mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 18:38:31 +03:00
Refactor Thread class
This commit is contained in:
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ function chat_start_for_user(
$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
} else {
// Create thread
$thread = Thread::create();
$thread = new Thread();
$thread->state = Thread::STATE_LOADING;
$thread->agentId = 0;
if ($requested_operator && $requested_operator_online) {
@ -322,13 +322,12 @@ final class Events
* Thread is updated.
* This event is triggered after a thread is saved and only if some of its
* fields have been changed. An associative array with the following items
* is passed to the event handlers:
* - "thread": Thread object that was chanded.
* - "changed_fields": list of changed fields. Names of the fields
* correspond to class properties (see {@link \Mibew\Thread::propertyMap}
* for details).
* This event is triggered after a thread is saved. An associative array
* with the following items is passed to the event handlers:
* - "thread": an instance of {@link \Mibew\Thread}, state of the thread
* after the update.
* - "original_thread": an instance of {@link \Mibew\Thread}, state of the
* thread before the update.
const THREAD_UPDATE = 'threadUpdate';
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ class ThreadProcessor extends ClientSideProcessor implements RouterAwareInterfac
// Create thread
$thread = Thread::create();
$thread = new Thread();
$thread->groupId = $group_id;
$thread->userName = $name;
$thread->remote = $remote_host;
@ -117,127 +117,160 @@ class Thread
* Contain mapping of thread object properties to fields in database.
* ID of the thread.
* @var int|bool
public $id;
* Number of the last revision
* @var int
public $lastRevision;
* State of the thread. See Thread::STATE_* constants for details.
* @var int
public $state;
* State of the invitation. See Thread::INVITATION_* constants for details.
* @var int
public $invitationState;
* The last token of the chat thread.
* @var string
public $lastToken;
* ID of the next agent(agent that changes the current agent in the chat).
* @var int
public $nextAgent;
* ID of the group related with the thread.
* @var int
public $groupId;
* ID of the last shown message.
* @var int
public $shownMessageId;
* Count of user's messages related to the thread.
* @var int
public $messageCount;
* Unix timestamp of the moment the thread was created.
* @var int
public $created;
* Unix timestamp of the moment the thread was modified last time.
* @var int
public $modified;
* Unix timestamp of the moment when the thread was closed.
* @var int
public $closed;
* Unix timestamp of the moment the chat related to the thread was started.
* @var int
public $chatStarted;
* ID of an operator who take part in the chat.
* @var int
public $agentId;
* Name of an operator who take part in the chat.
* @var string
public $agentName;
* Indicates if the opertor who take part in the chat is typing or not.
* Keys are object properties and vlues are {thread} table fields.
* Properties are available via magic __get and __set methods. Real values
* are stored in the Thread::$threadInfo array.
* It is equal to "1" if the operator was typing at the last ping time and
* "0" otherwise.
* @var int
public $agentTyping;
* Unix timestamp of the moment the operator was pinged for the last time.
* @var int
public $lastPingAgent;
* Locale code of the chat thread.
* @var string
public $locale;
* ID of a user who take part in the chat.
* @var string
public $userId;
* Name of a user who take part in the chat.
* @var string
public $userName;
* Indicates if the user who take part in the chat is typing or not.
