From 9ce0f1d66022d715f2df1eecfc73744b3ecaa4e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitriy Simushev
مقدمة خدمة آخر"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "إغلاق..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "أنقر لإغلاق النافذة"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "الزائر وضع في قائمة انتظار مقدم الخدمة {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الزائر وضع في قائمة انتظار المجموعة {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "الزائر تم توجيهه لمقدم خدمة آخر"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "مقدم الخدمة {0} تغيير مقدم الخدمة {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "مقدم الخدمة سيكون معك بعض لحظـات ."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "الذي يتحدث معك الـآن : {0}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "تم غلق المحادثة ، لعمل محادثة أخرى يرجى الكـتابة ."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "مقدم الخدمة {0} وجهك إلى مشغل آخر, من فضلك أنتظر قليلا"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "مقدم الخدمة {0} عاد للمحادثة"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "الزائر {0} قام بتعديل ألاسم إلى: {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "الزائر أغلق نافذة المحادثة"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "الزائر {0} غادر المحدثة"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "الزائر عاود الإتصال من جديد"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "في المحادثة"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "تم الإغلاق"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "جاري الحميل"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "في الطابور"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "ينتظر مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "مقــدم الخدمة سيتكلم معك بعض لحظات ."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "أنت تتحدث مع:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "إنهاء المحادثة"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr ": معلوماتك الشاملة"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "اختيار اجابة..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "ارسال رسالة"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "ارسال ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "إرسال سجل المحادثة بابريد الإلكتروني"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "توجيه الزائر إلى مقدم خدمة آخر"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "تحديث"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "للإجابة على أحد الزوار ، قم بالنقر على أسمه من القائمة."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "هذه الصفحة تعرض قائمة الزوار الذين ينتظرون الإجابة."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "قائمة الزوار المنتظرين ، فارغ"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "محادثة زائر"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "طابر أفضلية الزوار"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "ينتظر مقدم اخدمة من بداية الوقت"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "قائمة الزوار المنتظرين"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "حقل إلزامي"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger مجموعة"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "تغيير مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "الزائر {0} يتحادث مع مقدم الخدمة{1}.
هل ترغب في بدأ المحادثة مع الزائر؟"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "لا,أغلق هذه النافذة"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "نعم , أنا متأكد"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "هنا تستطيع الحماية من الزوار المزعجين."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "بحث سجل المحادثات."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "تسجيل الخروج من النظام."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "تم حفظ التعديات"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "هناك الكثير من متصفحات الإنترنت ، بماذا توصيني ؟"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مرحبا, كيف أستطيع خدمتك ؟"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "الحروف التي أدخلتها لا تطابق الحروف المعروضة بالصورة."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "خطأ في رفع الملف \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "خطأ أثناء نقل الملف"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "حجم الملف المرفوع أكبر من المسموح به"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "قم بتصحيح الأخطاء:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "نوع الملف غير صالح"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "الرجاء تعبية الحقل \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "الرجاء تعبئة الحقل \"{0}\" بشكل صحيح."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "تم تفعيل الخاصية"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "مثال: أو"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "عنوان الزائر"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "هذا الأسم سوف يشاهده الزائر ."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "الأسم الكامل (لاتيني)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "هذا الأسم سوف يشاهده الزائر ."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "الأسم"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "صورة العرض."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "صورة العرض الخالية"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "أختر صورة عرض لرفعها .
