mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 04:04:32 +03:00
version bump
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ Icons can be downloaded as SVGs directly from [our website](https://simpleicons.
Icons can be served from a CDN such as [JSDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/simple-icons) or [Unpkg](https://unpkg.com/browse/simple-icons/). Simply use the `simple-icons` npm package and specify a version in the URL like the following:
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-icons@v4/icons/[ICON SLUG].svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://unpkg.com/simple-icons@v4/icons/[ICON SLUG].svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-icons@v5/icons/[ICON SLUG].svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://unpkg.com/simple-icons@v5/icons/[ICON SLUG].svg" />
Where `[ICON SLUG]` is replaced by the [slug] of the icon you want to use, for example:
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-icons@v4/icons/simpleicons.svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://unpkg.com/simple-icons@v4/icons/simpleicons.svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-icons@v5/icons/simpleicons.svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://unpkg.com/simple-icons@v5/icons/simpleicons.svg" />
These examples use the latest major version. This means you won't receive any updates following the next major release. You can use `@latest` instead to receive updates indefinitely. However, this will result in a `404` error if the icon is removed.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "simple-icons",
"version": "4.25.0",
"version": "5.0.0",
"lockfileVersion": 1,
"requires": true,
"dependencies": {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "simple-icons",
"version": "4.25.0",
"version": "5.0.0",
"description": "SVG icons for popular brands https://simpleicons.org",
"homepage": "https://simpleicons.org",
"keywords": [
@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| Brand name | Brand slug |
| :--- | :--- |
| `.NET` | `dot-net` |
| `.NET` | `dotnet` |
| `1001Tracklists` | `1001tracklists` |
| `1Password` | `1password` |
| `3M` | `3m` |
| `42` | `42` |
| `4D` | `4d` |
| `500px` | `500px` |
| `A-Frame` | `a-frame` |
| `A-Frame` | `aframe` |
| `ABB RobotStudio` | `abbrobotstudio` |
| `Abbvie` | `abbvie` |
| `Ableton Live` | `abletonlive` |
| `About.me` | `about-dot-me` |
| `About.me` | `aboutdotme` |
| `Abstract` | `abstract` |
| `Academia` | `academia` |
| `Accenture` | `accenture` |
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Adobe InDesign` | `adobeindesign` |
| `Adobe Lightroom` | `adobelightroom` |
| `Adobe Lightroom Classic` | `adobelightroomclassic` |
| `Adobe PhoneGap` | `adobephonegap` |
| `Adobe Photoshop` | `adobephotoshop` |
| `Adobe Premiere Pro` | `adobepremierepro` |
| `Adobe XD` | `adobexd` |
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Alfa Romeo` | `alfaromeo` |
| `Algolia` | `algolia` |
| `Alibaba Cloud` | `alibabacloud` |
| `Alibaba.com` | `alibaba-dot-com` |
| `Alibaba.com` | `alibabadotcom` |
| `AliExpress` | `aliexpress` |
| `Alipay` | `alipay` |
| `Alitalia` | `alitalia` |
@ -171,14 +170,14 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `ASKfm` | `askfm` |
| `AssemblyScript` | `assemblyscript` |
| `ASUS` | `asus` |
| `AT&T` | `at-and-t` |
| `AT&T` | `atandt` |
| `Atari` | `atari` |
| `Atlassian` | `atlassian` |
| `Atom` | `atom` |
| `Audacity` | `audacity` |
| `Audi` | `audi` |
| `Audible` | `audible` |
| `Audio-Technica` | `audio-technica` |
| `Audio-Technica` | `audiotechnica` |
| `Audioboom` | `audioboom` |
| `Audiomack` | `audiomack` |
| `Aurelia` | `aurelia` |
