<?php /* * This file is part of Web Instant Messenger project. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Web Messenger Community * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Evgeny Gryaznov - initial API and implementation */ require_once('../libs/common.php'); require_once('../libs/chat.php'); require_once('../libs/pagination.php'); require_once('../libs/operator.php'); require_once('../libs/expand.php'); $operator = check_login(); $stylelist = array(); $stylesfolder = "../styles"; if($handle = opendir($stylesfolder)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("/^\w+$/", $file) && is_dir("$stylesfolder/$file")) { $stylelist[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } $preview = verifyparam("preview","/^\w+$/", "default"); if(!in_array($preview, $stylelist)) { $preview = $stylelist[0]; } $show = verifyparam("show", "/^(chat|chatsimple|nochat|mail|mailsent|leavemessage|leavemessagesent|redirect|redirected|agentchat|agentrochat)$/", ""); $showerrors = verifyparam("showerr", "/^true$/", "") == "true"; $errors = array(); if($showerrors) { $errors[] = "Test error"; } if($show == 'chat' || $show == 'mail' || $show == 'leavemessage' || $show == 'leavemessagesent' || $show == 'chatsimple' || $show == 'nochat') { setup_chatview_for_user(array('threadid' => 0,'userName' => getstring("chat.default.username"), 'ltoken' => 123), "ajaxed"); $page['mailLink'] = "$webimroot/operator/preview.php?preview=$preview&show=mail"; expand("../styles", "$preview", "$show.tpl"); exit; } if($show == 'mailsent') { $page['email'] = "admin@yourdomain.com"; setup_logo(); expand("../styles", "$preview", "$show.tpl"); exit; } if($show == 'redirect' || $show == 'redirected' || $show == 'agentchat' || $show == 'agentrochat' ) { setup_chatview_for_operator( array( 'threadid' => 0, 'userName' => getstring("chat.default.username"), 'remote' => "", 'agentId' => 1, 'userid' => 'visitor1', 'locale' => $current_locale, 'ltoken' => $show=='agentrochat' ? 124 : 123), array( 'operatorid' => ($show=='agentrochat' ? 2 : 1), )); if($show=='redirect') { $page['pagination_list'] = get_redirect_links( 0,$show=='agentrochat' ? 124 : 123); } elseif($show=='redirected') { $page['nextAgent'] = "Administrator"; } $page['redirectLink'] = "$webimroot/operator/preview.php?preview=$preview&show=redirect"; expand("../styles", "$preview", "$show.tpl"); exit; } $templateList = array( array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.userchat"), 'id' => 'chat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.chatsimple"), 'id' => 'chatsimple', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.nochat"), 'id' => 'nochat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.leavemessage"), 'id' => 'leavemessage', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.leavemessagesent"), 'id' => 'leavemessagesent', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.mail"), 'id' => 'mail', 'h' => 254, 'w' => 603), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.mailsent"), 'id' => 'mailsent', 'h' => 254, 'w' => 603), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.redirect"), 'id' => 'redirect', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.redirected"), 'id' => 'redirected', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.agentchat"), 'id' => 'agentchat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.agentrochat"), 'id' => 'agentrochat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), ); $template = verifyparam("template", "/^\w+$/", "chat"); $page['formpreview'] = $preview; $page['formtemplate'] = $template; $page['availablePreviews'] = $stylelist; $page['availableTemplates'] = array( "chat", "chatsimple", "nochat", "leavemessage", "leavemessagesent", "mail", "mailsent", "redirect", "redirected", "agentchat", "agentrochat", "all"); $page['operator'] = topage(get_operator_name($operator)); $page['showlink'] = "$webimroot/operator/preview.php?preview=$preview&".($showerrors?"showerr=true&":"")."show="; $page['previewList'] = array(); foreach($templateList as $tpl) { if($tpl['id'] == $template || $template == 'all') { $page['previewList'][] = $tpl; } } start_html_output(); require('../view/preview.php'); ?>