interaction = $interaction_type; } /** * Validate package * * @param array $package Package array. See Mibew API for details. * @param array $trusted_signatures Array of trusted signatures. * @throws MibewAPIException */ public function checkPackage($package, $trusted_signatures) { // Check signature if (empty($package['signature'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Package signature is empty", MibewAPIException::EMPTY_SIGNATURE ); } if (! in_array($package['signature'], $trusted_signatures)) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Package signed with untrusted signature", MibewAPIException::UNTRUSTED_SIGNATURE ); } // Check protocol if (empty($package['proto'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Package protocol is empty", MibewAPIException::EMPTY_PROTOCOL ); } if ($package['proto'] != self::PROTOCOL_VERSION) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Wrong package protocol version '{$package['proto']}'", MibewAPIException::WRONG_PROTOCOL_VERSION ); } // Check async flag if (! isset($package['async'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "'async' flag is missed", MibewAPIException::ASYNC_FLAG_MISSED ); } if (! is_bool($package['async'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Wrong 'async' flag value", MibewAPIException::WRONG_ASYNC_FLAG_VALUE ); } // Package must have at least one request if (empty($package['requests'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Empty requests set", MibewAPIException::EMPTY_REQUESTS ); } // Check requests in package foreach ($package['requests'] as $request) { $this->checkRequest($request); } } /** * Validate request * * @param array $request Request array. See Mibew API for details. * @throws MibewAPIException */ public function checkRequest($request) { // Check token if (empty($request['token'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Empty request token", MibewAPIException::EMPTY_TOKEN ); } // Request must have at least one function if (empty($request['functions'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Empty functions set", MibewAPIException::EMPTY_FUNCTIONS ); } // Check functions in request foreach ($request['functions'] as $function) { $this->checkFunction($function); } } /** * Validate function * * @param array $function Function array. See Mibew API for details. * @param boolean $filter_reserved_functions Determine if function name must not be in * reserved list * @throws MibewAPIException */ public function checkFunction($function, $filter_reserved_functions = false) { // Check function name if (empty($function['function'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( 'Cannot call for function with empty name', MibewAPIException::EMPTY_FUNCTION_NAME ); } if ($filter_reserved_functions) { if (in_array( $function['function'], $this->interaction->reservedFunctionNames )) { throw new MibewAPIException( "'{$function['function']}' is reserved function name", MibewAPIException::FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED ); } } // Check function's arguments if (empty($function['arguments'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "There are no arguments in '{$function['function']}' function", MibewAPIException::EMPTY_ARGUMENTS ); } if (! is_array($function['arguments'])) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Arguments must be an array", MibewAPIException::WRONG_ARGUMENTS_TYPE ); } $unset_arguments = array_diff( $this->interaction->obligatoryArguments, array_keys($function['arguments']) ); if (! empty($unset_arguments)) { throw new MibewAPIException( "Arguments '" . implode("', '", $unset_arguments) . "' must be set", MibewAPIException::OBLIGATORY_ARGUMENTS_MISSED ); } } /** * Encodes package * * @param array $requests Requests array. See Mibew API for details. * @param string $signature Sender signature. * @param boolean $async true for asynchronous request and false for synchronous request * @return string Ready for transfer encoded package */ public function encodePackage($requests, $signature, $async) { $package = array(); $package['signature'] = $signature; $package['proto'] = self::PROTOCOL_VERSION; $package['async'] = $async; $package['requests'] = $requests; return urlencode(json_encode($package)); } /** * Decodes package and validate package structure * * @param string $package Encoded package * @param array $trusted_signatures List of trusted signatures * @return array Decoded package array. See Mibew API for details. * @throws MibewAPIException */ public function decodePackage($package, $trusted_signatures) { $decoded_package = urldecode($package); // JSON regular expression $pcre_regex = '/ (?