/** * @fileoverview * Simple Icons SDK. */ import path from 'node:path'; import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; /** * @typedef {import("./sdk").ThirdPartyExtension} ThirdPartyExtension * @typedef {import("./sdk").IconData} IconData */ const TITLE_TO_SLUG_REPLACEMENTS = { '+': 'plus', '.': 'dot', '&': 'and', đ: 'd', ħ: 'h', ı: 'i', ĸ: 'k', ŀ: 'l', ł: 'l', ß: 'ss', ŧ: 't', }; const TITLE_TO_SLUG_CHARS_REGEX = RegExp( `[${Object.keys(TITLE_TO_SLUG_REPLACEMENTS).join('')}]`, 'g', ); const TITLE_TO_SLUG_RANGE_REGEX = /[^a-z0-9]/g; /** * Regex to validate HTTPs URLs. */ export const URL_REGEX = /^https:\/\/[^\s]+$/; /** * Get the directory name where this file is located from `import.meta.url`, * equivalent to the `__dirname` global variable in CommonJS. * @param {String} importMetaUrl import.meta.url * @returns {String} Directory name in which this file is located */ export const getDirnameFromImportMeta = (importMetaUrl) => path.dirname(fileURLToPath(importMetaUrl)); /** * Get the slug/filename for an icon. * @param {IconData} icon The icon data as it appears in *_data/simple-icons.json* * @returns {String} The slug/filename for the icon */ export const getIconSlug = (icon) => icon.slug || titleToSlug(icon.title); /** * Extract the path from an icon SVG content. * @param {String} svg The icon SVG content * @returns {String} The path from the icon SVG content **/ export const svgToPath = (svg) => svg.match(/ title .toLowerCase() .replace( TITLE_TO_SLUG_CHARS_REGEX, (char) => TITLE_TO_SLUG_REPLACEMENTS[char], ) .normalize('NFD') .replace(TITLE_TO_SLUG_RANGE_REGEX, ''); /** * Converts a slug into a variable name that can be exported. * @param {String} slug The slug to convert * @returns {String} The variable name for the slug */ export const slugToVariableName = (slug) => { const slugFirstLetter = slug[0].toUpperCase(); const slugRest = slug.slice(1); return `si${slugFirstLetter}${slugRest}`; }; /** * Converts a brand title as defined in *_data/simple-icons.json* into a brand * title in HTML/SVG friendly format. * @param {String} brandTitle The title to convert * @returns {String} The brand title in HTML/SVG friendly format */ export const titleToHtmlFriendly = (brandTitle) => brandTitle .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/./g, (char) => { const charCode = char.charCodeAt(0); return charCode > 127 ? `&#${charCode};` : char; }); /** * Converts a brand title in HTML/SVG friendly format into a brand title (as * it is seen in *_data/simple-icons.json*) * @param {String} htmlFriendlyTitle The title to convert * @returns {String} The brand title in HTML/SVG friendly format */ export const htmlFriendlyToTitle = (htmlFriendlyTitle) => htmlFriendlyTitle .replace(/&#([0-9]+);/g, (_, num) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(num))) .replace( /&(quot|amp|lt|gt);/g, (_, ref) => ({ quot: '"', amp: '&', lt: '<', gt: '>' }[ref]), ); /** * Get path of *_data/simpe-icons.json*. * @param {String} rootDir Path to the root directory of the project * @returns {String} Path of *_data/simple-icons.json* */ export const getIconDataPath = ( rootDir = getDirnameFromImportMeta(import.meta.url), ) => { return path.resolve(rootDir, '_data', 'simple-icons.json'); }; /** * Get contents of *_data/simple-icons.json*. * @param {String} rootDir Path to the root directory of the project * @returns {String} Content of *_data/simple-icons.json* */ export const getIconsDataString = ( rootDir = getDirnameFromImportMeta(import.meta.url), ) => { return fs.readFile(getIconDataPath(rootDir), 'utf8'); }; /** * Get icons data as object from *_data/simple-icons.json*. * @param {String} rootDir Path to the root directory of the project * @returns {IconData[]} Icons data as array from *_data/simple-icons.json* */ export const getIconsData = async ( rootDir = getDirnameFromImportMeta(import.meta.url), ) => { const fileContents = await getIconsDataString(rootDir); return JSON.parse(fileContents).icons; }; /** * Replace Windows newline characters by Unix ones. * @param {String} text The text to replace * @returns {String} The text with Windows newline characters replaced by Unix ones */ export const normalizeNewlines = (text) => { return text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); }; /** * Convert non-6-digit hex color to 6-digit with the character `#` stripped. * @param {String} text The color text * @returns {String} The color text in 6-digit hex format */ export const normalizeColor = (text) => { let color = text.replace('#', '').toUpperCase(); if (color.length < 6) { color = [...color.slice(0, 3)].map((x) => x.repeat(2)).join(''); } else if (color.length > 6) { color = color.slice(0, 6); } return color; }; /** * Get information about third party extensions from the README table. * @param {String} readmePath Path to the README file * @returns {Promise} Information about third party extensions */ export const getThirdPartyExtensions = async ( readmePath = path.join( getDirnameFromImportMeta(import.meta.url), 'README.md', ), ) => normalizeNewlines(await fs.readFile(readmePath, 'utf8')) .split('## Third-Party Extensions\n\n')[1] .split('\n\n')[0] .split('\n') .slice(2) .map((line) => { let [module, author] = line.split(' | '); // README shipped with package has not Github theme image links module = module.split('