site.url= company.title=Web Messenger Community page.main_layout.meta_keyword=live chat,live help,live support page.main_layout.meta_description=Live chat, live help, and live support for websites page_login.title=Login page_login.login=Login: page_login.password=Password: page_login.remember=Remember page_login.error=Entered login/password is incorrect agent.not_logged_in=Your session is expired please login again page_client.pending_users=Your can find awaiting visitors. chat.window.title.agent=Web Messenger chat.window.title.user=Web Messenger chat.window.product_name=Web Messenger chat.window.close_title=Close chat chat.window.chatting_with=You chat with: chat.window.poweredby=Powered by: chat.window.send_message=Send message chat.window.send_message_short=Send (Ctrl-Enter) chat.window.toolbar.mail_history=Send chat history by e-mail chat.window.toolbar.refresh=Refresh name: chat.client.changename=Change name chat.status.operator.left=Operator {0} left the chat chat.status.user.left=Visitor {0} left the chat chat.status.user.dead=Visitor closed chat window chat.status.operator.dead=Operator has connection issues, we temporarily moved you to foreground queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting. chat.status.operator.joined=Operator {0} joined the chat chat.status.user.changedname=Visitor changed the name {0} to {1} chat.status.user.reopenedthread=Visitor joined chat again chat.status.operator.changed=Operator {0} changed operator {1} chat.default.username=Visitor chat.error_page.title=Error chat.error_page.head=Error occurred: chat.error_page.close=Close..., use newer browser web browser is not fully supported by Web Messenger. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers: \n

\nAlso, we support some old browsers:\n

chat.wait=Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly... mailthread.title=Send chat history
by mail mailthread.enter_email=Enter your e-mail: mailthread.perform=Send mailthread.close=Close... chat.mailthread.sent.title=Sent chat.mailthread.sent.content=History of your chat was sent on address {0} chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow=Click on this link to close the window chat.mailthread.sent.close=Close... chat.thread.state_wait=In queue chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent=Waiting for operator chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent=In chat chat.thread.state_closed=Closed clients.title=List of awaiting visitors clients.no_clients=The of awaiting visitors is empty clients.intro=The page displays list of awaiting visitors. clients.how_to=To answer the visitor click on his/her name in the list. clients.queue.prio=Priority visitors queue clients.queue.wait=Waiting for operator for the first time in dialogs pending.table.head.contactid=Visitor's address pending.table.head.state=State pending.table.head.operator=Operator time pending.table.head.waittime=Waiting time pending.table.head.etc=Misc pending.table.speak=Click to chat with the visitor pending.table.view=Watch the chat pending.table.ban=Ban the visitor thread.chat_log=Chat log thread.back_to_search=Go to search thread.intro=The page displays chat history's address in chat common.asterisk_explanation=* - mandatory fields page_agents.title=Agents page_agents.agents=Agents full list: page_agents.new_agent=Create new agent... page_agents.agent_name=Name page_agents.login=Login page_agents.intro=This page displays list of company agents it also allows add new ones if you permissions page_agent.title=Operator details page_agent.intro=This page displays agent details, if you have access rights you can edit them. page_agent.error.duplicate_login=Please choose another login, because agent with entered login is already registered in the system. my_settings.error.password_match=Entered passwords do not match topMenu.admin=Administration topMenu.users=Visitors topMenu.logoff=Exit leftMenu.client_agents=Agents leftMenu.client_gen_button=Button code admin.content.description=Functions available for power users. admin.content.client_agents=Create, delete company agents. Manage theirs permissions. admin.content.client_gen_button=Button HTML code generation. page.gen_button.title=Button HTML code generation page.gen_button.intro=You can generate HTML code to place at your site here. page.gen_button.code=HTML code page.gen_button.sample=Example page.gen_button.code.description=Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work! mail.user.history.subject=Web Messenger: dialog history mail.user.history.body=Hello, {0}!\n\nYour chat history: \n\n{1}\n--- \nKind Regards,\nWeb Messenger errors.header=Correct the mistakes:
errors.required=Please fill "{0}". form.field.login=Login form.field.login.description=Login can consist of small Latin letters
and underscore. form.field.agent_name=Name form.field.agent_name.description=This name will be seen by your visitors. form.field.password_confirm=Confirmation form.field.password_confirm.description=Confirm new password form.field.password=Password form.field.password.description= button.enter=Enter {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4} tag.pagination.no_items=Found 0 elements image.button.login=/locales/en/images/login.gif app.title=Web Instant Messenger chat.came.from=Vistor came from page {0} content.history=Search the dialogs history content.logoff=Log out of the system. errors.wrong_field=Please fill "{0}" correctly. form.field.agent_commonname=International name (Latin) form.field.agent_commonname.description=This name will be seen by your visitors email form.field.message=Message name install.1.connected=You are connected to MySQL server version {0} install.2.create=Create database "{0}" install.2.db_exists=Database "{0}" is created. install.2.notice=Database was not found on server. If you have permissions to create
it now, click on the following link. install.3.create=Create required tables. install.3.tables_exist=Requred tables are created. install.4.create=Update tables install.4.done=Tables structure is up to date. install.4.notice=Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger. install.connection.error=Could not connect, please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0} install.done=Completed: install.err.back=Resvole problem and try again. Press back to return to wizard. install.err.title=Problem install.kill_tables=Drop existing tables from database install.kill_tables.notice=Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost). install.license=Software license agreement install.message=Follow the wizard to setup your database. step: install.title=Installation installed.login_link=Proceed to login page installed.message=Application installed successfully. installed.notice=You can logon as admin with empty password. For security reasons, please
change your password immediately and remove /webim/install folder from your server. leavemail.body=Your have a message from {0}:\n\n{2}\n\nHis email: {1}\n\n--- \nYours site messenger leavemail.subject=Question from {0} leavemessage.close=Close leavemessage.descr=Sorry, no operator is available at the moment. Please, try again later or ask your question in this form. leavemessage.perform=Submit leavemessage.sent.message=Thank you for using our service. We'll answer you by mail as soon as possible. leavemessage.sent.title=Your message is sent leavemessage.title=Leave your message localeid=English (en) menu.agents=Agents list menu.main=Main menu.operator=You are {0} no_such_operator=No such operator page.gen_button.choose_image=Choose image page.gen_button.choose_locale=Target locale page.gen_button.include_site_name=Include host name into code page.gen_button.secure_links=Use secure links (https) page_agent.create_new=Here you can create new operator page_agents.agent_commonname=International name name or message text search: page_search.intro=Search for chat history of a specified user or a specified phrase in a message.