diff --git a/translations/sk/button/mgreen_off.gif b/translations/sk/button/mgreen_off.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8595fa9a Binary files /dev/null and b/translations/sk/button/mgreen_off.gif differ diff --git a/translations/sk/button/mgreen_on.gif b/translations/sk/button/mgreen_on.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99c45f5d Binary files /dev/null and b/translations/sk/button/mgreen_on.gif differ diff --git a/translations/sk/button/mibew_off.gif b/translations/sk/button/mibew_off.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04ffd851 Binary files /dev/null and b/translations/sk/button/mibew_off.gif differ diff --git a/translations/sk/button/mibew_on.gif b/translations/sk/button/mibew_on.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd6b52a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/translations/sk/button/mibew_on.gif differ diff --git a/translations/sk/canned_messages.yml b/translations/sk/canned_messages.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6745202f --- /dev/null +++ b/translations/sk/canned_messages.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +- 'Dobrý deň, ako Vám pomôžem?' diff --git a/translations/sk/config.yml b/translations/sk/config.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3cb270c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/translations/sk/config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This is human-readable name which will be used everywhere in UI. +name: Slovenčina +# Indicates if the locale uses Right-to-Left writing. +rtl: false +# Locale name which will be passed into PHP's setlocale function. +time_locale: sk_SK.UTF8 +# Various formats which will be used with PHP's strftime function. +date_format: + full: "%B %d, %Y %I:%M %p" + date: "%B %d, %Y" + time: "%I:%M %p" diff --git a/translations/sk/mail_templates.yml b/translations/sk/mail_templates.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8338a8b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/translations/sk/mail_templates.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +user_history: + subject: 'Mibew Messenger: chat-log' + body: "Nazdar, {0}! \n\nZáznam vášho chatu:\n\n{1} \n--- \nSrdečné pozdravy, \nMibew Messenger" +password_recovery: + subject: 'Obnovenie Vášho hesla' + body: "Hi, {0}\n\nKliknite na odkaz nižšie alebo skopírujte adresu do prehliadača:\n{1}\n\nNásledne si zmeníte heslo.\n\nS pozdravom,\nMibew" +leave_message: + subject: 'Dotaz od {0}' + body: "Máte správu od {0}:\n\n{2} \n\nE-mail návštevníka: {1} \n{3} \n--- \nVáš site messenger" diff --git a/translations/sk/translation.po b/translations/sk/translation.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44e90f9c --- /dev/null +++ b/translations/sk/translation.po @@ -0,0 +1,813 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Mibew Messenger 2.0\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@mibew.org\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-19 12:44+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-19 12:44+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Marek Masleyko Maslancik \n" +"Language: sk\n" +"Language-Team: Mibew Translators \n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + +msgid "<no description>" +msgstr "<no description>" +msgid "(away)" +msgstr "(preč)" +msgid "(online)" +msgstr "(online)" +msgid "-all operators-" +msgstr "-všetci operátori-" +msgid "-from general settings-" +msgstr "-zo všeobecných nastavení-" +msgid "-none-" +msgstr "-none-" +msgid "0 allows any number of connections" +msgstr "0 = ľubovoľný počet pripojení" +msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!" +msgstr "Pozor, nemeňte!
