#!/usr/bin/env node /** * @fileoverview * Compiles our icons into static .js files that can be imported in the browser * and are tree-shakeable. * The static .js files go in icons/{filename}.js. * Also generates an index.js that exports all icons by title, but is not tree-shakeable */ const dataFile = "../_data/simple-icons.json"; const indexFile = `${__dirname}/../index.js`; const iconsDir = `${__dirname}/../icons`; const data = require(dataFile); const fs = require("fs"); const { titleToFilename } = require("./utils"); // Local helper functions function iconToKeyValue(icon) { return `'${icon.title}':${iconToObject(icon)}`; } function iconToObject(icon) { return `{title:'${icon.title}',svg:'${icon.svg}',get path(){return this.svg.match(/ { const filename = titleToFilename(icon.title); icon.svg = fs.readFileSync(`${iconsDir}/${filename}.svg`, "utf8"); icons.push(icon) // write the static .js file for the icon fs.writeFileSync( `${iconsDir}/${filename}.js`, `module.exports=${iconToObject(icon)};` ); }); // write our generic index.js const iconsString = icons.map(iconToKeyValue).join(','); fs.writeFileSync(indexFile, `module.exports={${iconsString}};`);