diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/.keep b/src/tests/server_side/.keep
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/DatabaseTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/DatabaseTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 36965868..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/DatabaseTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/database.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
- * Test class for Database.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-11 at 12:37:41.
- */
-class DatabaseTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	/**
-	 * @var Database
-	 */
-	protected $object;
-	/**
-	 * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
-	 * This method is called before a test is executed.
-	 */
-	protected function setUp() {
-		$this->object = Database::getInstance();
-	}
-	public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
-		global $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass, $tables_prefix,
-			$db_encoding, $force_charset_in_connection, $use_persistent_connection;
-		Database::initialize(
-			$db_host,
-			$db_user,
-			$db_pass,
-			$use_persistent_connection,
-			$db_name,
-			$tables_prefix,
-			$force_charset_in_connection,
-			$db_encoding
-		);
-		$dbh = new PDO(
-			"mysql:host={$db_host};dbname={$db_name}",
-			$db_user,
-			$db_pass
-		);
-		$dbh->exec(
-			"CREATE TABLE phpunit_test_only " .
-		);
-		$dbh = NULL;
-	}
-	public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
-		global $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name;
-		$dbh = new PDO(
-			"mysql:host={$db_host};dbname={$db_name}",
-			$db_user,
-			$db_pass
-		);
-		$dbh->exec("DROP TABLE phpunit_test_only");
-		$dbh = NULL;
-		Database::destroy();
-	}
-	public function testGetInstance() {
-		$anotherDatabaseInstance = Database::getInstance();
-		$this->assertSame($this->object, $anotherDatabaseInstance);
-		$anotherDatabaseInstance = NULL;
-	}
-	public function testErrorInfo() {
-		$this->object->throwExeptions(true);
-		$this->assertFalse($this->object->errorInfo());
-		try{
-			$this->object->query("SOME_FAKE_QUERY");
-			$this->fail('Exception must be thrown!');
-		} catch(Exception $e) {
-			$errorInfo = $this->object->errorInfo();
-			$this->assertEquals('42000', $errorInfo[0]);
-			$this->assertEquals(1064, $errorInfo[1]);
-		}
-		$this->object->query("SELECT 'test_value'");
-		$errorInfo = $this->object->errorInfo();
-		$this->assertEquals('00000', $errorInfo[0]);
-	}
-	public function testQuery() {
-		global $mysqlprefix;
-		// Test simple good query
-		$this->assertTrue($this->object->query("SELECT 'test_value'"));
-		// Test various fetch type
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT 'test_value_one' AS field_name",
-			NULL,
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_one', $result['field_name']);
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT 'test_value_two' AS field_name",
-			NULL,
-			array(
-				'return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW,
-				'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_ASSOC
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_two', $result['field_name']);
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT 'test_value_four' AS field_name",
-			NULL,
-			array(
-				'return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW,
-				'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_four', $result[0]);
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT 'test_value_four' AS field_name",
-			NULL,
-			array(
-				'return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW,
-				'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_BOTH
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_four', $result['field_name']);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_four', $result[0]);
-		// Test all rows return
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT 'test_value_five' AS field_name " .
-			"UNION SELECT 'test_value_six' AS field_name",
-			NULL,
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_five', $result[0]['field_name']);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_six', $result[1]['field_name']);
-		// Test unnamed placeholders
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT ? AS field_name ",
-			array('test_value_seven'),
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_seven', $result['field_name']);
-		// Test named placeholders
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT :name AS field_name ",
-			array(':name' => 'test_value_eight'),
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals('test_value_eight', $result['field_name']);
-		// Test prefixies
-		$result = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT '{test}' AS field_name ",
-			NULL,
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals($mysqlprefix.'test', $result['field_name']);
-	}
-	public function testInsertedId() {
-		$this->object->query("INSERT INTO phpunit_test_only (id) VALUES (NULL)");
-		$actual_id = $this->object->insertedId();
-		list($expected_id) = $this->object->query(
-			"SELECT MAX(id) FROM phpunit_test_only",
-			NULL,
-			array(
-				'return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW,
-				'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertTrue(is_numeric($actual_id));
-		$this->assertEquals($expected_id, $actual_id);
-	}
-	public function testAffectedRows() {
-		// Test on INSERT
-		$this->object->query(
-			"INSERT INTO phpunit_test_only (id) VALUES " .
-			"(100), (101), (102), (103), (104), (105)"
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(6, $this->object->affectedRows());
-		// Test on UPDATE
-		$this->object->query(
-			"UPDATE phpunit_test_only SET id = id+100 WHERE id > 103"
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $this->object->affectedRows());
-		// Test on SELECT
-		$this->object->query(
-			"SELECT * FROM phpunit_test_only WHERE id >= 100 AND id <= 103"
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(4, $this->object->affectedRows());
-		// Test on DELETE
-		$this->object->query(
-			"DELETE FROM phpunit_test_only WHERE id >= 100"
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(6, $this->object->affectedRows());
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/EventDispatcherTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/EventDispatcherTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a7050be6..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/EventDispatcherTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/event_dispatcher.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/plugin.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../plugins/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_plugin.php';
- * Test class for EventDispatcher.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-17 at 16:09:00.
- */
-class EventDispatcherTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	protected static $plugin = null;
-	public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
-		self::$plugin = new PhpunitAutotestPluginManagerPlugin();
-	}
-	public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
-		self::$plugin = null;
-	}
-	public function testGetInstance() {
-		$dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
-		$another_dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
-		$this->assertSame($dispatcher, $another_dispatcher);
-		unset($another_dispatcher);
-		return $dispatcher;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testGetInstance
-	 */
-	public function testAttachListener($dispatcher) {
-		// Try to Attach wrong method as listener to event
-		// Following code wait for trigger user error, which converts by PHPUnit to an
-		// Exception
-		try{
-			$dispatcher->attachListener(
-				'some_test_event',
-				self::$plugin,
-				'wrongEventListener'
-			);
-			$this->fail("Error expected!");
-		} catch(Exception $e) {}
-		// Try to attach listener to event
-		$this->assertTrue(
-			$dispatcher->attachListener(
-				'some_test_event',
-				self::$plugin,
-				'testEventListener'
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to attach listener to event
-		$this->assertTrue(
-			$dispatcher->attachListener(
-				'some_another_test_event',
-				self::$plugin,
-				'testEventListener'
-			)
-		);
-		return $dispatcher;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testAttachListener
-	 */
-	public function testDetachListener($dispatcher) {
-		// Try to detach listner that was not attached to registerd event
-		$this->assertFalse(
-			$dispatcher->detachListener(
-				'some_test_event',
-				self::$plugin,
-				'wrongEventListener'
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to detach listener that was attached to registered
-		$this->assertTrue(
-			$dispatcher->detachListener(
-				'some_test_event',
-				self::$plugin,
-				'testEventListener'
-			)
-		);
-		return $dispatcher;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testDetachListener
-	 */
-	public function testTriggerEvent($dispatcher) {
-		// Try to trigger registered event
-		$test_array = array();
-		$dispatcher->triggerEvent('some_another_test_event', $test_array);
-		$this->assertEquals('some_test_value', $test_array['test']);
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPIExecutionContextTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPIExecutionContextTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cb6a54c5..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPIExecutionContextTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/mibew_api_execution_context.php';
- * Test class for MibewAPIExecutionContext.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-27 at 15:47:53.
- */
-class MibewAPIExecutionContextTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	public function testStoreFunctionResults() {
-		$context = new MibewAPIExecutionContext();
-		// Create 'function' array. See Mibew API for details.