kód ručne, pretože
potom nemôžeme zaručiť funkčnosť
" +msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}" +msgstr "História chatu bola odoslaná na adresu {0}" +msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here" +msgstr "Zobrazenie všetkých stránok pre každý štýl je k dispozícii tu" +msgid "A preview for each style is available here" +msgstr "Náhľad pre každý štýl je k dispozícii tu." +msgid "A preview for invitation style is available here" +msgstr "Náhľad štýu pozvanial je k dispozícii tu." +msgid "Ability to modify profile" +msgstr "Možnosť upraviť profil" +msgid "About" +msgstr "O" +msgid "About Mibew Messenger" +msgstr "O Mibew Messenger" +msgid "Add message..." +msgstr "Pridať správu..." +msgid "Add operator..." +msgstr "Pridať operátora..." +msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports." +msgstr "Pridá stránku so záznamom používania messengera." +msgid "Administration" +msgstr "Administrácia" +msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)" +msgstr "Povoliť zabezpečené pripojenie (SSL)" +msgid "Allow tracking system to treat operators as normal visitors and add show in the visitors on site list." +msgstr "Allow tracking system to treat operators as normal visitors and add show in the visitors on site list." +msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group" +msgstr "Umožňuje návštevníkom vybrať oddelenie/skupinu" +msgid "Allows users to change their names" +msgstr "Umožňuje používateľom zmeniť svoje meno" +msgid "Ask for visitor's email" +msgstr "Požiadať návštevníka o email" +msgid "Ask your question" +msgstr "Položiť otázku" +msgid "Average chat time (in seconds)" +msgstr "Priemerná dĺžka chatu (v sekundách)" +msgid "Average waiting time (in seconds)" +msgstr "Priemerný čas čakania (v sekundách)" +msgid "Back..." +msgstr "Späť" +msgid "Beware that statistics is aggregated up to the day before yesterday." +msgstr "Uvedomte si, že štatistiky sú zoskupované až predvčerom." +msgid "Browser" +msgstr "Prehliadač" +msgid "Button HTML code generation" +msgstr "Generovanie HTML kódu tlačidla" +msgid "Button HTML code generation." +msgstr "Generovanie HTML kódu tlačidla" +msgid "Button code" +msgstr "Kód tlačidla" +msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list" +msgstr "Môžete spomaliť rýchlosť aktualizácie zoznamu" +msgid "Canned Messages" +msgstr "Správy" +msgid "Cannot execute:" +msgstr "Nie je možné vykonať:" +msgid "Change locale." +msgstr "Zmeniť miestne nastavenie." +msgid "Change name" +msgstr "Zmeniť meno" +msgid "Change operator" +msgstr "Zmena operátora" +msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator." +msgstr "Change restrictions and available features for this operator." +msgid "Changes saved" +msgstr "Changes saved" +msgid "Chat history" +msgstr "História chatu" +msgid "Chat refresh time" +msgstr "Chat refresh time" +msgid "Chat themes preview" +msgstr "Chat themes preview" +msgid "Chat threads" +msgstr "Chat threads" +msgid "Chat threads by page" +msgstr "Chat threads by page" +msgid "Chat window style" +msgstr "Chat window style" +msgid "Choose Department:" +msgstr "Vyberte oddelenie:" +msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills." +msgstr "Choose groups according to operator skills." +msgid "Choose image" +msgstr "Choose image" +msgid "Choose style" +msgstr "Choose style" +msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px." +msgstr "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px." +msgid "Choose the translation file to upload." +msgstr "Vybrať súbor prekladu." +msgid "Choose your language" +msgstr "Vyberte jazyk" +msgid "Click on this link to close the window" +msgstr "Okno zatvoríte kliknutím na tento odkaz" +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Zavrieť" +msgid "Close chat" +msgstr "Zavrieť chat" +msgid "Close..." +msgstr "Zavrieť..." +msgid "Code" +msgstr "Kód" +msgid "Code for group" +msgstr "Kód pre skupinu" +msgid "Code for language" +msgstr "Kód jazyka" +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "Komentár" +msgid "Company title" +msgstr "Názov spoločnosti" +msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (modsecurity.org), turn on