mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:58:31 +03:00
Fix linting error and refactor .svglintrc.mjs
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,5 @@
"icon-size": {
"M22.915 8.321c-.642-.997-1.542-1.879-2.672-2.624-2.185-1.436-5.056-2.227-8.084-2.227-1.012 0-2.009.088-2.976.262a9.84 9.84 0 0 0-2.046-1.509C4.378.848 1.947 1.361.719 1.802a.59.59 0 0 0-.229.964c.866.894 2.299 2.66 1.946 4.267C1.067 8.431.324 10.117.324 11.872c0 1.789.742 3.475 2.112 4.873.352 1.607-1.081 3.374-1.947 4.268a.589.589 0 0 0 .229.963c1.228.442 3.659.955 6.418-.421a9.892 9.892 0 0 0 2.046-1.509c.968.174 1.964.262 2.976.262 3.029 0 5.9-.79 8.084-2.226 1.131-.744 2.031-1.626 2.672-2.624.715-1.11 1.077-2.306 1.077-3.552.001-1.279-.361-2.473-1.076-3.585zm-10.881 9.916c-1.309 0-2.558-.169-3.696-.474l-.832.8A7.609 7.609 0 0 1 5.972 19.7a6.033 6.033 0 0 1-2.17.613c.041-.073.078-.147.117-.221.833-1.531 1.059-2.907.674-4.128-1.363-1.071-2.181-2.442-2.181-3.935 0-3.427 4.308-6.206 9.621-6.206 5.313 0 9.622 2.779 9.622 6.206.001 3.429-4.307 6.208-9.621 6.208zM8.85 12.01c0 .777-.635 1.407-1.418 1.407-.783 0-1.418-.63-1.418-1.407s.635-1.407 1.418-1.407c.783 0 1.418.63 1.418 1.407zm4.563 0c0 .777-.635 1.407-1.418 1.407-.783 0-1.418-.63-1.418-1.407s.635-1.407 1.418-1.407c.783 0 1.418.63 1.418 1.407zm4.565 0c0 .777-.635 1.407-1.418 1.407-.783 0-1.418-.63-1.418-1.407s.635-1.407 1.418-1.407c.783 0 1.418.63 1.418 1.407z": "Rocket.Chat"
"ineffective-segments": {
"M12 1.25l6.75 6.637V2L12 1.25zm0 0l-6.05 7h12.1l-6.05-7zm0 0L5.25 2v5.887L12 1.25zM5.25 2L0 9l4.416-.68L5.25 2zM0 9l11.959 13.703.008-.014L4.443 9H0zm18.75-7l.834 6.32L24 9l-5.25-7zM24 9h-4.506l-7.523 9zM12 22.75l-.031-.057-. 9l6.533 13.686L18.564 9H5.436Z": "Sketch"
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ const svglintIgnores = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(svglintIgnoredFile, 'utf8'));
const svgRegexp =
/^<svg( [^\s]*=".*"){3}><title>.*<\/title><path d=".*"\/><\/svg>$/;
const negativeZerosRegexp = /-0(?=[^\.]|[\s\d\w]|$)/g;
const svgPathRegexp = /^[Mm][MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAaEe0-9\-,. ]+$/;
const iconSize = 24;
const iconFloatPrecision = 3;
@ -105,14 +106,17 @@ const getTitleTextIndex = (svgFileContent) => {
const hexadecimalToDecimal = (hex) => {
let result = 0,
hex = hex.toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i++) {
digitValue = '0123456789abcdefgh'.indexOf(hex[i]);
for (const digit of hex.toLowerCase()) {
digitValue = '0123456789abcdefgh'.indexOf(digit);
result = result * 16 + digitValue;
return result;
const maybeShortenedWithEllipsis = (str) => {
return str.length > 20 ? `${str.substring(0, 20)}...` : str;
if (updateIgnoreFile) {
process.on('exit', () => {
// ensure object output order is consistent due to async svglint processing
@ -154,7 +158,8 @@ export default {
attr: [
// ensure that the SVG elm has the appropriate attrs alphabetically ordered
// ensure that the SVG element has the appropriate attributes
// alphabetically ordered
role: 'img',
viewBox: `0 0 ${iconSize} ${iconSize}`,
xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
@ -163,13 +168,14 @@ export default {
'rule::order': true,
// ensure that the title elm has the appropriate attr
// ensure that the title element has the appropriate attribute
'rule::selector': 'svg > title',
'rule::whitelist': true,
// ensure that the path element only has the 'd' attr (no style, opacity, etc.)
d: /^[,a-zA-Z0-9\. -]+$/,
// ensure that the path element only has the 'd' attribute
// (no style, opacity, etc.)
