* Add URL friendy/slug/file name as property to package icon objects
* Test new property
* Add 'name' property to examples in README
* Rename "name" property to "slug"
* Reduce package size by replacing JSON.stringify by custom stringify func
* Replace path data by getter
* Replace getter by Object.defineProperty
* Remove icon.path definition
* Revert 801c07d4
Apperantly getters have better support then Objct.defineProperty...
* Update prepublish script to add path to generated .js files
* Test generated path values
* Fix Furry Network icon
The Furry Network icon used to have "e"s in the path, however the
official SVG definition does not specify the E command.
source: https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_path.asp
Because it was renamed it may result in unexpected errors --> breaking
This is a temporary solution to circumvent the problem. This can be
removed once some other breaking changes are also present and a major
new version is released. I propose removing this change when
https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/issues/1362 is implemented
* Add prepublish script
Compiles icons into both static js files (icons/{filename}.js) and
into a static index.js. The latter is not tree-shakeable.
Closes#941, closes#751
* Add information on tree-shaking to README
* Remove index.js after publishing
* Change 'prepublish' to 'prepublishOnly'
* Link to webpack in README
* Simplify postpublish cleanup
Thanks @ericcornelissen
* Fix quote usage in prepublish.js
* Fix quote usage in utils.js
* Optimized file size of prepublish output
* Improved readability of prepublish script