only if you have problems with it" +msgstr "Compatibility with mod_security (modsecurity.org), turn on only if you have problems with it" +msgid "Confirm new password." +msgstr "Potvrdiť nové heslo" +msgid "Confirmation" +msgstr "Potvrdenie" +msgid "Connection timeout for messaging window" +msgstr "Časový limit pripojenia pre okno rozhovoru" +msgid "Copyright © {0} Contributors of the Mibew Messenger project." +msgstr "Copyright © {0} prispievatelia projektu Mibew Messenger." +msgid "Correct the mistakes:" +msgstr "Oprava chýb:" +msgid "Create new group" +msgstr "Vytvoriť novú skupinu" +msgid "Create new group here." +msgstr "Vytvoriť novú skupinu." +msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions." +msgstr "Vytvorenie alebo odstránenie operátorov spoločnosti. Spravovať ich povolenia." +msgid "Cron security key" +msgstr "Cron security key" +msgid "Current avatar image" +msgstr "Aktuálny obrázok" +msgid "Date" +msgstr "Dátum" +msgid "Days" +msgstr "Dní" +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "Vymazať" +msgid "Department or skill based groups." +msgstr "Department or skill based groups." +msgid "Dependencies" +msgstr "Závislosti" +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Popis" +msgid "Description in English." +msgstr "Popis v anglickom jazyku." +msgid "Description of the group." +msgstr "Popis skupiny." +msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link" +msgstr "Destination for your company name or logo link" +msgid "Download" +msgstr "Stiahnuť" +msgid "E-Mail: {0}" +msgstr "E-mail: {0}" +msgid "E-mail" +msgstr "E-mail" +msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP." +msgstr "Jednotlivá IP sa stane odkazom, ktorý sa otvrí v novom okne. {ip} nahradí skutočná IP." +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "Upraviť" +msgid "Edit general operator settings." +msgstr "Edit general operator settings." +msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat." +msgstr "Upraviť správy, ktoré často zadávate do chatu." +msgid "Email" +msgstr "Email" +msgid "Email:" +msgstr "E-mail:" +msgid "Enable \"Groups Isolation\"" +msgstr "Enable \"Groups Isolation\"" +msgid "Enable \"Groups\"" +msgstr "Povoliť \"Skupiny\"" +msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"." +msgstr "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"." +msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\"" +msgstr "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\"" +msgid "Enable \"Statistics\"" +msgstr "Enable \"Statistics\"" +msgid "Enable \"Tracking and inviting\"" +msgstr "Enable \"Tracking and inviting\"" +msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\"" +msgstr "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\"" +msgid "Enable tracking of visitors' activity on your site and ability to invite visitors to chat." +msgstr "Enable tracking of visitors' activity on your site and ability to invite visitors to chat." +msgid "Enter" +msgstr "vstúpiť" +msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one." +msgstr "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one." +msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages" +msgstr "Enter an email to receive system messages" +msgid "Enter http address of your company logo" +msgstr "Enter http address of your company logo" +msgid "Enter your company title" +msgstr "Enter your company title" +msgid "Enter your email:" +msgstr "Zadajte svoj e-mail:" +msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect" +msgstr "Zadané prihlasovacie meno/heslo je nesprávne" +msgid "Entered passwords do not match" +msgstr "Zadané heslá sa nezhodujú" +msgid "Environment:" +msgstr "Prostredie:" +msgid "Error" +msgstr "Chyba" +msgid "Error occurred:" +msgstr "Nastala chyba" +msgid "Example" +msgstr "Example" +msgid "Exit" +msgstr "Ukončiť" +msgid "Features activated" +msgstr "Features activated" +msgid "For group:" +msgstr "Pre skupinu:" +msgid "For language:" +msgstr "Pre jazyk:" +msgid "For more information visit the official site of the project: https://mibew.org/" +msgstr "Pre viac informácií navštívte oficiálne stránky projektu: https://mibew.org/" +msgid "For notifications and