@ -186,10 +185,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Authy` | `authy` |
| `Autodesk` | `autodesk` |
| `AutoHotkey` | `autohotkey` |
| `Automatic` | `automatic` |
| `Automattic` | `automattic` |
| `Autotask` | `autotask` |
| `Aventrix` | `aventrix` |
| `Awesome Lists` | `awesomelists` |
| `awesomeWM` | `awesomewm` |
| `AWS Amplify` | `awsamplify` |
@ -198,13 +194,12 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Azure DevOps` | `azuredevops` |
| `Azure Functions` | `azurefunctions` |
| `Azure Pipelines` | `azurepipelines` |
| `B&R Automation` | `b-and-rautomation` |
| `B&R Automation` | `bandrautomation` |
| `Babel` | `babel` |
| `Badgr` | `badgr` |
| `Badoo` | `badoo` |
| `Baidu` | `baidu` |
| `Bamboo` | `bamboo` |
| `Bancontact` | `bancontact` |
| `Bandcamp` | `bandcamp` |
| `BandLab` | `bandlab` |
| `Bandsintown` | `bandsintown` |
@ -214,7 +209,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Basecamp` | `basecamp` |
| `Bata` | `bata` |
| `Bath ASU` | `bathasu` |
| `Battle.net` | `battle-dot-net` |
| `Battle.net` | `battledotnet` |
| `BBC` | `bbc` |
| `BBC iPlayer` | `bbciplayer` |
| `Beatport` | `beatport` |
@ -228,7 +223,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `bigbasket` | `bigbasket` |
| `BigCommerce` | `bigcommerce` |
| `Bilibili` | `bilibili` |
| `Bing` | `bing` |
| `Bit` | `bit` |
| `Bitbucket` | `bitbucket` |
| `Bitcoin` | `bitcoin` |
@ -243,7 +237,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Blazemeter` | `blazemeter` |
| `Blazor` | `blazor` |
| `Blender` | `blender` |
| `Blockchain.com` | `blockchain-dot-com` |
| `Blockchain.com` | `blockchaindotcom` |
| `Blogger` | `blogger` |
| `Bloglovin` | `bloglovin` |
| `Blueprint` | `blueprint` |
@ -260,7 +254,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Bose` | `bose` |
| `Bower` | `bower` |
| `Box` | `box` |
| `Brand.ai` | `brand-dot-ai` |
| `Brandfolder` | `brandfolder` |
| `Brave` | `brave` |
| `Breaker` | `breaker` |
@ -302,11 +295,10 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `CentOS` | `centos` |
| `Ceph` | `ceph` |
| `Cesium` | `cesium` |
| `CEVO` | `cevo` |
| `Chai` | `chai` |
| `Chainlink` | `chainlink` |
| `Chakra UI` | `chakraui` |
| `Chart.js` | `chart-dot-js` |
| `Chart.js` | `chartdotjs` |
| `ChartMogul` | `chartmogul` |
| `Chase` | `chase` |
| `ChatBot` | `chatbot` |
@ -345,7 +337,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Clyp` | `clyp` |
| `CMake` | `cmake` |
| `CNN` | `cnn` |
| `Co-op` | `co-op` |
| `Co-op` | `coop` |
| `Cockroach Labs` | `cockroachlabs` |
| `CocoaPods` | `cocoapods` |
| `Cocos` | `cocos` |
@ -379,9 +371,8 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Commerzbank` | `commerzbank` |
| `Common Workflow Language` | `commonworkflowlanguage` |
| `Composer` | `composer` |
| `ComproPago` | `compropago` |
| `Concourse` | `concourse` |
| `Conda-Forge` | `conda-forge` |
| `Conda-Forge` | `condaforge` |
| `Conekta` | `conekta` |
| `Confluence` | `confluence` |
| `Consul` | `consul` |
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Corona Renderer` | `coronarenderer` |
| `Corsair` | `corsair` |
| `Couchbase` | `couchbase` |
| `Counter-Strike` | `counter-strike` |
| `Counter-Strike` | `counterstrike` |
| `CountingWorks PRO` | `countingworkspro` |
| `Coursera` | `coursera` |
| `Coveralls` | `coveralls` |
@ -414,8 +405,8 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `CurseForge` | `curseforge` |
| `Cycling '74` | `cycling74` |
| `Cypress` | `cypress` |
| `D-Wave Systems` | `d-wavesystems` |
| `D3.js` | `d3-dot-js` |
| `D-Wave Systems` | `dwavesystems` |
| `D3.js` | `d3dotjs` |
| `Dacia` | `dacia` |
| `DAF` | `daf` |
| `Dailymotion` | `dailymotion` |
@ -452,17 +443,17 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Designer News` | `designernews` |
