Split giant "GroupController" to several parts

This commit is contained in:
Dmitriy Simushev 2014-05-22 14:58:54 +00:00
parent 8c9e361918
commit 2568072c0e
6 changed files with 525 additions and 439 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Copyright 2005-2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Mibew\Controller\Group;
use Mibew\Controller\AbstractController as BaseController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Provides a set of utility functions.
class AbstractController extends BaseController
* Builds list of the group tabs.
* @param Request $request Current request.
* @return array Tabs list. The keys of the array are tabs titles and the
* values are tabs URLs.
protected function buildTabs(Request $request)
$tabs = array();
$route = $request->attributes->get('_route');
$group_id = $request->attributes->get('group_id', false);
$args = array('group_id' => $group_id);
if ($group_id) {
$tabs[getlocal('page_group.tab.main')] = ($route == 'group_members')
? $this->generateUrl('group_edit', $args)
: '';
$tabs[getlocal('page_group.tab.members')] = ($route != 'group_members')
? $this->generateUrl('group_members', $args)
: '';
return $tabs;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
* Copyright 2005-2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Mibew\Controller\Group;
use Mibew\Database;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Contains all actions which are related with operators' groups management.
class ManagementController extends AbstractController
* Generates list of all available groups.
* @param Request $request Incoming request.
* @return string Rendered page content.
public function indexAction(Request $request)
$operator = $request->attributes->get('_operator');
$page = array(
'errors' => array(),
$sort_by = $request->query->get('sortby');
if (!in_array($sort_by, array('name', 'lastseen', 'weight'))) {
$sort_by = 'name';
$sort['by'] = $sort_by;
$sort['desc'] = ($request->query->get('sortdirection', 'desc') == 'desc');
// Load and prepare groups
$groups = get_sorted_groups($sort);
foreach ($groups as &$group) {
$group['vclocalname'] = $group['vclocalname'];
$group['vclocaldescription'] = $group['vclocaldescription'];
$group['isOnline'] = group_is_online($group);
$group['isAway'] = group_is_away($group);
$group['lastTimeOnline'] = time() - ($group['ilastseen'] ? $group['ilastseen'] : time());
$group['inumofagents'] = $group['inumofagents'];
// Set values that are needed to build sorting block.
$page['groups'] = $groups;
$page['formsortby'] = $sort['by'];
$page['formsortdirection'] = $sort['desc'] ? 'desc' : 'asc';
$page['canmodify'] = is_capable(CAN_ADMINISTRATE, $operator);
$page['availableOrders'] = array(
array('id' => 'name', 'name' => getlocal('form.field.groupname')),
array('id' => 'lastseen', 'name' => getlocal('page_agents.status')),
array('id' => 'weight', 'name' => getlocal('page.groups.weight')),
$page['availableDirections'] = array(
array('id' => 'desc', 'name' => getlocal('page.groups.sortdirection.desc')),
array('id' => 'asc', 'name' => getlocal('page.groups.sortdirection.asc')),
// Set other variables and render the response.
$page['title'] = getlocal('page.groups.title');
$page['menuid'] = 'groups';
$page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
return $this->render('groups', $page);
* Removes a group from the database.
* @param Request $request Incoming request.
* @return string Rendered page content.
public function deleteAction(Request $request)
$db = Database::getInstance();
// Remove the group and all its relations.
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id');
$db->query("DELETE FROM {chatgroup} WHERE groupid = ?", array($group_id));
$db->query("DELETE FROM {chatgroupoperator} WHERE groupid = ?", array($group_id));
$db->query("UPDATE {chatthread} SET groupid = 0 WHERE groupid = ?", array($group_id));
// Redirect user to canned messages list. Use only "sortby" and
// "sortdirection" get params for the target URL.
$parameters = array_intersect_key(
array_flip(array('sortby', 'sortdirection'))
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('groups', $parameters));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
* Copyright 2005-2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Mibew\Controller\Group;
use Mibew\Http\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Contains all actions which are related with operators' groups.
class MembersController extends AbstractController
* Builds a page with members edit form.