مقاس هذه الصورة يجب أن لا تزيد عن 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "رفع الصورة"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "سبب الحظر"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "تعليق"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "عدد الأيام التي يحظر فيها العنوان"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "أيام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بريدك الإلكتروني"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "الوصف باللغة الإنجيليزية."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "الوصف العام"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "الاسم ياللغة الإنجليزية."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "الاسم العام"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "وصف المجموعة."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "الوصف"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "اسم لتمييز المجموعة."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "الاسم"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "اسم للدخول يتألف من حروف لاتينية صغيرة."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "اسم الدخول"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "للتنبيه و استرجاع كلمة السر"
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "رسالة الكترونية"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "الرسالة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اسمك"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "أدخل كلمة مرور جديدة ، أو اترك الحقل فارغا إذا كنت لا ترغب بتغييرها."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "كلمة المرور"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "التأكيد"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "الترجمة"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "لا يمكن التنفبذ:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "تم الإتصال بخادم قاعدة البيانات MySQL الإصدار {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "إنشاء قاعدة البيانات \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "قاعدة البينات \"{0}\" تم إنشائها."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "لم يتم العثور على قاعدة البيانات في السيرفر. إذا كنت تملك الآن صلاحية للقيام بذلك أنقر على الرابط التالي ."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "إنشاء الجداول المطلوبة."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "تم إنشاء الجداول المطلوبة."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "تحديث الجداول"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "تم تحديث بنية الجداول."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "بنية الجداول يجب تحديثها إلى الإصدار الجديد."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "لم يتم الإتصال, تأكد من إعدادات قاعدة البينات والسيرفر في الملف config.php. خطأ : {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "أكتمل:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "أصلح الأخطاء ثم عاود مرة أخرى . أنقر على عودة لإعادة المحاولة."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "مشكلة"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "لا يمكن تحديث بنية الجداول. حاول القيام بذلك يدويا أو أفرغ جميع الجداول (خطر : سيتم إزالة كل البينات )."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "إزالة الجداول الموجودة في قاعدة البيانات"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "رخصة أستخدام البرنامج"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "معالج إعداد قاعدة البيانات."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الخطوة التالية:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "تنصيب البرنامج"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "من فضلك, إبدأ معالج التحديث لإعداد قاعدة البيانات."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "إنتقل إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "تم تنصيب البرنامج بنجاح."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "تستطيع الآن تسجيل الدخوب كـ admin بدون كلمة مرور.
!!! يجب تغيير كلمة المرور بعد تسجيل الدخول مباشرة ، وحذف المجلد {0} للحماية ."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "أختر لغتك"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "إغلاق"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "نأسف, لا يوجد مقدم خدمة متصل في هذه اللحظة. نرجوا, المحاولة في وقت آخر أو إرسال استفسارك عن طريق هذا النموذج ."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "ارسال"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr " نشكرك لتعاملك معنا.
سيتم إجابتك على بريدك الإلكتروني قريبا ."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "تم إرسال رسالتك بنجاح"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "اترك لنا رسالة"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "مقدمي الخدمة"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "زر دخول الزوار"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "الإعدادات"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "الترخيص"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "إغلاق..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "أدخل بريدك الألكتروني:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "إرسال"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "إرسال سجل المحادثة
عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "قائمة مقدمي الخدمة"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "زوار محظورين"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "الردود الجاهزة"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "إدارة مجمواعات مقدمي الخدمة."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "المجموعات"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "تغيير اللغات."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "اللغة"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "الرئيسية"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "أنت {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "تستطيع تغيير المعومات الشخصية من هذه الصفحة."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "الملف الشخصي"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "الترجمة"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "فحص التحديثات ومشاهدة الأخبار."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "التحديثات"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "كلمة المرور المدخلة غير متطابقة"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "لا يوجد مقدم خدمة مطابق"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<لا وصف>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "اختر مجموعة لربط مقدم الخدمة معها."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "مجموعات مقدمي الخدمة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "المتصفح"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "المجموعة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عنوان الزائر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "رسائل الزائر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الاسم"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "وقت ومدة المحادثة"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "تستطيع مشاهدة سجل محادثا الزائر هنا."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "سجل الزوار"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "إغلاق..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "متصفح الأنترنت الذي تستخدمه غير مدعوم من قبل Mibew Messenger.
