From 37b8fa72433a4d2ac805346fc84a8adcb9de9ce9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitriy Simushev <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 11:21:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Create ThreadProcessor class

 src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php        |  21 +
 .../webim/libs/classes/thread_processor.php   | 511 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 532 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/messenger/webim/libs/classes/thread_processor.php

diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php b/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php
index 685c08c3..8aaacfae 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php
@@ -57,6 +57,19 @@ $dbtables = array(
 		"groupid" => "int references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)",
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatrequestbuffer" => array(
+		"requestid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
+		"threadid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatthread(threadid)",
+		"request" => "text NOT NULL"
+	),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatrequestcallback" => array(
+		"callbackid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
+		"token" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''",
+		"function" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL",
+		"arguments" => "varchar(64)"
+	),
 	"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array(
 		"messageid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"threadid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatthread(threadid)",
@@ -154,6 +167,12 @@ $dbtables_indexes = array(
 		"groupid" => "groupid",
 		"operatorid" => "operatorid"
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatrequestbuffer" => array(
+		"threadid" => "threadid"
+	),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatrequestcallback" => array(
+		"token" => "token"
+	),
 	"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array(
 		"idx_agentid" => "agentid"
@@ -175,6 +194,8 @@ $memtables = array();
 $dbtables_can_update = array(
 	"${mysqlprefix}chatthread" => array("agentId", "userTyping", "agentTyping", "messageCount", "nextagent", "shownmessageid", "userid", "userAgent", "groupid", "dtmchatstarted"),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatrequestbuffer" => array("requestid", "threadid", "request"),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatrequestcallback" => array("callbackid", "token", "function", "arguments"),
 	"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array("agentId"),
 	"${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" => array("vcavatar", "vcjabbername", "iperm", "istatus", "idisabled", "vcemail", "dtmrestore", "vcrestoretoken"),
 	"${mysqlprefix}chatban" => array(),
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/libs/classes/thread_processor.php b/src/messenger/webim/libs/classes/thread_processor.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0df45fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/libs/classes/thread_processor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+ * Copyright 2005-2013 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Incapsulates thread api and thread processing functions.
+ *
+ * Register events (see RequestProcessor::registerEvents() for details):
+ *  - threadRequestReceived
+ *  - threadReceiveRequestError
+ *  - threadResponseReceived
+ *  - threadCallError
+ *  - threadFunctionCall
+ *
+ * Implements Singleton pattern
+ */
+class ThreadProcessor extends RequestProcessor {
+	/**
+	 * An instance of the ThreadProcessor class
+	 * @var ThreadProcessor
+	 */
+	protected static $instance = null;
+	/**
+	 * Return an instance of the ThreadProcessor class.
+	 * @return ThreadProcessor
+	 */
+	public static function getInstance() {
+		if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
+			self::$instance = new self();
+		}
+		return self::$instance;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Loads thread by id and token and checks if thread loaded
+	 *
+	 * @param int $thread_id Id of the thread
+	 * @param int $last_token Last token of the thread
+	 * @return Thread
+	 * @throws ThreadProcessorException
+	 */
+	public static function getThread($thread_id, $last_token) {
+		// Load thread
+		$thread = Thread::load($thread_id, $last_token);
+		// Check thread
+		if (! $thread) {
+			throw new ThreadProcessorException('Wrong thread', ThreadProcessorException::ERROR_WRONG_THREAD);
+		}
+		// Return thread
+		return $thread;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Check if arguments exists in $args array
+	 *
+	 * @param array $args Arguments array
+	 * @param array $vars Array of arguments names that must be checked
+	 * @throws ThreadProcessorException
+	 */
+	public static function checkParams($args, $vars) {
+		if (empty($vars)) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Check variables exists
+		foreach ($vars as $var) {
+			if (! array_key_exists($var, $args)) {
+				throw new ThreadProcessorException(
+					"There is no '{$var}' variable in arguments list",
+					ThreadProcessorException::ERROR_WRONG_ARGUMENTS
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Class constructor
+	 *
+	 * Do not use directly __construct method! Use ThreadProcessor::getInstance() instead!