(DEFINE) (? -? (?= [1-9]|0(?!\d) ) \d+ (\.\d+)? ([eE] [+-]? \d+)? ) (? true | false | null ) (? " ([^"\\\\]* | \\\\ ["\\\\bfnrt\/] | \\\\ u [0-9a-f]{4} )* " ) (? \[ (?: (?&json) (?: , (?&json) )* )? \s* \] ) (? \s* (?&string) \s* : (?&json) ) (? \{ (?: (?&pair) (?: , (?&pair) )* )? \s* \} ) (? \s* (?: (?&number) | (?&boolean) | (?&string) | (?&array) | (?&object) ) \s* ) ) \A (?&json) \Z /six'; // Check JSON if (!preg_match($pcre_regex, $decoded_package)) { // Not valid JSON throw new MibewAPIException( "Package have not valid json structure", MibewAPIException::NOT_VALID_JSON ); } $decoded_package = json_decode($decoded_package, true); $this->checkPackage($decoded_package, $trusted_signatures); return $decoded_package; } /** * Builds result package * * @param string $token Token of the result package * @param array $result_arguments Arguments of result function * @return Result package */ public function buildResult($token, $result_arguments) { $arguments = $result_arguments + $this->interaction->getDefaultObligatoryArguments(); $package = array( 'token' => $token, 'functions' => array( array( 'function' => 'result', 'arguments' => $arguments ) ) ); return $package; } /** * Search 'result' function in $function_list. If request contains more than one result * functions throws an MibewAPIException * * @param array $functions_list Array of functions. See MibewAPI for function structure * details * @param mixed $existance Control existance of the 'result' function in request. * Use boolean true if 'result' function must exists in request, boolean false if must not * and null if it doesn't matter. * @return mixed Function array if 'result' function found and NULL otherwise * @throws MibewAPIException */ public function getResultFunction ($functions_list, $existence) { $result_function = null; // Try to find 'result' function foreach ($functions_list as $function) { if ($function['function'] == 'result') { if (! is_null($result_function)) { // Another 'result' function found throw new MibewAPIException( "Function 'result' already exists in request", MibewAPIException::RESULT_FUNCTION_ALREADY_EXISTS ); } // Furst 'result' function found $result_function = $function; } } if ($existence === true && is_null($result_function)) { // 'result' function must present in request throw new MibewAPIException( "There is no 'result' function in request", MibewAPIException::NO_RESULT_FUNCTION ); } if ($existence === false && !is_null($result_function)) { // 'result' function must not present in request throw new MibewAPIException( "There is 'result' function in request", MibewAPIException::RESULT_FUNCTION_EXISTS ); } return $result_function; } } /** * Implements functions execution context */ Class MibewAPIExecutionContext { /** * Values which returns after execution of all functions in request * @var array */ protected $return = array(); /** * Results of execution of all function in request * @var array */ protected $functions_results = array(); /** * Returns requets results * * @return array Request results * @see MibewAPIExecutionContext::$return */ public function getResults () { return $this->return; } /** * Build arguments list by replace all references by values of execution context * * @param array $function Function array. See MibewAPI for details. * @return array Arguments list * @throws MibewAPIException */ public function getArgumentsList ($function) { $arguments = $function['arguments']; $references = $function['arguments']['references']; foreach ($references as $variable => $func_num) { // Check target function in context if (! isset($this->functions_results[$func_num - 1])) { // Wrong function num throw new MibewAPIException( "Wrong reference in '{$function['function']}' function. " . "Function #{$func_num} does not call yet.", MibewAPIException::WRONG_FUNCTION_NUM_IN_REFERENCE ); } // Check reference if (empty($arguments[$variable])) { // Empty argument