\nالرجاء, استخدام أحد المتصفحات التالية أو أحدث:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الرجاء, استخدام متصفح أنترنت أحدث"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "الكود للمجموعة"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "اختر صورة"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "الكود للغة"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "نمط شاشة المحادثة"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "أحذر!الرجاء عدم
تعديل الكود يدويا
إلا إذا كنت على دراية كافية
بطريقة عمله!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML كود"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-جميع مقدمي الخدمة-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "تظمين عنوان الموقع دالخ الكود"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "تستطيع إنشاء كود HTML لزر دخول الزوار من هنا."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "متكامل مع mod_security (, فعل هذه الخاصية في إذا لم تعمل المحادثة بشكل صحيح"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "مثال"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "استخدام تقنية (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "توليد كود HTML لزر دخول الزوار"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "من هنا تستطيع إنشاء مجموعة."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الرجاء إختيار اسم آخر, الاسم المدخل قيد الإستخدام حاليا."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "من هذه الصفحة تستطيع تحرير تفاصيل المجموعة."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مقدمي الخدمة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "لا يوجد مجموعة مطابقة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "تفاصيل المجموعة"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "عرض وتحرير قائمة الأعضاء."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "الأعضاء"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف المجموعة \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "هذه الصفحة تعرض المجموعات في هذا النظام. كل مجموعة تملك زر دخول خاص وردود جاهزو خاصة."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "بالخارج"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "على الخط"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "إنشاء مجموعة جديدة..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "المجموعات"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "شاشة المحادثة (وضع مقدم الخدمة)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "عرض شاشة المحادثة (مقدم الخدمة في وضع القراءة فقط)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "شاشة المحادثة البسيطة, التحديث لأخذ الرسائل (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "اختر النمط"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "اختر القالب"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "شاشة الخطأ"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "من هنا, تستطيع مشاهدة التصاميم التي تم تنصيبها بشكل صحيح."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "شاشة ترك رسالة"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"رسالتك ارسلت\" شاشة"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "شاشة إدخال البريد"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"تم إرسال البريد\" شاشة"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "قائمة متصفحات الأنترنت المدعومة شاشة"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "شاشة تحويل الزائر إلى مقدم خدمة آخر"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"تم توجيه الزائر\" شاشة"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "عرض الأخطاء"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-الإعدادات العامة-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "شاشة إرسال رسالة"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "نمط الموقع"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "شاشة المحادثة (وضع الزائر)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "إذا كانت الترجمة غير مناسبة, الرجاء أرسل لنا التحديثات."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "تم حفظ ترجمتك."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "أدخل ترجمة النص."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "معالج الترجمة"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "غير مسموح لك بتعديل الملف الشخصي."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "إزالة صورة العرض"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "من هنا تستطيع إنشاء مقدم خدمة جديد"
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "الرجاء إختيار أسم دخول آخر, الاسم المدخل مستخدم حاليا."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "اسم الدخول يجب أن يتكون من حروف لاتينية, أو أرقام أو الرمز _ ."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "تحرير إعدادات مقدم الخدمة العامة."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الصورة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "المجموعات"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الصلاحيات"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "تفاصيل مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "الاسم"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "القائمة الكاملة لمقدم الخدمة:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف مقدم الخدمة \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "هذه القائمة تعرض مقدمي الخدمة."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "بالخارج"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "على الخط"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "اسم الدخول"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "ادراج مقدم خدمة..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "آخر تفاعل"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "مقدمي الخدمة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اسم المستخدم أو الرسالة للبحث عنها:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "سجل المحادثات"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "تستطيع رفع الصورة الخاصة بك بأحد هذه الإمتدادت JPG, GIF, PNG أو TIF."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "رفع صورة العرض"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "من هنا تستطيع حظر الزوار المزعجين ."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "العنوان {0} محظور لعدد من الأيام."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "أنت فتحت هذه الصفحة من أجل \"{0}\" , تمع تحديد العنوان الخاص به ، إملء خانة الأيام والتعليق ثم أنقر على ارسال."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "حظر العنوان"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "إدراج عنوان"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "هل تريد بالتأكيد إزالة العنوان {0} من قائمة العناوين المحظورة?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "قائمة العناوين المحظورة IPs:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "قائمة الحظر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "يحظر حتى"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "تستطيع إيجاد الزوار المنتظرين."