mirror of https://github.com/Mibew/i18n.git synced 2025-03-10 16:04:09 +03:00

806 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Mibew Messenger 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@mibew.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-19 12:44+0000\n"
2016-12-24 02:39:32 +03:00
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-24 02:25+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Marek Masleyko Maslancik <masleyko@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: sk\n"
"Language-Team: Mibew Translators <support@mibew.org>\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
msgid "&lt;no description&gt;"
msgstr "&lt;no description&gt;"
msgid "(away)"
msgstr "(preč)"
msgid "(online)"
msgstr "(online)"
msgid "-all operators-"
msgstr "-všetci operátori-"
msgid "-from general settings-"
msgstr "-zo všeobecných nastavení-"
msgid "-none-"
msgstr "-none-"
msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
msgstr "0 = ľubovoľný počet pripojení"
msgid "<strong>Caution!</strong> Please don't change<br/> the code manually because<br/> we don't guarantee that<br/> it will work!"
msgstr "<strong>Pozor</strong>, <strong>nemeňte!</strong> <br/> kód ručne, pretože <br/> potom nemôžeme zaručiť funkčnosť<br/>"
msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
msgstr "História chatu bola odoslaná na adresu {0}"
msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available <a href=\"{0}\">here</a>"
msgstr "Zobrazenie všetkých stránok pre každý štýl je k dispozícii <a href=\"{0}\">tu</a>"
msgid "A preview for each style is available <a href=\"{0}\">here</a>"
msgstr "Náhľad pre každý štýl je k dispozícii <a href=\"{0}\">tu.</a>"
msgid "A preview for invitation style is available <a href=\"{0}\">here</a>"
msgstr "Náhľad štýu pozvanial je k dispozícii <a href=\"{0}\">tu.</a>"
msgid "Ability to modify profile"
msgstr "Možnosť upraviť profil"
msgid "About"
msgstr "O"
msgid "About Mibew Messenger"
msgstr "O Mibew Messenger"
msgid "Add message..."
msgstr "Pridať správu..."
msgid "Add operator..."
msgstr "Pridať operátora..."
msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
msgstr "Pridá stránku so záznamom používania messengera."
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administrácia"
msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
msgstr "Povoliť zabezpečené pripojenie (SSL)"
msgid "Allow tracking system to treat operators as normal visitors and add show in the visitors on site list."
msgstr "Allow tracking system to treat operators as normal visitors and add show in the visitors on site list."
msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
msgstr "Umožňuje návštevníkom vybrať oddelenie/skupinu"
msgid "Allows users to change their names"
msgstr "Umožňuje používateľom zmeniť svoje meno"
msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
msgstr "Požiadať návštevníka o email"
msgid "Ask your question"
msgstr "Položiť otázku"
msgid "Average chat time (in seconds)"
msgstr "Priemerná dĺžka chatu (v sekundách)"
msgid "Average waiting time (in seconds)"
msgstr "Priemerný čas čakania (v sekundách)"
msgid "Back..."
msgstr "Späť"
msgid "Beware that statistics is aggregated up to the day before yesterday."
msgstr "Uvedomte si, že štatistiky sú zoskupované až predvčerom."
msgid "Browser"
msgstr "Prehliadač"
msgid "Button HTML code generation"
msgstr "Generovanie HTML kódu tlačidla"
msgid "Button HTML code generation."
msgstr "Generovanie HTML kódu tlačidla"
msgid "Button code"
msgstr "Kód tlačidla"
msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
msgstr "Môžete spomaliť rýchlosť aktualizácie zoznamu"
msgid "Canned Messages"
msgstr "Správy"
msgid "Cannot execute:"
msgstr "Nie je možné vykonať:"
msgid "Change locale."
msgstr "Zmeniť miestne nastavenie."
msgid "Change name"
msgstr "Zmeniť meno"
msgid "Change operator"
msgstr "Zmena operátora"
msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
msgstr "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
msgid "Changes saved"
msgstr "Changes saved"
msgid "Chat history"
msgstr "História chatu"
msgid "Chat refresh time"
msgstr "Chat refresh time"
msgid "Chat themes preview"
msgstr "Chat themes preview"
msgid "Chat threads"
msgstr "Chat threads"
msgid "Chat threads by page"
msgstr "Chat threads by page"
msgid "Chat window style"
msgstr "Chat window style"
msgid "Choose Department:"
msgstr "Vyberte oddelenie:"
msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
msgstr "Choose groups according to operator skills."
msgid "Choose image"
msgstr "Choose image"
msgid "Choose style"
msgstr "Choose style"
msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.<br/>The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
msgstr "Choose the avatar file to upload.<br/>The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
msgid "Choose the translation file to upload."
msgstr "Vybrať súbor prekladu."
msgid "Choose your language"
msgstr "Vyberte jazyk"
msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
msgstr "Okno zatvoríte kliknutím na tento odkaz"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavrieť"
msgid "Close chat"
msgstr "Zavrieť chat"
msgid "Close..."
msgstr "Zavrieť..."