* @param Request $request Incoming request.
* @return string Rendered page content.
* @throws NotFoundException If the operator's group with specified ID is
* not found in the system.
public function showFormAction(Request $request)
$operator = $request->attributes->get('_operator');
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id');
$page = array(
'groupid' => $group_id,
// Use errors list stored in the request. We need to do so to have
// an ability to pass the request from the "submitMembersForm" action.
'errors' => $request->attributes->get('errors', array()),
$operators = get_operators_list();
$group = group_by_id($group_id);
// Check if the group exists
if (!$group) {
throw new NotFoundException('The group is not found.');
$page['formop'] = array();
$page['currentgroup'] = $group
? htmlspecialchars($group['vclocalname'])
: '';
// Get list of group's members
$checked_operators = array();
foreach (get_group_members($group_id) as $rel) {
$checked_operators[] = $rel['operatorid'];
// Prepare the list of all operators
$page['operators'] = array();
foreach ($operators as $op) {
$op['vclocalename'] = $op['vclocalename'];
$op['vclogin'] = $op['vclogin'];
$op['checked'] = in_array($op['operatorid'], $checked_operators);
$page['operators'][] = $op;
// Set other values and render the page
$page['stored'] = $request->query->get('stored');
$page['title'] = getlocal('page.groupmembers.title');
$page['menuid'] = 'groups';
$page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
$page['tabs'] = $this->buildTabs($request);
return $this->render('group_members', $page);
* Processes submitting of the form which is generated in
* {@link \Mibew\Controller\GroupController::showMembersFormAction()} method.
* @param Request $request Incoming request.
* @return string Rendered page content.
* @throws NotFoundException If the operator's group with specified ID is
* not found in the system.
public function submitFormAction(Request $request)
$operators = get_operators_list();
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id');
$group = group_by_id($group_id);
// Check if specified group exists
if (!$group) {
throw new NotFoundException('The group is not found.');
// Update members list
$new_members = array();
foreach ($operators as $op) {
if ($request->request->get('op' . $op['operatorid']) == 'on') {
$new_members[] = $op['operatorid'];
update_group_members($group_id, $new_members);
// Redirect opeartor to group members page.
$parameters = array(
'group_id' => $group_id,
'stored' => true,
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('group_members', $parameters));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
* Copyright 2005-2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Mibew\Controller\Group;
use Mibew\Http\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Contains all actions which are related with operator group's settings.
class SettingsController extends AbstractController
* Builds a page with form for add/edit group.
* @param Request $request Incoming request.
* @return string Rendered page content.
* @throws NotFoundException If the operator's group with specified ID is
* not found in the system.
public function showFormAction(Request $request)
$operator = $request->attributes->get('_operator');
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id', false);
$page = array(
'gid' => false,
// Use errors list stored in the request. We need to do so to have
// an ability to pass the request from the "submitEditForm" action.
'errors' => $request->attributes->get('errors', array()),
if ($group_id) {
// Check if the group exisits
$group = group_by_id($group_id);
if (!$group) {
throw new NotFoundException('The group is not found.');
// Set form values
$page['formname'] = $group['vclocalname'];
$page['formdescription'] = $group['vclocaldescription'];
$page['formcommonname'] = $group['vccommonname'];
$page['formcommondescription'] = $group['vccommondescription'];
$page['formemail'] = $group['vcemail'];
$page['formweight'] = $group['iweight'];
$page['formparentgroup'] = $group['parent'];
$page['grid'] = $group['groupid'];
$page['formtitle'] = $group['vctitle'];
$page['formchattitle'] = $group['vcchattitle'];
$page['formhosturl'] = $group['vchosturl'];
$page['formlogo'] = $group['vclogo'];
// Override group's fields from the request if it's needed. This
// case will take place when save handler fails.
