<?php /* * This file is part of Web Instant Messenger project. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Web Messenger Community * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Evgeny Gryaznov - initial API and implementation */ $can_administrate = 0; $can_takeover = 1; $can_viewthreads = 2; $can_count = 3; $permission_ids = array( $can_administrate => "admin", $can_takeover => "takeover", $can_viewthreads => "viewthreads" ); function operator_by_login($login) { $link = connect(); $operator = select_one_row( "select * from chatoperator where vclogin = '".mysql_real_escape_string($login)."'", $link ); mysql_close($link); return $operator; } function operator_by_id_($id,$link) { return select_one_row( "select * from chatoperator where operatorid = $id", $link ); } function operator_by_id($id) { $link = connect(); $operator = operator_by_id_($id,$link); mysql_close($link); return $operator; } function get_operators() { $link = connect(); $query = "select * from chatoperator order by vclogin"; $result = select_multi_assoc($query, $link); mysql_close($link); return $result; } function update_operator($operatorid,$login,$password,$localename,$commonname) { $link = connect(); $query = sprintf( "update chatoperator set vclogin = '%s',%s vclocalename = '%s', vccommonname = '%s'". ", vcjabbername= '%s'". " where operatorid = %s", mysql_real_escape_string($login), ($password ? " vcpassword='".md5($password)."'," : ""), mysql_real_escape_string($localename), mysql_real_escape_string($commonname), '', $operatorid ); perform_query($query,$link); mysql_close($link); } function update_operator_avatar($operatorid,$avatar) { $link = connect(); $query = sprintf( "update chatoperator set vcavatar = '%s' where operatorid = %s", mysql_real_escape_string($avatar), $operatorid ); perform_query($query,$link); mysql_close($link); } function create_operator_($login,$password,$localename,$commonname,$avatar,$link) { $query = sprintf( "insert into chatoperator (vclogin,vcpassword,vclocalename,vccommonname,vcavatar,vcjabbername) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($login), md5($password), mysql_real_escape_string($localename), mysql_real_escape_string($commonname), mysql_real_escape_string($avatar), ''); perform_query($query,$link); $id = mysql_insert_id($link); return select_one_row("select * from chatoperator where operatorid = $id", $link ); } function create_operator($login,$password,$localename,$commonname,$avatar) { $link = connect(); $newop = create_operator_($login,$password,$localename,$commonname,$avatar,$link); mysql_close($link); return $newop; } function notify_operator_alive($operatorid) { $link = connect(); perform_query("update chatoperator set dtmlastvisited = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where operatorid = $operatorid",$link); mysql_close($link); } function has_online_operators() { global $settings; loadsettings(); $link = connect(); $row = select_one_row("select min(unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time from chatoperator",$link); mysql_close($link); return $row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout']; } function get_operator_name($operator) { global $home_locale, $current_locale; if( $home_locale == $current_locale ) return $operator['vclocalename']; else return $operator['vccommonname']; } function generate_button($title,$locale,$style,$inner,$showhost,$forcesecure) { $link = get_app_location($showhost,$forcesecure)."/client.php". ($locale?"?locale=$locale" : "").($style ? ($locale?"&":"?")."style=$style" : ""); $temp = get_popup($link, "'$link".($locale||$style?"&":"?")."url='+escape(document.location.href)+'&referrer='+escape(document.referrer)", $inner, $title, "webim", "toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=640,height=480,resizable=1" ); return "<!-- webim button -->".$temp."<!-- / webim button -->"; } function check_login() { global $webimroot; if( !isset( $_SESSION['operator'] ) ) { if( isset($_COOKIE['webim_lite']) ) { list($login,$pwd) = split(",", $_COOKIE['webim_lite'], 2); $op = operator_by_login($login); if( $op && isset($pwd) && isset($op['vcpassword']) && md5($op['vcpassword']) == $pwd ) { $_SESSION['operator'] = $op; return $op; } } $requested = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { $requested .= "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } $_SESSION['backpath'] = $requested; header("Location: $webimroot/operator/login.php"); exit; } return $_SESSION['operator']; } function get_logged_in() { return isset( $_SESSION['operator'] ) ? $_SESSION['operator'] : FALSE; } function login_operator($operator,$remember) { global $webimroot; $_SESSION['operator'] = $operator; if( $remember ) { $value = $operator['vclogin'].",".md5($operator['vcpassword']); setcookie('webim_lite', $value, time()+60*60*24*1000, "$webimroot/"); } else if( isset($_COOKIE['webim_lite']) ) { setcookie('webim_lite', '', time() - 3600, "$webimroot/"); } } function logout_operator() { global $webimroot; $_SESSION['operator'] = NULL; $_SESSION['backpath'] = NULL; if( isset($_COOKIE['webim_lite']) ) { setcookie('webim_lite', '', time() - 3600, "$webimroot/"); } } function get_redirect_links($threadid,$token) { global $page, $webimroot; $found = get_operators(); setup_pagination($found); $agent_list = ""; $params = array('thread' => $threadid, 'token' => $token); for( $indagent = 0; $indagent < count($page['pagination.items']); $indagent += 1 ) { $agent = $page['pagination.items'][$indagent]; $params['nextAgent'] = $agent['operatorid']; $agent_list .= "<li><a href=\"".add_params($webimroot."/operator/redirect.php",$params)."\" title=\"".topage($agent['vclocalename'])."\">".topage($agent['vclocalename'])."</a>"; } return $agent_list; } $permission_list = array(); function get_permission_list() { global $permission_list, $permission_ids; if(count($permission_list) == 0) { foreach($permission_ids as $permid) { $permission_list[] = array( 'id' => $permid, 'descr' => getlocal("permission.$permid") ); } } return $permission_list; } function is_capable($perm,$operator) { $permissions = $operator && isset($operator['iperm']) ? $operator['iperm'] : 0; return $perm >= 0 && $perm < 32 && ($permissions & (1 << $perm)) != 0; } function prepare_menu($operator,$hasright=true) { global $page, $settings, $can_administrate; $page['operator'] = topage(get_operator_name($operator)); if($hasright) { loadsettings(); $page['showban'] = $settings['enableban'] == "1"; $page['showdep'] = $settings['enabledepartments'] == "1"; $page['showstat'] = true; //$settings['enablestatistics'] == "1"; $page['showadmin'] = is_capable($can_administrate, $operator); } } ?>