d: svgPathRegexp,
'rule::selector': 'svg > path',
'rule::whitelist': true,
@ -190,7 +196,7 @@ export default {
if (hexadecimalCodepoints.length > 0) {
_validCodepointsRepr = false;
hexadecimalCodepoints.forEach((match) => {
for (const match of hexadecimalCodepoints) {
const charHexReprIndex =
getTitleTextIndex(ast.source) + match.index + 1;
const charDec = hexadecimalToDecimal(match[1]);
@ -207,10 +213,11 @@ export default {
`Hexadecimal representation of encoded character "${match[0]}" found at index ${charHexReprIndex}:` +
'Hexadecimal representation of encoded character' +
` "${match[0]}" found at index ${charHexReprIndex}:` +
` replace it with "${charRepr}".`,
// avoid character codepoints as named entities
@ -218,7 +225,7 @@ export default {
if (namedEntitiesCodepoints.length > 0) {
namedEntitiesCodepoints.forEach((match) => {
for (const match of namedEntitiesCodepoints) {
const namedEntiyReprIndex =
getTitleTextIndex(ast.source) + match.index + 1;
@ -242,11 +249,12 @@ export default {
`Named entity representation of encoded character "${match[0]}" found at index ${namedEntiyReprIndex}.` +
'Named entity representation of encoded character' +
` "${match[0]}" found at index ${namedEntiyReprIndex}.` +
` Replace it with ${replacement}.`,
if (_validCodepointsRepr) {
@ -256,16 +264,15 @@ export default {
encodedBuf = [];
const _indexesToIgnore = [];
for (let m = 0; m < encodingMatches.length; m++) {
let index = encodingMatches[m].index;
for (let r = index; r < index + encodingMatches[m][0].length; r++) {
const indexesToIgnore = [];
for (const match of encodingMatches) {
for (let r = match.index; r < match.index + match[0].length; r++) {
for (let i = iconTitleText.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (_indexesToIgnore.includes(i)) {
if (indexesToIgnore.includes(i)) {
} else {
// encode all non ascii characters plus "'&<> (XML named entities)
@ -298,32 +305,32 @@ export default {
// check if there are some other encoded characters in decimal notation
// which shouldn't be encoded
.filter((m) => !isNaN(m[2]))
.forEach((match) => {
const decimalNumber = parseInt(match[2]);
if (decimalNumber < 128) {
_validCodepointsRepr = false;
for (const match of encodingMatches.filter((m) => !isNaN(m[2]))) {
const decimalNumber = parseInt(match[2]);
if (decimalNumber > 127) {
_validCodepointsRepr = false;
const decimalCodepointCharIndex =
getTitleTextIndex(ast.source) + match.index + 1;
if (xmlNamedEntitiesCodepoints.includes(decimalNumber)) {
replacement = `"&${
} else {
replacement = String.fromCharCode(decimalNumber);
replacement = replacement == '"' ? `'"'` : `"${replacement}"`;
const decimalCodepointCharIndex =
getTitleTextIndex(ast.source) + match.index + 1;
if (xmlNamedEntitiesCodepoints.includes(decimalNumber)) {
replacement = `"&${
} else {
replacement = String.fromCodePoint(decimalNumber);
replacement = replacement == '"' ? `'"'` : `"${replacement}"`;
`Unnecessary encoded character "${match[0]}" found at index ${decimalCodepointCharIndex}:` +
` replace it with ${replacement}.`,
`Unnecessary encoded character "${match[0]}" found` +
` at index ${decimalCodepointCharIndex}:` +
` replace it with ${replacement}.`,
if (_validCodepointsRepr) {
const iconName = htmlFriendlyToTitle(iconTitleText);
@ -338,7 +345,7 @@ export default {
(reporter, $, ast) => {
(reporter, $) => {
reporter.name = 'icon-size';
const iconPath = $.find('path').attr('d');
@ -359,7 +366,8 @@ export default {
} else if (width !== iconSize && height !== iconSize) {
`Size of <path> must be exactly ${iconSize} in one dimension; the size is currently ${width} x ${height}`,
`Size of <path> must be exactly ${iconSize} in one dimension;` +
` the size is currently ${width} x ${height}`,
if (updateIgnoreFile) {
ignoreIcon(reporter.name, iconPath, $);
@ -370,51 +378,36 @@ export default {
reporter.name = 'icon-precision';
const iconPath = $.find('path').attr('d');
if (!updateIgnoreFile && isIgnored(reporter.name, iconPath)) {
const segments = parsePath(iconPath);
const segments = parsePath(iconPath),
svgFileContent = $.html();
segments.forEach((segment) => {
for (const segment of segments) {
const precisionMax = Math.max(
if (precisionMax > iconMaxFloatPrecision) {
let errorMsg = `found ${precisionMax} decimals in segment "${iconPath.substring(
let errorMsg =
`found ${precisionMax} decimals in segment` +
` "${iconPath.substring(segment.start, segment.end)}"`;
if (segment.chained) {
let readableChain = iconPath.substring(
const readableChain = maybeShortenedWithEllipsis(
iconPath.substring(segment.chainStart, segment.chainEnd),
if (readableChain.length > 20) {
readableChain = `${readableChain.substring(0, 20)}...`;
errorMsg += ` of chain "${readableChain}"`;
errorMsg += ` at index ${
