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* This file is a part of Mibew Messenger.
* Copyright 2005-2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Import namespaces and classes of the core
use Mibew\Database;
use Mibew\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events;
use Mibew\Settings;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
* Name of the cookie to remember an operator
define('REMEMBER_OPERATOR_COOKIE_NAME', 'mibew_operator');
/** Permissions constants */
* Operator can administer Mibew Messenger installation
define('CAN_ADMINISTRATE', 0);
* Operator can take over threads
define('CAN_TAKEOVER', 1);
* Operator can view threads of other operators
define('CAN_VIEWTHREADS', 2);
* Operator can modify own profile
* Operator can view system statistics
/** End of permissions constants */
* Map numerical permissions ids onto string names.
* @return array Associative array whose keys are numerical permission ids and
* values are string permission names.
function permission_ids()
return array(
CAN_VIEWSTATISTICS => "statistics",
CAN_TAKEOVER => "takeover",
CAN_VIEWTHREADS => "viewthreads",
CAN_MODIFYPROFILE => "modifyprofile",
* Map numerical permissions ids onto its descriptions.
* The descriptions are localized.
* @return array Array whose keys are numerical permission ids and values are
* localized permission descriptions.
function permission_descriptions()
return array(
CAN_ADMINISTRATE => getlocal('System administration: settings, operators management, button generation'),
CAN_VIEWSTATISTICS => getlocal('Ability to view system statistics'),
CAN_TAKEOVER => getlocal('Take over chat thread'),
CAN_VIEWTHREADS => getlocal('View another operator\'s chat thread'),
CAN_MODIFYPROFILE => getlocal('Ability to modify profile'),
* Set new permissions to operator
* @param int $operator_id Operator ID
* @param int $perm New permissions value
function update_operator_permissions($operator_id, $perm)
$operator = operator_by_id($operator_id);
$operator['iperm'] = $perm;
function operator_by_login($login)
$db = Database::getInstance();
return $db->query(
"SELECT * FROM {operator} WHERE vclogin = ?",
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
function operator_by_email($mail)
$db = Database::getInstance();
return $db->query(
"SELECT * FROM {operator} WHERE vcemail = ?",
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
function operator_by_id($id)
$db = Database::getInstance();
return $db->query(
"SELECT * FROM {operator} WHERE operatorid = ?",
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
* Load operator info by specified operators code
* @param string $code Operators code
* @return array|boolean Operators info array or boolean false if there is no
* operator with specified code.
function operator_by_code($code)
$db = Database::getInstance();
return $db->query(
"SELECT * FROM {operator} WHERE code = ?",
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
* Get list of operators taking into account $options
* @param array $options Associative array of options. It can contains following
* keys:
* - 'sort': an associative array of sorting options.
* - 'isolated_operator_id': id of current operators. If it set - function
* would return only operators from adjacent groups.
* 'sort' array must contains two keys: 'by' and 'desc'.
* 'by' means the field by which operators would be sort and can take
* following values: 'commonname', 'localename', 'login', 'lastseen'. 'desc'
* means order in which operators would be sort. If it's 'true' operators
* would be sort in descending order and in ascending order overwise.