-		$function = array(
-			'function' => 'test_function',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array('microtime' => 'time'),
-				'references' => array()
-			)
-		);
-		// Wrong function's results
-		$wrong_results = array();
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$context->storeFunctionResults($function, $wrong_results);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Correct function's results
-		$results = array(
-			'microtime' => 'some_microtime_value'
-		);
-		$context->storeFunctionResults($function, $results);
-		return $context;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testStoreFunctionResults
-	 */
-	public function testGetResults(MibewAPIExecutionContext $context) {
-		$results = $context->getResults();
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array('time' => 'some_microtime_value'),
-			$results
-		);
-		//return $context;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testStoreFunctionResults
-	 */
-	public function testGetArgumentsList(MibewAPIExecutionContext $context) {
-		// Function with wrong references arguments. See Mibew API for details of 'function'
-		// array
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'test',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array(
-					// Wrong function number. Execution does not have to many
-					// functons results
-					'x' => 12
-				),
-				'x' => 'microtime'
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$context->getArgumentsList($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'test',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array(
-					// Wrong argument 'x'. This function does not have this
-					// argument
-					'x' => 1
-				)
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$context->getArgumentsList($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'test',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array(
-					'x' => 1
-				),
-				// Wrong reference name.
-				'x' => 'wrong_result'
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$context->getArgumentsList($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Correct function.
-		$correct_function = array(
-			'function' => 'test',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array(
-					'x' => 1
-				),
-				'x' => 'microtime'
-			)
-		);
-		$arguments = $context->getArgumentsList($correct_function);
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array(
-				'x' => 'some_microtime_value',
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array(
-					'x' => 1
-				)
-			),
-			$arguments
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPIInteractionTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPIInteractionTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 573a40d6..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPIInteractionTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/mibew_api_interaction.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mibew_api_test_interaction.php';
- * Test class for MibewAPIInteraction.
- */
-class MibewAPIInteractionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	/**
-	 * An instance of the MibewAPITestInteraction
-	 * @var MibewAPITestInteraction
-	 */
-	protected $object = null;
-	protected function setUp() {
-		$this->object = new MibewAPITestInteraction();
-	}
-	protected function tearDown() {
-		unset($this->object);
-	}
-	public function testGetObligatoryArguments() {
-		// Test obligatory arguments for all functions
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$this->object->getObligatoryArguments('some_default_function'),
-			array('return', 'references')
-		);
-		// Test obligatory argumens for specific function
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$this->object->getObligatoryArguments('foo'),
-			array('return', 'references', 'bar')
-		);
-	}
-	public function testGetObligatoryArgumentsDefaults() {
-		// Test default values for obligatory arguments for all functions
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$this->object->getObligatoryArgumentsDefaults('some_default_function'),
-			array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array()
-			)
-		);
-		// Test default values for obligatory argumens for specific function
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$this->object->getObligatoryArgumentsDefaults('foo'),
-			array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array(),
-				'bar' => 127
-			)
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPITest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPITest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c8f6429c..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/MibewAPITest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/mibew_api.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/mibew_api_interaction.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mibew_api_test_interaction.php';
- * Test class for MibewAPI.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-27 at 15:47:47.
- */
-class MibewAPITest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	public function testGetAPI() {
-		$mibew_api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		$this->assertEquals($mibew_api, MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction'));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testGetAPI
-	 */
-	public function testCheckFunction() {
-		$api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		// Wrong function. Function name is absent
-		$wrong_function = array();
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$api->checkFunction($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_FUNCTION_NAME,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function. It have reserved name and second argument in
-		// MibewAPI::checkFunction() will be true.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'result'
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED
-		// code
-		try {
-			$api->checkFunction($wrong_function, true);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function. It have reserved name, but second argument in
-		// MibewAPI::checkFunction() will be false as default. Also it have no 'arguments'
-		// element.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'result'
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_ARGUMENTS code
-		try {
-			$api->checkFunction($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_ARGUMENTS,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function. 'arguments' element is an empty array.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'wrong_function',
-			'arguments' => array()
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_ARGUMENTS code
-		try {
-			$api->checkFunction($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_ARGUMENTS,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function. 'arguments' element is not array.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'wrong_function',
-			'arguments' => 'not an array'
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::WRONG_ARGUMENTS_TYPE code
-		try {
-			$api->checkFunction($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function. The obligatary arguments missed.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'wrong_function',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'x' => 11
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$api->checkFunction($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Another wrong function. Some of the obligatary arguments missed.
-		$wrong_function = array(
-			'function' => 'wrong_function',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'x' => 11,
-				'return' => array()
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$api->checkFunction($wrong_function);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Correct function
-		$correct_function = array(
-			'function' => 'correct_function',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array('name' => 'alias'),
-				'references' => array('x' => 1),
-				'x' => 'argument_from_first_function',
-				'argument_key' => 'argument_value'
-			)
-		);
-		$api->checkFunction($correct_function);
-		return $correct_function;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testCheckFunction
-	 */
-	public function testCheckRequest($correct_function) {
-		$api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		// Wrong request. Its 'token' element is absent.
-		$wrong_request = array();
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_TOKEN code
-		try {
-			$api->checkRequest($wrong_request);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_TOKEN,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong request. Its 'token' element is empty.
-		$wrong_request = array('token' => '');
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_TOKEN code
-		try {
-			$api->checkRequest($wrong_request);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_TOKEN,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong request. Its 'function' element is absent.
-		$wrong_request = array(
-			'token' => 'some_test_token'
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_FUNCTIONS code
-		try {
-			$api->checkRequest($wrong_request);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_FUNCTIONS,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong request. Its 'function' element is empty.
-		$wrong_request = array(
-			'token' => 'some_test_token',
-			'functions' => array()
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_FUNCTIONS code
-		try {
-			$api->checkRequest($wrong_request);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_FUNCTIONS,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Correct request
-		$correct_request = array(
-			'token' => 'some_test_token',
-			'functions' => array($correct_function, $correct_function)
-		);
-		$api->checkRequest($correct_request);
-		return $correct_request;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testCheckRequest
-	 */
-	public function testCheckPackage($correct_request) {
-		$api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		$trusted_signatures = array('some_trusted_signature');
-		// Wrong package. Signature element is absent.
-		$wrong_package = array();
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_SIGNATURE code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_SIGNATURE,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. Signature is wrong.
-		$wrong_package = array('signature' => 'wrong_signature');
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::UNTRUSTED_SIGNATURE code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. Protocol is absent.
-		$wrong_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature'
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_PROTOCOL code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_PROTOCOL,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. Protocol is empty.
-		$wrong_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature',
-			'proto' => ''
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_PROTOCOL code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_PROTOCOL,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. Protocol is wrong.
-		$wrong_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature',
-			'proto' => 'wrong_protocol'
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::WRONG_PROTOCOL_VERSION
-		// code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. 'async' flag is absent.
-		$wrong_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature',
-			'proto' => MibewAPI::PROTOCOL_VERSION
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::ASYNC_FLAG_MISSED code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::ASYNC_FLAG_MISSED,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. 'async' flag is wrong.
-		$wrong_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature',
-			'proto' => MibewAPI::PROTOCOL_VERSION,
-			'async' => 'wrong_async_flag'
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::WRONG_ASYNC_FLAG_VALUE
-		// code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. Requests is absent.
-		$wrong_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature',
-			'proto' => MibewAPI::PROTOCOL_VERSION,
-			'async' => false
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_REQUESTS code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_REQUESTS,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong package. Requests is empty.
-		$wrong_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature',
-			'proto' => MibewAPI::PROTOCOL_VERSION,
-			'async' => false,
-			'requests' => array()
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::EMPTY_REQUESTS code
-		try {
-			$api->checkPackage($wrong_package, $trusted_signatures);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::EMPTY_REQUESTS,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Correct package.