| `Deutsche Bahn` | `deutschebahn` |
| `Deutsche Bank` | `deutschebank` |
| `dev.to` | `dev-dot-to` |
| `dev.to` | `devdotto` |
| `DeviantArt` | `deviantart` |
| `Devpost` | `devpost` |
| `devRant` | `devrant` |
| `Dgraph` | `dgraph` |
| `DHL` | `dhl` |
| `diagrams.net` | `diagrams-dot-net` |
| `diagrams.net` | `diagramsdotnet` |
| `Dialogflow` | `dialogflow` |
| `Diaspora` | `diaspora` |
| `Digg` | `digg` |
| `Digi-Key Electronics` | `digi-keyelectronics` |
| `Digi-Key Electronics` | `digikeyelectronics` |
| `DigitalOcean` | `digitalocean` |
| `Dior` | `dior` |
| `Directus` | `directus` |
@ -480,7 +471,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Dolby` | `dolby` |
| `DoorDash` | `doordash` |
| `Douban` | `douban` |
| `Draugiem.lv` | `draugiem-dot-lv` |
| `Draugiem.lv` | `draugiemdotlv` |
| `Dribbble` | `dribbble` |
| `Drone` | `drone` |
| `Drooble` | `drooble` |
@ -502,7 +493,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Eclipse IDE` | `eclipseide` |
| `Eclipse Jetty` | `eclipsejetty` |
| `Eclipse Mosquitto` | `eclipsemosquitto` |
| `Eclipse Vert.x` | `eclipsevert-dot-x` |
| `Eclipse Vert.x` | `eclipsevertdotx` |
| `EditorConfig` | `editorconfig` |
| `edX` | `edx` |
| `egghead` | `egghead` |
@ -522,7 +513,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Elm` | `elm` |
| `Elsevier` | `elsevier` |
| `Embarcadero` | `embarcadero` |
| `Ember.js` | `ember-dot-js` |
| `Ember.js` | `emberdotjs` |
| `Emby` | `emby` |
| `Emirates` | `emirates` |
| `Emlakjet` | `emlakjet` |
@ -545,16 +536,14 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Event Store` | `eventstore` |
| `Eventbrite` | `eventbrite` |
| `Evernote` | `evernote` |
| `Everplaces` | `everplaces` |
| `EVRY` | `evry` |
| `Exercism` | `exercism` |
| `Expensify` | `expensify` |
| `Experts Exchange` | `expertsexchange` |
| `Expo` | `expo` |
| `Express` | `express` |
| `EyeEm` | `eyeem` |
| `F-Droid` | `f-droid` |
| `F-Secure` | `f-secure` |
| `F-Droid` | `fdroid` |
| `F-Secure` | `fsecure` |
| `Facebook` | `facebook` |
| `Facebook Gaming` | `facebookgaming` |
| `Facebook Live` | `facebooklive` |
@ -574,10 +563,9 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `FeatHub` | `feathub` |
| `FedEx` | `fedex` |
| `Fedora` | `fedora` |
| `FedRAMP` | `fedramp` |
| `Feedly` | `feedly` |
| `Ferrari` | `ferrari` |
| `Ferrari N.V.` | `ferrarin-dot-v-dot` |
| `Ferrari N.V.` | `ferrarinv` |
| `FFmpeg` | `ffmpeg` |
| `Fiat` | `fiat` |
| `Fido Alliance` | `fidoalliance` |
@ -622,10 +610,10 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Foxtel` | `foxtel` |
| `Fozzy` | `fozzy` |
| `Framer` | `framer` |
| `Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft` | `fraunhofer-gesellschaft` |
| `Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft` | `fraunhofergesellschaft` |
| `FreeBSD` | `freebsd` |
| `freeCodeCamp` | `freecodecamp` |
| `freedesktop.org` | `freedesktop-dot-org` |
| `freedesktop.org` | `freedesktopdotorg` |
| `Freelancer` | `freelancer` |
| `FreeNAS` | `freenas` |
| `Fujifilm` | `fujifilm` |
@ -638,7 +626,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Garmin` | `garmin` |
| `Gatling` | `gatling` |
| `Gatsby` | `gatsby` |
| `Gauges` | `gauges` |
| `GeeksforGeeks` | `geeksforgeeks` |
| `General Electric` | `generalelectric` |
| `General Motors` | `generalmotors` |
@ -674,9 +661,10 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `GNU Privacy Guard` | `gnuprivacyguard` |
| `GNU social` | `gnusocial` |
| `Go` | `go` |
| `GoDaddy` | `godaddy` |
| `Godot Engine` | `godotengine` |
| `GoFundMe` | `gofundme` |
| `GOG.com` | `gog-dot-com` |
| `GOG.com` | `gogdotcom` |
| `GoldenLine` | `goldenline` |
| `Goodreads` | `goodreads` |
| `Google` | `google` |
