var fs = require('fs'), https = require('https'), exec = require('child_process').exec, eventStream = require('event-stream'), runSequence = require('run-sequence'), through = require('through2'), lodash = require('lodash'), PoFile = require('pofile'), strftime = require('strftime'), gulp = require('gulp'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'), concat = require('gulp-concat'), phpcs = require('gulp-phpcs'), order = require('gulp-order'), handlebars = require('gulp-handlebars'), defineModule = require('gulp-define-module'), header = require('gulp-header'), zip = require('gulp-zip'), tar = require('gulp-tar'), gzip = require('gulp-gzip'), chmod = require('gulp-chmod'), xgettext = require('gulp-xgettext'), concatPo = require('gulp-concat-po'); // Set global configs. var config = { mibewPath: 'mibew', phpVendorPath: 'mibew/vendor', pluginsPath: 'mibew/plugins', jsPath: 'mibew/js', chatStylesPath: 'mibew/styles/dialogs', pageStylesPath: 'mibew/styles/pages', compiledTemplatesHeader: fs.readFileSync('tools/compiled_templates_header.txt'), getComposerUrl: '', phpBin: 'php -d "suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar"', package: require('./package.json') } // Checks all PHP files with PHP Code Sniffer. gulp.task('phpcs', ['composer-install-dev'], function() { return gulp.src([ config.mibewPath + '/**/*.php', '!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/*.*', '!' + config.pluginsPath + '/**/*.*' ]) .pipe(phpcs({ bin: config.phpVendorPath + '/bin/phpcs', standard: 'PSR2', warningSeverity: 0 })) .pipe(phpcs.reporter('log')) .pipe(phpcs.reporter('fail')); }); // Get and install PHP Composer gulp.task('get-composer', function(callback) { // Check if Composer already in place if (fs.existsSync('./composer.phar')) { callback(null); return; } // Get installer from the internet https.get(config.getComposerUrl, function(response) { // Run PHP to install Composer var php = exec(config.phpBin, function(error, stdout, stderr) { callback(error ? stderr : null); }); // Pass installer code to PHP via STDIN response.pipe(php.stdin); }); }); // Install Composer dependencies excluding development ones gulp.task('composer-install', ['get-composer'], function(callback) { exec(config.phpBin + ' composer.phar install --no-dev', function(error, stdout, stderr) { callback(error ? stderr : null); }); }); // Install all Composer dependencies gulp.task('composer-install-dev', ['get-composer'], function(callback) { exec(config.phpBin + ' composer.phar install', function(error, stdout, stderr) { callback(error ? stderr : null); }); }); // Compile all JavaScript files of the Mibew Core gulp.task('js', function() { return eventStream.merge( getClientSideApp('default'), getClientSideApp('chat'), getClientSideApp('thread_log'), getClientSideApp('users'), gulp.src(config.jsPath + '/source/**/*.js') ) .pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'})) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.jsPath + '/compiled')); }); // Performs all job related with chat styles. gulp.task('chat-styles', ['chat-styles-handlebars', 'chat-styles-js'], function() { // This task is just a combination of other tasks. That is why there is no // real code. }); // Compile and concatenate handlebars files for all chat styles. gulp.task('chat-styles-handlebars', function() { // TODO: Process all available styles, not only the default one. var stylePath = config.chatStylesPath + '/default'; return gulp.src(stylePath + '/templates_src/client_side/**/*.handlebars') .pipe(handlebars()) .pipe(wrapHandlebarsTemplate()) .pipe(concat('templates.js')) .pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'})) .pipe(header(config.compiledTemplatesHeader)) .pipe(gulp.dest(stylePath + '/templates_compiled/client_side')); }); // Compile and concatenate js files for all chat styles. gulp.task('chat-styles-js', function() { // TODO: Process all available styles, not only the default one. var stylePath = config.chatStylesPath + '/default'; return gulp.src(stylePath + '/js/source/**/*.js') .pipe(concat('scripts.js')) .pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'})) .pipe(gulp.dest(stylePath + '/js/compiled')); }); // Performs all job related with pages styles. gulp.task('page-styles', function() { // TODO: Process all available styles, not only the default one. var stylePath = config.pageStylesPath + '/default'; return eventStream.merge( gulp.src(stylePath + '/templates_src/client_side/default/**/*.handlebars') .pipe(handlebars()) .pipe(wrapHandlebarsTemplate()) .pipe(concat('default_app.tpl.js')), gulp.src(stylePath + '/templates_src/client_side/users/**/*.handlebars') .pipe(handlebars()) .pipe(wrapHandlebarsTemplate()) .pipe(concat('users_app.tpl.js')) ) .pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'})) .pipe(header(config.compiledTemplatesHeader)) .pipe(gulp.dest(stylePath + '/templates_compiled/client_side')); }); // Generate .pot files based on the sources gulp.task('generate-pot', function() { return eventStream.merge( gulp.src([ config.mibewPath + '/**/*.php', '!