function get_operators_list($options = array())
$db = Database::getInstance();
if (!empty($options['sort']) && isset($options['sort']['by']) && isset($options['sort']['desc'])) {
switch ($options['sort']['by']) {
case 'commonname':
$orderby = 'vccommonname';
case 'localename':
$orderby = 'vclocalename';
case 'lastseen':
$orderby = 'time';
$orderby = 'vclogin';
$orderby = $orderby . ' ' . ($options['sort']['desc'] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
} else {
$orderby = "vclogin";
. "{operator}.operatorid, "
. "vclogin, "
. "vclocalename, "
. "vccommonname, "
. "code, "
. "istatus, "
. "idisabled, "
. "(:now - dtmlastvisited) AS time "
. "FROM {operator}"
. (empty($options['isolated_operator_id'])
? ""
: ", {operatortoopgroup} "
. "WHERE {operator}.operatorid = {operatortoopgroup}.operatorid "
. "AND {operatortoopgroup}.groupid IN ("
. "SELECT g.groupid FROM {opgroup} g, "
. "(SELECT {opgroup}.groupid, {opgroup}.parent FROM {opgroup}, {operatortoopgroup} "
. "WHERE {opgroup}.groupid = {operatortoopgroup}.groupid "
. "AND {operatortoopgroup}.operatorid = :operatorid) i "
. "WHERE g.groupid = i.parent "
. "OR g.parent = i.groupid "
. "OR (g.parent = i.parent AND g.parent IS NOT NULL) "
. "OR g.groupid = i.groupid "
. ")")
. " ORDER BY " . $orderby;
$values = array(
':now' => time(),
if (!empty($options['isolated_operator_id'])) {
$values[':operatorid'] = $options['isolated_operator_id'];
$operators = $db->query(
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
return $operators;
* Get list of all operators
* @return array|null Operators list. Each its element contains (operatorid
* integer, vclogin string, vclocalename string, vccommonname string, istatus
* boolean, code string, idisabled integer, time integer)
function operator_get_all()
$db = Database::getInstance();
return $operators = $db->query(
("SELECT operatorid, vclogin, vclocalename, vccommonname, istatus, "
. "code, idisabled, (:now - dtmlastvisited) AS time "
. "FROM {operator} ORDER BY vclogin"),
array(':now' => time()),
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
function operator_is_online($operator)
return $operator['time'] < Settings::get('online_timeout');
function operator_is_available($operator)
return ($operator['istatus'] == 0 && $operator['time'] < Settings::get('online_timeout'))
? "1"
: "";
function operator_is_away($operator)
return ($operator['istatus'] != 0 && $operator['time'] < Settings::get('online_timeout'))
? "1"
: "";
function operator_is_disabled($operator)
return $operator['idisabled'] == '1';
* Update existing operator's info.
* Triggers {@link \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_UPDATE} event.
* @param array $operator Associative array of operator's fields. This array
* must contain the following keys:
* - operatorid,
* - vclogin,
* - vcpassword,
* - vclocalename,
* - vccommonname,
* - vcemail,
* - dtmlastvisited,
* - istatus,
* - idisabled,
* - vcavatar,
* - iperm,
* - dtmrestore,
* - vcrestoretoken,
* - code
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if not all operator's fields are in place.
function update_operator($operator)
if (!check_operator_fields($operator)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Not all operator fields are specified');
// Get the original operator to trigger the "update" event later
$original_operator = operator_by_id($operator['operatorid']);
('UPDATE {operator} SET vclogin = :login, vcpassword=:password, '
. 'vclocalename = :local_name, vccommonname = :common_name, '
. 'vcemail = :email, dtmlastvisited = :last_visited, '
. 'istatus = :status, idisabled = :disabled, vcavatar = :avatar, '
. 'iperm = :permissions, dtmrestore = :restore_time, '
. 'vcrestoretoken = :restore_token, code = :code '
. 'WHERE operatorid = :id'),
':id' => $operator['operatorid'],
':login' => $operator['vclogin'],
':password' => $operator['vcpassword'],
':local_name' => $operator['vclocalename'],
':common_name' => $operator['vccommonname'],
':email' => $operator['vcemail'],
':last_visited' => $operator['dtmlastvisited'],
':status' => $operator['istatus'],
':disabled' => $operator['idisabled'],
':avatar' => $operator['vcavatar'],
':permissions' => $operator['iperm'],
':restore_time' => $operator['dtmrestore'],
':restore_token' => $operator['vcrestoretoken'],
':code' => $operator['code'],
$args = array(
'operator' => $operator,
'original_operator' => $original_operator,
EventDispatcher::getInstance()->triggerEvent(Events::OPERATOR_UPDATE, $args);
function update_operator_avatar($operator_id, $avatar)
$operator = operator_by_id($operator_id);
$operator['vcavatar'] = $avatar;
* Create new operator
* Triggers {@link \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_CREATE} event.
* @param string $login Operator's login
* @param string $email Operator's
* @param string $password Operator's password
* @param string $locale_name Operator's local name
* @param string $common_name Operator's international name
* @param string $avatar Operator's avatar
* @param string $code Operator's code which use to start chat with specified
* operator
* @return array Operator's array
function create_operator(
) {
$db = Database::getInstance();
("INSERT INTO {operator} ("
. "vclogin, vcpassword, vclocalename, vccommonname, vcavatar, "
. "vcemail, code "
. ") VALUES ("
. ":login, :pass, :localename, :commonname, :avatar, "
. ":email, :code"
. ")"),
':login' => $login,
':pass' => calculate_password_hash($login, $password),
':localename' => $locale_name,
':commonname' => $common_name,
':avatar' => $avatar,
':email' => $email,
':code' => $code,
$id = $db->insertedId();
$new_operator = $db->query(
"SELECT * FROM {operator} WHERE operatorid = ?",
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
$event = array('operator' => $new_operator);
EventDispatcher::getInstance()->triggerEvent(Events::OPERATOR_CREATE, $event);
return $new_operator;
* Delete operator
* This function remove operator and associations with groups for this operator
* from datatabse.