@ -718,11 +706,9 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Google Tag Manager` | `googletagmanager` |
| `Google Translate` | `googletranslate` |
| `GoToMeeting` | `gotomeeting` |
| `GOV.UK` | `gov-dot-uk` |
| `Gradle` | `gradle` |
| `Grafana` | `grafana` |
| `Grammarly` | `grammarly` |
| `Graphcool` | `graphcool` |
| `GraphQL` | `graphql` |
| `Grav` | `grav` |
| `Gravatar` | `gravatar` |
@ -745,7 +731,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `HackerEarth` | `hackerearth` |
| `HackerOne` | `hackerone` |
| `HackerRank` | `hackerrank` |
| `HackHands` | `hackhands` |
| `Hackster` | `hackster` |
| `Handshake` | `handshake` |
| `Handshake` | `handshake_protocol` |
@ -769,13 +754,10 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Hexo` | `hexo` |
| `HEY` | `hey` |
| `Hibernate` | `hibernate` |
| `Highly` | `highly` |
| `Hilton` | `hilton` |
| `HipChat` | `hipchat` |
| `Hitachi` | `hitachi` |
| `Hive` | `hive` |
| `Hive` | `hive_blockchain` |
| `HockeyApp` | `hockeyapp` |
| `Home Assistant` | `homeassistant` |
| `Home Assistant Community Store` | `homeassistantcommunitystore` |
| `HomeAdvisor` | `homeadvisor` |
@ -785,7 +767,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Honda` | `honda` |
| `Hootsuite` | `hootsuite` |
| `Hoppscotch` | `hoppscotch` |
| `Hotels.com` | `hotels-dot-com` |
| `Hotels.com` | `hotelsdotcom` |
| `Hotjar` | `hotjar` |
| `Houdini` | `houdini` |
| `Houzz` | `houzz` |
@ -816,7 +798,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Iconify` | `iconify` |
| `IconJar` | `iconjar` |
| `ICQ` | `icq` |
| `iDEAL` | `ideal` |
| `IEEE` | `ieee` |
| `iFixit` | `ifixit` |
| `iFood` | `ifood` |
@ -855,7 +836,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `IOTA` | `iota` |
| `IPFS` | `ipfs` |
| `Issuu` | `issuu` |
| `Itch.io` | `itch-dot-io` |
| `Itch.io` | `itchdotio` |
| `iTunes` | `itunes` |
| `IVECO` | `iveco` |
| `Jabber` | `jabber` |
@ -928,10 +909,9 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Klarna` | `klarna` |
| `KLM` | `klm` |
| `Klook` | `klook` |
| `Klout` | `klout` |
| `KnowledgeBase` | `knowledgebase` |
| `Known` | `known` |
| `Ko-fi` | `ko-fi` |
| `Ko-fi` | `kofi` |
| `Kodi` | `kodi` |
| `Koding` | `koding` |
| `Kofax` | `kofax` |
@ -951,7 +931,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Laravel` | `laravel` |
| `Laravel Horizon` | `laravelhorizon` |
| `Laravel Nova` | `laravelnova` |
| `Last.fm` | `last-dot-fm` |
| `Last.fm` | `lastdotfm` |
| `LastPass` | `lastpass` |
| `LaTeX` | `latex` |
| `Launchpad` | `launchpad` |
@ -966,7 +946,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `LG` | `lg` |
| `LGTM` | `lgtm` |
| `Liberapay` | `liberapay` |
| `Libraries.io` | `libraries-dot-io` |
| `Libraries.io` | `librariesdotio` |
| `LibraryThing` | `librarything` |
| `LibreOffice` | `libreoffice` |
| `libuv` | `libuv` |
@ -974,7 +954,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `LIFX` | `lifx` |
| `Lighthouse` | `lighthouse` |
| `LINE` | `line` |
| `LINE WEBTOON` | `linewebtoon` |
| `LineageOS` | `lineageos` |
| `LinkedIn` | `linkedin` |
| `Linktree` | `linktree` |
@ -988,7 +967,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Litecoin` | `litecoin` |
| `LiveChat` | `livechat` |
| `LiveJournal` | `livejournal` |
| `Livestream` | `livestream` |
| `LLVM` | `llvm` |
| `LMMS` | `lmms` |
| `Logitech` | `logitech` |
@ -1010,7 +988,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Macy’s` | `macys` |
| `Magento` | `magento` |
| `Magisk` | `magisk` |
| `Mail.Ru` | `mail-dot-ru` |
| `Mail.Ru` | `maildotru` |
| `MailChimp` | `mailchimp` |
| `Major League Hacking` | `majorleaguehacking` |
| `MakerBot` | `makerbot` |
@ -1029,14 +1007,13 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Mastodon` | `mastodon` |
