Eric Cornelissen 4d1b1db1bd Improve Formula for Display Colours ()
* Update luminance formula

Following  this updates the formula for computing the luminance
of a brand colour and selecting the appropriate colour class.


Co-Authored-By: Peter Noble <>

* Update luminance threshold from 210 to 160
2020-01-22 23:34:49 +01:00

261 lines
18 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

{% assign iconsUnsortedString = "" %}
{% assign greyscaleIconsUnsortedString = "" %}
{% for icon in %}
{% assign title = icon.title %}
{% assign filename = icon.title %}
{% comment %} Replace a period by 'dot' {% endcomment %}
{% assign _splitFilename = filename | split: "" %}
{% if _splitFilename.first == "." %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace_first: ".", "dot-" %}
{% endif %}
{% if _splitFilename.last == "." %}
{% assign _filenameLenMin1 = filename | size | minus: 1 %}
{% assign filename = filename | slice: 0, _filenameLenMin1 | append: "-dot" %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} Replace an ampersand by 'and' {% endcomment %}
{% if _splitFilename.first == "&" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace_first: "&", "and-" %}
{% endif %}
{% if _splitFilename.last == "&" %}
{% assign _filenameLenMin1 = filename | size | minus: 1 %}
{% assign filename = filename | slice: 0, _filenameLenMin1 | append: "-and" %}
{% endif %}
{% assign filename = filename | downcase %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "+", "plus" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: ".", "-dot-" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "&", "-and-" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: " ", "" | replace: "!", "" | replace: "", "" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "à", "a" | replace: "á", "a" | replace: "â", "a" | replace: "ã", "a" | replace: "ä", "a" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "ç", "c" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "è", "e" | replace: "é", "e" | replace: "ê", "e" | replace: "ë", "e" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "ì", "i" | replace: "í", "i" | replace: "î", "i" | replace: "ï", "i" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "ñ", "n" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "ò", "o" | replace: "ó", "o" | replace: "ô", "o" | replace: "õ", "o" | replace: "ö", "o" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "ù", "u" | replace: "ú", "u" | replace: "û", "u" | replace: "ü", "u" %}
{% assign filename = filename | replace: "ý", "y" | replace: "ÿ", "y" %}
{% assign hex = icon.hex %}
{% assign hex = icon.hex %}
{% assign hexCharacter1 = hex | slice: 0, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter2 = hex | slice: 1, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter3 = hex | slice: 2, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter4 = hex | slice: 3, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter5 = hex | slice: 4, 1 %}
{% assign hexCharacter6 = hex | slice: 5, 1 %}
{% capture hexCharacterString %}{{ hexCharacter1 }},{{ hexCharacter2 }},{{ hexCharacter3 }},{{ hexCharacter4 }},{{ hexCharacter5 }},{{ hexCharacter6 }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign hexCharacterArray = hexCharacterString | split: "," %}
{% assign rgbString = "" %}
{% for hexCharacter in hexCharacterArray %}
{% case hexCharacter %}
{% when "A" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "10" %}
{% when "B" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "11" %}
{% when "C" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "12" %}
{% when "D" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "13" %}
{% when "E" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "14" %}
{% when "F" %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "15" %}
{% else %}
{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: hexCharacter %}
{% endcase %}
{% unless forloop.last %}{% assign rgbString = rgbString | append: "," %}{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign rgbArray = rgbString | split: "," %}
{% assign rgbRed = rgbArray[0] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[1] | divided_by: 255.0 | round: 2 %}
{% assign rgbGreen = rgbArray[2] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[3] | divided_by: 255.0 | round: 2 %}
{% assign rgbBlue = rgbArray[4] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[5] | divided_by: 255.0 | round: 2 %}
{% assign rgbMax = 0.0 %}
{% if rgbRed > rgbMax %}
{% assign rgbMax = rgbRed %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbGreen > rgbMax %}