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kód"
msgid "Code for group"
msgstr "Kód pre skupinu"
msgid "Code for language"
msgstr "Kód jazyka"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentár"
msgid "Company title"
msgstr "Názov spoločnosti"
msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (modsecurity.org), turn on only if you have problems with it"
msgstr "Compatibility with mod_security (modsecurity.org), turn on only if you have problems with it"
msgid "Confirm new password."
msgstr "Potvrdiť nové heslo"
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Potvrdenie"
msgid "Connection timeout for messaging window"
msgstr "Časový limit pripojenia pre okno rozhovoru"
msgid "Copyright &copy; {0} Contributors of the Mibew Messenger project."
msgstr "Copyright © {0} prispievatelia projektu Mibew Messenger."
msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
msgstr "Oprava chýb:"
msgid "Create new group"
msgstr "Vytvoriť novú skupinu"
msgid "Create new group here."
msgstr "Vytvoriť novú skupinu."
msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
msgstr "Vytvorenie alebo odstránenie operátorov spoločnosti. Spravovať ich povolenia."
msgid "Cron security key"
msgstr "Cron security key"
msgid "Current avatar image"
msgstr "Aktuálny obrázok"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dátum"
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Dní"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Vymazať"
msgid "Department or skill based groups."
msgstr "Department or skill based groups."
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "Závislosti"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"
msgid "Description in English."
msgstr "Popis v anglickom jazyku."
msgid "Description of the group."
msgstr "Popis skupiny."
msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
msgstr "Destination for your company name or logo link"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Stiahnuť"
msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
msgstr "E-mail: {0}"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "E-mail"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Upraviť"
msgid "Edit general operator settings."
msgstr "Edit general operator settings."
msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
msgstr "Upraviť správy, ktoré často zadávate do chatu."
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "E-mail:"
msgid "Enable \"Groups Isolation\""
msgstr "Enable \"Groups Isolation\""
msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
msgstr "Povoliť \"Skupiny\""
msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
msgstr "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
msgstr "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
msgstr "Enable \"Statistics\""
msgid "Enable \"Tracking and inviting\""
msgstr "Enable \"Tracking and inviting\""
msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
msgstr "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
msgid "Enable tracking of visitors' activity on your site and ability to invite visitors to chat."
msgstr "Enable tracking of visitors' activity on your site and ability to invite visitors to chat."
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "vstúpiť"
msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
msgstr "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
msgstr "Enter an email to receive system messages"
msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
msgstr "Enter http address of your company logo"
msgid "Enter your company title"
msgstr "Enter your company title"
msgid "Enter your email:"
msgstr "Zadajte svoj e-mail:"
msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
msgstr "Zadané prihlasovacie meno/heslo je nesprávne"
msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
msgstr "Zadané heslá sa nezhodujú"
msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Prostredie:"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
msgid "Error occurred:"
msgstr "Nastala chyba"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Example"
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Ukončiť"
msgid "Features activated"
msgstr "Features activated"
msgid "For group:"
msgstr "Pre skupinu:"
msgid "For language:"
msgstr "Pre jazyk:"
msgid "For more information visit the official site of the project: <a href=\"https://mibew.org/\">https://mibew.org/</a>"
msgstr "Pre viac informácií navštívte oficiálne stránky projektu: <a href=\"https://mibew.org/\">https://mibew.org/</a>"
msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
msgstr "For notifications and password retrieval."
msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
msgstr "Force all chats to be secure"
msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
msgstr "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
msgstr "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "Zabudli ste heslo?"
msgid "Found 0 elements"
msgstr "Found 0 elements"
msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
msgstr "Z tejto stránky môžete vytvárať rôzne zostavy používania."
msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports. Last time statistics was calculated {0}. You can calculate it <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">manually</a>."