password retrieval." +msgstr "For notifications and password retrieval." +msgid "Force all chats to be secure" +msgstr "Force all chats to be secure" +msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message" +msgstr "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message" +msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat." +msgstr "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat." +msgid "Forgot your password?" +msgstr "Zabudli ste heslo?" +msgid "Found 0 elements" +msgstr "Found 0 elements" +msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports." +msgstr "Z tejto stránky môžete vytvárať rôzne zostavy používania." +msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports. Last time statistics was calculated {0}. You can calculate it manually." +msgstr "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports. Last time statistics was calculated {0}. You can calculate it manually." +msgid "From:" +msgstr "From:" +msgid "Functions available for site operators." +msgstr "Funkcie dostupné pre operátorov stránky" +msgid "General" +msgstr "General" +msgid "Generating code type" +msgstr "Generating code type" +msgid "Geolocation window options" +msgstr "Geolocation window options" +msgid "Group details" +msgstr "Group details" +msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address." +msgstr "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address." +msgid "Groups" +msgstr "Skupiny" +msgid "Groups can be organized in a hierarchical structure" +msgstr "Groups can be organized in a hierarchical structure" +msgid "Groups with lower weight display higher in groups list. Group weight is a positive integer value." +msgstr "Groups with lower weight display higher in groups list. Group weight is a positive integer value." +msgid "Guest" +msgstr "Hosť" +msgid "HTML code" +msgstr "HTML code" +msgid "Here you can manage plugins. Notice that plugins are configured via the main config file." +msgstr "Here you can manage plugins. Notice that plugins are configured via the main config file." +msgid "Hide menu" +msgstr "Hide menu" +msgid "Home" +msgstr "Domov" +msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}" +msgstr "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}" +msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update." +msgstr "Ak nesúhlasíte s prekladom zašlite aktualizáciu." +msgid "Include host name into the code" +msgstr "Include host name into the code" +msgid "Info: {0}" +msgstr "Info: {0}" +msgid "Initial Question:" +msgstr "Prvá otázka:" +msgid "Installed localizations:" +msgstr "Nainštalované lokalizácie:" +msgid "International description" +msgstr "International description" +msgid "International name" +msgstr "International name" +msgid "International name (Latin)" +msgstr "International name (Latin)" +msgid "Invitation lifetime" +msgstr "Invitation lifetime" +msgid "Invitation style" +msgstr "Invitation style" +msgid "Invitation themes preview" +msgstr "Invitation themes preview" +msgid "Invitations accepted" +msgstr "Invitations accepted" +msgid "Invitations ignored" +msgstr "Invitations ignored" +msgid "Invitations rejected" +msgstr "Invitations rejected" +msgid "Invitations sent" +msgstr "Invitations sent" +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Jazyk" +msgid "Language of the messages left by visitors" +msgstr "Language of the messages left by visitors" +msgid "Language of the messages that could be left by visitors when operators aren't available" +msgstr "Language of the messages that could be left by visitors when operators aren't available" +msgid "Last active" +msgstr "Last active" +msgid "Latest version:" +msgstr "Posledná verzia:" +msgid "Leave your message" +msgstr "Zanechajte svoj odkaz" +msgid "License" +msgstr "Licencia" +msgid "Limit for tracked visitors list" +msgstr "Limit for tracked visitors list" +msgid "Link to an external geolocation service" +msgstr "Link to an external geolocation service" +msgid "List of visitors waiting" +msgstr "List of visitors waiting" +msgid "Live support" +msgstr "Podpora Live" +msgid "Locales" +msgstr "Locales" +msgid "Localize" +msgstr "Lokalizovať" +msgid "Log out of