Web Instant Messenger Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Web Messenger Creators Community. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html REQUIREMENTS * Apache web server 1.3.34 or above * MySQL database 5.0 or above * PHP 4.x or above with MySQL support QUICK INSTALLATION 1. Create folder with name 'webim' in the root of your website. 2. Upload all the files contained in this archive (retaining the directory structure) into created folder. 3. Edit /webim/libs/config.php and setup database connection parameters. 4. Using your web browser visit http://<yourdomain>/webim/install/ and hit 'Create tables' 5. Remove /webim/install/ directory from your server 6. Logon as user: admin password: <empty> 7. Get button code and setup it on your site. 8. Change your password and name. 9. Wait for your visitors on 'Pending users' page. On unix/linux platforms change the owner of /webim/images/avatar folder to the user, under which the web server is running (for instance, www). The owner should have all rights on the folder /webim/images/avatar (chmod 700 /webim/images/avatar). UPDATE 1. Backup your /webim/libs/config.php 2. Backup your /webim/images/avatar folder. 3. Clean webim folder on server. 4. Upload all the files contained in this archive (retaining the directory structure) into webim folder. 5. Adjust you config.php 6. Visit http://<yourdomain>/webim/install/ and follow the instructions to update database (if needed). 7. Remove /webim/install/ directory from your server 8. Restore contents of /webim/images/avatar folder.