segment.start + getPathDIndex(svgFileContent)
segment.start + getPathDIndex(ast.source)
`Maximum precision should not be greater than ${iconMaxFloatPrecision}; ${errorMsg}`,
'Maximum precision should not be greater than' +
` ${iconMaxFloatPrecision}; ${errorMsg}`,
if (updateIgnoreFile) {
ignoreIcon(reporter.name, iconPath, $);
(reporter, $, ast) => {
reporter.name = 'ineffective-segments';
const iconPath = $.find('path').attr('d');
if (!updateIgnoreFile && isIgnored(reporter.name, iconPath)) {
const segments = parsePath(iconPath);
const absSegments = svgpath(iconPath).abs().unshort().segments;
@ -451,6 +444,7 @@ export default {
const isInvalidSegment = (
[command, x1Coord, y1Coord, ...rest],
) => {
if (commands.includes(command)) {
// Relative directions (h or v) having a length of 0
@ -464,7 +458,9 @@ export default {
x1Coord === 0 &&
y1Coord === 0
) {
return true;
// When the path is closed (z), the new segment can start with
// a relative placement (m) as if it were absolute (M)
return command.toLowerCase() === 'm' ? !previousSegmentIsZ : true;
if (
lowerCurveCommands.includes(command) &&
@ -487,7 +483,8 @@ export default {
let [yPrevCoord, xPrevCoord] = [
...absSegments[index - 1],
// If the previous command was a direction one, we need to iterate back until we find the missing coordinates
// If the previous command was a direction one,
// we need to iterate back until we find the missing coordinates
if (upperDirectionCommands.includes(xPrevCoord)) {
xPrevCoord = undefined;
yPrevCoord = undefined;
@ -499,12 +496,14 @@ export default {
let [yPrevCoordDeep, xPrevCoordDeep] = [
// If the previous command was a horizontal movement, we need to consider the single coordinate as x
// If the previous command was a horizontal movement,
// we need to consider the single coordinate as x
if (upperHorDirectionCommand === xPrevCoordDeep) {
xPrevCoordDeep = yPrevCoordDeep;
yPrevCoordDeep = undefined;
// If the previous command was a vertical movement, we need to consider the single coordinate as y
// If the previous command was a vertical movement,
// we need to consider the single coordinate as y
if (upperVerDirectionCommand === xPrevCoordDeep) {
xPrevCoordDeep = undefined;
@ -525,7 +524,9 @@ export default {
if (upperCurveCommands.includes(command)) {
const [x2Coord, y2Coord, xCoord, yCoord] = rest;
// Absolute shorthand curve (S) having the same coordinate as the previous segment and a control point equal to the ending point
// Absolute shorthand curve (S) having
// the same coordinate as the previous segment
// and a control point equal to the ending point
if (
upperShorthandCurveCommand === command &&
x1Coord === xPrevCoord &&
@ -535,7 +536,9 @@ export default {
) {
return true;
// Absolute bézier curve (C) having the same coordinate as the previous segment and last control point equal to the ending point
// Absolute bézier curve (C) having
// the same coordinate as the previous segment
// and last control point equal to the ending point
if (
upperCurveCommand === command &&
x1Coord === xPrevCoord &&
@ -548,13 +551,16 @@ export default {
return (
// Absolute horizontal direction (H) having the same x coordinate as the previous segment
// Absolute horizontal direction (H) having
// the same x coordinate as the previous segment
(upperHorDirectionCommand === command &&
x1Coord === xPrevCoord) ||
// Absolute vertical direction (V) having the same y coordinate as the previous segment
// Absolute vertical direction (V) having
// the same y coordinate as the previous segment
(upperVerDirectionCommand === command &&
x1Coord === yPrevCoord) ||
// Absolute movement (M or L) having the same coordinate as the previous segment
// Absolute movement (M or L) having the same
// coordinate as the previous segment
(upperMovementCommands.includes(command) &&
x1Coord === xPrevCoord &&
y1Coord === yPrevCoord)
@ -563,10 +569,12 @@ export default {
const svgFileContent = $.html();
for (let index = 0; index < segments.length; index++) {
const segment = segments[index];
const previousSegmentIsZ =
index > 0 && segments[index - 1].params[0].toLowerCase() === 'z';
segments.forEach((segment, index) => {
if (isInvalidSegment(segment.params, index)) {
if (isInvalidSegment(segment.params, index, previousSegmentIsZ)) {
const [command, x1, y1, ...rest] = segment.params;
let errorMsg = `Innefective segment "${iconPath.substring(
@ -604,34 +612,23 @@ export default {
if (segment.chained) {
let readableChain = iconPath.substring(
const readableChain = maybeShortenedWithEllipsis(
iconPath.substring(segment.chainStart, segment.chainEnd),
if (readableChain.length > 20) {
readableChain = `${readableChain.substring(0, 20)}...`;
errorMsg += ` in chain "${readableChain}"`;
errorMsg += ` at index ${
