html Class
This is the global function is the main entry for interacting with the HTML5 for PHP library.
using html()
global function you can create HTML5 quickly and easily. For more
examples and instruction on how to use this library, please refer to the the
GitHub project.
To install the library simply include html.php
, this takes care of any autoloading that's needed
for the rest of the library.
echo html('img src=home.jpg');
echo html('img', 'src=home.jpg');
echo html('a', array('href'=>'about.html'));
StringThe name of the tag as a string for example 'tr', 'table', can be followed by CSS selector, e.g. 'a#backButton' or 'a.button'
Dictionary | Node | String | Array optionalIf the tag is a NodeContainer, this can be an array of attributes, another html node or some text. If the tag is a single node, this can be an array or chain of attributes
Dictionary | String optionalThe attributes list for container tags (e.g., 'class:selected')
Return the html node