msgstr "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports. Last time statistics was calculated {0}. You can calculate it <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">manually</a>."
msgid "From:"
msgstr "From:"
msgid "Functions available for site operators."
msgstr "Funkcie dostupné pre operátorov stránky"
msgid "General"
msgstr "General"
msgid "Generating code type"
msgstr "Generating code type"
msgid "Group details"
msgstr "Group details"
msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
msgstr "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Skupiny"
msgid "Groups can be organized in a hierarchical structure"
msgstr "Groups can be organized in a hierarchical structure"
msgid "Groups with lower weight display higher in groups list. Group weight is a positive integer value."
msgstr "Groups with lower weight display higher in groups list. Group weight is a positive integer value."
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "Hosť"
msgid "HTML code"
msgstr "HTML code"
msgid "Here you can manage plugins. Notice that plugins are configured via the main config file."
msgstr "Here you can manage plugins. Notice that plugins are configured via the main config file."
msgid "Hide menu"
msgstr "Hide menu"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Domov"
msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
msgstr "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
msgstr "Ak nesúhlasíte s prekladom zašlite aktualizáciu."
msgid "Include host name into the code"
msgstr "Include host name into the code"
msgid "Info: {0}"
msgstr "Info: {0}"
msgid "Initial Question:"
msgstr "Prvá otázka:"
msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Nainštalované lokalizácie:"
msgid "International description"
msgstr "International description"
msgid "International name"
msgstr "International name"
msgid "International name (Latin)"
msgstr "International name (Latin)"
msgid "Invitation lifetime"
msgstr "Invitation lifetime"
msgid "Invitation style"
msgstr "Invitation style"
msgid "Invitation themes preview"
msgstr "Invitation themes preview"
msgid "Invitations accepted"
msgstr "Invitations accepted"
msgid "Invitations ignored"
msgstr "Invitations ignored"
msgid "Invitations rejected"
msgstr "Invitations rejected"
msgid "Invitations sent"
msgstr "Invitations sent"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
msgid "Language of the messages left by visitors"
msgstr "Language of the messages left by visitors"
msgid "Language of the messages that could be left by visitors when operators aren't available"
msgstr "Language of the messages that could be left by visitors when operators aren't available"
msgid "Last active"
msgstr "Last active"
msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Posledná verzia:"
msgid "Leave your message"
msgstr "Zanechajte svoj odkaz"
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licencia"
msgid "Limit for tracked visitors list"
msgstr "Limit for tracked visitors list"
msgid "List of visitors waiting"
msgstr "List of visitors waiting"
msgid "Live support"
msgstr "Podpora Live"
msgid "Locales"
msgstr "Locales"
msgid "Localize"
msgstr "Lokalizovať"
msgid "Log out of the system."
msgstr "Odhláste sa zo systému."
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Prihlásenie"
msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
msgstr "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
msgid "Login:"
msgstr "Login:"
msgid "Machine name"
msgstr "Machine name"
msgid "Mail body"
msgstr "Mail body"
msgid "Mail subject"
msgstr "Mail subject"
msgid "Mail templates"
msgstr "Mailové šablóny"
msgid "Main"
msgstr "Hlavné"
msgid "Manage mail templates."
msgstr "Správa mailových šablón."
msgid "Manage plugins."
msgstr "Správa pluginov."
msgid "Manage styles."
msgstr "Správa štýlov."
msgid "Manage translations."
msgstr "Správa prekladov."
msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
msgstr "Max number of threads from one address"
msgid "Maximum size of uploaded files"
msgstr "Maximum size of uploaded files"
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Members"
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Správa"
msgid "Messages from operators"
msgstr "Messages from operators"
msgid "Messages from visitors"
msgstr "Messages from visitors"
msgid "Messenger settings"
msgstr "Messenger settings"
msgid "Mibew <span class=\"grey\">Messenger</span>"
msgstr "Mibew <span class=\"grey\">Messenger</span>"
msgid "Mibew Messenger"
msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
msgstr "Mibew Messenger Komunita"
msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0."
msgstr "Mibew Messenger je open-source aplikácia pre živú podporu , licencovaná podľa podmienok Apache License 2.0."
msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
msgstr "Mibew Messenger je open-source aplikácia live podpory."
msgid "Missed threads"
msgstr "Missed threads"
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "upraviť"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Meno"
msgid "Name in English."
msgstr "Name in English."
msgid "Name of your company for example."
msgstr "Name of your company for example."
msgid "Name to identify the group."
msgstr "Name to identify the group."