{% assign rgbMax = rgbGreen %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbBlue > rgbMax %}
{% assign rgbMax = rgbBlue %}
{% endif %}
{% assign rgbMin = 1.0 %}
{% if rgbRed < rgbMin %}
{% assign rgbMin = rgbRed %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbGreen < rgbMin %}
{% assign rgbMin = rgbGreen %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbBlue < rgbMin %}
{% assign rgbMin = rgbBlue %}
{% endif %}
{% assign redLuminance = rgbArray[0] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[1] | times: 0.299 | round: 0 %}
{% assign greenLuminance = rgbArray[2] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[3] | times: 0.587 | round: 0 %}
{% assign blueLuminance = rgbArray[4] | times: 16 | plus: rgbArray[5] | times: 0.114 | round: 0 %}
{% assign luminance = redLuminance | plus: greenLuminance | plus: blueLuminance %}
{% if luminance < 160 %}
{% assign class = "grid-item--light" %}
{% else %}
{% assign class = "grid-item--dark" %}
{% endif %}
{% assign hslLuminance = rgbMax | plus: rgbMin | times: 50.0 %}
{% assign rgbDelta = rgbMax | minus: rgbMin %}
{% if rgbDelta == 0 %}
{% assign hslHue = 0 %}
{% assign hslSaturation = 0 %}
{% else %}
{% if hslLuminance < 0.5 %}
{% assign rgbMaxPlusMin = rgbMax | plus: rgbMin %}
{% assign hslSaturation = 100 | times: rgbDelta | divided_by: rgbMaxPlusMin %}
{% else %}
{% assign rgbTwoMinusMaxMinusMin = 2 | minus: rgbMax | minus: rgbMin %}
{% assign hslSaturation = 100 | times: rgbDelta | divided_by: rgbTwoMinusMaxMinusMin %}
{% endif %}
{% if rgbMax == rgbRed %}
{% assign hslHue = rgbGreen | minus: rgbBlue | divided_by: rgbDelta | times: 60.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% elsif rgbMax == rgbGreen %}
{% assign hslHue = rgbBlue | minus: rgbRed | divided_by: rgbDelta | plus: 2.0 | times: 60.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign hslHue = rgbRed | minus: rgbGreen | divided_by: rgbDelta | plus: 4.0 | times: 60.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% endif %}
{% assign hslHue = hslHue | plus: 90.0 | modulo: 360.0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if hslSaturation < 10 %}
{% assign hslLuminance = hslLuminance | round: 0 | prepend: "000" | slice: -3, 3 %}
{% capture greyscaleIconsUnsortedString %}{{ greyscaleIconsUnsortedString }}{{ hslLuminance }},{{ filename }},{{ hslHue }},{{ hslSaturation }},{{ hex }},{{ title }},{{ class }},{{ forloop.index }}{% unless forloop.last %};{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign hslHue = hslHue | round: 0 | prepend: "000" | slice: -3, 3 %}
{% capture iconsUnsortedString %}{{ iconsUnsortedString }}{{ hslHue }},{{ hslSaturation }},{{ hslLuminance }},{{ filename }},{{ hex }},{{ title }},{{ class }},{{ forloop.index }}{% unless forloop.last %};{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign iconsArray = iconsUnsortedString | split: ";" | sort %}
{% assign greyscaleIconsArray = greyscaleIconsUnsortedString | split: ";" | sort | reverse %}
{% assign allIconNames = "" %}
{% for icon in iconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
{% capture allIconNames %}{{ allIconNames }}"{{ iconArray[5] }}",{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
{% for icon in greyscaleIconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
{% capture allIconNames %}{{ allIconNames }}"{{ iconArray[5] }}"{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
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{% for icon in iconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
<li class="grid-item {{ iconArray[6] }}" style="background-color: #{{ iconArray[4] }}; --order-alpha: {{ iconArray[7] }}">
<a class="grid-item__link" href="/icons/{{ iconArray[3] }}.svg" download>
{% assign filePath = iconArray[3] | prepend: "icons/" | append: ".svg" %}
{% include_relative {{ filePath }} %}
<h2 class="grid-item__title">{{ iconArray[5] }}</h2>
<p class="grid-item__subtitle">#{{ iconArray[4] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% for icon in greyscaleIconsArray %}
{% assign iconArray = icon | split: "," %}
<li class="grid-item {{ iconArray[6] }}" style="background-color: #{{ iconArray[4] }}; --order-alpha: {{ iconArray[7] }}">
<a class="grid-item__link" href="/icons/{{ iconArray[1] }}.svg" download>
{% assign filePath = iconArray[1] | prepend: "icons/" | append: ".svg" %}
{% include_relative {{ filePath }} %}
<h2 class="grid-item__title">{{ iconArray[5] }}</h2>
<p class="grid-item__subtitle">#{{ iconArray[4] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
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