the system." +msgstr "Odhláste sa zo systému." +msgid "Login" +msgstr "Prihlásenie" +msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore." +msgstr "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore." +msgid "Login:" +msgstr "Login:" +msgid "Machine name" +msgstr "Machine name" +msgid "Mail body" +msgstr "Mail body" +msgid "Mail subject" +msgstr "Mail subject" +msgid "Mail templates" +msgstr "Mailové šablóny" +msgid "Main" +msgstr "Hlavné" +msgid "Manage mail templates." +msgstr "Správa mailových šablón." +msgid "Manage plugins." +msgstr "Správa pluginov." +msgid "Manage styles." +msgstr "Správa štýlov." +msgid "Manage translations." +msgstr "Správa prekladov." +msgid "Max number of threads from one address" +msgstr "Max number of threads from one address" +msgid "Maximum size of uploaded files" +msgstr "Maximum size of uploaded files" +msgid "Members" +msgstr "Members" +msgid "Message" +msgstr "Správa" +msgid "Messages from operators" +msgstr "Messages from operators" +msgid "Messages from visitors" +msgstr "Messages from visitors" +msgid "Messenger settings" +msgstr "Messenger settings" +msgid "Mibew Messenger" +msgstr "Mibew Messenger" +msgid "Mibew Messenger" +msgstr "Mibew Messenger" +msgid "Mibew Messenger Community" +msgstr "Mibew Messenger Komunita" +msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0." +msgstr "Mibew Messenger je open-source aplikácia pre živú podporu , licencovaná podľa podmienok Apache License 2.0." +msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application." +msgstr "Mibew Messenger je open-source aplikácia live podpory." +msgid "Missed threads" +msgstr "Missed threads" +msgid "Modify" +msgstr "upraviť" +msgid "Name" +msgstr "Meno" +msgid "Name in English." +msgstr "Name in English." +msgid "Name of your company for example." +msgstr "Name of your company for example." +msgid "Name to identify the group." +msgstr "Name to identify the group." +msgid "Name:" +msgstr "Meno:" +msgid "Never" +msgstr "Never" +msgid "No elements" +msgstr "No elements" +msgid "No file selected" +msgstr "No file selected" +msgid "No. Close the window" +msgstr "Nie. Zavrieť okno" +msgid "Not enough data" +msgstr "Not enough data" +msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked" +msgstr "Táto adresa je blokovaná niekoľko dní" +msgid "OFFLINE" +msgstr "Offline" +msgid "ONLINE" +msgstr "Online" +msgid "On this page you can configure locales which are used in the system" +msgstr "Na tejto stránke môžete konfigurovať locales, ktoré sa používajú v systéme" +msgid "On this page you can download translations." +msgstr "Na tejto stránke si môžete stiahnuť preklady." +msgid "On this page you can edit mail templates which are used in the system." +msgstr "On this page you can edit mail templates which are used in the system." +msgid "On this page you can upload a custom translation file." +msgstr "Na tejto stránke môžete nahrať vlastný preklad súboru." +msgid "Operator" +msgstr "Operator" +msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}" +msgstr "Operátor {0} zmenil operátora {1}" +msgid "Operator details" +msgstr "Operator details" +msgid "Operator groups" +msgstr "Operator groups" +msgid "Operator online time threshold" +msgstr "Operator online time threshold" +msgid "Operator pages themes preview" +msgstr "Operator pages themes preview" +msgid "Operator {0} is back" +msgstr "Operátor {0} je späť" +msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat" +msgstr "Operátor {0} sa pripojil k chatu" +msgid "Operator {0} left the chat" +msgstr "Operátor {0} opustil chat" +msgid "Operator's console refresh time" +msgstr "Operator's console refresh time" +msgid "Operator:" +msgstr "OPERÁTOR:" +msgid "Operators" +msgstr "Operátori" +msgid "Optional Services" +msgstr "Optional Services" +msgid "Other" +msgstr "Iné" +msgid "Override existing translations" +msgstr "Prepísať existujúce preklady" +msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}" +msgstr "Stránka {0} z {1}, {2}-{3} zo {4}" +msgid "Parent group" +msgstr "Parent group" +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Heslo" +msgid "Password:" +msgstr "Heslo:" +msgid "Performance" +msgstr "Performance" +msgid "Permissions" +msgstr "Permissions" +msgid "Photo" +msgstr "Photo" +msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history." +msgstr "Prosím, zadajte svoje užívateľské meno a heslo pre prístup k administrátorsým nástrojom." +msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly." +msgstr "Vyplňte \"{0}\" správne." +msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"." +msgstr "Vyplňte \"{0}\"." +msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests." +msgstr "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests." +msgid "Please use a more recent browser" +msgstr "Použite novšiu verziu prehliadača" +msgid "Plugins" +msgstr "Pluginy" +msgid "Powered by:" +msgstr "Zabezpečuje:" +msgid "Profile" +msgstr "Profil" +msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)" +msgstr "Protection against automated spam (captcha)" +msgid "Reason for block" +msgstr "Dôvodom blokovania" +msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator" +msgstr "Presmerovať návštevníka k inému operátorovi" +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "Obnoviť" +msgid "Remember" +msgstr "Zapamätať" +msgid "Remote user is typing..." +msgstr "Vzdialený používateľ je písanie..." +msgid "Remove avatar" +msgstr "Remove avatar" +msgid "Replaces translated strings in the database with values from the imported file." +msgstr "Nahradí preložené reťazce v databáze s hodnotami z importovaného súboru." +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Uložiť" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Hľadať" +msgid "Search in system messages" +msgstr "Search in system messages" +msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages." +msgstr "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages." +msgid "Search the dialogs history." +msgstr "Prehľadávať históriu dialógov." +msgid "Search:" +msgstr "Search:" +msgid "Select a style for your chat windows" +msgstr "Select a style for your chat windows" +msgid "Select a style for your invitation" +msgstr "Select a style for your invitation" +msgid "Select a style for your operator pages" +msgstr "Select a style for your operator pages" +msgid "Select answer..." +msgstr "Vyberte odpoveď..." +msgid "Select dates" +msgstr "Select dates" +msgid "Send" +msgstr "Odoslať" +msgid "Send ({0})" +msgstr "Odoslať ({0})" +msgid "Send chat history by e-mail" +msgstr "Odosielanie histórie konverzácie prostredníctvom e-mailu" +msgid "Send chat history
by mail" +msgstr "Odosielanie histórie konverzácie
poštou" +msgid "Send message" +msgstr "Poslať správu" +msgid "Send messages with:" +msgstr "Send messages with:" +msgid "Sent" +msgstr "Odoslané" +msgid "Set the number of seconds after the last ping to consider the chat window still connected. Default is 30 seconds." +msgstr "Set the number of seconds after the last ping to consider the chat window still connected. Default is 30 seconds." +msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds." +msgstr "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds." +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenia" +msgid "Show chats only through https connection" +msgstr "Show chats only through https connection" +msgid "Show initial question field" +msgstr "Show initial question field" +msgid "Show menu" +msgstr "Show menu" +msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page" +msgstr "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page" +msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey" +msgstr "Show/hide department selection field in the survey" +msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey" +msgstr "Show/hide email field in the survey" +msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey" +msgstr "Show/hide initial question field in the survey" +msgid "Site consultant" +msgstr "Konzultant:" +msgid "Site style" +msgstr "Site style" +msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention." +msgstr "Small dialog appears to attract your attention." +msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly." +msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa. Momentálnie nie je k dispozícii nikto z tímu podpory.