* It triggers {@link \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_DELETE} event.
* @param int $operator_id Operator ID
function delete_operator($operator_id)
$db = Database::getInstance();
"DELETE FROM {operatortoopgroup} WHERE operatorid = ?",
"DELETE FROM {operator} WHERE operatorid = ?",
// Trigger 'operatorDelete' event
$dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
$args = array('id' => $operator_id);
$dispatcher->triggerEvent(Events::OPERATOR_DELETE, $args);
* Set current status of the operator('available' or 'away')
* @param int $operator_id Id of the operator
* @param int $istatus Operator status: '0' means 'available' and '1' means
* 'away'
function notify_operator_alive($operator_id, $istatus)
$operator = operator_by_id($operator_id);
$operator['istatus'] = $istatus;
$operator['dtmlastvisited'] = time();
* Indicates if at least one operator of the group is online
* @param int $group_id Id of the group
* @return boolean true if the group have online operators and false otherwise
function has_online_operators($group_id = "")
$db = Database::getInstance();
$query = "SELECT count(*) AS total, MIN(:now - dtmlastvisited) AS time "
. "FROM {operator}";
$values = array(':now' => time());
if ($group_id) {
$query .= ", {operatortoopgroup}, {opgroup} "
. "WHERE {opgroup}.groupid = {operatortoopgroup}.groupid "
. "AND ({opgroup}.groupid = :groupid OR {opgroup}.parent = :groupid) "
. "AND {operator}.operatorid = {operatortoopgroup}.operatorid "
. "AND istatus = 0";
$values[':groupid'] = $group_id;
} else {
if (Settings::get('enablegroups') == 1) {
// If the groups and prechat survey are enabled and a button was
// generated not for concrete group a user must select a group to
// chat with. All groups will be checked for online operators. If
// only operators, who do not related with groups, are online a user
// cannot complete prechat survey because there will be no online
// groups. The following code fixes this strange behaviour.
$query .= ", {operatortoopgroup} "
. "WHERE {operator}.operatorid = {operatortoopgroup}.operatorid "
. "AND istatus = 0";
} else {
$query .= " WHERE istatus = 0";
$row = $db->query(
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
return ($row['time'] < Settings::get('online_timeout')) && ($row['total'] > 0);
* Gets list of operators that are currently online.
* @param int|null $group_id ID of the group online operators should belong to
* or null to search within all groups.
* @return Array List of online operators. Each item of the list is an array
* with operators info. For details of its structure See description of
* {@link operator_by_id()} function's return value.
function get_online_operators($group_id = null)
$db = Database::getInstance();
$groups = false;
if (!$group_id) {
// We should not care about groups. Just return all online operators.
$groups = $db->query(
('SELECT * FROM {operator} '
. 'WHERE istatus = 0 AND (:now - dtmlastvisited) < :timeout'),
':now' => time(),
':timeout' => Settings::get('online_timeout'),
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
} else {
$groups = $db->query(
('SELECT o.* FROM {operator} o, {operatortoopgroup} r, {opgroup} g '
// The operator should be online
. 'WHERE o.istatus = 0 AND (:now - o.dtmlastvisited) < :timeout '
// And it should belong to the specified group or to one of
// its children.
