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* This file is part of Mibew Messenger project.
2011-02-15 00:45:18 +03:00
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Mibew Messenger Community
* All rights reserved. The contents of this file are subject to the terms of
* the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and
* is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
* the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish
* to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL, and
* not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the
* EPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them
* with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
* Contributors:
* Evgeny Gryaznov - initial API and implementation
$operator = get_logged_in();
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
if (!$operator) {
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
echo "<error><descr>" . myiconv($webim_encoding, "utf-8", escape_with_cdata(getstring("agent.not_logged_in"))) . "</descr></error>";
$threadstate_to_string = array(
$state_queue => "wait",
$state_waiting => "prio",
$state_chatting => "chat",
$state_closed => "closed",
$state_loading => "wait",
$state_left => "closed"
$threadstate_key = array(
$state_queue => "chat.thread.state_wait",
$state_waiting => "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent",
$state_chatting => "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent",
$state_closed => "chat.thread.state_closed",
$state_loading => "chat.thread.state_loading"
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
function thread_to_xml($thread, $link)
global $state_chatting, $threadstate_to_string, $threadstate_key,
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$webim_encoding, $operator, $settings,
$can_viewthreads, $can_takeover, $mysqlprefix;
$state = $threadstate_to_string[$thread['istate']];
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$result = "<thread id=\"" . $thread['threadid'] . "\" stateid=\"$state\"";
if ($state == "closed")
return $result . "/>";
$state = getstring($threadstate_key[$thread['istate']]);
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$nextagent = $thread['nextagent'] != 0 ? operator_by_id_($thread['nextagent'], $link) : null;
$threadoperator = $nextagent ? get_operator_name($nextagent)
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
: ($thread['agentName'] ? $thread['agentName'] : "-");
if ($threadoperator == "-" && $thread['groupname']) {
$threadoperator = "- " . $thread['groupname'] . " -";
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
if (!($thread['istate'] == $state_chatting && $thread['agentId'] != $operator['operatorid'] && !is_capable($can_takeover, $operator))) {
$result .= " canopen=\"true\"";
if ($thread['agentId'] != $operator['operatorid'] && $thread['nextagent'] != $operator['operatorid']
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
&& is_capable($can_viewthreads, $operator)) {
$result .= " canview=\"true\"";
if ($settings['enableban'] == "1") {
$result .= " canban=\"true\"";
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$banForThread = $settings['enableban'] == "1" ? ban_for_addr_($thread['remote'], $link) : false;
if ($banForThread) {
$result .= " ban=\"blocked\" banid=\"" . $banForThread['banid'] . "\"";
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$result .= " state=\"$state\" typing=\"" . $thread['userTyping'] . "\">";
$result .= "<name>";
if ($banForThread) {
$result .= htmlspecialchars(getstring('chat.client.spam.prefix'));
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$result .= htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars(get_user_name($thread['userName'], $thread['remote'], $thread['userid']))) . "</name>";
$result .= "<addr>" . htmlspecialchars(get_user_addr($thread['remote'])) . "</addr>";
$result .= "<agent>" . htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars($threadoperator)) . "</agent>";
$result .= "<time>" . $thread['unix_timestamp(dtmcreated)'] . "000</time>";
$result .= "<modified>" . $thread['unix_timestamp(dtmmodified)'] . "000</modified>";
if ($banForThread) {
$result .= "<reason>" . $banForThread['comment'] . "</reason>";
$userAgent = get_useragent_version($thread['userAgent']);
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$result .= "<useragent>" . $userAgent . "</useragent>";
if ($thread["shownmessageid"] != 0) {
$query = "select tmessage from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage where messageid = " . $thread["shownmessageid"];
$line = select_one_row($query, $link);
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
if ($line) {
$message = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]+/", " ", $line["tmessage"]);
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$result .= "<message>" . htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars($message)) . "</message>";
$result .= "</thread>";
return $result;
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
function print_pending_threads($groupids, $since)
global $webim_encoding, $settings, $state_closed, $state_left, $mysqlprefix;
$link = connect();
$revision = $since;
$output = array();
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$query = "select threadid, userName, agentName, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated), userTyping, " .
"unix_timestamp(dtmmodified), lrevision, istate, remote, nextagent, agentId, userid, shownmessageid, userAgent, (select vclocalname from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup where ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid = ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.groupid) as groupname " .
"from ${mysqlprefix}chatthread where lrevision > $since " .
($since <= 0
? "AND istate <> $state_closed AND istate <> $state_left "
: "") .
($settings['enablegroups'] == '1'
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
? "AND (groupid is NULL" . ($groupids
? " OR groupid IN ($groupids)"
: "") .
") "
: "") .
"ORDER BY threadid";
$rows = select_multi_assoc($query, $link);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$thread = thread_to_xml($row, $link);
$output[] = $thread;
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
if ($row['lrevision'] > $revision)
$revision = $row['lrevision'];
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
echo "<threads revision=\"$revision\" time=\"" . time() . "000\">";
foreach ($output as $thr) {
print myiconv($webim_encoding, "utf-8", $thr);
echo "</threads>";
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
function print_operators()
echo "<operators>";
$operators = operator_get_all();
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
foreach ($operators as $operator) {
if (!operator_is_online($operator))
$name = htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars($operator['vclocalename']));
$away = operator_is_away($operator) ? " away=\"1\"" : "";
echo "<operator name=\"$name\"$away/>";
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
echo "</operators>";
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
$since = verifyparam("since", "/^\d{1,9}$/", 0);
$status = verifyparam("status", "/^\d{1,2}$/", 0);
$showonline = verifyparam("showonline", "/^1$/", 0);
$link = connect();
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
if (!isset($_SESSION['operatorgroups'])) {
$_SESSION['operatorgroups'] = get_operator_groupslist($operator['operatorid'], $link);
$groupids = $_SESSION['operatorgroups'];
echo '<update>';
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
if ($showonline) {
2011-02-27 01:48:41 +03:00
print_pending_threads($groupids, $since);
echo '</update>';
notify_operator_alive($operator['operatorid'], $status);