* Thread object have following properties:
* - 'id': id of the thread
* - 'lastRevision': last revision number
* - 'state': state of the thread. See Thread::STATE_*
* - 'invitationState': state of invitation. See INVITATION_* constants,
* defined in libs/invitation.php
* - 'lastToken': last chat token
* - 'nextAgent': id of the next agent(agent that change current agent in
* the chat)
* - 'groupId': id of the group related to the thread
* - 'shownMessageId': last id of shown message
* - 'messageCount': count of user's messages related to the thread
* - 'created': unix timestamp of the thread creation
* - 'modified': unix timestamp of the thread's last modification
* - 'closed': unix timestamp of the moment when the thread was closed
* - 'chatStarted': unix timestamp of related to thread chat started
* - 'agentId': id of an operator who take part in the chat
* - 'agentName': name of an operator who take part in the chat
* - 'agentTyping': "1" if operator typing at last ping time and "0"
* It is equal to "1" if the user was typing at the last ping time and "0"
* otherwise
* - 'lastPingAgent': unix timestamp of last operator ping
* - 'locale': locale code of the chat related to thread
* - 'userId': id of an user who take part in the chat
* - 'userName': name of an user who take part in the chat
* - 'userTyping': "1" if user typing at last ping time and "0" otherwise
* - 'lastPingUser': unix timestamp of last user ping
* - 'remote': user's IP
* - 'referer': content of HTTP Referer header for user
* - 'userAgent': content of HTTP User-agent header for user
* @var array
* @see Thread::__get()
* @see Thread::__set()
* @see Thread::$threadInfo
* @var int
protected $propertyMap = array(
'id' => 'threadid',
'lastRevision' => 'lrevision',
'state' => 'istate',
'invitationState' => 'invitationstate',
'lastToken' => 'ltoken',
'nextAgent' => 'nextagent',
'groupId' => 'groupid',
'shownMessageId' => 'shownmessageid',
'messageCount' => 'messagecount',
'created' => 'dtmcreated',
'modified' => 'dtmmodified',
'chatStarted' => 'dtmchatstarted',
'closed' => 'dtmclosed',
'agentId' => 'agentid',
'agentName' => 'agentname',
'agentTyping' => 'agenttyping',
'lastPingAgent' => 'lastpingagent',
'locale' => 'locale',
'userId' => 'userid',
'userName' => 'username',
'userTyping' => 'usertyping',
'lastPingUser' => 'lastpinguser',
'remote' => 'remote',
'referer' => 'referer',
'userAgent' => 'useragent',
public $userTyping;
* Contain loaded from database information about thread
* Do not use this property manually!
* @var array
* Unix timestamp of the moment the user was pinged for the last time.
* @var int
protected $threadInfo;
public $lastPingUser;
* List of modified fields.
* Do not use this property manually!
* @var array
* User's IP.
* @var string
protected $changedFields = array();
public $remote;
* Create new empty thread in database
* @return boolean|Thread Returns an object of the Thread class or boolean
* false on failure
* Content of HTTP "Referer" header for the user.
* @var string
public static function create()
// Get database object
$db = Database::getInstance();
public $referer;
// Create new empty thread
$thread = new self();
// Create thread
$db->query("insert into {thread} (threadid) values (NULL)");
// Set thread Id
// In this case Thread::$threadInfo array use because id of a thread
// should not be update
$thread->threadInfo['threadid'] = $db->insertedId();
// Check if something went wrong
if (empty($thread->id)) {
return false;
// Set initial values
$thread->lastToken = self::nextToken();
$thread->created = time();
return $thread;
* Content of HTTP "User-agent" header for the user.
* @var string
public $userAgent;
* Create thread object from database info.
@ -252,18 +285,7 @@ class Thread
// Create new empty thread
$thread = new self();
// Check thread fields
$obligatory_fields = array_values($thread->propertyMap);
foreach ($obligatory_fields as $field) {
if (!array_key_exists($field, $thread_info)) {
// Obligatory field is missing
return false;
// Copy field to Thread object
$thread->threadInfo[$field] = $thread_info[$field];
return $thread;
@ -282,14 +304,8 @@ class Thread
return false;
// Get database object
$db = Database::getInstance();
// Create new empty thread
$thread = new self();
// Load thread
$thread_info = $db->query(
$thread_info = Database::getInstance()->query(
"SELECT * FROM {thread} WHERE threadid = :threadid",
array(':threadid' => $id),
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
@ -300,13 +316,9 @@ class Thread
// Store thread properties
$thread->threadInfo = $thread_info;
// Check if something went wrong
if ($thread->id != $id) {
return false;
// Create new empty thread and populate it with the values from database
$thread = new self();
// Check last token
if (!is_null($last_token)) {
@ -433,8 +445,7 @@ class Thread
return false;
$db = Database::getInstance();
$result = $db->query(
$result = Database::getInstance()->query(
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS opened FROM {thread} WHERE remote = ? AND istate <> ? AND istate <> ?",
@ -452,82 +463,30 @@ class Thread
* Implementation of the magic __get method
* Check if variable with name $name exists in the Thread::$propertyMap
* array. If it does not exist triggers an error with E_USER_NOTICE level
* and returns false.
* @param string $name property name
* @return mixed
* @see Thread::$propertyMap
* Class constructor.
public function __get($name)
public function __construct()
// Check property existance
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->propertyMap)) {
trigger_error("Undefined property '{$name}'", E_USER_NOTICE);
return null;
$field_name = $this->propertyMap[$name];
return $this->threadInfo[$field_name];
* Implementation of the magic __set method
* Check if variable with name $name exists in the Thread::$propertyMap
* array before setting. If it does not exist triggers an error
* with E_USER_NOTICE level and value will NOT set. If previous value is
* equal to new value the property will NOT be update and NOT update in
* database when Thread::save method call.