Zanechajte odkaz a odpovieme vám čo najskôr." +msgid "Sort by:" +msgstr "Zoradiť podľa:" +msgid "Sort direction:" +msgstr "Sort direction:" +msgid "Source string" +msgstr "Zdrojový reťazec" +msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior." +msgstr "Špecifikujte možnosti ovplyvňujúce okno chatu a spoločné správanie systému." +msgid "Specify the lifetime of invitation in seconds. Default is 60 seconds." +msgstr "Specify the lifetime of invitation in seconds. Default is 60 seconds." +msgid "Specify the lifetime of old visitor's tracks in seconds. Default is 600 seconds." +msgstr "Specify the lifetime of old visitor's tracks in seconds. Default is 600 seconds." +msgid "Specify the lifetime of the thread after closing the dialog box in seconds. Default is 600 seconds. Set 0 for unlimited thread lifetime." +msgstr "Specify the lifetime of the thread after closing the dialog box in seconds. Default is 600 seconds. Set 0 for unlimited thread lifetime." +msgid "Specify the number of items to display in tracked visitors list. Default is 20. Set 0 for all visitors (not recommended)." +msgstr "Specify the number of items to display in tracked visitors list. Default is 20. Set 0 for all visitors (not recommended)." +msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 10 seconds." +msgstr "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 10 seconds." +msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds." +msgstr "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds." +msgid "Start Chat" +msgstr "Začať rozhovor" +msgid "State" +msgstr "State" +msgid "Statistics" +msgstr "Štatistiky" +msgid "Styles" +msgstr "Štýly" +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "Odovzdať" +msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation" +msgstr "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation" +msgid "System information" +msgstr "Systémové informácie" +msgid "Take over chat thread" +msgstr "Take over chat thread" +msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly." +msgstr "Ďakujeme, že ste nás kontaktovali. Operátor sa vám bude hneď venovať." +msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button." +msgstr "Ďakujeme, že ste nás kontaktovali. Prosím, vyplňte formulár nižšie a kliknite na tlačidlo začať chatovať." +msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible." +msgstr "Ďakujeme vám za vašu správu. Odpovieme na vaše otázky mailom čo najskôr." +msgid "The fields that located below are extra fields. These fields are only available for the top level groups and override corresponding system settings if specified." +msgstr "The fields that located below are extra fields. These fields are only available for the top level groups and override corresponding system settings if specified." +msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture." +msgstr "Zadané písmená sa nezhodujú z obrázkom." +msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it." +msgstr "Zadaná adresa sa už používa. Pre úpravu kliknite sem." +msgid "The table below represents a list of visitors ready to chat on your site." +msgstr "The table below represents a list of visitors ready to chat on your site." +msgid "The upper limit of uploaded files (avatars) in bytes. Default is 100000 bytes." +msgstr "The upper limit of uploaded files (avatars) in bytes. Default is 100000 bytes." +msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}" +msgstr "Návštevník zmenil ich názov {0} na {1}" +msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors." +msgstr "This name will be seen by your visitors." +msgid "This page displays a list of company operators." +msgstr "This page displays a list of company operators." +msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses." +msgstr "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses." +msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting." +msgstr "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting." +msgid "Thread lifetime" +msgstr "Thread lifetime" +msgid "Threads by operator" +msgstr "Threads by operator" +msgid "Till:" +msgstr "Till:" +msgid "Time in chat" +msgstr "Time in chat" +msgid "Title" +msgstr "Title" +msgid "Title in the chat window" +msgstr "Title in the chat window" +msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list." +msgstr "To answer the visitor click their name in the list." +msgid "To invite the visitor to chat click on his/her name in the list." +msgstr "To invite the visitor to chat click on his/her name in the list." +msgid "To run cron use link {0}." +msgstr "To run cron use link {0}." +msgid "Today at {0}" +msgstr "Today at {0}" +msgid "Track lifetime" +msgstr "Track lifetime" +msgid "Track operators" +msgstr "Track operators" +msgid "Tracking refresh time" +msgstr "Tracking refresh time" +msgid "Translation" +msgstr "Preklad" +msgid "Translation imported" +msgstr "Preklady importované" +msgid "Translations" +msgstr "Preklady" +msgid "Translations export" +msgstr "Export prekladov" +msgid "Translations import" +msgstr "Import prekladov" +msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window" +msgstr "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window" +msgid "URL of your website" +msgstr "URL of your website" +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "Nahrať" +msgid "Upload avatar" +msgstr "Upload avatar" +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "Upload photo" +msgid "Upload translation" +msgstr "Nahrať preklad" +msgid "Usage statistics for each date" +msgstr "Usage statistics for each date" +msgid "Use it to completely isolate groups from each other." +msgstr "Use it to completely isolate groups from each other." +msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions." +msgstr "Use it to have separate queues for different questions." +msgid "Use secure links (https)" +msgstr "Use secure links (https)" +msgid "Use to start chat with determined operator" +msgstr "Use to start chat with determined operator" +msgid "Use windows (even for modern browsers)" +msgstr "Use windows (even for modern browsers)" +msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:" +msgstr "User name, operator name or message text search:" +msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs" +msgstr "Pomocou neho môžete blokovať útoky z určitých IP adries" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verzia" +msgid "View about page." +msgstr "" +msgid "View and edit the member list." +msgstr "Zobrazenie a úprava zoznamu členov." +msgid "View another operator's chat thread" +msgstr "Zobraziť chat iného prevádzkovateľa" +msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?" +msgstr "Návštevníkovi {0} už asistuje {1}.
