore not accepted invitations
. "AND (t.invitationstate = :not_invited "
. "OR t.invitationstate = :invitation_accepted) "
@ -463,9 +458,8 @@ function calculate_operator_statistics()
. "SUM(invitationstate = :invitation_ignored) AS invitations_ignored "
. "FROM {thread} "
. "WHERE (dtmcreated - :start) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for threads that older than
// statistics aggregation interval
. "AND (:today - dtmcreated) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > dtmcreated "
// Check if thread has related operator
. "AND agentid != 0 "
// Ignore not accepted invitations
@ -581,7 +575,8 @@ function calculate_page_statistics()
. "FROM {visitedpage} "
. "WHERE calculated = 0 "
. "AND (visittime - :start) > :interval "
. "AND (:today - visittime) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > visittime "
. "GROUP BY date, address"),
':start' => $start,
@ -616,7 +611,8 @@ function calculate_page_statistics()
. "AND tmp.msgs > 0 "
. "AND t.dtmchatstarted <> 0 "
. "AND (p.visittime - :start) > :interval "
. "AND (:today - p.visittime) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > p.visittime "
. "AND DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.visittime)) "
. "= DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(t.dtmcreated)) "
. "AND (t.invitationstate = :not_invited "
@ -650,7 +646,8 @@ function calculate_page_statistics()
. "WHERE t.referer = p.address "
. "AND p.calculated = 0 "
. "AND (p.visittime - :start) > :interval "
. "AND (:today - p.visittime) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > p.visittime "
. "AND DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.visittime)) "
. "= DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(t.dtmcreated)) "
. "AND t.invitationstate = :invitation_accepted "
@ -680,7 +677,8 @@ function calculate_page_statistics()
. "WHERE t.referer = p.address "
. "AND p.calculated = 0 "
. "AND (p.visittime - :start) > :interval "
. "AND (:today - p.visittime) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > p.visittime "
. "AND DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.visittime)) "
. "= DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(t.dtmcreated)) "
. "AND t.invitationstate = :invitation_rejected "
@ -710,7 +708,8 @@ function calculate_page_statistics()
. "WHERE t.referer = p.address "
. "AND p.calculated = 0 "
. "AND (p.visittime - :start) > :interval "
. "AND (:today - p.visittime) > :interval "
// Calculate statistics only for yesterday
. "AND :today > p.visittime "
. "AND DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.visittime)) "
. "= DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(t.dtmcreated)) "
. "AND t.invitationstate = :invitation_ignored "
@ -771,11 +770,10 @@ function calculate_page_statistics()
// Mark all visited pages as 'calculated'
("UPDATE {visitedpage} SET calculated = 1 "
. "WHERE (:today - visittime) > :interval "
. "WHERE :today > visittime "
. "AND calculated = 0"),
':today' => $today,
':today' => $today

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
{{#override "content"}}
{{l10n "Beware that statistics is aggregated up to the day before yesterday."}}
{{l10n "Beware that statistics is aggregated up to yesterday."}}
<br />
<br />