-		$correct_package = array(
-			'signature' => 'some_trusted_signature',
-			'proto' => MibewAPI::PROTOCOL_VERSION,
-			'async' => false,
-			'requests' => array($correct_request, $correct_request)
-		);
-		$api->checkPackage($correct_package, $trusted_signatures);
-		return $correct_package;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testCheckPackage
-	 */
-	public function testEncodePackage($correct_package) {
-		$api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		// Get package values
-		$requests = $correct_package['requests'];
-		$signature = $correct_package['signature'];
-		$async = $correct_package['async'];
-		// Encode package
-		$encoded_package = $api->encodePackage($requests, $signature, $async);
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			urlencode(json_encode($correct_package)),
-			$encoded_package
-		);
-		return array(
-			'package' => $correct_package,
-			'encoded_package' => $encoded_package
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testEncodePackage
-	 */
-	public function testDecodePackage($vars) {
-		$api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with MibewAPIException::NOT_VALID_JSON code
-		try {
-			$api->decodePackage(
-				substr(
-					$vars['encoded_package'],
-					// Break package
-					ceil(strlen($vars['encoded_package']) / 2)
-				),
-				array('some_trusted_signature')
-			);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::NOT_VALID_JSON,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$vars['package'],
-			$api->decodePackage(
-				$vars['encoded_package'],
-				array('some_trusted_signature')
-			)
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testGetAPI
-	 */
-	public function testGetResultFunction() {
-		$api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		// Wrong functions list. More than one result function.
-		$functions_list = array(
-			array(
-				'function' => 'result',
-				'num' => 1
-			),
-			array(
-				'function' => 'result',
-				'num' => 2
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		try {
-			$api->getResultFunction($functions_list, null);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong functions list. Result function not exists, but getResultFunction's second
-		// argument is true
-		$functions_list = array();
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		// MibewAPIException::NO_RESULT_FUNCTION code
-		try {
-			$api->getResultFunction($functions_list, true);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				MibewAPIException::NO_RESULT_FUNCTION,
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Wrong functions list. Result function exists, but getResultFunction's second
-		// argument is false
-		$functions_list = array(
-			array(
-				'function' => 'result',
-				'num' => 1
-			)
-		);
-		// Try to catch MibewAPIException with
-		// MibewAPIException::RESULT_FUNCTION_EXISTS code
-		try {
-			$api->getResultFunction($functions_list, false);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch (MibewAPIException $e) {
-			$this->assertEquals(
-				$e->getCode()
-			);
-		}
-		// Correct functions list. Result function not exists and getResultFunction's second
-		// argument is false
-		$functions_list = array();
-		$this->assertEquals(null, $api->getResultFunction($functions_list, false));
-		// Correct functions list. Result function exists and getResultFunction's second
-		// argument is true
-		$functions_list = array(
-			array(
-				'function' => 'result',
-				'num' => 1
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$functions_list[0],
-			$api->getResultFunction($functions_list, true)
-		);
-		// Correct functions list. Result function not exists and getResultFunction's second
-		// argument is null
-		$functions_list = array();
-		$this->assertEquals(null, $api->getResultFunction($functions_list, null));
-		// Correct functions list. Result function exists and getResultFunction's second
-		// argument is null
-		$functions_list = array(
-			array(
-				'function' => 'result',
-				'num' => 1
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$functions_list[0],
-			$api->getResultFunction($functions_list, null)
-		);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testGetAPI
-	 */
-	public function testBuildResult() {
-		$api = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		$token = 'some_test_token';
-		$package = array(
-			'token' => $token,
-			'functions' => array(
-				array(
-					'function' => 'result',
-					'arguments' => array(
-						'references' => array(),
-						'return' => array(),
-						'test_argument' => 'test_value'
-					)
-				)
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			$package,
-			$api->buildResult($token, array('test_argument' => 'test_value'))
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/PluginManagerTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/PluginManagerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c2ff44..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/PluginManagerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/plugin_manager.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/plugin.php';
- * Test class for PluginManager.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-17 at 16:09:18.
- */
-class PluginManagerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	public function testLoadPlugins() {
-		set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../plugins/'));
-		// Try to load plugin that does not exists
-		// Following code wait for trigger user error, which converts by PHPUnit to an
-		// Exception
-		try {
-			PluginManager::loadPlugins(
-				array(
-					array(
-						'name' => 'missed_plugin'
-					)
-				)
-			);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning $e) {}
-		// Try to load plugin with an absent plugin in dependences list
-		// Following code wait for trigger user warning, which converts by PHPUnit to an
-		// Exception
-		try {
-			PluginManager::loadPlugins(
-				array(
-					array(
-						'name' => 'phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_dependence'
-					)
-				)
-			);
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning $e) {}
-		// Try to load correct plugin
-		PluginManager::loadPlugins(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'name' => 'phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager'
-				)
-			)
-		);
-		// Check if plugin initialized correctry
-		if(empty($GLOBALS['phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager'])) {
-			$this->fail('Plugin not loaded and initialize correctly');
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testLoadPlugins
-	 */
-	public function testGetPlugin() {
-		// Try to get plugin with wrong name
-		// Following code wait for trigger user warning, which converts by PHPUnit to an
-		// Exception
-		try {
-			PluginManager::getPlugin('wrong_plugin_name');
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(Exception $e) {}
-		// Try to get loaded plugin
-		PluginManager::getPlugin('phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager');
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testGetPlugin
-	 */
-	public function testGetAllPlugins() {
-		// Get loaded plugin
-		$plugin = PluginManager::getPlugin('phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager');
-		// Build plugins list to comparison
-		$plugins_list = array('phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager' => $plugin);
-		// Check loaded plugins list
-		$this->assertEquals($plugins_list, PluginManager::getAllPlugins());
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/RequestProcessorTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/RequestProcessorTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4257d0c3..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/RequestProcessorTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/event_dispatcher.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/plugin.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/plugin_manager.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/request_processor.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/mibew_api.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/mibew_api_interaction.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/mibew_api_execution_context.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../request_processor_test.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mibew_api_test_interaction.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/test_processor.php';
- * Test class for RequestProcessor.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-09-21 at 19:05:21.
- */
-class RequestProcessorTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	/**
-	 * @var RequestProcessor
-	 */
-	protected static $object;
-	/**
-	 * @var MibewAPI
-	 */
-	protected static $mibewAPI;
-	/**
-	 * @var Request_processor_testPlugin
-	 */
-	protected static $plugin;
-	public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
-		// Load Mibew API
-		self::$mibewAPI = MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-		// Initialize TestProcessor object
-		self::$object = new TestProcessor(array(
-			'signature' => 'valid_signature',
-			'trusted_signatures' => array('trusted_signature')
-		));
-		// Initialize events listener plugin
-		set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../plugins/'));
-		PluginManager::loadPlugins(
-			array(
-				array('name' => 'request_processor_test')
-			)
-		);
-		self::$plugin = PluginManager::getPlugin('request_processor_test');
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
-	 * This method is called before a test is executed.
-	 */
-	protected function setUp() {}
-	/**
-	 * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
-	 * This method is called after a test is executed.
