Simple Icons welcomes contributions and corrections. Before contributing, please make sure you have read the guidelines below. If you decide to contribute anything, please follow the steps below. If you're new to _git_ and/or _GitHub_, we suggest you go through [the GitHub Guides](
* Has not already been requested. If you find an existing issue or pull request for the brand you're looking for then please add a reaction or comment to show your support.
If you have an affiliation to the brand you are requesting that allows you to speak on their behalf then please disclose that in your issue as it can help speed up our research process.
Most of the icons and brand colors on SimpleIcons have been derived from official sources. Using official sources helps ensure that the icons and colors in SimpleIcons accurately match the brand they represent. Thankfully, this is usually a simple process as organizations often provide brand guides and high quality versions of their logo for download.
Official high quality brand logos and brand colors can usually be found in the following locations:
1. About pages, Press pages, Media Kits, and Brand Guidelines.
1. Website headers (you can use [svg-grabber]( for Chrome)
Working with an SVG version of the logo is best. In the absence of an SVG version, other vector filetypes may work as well (e.g. EPS, AI, PDF). In the absence of vector logos, a vector can be created from a high quality rasterized image, however this is much more labor intensive.
* If the the brand itself includes the symbol with all uses of the logo, even at small sizes, it must be included.
* If the symbol is incorporated into the design of the logo (e.g. [Chupa Chups](, it must be included.
* If there is ambiguity about the conditions under which the symbol is required, it must be included if it is a _registered trademark symbol_ (®) but not if is a _trademark symbol_ (™).
* If brand guidelines say it _may_ be removed, usually when the icon is displayed at small sizes, it must not be included.
* If there is no explicit requirement that a symbol must be included, it must not be included.
For color, the brand's primary color should be used. The official color of a brand is usually found in their brand guidelines, media kits, or some of the other locations mentioned above. If no official color can be identified, use the brand's primary web color or the most prominent color in the logo itself (please indicate why you choose the particular color in your pull request). Simple Icons stores brand colors in the standard 6 character hexadecimal format.
1. Scale the icon to fit the viewbox, while preserving the icon's original proportions. This means the icon should be touching at least two sides of the viewbox.
Some icons can't be easily converted to a monochromatic version due to colour changes, shadows, or other effects. For such cases the addition of gaps is the recommended approach, with a preferred width of 0.5px. In some situations a different gap may be required, but that will be determined on a per-case basis.
If you have any problems or questions while creating the SVG, check out [the GitHub Discussions]( You may find an answer to your question there or you can ask your question if you did not find an answer.
After optimizing the icon, double-check it against your original version to ensure no visual imperfections have crept in. Also make sure that the dimensions of the path have not been changed so that the icon no longer fits exactly within the canvas. We currently check the dimensions up to a precision of 3 decimal points.
The filename of the SVG should correspond to the `<title>` used in the markup file mentioned above, and it should follow the rules below. If you're in doubt, you can always run `npm run get-filename -- "Brand name"` to get the correct filename.
1. Use **lowercase letters** without **whitespace**, for example:
1. On rare occasions the resulting name will clash with the name of an existing SVG file in our collection. To resolve such conflicts append `_[MODIFIER]` to the name, where `[MODIFIER]` is a short descriptor of the brand or the service they provide and follows the same rules of construction as above.
Make sure the icon is added in alphabetical order. If you're in doubt, you can always run `npm run our-lint` - this will tell you if any of the JSON data is in the wrong order.
#### Optional Data
Additionally, each icon in the `_data/simple-icons.json` file may be given any of the following optional values:
* The `slug` must be used to specify the icon's file name in cases where a modifier has been added to it in order to resolve a clash with an exitsing icon's name.
* The `guidelines` may be used to specify the URL of the brand's guidelines/press kit/etc. This is useful if the SVG file was sourced from a different place, still if the SVG file was sourced from the guidelines, the URL should be duplicated here.
* The `license` may be used to specify the license under which the icon is available. This is an object with a `type` and `url`. The `type` should be an [SPDX License ID]( or `"custom"`, the `url` is optional unless the `type` is `"custom"`.
Here is the object of the fictional brand from before, but with all optional values, as an example:
We use the source URL as a reference for the current SVG in our repository and as a jumping-off point to find updates if the logo changes. If you used one of the sources listed below, make sure to follow these guidelines. If you're unsure about the source URL you can open a Pull Request and ask for help from others.
- **Branding page**: For an SVG from a branding page the source URL should link to the branding page and not the image, PDF, or archive (such as `.zip`) file.
- **Company website**: If the SVG is found on the company website (but there is no branding page) the source URL should link to a common page, such as the home page or about page, that includes the source image and not the image file itself.
- **GitHub**: For an SVG from a GitHub (GitLab, BitBucket, etc.) repository the source URL should link to the file that was used as source material. If the color comes from another file in the repository the URL should link to the repository itself.
In any case the commit hash should be part of the URL. On GitHub, you can get the correct URL by pressing <kbd>y</kbd> on the GitHub page you want to link to. You can get help at the [getting permanent links to files page](
- **Wikipedia**: For an SVG from Wikipedia/Wikimedia the source URL should link to the logo file's page on the relevant site, and not the brand's Wikipedia pages. For example, [this is the link for AmericanExpress](
In general, make sure the URL does not contain any tracking identifiers.
Lastly, we aim to provide aliases of three types for various reasons. Each type of alias and its purpose can be found below. If you're unsure, you can mention an alias you're considering in your Pull Request so it can be discussed.
##### Also Known As
We collect "also known as" names to make it easier to find brands that are known by different names or by their abbreviation/full name. This does not include localized names, which are recorded separately. To add an "also known as" name you add the following to the icon data:
"title": "the original title",
"aliases": {
"aka": [
Where the string is **different** from the original title as well as all other strings in the list.
##### Duplicates
We collect the names of duplicates, brands that use the same icon but have a different name, to prevent duplicating an SVG while at the same time making the SVG available under the name of the duplicate. To add a duplicate you add the following to the icon data:
"title": "the original title",
"hex": "123456",
"aliases": {
"dup": [
"title": "the duplicate's title",
"hex": "654321", // Only if different from original's color
"guidelines": "..." // Only if different from original's guidelines
Where the nested `title` is the name of the duplicate brand. The other fields, `hex` and `guidelines`, are only provided if they differ from the original.
##### Localization
We collect localized names to make it possible to find the brand by it's local name, as well as to provide SVGs with localized titles. To add a localized name you add the following to the icon data:
Where the `locale` is an [IETF language tag]( and `title` is a **different** title from the original title.
Once you've completed the previous steps, create a pull request to merge your edits into the *develop* branch. You can run `npm run lint` to check if there are any issues you still need to address.
If you have an affiliation to the brand you contributing that allows you to speak on their behalf then please disclose that in your pull request as it can help speed up our research and review processes.
You can build a Docker image for this project which can be used as a development environment and allows you to run SVGO safely. First, build the Docker image for simple-icons (if you haven't yet):
We use [Semantic Versioning]( in this project. Given a version number `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` you can expect the following kinds of changes: