mirror of
synced 2025-01-26 06:50:30 +03:00
377 lines
12 KiB
377 lines
12 KiB
Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create();
Class.inherit( Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater, Ajax.Base, {
initialize: function(_options) {
this._options.onComplete = this.requestComplete.bind(this);
this._options.onException = this.handleException.bind(this);
this._options.onTimeout = this.handleTimeout.bind(this);
this._options.timeout = 5000;
this.frequency = (this._options.frequency || 2);
this.updater = {};
handleException: function(_request, ex) {
if( this._options.handleError )
this._options.handleError("offline, reconnecting");
this.timer = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this), 1000);
handleTimeout: function(_request) {
if( this._options.handleError )
this._options.handleError("timeout, reconnecting");
this.timer = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this), 1000);
stopUpdate: function() {
if( this.updater._options )
this.updater._options.onComplete = undefined;
update: function() {
if( this._options.updateParams )
this._options.parameters = (this._options.updateParams)();
this.updater = new Ajax.Request(this._options.url, this._options);
requestComplete: function(presponse) {
try {
var xmlRoot = Ajax.getXml(presponse);
if( xmlRoot ) {
(this._options.updateContent || Ajax.emptyFunction)( xmlRoot );
} else {
if( this._options.handleError )
} catch(e) {
this.timer = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000);
var HtmlGenerationUtils = {
popupLink: function(link, title, wndid, inner, width, height,linkclass) {
return '<a href="'+link+'"'+(linkclass != null ? ' class="'+linkclass+'"' : '')+' target="_blank" title="'+title+'" onclick="this.newWindow = window.open(\''+link+'\', \''+
wndid+'\', \'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width='+width+',height='+height+',resizable=1\');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;">'+
generateOneRowTable: function(content) {
return '<table class="inner"><tr>' + content + '</tr></table>';
viewOpenCell: function(username,servlet,id,canview,canopen,ban,message,cantakenow) {
var cellsCount = 2;
var link = servlet+"?thread="+id;
var gen = '<td>';
if(canopen || canview ) {
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( (cantakenow||!canview) ? link : link+"&viewonly=true", localized[canopen ? 0 : 1], "ImCenter"+id, username, 640, 480, null);
} else {
gen += '<a href="#">' + username + '</a>';
gen += '</td>';
if( canopen ) {
gen += '<td class="icon">';
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( link, localized[0], "ImCenter"+id, '<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/tbliclspeak.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="'+localized[0]+'">', 640, 480, null);
gen += '</td>';
if( canview ) {
gen += '<td class="icon">';
gen += HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( link+"&viewonly=true", localized[1], "ImCenter"+id, '<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/tbliclread.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="'+localized[1]+'">', 640, 480, null);
gen += '</td>';
if( message != "" ) {
gen += '</tr><tr><td class="firstmessage" colspan="'+cellsCount+'"><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="'+message+'" onclick="alert(this.title);return false;">';
gen += message.length > 30 ? message.substring(0,30) + '...' : message;
gen += '</a></td>';
return HtmlGenerationUtils.generateOneRowTable(gen);
banCell: function(id,banid){
return '<td class="icon">'+
HtmlGenerationUtils.popupLink( webimRoot+'/operator/ban.php?'+(banid ? 'id='+banid : 'thread='+id), localized[2], "ban"+id, '<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/ban.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="'+localized[2]+'">', 720, 480, null)+
Ajax.ThreadListUpdater = Class.create();
Class.inherit( Ajax.ThreadListUpdater, Ajax.Base, {
initialize: function(_options) {
this._options.updateParams = this.updateParams.bind(this);
this._options.handleError = this.handleError.bind(this);
this._options.updateContent = this.updateContent.bind(this);
this._options.lastrevision = 0;
this.threadTimers = new Object();
this.delta = 0;
this.t = this._options.table;
this.periodicalUpdater = new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(this._options);
updateParams: function() {
return "since=" + this._options.lastrevision + "&status=" + this._options.istatus + (this._options.showonline ? "&showonline=1" : "");
setStatus: function(msg) {
this._options.status.innerHTML = msg;
handleError: function(s) {
this.setStatus( s );
updateThread: function(node) {
var id, stateid, vstate, canview = false, canopen = false, canban = false, ban = null, banid = null;
for( var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++ ) {
var attr = node.attributes[i];
if( attr.nodeName == "id" )
id = attr.nodeValue;
else if( attr.nodeName == "stateid" )
stateid = attr.nodeValue;
else if( attr.nodeName == "state" )
vstate = attr.nodeValue;
else if( attr.nodeName == "canopen" )
canopen = true;
else if( attr.nodeName == "canview" )
canview = true;
else if( attr.nodeName == "canban" )
canban = true;
else if( attr.nodeName == "ban" )
ban = attr.nodeValue;
else if( attr.nodeName == "banid" )
banid = attr.nodeValue;
function setcell(_table, row,id,pcontent) {
var cell = CommonUtils.getCell( id, row, _table );
if( cell )
cell.innerHTML = pcontent;
var row = CommonUtils.getRow("thr"+id, this.t);
if( stateid == "closed" ) {
if( row ) {
this.threadTimers[id] = null;
var vname = NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"name");
var vaddr = NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"addr");
var vtime = NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"time");
var agent = NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"agent");
var modified = NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"modified");
var message = NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"message");
var etc = '<td>'+NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"useragent")+'</td>';
if(ban != null) {
etc = '<td>'+NodeUtils.getNodeValue(node,"reason")+'</td>';
if(canban) {
etc += HtmlGenerationUtils.banCell(id,banid);
etc = HtmlGenerationUtils.generateOneRowTable(etc);
var startRow = CommonUtils.getRow("t"+stateid, this.t);
var endRow = CommonUtils.getRow("t"+stateid+"end", this.t);
if( row != null && (row.rowIndex <= startRow.rowIndex || row.rowIndex >= endRow.rowIndex ) ) {
this.threadTimers[id] = null;
row = null;
if( row == null ) {
row = this.t.insertRow(startRow.rowIndex+1);
row.className = (ban == "blocked" && stateid != "chat") ? "ban" : "in"+stateid;
row.id = "thr"+id;
this.threadTimers[id] = new Array(vtime,modified,stateid);
CommonUtils.insertCell(row, "name", "visitor", null, null, HtmlGenerationUtils.viewOpenCell(vname,this._options.agentservl,id,canview,canopen,ban,message,stateid!='chat'));
CommonUtils.insertCell(row, "contid", "visitor", "center", null, vaddr );
CommonUtils.insertCell(row, "state", "visitor", "center", null, vstate );
CommonUtils.insertCell(row, "op", "visitor", "center", null, agent );
CommonUtils.insertCell(row, "time", "visitor", "center", null, this.getTimeSince(vtime) );
CommonUtils.insertCell(row, "wait", "visitor", "center", null, (stateid!='chat' ? this.getTimeSince(modified) : '-') );
CommonUtils.insertCell(row, "etc", "visitor", "center", null, etc );
if( stateid == 'wait' || stateid == 'prio' )
return true;
} else {
this.threadTimers[id] = new Array(vtime,modified,stateid);
row.className = (ban == "blocked" && stateid != "chat") ? "ban" : "in"+stateid;
setcell(this.t, row,"name",HtmlGenerationUtils.viewOpenCell(vname,this._options.agentservl,id,canview,canopen,ban,message,stateid!='chat'));
setcell(this.t, row,"contid",vaddr);
setcell(this.t, row,"state",vstate);
setcell(this.t, row,"op",agent);
setcell(this.t, row,"time",this.getTimeSince(vtime));
setcell(this.t, row,"wait",(stateid!='chat' ? this.getTimeSince(modified) : '-'));
setcell(this.t, row,"etc",etc);
return false;
updateQueueMessages: function() {
function queueNotEmpty(t,id) {
var startRow = $(id);
var endRow = $(id+"end");
if( startRow == null || endRow == null ) {
return false;
return startRow.rowIndex+1 < endRow.rowIndex;
var _status = $("statustd");
if( _status) {
var notempty = queueNotEmpty(this.t, "twait") || queueNotEmpty(this.t, "tprio") || queueNotEmpty(this.t, "tchat");
_status.innerHTML = notempty ? "" : this._options.noclients;
_status.height = notempty ? 5 : 30;
getTimeSince: function(srvtime) {
var secs = Math.floor(((new Date()).getTime()-srvtime-this.delta)/1000);
var minutes = Math.floor(secs/60);
var prefix = "";
secs = secs % 60;
if( secs < 10 )
secs = "0" + secs;
if( minutes >= 60 ) {
var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60);
minutes = minutes % 60;
if( minutes < 10 )
minutes = "0" + minutes;
prefix = hours + ":";
return prefix + minutes+":"+secs;
updateTimers: function() {
for (var i in this.threadTimers) {
if (this.threadTimers[i] != null) {
var value = this.threadTimers[i];
var row = CommonUtils.getRow("thr"+i, this.t);
if( row != null ) {
function setcell(_table, row,id,pcontent) {
var cell = CommonUtils.getCell( id, row, _table );
if( cell )
cell.innerHTML = pcontent;
setcell(this.t, row,"time",this.getTimeSince(value[0]));
setcell(this.t, row,"wait",(value[2]!='chat' ? this.getTimeSince(value[1]) : '-'));
updateThreads: function(root) {
var newAdded = false;
var _time = NodeUtils.getAttrValue(root, "time");
var _revision = NodeUtils.getAttrValue(root, "revision" );
if( _time )
this.delta = (new Date()).getTime() - _time;
if( _revision )
this._options.lastrevision = _revision;
for( var i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
var node = root.childNodes[i];
if( node.tagName == 'thread' )
if( this.updateThread(node) )
newAdded = true;
this.setStatus(this._options.istatus ? "Away" : "Up to date");
if( newAdded ) {
if(updaterOptions.showpopup) {
updateOperators: function(root) {
var div = $('onlineoperators');
if (!div)
var names = [];
for( var i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
var node = root.childNodes[i];
if(node.tagName != 'operator')
var name = NodeUtils.getAttrValue(node, 'name');
var isAway = NodeUtils.getAttrValue(node, 'away') != null;
names[names.length] =
'<img src="'+webimRoot+'/images/op'+(isAway ? 'away' : 'online')+
'.gif" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="'+localized[1]+'"> '+ name;
div.innerHTML = names.join(', ');
updateContent: function(root) {
if( root.tagName == 'update' ) {
for( var i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
var node = root.childNodes[i];
if (node.tagName == 'threads') {
} else if (node.tagName == 'operators') {
} else if( root.tagName == 'error' ) {
this.setStatus(NodeUtils.getNodeValue(root,"descr") );
} else {
this.setStatus( "reconnecting" );
function togglemenu() {
if($("sidebar") && $("wcontent") && $("togglemenu")) {
if($("wcontent").className == "contentnomenu") {
$("sidebar").style.display = "block";
$("wcontent").className = "contentinner";
$("togglemenu").innerHTML = localized[4];
} else {
$("sidebar").style.display = "none";
$("wcontent").className = "contentnomenu";
$("togglemenu").innerHTML = localized[3];
var webimRoot = "";
'#togglemenu' : function(el) {
el.onclick = function() {
EventHelper.register(window, 'onload', function(){
webimRoot = updaterOptions.wroot;
new Ajax.ThreadListUpdater(({table:$("threadlist"),status:$("connstatus"),istatus:0}).extend(updaterOptions || {}));
if(!updaterOptions.havemenu) {