var fs = require('fs'), https = require('https'), exec = require('child_process').exec, eventStream = require('event-stream'), gulp = require('gulp'), chmod = require('gulp-chmod'), zip = require('gulp-zip'), tar = require('gulp-tar'), gzip = require('gulp-gzip'), rename = require('gulp-rename'); var config = { getComposerUrl: '', phpBin: 'php -d "suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar" -d "memory_limit=512M"' } // Get and install PHP Composer gulp.task('get-composer', function(callback) { // Check if Composer already in place if (fs.existsSync('./composer.phar')) { callback(null); return; } // Get installer from the internet https.get(config.getComposerUrl, function(response) { // Run PHP to install Composer var php = exec(config.phpBin, function(error, stdout, stderr) { callback(error ? stderr : null); }); // Pass installer code to PHP via STDIN response.pipe(php.stdin); }); }); // Install Composer dependencies gulp.task('composer-install', ['get-composer'], function(callback) { exec(config.phpBin + ' composer.phar install --no-dev', function(error, stdout, stderr) { callback(error ? stderr : null); }); }); gulp.task('prepare-release', ['composer-install'], function() { var version = require('./package.json').version; return eventStream.merge( getSources() .pipe(zip('jabber-plugin-' + version + '.zip')), getSources() .pipe(tar('jabber-plugin-' + version + '.tar')) .pipe(gzip()) ) .pipe(chmod(644)) .pipe(gulp.dest('release')); }); // Builds and packs plugins sources gulp.task('default', ['prepare-release'], function() { // The "default" task is just an alias for "prepare-release" task. }); /** * Returns files stream with the plugin sources. * * @returns {Object} Stream with VinylFS files. */ var getSources = function() { return gulp.src([ 'Plugin.php', '', 'LICENSE', 'vendor/**/*.*' ], {base: './'} ) .pipe(rename(function(path) { path.dirname = 'Mibew/Mibew/Plugin/Jabber/' + path.dirname; })); }