Začať chatovať s návštevníkom?" +msgid "Visitor closed chat window" +msgstr "Návštevník zatvoril chatovacie okno" +msgid "Visitor joined chat again" +msgstr "Návštevník sa opäť pripojil k chatu" +msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}" +msgstr "Návštevník odišiel do {0}" +msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat" +msgstr "Návštevník {0} opustil chat" +msgid "Visitor's address" +msgstr "Adresa návštevníka" +msgid "Visitor's identifier" +msgstr "Identifikátor návštevníka" +msgid "Visitor's messages" +msgstr "Správy od návštevníka" +msgid "Visitors" +msgstr "Návštevníci" +msgid "Visitors on site" +msgstr "Návštevníci na stránke" +msgid "Vistor came from page {0}" +msgstr "Návštevník prišiel zo stránky {0}" +msgid "Weight" +msgstr "Weight" +msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding" +msgstr "Veľkosť okna a skrývanie panelov s nástrojmi" +msgid "Yesterday at {0}" +msgstr "Včera na {0}" +msgid "You are" +msgstr "Ste" +msgid "You are {1}" +msgstr "Ste {1}" +msgid "You are Offline. Connect..." +msgstr "Ste Offline. Pripojiť..." +msgid "You are chatting with:" +msgstr "Hovoríte s:" +msgid "You are using:" +msgstr "Používate:" +msgid "You can change your personal information on this page." +msgstr "Môžete zmeniť vaše osobné údaje na tejto stránke." +msgid "You can create a new operator here." +msgstr "You can create a new operator here." +msgid "You can find awaiting visitors." +msgstr "" +msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here." +msgstr "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here." +msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files." +msgstr "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files." +msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here." +msgstr "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here." +msgid "Your avatar image." +msgstr "Váš avatar." +msgid "Your company logo" +msgstr "Logo spoločnosti" +msgid "Your email" +msgstr "Váš e-mail" +msgid "Your message has been sent" +msgstr "Vaša správa bola odoslaná" +msgid "Your name" +msgstr "Vaše meno" +msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting." +msgstr "Operátor má problémy s pripojením. Budete vybavený prioritne. Ospravedlňujeme sa za zdržanie." +msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again" +msgstr "Platnosť relácie uplynula. Prihláste sa znova" +msgid "[spam]" +msgstr "[spam] " +msgid "ascending" +msgstr "Vzostupne" +msgid "button" +msgstr "tlačidlo" +msgid "by operator" +msgstr "by operator" +msgid "by visitor" +msgstr "by visitor" +msgid "descending" +msgstr "Zostupne" +msgid "disable" +msgstr "zakázať" +msgid "edit" +msgstr "upraviť" +msgid "enable" +msgstr "povoliť" +msgid "everywhere" +msgstr "everywhere" +msgid "in messages" +msgstr "in messages" +msgid "mandatory fields" +msgstr "povinné polia" +msgid "next" +msgstr "ďalejmsgid "not initialized" +msgstr "not initialized" +msgid "operator code field" +msgstr "operator code field" +msgid "remove" +msgstr "odstrániť" +msgid "text link" +msgstr "text link" +msgid "without menu" +msgstr "bez menu"