-	 */
-	protected function tearDown() {}
-	public function test__construct() {
-		// Try to get error with undefined signature
-		try {
-			new TestProcessor(
-				array(
-					'trusted_signatures' => array('')
-				)
-			);
-			$this->fail('Error must be thrown');
-		} catch(PHPUnit_Framework_Error $e) {}
-		// Try to get error with undefined trusted signatures
-		try {
-			new TestProcessor(
-				array('signature' => '')
-			);
-			$this->fail('Error must be thrown');
-		} catch(PHPUnit_Framework_Error $e) {}
-		// Try to create object
-		$processor = new TestProcessor(
-			array(
-				'signature' => '',
-				'trusted_signatures' => array(''),
-				'event_prefix' => '_testProcessor'
-			)
-		);
-		unset($processor);
-	}
-	public function testReceiveRequest() {
-		// Test signature check
-		// Create request
-		$package = self::$mibewAPI->encodePackage(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'test',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'return' => array(),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			'wrong signature',
-			false
-		);
-		// Process request and check result
-		$this->assertFalse(self::$object->receiveRequest($package));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testRequestError'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check error code
-		$this->assertEquals(MibewAPIException::UNTRUSTED_SIGNATURE, self::$plugin->errorCode);
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array(), self::$object->callList);
-		// Test synchronous request
-		// Create request
-		$package = self::$mibewAPI->encodePackage(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'sync_call_test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'call_func',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'return' => array('processorCall' => 'processorCall', 'pluginCall' => 'pluginCall'),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			'trusted_signature',
-			false
-		);
-		// Process request and check result
-		$this->assertTrue(self::$object->receiveRequest($package));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testRequestReceived', 'testFunctionCall'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array(
-				'processRequest',
-				'processFunction',
-				'processorCall',
-				'sendSyncResponses'
-			),
-			self::$object->callList
-		);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-		// Check response
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'sync_call_test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'result',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'processorCall' => true,
-								'pluginCall' => true,
-								'return' => array(),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			self::$object->responses
-		);
-		self::$object->responses = array();
-		// Test first asynchronous request (no callbacks and no result function)
-		// Create request
-		$package = self::$mibewAPI->encodePackage(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'async_call_test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'call_func',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'return' => array('processorCall' => 'processorCall', 'pluginCall' => 'pluginCall'),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			'trusted_signature',
-			true
-		);
-		// Process request and check result
-		$this->assertTrue(self::$object->receiveRequest($package));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testRequestReceived', 'testFunctionCall'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array(
-				'loadCallback',
-				'processRequest',
-				'processFunction',
-				'processorCall',
-				'sendAsyncResponses'
-			),
-			self::$object->callList
-		);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-		// Check response
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'async_call_test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'result',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'processorCall' => true,
-								'pluginCall' => true,
-								'return' => array(),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			self::$object->responses
-		);
-		self::$object->responses = array();
-		// Test asynchronous request with result function and no callback
-		// Create request
-		$package = self::$mibewAPI->encodePackage(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'result_only_test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'result',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'test_argument' => 'test_value',
-								'return' => array(),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			'trusted_signature',
-			true
-		);
-		// Process request and check result
-		$this->assertTrue(self::$object->receiveRequest($package));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testRequestReceived'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('loadCallback'), self::$object->callList);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-		// Check response
-		$this->assertEmpty(self::$object->responses);
-		// Test asynchronous request with callback and no result function
-		// Create request
-		$package = self::$mibewAPI->encodePackage(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'callback_only_test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'not_result',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'test_argument' => 'test_value',
-								'return' => array(),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			'trusted_signature',
-			true
-		);
-		// Process request and check result
-		$this->assertFalse(self::$object->receiveRequest($package));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testRequestReceived', 'testRequestError'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check error code
-		$this->assertEquals(MibewAPIException::NO_RESULT_FUNCTION, self::$plugin->errorCode);
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('loadCallback', 'processRequest'), self::$object->callList);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-		// Check response
-		$this->assertEmpty(self::$object->responses);
-		// Test asynchronous request with callback and result function
-		// Create request
-		$package = self::$mibewAPI->encodePackage(
-			array(
-				array(
-					'token' => 'callback_and_result_test',
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'result',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'first' => true,
-								'return' => array(),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			),
-			'trusted_signature',
-			true
-		);
-		// Process request and check result
-		$this->assertTrue(self::$object->receiveRequest($package));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testRequestReceived', 'testRequestProcessorCallback'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check callback arguments
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array(
-				'first' => true,
-				'second' => true, // Set in TestProcessor::loadCallback method
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array()
-			),
-			self::$plugin->callbackArguments
-		);
-		self::$plugin->callbackArguments = array();
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('loadCallback', 'processRequest'), self::$object->callList);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-		// Check response
-		$this->assertEmpty(self::$object->responses);
-	}
-	public function testCall() {
-		// Check call to not a function
-		// Call function
-		$this->assertFalse(self::$object->call('', true));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testCallError'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check error code
-		$this->assertEquals(RequestProcessorException::WRONG_ARGUMENTS, self::$plugin->errorCode);
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEmpty(self::$object->callList);
-		// Check call to wrong function array. Only empty function's arguments checked. Other errors tested with
-		// MibewAPI class.
-		// Specify function
-		$function = array(
-			'function' => 'not a function'
-		);
-		// Call function
-		$this->assertFalse(self::$object->call(array($function), true));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testCallError'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check error code
-		$this->assertEquals(MibewAPIException::EMPTY_ARGUMENTS, self::$plugin->errorCode);
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEmpty(self::$object->callList);
-		// Check asynchronous request
-		// Specify function
-		$function = array(
-			'function' => 'test_func',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array()
-			)
-		);
-		// Call function
-		$this->assertTrue(
-			self::$object->call(
-				array($function),
-				true,
-				array('function' => 'callback', 'arguments' => array())
-			)
-		);
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array(), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('saveCallback', 'sendAsyncRequest'), self::$object->callList);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-		// Check synchronous request with function that have result in response package
-		// Specify function
-		$function = array(
-			'function' => 'return_result',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array()
-			)
-		);
-		// Call function
-		$this->assertNotEquals(false, self::$object->call(array($function), false));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testResponseReceived'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array('sendSyncRequest', 'processRequest'),
-			self::$object->callList
-		);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-		// Check synchronous request with function that have no result in response package
-		// Specify function
-		$function = array(
-			'function' => 'some_test_func',
-			'arguments' => array(
-				'return' => array(),
-				'references' => array()
-			)
-		);
-		// Call function
-		$this->assertFalse(self::$object->call(array($function), false));
-		// Check plugin call list
-		$this->assertEquals(array('testResponseReceived', 'testCallError'), self::$plugin->callList);
-		self::$plugin->callList = array();
-		// Check error code
-		$this->assertEquals(MibewAPIException::NO_RESULT_FUNCTION, self::$plugin->errorCode);
-		// Check TestProcessor call list
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array('sendSyncRequest', 'processRequest'),
-			self::$object->callList
-		);
-		self::$object->callList = array();
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/SettingsTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/SettingsTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e005f060..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/SettingsTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/settings.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/database.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
- * Test class for Settings.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-16 at 15:07:10.
- */
-class SettingsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
-		global $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass, $tables_prefix,
-			$db_encoding, $force_charset_in_connection, $use_persistent_connection;
-		Database::initialize(
-			$db_host,
-			$db_user,
-			$db_pass,
-			$use_persistent_connection,
-			$db_name,
-			$tables_prefix,
-			$force_charset_in_connection,
-			$db_encoding
-		);
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		$db->query(
-			"INSERT INTO {chatconfig} (vckey, vcvalue) " .
-			"VALUES (?, ?)",
-			array('some_test_key', 'some_test_value')
-		);
-	}
-	public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		$db->query(
-			"DELETE FROM {chatconfig} WHERE vckey = ? OR vckey = ?",
-			array('some_test_key', 'some_another_test_key')
-		);
-		Database::destroy();
-	}
-	public function testGet() {
-		$this->assertEquals('some_test_value', Settings::get('some_test_key'));
-	}
-	public function testSet() {
-		Settings::set('some_test_key', 'some_another_value');
-		$this->assertEquals('some_another_value', Settings::get('some_test_key'));
-		Settings::set('some_test_key', 'some_test_value');
-	}
-	public function testUpdate() {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		Settings::set('some_test_key', 'some_value_for_update');
-		Settings::set('some_another_test_key', 'some_another_value_for_update');
-		Settings::update();
-		list($count) = $db->query(
-			"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {chatconfig} WHERE vckey = ? AND vcvalue = ?",
-			array('some_test_key', 'some_value_for_update'),
-			array(
-				'return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW,
-				'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
-		list($count) = $db->query(
-			"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {chatconfig} WHERE vckey = ? AND vcvalue = ?",
-			array('some_another_test_key', 'some_another_value_for_update'),
-			array(
-				'return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW,
-				'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM
-			)
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/ThreadTest.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/ThreadTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e4080a90..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/ThreadTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1273 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/thread.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/database.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/thread_processor_mock.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/settings.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/classes/event_dispatcher.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../mibew/libs/common/locale.php';
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
- * Test class for Thread.
- * Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-09-07 at 19:04:21.