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الأعضاء"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "اسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "الرجاء إدخال أسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور من أجل مشاهدة زوارك والتحكم ."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "اسم المستخدم:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "كلمة المرور:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "تذكرني"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "تسجيل الدخول"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "البحث في سجل المحادثات مقدم خدمة معين أو كلمة أو حروف في المحادثة."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "تحديد الإعدادات العامة لشاشة المحادثة وخصائص سلوك النظام."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "خدمات إختيارية"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "سلوك"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "معاينة التصاميم"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "إخفاء القائمة <<"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عرض القائمة <<"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "زائر جديد ينتظر الإجابة."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "تعديل الحالة إلى \"بالخارج\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "تعديل الحالة إلى \"على الخط\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "حظر الزائر"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "عنوان الزائر"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "غيراها"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الاسم"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "الحالة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الوقت المنقضي"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "وقت الإنتظار"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "انقر هنا للمحادثة مع الزائر"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "مشاهدة المحادثة"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "مدير النظام: الإعدادات, مقدمي الخدمة , إدارة , مولد زر الدخول"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "يستطيع تعديل الملف الشخصي"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "يستطيع سحب المحادثة من مقدم خدمة آخر"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "يستطيع مشاهدة محادثات مقدمي الخدمة الآخرين"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "حدد الصلاحيت المتاحة لمقدم الخدمة."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "الصلاحيات"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "اختر القسم:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "مرحبا بك ! \n لنستطيع خدمتك نرجوا ملئ الحقول التالية ثم النقر على زر البدأ."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الاسم:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "عنوان قصير:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "بدأ المجادثة"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "الدعم بالتاحدث المباشر"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "التاريخ"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "ردود المحادثة"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "رسائل مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "رسائل الزائر"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "عرض إحصائيات التاريخ"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "المحادثات المفتوحة"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "الردود"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "معدل طول الرسالة (بالحروف)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "عرض إحصائيات مقدم الخدمة"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "لا بيانات"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "المجموع:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "تم تغيير كلمة السر!"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "الدخول بأستخدام كلمة السر الجديده."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "الرجاء اختيار كلمة سر لإستخدامها مع حساب ميبو الخاص بك\n."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "إستكمال عملية الدخول"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "غير"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "غير كلمة سر ميبو"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "العوده للدخول"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "دخول او ارسال بريد الكترونى"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "لا يمكنك استعادة كلمة المرور, لكن بأمكتنك وضع كلمة مرور جديده عن طريق الذهاب الى الرابط الذى تم ارساله الى بريدك الالكترونى."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "نسيت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "إسترجاع كلمة السر"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "لقد قمنا بارسال التعليمات لبريدك الالكترونى. الرجاء مراجعتها !"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "مسح كلمة السر"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "هل من مشاكل تواجهك فى دخول حسابك؟"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "إدارة"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "الرئيسة"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "غير ذلك"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اسم شركتك على سبيل المثال."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "العنوان في شاشة المحادثة"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "معاينة لجميع صفحات النمط متاحة هنا"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "اختر نمط لشاشة المحادثة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "أدخل اسم الشركة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عنوان الشاركة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "أدخل البريد الإلكتروني لتستلم عليه رسائل النظام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "البرايد الإليكتروني"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "يمكنك من حضر عنوان ip محدد"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "تفعيل عرض \"الزوار المزعجين\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "تفعيل المجموعات يمكن الزائر من الوصول إلى القسم الذي يهمه ، ويمكن مدير النظام من توزيع المهام"
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "تفعيل \"المجموعات\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "إجبار الزائر من ملء نموذج الدخول للمحادثة"
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "تفعيل \"نموذج بيانات الزائر\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "تأكد من أن هذا الخادم يدعم خاصية الاتصال الآمن https"
