const data = require("./_data/simple-icons.json");
const { htmlFriendlyToTitle } = require("./scripts/utils.js");

const titleRegexp = /(.+) icon$/;

module.exports = {
    rules: {
        elm: {
            "svg": 1,
            "svg > title": 1,
            "svg > path": 1,
            "*": false,
        attr: [
            { // ensure that the SVG elm has the appropriate attrs
                "role": "img",
                "viewBox": "0 0 24 24",
                "xmlns": "",

                "rule::selector": "svg",
                "rule::whitelist": true,
            { // ensure that the title elm has the appropriate attr
                "rule::selector": "svg > title",
                "rule::whitelist": true,
            { // ensure that the path element only has the 'd' attr (no style, opacity, etc.)
                "d": /^[,a-zA-Z0-9\. -]+$/,
                "rule::selector": "svg > path",
                "rule::whitelist": true,
        custom: [
          function(reporter, $, ast) {
            const iconTitleText = $.find("title").text();
            if (!titleRegexp.test(iconTitleText)) {
              reporter.error("<title> should follow the format \"[ICON_NAME] icon\"");
            } else {
              const titleMatch = iconTitleText.match(titleRegexp);
              // titleMatch = [ "[ICON_NAME] icon", "[ICON_NAME]" ]
              const rawIconName = titleMatch[1];
              const iconName = htmlFriendlyToTitle(rawIconName);
              const icon = data.icons.find(icon => icon.title === iconName);
              if (icon === undefined) {
                reporter.error(`No icon with title "${iconName}" found in simple-icons.json`);