- */
-class ThreadTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	/**
-	 * Temporary variable to store thread lifetime
-	 * @var int
-	 */
-	protected static $thread_lifetime;
-	/**
-	 * Get Messages count from database
-	 *
-	 * @param int $kind Message kind
-	 * @param string $message Message text
-	 * @param int $last_msg_id Message id to start search from
-	 * @return int Messages count
-	 */
-	protected function _helper_getMessagesCount($kind, $message, $last_msg_id) {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		list($count) = $db->query(
-			"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {chatmessage} " .
-				"WHERE ikind = :kind AND tmessage = :message AND messageid > :last_msg_id",
-			array(
-				':kind' => $kind,
-				':message' => $message,
-				':last_msg_id' => $last_msg_id
-			),
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW, 'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM)
-		);
-		return $count;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get total message count from database
-	 *
-	 * @param int $last_msg_id Message id to start search from
-	 * @return int Messages count
-	 */
-	protected function _helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id) {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		list($count) = $db->query(
-			"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {chatmessage} WHERE messageid > :last_msg_id",
-			array(':last_msg_id' => $last_msg_id),
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW, 'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM)
-		);
-		return $count;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns last message id
-	 *
-	 * @return int Id of the last message
-	 */
-	protected function _helper_getLastMessageId() {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		list($last_msg_id) = $db->query(
-			"SELECT MAX(messageid) FROM {chatmessage}",
-			NULL,
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW, 'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM)
-		);
-		if (! $last_msg_id) {
-			$last_msg_id = 0;
-		}
-		return $last_msg_id;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get threads count with specified thread id
-	 *
-	 * @param int $thread_id Id of the thread
-	 * @return int Count of threads
-	 */
-	protected function _helper_getThreadCount($thread_id) {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		list($count) = $db->query(
-			"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {chatthread} WHERE threadid = :id",
-			array(':id' => $thread_id),
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW, 'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM)
-		);
-		return $count;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get thread info from database
-	 *
-	 * @param int $thread_id Id of the thread
-	 * @return array Thread info
-	 */
-	protected function _helper_getThreadInfo($thread_id) {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		return $db->query(
-			"SELECT * FROM {chatthread} WHERE threadid = :id",
-			array(':id' => $thread_id),
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
-		);
-	}
-	public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
-		// Initialize database object
-		global $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass, $tables_prefix,
-			$db_encoding, $force_charset_in_connection, $use_persistent_connection;
-		Database::initialize(
-			$db_host,
-			$db_user,
-			$db_pass,
-			$use_persistent_connection,
-			$db_name,
-			$tables_prefix,
-			$force_charset_in_connection,
-			$db_encoding
-		);
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		// Clear tables
-		$db->query("TRUNCATE {chatthread}");
-		$db->query("TRUNCATE {chatmessage}");
-		self::$thread_lifetime = Settings::get('thread_lifetime');
-		Settings::set('thread_lifetime', 600);
-	}
-	public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		// Clear tables
-		$db->query("TRUNCATE {chatthread}");
-		$db->query("TRUNCATE {chatmessage}");
-		Settings::set('thread_lifetime', self::$thread_lifetime);
-		// Destroy Database object
-		Database::destroy();
-	}
-	public function testCreate() {
-		// Create thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Check thread
-		$this->assertNotEmpty($thread);
-		$this->assertNotEmpty($thread->id);
-		$this->assertNotEmpty($thread->lastToken);
-		// Check if thread in database
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getThreadCount($thread->id));
-		$threadid = $thread->id;
-		unset($thread);
-		return $threadid;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testCreate
-	 */
-	public function testLoad($threadid) {
-		// Load thread
-		$thread = Thread::load($threadid);
-		// Check thread
-		$this->assertNotEmpty($thread);
-		$this->assertEquals($threadid, $thread->id);
-		return $thread;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testLoad
-	 */
-	public function testDelete(Thread $thread) {
-		$threadid = $thread->id;
-		// Check if thread in database
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getThreadCount($threadid));
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-		// Check thread in database
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $this->_helper_getThreadCount($threadid));
-	}
-	public function testCreateFromDbInfo() {
-		// Check incomplete fields list
-		$fields_list = array(
-			'threadid' => 1
-		);
-		$thread = Thread::createFromDbInfo($fields_list);
-		$this->assertFalse($thread);
-		// Check complete fields list
-		$fields_list = array(
-			'threadid' => 10,
-			'lrevision' => 189,
-			'istate' => Thread::STATE_QUEUE,
-			'invitationstate' => Thread::INVITATION_NOT_INVITED,
-			'ltoken' => 19908,
-			'nextagent' => 0,
-			'groupid' => 0,
-			'shownmessageid' => 0,
-			'messageCount' => 0,
-			'dtmcreated' => time() - 100,
-			'dtmmodified' => time() - 90,
-			'dtmchatstarted' => 0,
-			'dtmclosed' => time(),
-			'agentId' => 0,
-			'agentName' => '',
-			'agentTyping' => 0,
-			'lastpingagent' => 0,
-			'locale' => 'en',
-			'userid' => 1112,
-			'userName' => 'Guest',
-			'userTyping' => 0,
-			'lastpinguser' => time() - 10,
-			'remote' => '',
-			'referer' => 'http://google.com',
-			'userAgent' => 'Mozilla FireFox'
-		);
-		$thread = Thread::createFromDbInfo($fields_list);
-		$this->assertInstanceOf('Thread', $thread);
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function test__isset() {
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Property exists and not empty
-		$this->assertNotEmpty($thread->id);
-		// assertTrue use instead of assertEmpty because of PHPUnit don't work correctly with __isset magic method
-		// Property exists in internal Thread::$propertyMap property but not set
-		$this->assertTrue(empty($thread->lastRevision));
-		$this->assertFalse(isset($thread->lastRevision));
-		// Property does not exists
-		$this->assertTrue(empty($thread->someFakeProp));
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function test__set() {
-		// Create thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Try to set value for unexistent property
-		// Following code wait for trigger user notice, which converts by PHPUnit to an
-		// Exception
-		try {
-			$thread->someFakeField = 'some_test_value';
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(Exception $e) {}
-		// Try to set exist property
-		$thread->lastToken = 129;
-		return $thread;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends test__set
-	 */
-	public function test__get(Thread $thread) {
-		// Check property value from test_set() method
-		$this->assertEquals(129, $thread->lastToken);
-		// Try to get value of unexistent property
-		// Following code wait for trigger user notice, which converts by PHPUnit to an
-		// Exception
-		try {
-			$some_value = $thread->someFakeField;
-			$this->fail("Exception must be thrown");
-		} catch(Exception $e) {}
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testSave() {
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Update thread values
-		$thread->state = $state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->lastToken = $last_token = 11;
-		$thread->nextAgent = $next_agent = 12;
-		$thread->groupId = $group_id = 13;
-		$thread->shownMessageId = $shown_message_id = 14;
-		$thread->messageCount = $message_count = 15;
-		$thread->created = $created = time() - 200;
-		$thread->chatStarted = $chat_started = time() - 180;
-		$thread->agentId = $agent_id = 16;
-		$thread->agentName = $agent_name = '17';
-		$thread->agentTyping = $agent_typing = 0;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = $last_ping_agent = time() - 170;
-		$thread->locale = $locale = '18';
-		$thread->userId = $user_id = 19;
-		$thread->userName = $user_name = '20';
-		$thread->userTyping = $user_tiping = 1;
-		$thread->lastPingUser = $last_user_ping = time() - 160;
-		$thread->remote = $remote = '21';
-		$thread->referer = $referer = '22';
-		$thread->userAgent = $user_agent = '23';
-		// Save thread
-		$thread->save();
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check values
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['istate'], $state);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['ltoken'], $last_token);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['nextagent'], $next_agent);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['groupid'], $group_id);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['shownmessageid'], $shown_message_id);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['messageCount'], $message_count);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['dtmcreated'], $created);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['dtmchatstarted'], $chat_started);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['agentId'], $agent_id);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['agentName'], $agent_name);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['agentTyping'], $agent_typing);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['lastpingagent'], $last_ping_agent);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['locale'], $locale);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['userid'], $user_id);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['userName'], $user_name);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['userTyping'], $user_tiping);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['lastpinguser'], $last_user_ping);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['remote'], $remote);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['referer'], $referer);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['userAgent'], $user_agent);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testReopen() {
-		global $home_locale;
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->locale = $home_locale;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time() - Settings::get('thread_lifetime') * 2;
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time() - Settings::get('thread_lifetime') * 2;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Last ping was more than life_time ago
