Over 1000 Free SVG icons for popular brands. See them all on one page at <ahref="https://simpleicons.org">SimpleIcons.org</a>. Contributions, corrections & requests can be made on GitHub. Started by <ahref="https://twitter.com/bathtype">Dan Leech</a>.</p>
Icons can be downloaded as SVGs directly from [our website](https://simpleicons.org/) - simply click the icon you want, and the download should start automatically.
Icons can be served from a CDN such as [JSDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/simple-icons) or [Unpkg](https://unpkg.com/browse/simple-icons/). Simply use the `simple-icons` npm package and specify a version in the URL like the following:
These examples use the latest major version. This means you won't receive any updates following the next major release. You can use `@latest` instead to receive updates indefinitely. However, this will result in a `404` error if the icon is removed.
Icons are also available on WordPress through a simple plugin created by [@tjtaylo](https://github.com/tjtaylo), which you can find [here](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-icons/).
Icons are also availabe on Drupal through a module created by [Phil Wolstenholme](https://www.drupal.org/u/phil-wolstenholme), which you can find [here](https://www.drupal.org/project/simple_icons).
Icons are also available on Kirby through a simple plugin created by [@runxel](https://github.com/runxel), which you can find [here](https://github.com/runxel/kirby3-simpleicons).
Icons are also available on React through a simple package created by [@wootsbot](https://github.com/wootsbot), which you can find [here](https://github.com/mamut-dev/icons-pack/tree/master/packages/react-simple-icons).
Icons are also available on Svelte through a simple package created by [@wootsbot](https://github.com/wootsbot), which you can find [here](https://github.com/icons-pack/svelte-simple-icons).