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synced 2025-01-19 16:40:35 +03:00
211 lines
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211 lines
8.0 KiB
{% assign sortableString = "" %}
{% assign sortableStringGreys = "" %}
{% for icon in site.data.simple-icons.icons %}
{% assign hex = icon.hex %}
{% assign hexR1 = hex | slice: 0, 1 %}
{% assign hexR2 = hex | slice: 1, 1 %}
{% assign hexG1 = hex | slice: 2, 1 %}
{% assign hexG2 = hex | slice: 3, 1 %}
{% assign hexB1 = hex | slice: 4, 1 %}
{% assign hexB2 = hex | slice: 5, 1 %}
{% capture hexString %}{{ hexR1 }},{{ hexR2 }},{{ hexG1 }},{{ hexG2 }},{{ hexB1 }},{{ hexB2 }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign hexArray = hexString | split: "," %}
{% assign decString = "" %}
{% for hex in hexArray %}
{% case hex %}
{% when "0" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "0" %}
{% when "1" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "1" %}
{% when "2" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "2" %}
{% when "3" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "3" %}
{% when "4" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "4" %}
{% when "5" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "5" %}
{% when "6" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "6" %}
{% when "7" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "7" %}
{% when "8" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "8" %}
{% when "9" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "9" %}
{% when "A" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "10" %}
{% when "B" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "11" %}
{% when "C" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "12" %}
{% when "D" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "13" %}
{% when "E" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "14" %}
{% when "F" %}
{% assign decString = decString | append: "15" %}
{% endcase %}
{% unless forloop.last %}{% assign decString = decString | append: "," %}{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign decArray = decString | split: "," %}
{% assign decR = decArray[0] | times: 16 | plus: decArray[1] | divided_by: 255.0 %}
{% assign decG = decArray[2] | times: 16 | plus: decArray[3] | divided_by: 255.0 %}
{% assign decB = decArray[4] | times: 16 | plus: decArray[5] | divided_by: 255.0 %}
{% if decR <= decG and decR <= decB %}
{% assign decMin = decR %}
{% endif %}
{% if decG < decR and decG <= decB %}
{% assign decMin = decG %}
{% endif %}
{% if decB < decR and decB < decG %}
{% assign decMin = decB %}
{% endif %}
{% if decR >= decG and decR >= decB %}
{% assign decMax = decR %}
{% endif %}
{% if decG > decR and decG >= decB %}
{% assign decMax = decG %}
{% endif %}
{% if decB > decR and decB > decG %}
{% assign decMax = decB %}
{% endif %}
{% assign decDelta = decMax | minus: decMin | times: 1.0 %}
{% assign hslL = decMax | plus: decMin | times: 50.0 %}
{% if decMax == decMin %}
{% assign hslH = 360.0 %}
{% assign hslS = 0.0 %}
{% else %}
{% if hslL < 50 %}
{% assign hslS = decMax | plus: decMin | times: 0.01 %}
{% assign hslS = decDelta | divided_by: hslS %}
{% else %}
{% assign hslS = 2 | minus: decMax | minus: decMin | times: 1.0 %}
{% assign hslS = 100 | times: decDelta | divided_by: hslS %}
{% endif %}
{% if decMax == decR %}
{% assign hslH = decG | minus: decB | divided_by: decDelta | times: 60.0 %}
{% if hslH < 0 %}
{% assign hslH = hslH | plus: 360.0 %}
{% endif %}
{% else if decMax == decG %}
{% assign hslH = decB | minus: decR | divided_by: decDelta | plus: 2.0 | times: 60.0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign hslH = decR | minus: decG | divided_by: decDelta | plus: 4.0 | times: 60.0 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign hslH = hslH | plus: 90 | modulo: 360 %}
{% assign padding = "" %}
{% if hslH < 100 %}
{% assign padding = "0" %}
{% endif %}
{% if hslH < 10 %}
{% assign padding = "00" %}
{% endif %}
{% if hslS < 25 %}
{% capture sortableStringGreys %}{{ sortableStringGreys }}|{{ hslL }}${{ padding }}{{ hslH }}${{ hslS }}${{ hex }}${{ icon.title }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture sortableString %}{{ sortableString }}|{{ padding }}{{ hslH }}${{ hslS }}${{ hslL }}${{ hex }}${{ icon.title }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign sortableString = sortableString | replace_first: "|", "" %}
{% assign sortableArray = sortableString | split: "|" %}
{% assign sortableArray = sortableArray | sort %}
{% assign sortableArrayGreys = sortableStringGreys | split: "|" %}
{% assign sortableArrayGreys = sortableArrayGreys | sort | reverse %}
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{% for entry in sortableArray %}
{% assign entryArray = entry | split: "$" %}
<li class="grid-item" style="background-color:#{{ entryArray[3] }}">
<a class="grid-item__link" href="#">
<img class="grid-item__image" src="http://placehold.it/24x24">
<h2 class="grid-item__title">{{ entryArray[1] }}</h2>
<p class="grid-item__subtitle">#{{ entryArray[3] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% for entry in sortableArrayGreys %}
{% assign entryArray = entry | split: "$" %}
<li class="grid-item" style="background-color:#{{ entryArray[3] }}">
<a class="grid-item__link" href="#">
<img class="grid-item__image" src="http://placehold.it/24x24">
<h2 class="grid-item__title">{{ entryArray[4] }}</h2>
<p class="grid-item__subtitle">#{{ entryArray[3] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<!-- <li class="grid-item">
<a class="grid-item__link" href="#">
<img class="grid-item__image" src="http://placehold.it/24x24" alt="Icon name">
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<p class="grid-item__subtitle">#AABBCC</p>
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<p>A <a href="https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons/blob/master/LICENSE.md">CC0</a> project maintained by <a href="https://twitter.com/bathtype">Dan Leech</a>.</p>
<p>Use <a href="https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons">GitHub</a> for requests, corrections and contributions.</p>