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "تفعيل خاصية الاتصال الآمن (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "عرض صفحة الإحصائيات."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "تفعيل \"الإحصائيات\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "عرض المحادثات عن طريق الإتصال الآمن https فقط"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "إجبار عرض المحادثات عن طريق (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "تخصيص وقت التحديث . الإفتراضي هو 2 ثواني."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "وقت تحديث شاشة المحادثة"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "المتصفحات القديم تحتاج لتحديث الصفحة من أجل جلب البيانات. الإفتراضي 7 ثواني ."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "وقت تحديث الصفحة للمتصفحات القديمة"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "تخصيص وقت التحديث . الإفتراضي هو 2 ثواني."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "وقت تحديث صفحة مقدمي الخدمة"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "تحتاج لتحديد الموقع الذي يقوم بجلب بيانات عنوان الزائر ip . أجعل المتغير {ip} في الرابط من أجل الإستبدال."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "رابط خارجي لجلب معلومات الآيبي"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "حجم الصفحة وإخفاء الأزرار وغيرها من الخيارات"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "خيارات نافذة تفاصيل الآيبي"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الرابط لموقعك الذي سيتم أستخدامه في بعض الصور والصفحات"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "رابط URL للموقع"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "الحماية ضد السبام العشوائي (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "إجبار الزائر بإدخال الكود الأمني على الصورة قبل إرسال رسالة"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "أدخل رابط http لشعار موقعك"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "صورة شعار شركتك"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الرجاء إدخال عنوان الشركة"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "أجعله 0 في حالة مالا نهاية من الإتصالات"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "أكبر عدد إتصالات من العنوان ip الواحد"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "اضبط عدد الثواني التي يعتبر فيها مقدم الخدمة ما زال متصلا. الإفتراضي 30 ثانية."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "وقت بقاء مقدم الخدمة على الخط"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "رسال تنبيه صغيرة لجلب أنتباهك بوجود زائر جديد."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "تفعيل \"رسالة التنبيه بوجود زائر جديد على الإنتظار\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "تم حفظ الإعدادات"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "إرسال الرسالة مع:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "عرض وإخفاء حقل القسم أو المجموعة التي يتحدث معها من نموذج دخول الزائر للمحادثة"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "السماح للزائر بإختيار المجموعة التي يتحادث معها"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "عرض وإخفاء حقل البريد الإلكتروني من نموذج دخول الزائر للمحادثة"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "سؤال الزائر عن البريد الإلكتروني"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "عرض وإخفاء حقل الإستفسار الإبتدايء من نموذج دخول الزائر للمحادثة"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "عرض حقل الإستفسار الإبتدائي"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "إعدادات النظام"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "إجعلها غير متاحة لإغلاق خاصية تحرير الإسم من المحادثة"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "السماح للزائر بتغيير الاسم"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "ماهي الطريقة التي تريد معرفة الزوار بها {name}, {id} أو {addr}. الإفتراضي: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "مطابقة الزوار"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "أدخل عناون بريد حقيقي"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "\"أكبر عدد إتصالات من العنوان ip الواحد\"يجب أن يكون عدد صحيح"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "حدد التاريخ"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "من هذه الصقحة تستطيع تصفح الإحصائيات."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "من:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "إلى:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "الإحصائيات"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "لقد قمت باختيار من تاريخ بعد حتى تاريخ"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "الصفحة {0} من {1}, {2}-{3} من {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "التالي"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "لا يوجد نتيجة"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "عثر على 0 نتجية"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "السابق"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "إذهب للبحث"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "سجل المحادثة"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "هذه الصفحة تعرض تفاصيل المحادثة ومحتوها."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "أبدا"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اليوم {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بالأمس {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "الرئيسية"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "تسجيل خروج"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "الرئيسة"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "بدون قائمة"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "الزوار"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "الترجمة:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"رسالتك ارسلت\" شاشة"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"تم توجيه الزائر\" شاشة"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<لا وصف>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(بعيد)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(على الخط)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-جميع مقدمي الخدمة-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-الإعدادات العامة-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "أجعله 0 في حالة مالا نهاية من الإتصالات"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "تم تنصيب البرنامج بنجاح."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "أحذر!الرجاء عدم
تعديل الكود يدويا
إلا إذا كنت على دراية كافية
بطريقة عمله!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "سجل المحادثات المرسلة على العنوان {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "زائر جديد ينتظر الإجابة."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "معاينة لجميع صفحات النمط متاحة هنا"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "يستطيع تعديل الملف الشخصي"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "إدراج عنوان"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "إضافة رسالة"