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Meno:"
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Never"
msgid "No elements"
msgstr "No elements"
msgid "No file selected"
msgstr "No file selected"
msgid "No. Close the window"
msgstr "Nie. Zavrieť okno"
msgid "Not enough data"
msgstr "Not enough data"
msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
msgstr "Táto adresa je blokovaná niekoľko dní"
msgid "OFFLINE"
msgstr "Offline"
msgid "ONLINE"
msgstr "Online"
msgid "On this page you can configure locales which are used in the system"
msgstr "Na tejto stránke môžete konfigurovať locales, ktoré sa používajú v systéme"
msgid "On this page you can download translations."
msgstr "Na tejto stránke si môžete stiahnuť preklady."
msgid "On this page you can edit mail templates which are used in the system."
msgstr "On this page you can edit mail templates which are used in the system."
msgid "On this page you can upload a custom translation file."
msgstr "Na tejto stránke môžete nahrať vlastný preklad súboru."
msgid "Operator"
msgstr "Operator"
msgid "Operator <strong>{0}</strong> changed operator <strong>{1}</strong>"
msgstr "Operátor <strong>{0}</strong> zmenil operátora <strong>{1}</strong>"
msgid "Operator details"
msgstr "Operator details"
msgid "Operator groups"
msgstr "Operator groups"
msgid "Operator online time threshold"
msgstr "Operator online time threshold"
msgid "Operator pages themes preview"
msgstr "Operator pages themes preview"
msgid "Operator {0} is back"
msgstr "Operátor {0} je späť"
msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
msgstr "Operátor {0} sa pripojil k chatu"
msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
msgstr "Operátor {0} opustil chat"
msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
msgstr "Operator's console refresh time"
msgid "Operator:"
msgstr "OPERÁTOR:"
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Operátori"
msgid "Optional Services"
msgstr "Optional Services"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Iné"
msgid "Override existing translations"
msgstr "Prepísať existujúce preklady"
msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
msgstr "Stránka {0} z {1}, {2}-{3} zo {4}"
msgid "Parent group"
msgstr "Parent group"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "Performance"
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permissions"
msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Photo"
msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte svoje užívateľské meno a heslo pre prístup k administrátorsým nástrojom."
msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
msgstr "Vyplňte \"{0}\" správne."
msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
msgstr "Vyplňte \"{0}\"."
msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
msgstr "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
msgstr "Použite novšiu verziu prehliadača"
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Pluginy"
msgid "Powered by:"
msgstr "Zabezpečuje:"
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
msgstr "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
msgid "Reason for block"
msgstr "Dôvodom blokovania"
msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
msgstr "Presmerovať návštevníka k inému operátorovi"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnoviť"
msgid "Remember"
msgstr "Zapamätať"
msgid "Remote user is typing..."
msgstr "Vzdialený používateľ je písanie..."
msgid "Remove avatar"
msgstr "Remove avatar"
msgid "Replaces translated strings in the database with values from the imported file."
msgstr "Nahradí preložené reťazce v databáze s hodnotami z importovaného súboru."
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Uložiť"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hľadať"
msgid "Search in system messages"
msgstr "Search in system messages"
msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
msgstr "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
msgid "Search the dialogs history."
msgstr "Prehľadávať históriu dialógov."
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Search:"
msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
msgstr "Select a style for your chat windows"
msgid "Select a style for your invitation"
msgstr "Select a style for your invitation"
msgid "Select a style for your operator pages"
msgstr "Select a style for your operator pages"
msgid "Select answer..."
msgstr "Vyberte odpoveď..."
msgid "Select dates"
msgstr "Select dates"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Odoslať"
msgid "Send ({0})"
msgstr "Odoslať ({0})"
msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
msgstr "Odosielanie histórie konverzácie prostredníctvom e-mailu"
msgid "Send chat history<br/>by mail"
msgstr "Odosielanie histórie konverzácie<br>poštou"
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Poslať správu"
msgid "Send messages with:"
msgstr "Send messages with:"
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Odoslané"
msgid "Set the number of seconds after the last ping to consider the chat window still connected. Default is 30 seconds."
msgstr "Set the number of seconds after the last ping to consider the chat window still connected. Default is 30 seconds."
msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
msgstr "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"
msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
msgstr "Show chats only through https connection"
msgid "Show initial question field"
msgstr "Show initial question field"
msgid "Show menu"
msgstr "Show menu"
msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
msgstr "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
msgstr "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
msgstr "Show/hide email field in the survey"
msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
msgstr "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
msgid "Site consultant"
msgstr "Konzultant:"
msgid "Site style"
msgstr "Site style"
msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
msgstr "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment. <br/>Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa. Momentálnie nie je k dispozícii nikto z tímu podpory.<br>Zanechajte odkaz a odpovieme vám čo najskôr."
msgid "Sort by:"
msgstr "Zoradiť podľa:"
msgid "Sort direction:"
msgstr "Sort direction:"
msgid "Source string"
msgstr "Zdrojový reťazec"
msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
msgstr "Špecifikujte možnosti ovplyvňujúce okno chatu a spoločné správanie systému."
msgid "Specify the lifetime of invitation in seconds. Default is 60 seconds."
msgstr "Specify the lifetime of invitation in seconds. Default is 60 seconds."
msgid "Specify the lifetime of old visitor's tracks in seconds. Default is 600 seconds."
msgstr "Specify the lifetime of old visitor's tracks in seconds. Default is 600 seconds."
msgid "Specify the lifetime of the thread after closing the dialog box in seconds. Default is 600 seconds. Set 0 for unlimited thread lifetime."
msgstr "Specify the lifetime of the thread after closing the dialog box in seconds. Default is 600 seconds. Set 0 for unlimited thread lifetime."
msgid "Specify the number of items to display in tracked visitors list. Default is 20. Set 0 for all visitors (not recommended)."
msgstr "Specify the number of items to display in tracked visitors list. Default is 20. Set 0 for all visitors (not recommended)."
msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 10 seconds."
msgstr "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 10 seconds."
msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
msgstr "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
msgid "Start Chat"
msgstr "Začať rozhovor"
msgid "State"
msgstr "State"
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Štatistiky"
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Štýly"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Odovzdať"
msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
msgstr "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
msgid "System information"
msgstr "Systémové informácie"
msgid "Take over chat thread"
msgstr "Take over chat thread"
msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
msgstr "Ďakujeme, že ste nás kontaktovali. Operátor sa vám bude hneď venovať."
msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
msgstr "Ďakujeme, že ste nás kontaktovali. Prosím, vyplňte formulár nižšie a kliknite na tlačidlo začať chatovať."
msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
msgstr "Ďakujeme vám za vašu správu. Odpovieme na vaše otázky mailom čo najskôr."
msgid "The fields that located below are extra fields. These fields are only available for the top level groups and override corresponding system settings if specified."
msgstr "The fields that located below are extra fields. These fields are only available for the top level groups and override corresponding system settings if specified."
msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
msgstr "Zadané písmená sa nezhodujú z obrázkom."
msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click <a href=\"{1}\">here</a> if you want to edit it."
msgstr "Zadaná adresa sa už používa. Pre úpravu kliknite <a href=\"{1}\">sem</a>."
msgid "The table below represents a list of visitors ready to chat on your site."
msgstr "The table below represents a list of visitors ready to chat on your site."
msgid "The upper limit of uploaded files (avatars) in bytes. Default is 100000 bytes."
msgstr "The upper limit of uploaded files (avatars) in bytes. Default is 100000 bytes."
msgid "The visitor changed their name <strong>{0}</strong> to <strong>{1}</strong>"
msgstr "Návštevník zmenil ich názov <strong>{0}</strong> na <strong>{1}</strong>"
msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
msgstr "This name will be seen by your visitors."
msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
msgstr "This page displays a list of company operators."
msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
msgstr "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
msgstr "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
msgid "Thread lifetime"
msgstr "Thread lifetime"
msgid "Threads by operator"
msgstr "Threads by operator"
msgid "Till:"
msgstr "Till:"
msgid "Time in chat"
msgstr "Time in chat"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Title"
msgid "Title in the chat window"
msgstr "Title in the chat window"
msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
msgstr "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
msgid "To invite the visitor to chat click on his/her name in the list."
msgstr "To invite the visitor to chat click on his/her name in the list."
msgid "To run cron use link <a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>."
msgstr "To run cron use link <a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>."