* @param string $name Property name
* @param mixed $value Property value
* @return mixed
* @see Thread::$propertyMap
public function __set($name, $value)
if (empty($this->propertyMap[$name])) {
trigger_error("Undefined property '{$name}'", E_USER_NOTICE);
$field_name = $this->propertyMap[$name];
if (array_key_exists($field_name, $this->threadInfo) && ($this->threadInfo[$field_name] === $value)) {
$this->threadInfo[$field_name] = $value;
if (!in_array($name, $this->changedFields)) {
$this->changedFields[] = $name;
* Implementation of the magic __isset method
* Check if variable with $name exists.
* param string $name Variable name
* return boolean True if variable exists and false otherwise
public function __isset($name)
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->propertyMap)) {
return false;
$property_name = $this->propertyMap[$name];
return isset($this->threadInfo[$property_name]);
// Set the defaults
$this->id = false;
$this->userName = '';
$this->agentId = 0;
$this->created = time();
$this->modified = time();
$this->chatStarted = 0;
$this->closed = 0;
$this->lastRevision = 0;
$this->state = self::STATE_QUEUE;
$this->invitationState = self::INVITATION_NOT_INVITED;
$this->lastToken = self::nextToken();
$this->nextAgent = 0;
$this->lastPingAgent = 0;
$this->lastPingUser = 0;
$this->userTyping = 0;
$this->agentTyping = 0;
$this->shownMessageId = 0;
$this->messageCount = 0;
$this->groupId = 0;
@ -537,8 +496,7 @@ class Thread
public function delete()
$db = Database::getInstance();
"DELETE FROM {thread} WHERE threadid = :id LIMIT 1",
array(':id' => $this->id)
@ -650,42 +608,114 @@ class Thread
public function save($update_revision = true)
$db = Database::getInstance();
// Update modified time and last revision if need
// Update modification time and revision number only if needed
if ($update_revision) {
$this->lastRevision = $this->nextRevision();
$this->modified = time();
// Do not save thread if nothing changed
if (empty($this->changedFields)) {
$db = Database::getInstance();
if (!$this->id) {
('INSERT INTO {thread} ('
. 'username, userid, agentname, agentid, '
. 'dtmcreated, dtmchatstarted, dtmmodified, dtmclosed, '
. 'lrevision, istate, invitationstate, ltoken, remote, '
. 'referer, nextagent, locale, lastpinguser, '
. 'lastpingagent, usertyping, agenttyping, '
. 'shownmessageid, useragent, messagecount, groupid'
. ') VALUES ('
. ':user_name, :user_id, :agent_name, :agent_id, '
. ':created, :chat_started, :modified, :closed, '
. ':revision, :state, :invitation_state, :token, :remote, '
. ':referer, :next_agent, :locale, :last_ping_user, '
. ':last_ping_agent, :user_typing, :agent_typing, '
. ':shown_message_id, :user_agent, :message_count, :group_id '
. ')'),
':user_name' => $this->userName,
':user_id' => $this->userId,
':agent_name' => $this->agentName,
':agent_id' => $this->agentId,
':created' => $this->created,
':chat_started' => $this->chatStarted,
':modified' => $this->modified,
':closed' => $this->closed,
':revision' => $this->lastRevision,
':state' => $this->state,
':invitation_state' => $this->invitationState,
':token' => $this->lastToken,
':remote' => $this->remote,
':referer' => $this->referer,
':next_agent' => $this->nextAgent,
':locale' => $this->locale,
':last_ping_user' => $this->lastPingUser,
':last_ping_agent' => $this->lastPingAgent,
':user_typing' => $this->userTyping,
':agent_typing' => $this->agentTyping,
':shown_message_id' => $this->shownMessageId,
':user_agent' => $this->userAgent,
':message_count' => $this->messageCount,
':group_id' => $this->groupId,
$this->id = $db->insertedId();
} else {
// Get the original state of the thread to trigger event later.