| `Material Design` | `materialdesign` |
| `Material Design Icons` | `materialdesignicons` |
| `Material-UI` | `material-ui` |
| `Mathworks` | `mathworks` |
| `Material-UI` | `materialui` |
| `Matomo` | `matomo` |
| `Matrix` | `matrix` |
| `Mattermost` | `mattermost` |
| `Matternet` | `matternet` |
| `Max` | `max` |
| `Max-Planck-Gesellschaft` | `max-planck-gesellschaft` |
| `Max-Planck-Gesellschaft` | `maxplanckgesellschaft` |
| `Maytag` | `maytag` |
| `Mazda` | `mazda` |
| `McAfee` | `mcafee` |
@ -1062,13 +1039,14 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Métro de Paris` | `metrodeparis` |
| `MeWe` | `mewe` |
| `micro:bit` | `microbit` |
| `Micro.blog` | `micro-dot-blog` |
| `Micro.blog` | `microdotblog` |
| `Microgenetics` | `microgenetics` |
| `MicroPython` | `micropython` |
| `Microsoft` | `microsoft` |
| `Microsoft Academic` | `microsoftacademic` |
| `Microsoft Access` | `microsoftaccess` |
| `Microsoft Azure` | `microsoftazure` |
| `Microsoft Bing` | `microsoftbing` |
| `Microsoft Edge` | `microsoftedge` |
| `Microsoft Excel` | `microsoftexcel` |
| `Microsoft Exchange` | `microsoftexchange` |
@ -1094,7 +1072,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Mix` | `mix` |
| `Mixcloud` | `mixcloud` |
| `MobX` | `mobx` |
| `MobX-State-Tree` | `mobx-state-tree` |
| `MobX-State-Tree` | `mobxstatetree` |
| `Mocha` | `mocha` |
| `MODX` | `modx` |
| `Mojang Studios` | `mojangstudios` |
@ -1103,7 +1081,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Monero` | `monero` |
| `MongoDB` | `mongodb` |
| `monkey tie` | `monkeytie` |
| `Monogram` | `monogram` |
| `Monster` | `monster` |
| `Monzo` | `monzo` |
| `Moo` | `moo` |
@ -1138,10 +1115,10 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `NetApp` | `netapp` |
| `Netflix` | `netflix` |
| `Netlify` | `netlify` |
| `New Japan Pro-Wrestling` | `newjapanpro-wrestling` |
| `New Japan Pro-Wrestling` | `newjapanprowrestling` |
| `New Relic` | `newrelic` |
| `New York Times` | `newyorktimes` |
| `Next.js` | `next-dot-js` |
| `Next.js` | `nextdotjs` |
| `Nextcloud` | `nextcloud` |
| `Nextdoor` | `nextdoor` |
| `NFC` | `nfc` |
@ -1156,8 +1133,8 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Nintendo Switch` | `nintendoswitch` |
| `Nissan` | `nissan` |
| `NixOS` | `nixos` |
| `Node-RED` | `node-red` |
| `Node.js` | `node-dot-js` |
| `Node-RED` | `nodered` |
| `Node.js` | `nodedotjs` |
| `Nodemon` | `nodemon` |
| `Nokia` | `nokia` |
| `Norwegian` | `norwegian` |
@ -1174,7 +1151,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Numba` | `numba` |
| `NumPy` | `numpy` |
| `Nutanix` | `nutanix` |
| `Nuxt.js` | `nuxt-dot-js` |
| `Nuxt.js` | `nuxtdotjs` |
| `NVIDIA` | `nvidia` |
| `Nx` | `nx` |
| `OBS Studio` | `obsstudio` |
@ -1197,7 +1174,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Open Bug Bounty` | `openbugbounty` |
| `Open Collective` | `opencollective` |
| `Open Containers Initiative` | `opencontainersinitiative` |
| `Open Nebula` | `opennebula` |
| `Open Source Initiative` | `opensourceinitiative` |
| `OpenAI` | `openai` |
| `OpenAI Gym` | `openaigym` |
@ -1208,6 +1184,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `OpenGL` | `opengl` |
| `OpenID` | `openid` |
| `Openlayers` | `openlayers` |
| `OpenNebula` | `opennebula` |
| `OpenSSL` | `openssl` |
| `OpenStack` | `openstack` |
| `OpenStreetMap` | `openstreetmap` |
@ -1232,7 +1209,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `OWASP` | `owasp` |
| `Oxygen` | `oxygen` |
| `OYO` | `oyo` |
| `p5.js` | `p5-dot-js` |
| `p5.js` | `p5dotjs` |
| `Packagist` | `packagist` |
| `Pagekit` | `pagekit` |
| `PagerDuty` | `pagerduty` |
@ -1244,7 +1221,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Pandora` | `pandora` |
| `Pantheon` | `pantheon` |