+	 */
+	public function __construct() {
+		parent::__construct(array(
+			'signature' => '',
+			'trusted_signatures' => array(''),
+			'event_prefix' => 'thread'
+		));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Call function at window side
+	 *
+	 * @param array $functions Array of functions to call. See Mibew API for details.
+	 * @param array|null $callback callback array for synchronous requests.
+	 * @return mixed request result or boolean false on failure.
+	 */
+	public function call($functions, $callback = null) {
+		return parent::call($functions, true, $callback);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates and returns an instance of the MibewAPI class.
+	 *
+	 * @return MibewAPI
+	 */
+	protected function getMibewAPIInstance() {
+		return MibewAPI::getAPI('MibewAPIWindowInteraction');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Stores callback function
+	 *
+	 * @param string $token Request token
+	 * @param array $callback Callback function array
+	 */
+	protected function saveCallback($token, $callback) {
+		$db = Database::getInstance();
+		$db->query(
+			"INSERT INTO {chatrequestcallback} ( ".
+				"token, function, arguments ".
+			") VALUES ( " .
+				":token, :function, :arguments" .
+			")",
+			array(
+				':token' => $token,
+				':functionname' => $callback['function'],
+				':arguments' => serialize($callback['arguments'])
+			)
+		);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Loads callback function
+	 *
+	 * @param string $token Token of the request related to callback function
+	 * @return mixed callback function array or null if callback function not exists
+	 */
+	protected function loadCallback($token) {
+		$db = Database::getInstance();
+		$callback = $db->query(
+			"SELECT * FROM {chatrequestcallback} WHERE token = :token",
+			array(':token' => $token),
+			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ONE_ROW)
+		);
+		if (! $callback) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		return array(
+			'function' => $callback['function'],
+			'arguments' => unserialize($callback['arguments'])
+		);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Dispatcher of the functions, provided by the RequestProcessor (or inherited) classes as an external API.
+	 *
+	 * All API methods names starts with 'api' prefix.
+	 * It calls before 'threadFunctionCall' event triggers.
+	 *
+	 * @param array &$func Function array equals to array, passed to the '<eventPrefix>FunctionCall' event.
+	 * @see RequestProcessor::registerEvents()
+	 * @todo Add function to auto create errors to the MibewAPI
+	 */
+	protected function processorCall(&$func) {
+		$method_name = 'api' . ucfirst($func['function']);
+		if (is_callable(array($this, $method_name))) {
+			try {
+				$func['results'] = $this->$method_name($func['arguments']);
+			} catch(ThreadProcessorException $e) {
+				$func['results'] = array(
+					'errorCode' => $e->getCode(),
+					'errorMessage' => $e->getMessage()
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sends asynchronous responses
+	 *
+	 * @param array $responses An array of the 'Request' arrays. See Mibew API for details
+	 */
+	protected function sendAsyncResponses($responses) {
+		header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
+			echo($this->mibewAPI->encodePackage(
+				$responses,
+				$this->config['signature'],
+				true
+			));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Load stored requests to window from database
+	 *
+	 * @param Thread $thread Requests loads for this thread
+	 * @return array Array of requests to $thread thread
+	 */
+	protected function getStoredRequests(Thread $thread) {
+		$db = Database::getInstance();
+		// Get requests from database
+		$requests = $db->query(
+			"SELECT request FROM {chatrequestbuffer} WHERE threadid = :threadid",
+			array(':threadid' => $thread->id),
+			array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS, 'fetch_type' => Database::FETCH_NUM)
+		);
+		// Remove got messages from database
+		$db->query(
+			"DELETE FROM {chatrequestbuffer} WHERE threadid = :threadid",
+			array(':threadid' => $thread->id)
+		);
+		return $requests;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return message kind name corresponding to kind code
+	 *
+	 * @param int $message_kind Message kind. One of the Thread::KIND_* constants
+	 * @return string kind name