-		$this->assertFalse(Thread::reopen($thread->id));
-		// Try reopen closed thread
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CLOSED;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time();
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time();
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertFalse(Thread::reopen($thread->id));
-		// Try to reopen left thread
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_LEFT;
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertFalse(Thread::reopen($thread->id));
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Try to reopen thread with Thread::STATE_WAITING state
-		$thread->nextAgent = 2;
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_WAITING;
-		$thread->save();
-		$another_thread = Thread::reopen($thread->id);
-		$this->assertNotEmpty($another_thread);
-		// Load another thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($another_thread->id);
-		// Check next agent field
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $another_thread->nextAgent);
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread_info['nextagent']);
-		// Check sent messages
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Check message text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring_("chat.status.user.reopenedthread", $another_thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		unset($another_thread);
-		// Reload thread because values in database was changed
-		// in Thread::reopen method called above, but values in $thread object
-		// are still the same
-		$thread = Thread::load($thread->id);
-		// Try to reopen thread with Thread::STATE_QUEUE state
-		$thread->nextAgent = 2;
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_QUEUE;
-		$thread->save();
-		$another_thread = Thread::reopen($thread->id);
-		$this->assertNotEmpty($another_thread);
-		// Load another thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($another_thread->id);
-		// Check next agent field
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $another_thread->nextAgent);
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $thread_info['nextagent']);
-		unset($another_thread);
-		// Check equlity of treads returned by reopen method and returned by load method
-		$thread_id = $thread->id;
-		unset($thread);
-		$thread = Thread::load($thread_id);
-		$another_thread = Thread::reopen($thread_id);
-		$this->assertEquals($thread, $another_thread);
-		unset($another_thread);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testCloseOldThreads() {
-		$timeout = Settings::get('thread_lifetime');
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Try to close thread with state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING and time no timeout
-		// Update values
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time();
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time();
-		// Save thread
-		$thread->save();
-		// And close all threads
-		Thread::closeOldThreads();
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertNotEquals($thread_info['istate'], Thread::STATE_CLOSED);
-		// Try to close thread with timeout for user and no timeout for agent
-		// Update values
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time();
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time() - $timeout * 2;
-		// Save thread
-		$thread->save();
-		// And close all threads
-		Thread::closeOldThreads();
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertNotEquals($thread_info['istate'], Thread::STATE_CLOSED);
-		// Try to close thread with timeout for agent and no timeout for user
-		// Update values
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time() - $timeout * 2;
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time();
-		// Save thread
-		$thread->save();
-		// And close all threads
-		Thread::closeOldThreads();
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertNotEquals($thread_info['istate'], Thread::STATE_CLOSED);
-		// Try to close thread with timeout for agent and timeout for user
-		// Update values
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time() - $timeout * 2;
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time() - $timeout * 2;
-		// Save thread
-		$thread->save();
-		// And close all threads
-		Thread::closeOldThreads();
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['istate'], Thread::STATE_CLOSED);
-		// Try to close thread with timeout for user and not started for agent(was no agent ping yet)
-		// Update values
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = 0;
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time() - $timeout * 2;
-		// Save thread
-		$thread->save();
-		// And close all threads
-		Thread::closeOldThreads();
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals($thread_info['istate'], Thread::STATE_CLOSED);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testPostMessage() {
-		$db = Database::getInstance();
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Set values
-		$message = array(
-			'threadid' => $thread->id,
-			'ikind' => Thread::KIND_INFO,
-			'agentId' => 12,
-			'tmessage' => 'New message text',
-			'dtmcreated' => time(),
-			'tname' => 'Sender name',
-			'plugin' => '',
-			'data' => array()
-		);
-		$message['messageid'] = $thread->postMessage(
-			$message['ikind'],
-			$message['tmessage'],
-			array(
-				'name' => $message['tname'],
-				'operator_id' => $message['agentId'],
-				'created' => $message['dtmcreated']
-			)
-		);
-		// Load message info from database
-		$msg_info = $db->query(
-			"SELECT * FROM {chatmessage} WHERE messageid = ?",
-			array($message['messageid']),
-			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
-		);
-		$msg_info['data'] = unserialize($msg_info['data']);
-		// Check values
-		$this->assertEquals($message, $msg_info);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-		return $message['messageid'];
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @depends testPostMessage
-	 */
-	public function testGetMessages($msg_id) {
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Create messages
-		// The first
-		$first_message = array(
-			'kind' => Thread::KIND_USER,
-			'message' => 'The first message',
-			'created' => time(),
-			'name' => 'System message only for agent',
-			'plugin' => 'f_test_plg',
-			'data' => array('msg_num' => 1)
-		);
-		// The second
-		$second_message = array(
-			'kind' => Thread::KIND_AGENT,
-			'message' => 'The second message',
-			'created' => time(),
-			'name' => 'User',
-			'plugin' => 'f_test_plg',
-			'data' => array('msg_num' => 1)
-		);
-		// The third
-		$third_message = array(
-			'kind' => Thread::KIND_FOR_AGENT,
-			'message' => 'The third message',
-			'created' => time(),
-			'name' => 'Agent',
-			'plugin' => 'f_test_plg',
-			'data' => array('msg_num' => 1)
-		);
-		// Send messages
-		// The first
-		$first_message['id'] = $thread->postMessage(
-			$first_message['kind'],
-			$first_message['message'],
-			array(
-				'name' => $first_message['name'],
-				'operator_id' => 12,
-				'created' => $first_message['created'],
-				'plugin' => $second_message['plugin'],
-				'data' => $second_message['data']
-			)
-		);
-		// The second
-		$second_message['id'] = $thread->postMessage(
-			$second_message['kind'],
-			$second_message['message'],
-			array(
-				'name' => $second_message['name'],
-				'operator_id' => 14,
-				'created' => $second_message['created'],
-				'plugin' => $second_message['plugin'],
-				'data' => $second_message['data']
-			)
-		);
-		// The third
-		$third_message['id'] = $thread->postMessage(
-			$third_message['kind'],
-			$third_message['message'],
-			array(
-				'name' => $third_message['name'],
-				'operator_id' => 16,
-				'created' => $third_message['created'],
-				'plugin' => $second_message['plugin'],
-				'data' => $second_message['data']
-			)
-		);
-		// Check messages for agent with ids starts from $msg_id
-		$last_id = $msg_id;
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array($first_message, $second_message, $third_message),
-			$thread->getMessages(false, $last_id)
-		);
-		// Check last message id
-		$this->assertEquals($third_message['id'], $last_id);
-		// Check messages for user with ids starts from $msg_id
-		$last_id = $msg_id;
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array($first_message, $second_message),
-			$thread->getMessages(true, $last_id)
-		);
-		// Check last message id
-		$this->assertEquals($second_message['id'], $last_id);
-		// Check messages for agent with ids starts from first message's id
-		$last_id = $first_message['id'];
-		$this->assertEquals(
-			array($second_message, $third_message),
-			$thread->getMessages(false, $last_id)
-		);
-		// Check last message id
-		$this->assertEquals($third_message['id'], $last_id);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testRenameUser() {
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		// Set user initial name
-		$thread->userName = 'User name';
-		$thread->locale = 'en';
-		$thread->save();
-		// Rename user
-		$new_user_name = 'New user name';
-		$thread->renameUser($new_user_name);
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check user name
-		$this->assertEquals($new_user_name, $thread_info['userName']);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testCheckForReassign() {
-		global $home_locale;
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->locale = $home_locale;
-		$thread->agentName = "First name";
-		$thread->agentId = 1;
-		$thread->nextAgent = 0;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Create operator
-		$operator = array(
-			'operatorid' => 2,
-			'vclocalename' => 'Second local name',
-			'vccommonname' => 'Second common name',
-			'vcavatar' => 'avatar'
-		);
-		// Chat in progress. No reassign expected
-		$thread->checkForReassign($operator);
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $thread_info['agentId']);
-		// User waiting for another agent
-		$thread->nextAgent = 5;
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_WAITING;
-		$thread->save();
-		$thread->checkForReassign($operator);
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_WAITING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_WAITING, $thread->state);
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// User waiting for another agent, but last agent checks for reassign
-		$thread->nextAgent = 5;
-		$thread->agentId = 2;
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_WAITING;
-		$thread->save();
-		$thread->checkForReassign($operator);
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		// Check sent message
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check messages text:
-		// Thread::KIND_EVENTS message
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring2_("chat.status.operator.returned", array($operator['vclocalename']), $thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Update last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// User waiting for this agent.