that should contains reference throw new MibewAPIException( "Wrong reference in '{$function['function']}' function. " . "Empty {$variable} argument.", MibewAPIException::EMPTY_VARIABLE_IN_REFERENCE ); } $reference_to = $arguments[$variable]; // Check target value if (! isset($this->functions_results[$func_num - 1][$reference_to])) { // Undefined target value throw new MibewAPIException( "Wrong reference in '{$function['function']}' function. " . "There is no '{$reference_to}' argument in #{$func_num} " . "function results", MibewAPIException::VARIABLE_IS_UNDEFINED_IN_REFERENCE ); } // Replace reference by target value $arguments[$variable] = $this->functions_results[$func_num - 1][$reference_to]; } return $arguments; } /** * Stores functions results in execution context and add values to request result * * @param array $function Function array. See MibewAPI for details. * @param array $results Associative array of the function results. * @throws MibewAPIException */ public function storeFunctionResults ($function, $results) { // Add value to request results foreach ($function['arguments']['return'] as $name => $alias) { if (! isset($results[$name])) { // Value that defined in 'return' argument is undefined throw new MibewAPIException( "Variable with name '{$name}' is undefined in the " . "results of the '{$function['function']}' function", MibewAPIException::VARIABLE_IS_UNDEFINED_IN_RESULT ); } $this->return[$alias] = $results[$name]; } // Store function results in execution context $this->functions_results[] = $results; } } /** * Encapsulates interaction type */ abstract class MibewAPIInteraction { /** * Abligatory arguments in called functions * @var array */ public $obligatoryArguments; /** * Reserved function names * @var array */ public $reservedFunctionNames; /** * Returns default values of obligatory arguments * * @return array Associative array with keys are obligatory arguments and values are default * values of them */ abstract public function getDefaultObligatoryArguments(); } /** * Implements Base Mibew Interaction */ class MibewAPIBaseInteraction extends MibewAPIInteraction { public $obligatoryArguments = array( 'references', 'return' ); public $reservedFunctionNames = array( 'result' ); public function getDefaultObligatoryArguments() { return array( 'references' => array(), 'return' => array() ); } } /** * Mibew API Exception class. */ class MibewAPIException extends Exception { /** * Async flag is missed. */ const ASYNC_FLAG_MISSED = 1; /** * There are no arguments in function */ const EMPTY_ARGUMENTS = 2; /** * Cannot call for function with empty name */ const EMPTY_FUNCTION_NAME = 3; /** * Functions set is empty */ const EMPTY_FUNCTIONS = 4; /** * Package protocol is empty */ const EMPTY_PROTOCOL = 5; /** * Requests set is empty */ const EMPTY_REQUESTS = 6; /** * Package signature is empty */ const EMPTY_SIGNATURE = 7; /** * Request token is empty */ const EMPTY_TOKEN = 8; /** * Wrong reference. Reference variable is empty */ const EMPTY_VARIABLE_IN_REFERENCE = 9; /** * This function name is reserved */ const FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED = 10; /** * There is no result function */ const NO_RESULT_FUNCTION = 11; /** * Package have not valid JSON structure */ const NOT_VALID_JSON = 12; /** * Some of the function's obligatory arguments are missed */ const OBLIGATORY_ARGUMENTS_MISSED = 13; /** * Request contains more than one result functions */ const RESULT_FUNCTION_ALREADY_EXISTS = 14; /** * There is 'result' function in request */ const RESULT_FUNCTION_EXISTS = 15; /** * Package signed with untrusted signature */ const UNTRUSTED_SIGNATURE = 16; /** * Wrong reference. Variable is undefined in functions results */ const VARIABLE_IS_UNDEFINED_IN_REFERENCE = 17; /** * Variable is undefined in function's results */ const VARIABLE_IS_UNDEFINED_IN_RESULT = 18; /** * Arguments must be an array */ const WRONG_ARGUMENTS_TYPE = 19; /** * Async flag value is wrong */ const WRONG_ASYNC_FLAG_VALUE = 20; /** * Wrong reference. Function with this number does not call yet */ const WRONG_FUNCTION_NUM_IN_REFERENCE = 21; /** * Wrong interaction type */ const WRONG_INTERACTION_TYPE = 22; /** * Wrong package protocol version */ const WRONG_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 23; } ?>