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synced 2025-03-23 06:31:24 +03:00
As discussed in #648, implemented JavaScript based support for a search query in the URL. This feature does two things: 1. If you go to `www.simpleicons.org/?q=adobe`, the page will load with a search query for the string `'adobe'`. 2. If you start searching on `www.simpleicons.org`, the url will be updated with each keystroke to `www.simpleicons.org/?q=hellowor`. Since `window.history.replaceState` is being used, this changing of the URL does not mess with the browser history. I.e. if the user came from www.google.com, started searching and press the back button they will return to www.google.com immediately.
641 lines
23 KiB
641 lines
23 KiB
{% assign iconsUnsortedString = "" %}
{% assign greyscaleIconsUnsortedString = "" %}
{% for icon in site.data.simple-icons.icons %}
{% assign title = icon.title %}
{% assign filename = icon.title | replace: "+", "plus" | replace: " ", "" | replace: ".", "" | replace: "-", "" | replace: "!", "" | replace: "’", "" | downcase %}
{% assign hex = icon.hex %}
{% assign hex = icon.hex %}
{% assign hexCharacter1 = hex | slice: 0, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter2 = hex | slice: 1, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter3 = hex | slice: 2, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter4 = hex | slice: 3, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter5 = hex | slice: 4, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter6 = hex | slice: 5, 1 %}
{% capture hexCharacterString %}{{ hexCharacter1 }},{{ hexCharacter2 }},{{ hexCharacter3 }},{{ hexCharacter4 }},{{ hexCharacter5 }},{{ hexCharacter6 }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign hexCharacterArray = hexCharacterString | split: "," %}
{% assign rgbString = "" %}
{% for hexCharacter in hexCharacterArray %}
{% case hexCharacter %}
{% when "A" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "10" %}
{% when "B" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "11" %}
{% when "C" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "12" %}
{% when "D" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "13" %}
{% when "E" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "14" %}
{% when "F" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "15" %}
{% else %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: hexCharacter %}
{% endcase %}
{% unless forloop.last %}{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "," %}{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign rgbArray = rgbString | split: "," %}
{% assign rgbRed = rgbArray[0] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[1] | divided_by: 255.0 | round: 2 %}
{% assign rgbGreen = rgbArray[2] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[3] | divided_by: 255.0 | round: 2 %}
{% assign rgbBlue = rgbArray[4] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[5] | divided_by: 255.0 | round: 2 %}
{% assign rgbMax = 0.0 %}
{% if rgbRed > rgbMax %}
{% assign rgbMax = rgbRed %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbGreen > rgbMax %}
{% assign rgbMax = rgbGreen %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbBlue > rgbMax %}
{% assign rgbMax = rgbBlue %}
{% endif %}
{% assign rgbMin = 1.0 %}
{% if rgbRed < rgbMin %}
{% assign rgbMin = rgbRed %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbGreen < rgbMin %}
{% assign rgbMin = rgbGreen %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbBlue < rgbMin %}
{% assign rgbMin = rgbBlue %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbRed <= 0.03928 %}
{% assign lRed = rgbRed | divided_by: 12.92 | times: 0.2126 %}
{% else %}
{% assign lRed = rgbRed | times: 0.3053 | plus: 0.6822 | times: rgbRed | plus: 0.0125 | times: rgbRed | times: 0.2126 %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbGreen <= 0.03928 %}
{% assign lGreen = rgbGreen | divided_by: 12.92 | times: 0.7152 %}
{% else %}
{% assign lGreen = rgbGreen | times: 0.3053 | plus: 0.6822 | times: rgbGreen | plus: 0.0125 | times: rgbGreen | times: 0.7152 %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbBlue <= 0.03928 %}
{% assign lBlue = rgbBlue | divided_by: 12.92 | times: 0.0722 %}
{% else %}
{% assign lBlue = rgbBlue | times: 0.3053 | plus: 0.6822 | times: rgbBlue | plus: 0.0125 | times: rgbBlue | times: 0.0722 %}
{% endif %}
{% assign luminance = lRed | plus: lGreen | plus: lBlue %}
{% if luminance >= 0.83 %}
{% assign class = "grid-item--dark" %}
{% else %}
{% assign class = "grid-item--light" %}
{% endif %}
{% assign hslLuminance = rgbMax | plus: rgbMin | times: 50.0 %}
{% assign rgbDelta = rgbMax | minus: rgbMin %}
{% if rgbDelta == 0 %}
{% assign hslHue = 0 %}
{% assign hslSaturation = 0 %}
{% else %}
{% if hslLuminance < 0.5 %}
{% assign rgbMaxPlusMin = rgbMax | plus: rgbMin %}
{% assign hslSaturation = 100 | times: rgbDelta | divided_by: rgbMaxPlusMin %}
{% else %}
{% assign rgbTwoMinusMaxMinusMin = 2 | minus: rgbMax | minus: rgbMin %}
{% assign hslSaturation = 100 | times: rgbDelta | divided_by: rgbTwoMinusMaxMinusMin %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbMax == rgbRed %}
{% assign hslHue = rgbGreen | minus: rgbBlue | divided_by: rgbDelta | times: 60.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% elsif rgbMax == rgbGreen %}
{% assign hslHue = rgbBlue | minus: rgbRed | divided_by: rgbDelta | plus: 2.0 | times: 60.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign hslHue = rgbRed | minus: rgbGreen | divided_by: rgbDelta | plus: 4.0 | times: 60.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% endif %}
{% assign hslHue = hslHue | plus: 90.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if hslSaturation < 10 %}
{% assign hslLuminance = hslLuminance | round: 0 | prepend: "000" | slice: -3, 3 %}
