msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mibew Messenger 2.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-19 12:44+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-19 12:44+0000\n" "Last-Translator: X Chen\n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "Language-Team: Mibew Translators <>\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window" msgstr "郵件送出窗口" msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number" msgstr "“最大連接數”字段應該填入數字" msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window" msgstr "離開訊息送出窗口" msgid "\"Thread lifetime\" field should be a number" msgstr "“主題壽命”字段應該是一個數字" msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window" msgstr "訪客已轉移窗口" msgid "<no description>" msgstr "沒有描述" msgid "(away)" msgstr "(離開)" msgid "(online)" msgstr "(線上)" msgid "-all operators-" msgstr "所有的客服" msgid "-from general settings-" msgstr "-預設-" msgid "0 allows any number of connections" msgstr "0 表示不限制" msgid "<b>Application installed successfully.</b>" msgstr "程式安裝完成。" msgid "<strong>Caution!</strong> Please don't change<br/> the code manually because<br/> we don't guarantee that<br/> it will work!" msgstr "<strong>警告!</strong> 請勿手動更改語法,我們並不保證更改後能正常運作!" msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}" msgstr "對談紀錄已經寄送到 {0}" msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer." msgstr "有新的訪問者" msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available <a href=\"{0}\">here</a>" msgstr "若要預覽頁面的每個樣式,請點 <a href=\"{0}\">這裏</a>" msgid "Ability to modify profile" msgstr "修改個人資料" msgid "Add address" msgstr "增加IP地址" msgid "Add message..." msgstr "添加訊息..." msgid "Add new message." msgstr "添加新訊息" msgid "Add operator..." msgstr "創建一個新客服" msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days." msgstr "地址 {0} 已經封鎖幾天." msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports." msgstr "添加用戶使用統計頁面。" msgid "Administration" msgstr "管理員" msgid "All strings" msgstr "所有字串" msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)" msgstr "允許安全連接 (SSL)" msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group" msgstr "允許訪客選擇部門/群組" msgid "Allows users to change their names" msgstr "允許使用者更改名稱" msgid "Application path is {0}" msgstr "應用程式路徑是 {0}" msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?" msgstr "您確定要從封鎖列表裏刪除地址 {0} 嗎?" msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?" msgstr "您確定要刪除客服“{0}”嗎?" msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?" msgstr "您確定要刪除群組“{0}”嗎?" msgid "Ask for visitor's email" msgstr "詢問訪客的郵件地址" msgid "Ask your question" msgstr "直接與客服詢問" msgid "Average message length (in chars)" msgstr "平均訊息長度(字數)" msgid "Away" msgstr "離開" msgid "Back to login" msgstr "返回登錄" msgid "Back..." msgstr "回上一頁..." msgid "Ban List" msgstr "封鎖" msgid "Ban this visitor" msgstr "封鎖訪客" msgid "Block address" msgstr "封鎖IP地址" msgid "Blocked visitors" msgstr "封鎖訪客" msgid "Browser" msgstr "閱覽器" msgid "Button HTML code generation" msgstr "產生客服HTML按鈕" msgid "Button HTML code generation." msgstr "產生放置在網站上的HTML語法。" msgid "Button code" msgstr "圖片語法" msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list" msgstr "可能會導致列表更新頻率降低" msgid "Canned Messages" msgstr "預製資訊" msgid "Cannot execute:" msgstr "無法執行:" msgid "Cannot read file {0}" msgstr "無法讀取檔 {0}" msgid "Change" msgstr "更改" msgid "Change locale." msgstr "改變地區" msgid "Change name" msgstr "重新命名" msgid "Change operator" msgstr "更換客服" msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator." msgstr "您可以控管客服人員的許可權" msgid "Change your password" msgstr "更改您的密碼" msgid "Changes saved" msgstr "保存修改" msgid "Chat Threads" msgstr "聊天記錄" msgid "Chat history" msgstr "對談紀錄" msgid "Chat log" msgstr "對話記錄" msgid "Chat refresh time" msgstr "對談窗口刷新間隔" msgid "Chat themes preview" msgstr "主題預覽" msgid "Chat threads" msgstr "聊天記錄" msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)" msgstr "對談窗口(客服模式)" msgid "Chat window (user-mode)" msgstr "對談窗口 (訪客模式)" msgid "Chat window style" msgstr "對話窗口樣式" msgid "Check for news and updates." msgstr "查看新聞和更新" msgid "Checksum differs for {0}" msgstr "效驗 {0} 不符" msgid "Choose Department:" msgstr "選擇部門:" msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills." msgstr "按客服的技能選擇群組" msgid "Choose image" msgstr "選擇圖片" msgid "Choose style" msgstr "選擇樣式" msgid "Choose template" msgstr "選擇樣板" msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.<br/>The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px." msgstr "請選擇要上傳的圖片。<br/> 圖片不可超過 100x100 像素。" msgid "Choose your language" msgstr "選擇您的語言" msgid "Choose:" msgstr "選擇" msgid "Click on this link to close the window" msgstr "點此連結關閉窗口" msgid "Click to chat with the visitor" msgstr "點選與訪客對談" msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}" msgstr "點擊檢查聲音: {0} 和 {1}" msgid "Click to close the window" msgstr "點此關閉窗口" msgid "Close" msgstr "關閉" msgid "Close chat" msgstr "離開對談" msgid "Close..." msgstr "關閉..." msgid "Closed" msgstr "已關閉" msgid "Code for group" msgstr "組群" msgid "Code for language" msgstr "選擇語系" msgid "Comment" msgstr "批註" msgid "Company title" msgstr "公司名稱" msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it" msgstr "與mod_security的相容性(,只有當你有問題時才打開它" msgid "Completed:" msgstr "完成:" msgid "Confirm new password." msgstr "再輸入一次密碼確保密碼正確。" msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "確認密碼" msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the <a href=\"{0}\">Optional services</a> page." msgstr "恭喜!您現在已經安裝了 Mibew Messenger {1}。在<a href=\"{0}\">可選服務</a>頁打開更多的功能。" msgid "Correct the mistakes:" msgstr "修正錯誤:" msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.yml. Error: {0}" msgstr "無法聯機,請檢查 config.yml 伺服器設定。錯誤: {0}" msgid "Create database \"{0}\"" msgstr "建立資料庫“{0}”" msgid "Create new group" msgstr "創建一個新群組" msgid "Create new group here." msgstr "您可以在這裏創建新的群組。" msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions." msgstr "建立、刪除或管理客服許可權。" msgid "Create required tables." msgstr "建立必要數據表。" msgid "Current avatar image" msgstr "目前個人圖片" msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created." msgstr "資料庫“{0}”已經建立." msgid "Date" msgstr "日期" msgid "Days" msgstr "天數" msgid "Delete" msgstr "刪除" msgid "Department or skill based groups." msgstr "部門或者技術性客服組群" msgid "Description" msgstr "群組描述" msgid "Description in English." msgstr "英文描述" msgid "Description of the group." msgstr "對這個群組的簡要描述" msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link" msgstr "您的公司網址" msgid "Direction:" msgstr "方向" msgid "Drop existing tables from database" msgstr "刪除已存在的數據表" msgid "E-Mail: {0}" msgstr "電子郵件地址: {0}" msgid "E-mail" msgstr "電子郵件信箱" msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP." msgstr "將會開啟新窗口,{ip}會代入IP地址。" msgid "Edit Message" msgstr "編輯訊息" msgid "Edit an existing message." msgstr "編輯現有的資訊。" msgid "Edit general operator settings." msgstr "顯示客服詳細數據,若您有許可權則可以編輯。" msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat." msgstr "編輯您經常輸入的聊天訊息" msgid "Email" msgstr "電子郵件" msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" msgid "Enable \"Groups\"" msgstr "啟用“群組”" msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"." msgstr "啟用新訪客到來彈出窗口提醒" msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\"" msgstr "啟用“交談前調查”" msgid "Enable \"Statistics\"" msgstr "啟用“統計功能”" msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\"" msgstr "開啟“封鎖惡意訪客”功能" msgid "Enter" msgstr "輸入" msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one." msgstr "輸入新密碼或保持空白不更動。" msgid "Enter a valid email address" msgstr "輸入適當的Email" msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages" msgstr "輸入接收系統訊息Email" msgid "Enter