. 'AND o.operatorid = r.operatorid '
. 'AND r.groupid = g.groupid '
. 'AND (g.groupid = :group_id OR g.parent = :group_id)'),
':now' => time(),
':timeout' => Settings::get('online_timeout'),
':group_id' => $group_id,
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
return $groups ? $groups : array();
* Indicates if operator online or not
* @param int $operator_id Id of the operator
* @return boolean true if operator is online and false otherwise
function is_operator_online($operator_id)
$db = Database::getInstance();
$row = $db->query(
("SELECT count(*) AS total, "
. "MIN(:now - dtmlastvisited) AS time "
. "FROM {operator} WHERE operatorid = :operatorid"),
':now' => time(),
':operatorid' => $operator_id,
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
return ($row['time'] < Settings::get('online_timeout')) && ($row['total'] == 1);
* Returns name of the operator. Choose between vclocalname and vccommonname
* @param array $operator Operator's array
* @return string Operator's name
function get_operator_name($operator)
if (get_home_locale() == get_current_locale()) {
return $operator['vclocalename'];
} else {
return $operator['vccommonname'];
function setup_redirect_links(UrlGeneratorInterface $url_generator, $threadid, $operator, $token)
$result = array();
$operator_in_isolation = in_isolation($operator);
$list_options = $operator_in_isolation
? array('isolated_operator_id' => $operator['operatorid'])
: array();
$operators = get_operators_list($list_options);
$operators_count = count($operators);
$groups_count = 0;
$groups = array();
if (Settings::get('enablegroups') == "1") {
$groupslist = $operator_in_isolation
? get_groups_for_operator($operator, true)
: get_groups(true);
foreach ($groupslist as $group) {
if ($group['inumofagents'] == 0) {
$groups[] = $group;
$groups_count = count($groups);
$p = pagination_info(max($operators_count, $groups_count), 8);
$result['pagination'] = $p;
$operators = array_slice($operators, $p['start'], $p['end'] - $p['start']);
$groups = array_slice($groups, $p['start'], $p['end'] - $p['start']);
$agent_list = "";
$params = array('thread_id' => $threadid, 'token' => $token);
foreach ($operators as $agent) {
$params['nextAgent'] = $agent['operatorid'];
$status = $agent['time'] < Settings::get('online_timeout')
? ($agent['istatus'] == 0
? getlocal("(online)")
: getlocal("(away)"))
: "";
$agent_list .= "<li><a href=\"" . $url_generator->generate('chat_operator_redirect', $params)
. "\" title=\"" . get_operator_name($agent) . "\">"
. get_operator_name($agent)
. "</a> $status</li>";
$result['redirectToAgent'] = $agent_list;
$group_list = "";
if (Settings::get('enablegroups') == "1") {
$params = array('thread_id' => $threadid, 'token' => $token);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$params['nextGroup'] = $group['groupid'];
$status = group_is_online($group)
? getlocal("(online)")
: (group_is_away($group) ? getlocal("(away)") : "");
$group_list .= "<li><a href=\"" . $url_generator->generate('chat_operator_redirect', $params)
. "\" title=\"" . get_group_name($group) . "\">"
. get_group_name($group)
. "</a> $status</li>";
$result['redirectToGroup'] = $group_list;
return $result;
function get_permission_list()
static $permission_list = array();
if (count($permission_list) == 0) {
$descriptions = permission_descriptions();
foreach (permission_ids() as $perm_code => $perm_id) {
$permission_list[] = array(
'id' => $perm_id,
'descr' => $descriptions[$perm_code],
return $permission_list;
function is_capable($perm, $operator)
$permissions = $operator && isset($operator['iperm']) ? $operator['iperm'] : 0;
return $perm >= 0 && $perm < 32 && ($permissions & (1 << $perm)) != 0;
function in_isolation($operator)
return !is_capable(CAN_ADMINISTRATE, $operator)
&& Settings::get('enablegroups')
&& Settings::get('enablegroupsisolation');
* Prepare values to render page menu.
* @param array $operator An array with operators data.
* @param boolean $has_right Restricts access to menu items. If it equals to
* FALSE only "Home", "Visitors", and "Chat history" items will be displayed.
* Otherwise items set depends on operator's permissions and system settings.
* Default value is TRUE.
* @return array
function prepare_menu($operator, $has_right = true)
$result = array();
$result['operator'] = get_operator_name($operator);
$result['isOnline'] = is_operator_online($operator['operatorid']);
if ($has_right) {
$result['showban'] = Settings::get('enableban') == "1";
$result['showstat'] = is_capable(CAN_VIEWSTATISTICS, $operator) && (Settings::get('enablestatistics') == "1");
$result['showadmin'] = is_capable(CAN_ADMINISTRATE, $operator);
$result['currentopid'] = $operator['operatorid'];
return $result;
* Calculate hashed password value based upon operator's login and password
* By default function tries to make use of Blowfish encryption algorithm,
* with salted MD5 as a second possible choice, and unsalted MD5 as a fallback
* option
* @param string $login operator's login
* @param string $password Operator's password (as plain text)
* @return string hashed password value
function calculate_password_hash($login, $password)
$hash = '*0';
if (CRYPT_BLOWFISH == 1) {
if (defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') && (PHP_VERSION_ID > 50306)) {
$hash = crypt($password, '$2y$08$' . generate_bf_salt($login));
} else {
$hash = crypt($password, '$2a$08$' . generate_bf_salt($login));
if ((CRYPT_MD5 == 1) && !strcmp($hash, '*0')) {
$hash = crypt($password, '$1$' . $login);
return strcmp($hash, '*0') ? $hash : md5($password);
* Generates correct blowfish salt based a string.