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
$page['formname'] = $request->request->get('name');
$page['formdescription'] = $request->request->get('description');
$page['formcommonname'] = $request->request->get('commonname');
$page['formcommondescription'] = $request->request->get('commondescription');
$page['formemail'] = $request->request->get('email');
$page['formweight'] = $request->request->get('weight');
$page['formparentgroup'] = $request->request->get('parentgroup');
$page['formtitle'] = $request->request->get('title');
$page['formchattitle'] = $request->request->get('chattitle');
$page['formhosturl'] = $request->request->get('hosturl');
$page['formlogo'] = $request->request->get('logo');
// Set other page variables and render the template.
$page['stored'] = $request->query->has('stored');
$page['availableParentGroups'] = get_available_parent_groups($group_id);
$page['formaction'] = $request->getBaseUrl() . $request->getPathInfo();
$page['title'] = getlocal('page.group.title');
$page['menuid'] = 'groups';
$page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
$page['tabs'] = $this->buildTabs($request);
return $this->render('group_edit', $page);
* Processes submitting of the form which is generated in
* {@link \Mibew\Controller\GroupController::showEditFormAction()} method.
* @param Request $request incoming request.
* @return string Rendered page content.
public function submitFormAction(Request $request)
$errors = array();
// Use value from the form and not from the path to make sure it is
// correct. If not, treat the param as empty one.
$group_id = $request->request->get('gid', false);
if (!preg_match("/^\d{1,10}$/", $group_id)) {
$group_id = false;
$parent_group = $request->request->get('parentgroup');
if (!$parent_group || !preg_match("/^\d{1,10}$/", $parent_group)) {
$parent_group = null;
$name = $request->request->get('name');
$description = $request->request->get('description');
$common_name = $request->request->get('commonname');
$common_description = $request->request->get('commondescription');
$email = $request->request->get('email');
$weight = $request->request->get('weight');
$title = $request->request->get('title');
$chat_title = $request->request->get('chattitle');
$host_url = $request->request->get('hosturl');
$logo = $request->request->get('logo');
if (!$name) {
$errors[] = no_field("form.field.groupname");
if ($email != '' && !is_valid_email($email)) {
$errors[] = wrong_field("form.field.mail");
if (!preg_match("/^(\d{1,10})?$/", $weight)) {
$errors[] = wrong_field("form.field.groupweight");
if (!$weight) {
$weight = 0;
$existing_group = group_by_name($name);
$duplicate_name = (!$group_id && $existing_group)
|| ($group_id
&& $existing_group
&& $group_id != $existing_group['groupid']);
if ($duplicate_name) {
$errors[] = getlocal("page.group.duplicate_name");
if (count($errors) != 0) {
$request->attributes->set('errors', $errors);
// The form should be rebuild. Invoke appropriate action.
return $this->showFormAction($request);
if (!$group_id) {
// Greate new group
$new_dep = create_group(array(
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'commonname' => $common_name,
'commondescription' => $common_description,
'email' => $email,
'weight' => $weight,
'parent' => $parent_group,
'title' => $title,
'chattitle' => $chat_title,
'hosturl' => $host_url,
'logo' => $logo));
// Redirect an operator to group's member page.
$redirect_to = $this->generateUrl(
array('group_id' => (int)$new_dep['groupid'])
} else {
// Update exisitng group
'id' => $group_id,
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'commonname' => $common_name,
'commondescription' => $common_description,
'email' => $email,
'weight' => $weight,
'parent' => $parent_group,
'title' => $title,
'chattitle' => $chat_title,
'hosturl' => $host_url,
'logo' => $logo));
// Redirect an operator to group's page.
$redirect_to = $this->generateUrl(
array('group_id' => $group_id)
return $this->redirect($redirect_to);

View File

@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2005-2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Mibew\Controller;
use Mibew\Database;
use Mibew\Http\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Contains all actions which are related with operators' groups.
class GroupController extends AbstractController
* Generates list of all available groups.