-		// It differs from previous test only in sent message text
-		$thread->nextAgent = 2;
-		$thread->agentId = 1;
-		$thread->agentName = 'First agent';
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_WAITING;
-		$thread->save();
-		$thread->checkForReassign($operator);
-		// Check message text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring2_(
-				"chat.status.operator.changed",
-				array($operator['vclocalename'], 'First agent'),
-				$thread->locale
-			),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testClose() {
-		global $home_locale;
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->userName = 'User';
-		$thread->agentName = 'Agent';
-		$thread->locale = $home_locale;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Check close thread by user
-		$thread->close(true);
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CLOSED, $thread_info['istate']);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CLOSED, $thread->state);
-		// Check messages count
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread_info['messageCount']);
-		// Check sent messages
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check message text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring2_("chat.status.user.left", array($thread->userName), $thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Check close thread by agent.
-		// It differs from previous test only in message text
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->save();
-		$thread->close(false);
-		// Check message text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring2_("chat.status.operator.left", array($thread->agentName), $thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Check close thread with user's and agent's messages
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->messageCount = 0;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Send messages
-		$thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_USER, "Test message");
-		$thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_USER, "Next test message");
-		$thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_AGENT, "Test message");
-		$thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_EVENTS, "Test message");
-		$thread->close(true);
-		// Load thread info from database
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check messages count
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $thread_info['messageCount']);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testPing() {
-		global $home_locale;
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_LOADING;
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = 0;
-		$thread->lastPingUser = 0;
-		$thread->locale = $home_locale;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Check first user ping
-		$thread->ping(true, false);
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_QUEUE, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_QUEUE, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// Check not first ping user without any connection problems at the other side
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time();
-		$thread->lastPingUser = 0;
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(true, false);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check no message sent
-		$this->assertEquals($last_msg_id, $this->_helper_getLastMessageId());
-		// Check last ping time updated for user
-		$this->assertLessThan($thread->lastPingUser, 0);
-		$this->assertLessThan($thread_info['lastpinguser'], 0);
-		// Check thread state not changed
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// Check ping agent without any connection problems at the other side
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = 0;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(false, false);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check no message sent
-		$this->assertEquals($last_msg_id, $this->_helper_getLastMessageId());
-		// Check last ping time updated for user
-		$this->assertLessThan($thread->lastPingAgent, 0);
-		$this->assertLessThan($thread_info['lastpingagent'], 0);
-		// Check thread state not changed
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// Check ping user with connection problem at the other side and thread state equals to
-		// Thread::STATE_WAITING
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time() - Thread::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT * 2;
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_WAITING;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(true, false);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check no message sent
-		$this->assertEquals($last_msg_id, $this->_helper_getLastMessageId());
-		// Check last ping agent
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread->lastPingAgent);
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread_info['lastpingagent']);
-		// Check ping user with connection problem at the other side and thread state equals to Thread::STATE_CHATTING.
-		// In this case message must be sent and state must be changed
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->lastPingAgent = time() - Thread::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT * 2;
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->nextAgent = 1;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(true, false);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check message sent
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check messsage text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_CONN,
-			getstring_("chat.status.operator.dead", $thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Check last ping agent
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread->lastPingAgent);
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread_info['lastpingagent']);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_WAITING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_WAITING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// Check next agent
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread->nextAgent);
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread_info['nextagent']);
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Check ping agent with connection problem at the other side
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->lastPingUser = time() - Thread::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT * 2;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(false, false);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check message sent
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check messsage text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_FOR_AGENT,
-			getstring_("chat.status.user.dead", $thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Check last ping user
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread->lastPingUser);
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread_info['lastpinguser']);
-		// Check user typing
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->userTyping = '0';
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(true, true);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check
-		$this->assertEquals('1', $thread->userTyping);
-		$this->assertEquals('1', $thread_info['userTyping']);
-		// Check user not typing
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->userTyping = '1';
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(true, false);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check
-		$this->assertEquals('0', $thread->userTyping);
-		$this->assertEquals('0', $thread_info['userTyping']);
-		// Check agent typing
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->agentTyping = '0';
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(false, true);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check
-		$this->assertEquals('1', $thread->agentTyping);
-		$this->assertEquals('1', $thread_info['agentTyping']);
-		// Check agent not typing
-		// Update thread info
-		$thread->agentTyping = '1';
-		$thread->save();
-		// Ping the thread
-		$thread->ping(false, false);
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check
-		$this->assertEquals('0', $thread->agentTyping);
-		$this->assertEquals('0', $thread_info['agentTyping']);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
-	public function testTake() {
-		global $home_locale;
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Create operator
-		$operator = array(
-			'operatorid' => 2,
-			'vclocalename' => 'Local name',
-			'vccommonname' => 'Common name',
-			'vcavatar' => 'avatar'
-		);
-		// Create new thread
-		$thread = Thread::create();
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CLOSED;
-		$thread->locale = $home_locale;
-		$thread->agentName = 'Agent';
-		$thread->userName = 'User';
-		$thread->agentId = 2;
-		$thread->save();
-		// Try to take closed thread
-		$this->assertFalse($thread->take($operator));
-		// Try to take left thread
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_LEFT;
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertFalse($thread->take($operator));
-		// Try to take thread by current operator during chat
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertTrue($thread->take($operator));
-		// No message must be sent
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Try to take thread during chat
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_CHATTING;
-		$thread->agentId = 1;
-		$thread->nextAgent = 10;
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertTrue($thread->take($operator));
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// Check agent id
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $thread->agentId);
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $thread_info['agentId']);
-		// Check agent name
-		$this->assertEquals($operator['vclocalename'], $thread->agentName);
-		$this->assertEquals($operator['vclocalename'], $thread_info['agentName']);
-		// Check next agent id
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread->nextAgent);
-		$this->assertEquals(0, $thread_info['nextagent']);
-		// Check chat started time
-		$this->assertFalse(empty($thread->chatStarted));
-		$this->assertFalse(empty($thread_info['dtmchatstarted']));
-		// One messages must be sent
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check messages text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring2_(
-				"chat.status.operator.changed",
-				array($operator['vclocalename'], 'Agent'),
-				$thread->locale
-			),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Try to take thread with state Thread::STATE_WAITING by current operator
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_WAITING;
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertTrue($thread->take($operator));
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// Check agent id
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $thread->agentId);
-		$this->assertEquals(2, $thread_info['agentId']);
-		// One message must be sent
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check messages text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring2_("chat.status.operator.returned", array($operator['vclocalename']), $thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Try to take thread with state Thread::STATE_WAITING
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_WAITING;
