*Requires either [GMP (GNU Multiple Precision)](http://php.net/manual/en/book.gmp.php) or [BC Math (BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics)](http://php.net/manual/en/book.bc.php) PHP extension.*
1. Get the archive with the plugin sources. You can download it from the [official site](https://mibew.org/plugins#mibew-geoip) or build the plugin from sources.
3. Put files of the plugins to the `<Mibew root>/plugins` folder.
4. Obtain a copy of MaxMind's GeoIP2 City datatbase. You can use a free one from here http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/.
5. Rename the database file to `GeoIP.mmdb` and put it into `<Mibew root>/plugins/Mibew/Mibew/Plugin/GeoIp/db` directory.
6. (optional) Add plugins configs to "plugins" structure in "`<Mibewroot>`/configs/config.yml". If the "plugins" stucture looks like `plugins: []` it will become:
"Mibew:GeoIp": # Plugin's configurations are described below