* @param Request $request
* @return string Rendered page content
public function indexAction(Request $request)
$operator = $request->attributes->get('_operator');
$page = array(
'errors' => array(),
$sort_by = $request->query->get('sortby');
if (!in_array($sort_by, array('name', 'lastseen', 'weight'))) {
$sort_by = 'name';
$sort['by'] = $sort_by;
$sort['desc'] = ($request->query->get('sortdirection', 'desc') == 'desc');
// Load and prepare groups
$groups = get_sorted_groups($sort);
foreach ($groups as &$group) {
$group['vclocalname'] = $group['vclocalname'];
$group['vclocaldescription'] = $group['vclocaldescription'];
$group['isOnline'] = group_is_online($group);
$group['isAway'] = group_is_away($group);
$group['lastTimeOnline'] = time() - ($group['ilastseen'] ? $group['ilastseen'] : time());
$group['inumofagents'] = $group['inumofagents'];
// Set values that are needed to build sorting block.
$page['groups'] = $groups;
$page['formsortby'] = $sort['by'];
$page['formsortdirection'] = $sort['desc'] ? 'desc' : 'asc';
$page['canmodify'] = is_capable(CAN_ADMINISTRATE, $operator);
$page['availableOrders'] = array(
array('id' => 'name', 'name' => getlocal('form.field.groupname')),
array('id' => 'lastseen', 'name' => getlocal('page_agents.status')),
array('id' => 'weight', 'name' => getlocal('page.groups.weight')),
$page['availableDirections'] = array(
array('id' => 'desc', 'name' => getlocal('page.groups.sortdirection.desc')),
array('id' => 'asc', 'name' => getlocal('page.groups.sortdirection.asc')),
// Set other variables and render the response.
$page['title'] = getlocal('page.groups.title');
$page['menuid'] = 'groups';
$page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
return $this->render('groups', $page);
* Removes a group from the database.
* @param Request $request
* @return string Rendered page content
public function deleteAction(Request $request)
$db = Database::getInstance();
// Remove the group and all its relations.
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id');
$db->query("DELETE FROM {chatgroup} WHERE groupid = ?", array($group_id));
$db->query("DELETE FROM {chatgroupoperator} WHERE groupid = ?", array($group_id));
$db->query("UPDATE {chatthread} SET groupid = 0 WHERE groupid = ?", array($group_id));
// Redirect user to canned messages list. Use only "sortby" and
// "sortdirection" get params for the target URL.
$parameters = array_intersect_key(
array_flip(array('sortby', 'sortdirection'))
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('groups', $parameters));
* Builds a page with members edit form.
* @param Request $request
* @return string Rendered page content
public function showMembersFormAction(Request $request)
$operator = $request->attributes->get('_operator');
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id');
$page = array(
'groupid' => $group_id,
// Use errors list stored in the request. We need to do so to have
// an ability to pass the request from the "submitMembersForm" action.
'errors' => $request->attributes->get('errors', array()),
$operators = get_operators_list();
$group = group_by_id($group_id);
// Check if the group exists
if (!$group) {
throw new NotFoundException('The group is not found.');
$page['formop'] = array();
$page['currentgroup'] = $group
? htmlspecialchars($group['vclocalname'])
: '';
// Get list of group's members
$checked_operators = array();
foreach (get_group_members($group_id) as $rel) {
$checked_operators[] = $rel['operatorid'];
// Prepare the list of all operators
$page['operators'] = array();
foreach ($operators as $op) {
$op['vclocalename'] = $op['vclocalename'];
$op['vclogin'] = $op['vclogin'];
$op['checked'] = in_array($op['operatorid'], $checked_operators);
$page['operators'][] = $op;
// Set other values and render the page
$page['stored'] = $request->query->get('stored');
$page['title'] = getlocal('page.groupmembers.title');
$page['menuid'] = 'groups';
$page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
$page['tabs'] = $this->buildTabs($request);
return $this->render('group_members', $page);
* Processes submitting of the form which is generated in
* {@link \Mibew\Controller\GroupController::showMembersFormAction()} method.
* @param Request $request
* @return string Rendered page content
public function submitMembersFormAction(Request $request)
$operators = get_operators_list();
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id');
$group = group_by_id($group_id);
// Check if specified group exists
if (!$group) {
throw new NotFoundException('The group is not found.');
// Update members list
$new_members = array();
foreach ($operators as $op) {
if ($request->request->get('op' . $op['operatorid']) == 'on') {
$new_members[] = $op['operatorid'];
update_group_members($group_id, $new_members);
// Redirect opeartor to group members page.