segment.start + getPathDIndex(svgFileContent)
segment.start + getPathDIndex(ast.source)
reporter.error(`${errorMsg} (${resolutionTip})`);
if (updateIgnoreFile) {
ignoreIcon(reporter.name, iconPath, $);
(reporter, $, ast) => {
reporter.name = 'collinear-segments';
const iconPath = $.find('path').attr('d');
if (!updateIgnoreFile && isIgnored(reporter.name, iconPath)) {
* Extracts collinear coordinates from SVG path straight lines
@ -640,8 +637,7 @@ export default {
const getCollinearSegments = (iconPath) => {
const segments = parsePath(iconPath),
collinearSegments = [],
straightLineCommands = 'HhVvLlMm',
zCommands = 'Zz';
straightLineCommands = 'HhVvLlMm';
let currLine = [],
currAbsCoord = [undefined, undefined],
@ -655,80 +651,103 @@ export default {
cmd = seg[0],
nextCmd = s + 1 < segments.length ? segments[s + 1][0] : null;
if (cmd === 'L') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
} else if (cmd === 'l') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
} else if (cmd === 'm') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
startPoint = undefined;
} else if (cmd === 'M') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
startPoint = undefined;
} else if (cmd === 'H') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
} else if (cmd === 'h') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
} else if (cmd === 'V') {
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[1];
} else if (cmd === 'v') {
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[1];
} else if (cmd === 'C') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[5];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[6];
} else if (cmd === 'a') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[6];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[7];
} else if (cmd === 'A') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[6];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[7];
} else if (cmd === 's') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
} else if (cmd === 'S') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
} else if (cmd === 't') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
} else if (cmd === 'T') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
} else if (cmd === 'c') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[5];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[6];
} else if (cmd === 'Q') {
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[3];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[4];
} else if (cmd === 'q') {
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[3];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[4];
} else if (zCommands.includes(cmd)) {
// Overlapping in Z should be handled in another rule
currAbsCoord = [startPoint[0], startPoint[1]];
_resetStartPoint = true;
} else {
throw new Error(`"${cmd}" command not handled`);
switch (cmd) {
// Next switch cases have been ordered by frequency
// of occurrence in the SVG paths of the icons
case 'M':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
startPoint = undefined;
case 'm':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
startPoint = undefined;
case 'H':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
case 'h':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
case 'V':
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[1];
case 'v':
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[1];
case 'L':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
case 'l':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
case 'Z':
case 'z':
// Overlapping in Z should be handled in another rule
currAbsCoord = [startPoint[0], startPoint[1]];
_resetStartPoint = true;
case 'C':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[5];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[6];
case 'c':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[5];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[6];
case 'A':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[6];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[7];
case 'a':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[6];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[7];
case 's':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
case 'S':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
case 't':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[2];
case 'T':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[1];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[2];
case 'Q':
currAbsCoord[0] = seg[3];
currAbsCoord[1] = seg[4];
case 'q':
currAbsCoord[0] =
(!currAbsCoord[0] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[0]) + seg[3];
currAbsCoord[1] =
(!currAbsCoord[1] ? 0 : currAbsCoord[1]) + seg[4];
