const { icons } = require('../_data/simple-icons.json'); const simpleIcons = require('../index.js'); const { getIconSlug } = require("../scripts/utils.js"); icons.forEach(icon => { const name = icon.slug || icon.title; const subject = simpleIcons[name]; test(`${icon.title} has the correct "title"`, () => { expect(typeof subject.title).toBe('string'); expect(subject.title).toEqual(icon.title); }); test(`${icon.title} has the correct "slug"`, () => { expect(typeof subject.slug).toBe('string'); expect(subject.slug).toEqual(getIconSlug(icon)); }); test(`${icon.title} has the correct "hex" value`, () => { expect(typeof subject.hex).toBe('string'); expect(subject.hex).toEqual(icon.hex); }); test(`${icon.title} has the correct "source"`, () => { expect(typeof subject.source).toBe('string'); expect(subject.source).toEqual(icon.source); }); test(`${icon.title} has an "svg" value`, () => { expect(typeof subject.svg).toBe('string'); }); test(`${icon.title} has a valid "path" value`, () => { expect(typeof subject.path).toBe('string'); expect(subject.path).toMatch(/^[MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAaEe0-9-,.\s]+$/g); }); test(`${icon.title} has ${icon.guidelines ? "the correct" : "no"} "guidelines"`, () => { if (icon.guidelines) { expect(typeof subject.guidelines).toBe('string'); expect(subject.guidelines).toEqual(icon.guidelines); } else { expect(subject.guidelines).toBeUndefined(); } }); test(`${icon.title} has ${icon.license ? "the correct" : "no"} "license"`, () => { if (icon.license) { expect(typeof subject.license).toBe('object'); expect(subject.license).toHaveProperty('type', icon.license.type); if (icon.license.type === "custom") { expect(subject.license).toHaveProperty('url', icon.license.url); } else { expect(typeof subject.license.url).toBe('string'); expect(subject.license.url).toMatch(/^https?:\/\/[^\s]+$/); } } else { expect(subject.license).toBeUndefined(); } }); // NOTE: Icons with custom slugs have a custom slug because their title is // already taken, so they should not be findable by their title. if (icon.slug === undefined) { test(`${icon.title} can be found by it's title`, () => { const found = simpleIcons.get(icon.title); expect(found).toBeDefined(); expect(found.title).toEqual(icon.title); expect(found.hex).toEqual(icon.hex); expect(found.source).toEqual(icon.source); }); } test(`${icon.title} can be found by it's slug`, () => { const name = getIconSlug(icon); const found = simpleIcons.get(name); expect(found).toBeDefined(); expect(found.title).toEqual(icon.title); expect(found.hex).toEqual(icon.hex); expect(found.source).toEqual(icon.source); }); }); test(`Iterating over simpleIcons only exposes icons`, () => { const iconArray = Object.values(simpleIcons); for (let icon of iconArray) { expect(icon).toBeDefined(); expect(typeof icon).toBe('object'); } });