http address of your company logo" msgstr "輸入您的公司LOGO網址" msgid "Enter your company title" msgstr "輸入公司名稱" msgid "Enter your email:" msgstr "請輸入電子郵件信箱:" msgid "Enter your translation." msgstr "輸入您的翻譯。" msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect" msgstr "輸入的帳號/密碼不正確" msgid "Entered passwords do not match" msgstr "輸入的密碼不符合" msgid "Environment:" msgstr "環境:" msgid "Error" msgstr "錯誤" msgid "Error moving file" msgstr "無法移動檔案" msgid "Error occurred:" msgstr "錯誤發生:" msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}." msgstr "無法上傳檔案“{0}”:“{1}”。" msgid "Error window" msgstr "錯誤窗口" msgid "Ex: or" msgstr "例如: 或" msgid "Example" msgstr "範例" msgid "Exit" msgstr "離開" msgid "Features activated" msgstr "功能啟動" msgid "File is absent: {0}" msgstr "檔不在: {0}" msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database." msgstr "請依照引導精靈來安裝資料庫" msgid "For group:" msgstr "對於組群:" msgid "For language:" msgstr "語言:" msgid "For notifications and password retrieval." msgstr "該客服的電子郵箱。" msgid "Force all chats to be secure" msgstr "強制所有對話使用安全連接。" msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message" msgstr "在訪客留言之前要求輸入校驗碼" msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat." msgstr "強制用戶在交談前先填寫特定的表單" msgid "Forgot your password?" msgstr "忘記密碼?" msgid "Found 0 elements" msgstr "找到 0 個" msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports." msgstr "您可以從這個網頁生成各種使用報告。" msgid "From:" msgstr "從:" msgid "Full list of operators:" msgstr "客服人員清單:" msgid "Functions available for site operators." msgstr "管理員可以利用下方功能進行管理。" msgid "General" msgstr "普遍" msgid "Geolocation window options" msgstr "定位窗口選項" msgid "Go to search" msgstr "搜索" msgid "Group" msgstr "群組" msgid "Group details" msgstr "組群詳細資訊" msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address." msgstr "用於接收通知的群組郵件地址。保持空白以使用默認地址。" msgid "Group:" msgstr "組群:" msgid "Groups" msgstr "組群" msgid "Guest" msgstr "訪客" msgid "HTML code" msgstr "HTML 語法" msgid "Hello. How may I help you?" msgstr "您好,有什麼可以協助您的嗎?" msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages." msgstr "這裏可以用來封鎖一些惡意的訪客。" msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors." msgstr "封鎖惡意使用訪客,進行IP管理。" msgid "Hide menu >>" msgstr "隱藏菜單>>" msgid "Home" msgstr "首頁" msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}" msgstr "設定{name},{id}或{addr}來顯示訪客的名稱。預設:{name}" msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update." msgstr "如果您不喜歡這個翻譯,請寄給我們更新。" msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)." msgstr "無法更新數據表結構。請試著手動或重新建立所有數據表 (警告: 所有數據將遺失)。" msgid "In chat" msgstr "對談中" msgid "In queue" msgstr "等候中" msgid "Include host name into the code" msgstr "包含主機名稱到語法中" msgid "Info: {0}" msgstr "資訊: {0}" msgid "Initial Question:" msgstr "最初的問題:" msgid "Installation" msgstr "安裝" msgid "Installed localizations:" msgstr "已安裝的語言:" msgid "Insufficient file permissions {0}" msgstr "檔使用權限不夠 {0}" msgid "International description" msgstr "國際化的描述" msgid "International name" msgstr "國際化群組名" msgid "International name (Latin)" msgstr "英文名稱" msgid "Invalid file type" msgstr "無效的檔案格式" msgid "Key identifier" msgstr "鍵" msgid "Language" msgstr "語言" msgid "Last active" msgstr "最後一次登陸" msgid "Latest version:" msgstr "最新版本:" msgid "Leave message window" msgstr "離開訊息窗口" msgid "Leave your message" msgstr "留下離線訊息" msgid "License" msgstr "許可證" msgid "Link to an external geolocation service" msgstr "連結到外部定位服務" msgid "List of banned IPs:" msgstr "封鎖IP:" msgid "List of supported browsers window" msgstr "支持流覽器窗口" msgid "List of visitors waiting" msgstr "列出等候中訪客" msgid "Live support" msgstr "線上客服" msgid "Loading" msgstr "讀取中" msgid "Localize" msgstr "本地化" msgid "Log out of the system." msgstr "註銷系統。" msgid "Login" msgstr "登入" msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore." msgstr "登入名稱可以包含小寫字母及底線。" msgid "Login or E-mail:" msgstr "帳戶或電子郵箱:" msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol." msgstr "登入名稱只能包含英文、數字及下劃線。" msgid "Login using your new password." msgstr "是用您的新密碼登陸。" msgid "Login:" msgstr "帳號:" msgid "Mail thread window" msgstr "郵件主題窗口" msgid "Main" msgstr "主要" msgid "Max number of threads from one address" msgstr "來自於同一地址的最大訪客數" msgid "Members" msgstr "成員" msgid "Message" msgstr "內容" msgid "Messages" msgstr "訊息" msgid "Messages from operators" msgstr "客服的訊息" msgid "Messages from visitors" msgstr "訪問者的訊息" msgid "Messenger settings" msgstr "基本設定" msgid "Messenger updates." msgstr "軟體更新。" msgid "Mibew <span class=\"grey\">Messenger</span>" msgstr "網站 <span class=\"grey\">即時訊息</span>" msgid "Mibew Messenger" msgstr "網站即時訊息" msgid "Mibew Messenger Community" msgstr "網頁即時通訊" msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application." msgstr "網站即時訊息是一個開源的線上客服應用。" msgid "Mibew package is valid." msgstr "Mibew組件有效。" msgid "Misc" msgstr "選項" msgid "Modify" msgstr "修改" msgid "Name" msgstr "名稱" msgid "Name in English." msgstr "英文群組名。" msgid "Name of your company for example." msgstr "例如您公司的部門" msgid "Name to identify the group." msgstr "唯一標識這個群組的名字" msgid "Name:" msgstr "姓名:" msgid "Never" msgstr "從不" msgid "New Message" msgstr "新訊息" msgid "New Visitor" msgstr "新訪客" msgid "News:" msgstr "新聞:" msgid "Next step:" msgstr "下一步:" msgid "No elements" msgstr "沒有符合" msgid "No such Operator" msgstr "沒有該客服" msgid "No such group" msgstr "組群不存在" msgid "No such message" msgstr "訊息不存在" msgid "No. Close the window" msgstr "不,關閉窗口" msgid "Not enough data" msgstr "沒有足夠的數據" msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked" msgstr "設定封鎖的天數,過後解除封鎖" msgid "OFFLINE" msgstr "不線上上" msgid "ONLINE" msgstr "正在線上" msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds." msgstr "舊版本的流覽器需要刷新整個頁面,默認間隔為7秒。" msgid "On this page you can edit group details." msgstr "在這裏您可以編輯群組的詳細資訊。" msgid "Online" msgstr "線上" msgid "Operator" msgstr "客服" msgid "Operator <strong>{0}</strong> changed operator <strong>{1}</strong>" msgstr "訪客 {0} 更換客服 {1}" msgid "Operator details" msgstr "客服人員明細" msgid "Operator groups" msgstr "客服群組" msgid "Operator online time threshold" msgstr "客服線上時間閥值" msgid "Operator {0} is back" msgstr "客服人員 {0} 回到線上" msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat" msgstr "客服人員 {0} 加入對談" msgid "Operator {0} left the chat" msgstr "客服人員 {0} 離開對談" msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while." msgstr "客服人員 {0} 將您轉移給另一位客服,請稍後" msgid "Operator's console refresh time" msgstr "客服控制臺的刷新間隔" msgid "Operator:" msgstr "客服接線員:" msgid "Operators" msgstr "客服人員" msgid "Operators list" msgstr "客服人員清單" msgid "Optional Services" msgstr "可選服務" msgid "Other" msgstr "其他" msgid "PHP version {0}" msgstr "PHP 版本 {0}" msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers" msgstr "舊版本流覽器的刷新間隔" msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}" msgstr "第 {0} / {1} 頁,{2}-{3} 至 {4}" msgid "Password" msgstr "密碼" msgid "Password retrieval" msgstr "取回密碼" msgid "Password:" msgstr "密碼:" msgid "Performance" msgstr "性能" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "許可權" msgid "Photo" msgstr "個人圖片" msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account." msgstr "請選擇一個您要使用的密碼。" msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system." msgstr "請選擇其他登入名稱,此名稱已經存在於系統中。" msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists." msgstr "改群組名已存在,請使用其他名字。" msgid "Please enter your company title" msgstr "請輸入您的公司名稱" msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history." msgstr "請輸入您的用戶名和密碼才能訪問管理工具。" msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly." msgstr "請輸入“{0}”正確。" msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"." msgstr "請輸入“{0}”。" msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests." msgstr "請確保您的Web伺服器已配置為支持HTTPS連接。" msgid "Please run the <a href=\"{0}\">Update wizard</a> to adjust your database." msgstr "請點擊 <a href=\"{0}\">更新嚮導</a> 來調整您的資料庫。" msgid "Please use a more recent browser" msgstr "請使用較新版的流覽器" msgid "Please, re-upload files to the server." msgstr "請重新上傳檔到伺服器。" msgid "Powered by:" msgstr "Powered by:" msgid "Pre-chat survey" msgstr "交談前的調查" msgid "Priority visitors' queue" msgstr "優先等候訪客" msgid "Problem" msgstr "問題" msgid "Proceed to login" msgstr "繼續登陸" msgid "Proceed to the login page" msgstr "繼續到登入頁面" msgid "Profile" msgstr "個人資料" msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)" msgstr "以抵禦自動化蠕蟲攻擊" msgid "Reason for block" msgstr "批註封鎖的原因" msgid "Redirect to<br/>another operator" msgstr "轉移到其他客服" msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator" msgstr "將訪客轉移到另一位客服" msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window" msgstr "轉移訪客到其他客服窗口" msgid "Refresh" msgstr "重新整理" msgid "Remember" msgstr "記住登入" msgid "Remote user is typing..." msgstr "使用者正在輸入..." msgid "Remove avatar" msgstr "移除個人圖片" msgid "Required tables are created." msgstr "必要數據表已經建立。" msgid "Reset password" msgstr "重置密碼" msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press <a>back</a> to return to the wizard." msgstr "解決問題並再試一次。點選 <a>回上一頁</a> 回到導引精靈。" msgid "Save" msgstr "儲存" msgid "Saved" msgstr "保存" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜尋" msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages." msgstr "藉由名稱或字串來搜尋對談紀錄。" msgid "Search the dialogs history." msgstr "搜尋過去的對談紀錄。" msgid "Select a style for your chat windows" msgstr "選擇對談窗口的樣式" msgid "Select answer..." msgstr "選擇回答..." msgid "Select dates" msgstr "選擇日期" msgid "Send" msgstr "送出" msgid "Send ({0})" msgstr "送出 ({0})" msgid "Send chat history by e-mail" msgstr "將對談紀錄寄到電子郵件信箱" msgid "Send chat history<br/>by mail" msgstr "將對談紀錄發送到電子郵件信箱" msgid "Send message" msgstr "送出訊息" msgid "Send messages with:" msgstr "使用如下鍵發送消息" msgid "Sent" msgstr "送出" msgid "Set status as \"Available\"" msgstr "將狀態改為“線上”" msgid "Set status as \"Away\"" msgstr "將狀態改為“離開”" msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds." msgstr "設置顯示客服線上的秒數,默認為30秒。超時不活動的客服將顯示為“離開”。" msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" msgid "Show chats only through https connection" msgstr "只通過HTTPS連接顯示對談窗口。" msgid "Show errors" msgstr "顯示錯誤" msgid "Show initial question field" msgstr "顯示原始問題的輸入區" msgid "Show menu >>" msgstr "顯示>>" msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page" msgstr "在“等候的訪客列表”頁面顯示線上的客服" msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey" msgstr "在調查窗口中顯示/隱藏“部門/群組”選擇項" msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey" msgstr "在調查窗口中顯示/隱藏電子郵件輸入區" msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey" msgstr "顯示/隱藏原始問題的輸入區" msgid "Show:" msgstr "顯示:" msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)" msgstr "簡單對談窗口,更新送出訊息(IE 5,Opera 7)" msgid "Site consultant" msgstr "線上即時客服" msgid "Site style" msgstr "網站樣式" msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention." msgstr "彈出一個小窗口以引起客服注意。" msgid "Software license agreement" msgstr "軟體授權協議" msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment. <br/>Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly." msgstr "很抱歉,目前客服不在線上,請稍後再試,或用窗體與我們聯繫。" msgid "Sort by:" msgstr "排序:" msgid "Source language string" msgstr "源語言" msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior." msgstr "設定基本選項以及開放功能" msgid "Specify the lifetime of the thread after closing the dialog box in seconds. Default is 600 seconds. Set 0 for unlimited thread lifetime." msgstr "指定關閉對話後的主題壽命(以秒計)。缺省值為600秒。