throw new Error(`"${cmd}" command not handled`);
if (startPoint === undefined) {
@ -774,32 +793,22 @@ export default {
const collinearSegments = getCollinearSegments(iconPath),
pathDIndex = getPathDIndex($.html());
collinearSegments.forEach((segment) => {
pathDIndex = getPathDIndex(ast.source);
for (const segment of collinearSegments) {
let errorMsg = `Collinear segment "${iconPath.substring(
)}" found`;
if (segment.chained) {
let readableChain = iconPath.substring(
let readableChain = maybeShortenedWithEllipsis(
iconPath.substring(segment.chainStart, segment.chainEnd),
if (readableChain.length > 20) {
readableChain = `${readableChain.substring(0, 20)}...`;
errorMsg += ` in chain "${readableChain}"`;
errorMsg += ` at index ${
segment.start + pathDIndex
} (should be removed)`;
if (collinearSegments.length) {
if (updateIgnoreFile) {
ignoreIcon(reporter.name, iconPath, $);
(reporter, $, ast) => {
@ -812,7 +821,8 @@ export default {
} else {
'Unexpected character(s), most likely extraneous whitespace, detected in SVG markup',
'Unexpected character(s), most likely extraneous' +
' whitespace, detected in SVG markup',
@ -821,9 +831,6 @@ export default {
reporter.name = 'negative-zeros';
const iconPath = $.find('path').attr('d');
if (!updateIgnoreFile && isIgnored(reporter.name, iconPath)) {
// Find negative zeros inside path
const negativeZeroMatches = Array.from(
@ -831,22 +838,22 @@ export default {
if (negativeZeroMatches.length) {
// Calculate the index for each match in the file
const svgFileContent = $.html();
const pathDIndex = getPathDIndex(svgFileContent);
const pathDIndex = getPathDIndex(ast.source);
negativeZeroMatches.forEach((match) => {
for (const match of negativeZeroMatches) {
const negativeZeroFileIndex = match.index + pathDIndex;
const previousChar = svgFileContent[negativeZeroFileIndex - 1];
const previousChar = ast.source[negativeZeroFileIndex - 1];
const replacement = '0123456789'.includes(previousChar)
? ' 0'
: '0';
`Found "-0" at index ${negativeZeroFileIndex} (should be "${replacement}")`,
`Found "-0" at index ${negativeZeroFileIndex} (should` +
` be "${replacement}")`,
(reporter, $, ast) => {
(reporter, $) => {
reporter.name = 'icon-centered';
const iconPath = $.find('path').attr('d');
@ -866,7 +873,8 @@ export default {
Math.abs(devianceY) > iconTolerance
) {
`<path> must be centered at (${targetCenter}, ${targetCenter}); the center is currently (${centerX}, ${centerY})`,
`<path> must be centered at (${targetCenter}, ${targetCenter});` +
` the center is currently (${centerX}, ${centerY})`,
if (updateIgnoreFile) {
ignoreIcon(reporter.name, iconPath, $);
@ -878,20 +886,24 @@ export default {
const iconPath = $.find('path').attr('d');
const validPathFormatRegex = /^[Mm][MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAaEe0-9-,.\s]+$/;
if (!validPathFormatRegex.test(iconPath)) {
if (!svgPathRegexp.test(iconPath)) {
let errorMsg = 'Invalid path format',
if (!/^[Mm]/.test(iconPath)) {
// doesn't start with moveto
reason = `should start with \"moveto\" command (\"M\" or \"m\"), but starts with \"${iconPath[0]}\"`;
reason =
'should start with "moveto" command ("M" or "m"),' +
` but starts with \"${iconPath[0]}\"`;
reporter.error(`${errorMsg}: ${reason}`);
const validPathCharacters = 'MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAaEe0123456789-,. ',
const validPathCharacters = svgPathRegexp.source.replace(
invalidCharactersMsgs = [],
pathDIndex = getPathDIndex($.html());
pathDIndex = getPathDIndex(ast.source);
for (let [i, char] of Object.entries(iconPath)) {
if (validPathCharacters.indexOf(char) === -1) {
@ -919,8 +931,8 @@ export default {
const reason =
`found a closing "path" tag at index ${ast.source.indexOf(
)}.` +
" The path should be self-closing, use '/>' instead of '></path>'.";
)}. The path should be self-closing,` +
' use "/>" instead of "></path>".';
reporter.error(`Invalid SVG content format: ${reason}`);
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ const generateSdkMts = async () => {
' --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly --allowJs --removeComments',
} catch (error) {
await fs.writeFile(sdkMjs, originalSdkMjsContent);
`Error ${error.status} generating Typescript` +
` definitions: '${error.message}'`,
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export const titleToHtmlFriendly = (brandTitle) =>
export const htmlFriendlyToTitle = (htmlFriendlyTitle) =>
.replace(/&#([0-9]+);/g, (_, num) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(num)))
.replace(/&#([0-9]+);/g, (_, num) => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(num)))
(_, ref) => ({ quot: '"', amp: '&', lt: '<', gt: '>' }[ref]),
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