| `Parity Substrate` | `paritysubstrate` |
| `Parse.ly` | `parse-dot-ly` |
| `Parse.ly` | `parsedotly` |
| `Passport` | `passport` |
| `Pastebin` | `pastebin` |
| `Patreon` | `patreon` |
@ -1258,7 +1235,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Peloton` | `peloton` |
| `Pepsi` | `pepsi` |
| `Perforce` | `perforce` |
| `Periscope` | `periscope` |
| `Perl` | `perl` |
| `Peugeot` | `peugeot` |
| `Pexels` | `pexels` |
@ -1271,14 +1247,13 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Photopea` | `photopea` |
| `PHP` | `php` |
| `PhpStorm` | `phpstorm` |
| `Pi-hole` | `pi-hole` |
| `Picarto.TV` | `picarto-dot-tv` |
| `Pi-hole` | `pihole` |
| `Picarto.TV` | `picartodottv` |
| `Picnic` | `picnic` |
| `PicPay` | `picpay` |
| `Pimcore` | `pimcore` |
| `Pinboard` | `pinboard` |
| `Pingdom` | `pingdom` |
| `Pingup` | `pingup` |
| `Pinterest` | `pinterest` |
| `Pioneer DJ` | `pioneerdj` |
| `Pivotal Tracker` | `pivotaltracker` |
@ -1291,7 +1266,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Platzi` | `platzi` |
| `PlayCanvas` | `playcanvas` |
| `Player FM` | `playerfm` |
| `Player.me` | `player-dot-me` |
| `Player.me` | `playerdotme` |
| `PlayStation` | `playstation` |
| `PlayStation 2` | `playstation2` |
| `PlayStation 3` | `playstation3` |
@ -1315,7 +1290,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Pokémon` | `pokemon` |
| `Poly` | `poly` |
| `Polymer Project` | `polymerproject` |
| `Pop!_OS` | `pop_os` |
| `Pop!_OS` | `popos` |
| `Porsche` | `porsche` |
| `PostCSS` | `postcss` |
| `PostgreSQL` | `postgresql` |
@ -1324,8 +1299,8 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Power BI` | `powerbi` |
| `POWERS` | `powers` |
| `PowerShell` | `powershell` |
| `pr.co` | `pr-dot-co` |
| `pre-commit` | `pre-commit` |
| `pr.co` | `prdotco` |
| `pre-commit` | `precommit` |
| `Premier League` | `premierleague` |
| `PrestaShop` | `prestashop` |
| `Presto` | `presto` |
@ -1345,8 +1320,8 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Progress` | `progress` |
| `Prometheus` | `prometheus` |
| `ProSieben` | `prosieben` |
| `Proto.io` | `proto-dot-io` |
| `protocols.io` | `protocols-dot-io` |
| `Proto.io` | `protodotio` |
| `protocols.io` | `protocolsdotio` |
| `ProtonDB` | `protondb` |
| `ProtonMail` | `protonmail` |
| `ProtonVPN` | `protonvpn` |
@ -1380,7 +1355,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Qualtrics` | `qualtrics` |
| `Quantcast` | `quantcast` |
| `QuantConnect` | `quantconnect` |
| `Quantopian` | `quantopian` |
| `Quarkus` | `quarkus` |
| `Quasar` | `quasar` |
| `Qubes OS` | `qubesos` |
@ -1417,19 +1391,19 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Reddit` | `reddit` |
| `Redis` | `redis` |
| `Redux` | `redux` |
| `Redux-Saga` | `redux-saga` |
| `Redux-Saga` | `reduxsaga` |
| `RedwoodJS` | `redwoodjs` |
| `Reliance Industries Limited` | `relianceindustrieslimited` |
| `Ren'Py` | `renpy` |
| `Renault` | `renault` |
| `RenovateBot` | `renovatebot` |
| `Renren` | `renren` |
| `repl.it` | `repl-dot-it` |
| `Replit` | `replit` |
| `ResearchGate` | `researchgate` |
| `Resurrection Remix OS` | `resurrectionremixos` |
| `RetroArch` | `retroarch` |
| `RetroPie` | `retropie` |
| `reveal.js` | `reveal-dot-js` |
| `reveal.js` | `revealdotjs` |
| `ReverbNation` | `reverbnation` |
| `Revolut` | `revolut` |
| `Revue` | `revue` |
@ -1444,10 +1418,10 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Roam Research` | `roamresearch` |
| `Roblox` | `roblox` |
| `Robot Framework` | `robotframework` |
| `Rocket.Chat` | `rocket-dot-chat` |
| `Rocket.Chat` | `rocketdotchat` |
| `Roku` | `roku` |
| `Rolls-Royce` | `rolls-royce` |
| `rollup.js` | `rollup-dot-js` |
| `Rolls-Royce` | `rollsroyce` |
| `rollup.js` | `rollupdotjs` |
