query( "select * from {chatgroup} where groupid = ?", array($id), array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW) ); return $group; } function get_group_name($group) { global $home_locale, $current_locale; if ($home_locale == $current_locale || !isset($group['vccommonname']) || !$group['vccommonname']) return $group['vclocalname']; else return $group['vccommonname']; } function setup_group_settings_tabs($gid, $active) { global $page, $webimroot; if ($gid) { $page['tabs'] = array( getlocal("page_group.tab.main") => $active != 0 ? "$webimroot/operator/group.php?gid=$gid" : "", getlocal("page_group.tab.members") => $active != 1 ? "$webimroot/operator/groupmembers.php?gid=$gid" : "", ); } else { $page['tabs'] = array(); } } function get_operator_groupslist($operatorid) { $db = Database::getInstance(); if (Settings::get('enablegroups') == '1') { $groupids = array(0); $allgroups = $db->query( "select groupid from {chatgroupoperator} where operatorid = ? order by groupid", array($operatorid), array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS) ); foreach ($allgroups as $g) { $groupids[] = $g['groupid']; } return implode(",", $groupids); } else { return ""; } } function get_available_parent_groups($skipgroup) { $db = Database::getInstance(); $groupslist = $db->query( "select {chatgroup}.groupid as groupid, parent, vclocalname " . "from {chatgroup} order by vclocalname", NULL, array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS) ); $result = array(array('groupid' => '', 'level' => '', 'vclocalname' => getlocal("form.field.groupparent.root"))); if ($skipgroup) { $skipgroup = (array)$skipgroup; } else { $skipgroup = array(); } $result = array_merge($result, get_sorted_child_groups_($groupslist, $skipgroup, 0) ); return $result; } function group_has_children($groupid) { $db = Database::getInstance(); $children = $db->query( "select COUNT(*) as count from {chatgroup} where parent = ?", array($groupid), array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW) ); return ($children['count'] > 0); } function get_top_level_group($group) { return is_null($group['parent'])?$group:group_by_id($group['parent']); } /** * Try to load email for specified group or for its parent. * @param int $group_id Group id * @return string|boolean Email address or false if there is no email */ function get_group_email($group_id) { // Try to get group email $group = group_by_id($group_id); if ($group && !empty($group['vcemail'])) { return $group['vcemail']; } // Try to get parent group email if (! is_null($group['parent'])) { $group = group_by_id($group['parent']); if ($group && !empty($group['vcemail'])) { return $group['vcemail']; } } // There is no email return false; } ?>