無限主題壽命設置為0。" msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds." msgstr "設置客服控制臺的刷新間隔,默認是2秒。" msgid "Start Chat" msgstr "開始聊天" msgid "State" msgstr "狀態" msgid "Statistics" msgstr "統計" msgid "Strings for administrator" msgstr "管理員可見的字串" msgid "Strings for operator" msgstr "客服可見的字串" msgid "Strings for visitor" msgstr "訪客可見的字串" msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger." msgstr "您必須調整數據表結構來因應新版本。" msgid "Submit" msgstr "送出" msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation" msgstr "系統管理員: 系統設定、管理客服、客服HTML按鈕" msgid "Tables structure is up to date." msgstr "資料表結果是最新的。" msgid "Take over chat thread" msgstr "接管對談" msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly." msgstr "歡迎您使用網站即時訊息,請稍待客服回應..." msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button." msgstr "感謝您與我們聯繫!為了更好地為您服務,請填寫以下表格,並點擊開始聊天按鈕。" msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible." msgstr "謝謝您使用我們的服務。我們將會儘快回復您。" msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link." msgstr "無法找到資料庫。如果您有許可權新增,點選下方連結。" msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture." msgstr "您輸入的字元同圖片上顯示的不一致。" msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty" msgstr "目前沒有等候中的訪客" msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click <a href=\"{1}\">here</a> if you want to edit it." msgstr "地址 {0} 已經存在於系統之中,點選 <a href=\"{1}\">這裏</a> 進行編輯。" msgid "The visitor changed their name <strong>{0}</strong> to <strong>{1}</strong>" msgstr "訪客將名稱 {0} 改成 {1}" msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}." msgstr "訪客放在優先群組 {0}。" msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}." msgstr "訪可以經優先等候客服 {0}。" msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator" msgstr "訪客已經轉移到另一位客服" msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?" msgstr "有好多流覽器可以選擇,您會推薦哪一種?" msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors." msgstr "顯示名稱是給訪客辨識使用。" msgid "This page displays a list of company operators." msgstr "顯示目前系統已建立客服人員,可在此進行新增、刪除與修改。" msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses." msgstr "這裏顯示組群列表,每個組群可以有自己獨立的按鈕和預製消息。" msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting." msgstr "顯示等候中訪客名單。" msgid "This page displays chat details and content." msgstr "顯示對話頁面" msgid "Thread lifetime" msgstr "主題壽命" msgid "Threads by operator" msgstr "客服的訊息" msgid "Till" msgstr "期限" msgid "Till:" msgstr "直至:" msgid "Time in chat" msgstr "對談時間" msgid "Title in the chat window" msgstr "對談窗口標題" msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list." msgstr "若要回應訪客只要點選名單上的名稱即可。" msgid "Today at {0}" msgstr "今天 {0}" msgid "Total time" msgstr "總計時間" msgid "Total:" msgstr "全部:" msgid "Translation" msgstr "翻譯" msgid "Translations" msgstr "翻譯網站即時訊息" msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?" msgstr "訪問您的帳戶遇到困難?" msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window" msgstr "關閉名稱編輯功能" msgid "URL of your website" msgstr "首頁網址" msgid "Update tables" msgstr "更新數據表" msgid "Updates" msgstr "更新" msgid "Upload avatar" msgstr "更新個人圖片" msgid "Upload photo" msgstr "上傳圖片" msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded" msgstr "上傳檔案尺寸過大" msgid "Usage statistics for each date" msgstr "每個日期的使用數據統計" msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions." msgstr "為不同的問題使用不同的佇列" msgid "Use secure links (https)" msgstr "使用安全連結 (https)" msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:" msgstr "輸入名稱或字串進行搜尋:" msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs" msgstr "可用來封鎖惡意訪客的IP地址" msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)" msgstr "檢視對談窗口(客服只讀模式)" msgid "View and edit the member list." msgstr "查看和編輯成員列表。" msgid "View another operator's chat thread" msgstr "檢視其他客服對談" msgid "Visit history" msgstr "流覽紀錄" msgid "Visit your <a href=\"{0}\">Profile Page</a>." msgstr "訪問您的<a href=\"{0}\">個人資料</a>。" msgid "Visitor <span class=\"visitor\">{0}</span> is already being assisted by <span class=\"operator\">{1}</span>.