$original_thread = Thread::load($this->id);
$values = array();
$set_clause = array();
foreach ($this->changedFields as $field_name) {
$field_db_name = $this->propertyMap[$field_name];
$set_clause[] = "{$field_db_name} = ?";
$values[] = $this->threadInfo[$field_db_name];
('UPDATE {thread} SET '
. 'username = :user_name, userid = :user_id, '
. 'agentname = :agent_name, agentid = :agent_id, '
. 'dtmcreated = :created, dtmchatstarted = :chat_started, '
. 'dtmmodified = :modified, dtmclosed = :closed, '
. 'lrevision = :revision, istate = :state, '
. 'invitationstate = :invitation_state, ltoken = :token, '
. 'remote = :remote, referer = :referer, '
. 'nextagent = :next_agent, locale = :locale, '
. 'lastpinguser = :last_ping_user, '
. 'lastpingagent = :last_ping_agent, '
. 'usertyping = :user_typing, agenttyping = :agent_typing, '
. 'shownmessageid = :shown_message_id, '
. 'useragent = :user_agent, messagecount = :message_count, '
. 'groupid = :group_id '
. 'WHERE threadid = :thread_id'),
':thread_id' => $this->id,
':user_name' => $this->userName,
':user_id' => $this->userId,
':agent_name' => $this->agentName,
':agent_id' => $this->agentId,
':created' => $this->created,
':chat_started' => $this->chatStarted,
':modified' => $this->modified,
':closed' => $this->closed,
':revision' => $this->lastRevision,
':state' => $this->state,
':invitation_state' => $this->invitationState,
':token' => $this->lastToken,
':remote' => $this->remote,
':referer' => $this->referer,
':next_agent' => $this->nextAgent,
':locale' => $this->locale,
':last_ping_user' => $this->lastPingUser,
':last_ping_agent' => $this->lastPingAgent,
':user_typing' => $this->userTyping,
':agent_typing' => $this->agentTyping,
':shown_message_id' => $this->shownMessageId,
':user_agent' => $this->userAgent,
':message_count' => $this->messageCount,
':group_id' => $this->groupId,
$query = "UPDATE {thread} t SET " . implode(', ', $set_clause)
. " WHERE threadid = ?";
$values[] = $this->id;
$db->query($query, $values);
// Trigger thread changed event
$args = array(
'thread' => $this,
'changed_fields' => $this->changedFields,
'original_thread' => $original_thread,
$dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->triggerEvent(Events::THREAD_UPDATE, $args);
// Clear updated fields
$this->changedFields = array();
EventDispatcher::getInstance()->triggerEvent(Events::THREAD_UPDATE, $args);
@ -1039,10 +1069,38 @@ class Thread
* Forbid create instance from outside of the class
* Sets thread's fields according to the fields from Database.
* @param array $db_fields Associative array of database fields which keys
* are fields names and the values are fields values.
protected function __construct()
protected function populateFromDbFields($db_fields)
$this->id = $db_fields['threadid'];
$this->userName = $db_fields['username'];
$this->userId = $db_fields['userid'];
$this->agentName = $db_fields['agentname'];
$this->agentId = $db_fields['agentid'];
$this->created = $db_fields['dtmcreated'];
$this->chatStarted = $db_fields['dtmchatstarted'];
$this->modified = $db_fields['dtmmodified'];
$this->closed = $db_fields['dtmclosed'];
$this->lastRevision = $db_fields['lrevision'];
$this->state = $db_fields['istate'];
$this->invitationState = $db_fields['invitationstate'];
$this->lastToken = $db_fields['ltoken'];
$this->remote = $db_fields['remote'];
$this->referer = $db_fields['referer'];
$this->nextAgent = $db_fields['nextagent'];
$this->locale = $db_fields['locale'];
$this->lastPingUser = $db_fields['lastpinguser'];
$this->lastPingAgent = $db_fields['lastpingagent'];
$this->userTyping = $db_fields['usertyping'];
$this->agentTyping = $db_fields['agenttyping'];
$this->shownMessageId = $db_fields['shownmessageid'];
$this->userAgent = $db_fields['useragent'];
$this->messageCount = $db_fields['messagecount'];
$this->groupId = $db_fields['groupid'];
@ -91,11 +91,8 @@ function invitation_invite($visitor_id, $operator)
$operator_name = get_operator_name($operator);
// Create thread for invitation
$thread = Thread::create();
if (!$thread) {
// Something went wrong
return false;
$thread = new Thread();
// Populate thread and save it
$thread->agentId = $operator['operatorid'];
$thread->agentName = $operator_name;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user