msgid "Today at {0}"
msgstr "Today at {0}"
msgid "Track lifetime"
msgstr "Track lifetime"
msgid "Track operators"
msgstr "Track operators"
msgid "Tracking refresh time"
msgstr "Tracking refresh time"
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Preklad"
msgid "Translation imported"
msgstr "Preklady importované"
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Preklady"
msgid "Translations export"
msgstr "Export prekladov"
msgid "Translations import"
msgstr "Import prekladov"
msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
msgstr "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
msgid "URL of your website"
msgstr "URL of your website"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Nahrať"
msgid "Upload avatar"
msgstr "Upload avatar"
msgid "Upload photo"
msgstr "Upload photo"
msgid "Upload translation"
msgstr "Nahrať preklad"
msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
msgstr "Usage statistics for each date"
msgid "Use it to completely isolate groups from each other."
msgstr "Use it to completely isolate groups from each other."
msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
msgstr "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
msgid "Use secure links (https)"
msgstr "Use secure links (https)"
msgid "Use to start chat with determined operator"
msgstr "Use to start chat with determined operator"
msgid "Use windows (even for modern browsers)"
msgstr "Use windows (even for modern browsers)"
msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
msgstr "User name, operator name or message text search:"
msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
msgstr "Pomocou neho môžete blokovať útoky z určitých IP adries"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verzia"
msgid "View about page."
msgstr ""
msgid "View and edit the member list."
msgstr "Zobrazenie a úprava zoznamu členov."
msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
msgstr "Zobraziť chat iného prevádzkovateľa"
msgid "Visitor <span class=\"visitor\">{0}</span> is already being assisted by <span class=\"operator\">{1}</span>.<br/> Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
msgstr "Návštevníkovi <span class=\"visitor\">{0}</span> už asistuje <span class=\"operator\">{1}</span>.<br>Začať chatovať s návštevníkom?"
msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
msgstr "Návštevník zatvoril chatovacie okno"
msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
msgstr "Návštevník sa opäť pripojil k chatu"
msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
msgstr "Návštevník odišiel do {0}"
msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
msgstr "Návštevník {0} opustil chat"
msgid "Visitor's address"
msgstr "Adresa návštevníka"
msgid "Visitor's identifier"
msgstr "Identifikátor návštevníka"
msgid "Visitor's messages"
msgstr "Správy od návštevníka"
msgid "Visitors"
msgstr "Návštevníci"
msgid "Visitors on site"
msgstr "Návštevníci na stránke"
msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
msgstr "Návštevník prišiel zo stránky {0}"
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Weight"
msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
msgstr "Včera na {0}"
msgid "You are"
msgstr "Ste"
msgid "You are <a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>"
msgstr "Ste <a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>"
msgid "You are Offline. <a href=\"{0}\">Connect...</a>"
msgstr "Ste Offline. <a href=\"{0}\">Pripojiť...</a>"
msgid "You are chatting with:"
msgstr "Hovoríte s:"
msgid "You are using:"
msgstr "Používate:"
msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
msgstr "Môžete zmeniť vaše osobné údaje na tejto stránke."
msgid "You can create a new operator here."
msgstr "You can create a new operator here."
msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
msgstr ""
msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
msgstr "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
msgstr "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
msgstr "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
msgid "Your avatar image."
msgstr "Váš avatar."
msgid "Your company logo"
msgstr "Logo spoločnosti"
msgid "Your email"
msgstr "Váš e-mail"
msgid "Your message has been sent"
msgstr "Vaša správa bola odoslaná"
msgid "Your name"
msgstr "Vaše meno"
msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
msgstr "Operátor má problémy s pripojením. Budete vybavený prioritne. Ospravedlňujeme sa za zdržanie."
msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
msgstr "Platnosť relácie uplynula. Prihláste sa znova"
msgid "[spam]"
msgstr "[spam]&nbsp;"
msgid "ascending"
msgstr "Vzostupne"
msgid "button"
msgstr "tlačidlo"
msgid "by operator"
msgstr "by operator"
msgid "by visitor"
msgstr "by visitor"
msgid "descending"
msgstr "Zostupne"
msgid "disable"
msgstr "zakázať"
msgid "edit"
msgstr "upraviť"
msgid "enable"
msgstr "povoliť"
msgid "everywhere"
msgstr "everywhere"
msgid "in messages"
msgstr "in messages"
msgid "mandatory fields"
msgstr "povinné polia"
msgid "next"
msgstr "ďalejmsgid "not initialized"
msgstr "not initialized"
msgid "operator code field"
msgstr "operator code field"
msgid "remove"
msgstr "odstrániť"
msgid "text link"
msgstr "text link"
msgid "without menu"
msgstr "bez menu"