<br/> Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?" msgstr "訪客 <span class=\"visitor\">{0}</span> 已經由 <span class=\"operator\">{1}</span> 服務。您真的確定您要與訪客對談嗎?" msgid "Visitor closed chat window" msgstr "訪客關閉窗口" msgid "Visitor joined chat again" msgstr "訪客再一次加入對談" msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}" msgstr "訪客正在流覽 {0}" msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat" msgstr "{0} 離開對談" msgid "Visitor's Address" msgstr "IP地址" msgid "Visitor's address" msgstr "IP地址" msgid "Visitor's identifier" msgstr "訪客顯示名稱" msgid "Visitor's messages" msgstr "訪客訊息" msgid "Visitors" msgstr "客服線上" msgid "Visitors in dialogs" msgstr "對話中的訪客" msgid "Vistor came from page {0}" msgstr "訪客來源頁面:{0}" msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time" msgstr "第一次等候客服" msgid "Waiting for operator" msgstr "等待客服人員" msgid "Waiting time" msgstr "等候時間" msgid "Watch the chat" msgstr "觀看對談" msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it." msgstr "我們已經給您發送了一封郵件,請查收。" msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding" msgstr "可設定隱藏窗口尺寸及工具列" msgid "Yes. I'm sure" msgstr "是,我確定" msgid "Yesterday at {0}" msgstr "昨天 {0}" msgid "You are" msgstr "您的稱呼:" msgid "You are Offline.<br/><a href=\"{0}\">Connect...</a>" msgstr "當前狀態為“離開”。<br/><a href=\"{0}\">將狀態改為“線上”...</a>" msgid "You are chatting with:" msgstr "您正在對談:" msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}" msgstr "您正在連接 MySQL 伺服器版本 {0}" msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile." msgstr "您沒有許可權修改該客服的個人資料。" msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor." msgstr "你不在和訪客對話" msgid "You are using:" msgstr "您正在使用:" msgid "You are {0}" msgstr "目前登入的是「{0}」" msgid "You can change your personal information on this page." msgstr "您可以在此頁面更改您的個人資訊。" msgid "You can create a new operator here." msgstr "填寫以下數據以便進行新增客服人員。" msgid "You can find awaiting visitors." msgstr "由此開放線上服務,等候訪客請求服務。" msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here." msgstr "您可以在此找尋訪客對談紀錄." msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here." msgstr "您可以產生 HTML 語法並放在您的網站上。" msgid "You can logon as <b>admin</b> with empty password.<br/><br/><span class=\"warning\">!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server.</span>" msgstr "您可以用 admin 名稱及空的密碼來登入。<br/><br/><span class=\"warning\">!!! 基於安全性考慮,請立即更改您的密碼並刪除網站 {0} 數據夾。</span>" msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files." msgstr "您的圖片只允許JPG、GIF、PNG或TIF格式。" msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here." msgstr "您可以在這預覽所有樣式" msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email." msgstr "您不能取回密碼,但可以根據發送給您的郵件中的鏈接設置一個新密碼。" msgid "You have selected From date after Till date" msgstr "您選擇了錯誤的日期" msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. <i>Address</i> field is already filled. Select a number of days and click <i>Send</i>." msgstr "您已經開啟“{0}”主題的窗口,<i>地址</i>字段已經輸入。選擇天數後點選<i>送出</i>。" msgid "Your avatar image." msgstr "您的個人圖片。" msgid "Your company logo" msgstr "您的公司LOGO" msgid "Your email" msgstr "E-mail" msgid "Your message has been sent" msgstr "您的訊息已經送出" msgid "Your name" msgstr "名稱" msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting." msgstr "客服人員發生聯機問題,我們暫時將您移到等候區。抱歉讓您等候。" msgid "Your password has been changed." msgstr "您的密碼已更改。" msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again" msgstr "您閒置超過時限,請重新登入。" msgid "Your translation is saved." msgstr "您的翻譯已經儲存。" msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:" msgstr "您的流覽器無法全面支持網站即時訊息。\n請使用下列其中一種流覽器:" msgid "[spam]" msgstr "[垃圾訊息] " msgid "edit" msgstr "編輯" msgid "mandatory fields" msgstr "必填字段" msgid "next" msgstr "下一個" msgid "previous" msgstr "上一個" msgid "remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "without menu" msgstr "關閉菜單"