$parameters = array(
'group_id' => $group_id,
'stored' => true,
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('group_members', $parameters));
* Builds a page with form for add/edit group.
* @param Request $request
* @return string Rendered page content
public function showEditFormAction(Request $request)
$operator = $request->attributes->get('_operator');
$group_id = $request->attributes->getInt('group_id', false);
$page = array(
'gid' => false,
// Use errors list stored in the request. We need to do so to have
// an ability to pass the request from the "submitEditForm" action.
'errors' => $request->attributes->get('errors', array()),
if ($group_id) {
// Check if the group exisits
$group = group_by_id($group_id);
if (!$group) {
throw new NotFoundException('The group is not found.');
// Set form values
$page['formname'] = $group['vclocalname'];
$page['formdescription'] = $group['vclocaldescription'];
$page['formcommonname'] = $group['vccommonname'];
$page['formcommondescription'] = $group['vccommondescription'];
$page['formemail'] = $group['vcemail'];
$page['formweight'] = $group['iweight'];
$page['formparentgroup'] = $group['parent'];
$page['grid'] = $group['groupid'];
$page['formtitle'] = $group['vctitle'];
$page['formchattitle'] = $group['vcchattitle'];
$page['formhosturl'] = $group['vchosturl'];
$page['formlogo'] = $group['vclogo'];
// Override group's fields from the request if it's needed. This
// case will take place when save handler fails.
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
$page['formname'] = $request->request->get('name');
$page['formdescription'] = $request->request->get('description');
$page['formcommonname'] = $request->request->get('commonname');
$page['formcommondescription'] = $request->request->get('commondescription');
$page['formemail'] = $request->request->get('email');
$page['formweight'] = $request->request->get('weight');
$page['formparentgroup'] = $request->request->get('parentgroup');
$page['formtitle'] = $request->request->get('title');
$page['formchattitle'] = $request->request->get('chattitle');
$page['formhosturl'] = $request->request->get('hosturl');
$page['formlogo'] = $request->request->get('logo');
// Set other page variables and render the template.
$page['stored'] = $request->query->has('stored');
$page['availableParentGroups'] = get_available_parent_groups($group_id);
$page['formaction'] = $request->getBaseUrl() . $request->getPathInfo();
$page['title'] = getlocal('page.group.title');
$page['menuid'] = 'groups';
$page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
$page['tabs'] = $this->buildTabs($request);
return $this->render('group_edit', $page);
* Processes submitting of the form which is generated in
* {@link \Mibew\Controller\GroupController::showEditFormAction()} method.
* @param Request $request
* @return string Rendered page content
public function submitEditFormAction(Request $request)
$errors = array();
// Use value from the form and not from the path to make sure it is
// correct. If not, treat the param as empty one.
$group_id = $request->request->get('gid', false);
if (!preg_match("/^\d{1,10}$/", $group_id)) {
$group_id = false;
$parent_group = $request->request->get('parentgroup');
if (!$parent_group || !preg_match("/^\d{1,10}$/", $parent_group)) {
$parent_group = null;
$name = $request->request->get('name');
$description = $request->request->get('description');
$common_name = $request->request->get('commonname');
$common_description = $request->request->get('commondescription');
$email = $request->request->get('email');
$weight = $request->request->get('weight');
$title = $request->request->get('title');
$chat_title = $request->request->get('chattitle');
$host_url = $request->request->get('hosturl');
$logo = $request->request->get('logo');
if (!$name) {
$errors[] = no_field("form.field.groupname");
if ($email != '' && !is_valid_email($email)) {
$errors[] = wrong_field("form.field.mail");
if (!preg_match("/^(\d{1,10})?$/", $weight)) {
$errors[] = wrong_field("form.field.groupweight");
if (!$weight) {
$weight = 0;
$existing_group = group_by_name($name);
$duplicate_name = (!$group_id && $existing_group)
|| ($group_id
&& $existing_group
&& $group_id != $existing_group['groupid']);
if ($duplicate_name) {
$errors[] = getlocal("page.group.duplicate_name");
if (count($errors) != 0) {
$request->attributes->set('errors', $errors);
// The form should be rebuild. Invoke appropriate action.