| `Roots` | `roots` |
| `Roots Bedrock` | `rootsbedrock` |
| `Roots Sage` | `rootssage` |
@ -1478,12 +1452,12 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `São Paulo Metro` | `saopaulometro` |
| `SAP` | `sap` |
| `Sass` | `sass` |
| `Sat.1` | `sat-dot-1` |
| `Sat.1` | `sat1` |
| `Sauce Labs` | `saucelabs` |
| `Scala` | `scala` |
| `Scaleway` | `scaleway` |
| `Scania` | `scania` |
| `scikit-learn` | `scikit-learn` |
| `scikit-learn` | `scikitlearn` |
| `SciPy` | `scipy` |
| `Scopus` | `scopus` |
| `Scratch` | `scratch` |
@ -1501,7 +1475,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Sellfy` | `sellfy` |
| `Semantic UI React` | `semanticuireact` |
| `Semantic Web` | `semanticweb` |
| `semantic-release` | `semantic-release` |
| `semantic-release` | `semanticrelease` |
| `Semaphore CI` | `semaphoreci` |
| `SemVer` | `semver` |
| `Sencha` | `sencha` |
@ -1518,7 +1492,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Shell` | `shell` |
| `Shelly` | `shelly` |
| `Shenzhen Metro` | `shenzhenmetro` |
| `Shields.io` | `shields-dot-io` |
| `Shields.io` | `shieldsdotio` |
| `Shikimori` | `shikimori` |
| `Shopify` | `shopify` |
| `Shopware` | `shopware` |
@ -1551,6 +1525,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `SlideShare` | `slideshare` |
| `smart` | `smart` |
| `SmartThings` | `smartthings` |
| `smash.gg` | `smashdotgg` |
| `Smashing Magazine` | `smashingmagazine` |
| `SMRT` | `smrt` |
| `SmugMug` | `smugmug` |
@ -1559,7 +1534,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Snowflake` | `snowflake` |
| `Snyk` | `snyk` |
| `Society6` | `society6` |
| `Socket.io` | `socket-dot-io` |
| `Socket.io` | `socketdotio` |
| `Sogou` | `sogou` |
| `Solidity` | `solidity` |
| `SoloLearn` | `sololearn` |
@ -1595,7 +1570,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Spreaker` | `spreaker` |
| `Spring` | `spring` |
| `Spring Boot` | `springboot` |
| `Sprint` | `sprint` |
| `Spyder IDE` | `spyderide` |
| `SQLite` | `sqlite` |
| `Square` | `square` |
@ -1614,7 +1588,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Starship` | `starship` |
| `STARZ` | `starz` |
| `Statamic` | `statamic` |
| `Staticman` | `staticman` |
| `Statuspage` | `statuspage` |
| `Statuspal` | `statuspal` |
| `Steam` | `steam` |
@ -1628,7 +1601,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Stimulus` | `stimulus` |
| `Stitcher` | `stitcher` |
| `STMicroelectronics` | `stmicroelectronics` |
| `Storify` | `storify` |
| `Storyblok` | `storyblok` |
| `Storybook` | `storybook` |
| `Strapi` | `strapi` |
@ -1637,7 +1609,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Stripe` | `stripe` |
| `strongSwan` | `strongswan` |
| `StubHub` | `stubhub` |
| `styled-components` | `styled-components` |
| `styled-components` | `styledcomponents` |
| `stylelint` | `stylelint` |
| `StyleShare` | `styleshare` |
| `Stylus` | `stylus` |
@ -1665,7 +1637,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Symphony` | `symphony` |
| `SymPy` | `sympy` |
| `Synology` | `synology` |
| `T-Mobile` | `t-mobile` |
| `T-Mobile` | `tmobile` |
| `Tableau` | `tableau` |
| `tado°` | `tado` |
| `Tails` | `tails` |
@ -1687,7 +1659,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Telegram` | `telegram` |
| `Telegraph` | `telegraph` |
| `Tencent QQ` | `tencentqq` |
| `Tencent Weibo` | `tencentweibo` |
| `TensorFlow` | `tensorflow` |
| `Teradata` | `teradata` |
| `teratail` | `teratail` |
@ -1707,7 +1678,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `The Washington Post` | `thewashingtonpost` |
| `Thingiverse` | `thingiverse` |
| `ThinkPad` | `thinkpad` |
| `Three.js` | `three-dot-js` |
| `Three.js` | `threedotjs` |
| `Threema` | `threema` |
| `Thumbtack` | `thumbtack` |
| `Thunderbird` | `thunderbird` |
