Fix race condition in old invitation closing

This commit is contained in:
Dmitriy Simushev 2014-10-30 12:33:21 +00:00
parent b3c9a02660
commit 6e200bf956

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
use Mibew\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events;
use Mibew\Database;
use Mibew\ProcessLock;
use Mibew\Settings;
use Mibew\Thread;
@ -248,56 +249,63 @@ function invitation_reject($visitor_id)
function invitation_close_old()
$db = Database::getInstance();
// Run only one instance of cleaning process.
$lock = new ProcessLock('invitations_close_old');
if ($lock->get()) {
$db = Database::getInstance();
// Get all threads to close
$threads = $db->query(
("SELECT * FROM {thread} "
. "WHERE istate = :state_invited "
. "AND invitationstate = :invitation_wait "
. "AND (:now - dtmcreated) > :lifetime"),
':invitation_wait' => Thread::INVITATION_WAIT,
':state_invited' => Thread::STATE_INVITED,
':lifetime' => Settings::get('invitation_lifetime'),
':now' => time(),
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
// Remove old invitations
("UPDATE {sitevisitor} v, {thread} t SET "
. "t.invitationstate = :invitation_ignored, "
. "t.istate = :state_closed, "
. "t.dtmclosed = :now, "
. "v.threadid = NULL "
. "WHERE t.istate = :state_invited "
. "AND t.invitationstate = :invitation_wait "
. "AND (:now - t.dtmcreated) > :lifetime"),
':invitation_ignored' => Thread::INVITATION_IGNORED,
':invitation_wait' => Thread::INVITATION_WAIT,
':state_closed' => Thread::STATE_CLOSED,
':state_invited' => Thread::STATE_INVITED,
':lifetime' => Settings::get('invitation_lifetime'),
':now' => time(),
// Iterate over all threads and send messages to operator about close by
// timeout
foreach ($threads as $thread_info) {
$thread = Thread::createFromDbInfo($thread_info);
getlocal('Visitor ignored invitation and it was closed automatically', null, $thread->locale, true)
// Get all threads to close
$threads = $db->query(
("SELECT * FROM {thread} "
. "WHERE istate = :state_invited "
. "AND invitationstate = :invitation_wait "
. "AND (:now - dtmcreated) > :lifetime"),
':invitation_wait' => Thread::INVITATION_WAIT,
':state_invited' => Thread::STATE_INVITED,
':lifetime' => Settings::get('invitation_lifetime'),
':now' => time(),
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
$args = array('invitation' => $thread);
EventDispatcher::getInstance()->triggerEvent(Events::INVITATION_IGNORE, $args);
// Remove old invitations
("UPDATE {sitevisitor} v, {thread} t SET "
. "t.invitationstate = :invitation_ignored, "
. "t.istate = :state_closed, "
. "t.dtmclosed = :now, "
. "v.threadid = NULL "
. "WHERE t.istate = :state_invited "
. "AND t.invitationstate = :invitation_wait "
. "AND (:now - t.dtmcreated) > :lifetime"),
':invitation_ignored' => Thread::INVITATION_IGNORED,
':invitation_wait' => Thread::INVITATION_WAIT,
':state_closed' => Thread::STATE_CLOSED,
':state_invited' => Thread::STATE_INVITED,
':lifetime' => Settings::get('invitation_lifetime'),
':now' => time(),
// Iterate over all threads and send messages to operator about close by
// timeout
foreach ($threads as $thread_info) {
$thread = Thread::createFromDbInfo($thread_info);
getlocal('Visitor ignored invitation and it was closed automatically', null, $thread->locale, true)
$args = array('invitation' => $thread);
EventDispatcher::getInstance()->triggerEvent(Events::INVITATION_IGNORE, $args);
// Release the lock