-		$thread->agentId = 1;
-		$thread->agentName = 'Agent';
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertTrue($thread->take($operator));
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// One message must be sent
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check messages text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			getstring2_(
-				"chat.status.operator.changed",
-				array($operator['vclocalename'], 'Agent'),
-				$thread->locale
-			),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Get last message id
-		$last_msg_id = $this->_helper_getLastMessageId();
-		// Try to take thread with state Thread::STATE_QUEUE
-		$thread->state = Thread::STATE_QUEUE;
-		$thread->save();
-		$this->assertTrue($thread->take($operator));
-		// Get thread info
-		$thread_info = $this->_helper_getThreadInfo($thread->id);
-		// Check thread state
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread->state);
-		$this->assertEquals(Thread::STATE_CHATTING, $thread_info['istate']);
-		// One message must be sent
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $this->_helper_getTotalMessagesCount($last_msg_id));
-		// Check messages text
-		$message_count = $this->_helper_getMessagesCount(
-			Thread::KIND_EVENTS,
-			$message = getstring2_("chat.status.operator.joined", array($operator['vclocalename']), $thread->locale),
-			$last_msg_id
-		);
-		$this->assertEquals(1, $message_count);
-		// Delete thread
-		$thread->delete();
-		unset($thread);
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/mibew_api_test_interaction.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/mibew_api_test_interaction.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f1aba947..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/mibew_api_test_interaction.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * Test interaction type for the Mibew API
- */
-class MibewAPITestInteraction extends MibewAPIInteraction {
-	protected $obligatoryArguments = array(
-		'*' => array(
-			'return' => array(),
-			'references' => array()
-		),
-		'foo' => array(
-			'bar' => 127
-		)
-	);
-	public $reservedFunctionNames = array(
-		'result'
-	);
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/test_processor.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/test_processor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f20398d7..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/test_processor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-class TestProcessor extends RequestProcessor {
-	public $callList = array();
-	public $responses = array();
-	public function __construct($config = array()) {
-		$config += array(
-			'event_prefix' => 'test'
-		);
-		parent::__construct($config);
-	}
-	protected function getMibewAPIInstance() {
-		return MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPITestInteraction');
-	}
-	protected function processRequest($request, $result_function = null) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'processRequest');
-		return parent::processRequest($request, $result_function);
-	}
-	protected function processFunction($function, MibewAPIExecutionContext &$context) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'processFunction');
-		return parent::processFunction($function, $context);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @todo Think about callbacks saving
-	 */
-	protected function saveCallback($token, $callback) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'saveCallback');
-	}
-	protected function loadCallback($token) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'loadCallback');
-		if ($token == 'callback_only_test') {
-			return array('function' => 'time', 'arguments' => array());
-		} elseif($token == 'callback_and_result_test') {
-			return array('function' => 'request_processor_callback', 'arguments' => array('second' => true));
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	protected function sendSyncRequest($request) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'sendSyncRequest');
-		$return_result = false;
-		foreach ($request['functions'] as $function) {
-			if ($function['function'] == 'return_result') {
-				$return_result = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($return_result) {
-			return array(
-				'requests' => array(
-					array(
-						'token' => $request['token'],
-						'functions' => array(
-							array(
-								'function' => 'result',
-								'arguments' => array(
-									'some_argument' => 'some_value',
-									'return' => array(),
-									'references' => array()
-								)
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			);
-		}
-		return array(
-			'requests' => array(
-				array(
-					'token' => $request['token'],
-					'functions' => array(
-						array(
-							'function' => 'not_a_result',
-							'arguments' => array(
-								'some_argument' => 'some_value',
-								'return' => array(),
-								'references' => array()
-							)
-						)
-					)
-				)
-			)
-		);
-	}
-	protected function sendAsyncRequest($request) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'sendAsyncRequest');
-	}
-	protected function sendSyncResponses($responses) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'sendSyncResponses');
-		$this->responses = $responses;
-	}
-	protected function sendAsyncResponses($responses) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'sendAsyncResponses');
-	}
-	protected function processorCall(&$func) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'processorCall');
-		if ($func['function'] == 'call_func') {
-			$func['results']['processorCall'] = true;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/thread_processor_mock.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/thread_processor_mock.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e029fc..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/classes/thread_processor_mock.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-class ThreadProcessor {
-	public static function getInstance() {
-		return new self();
-	}
-	public function call($functions = null, $callback = null) {
-		return true;
-	}
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/default_config.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/default_config.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2290ce7e..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/default_config.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * Database parameters
- *
- * WARNING: Do not use the same values as in the mibew config file!
- * Tests may truncate databses they use and all data will be lost!
- *
- * Use at least default $tables prefix
- */
-$db_host = "";
-$db_user = "";
-$db_pass = "";
-$db_name = "";
-$tables_prefix = "";
-$db_encoding = "utf8";
-$force_charset_in_connection = true;
-$use_persistent_connection = false;
- *  Locales
- */
-$home_locale = "en"; /* native name will be used in this locale */
-$default_locale = "en"; /* if user does not provide known lang */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/request_processor_test.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/request_processor_test.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 06feeef0..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/libs/request_processor_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-function request_processor_callback($arguments) {
-	$dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
-	$dispatcher->triggerEvent('testRequestProcessorCallback', $arguments);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_plugin.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_plugin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 363e499b..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_plugin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * Test plugin for PHPUnit tests
- */
-Class PhpunitAutotestPluginManagerPlugin extends Plugin{
-	public $listenersRegistered = false;
-	public function getWeight() {
-		return 10;
-	}
-	public function registerListeners() {
-		$this->listenersRegistered = true;
-		$GLOBALS['phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager'] = true;
-	}
-	public function testEventListener(&$vars) {
-		$vars['test'] = 'some_test_value';
-	}
-	public function __construct(){
-		$this->initialized = true;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_dependence/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_dependence_plugin.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_dependence/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_dependence_plugin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e8adc2..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_dependence/phpunit_autotest_plugin_manager_dependence_plugin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Test plugin for PHPUnit tests
- */
-Class PhpunitAutotestPluginManagerDependencePlugin extends Plugin{
-	public $listenersRegistered = false;
-	public function getWeight() {
-		return 10;
-	}
-	public function registerListeners() {}
-	public static function getDependences() {
-		return array('some_missed_dependence');
-	}
-	public function __construct(){
-		$this->initialized = true;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/request_processor_test/request_processor_test_plugin.php b/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/request_processor_test/request_processor_test_plugin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a1aaeb..00000000
--- a/src/tests/server_side/webim/plugins/request_processor_test/request_processor_test_plugin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * Test plugin for PHPUnit tests
- */
-Class RequestProcessorTestPlugin extends Plugin{
-	public $callList = array();
-	public $errorCode = 0;
-	public $callbackArguments = array();
-	public function __construct() {
-		$this->initialized = true;
-	}
-	public function getWeight() {
-		return 10;
-	}
-	public function registerListeners() {
-		$processor_events = array(
-			'testRequestReceived',
-			'testRequestError',
-			'testResponseReceived',
-			'testCallError',
-			'testFunctionCall',
-			'testRequestProcessorCallback'
-		);
-		$dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
-		foreach ($processor_events as $event) {
-			$dispatcher->attachListener($event, $this, $event);
-		}
-	}
-	public function testRequestReceived(&$arguments) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'testRequestReceived');
-	}
-	public function testRequestError(&$arguments) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'testRequestError');
-		$this->errorCode = $arguments['exception']->getCode();
-	}
-	public function testResponseReceived(&$arguments) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'testResponseReceived');
-	}
-	public function testCallError(&$arguments) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'testCallError');
-		$this->errorCode = $arguments['exception']->getCode();
-	}
-	public function testFunctionCall(&$arguments) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'testFunctionCall');
-		if ($arguments['function'] == 'call_func') {
-			$arguments['results']['pluginCall'] = true;
-		}
-	}
-	public function testRequestProcessorCallback(&$arguments) {
-		array_push($this->callList, 'testRequestProcessorCallback');
-		$this->callbackArguments = $arguments;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file