$page['reportByDate']=select_multi_assoc("select DATE(t.dtmcreated) as date, COUNT(distinct t.threadid) as threads, SUM(m.ikind = $kind_agent) as agents, SUM(m.ikind = $kind_user) as users, ROUND(AVG(unix_timestamp(t.dtmchatstarted)-unix_timestamp(t.dtmcreated)),1) as avgwaitingtime, ROUND(AVG(tmp.lastmsgtime - unix_timestamp(t.dtmchatstarted)),1) as avgchattime ".
"from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage m, ${mysqlprefix}chatthread t, (SELECT i.threadid, unix_timestamp(MAX(i.dtmcreated)) AS lastmsgtime FROM ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage i WHERE (ikind = $kind_user OR ikind = $kind_agent) GROUP BY i.threadid) tmp ".
"where m.threadid = t.threadid AND tmp.threadid = t.threadid AND unix_timestamp(t.dtmchatstarted) <> 0 AND unix_timestamp(m.dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(m.dtmcreated) < $end group by DATE(m.dtmcreated) order by m.dtmcreated desc",$link);
$page['reportByDateTotal']=select_one_row("select DATE(t.dtmcreated) as date, COUNT(distinct t.threadid) as threads, SUM(m.ikind = $kind_agent) as agents, SUM(m.ikind = $kind_user) as users, ROUND(AVG(unix_timestamp(t.dtmchatstarted)-unix_timestamp(t.dtmcreated)),1) as avgwaitingtime, ROUND(AVG(tmp.lastmsgtime - unix_timestamp(t.dtmchatstarted)),1) as avgchattime ".
"from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage m, ${mysqlprefix}chatthread t, (SELECT i.threadid, unix_timestamp(MAX(i.dtmcreated)) AS lastmsgtime FROM ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage i WHERE (ikind = $kind_user OR ikind = $kind_agent) GROUP BY i.threadid) tmp ".
"where m.threadid = t.threadid AND tmp.threadid = t.threadid AND unix_timestamp(t.dtmchatstarted) <> 0 AND unix_timestamp(m.dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(m.dtmcreated) < $end",$link);
$page['reportByAgent']=select_multi_assoc("select vclocalename as name, COUNT(distinct threadid) as threads, SUM(ikind = $kind_agent) as msgs, AVG(CHAR_LENGTH(tmessage)) as avglen ".
"where agentId = operatorid AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) < $end group by operatorid",$link);
$page['reportByPage']=select_multi_assoc("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.pageid) as visittimes, p.address, COUNT(DISTINCT t.threadid) as chattimes ".
"FROM ${mysqlprefix}visitedpagestatistics p LEFT OUTER JOIN ${mysqlprefix}chatthread t ON (p.address = t.referer AND DATE(p.visittime) = DATE(t.dtmcreated)) ".
"WHERE unix_timestamp(p.visittime) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(p.visittime) < $end GROUP BY p.address",$link);