+	 */
+	protected function kindToString($message_kind) {
+		$kind_names = array(
+			Thread::KIND_USER => 'user',
+			Thread::KIND_AGENT => 'agent',
+			Thread::KIND_FOR_AGENT => 'hidden',
+			Thread::KIND_INFO => 'inf',
+			Thread::KIND_CONN => 'conn',
+			Thread::KIND_EVENTS => 'event',
+			Thread::KIND_AVATAR => 'avatar'
+		);
+		if (! array_key_exists($message_kind, $kind_names)) {
+			return '';
+		}
+		return $kind_names[$message_kind];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Theme message to display in chat window
+	 *
+	 * @param array $message Message array
+	 * @return string Ready to display themed message
+	 */
+	protected function themeMessage($message) {
+		global $webim_encoding;
+		// No theming for avatars
+		if ($message['ikind'] == Thread::KIND_AVATAR) {
+			return '';
+		}
+		// Prepare messages fields
+		$creation_date = date("H:i:s", $message['created']);
+		$kind_name = $this->kindToString($message['ikind']);
+		$sender_name = $message['tname']
+			? "<span class='n{$kind_name}'>" . htmlspecialchars($message['tname']) . "</span>: "
+			: '';
+		// Prepare message text
+		// Escape special chars
+		$text = htmlspecialchars($message['tmessage']);
+		// Replace URL's by <a> tags
+		$text = preg_replace('/(https?|ftp):\/\/\S*/', '<a href="$0" target="_blank">$0</a>', $text);
+		// Add <br> tags instead of \n chars
+		$text = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $text);
+		// Span and storng tags available for system messages
+		if ($message['ikind'] != Thread::KIND_USER && $message['ikind'] != Thread::KIND_AGENT) {
+			$text = preg_replace('/&lt;(span|strong)&gt;(.*)&lt;\/\1&gt;/U', '<$1>$2</$1>', $text);
+			$text = preg_replace(
+				'/&lt;span class=&quot;(.*)&quot;&gt;(.*)&lt;\/span&gt;/U',
+				'<span class="$1">$2</span>',
+				$text
+			);
+		}
+		// Build result message
+		$result = sprintf(
+			"<span>%s</span> %s<span class='m%s'>%s</span><br/>",
+			$creation_date,
+			$sender_name,
+			$kind_name,
+			$text
+		);
+		return myiconv($webim_encoding, "utf-8", $result);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send new messages to window
+	 *
+	 * Call updateMessages at window side
+	 *
+	 * @global string $webim_encoding
+	 * @param Thread $thread Messages sends to this thread
+	 * @param boolead $is_user TRUE if messages sends to user and FALSE otherwise
+	 * @param int $last_message_id Id of the last sent message
+	 */
+	protected function sendMessages(Thread $thread, $is_user, $last_message_id) {
+		$messages = $thread->getMessages($is_user, $last_message_id);
+		if (! empty($messages)) {
+			foreach($messages as $key => $msg) {
+				$messages[$key] = $this->themeMessage($msg);
+			}
+			$this->responses[] = array(
+				'token' => md5(time() . rand()),
+				'functions' => array(
+					array(
+						'function' => 'updateMessages',
+						'arguments' => array(
+							'threadId' => $thread->id,
+							'token' => $thread->lastToken,
+							'return' => array(),
+							'references' => array(),
+							'messages' => $messages,
+							'lastId' => $last_message_id
+						)
+					)
+				)
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Update chat window state. API function
+	 *
+	 * Call periodically by chat window
+	 * @param array $args Associative array of arguments. It must contains following keys:
+	 *  - 'threadId': Id of the thread related to chat window
+	 *  - 'token': last thread token
+	 *  - 'user': TRUE if window used by user and FALSE otherwise
+	 *  - 'typed': indicates if user(or agent) typed
+	 *  - 'lastId': id of the last sent to message
+	 * @return array Array of results. It contains following keys:
+	 *  - 'typing': indicates if another side of the conversation is typing message
+	 *  - 'canPost': indicates if agent(user can post message all the time) can post the message
+	 */
+	protected function apiUpdate($args) {
+		// Load thread
+		$thread = self::getThread($args['threadId'], $args['token']);
+		// Check variables
+		self::checkParams($args, array('user', 'typed', 'lastId'));
+		if (! $args['user']) {
+			$operator = check_login();
+			$thread->checkForReassign($operator);
+		}
+		$thread->ping($args['user'], $args['typed']);
+		// Update messages
+		$this->sendMessages($thread, $args['user'], $args['lastId']);
+		// Load stored requests
+		$stored_requests = $this->getStoredRequests($thread);