return $this->showEditFormAction($request);
if (!$group_id) {
// Greate new group
$new_dep = create_group(array(
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'commonname' => $common_name,
'commondescription' => $common_description,
'email' => $email,
'weight' => $weight,
'parent' => $parent_group,
'title' => $title,
'chattitle' => $chat_title,
'hosturl' => $host_url,
'logo' => $logo));
// Redirect an operator to group's member page.
$redirect_to = $this->generateUrl(
array('group_id' => (int)$new_dep['groupid'])
} else {
// Update exisitng group
'id' => $group_id,
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'commonname' => $common_name,
'commondescription' => $common_description,
'email' => $email,
'weight' => $weight,
'parent' => $parent_group,
'title' => $title,
'chattitle' => $chat_title,
'hosturl' => $host_url,
'logo' => $logo));
// Redirect an operator to group's page.
$redirect_to = $this->generateUrl(
array('group_id' => $group_id)
return $this->redirect($redirect_to);
* Builds list of the group tabs.
* @param Request $request Current request.
* @return array Tabs list. The keys of the array are tabs titles and the
* values are tabs URLs.
protected function buildTabs(Request $request)
$tabs = array();
$route = $request->attributes->get('_route');
$group_id = $request->attributes->get('group_id', false);
$args = array('group_id' => $group_id);
if ($group_id) {
$tabs[getlocal('page_group.tab.main')] = ($route == 'group_members')
? $this->generateUrl('group_edit', $args)
: '';
$tabs[getlocal('page_group.tab.members')] = ($route != 'group_members')
? $this->generateUrl('group_members', $args)
: '';
return $tabs;

View File

@ -61,19 +61,10 @@ canned_messages:
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\LoggedInCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\LoggedInCheck
## Groups ## Groups
path: /operator/group/{group_id}/delete
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::deleteAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
group_id: \d{1,10}
group_add: group_add:
path: /operator/group/add path: /operator/group/add
defaults: defaults:
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::showEditFormAction _controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\SettingsController::showFormAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE] _access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
methods: [GET] methods: [GET]
@ -81,15 +72,24 @@ group_add:
group_add_save: group_add_save:
path: /operator/group/add path: /operator/group/add
defaults: defaults:
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::submitEditFormAction _controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\SettingsController::submitFormAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE] _access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
methods: [POST] methods: [POST]
path: /operator/group/{group_id}/delete
_controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\ManagementController::deleteAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
group_id: \d{1,10}
group_edit: group_edit:
path: /operator/group/{group_id}/edit path: /operator/group/{group_id}/edit
defaults: defaults:
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::showEditFormAction _controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\SettingsController::showFormAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE] _access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
requirements: requirements:
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ group_edit:
group_edit_save: group_edit_save:
path: /operator/group/{group_id}/edit path: /operator/group/{group_id}/edit
defaults: defaults:
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::submitEditFormAction _controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\SettingsController::submitFormAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE] _access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
requirements: requirements:
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ group_edit_save:
group_members: group_members:
path: /operator/group/{group_id}/members path: /operator/group/{group_id}/members
defaults: defaults:
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::showMembersFormAction _controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\MembersController::showFormAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE] _access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
requirements: requirements:
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ group_members:
group_members_save: group_members_save:
path: /operator/group/{group_id}/members path: /operator/group/{group_id}/members
defaults: defaults:
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::submitMembersFormAction _controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\MembersController::submitFormAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE] _access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]
requirements: requirements:
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ group_members_save:
groups: groups:
path: /operator/group path: /operator/group
defaults: defaults:
_controller: Mibew\Controller\GroupController::indexAction _controller: Mibew\Controller\Group\ManagementController::indexAction
_access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck _access_check: Mibew\AccessControl\Check\PermissionsCheck
_access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE] _access_permissions: [CAN_ADMINISTRATE]