@ -1715,6 +1686,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Ticketmaster` | `ticketmaster` |
| `Tidal` | `tidal` |
| `Tide` | `tide` |
| `TietoEVRY` | `tietoevry` |
| `TikTok` | `tiktok` |
| `Tile` | `tile` |
| `Timescale` | `timescale` |
@ -1731,7 +1703,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Tor Project` | `torproject` |
| `Toshiba` | `toshiba` |
| `Toyota` | `toyota` |
| `TP-Link` | `tp-link` |
| `TP-Link` | `tplink` |
| `tqdm` | `tqdm` |
| `TrainerRoad` | `trainerroad` |
| `Trakt` | `trakt` |
@ -1745,7 +1717,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Treyarch` | `treyarch` |
| `Triller` | `triller` |
| `Trino` | `trino` |
| `Trip.com` | `trip-dot-com` |
| `Trip.com` | `tripdotcom` |
| `Tripadvisor` | `tripadvisor` |
| `Trove` | `trove` |
| `TrueNAS` | `truenas` |
@ -1754,7 +1726,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Trustpilot` | `trustpilot` |
| `Try It Online` | `tryitonline` |
| `TryHackMe` | `tryhackme` |
| `ts-node` | `ts-node` |
| `ts-node` | `tsnode` |
| `TUI` | `tui` |
| `Tumblr` | `tumblr` |
| `TuneIn` | `tunein` |
@ -1821,8 +1793,6 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Vim` | `vim` |
| `Vimeo` | `vimeo` |
| `Vimeo Livestream` | `vimeolivestream` |
| `Vine` | `vine` |
| `Virb` | `virb` |
| `VirtualBox` | `virtualbox` |
| `VirusTotal` | `virustotal` |
| `Visa` | `visa` |
@ -1840,7 +1810,7 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Vonage` | `vonage` |
| `VOX` | `vox` |
| `VSCO` | `vsco` |
| `Vue.js` | `vue-dot-js` |
| `Vue.js` | `vuedotjs` |
| `Vuetify` | `vuetify` |
| `Vulkan` | `vulkan` |
| `Vultr` | `vultr` |
@ -1849,14 +1819,15 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `WakaTime` | `wakatime` |
| `WALKMAN` | `walkman` |
| `Wappalyzer` | `wappalyzer` |
| `Warner Bros.` | `warnerbros-dot` |
| `Warner Bros.` | `warnerbros` |
| `Wattpad` | `wattpad` |
| `Waze` | `waze` |
| `Wear OS` | `wearos` |
| `Weasyl` | `weasyl` |
| `Web3.js` | `web3dotjs` |
| `WebAssembly` | `webassembly` |
| `WebAuthn` | `webauthn` |
| `webcomponents.org` | `webcomponents-dot-org` |
| `webcomponents.org` | `webcomponentsdotorg` |
| `WebdriverIO` | `webdriverio` |
| `Webflow` | `webflow` |
| `WebGL` | `webgl` |
@ -1867,8 +1838,9 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Webpack` | `webpack` |
| `WebRTC` | `webrtc` |
| `WebStorm` | `webstorm` |
| `WEBTOON` | `webtoon` |
| `WeChat` | `wechat` |
| `Weights & Biases` | `weights-and-biases` |
| `Weights & Biases` | `weightsandbiases` |
| `WEMO` | `wemo` |
| `WeTransfer` | `wetransfer` |
| `WhatsApp` | `whatsapp` |
@ -1904,11 +1876,10 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `World Health Organization` | `worldhealthorganization` |
| `WP Engine` | `wpengine` |
| `WP Rocket` | `wprocket` |
| `write.as` | `write-dot-as` |
| `write.as` | `writedotas` |
| `WWE` | `wwe` |
| `Wwise` | `wwise` |
| `X-Pack` | `x-pack` |
| `X.Org` | `x-dot-org` |
| `X.Org` | `xdotorg` |
| `Xamarin` | `xamarin` |
| `XAML` | `xaml` |
| `XAMPP` | `xampp` |
@ -1930,17 +1901,16 @@ update the script at 'scripts/release/update-slugs-table.js'.
| `Yamaha Corporation` | `yamahacorporation` |
| `Yamaha Motor Corporation` | `yamahamotorcorporation` |
| `Yammer` | `yammer` |
| `Yandex` | `yandex` |
| `Yarn` | `yarn` |
| `Yelp` | `yelp` |
| `Yoast` | `yoast` |
| `YourTravel.TV` | `yourtravel-dot-tv` |
| `YourTravel.TV` | `yourtraveldottv` |
| `YouTube` | `youtube` |
| `YouTube Gaming` | `youtubegaming` |
| `YouTube Music` | `youtubemusic` |
| `YouTube Studio` | `youtubestudio` |
| `YouTube TV` | `youtubetv` |
| `Z-Wave` | `z-wave` |
| `Z-Wave` | `zwave` |
| `Zalando` | `zalando` |
| `Zapier` | `zapier` |
| `ZDF` | `zdf` |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user