{% capture greyscaleIconsUnsortedString %}{{ greyscaleIconsUnsortedString }}{{ hslLuminance }},{{ filename }},{{ hslHue }},{{ hslSaturation }},{{ hex }},{{ title }},{{ class }}{% unless forloop.last %};{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign hslHue = hslHue | round: 0 | prepend: "000" | slice: -3, 3 %}
{% capture iconsUnsortedString %}{{ iconsUnsortedString }}{{ hslHue }},{{ hslSaturation }},{{ hslLuminance }},{{ filename }},{{ hex }},{{ title }},{{ class }}{% unless forloop.last %};{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign iconsArray = iconsUnsortedString | split: ";" %}
{% assign iconsArray = iconsArray | sort %}
{% assign greyscaleIconsArray = greyscaleIconsUnsortedString | split: ";" %}
{% assign greyscaleIconsArray = greyscaleIconsArray | sort | reverse %}
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<header class="navbar" role="banner">
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<li class="navbar__nav-item navbar__nav-item--home"><a href="/">Simple Icons</a></li>
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<li class="navbar__nav-item"><a href="https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons">GitHub</a></li>
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<main role="main">
<p class="hero">Free <abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphic">SVG</abbr> icons for popular brands</p>
<div class="search">
<div class="search__wrapper">
<div class="search__close"><span>×</span></div>
<input type="text" placeholder="Search by brand …" title="Search not available when JavaScript is disabled" disabled />
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<script async type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.carbonads.com/carbon.js?zoneid=1696&serve=CVYD42T&placement=simpleiconsorg" id="_carbonads_js"></script>
{% for icon in iconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
<li class="grid-item {{ iconArray[6] }}" style="background-color: #{{ iconArray[4] }}">
<a class="grid-item__link" href="/icons/{{ iconArray[3] }}.svg" download>
{% assign filePath = iconArray[3] | prepend: "icons/" | append: ".svg" %}
{% include_relative {{ filePath }} %}
<h2 class="grid-item__title">{{ iconArray[5] }}</h2>
<p class="grid-item__subtitle">#{{ iconArray[4] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% for icon in greyscaleIconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
<li class="grid-item {{ iconArray[6] }}" style="background-color: #{{ iconArray[4] }}">
<a class="grid-item__link" href="/icons/{{ iconArray[1] }}.svg" download>
{% assign filePath = iconArray[1] | prepend: "icons/" | append: ".svg" %}
{% include_relative {{ filePath }} %}
<h2 class="grid-item__title">{{ iconArray[5] }}</h2>
<p class="grid-item__subtitle">#{{ iconArray[4] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<footer class="footer" role="contentinfo">
<p>A <a href="https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/blob/develop/LICENSE.md">CC0</a> project maintained by the <a href="https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/graphs/contributors">Simple Icons Contributors</a>.<br>
Use <a href="https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons">GitHub</a> for requests, corrections and contributions.</p>
<a class="share-button" href="https://twitter.com/share?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsimpleicons.org&via=bathtype&text=Simple%20Icons%3A%20free%20SVG%20icons%20for%20popular%20brands.">Share this on Twitter!</a>
{% assign allIconNames = "" %}
{% for icon in iconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
{% capture allIconNames %}{{ allIconNames }}"{{ iconArray[3] }}",{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
{% for icon in greyscaleIconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
{% capture allIconNames %}{{ allIconNames }}"{{ iconArray[1] }}"{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(document) {
var icons = [{{ allIconNames }}].map(normalizeSearchTerm),
queryParameter = 'q',
$grid = document.querySelector('.grid'),
$icons = $grid.querySelectorAll('.grid-item:not(.grid-item--ad)'),
$search = document.querySelector('.search'),
$searchClose = $search.querySelector('.search__close'),
$searchInput = $search.querySelector('input');
// Remove the "disabled" attribute from the search input
$searchInput.setAttribute('title', 'Search Simple Icons');
// include a modified debounce underscorejs helper function.
// see
// - http://underscorejs.org/docs/underscore.html#section-83
// - http://underscorejs.org/#debounce
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result;
var later = function() {
var last = +new Date - timestamp;
if (last < wait && last >= 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last);
} else {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = null;
return function() {
context = this;
args = arguments;
timestamp = +new Date;
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
context = args = null;
return result;
function search(value) {
var hiddenCounter = 0,
value = normalizeSearchTerm(value);
icons.forEach(function(e, i) {
if (e.indexOf(value) > -1) {
} else {
$grid.classList.toggle('search__empty', hiddenCounter == icons.length);
function normalizeSearchTerm(value) {
return value.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// Load search query if present
var query = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get(queryParameter);
if (query !== null) {
$searchInput.value = query;
$search.addEventListener('input', debounce(function(e) {
var value = e.target.value;
if (value) {
window.history.replaceState(null, '', '?' + queryParameter + '=' + value);
} else {
window.history.replaceState(null, '', '/');
}, 50), false);
$searchClose.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
$searchInput.value = '';
window.history.replaceState(null, '', '/');
}, false);
})( document );