+		if ($stored_requests !== false) {
+			$this->responses = array_merge($this->responses, $stored_requests);
+		}
+		// Get status values
+		if ($args['user']) {
+			$is_typing = abs($thread->lastPingAgent - time()) < Thread::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT && $thread->agentTyping;
+		} else {
+			$is_typing = abs($thread->lastPingUser - time()) < Thread::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT && $thread->userTyping;
+		}
+		$can_post = $args['user'] || $operator['operatorid'] == $thread->agentId;
+		return array(
+			'typing' => $is_typing,
+			'canPost' => $can_post
+		);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Post message to thread. API function
+	 *
+	 * @param array $args Associative array of arguments. It must contains following keys:
+	 *  - 'threadId': Id of the thread related to chat window
+	 *  - 'token': last thread token
+	 *  - 'user': TRUE if window used by user and FALSE otherwise
+	 *  - 'message': posted message
+	 * @throws ThreadProcessorException
+	 */
+	protected function apiPost($args) {
+		// Load thread
+		$thread = self::getThread($args['threadId'], $args['token']);
+		// Check variables
+		self::checkParams($args, array('user', 'message'));
+		// Get operator's array
+		if (! $args['user']) {
+			$operator = check_login();
+		}
+		// Check message can be sent
+		if(! $args['user'] && $operator['operatorid'] != $thread->agentId) {
+			throw new ThreadProcessorException("Cannot send", ThreadProcessorException::ERROR_CANNOT_SEND);
+		}
+		// Set fields
+		$kind = $args['user'] ? Thread::KIND_USER : Thread::KIND_AGENT;
+		$from = $args['user'] ? $thread->userName : $thread->agentName;
+		$opid = $args['user'] ? null : $operator['operatorid'];
+		// Post message
+		$posted_id = $thread->postMessage($kind, $args['message'], $from, $opid);
+		// Update shownMessageId
+		if($args['user'] && $thread->shownMessageId == 0) {
+			$thread->shownMessageId = $posted_id;
+			$thread->save();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Rename user in the chat. API function
+	 *
+	 * @param array $args Associative array of arguments. It must contains following keys:
+	 *  - 'threadId': Id of the thread related to chat window
+	 *  - 'token': last thread token
+	 *  - 'name': new user name
+	 * @throws ThreadProcessorException
+	 */
+	protected function apiRename($args) {
+		global $namecookie, $webim_encoding;
+		// Check rename possibility
+		if( Settings::get('usercanchangename') != "1" ) {
+			throw new ThreadProcessorException(
+				'server: forbidden to change name',
+				ThreadProcessorException::ERROR_FORBIDDEN_RENAME
+			);
+		}
+		// Load thread
+		$thread = self::getThread($args['threadId'], $args['token']);
+		// Check if new name exists
+		self::checkParams($args, array('name'));
+		//Rename user
+		$thread->renameUser($args['name']);
+		// Update user name in cookies
+		$data = strtr(base64_encode(myiconv($webim_encoding,"utf-8",$args['name'])), '+/=', '-_,');
+		setcookie($namecookie, $data, time()+60*60*24*365);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Close chat thread. API function
+	 *
+	 * @param array $args Associative array of arguments. It must contains following keys:
+	 *  - 'threadId': Id of the thread related to chat window
+	 *  - 'token': last thread token
+	 *  - 'user': TRUE if window used by user and FALSE otherwise
+	 * @return array Array of results. It contains following keys:
+	 *  - 'closed': indicates if thread can be closed
+	 */
+	protected function apiClose($args) {
+		// Load thread and check thread's last token
+		$thread = self::getThread($args['threadId'], $args['token']);
+		// Check if new user variable exists
+		self::checkParams($args, array('user'));
+		// Load operator
+		if (! $args['user']) {
+			$operator = check_login();
+		}
+		// Close thread
+		if( $args['user'] || $thread->agentId == $operator['operatorid']) {
+			$thread->close($args['user']);
+		}
+		return array(
+			'closed' => true
+		);
+	}
+class ThreadProcessorException extends Exception {
+	/**
+	 * Wrong arguments set for an API function
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Thread cannot be loaded
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Message cannot be send
+	 */
+	const ERROR_CANNOT_SEND = 3;
+	/**
+	 * User rename forbidden by system configurations
+	 */
\ No newline at end of file