<?php /* * This file is part of Mibew Messenger project. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Mibew Messenger Community * All rights reserved. The contents of this file are subject to the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and * is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case * the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish * to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL, and * not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the * EPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them * with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. * * Contributors: * Evgeny Gryaznov - initial API and implementation */ $dbtables = array( "${mysqlprefix}chatgroup" => array( "groupid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "vcemail" => "varchar(64)", "vclocalname" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL", "vccommonname" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL", "vclocaldescription" => "varchar(1024) NOT NULL", "vccommondescription" => "varchar(1024) NOT NULL", ), "${mysqlprefix}chatthread" => array( "threadid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "userName" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL", "userid" => "varchar(255)", "agentName" => "varchar(64)", "agentId" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "dtmcreated" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "dtmmodified" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "lrevision" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "istate" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "ltoken" => "int NOT NULL", "remote" => "varchar(255)", "referer" => "text", "nextagent" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "locale" => "varchar(8)", "lastpinguser" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "lastpingagent" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "userTyping" => "int DEFAULT 0", "agentTyping" => "int DEFAULT 0", "shownmessageid" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "userAgent" => "varchar(255)", "messageCount" => "varchar(16)", "groupid" => "int references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)", ), "${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array( "messageid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "threadid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatthread(threadid)", "ikind" => "int NOT NULL", "agentId" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "tmessage" => "text NOT NULL", "dtmcreated" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "tname" => "varchar(64)" ), "${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" => array( "operatorid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "vclogin" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL", "vcpassword" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL", "vclocalename" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL", "vccommonname" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL", "vcemail" => "varchar(64)", "dtmlastvisited" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "istatus" => "int DEFAULT 0", /* 0 - online, 1 - away */ "vcavatar" => "varchar(255)", "vcjabbername" => "varchar(255)", "iperm" => "int DEFAULT 65535", "inotify" => "int DEFAULT 0", /* 0 - none, 1 - jabber */ "dtmrestore" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "vcrestoretoken" => "varchar(64)", ), "${mysqlprefix}chatrevision" => array( "id" => "INT NOT NULL" ), "${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator" => array( "groupid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)", "operatorid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator(operatorid)", ), "${mysqlprefix}chatban" => array( "banid" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "dtmcreated" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "dtmtill" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "address" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "varchar(255)", "blockedCount" => "int DEFAULT 0" ), "${mysqlprefix}chatconfig" => array( "id" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "vckey" => "varchar(255)", "vcvalue" => "varchar(255)", ), "${mysqlprefix}chatresponses" => array( "id" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "locale" => "varchar(8)", "groupid" => "int references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)", "vcvalue" => "varchar(1024) NOT NULL", ), "${mysqlprefix}chatnotification" => array( "id" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY", "locale" => "varchar(8)", "vckind" => "varchar(16)", "vcto" => "varchar(256)", "dtmcreated" => "datetime DEFAULT 0", "vcsubject" => "varchar(256)", "tmessage" => "text NOT NULL", "refoperator" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator(operatorid)", ), ); $memtables = array(); $dbtables_can_update = array( "${mysqlprefix}chatthread" => array("agentId", "userTyping", "agentTyping", "messageCount", "nextagent", "shownmessageid", "userid", "userAgent", "groupid"), "${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array("agentId"), "${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" => array("vcavatar", "vcjabbername", "iperm", "istatus", "vcemail", "dtmrestore", "vcrestoretoken", "inotify"), "${mysqlprefix}chatban" => array(), "${mysqlprefix}chatgroup" => array("vcemail"), "${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator" => array(), "${mysqlprefix}chatresponses" => array(), "${mysqlprefix}chatnotification" => array(), ); function show_install_err($text) { global $page, $version, $errors, $webimroot; $page = array( 'version' => $version, 'localeLinks' => get_locale_links("$webimroot/install/index.php") ); $errors = array($text); start_html_output(); require('../view/install_err.php'); exit; } function create_table($id, $link) { global $dbtables, $memtables, $dbencoding, $mysqlprefix; if (!isset($dbtables[$id])) { show_install_err("Unknown table: $id, " . mysql_error($link)); } $query = "CREATE TABLE $id\n" . "(\n"; foreach ($dbtables[$id] as $k => $v) { $query .= " $k $v,\n"; } $query = preg_replace("/,\n$/", "", $query); $query .= ") charset $dbencoding"; if (in_array($id, $memtables)) { $query .= " ENGINE=MEMORY"; } else { $query .= " ENGINE=InnoDb"; } mysql_query($query, $link) or show_install_err(' Query failed: ' . mysql_error($link)); if ($id == "${mysqlprefix}chatoperator") { create_operator_("admin", "", "", "", "Administrator", "Administrator", 0, $link); } else if ($id == "${mysqlprefix}chatrevision") { perform_query("INSERT INTO ${mysqlprefix}chatrevision VALUES (1)", $link); } } function get_tables($link) { global $mysqldb, $errors; $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM `$mysqldb`", $link); if ($result) { $arr = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $arr[] = $row[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); return $arr; } else { $errors[] = "Cannot get tables from database. Error: " . mysql_error($link); return false; } } function get_columns($tablename, $link) { global $errors; $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tablename", $link); if ($result) { $arr = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $arr[] = $row[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); return $arr; } else { $errors[] = "Cannot get columns from table \"$tablename\". Error: " . mysql_error($link); return false; } } ?>