* @param string $string A string which should be turned to blowfish salt.
* @return string Correct blowfish salt.
function generate_bf_salt($string)
$result = '';
$bin = unpack('C*', md5($string, true));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($bin); $i++) {
$shift = 2 + ($i % 3) * 2;
$first = ($bin[$i + 1] >> $shift);
$second = ($bin[$i + 1] & bindec(str_repeat('1', $shift)));
switch ($shift) {
case 2:
$result .= bf_salt_character($first);
$tmp = $second;
case 4:
$result .= bf_salt_character(($tmp << 4) | $first);
$tmp = $second;
case 6:
$result .= bf_salt_character(($tmp << 2) | $first);
$result .= bf_salt_character($second);
if ($shift == 2) {
$result .= bf_salt_character($second);
return $result;
* Convert character code to a correct blowfish character.
* @param integer $num Character code.
* @return string Character that can be used in blowfish salt.
function bf_salt_character($num)
if ($num > 63) {
return chr(46);
} elseif ($num < 12) {
return chr(46 + $num);
} elseif ($num < 38) {
return chr(53 + $num);
} else {
return chr(59 + $num);
* Validate incoming hashed value to be the hashed value of operator's password
* @param string $login operator's login
* @param string $password Operator's password (as plain text)
* @param string $hash incoming hashed value
* @return boolean true if incoming value is the correct hashed value of
* operators' password and false otherwise
function check_password_hash($login, $password, $hash)
if (preg_match('/^\$/', $hash)) {
return !strcmp(calculate_password_hash($login, $password), $hash);
} else {
return !strcmp(md5($password), $hash);
* Updates set of groups the operator belongs to.
* Triggers {@link \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::GROUP_UPDATE_OPERATORS} event.
* @param int $operator_id ID of the operator.
* @param array $new_value List of operator's groups IDs.
function update_operator_groups($operator_id, $new_value)
// Get difference of groups the operator belongs to before and after the
// update.
$original_groups = get_operator_group_ids($operator_id);
$groups_union = array_unique(array_merge($original_groups, $new_value));
$groups_intersect = array_intersect($original_groups, $new_value);
$updated_groups = array_diff($groups_union, $groups_intersect);
// Get members of all updated groups. It will be used to trigger the
// "update" event later.
$original_relations = array();
foreach ($updated_groups as $group_id) {
$original_relations[$group_id] = get_group_members($group_id);
// Update group members
$db = Database::getInstance();
"DELETE FROM {operatortoopgroup} WHERE operatorid = ?",
foreach ($new_value as $group_id) {
"INSERT INTO {operatortoopgroup} (groupid, operatorid) VALUES (?,?)",
array($group_id, $operator_id)
// Trigger the "update" event
foreach ($original_relations as $group_id => $operators) {
$args = array(
'group' => group_by_id($group_id),
'original_operators' => $operators,
'operators' => get_group_members($group_id),
EventDispatcher::getInstance()->triggerEvent(Events::GROUP_UPDATE_OPERATORS, $args);
* Makes an operator disabled.
* @param int $operator_id ID of the operator to disable.
function disable_operator($operator_id)
$operator = operator_by_id($operator_id);
$operator['idisabled'] = 1;
* Makes an operator enabled.
* @param int $operator_id ID of the operator to enable.
function enable_operator($operator_id)
$operator = operator_by_id($operator_id);
$operator['idisabled'] = 0;
* Checks that operator array has all needed fields.
* @param array $operator Associative operator's array.
* @return bool Boolean true if all the fields are in place and false otherwise.
function check_operator_fields($operator)
$obligatory_fields = array(
return (count(array_diff($obligatory_fields, array_keys($operator))) == 0);