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/*.*', '!' + config.pluginsPath + '/**/*.*' ]) .pipe(xgettext({ language: 'PHP', keywords: [ {name: 'getlocal'}, {name: 'no_field'}, {name: 'wrong_field'}, {name: 'failed_uploading_file', singular: 2} ] })), gulp.src(config.jsPath + '/source/**/*.js', {base: config.mibewPath}) .pipe(xgettext({ language: 'JavaScript', keywords: [ {name: 'trans'} ] })), gulp.src([ config.chatStylesPath + '/default/templates_src/**/*.handlebars', config.pageStylesPath + '/default/templates_src/**/*.handlebars' ], {base: config.mibewPath}) .pipe(xgettextHandlebars()) ) .pipe(concatPo('translation.pot', { headers: { 'Project-Id-Version': 'Mibew Messenger ' + config.package.version, 'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To':, 'POT-Creation-Date': strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z'), 'PO-Revision-Date': '', 'Last-Translator': '', 'Language-Team': '', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('release')); }); // Pack sources to .zip and .tar.gz archives. gulp.task('pack-sources', ['composer-install'], function() { var sources = [ config.mibewPath + '/**/*', // Exclude Git repositories that can be shipped with third-party libs '!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/.git', '!' + config.phpVendorPath + '/**/.git/**/*' ]; var version = config.package.version; return eventStream.merge( gulp.src(sources, {dot: true}) .pipe(zip('mibew-' + version + '.zip')), gulp.src(sources, {dot: true}) .pipe(tar('mibew-' + version + '.tar')) .pipe(gzip()) ) .pipe(chmod(0644)) .pipe(gulp.dest('release')); }); // Performs all tasks in the correct order. gulp.task('prepare-release', function(callback) { runSequence( ['phpcs', 'js', 'chat-styles', 'page-styles', 'generate-pot'], 'pack-sources', callback ); }); // Builds the sources gulp.task('default', function(callback) { runSequence( ['js', 'chat-styles', 'page-styles'], 'pack-sources', callback ); }); /** * Loads and prepare js file for a client side application with the specified * name. * * @param {String} name Application name * @returns A files stream that can be piped to any gulp plugin. */ var getClientSideApp = function(name) { var appSource = config.jsPath + '/source/' + name; return gulp.src(appSource + '/**/*.js') .pipe(order( [ appSource + '/init.js', // The following line is equivalent to // gulp.src([appSource + '/*.js', '!' + appSource + '/app.js']); appSource + '/!(app).js', appSource + '/models/**/base*.js', appSource + '/models/**/*.js', appSource + '/collections/**/base*.js', appSource + '/collections/**/*.js', appSource + '/model_views/**/base*.js', appSource + '/model_views/**/*.js', appSource + '/collection_views/**/base*.js', appSource + '/collection_views/**/*.js', appSource + '/regions/**/base*.js', appSource + '/regions/**/*.js', appSource + '/layouts/**/base*.js', appSource + '/layouts/**/*.js', appSource + '/**/base*.js', // The following line is equivalent to // gulp.src([appSource + '/**/*.js', '!' + appSource + '/app.js']); '!' + appSource + '/app.js', appSource + '/app.js' ], {base: process.cwd()} )) .pipe(concat(name + '_app.js')); } /** * Wraps a handlebars template with a function and attach it to the * Handlebars.templates object. * * @returns {Function} A function that can be used in pipe() method of a file * stream right after gulp-handlebars plugin. */ var wrapHandlebarsTemplate = function() { return defineModule('plain', { wrapper: '(function() {\n' + 'var templates = Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {};\n' + 'Handlebars.templates["<%= relative %>"] = <%= handlebars %>;\n' + '})()', context: function(context) { return {relative: context.file.relative.replace(/\.js$/, '')}; } }); } /** * Extracts gettext messages from handlebars templates. * * @returns {Function} A function that can be used in pipe() method of a file * stream. */ var xgettextHandlebars = function() { var helperRegExp = /\{{2}l10n\s*('|")(.*?[^\\])\1.*?\}{2}/g; return through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) { var po = new PoFile(); match = false, contents = file.contents.toString(); while (match = helperRegExp.exec(contents)) { // Try to find item in the .po file by its name. var item = lodash.find(po.items, function(item) { return match[2] === item.msgid; }); var line = contents.substr(0, match.index).split(/\r?\n|\r/g).length; if (!item) { // There is no such item. Create new one. item = new PoFile.Item(); item.msgid = match[2].replace(/\\'/g, "'").replace(/\\"/g, '"'); po.items.push(item); } // Add new reference item.references.push(file.relative + ':' + line); } // Update file contents file.contents = new Buffer(po.toString()); this.push(file); callback(); }); }