import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import inquirer from 'inquirer'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import getRelativeLuminance from 'get-relative-luminance'; import { URL_REGEX, collator, getIconsDataString, getIconDataPath, writeIconsData, titleToSlug, normalizeColor, } from './utils.js'; const hexPattern = /^#?[a-f0-9]{3,8}$/i; const iconsData = JSON.parse(await getIconsDataString()); const titleValidator = (text) => { if (!text) return 'This field is required'; if ( iconsData.icons.find( (x) => x.title === text || titleToSlug(x.title) === titleToSlug(text), ) ) return 'This icon title or slug already exist'; return true; }; const hexValidator = (text) => hexPattern.test(text) ? true : 'This should be a valid hex code'; const sourceValidator = (text) => URL_REGEX.test(text) ? true : 'This should be a secure URL'; const hexTransformer = (text) => { const color = normalizeColor(text); const luminance = hexPattern.test(text) ? getRelativeLuminance.default(`#${color}`) : -1; if (luminance === -1) return text; return chalk.bgHex(`#${color}`).hex(luminance < 0.4 ? '#fff' : '#000')(text); }; const getIconDataFromAnswers = (answers) => ({ title: answers.title, hex: answers.hex, source: answers.source, ...(answers.hasGuidelines ? { guidelines: answers.guidelines } : {}), ...(answers.hasLicense ? { license: { type: answers.licenseType, ...(answers.licenseUrl ? { url: answers.licenseUrl } : {}), }, } : {}), }); const dataPrompt = [ { type: 'input', name: 'title', message: 'Title', validate: titleValidator, }, { type: 'input', name: 'hex', message: 'Hex', validate: hexValidator, filter: (text) => normalizeColor(text), transformer: hexTransformer, }, { type: 'input', name: 'source', message: 'Source', validate: sourceValidator, }, { type: 'confirm', name: 'hasGuidelines', message: 'The icon has brand guidelines?', }, { type: 'input', name: 'guidelines', message: 'Guidelines', validate: sourceValidator, when: ({ hasGuidelines }) => hasGuidelines, }, { type: 'confirm', name: 'hasLicense', message: 'The icon has brand license?', }, { type: 'input', name: 'licenseType', message: 'License type', validate: (text) => Boolean(text), when: ({ hasLicense }) => hasLicense, }, { type: 'input', name: 'licenseUrl', message: 'License URL', suffix: ' (optional)', validate: (text) => !Boolean(text) || sourceValidator(text), when: ({ hasLicense }) => hasLicense, }, { type: 'confirm', name: 'confirm', message: (answers) => { const icon = getIconDataFromAnswers(answers); return [ 'About to write to simple-icons.json', chalk.reset(JSON.stringify(icon, null, 4)), chalk.reset('Is this OK?'), ].join('\n\n'); }, }, ]; const answers = await inquirer.prompt(dataPrompt); const icon = getIconDataFromAnswers(answers); if (answers.confirm) { iconsData.icons.push(icon); iconsData.icons.sort((a, b) =>, b.title)); await writeIconsData(iconsData); } else { console.log('Aborted.'); process.exit(1); }