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "إدراج رسالة جديدة."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "ادراج مقدم خدمة..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "العنوان {0} محظور لعدد من الأيام."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "عرض صفحة الإحصائيات."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "إدارة"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "الكل"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نصوص مدير النظام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نصوص مقدمي الخدمة"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نصوص الزوار"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عرض:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "اسم المفتاح"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "النصوص المترجمة"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "التصنيف بـ:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "المستخدم البعيد يكتب..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "أنت تستخدم:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "تفعيل خاصية الاتصال الآمن (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "السماح للزائر بإختيار المجموعة التي يتحادث معها"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "السماح للزائر بتغيير الاسم"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "هل تريد بالتأكيد إزالة العنوان {0} من قائمة العناوين المحظورة?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف مقدم الخدمة \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف المجموعة \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "سؤال الزائر عن البريد الإلكتروني"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "إسأل سؤالك"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "معدل طول الرسالة (بالحروف)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "بالخارج"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "العوده للدخول"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "عودة..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "قائمة الحظر"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "حظر الزائر"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "حظر العنوان"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "زوار محظورين"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "المتصفح"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "توليد كود HTML لزر دخول الزوار"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "إعداد كود HTML للدخول الدردشة."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "زر دخول الزوار"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "الردود الجاهزة"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "لا يمكن التنفبذ:"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "غير"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "تغيير اللغات."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "تغيير الاسم"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "تغيير مقدم الخدمة"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "حدد الصلاحيت المتاحة لمقدم الخدمة."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "غير كلمة سر ميبو"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "تم حفظ الإعدادات"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "المحادثات المفتوحة"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "سجل المحادثات"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "سجل المحادثة"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "وقت تحديث شاشة المحادثة"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "معاينة التصاميم"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "ردود المحادثة"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "شاشة المحادثة (وضع مقدم الخدمة)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "شاشة المحادثة (وضع الزائر)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "نمط شاشة المحادثة"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "فحص التحديثات ومشاهدة الأخبار."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "اختر القسم:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "اختر مجموعة لربط مقدم الخدمة معها."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "اختر صورة"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "اختر النمط"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "اختر القالب"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "أختر صورة عرض لرفعها .
مقاس هذه الصورة يجب أن لا تزيد عن 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "أختر لغتك"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "أختر:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "إنقر على هذا الرابط لإغلاق النافذة"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "انقر هنا للمحادثة مع الزائر"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "أنقر لإغلاق النافذة"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "إغلاق"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "إنهاء المحادثة"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "إغلاق..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "تم الإغلاق"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "الكود للمجموعة"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "الكود للغة"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "تعليق"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "عنوان الشاركة"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "متكامل مع mod_security (, فعل هذه الخاصية في إذا لم تعمل المحادثة بشكل صحيح"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "أكتمل:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "التأكيد"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "قم بتصحيح الأخطاء:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "لم يتم الإتصال, تأكد من إعدادات قاعدة البينات والسيرفر في الملف config.php. خطأ : {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "إنشاء قاعدة البيانات \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "إنشاء مجموعة جديدة..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "من هنا تستطيع إنشاء مجموعة."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "إضافة و حذف مقدمي الخدمة وإدارة صلاحياتهم."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "إنشاء الجداول المطلوبة."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "صورة العرض الخالية"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "قاعدة البينات \"{0}\" تم إنشائها."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "التاريخ"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "أيام"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "حذف"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "إدارة مجمواعات مقدمي الخدمة."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "الوصف"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "الوصف باللغة الإنجيليزية."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "وصف المجموعة."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "الرابط لموقعك الذي سيتم أستخدامه في بعض الصور والصفحات"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "الترجمة:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "إزالة الجداول الموجودة في قاعدة البيانات"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "رسالة الكترونية"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "تحتاج لتحديد الموقع الذي يقوم بجلب بيانات عنوان الزائر ip . أجعل المتغير {ip} في الرابط من أجل الإستبدال."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "تحرير الرسالة"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr ">تحرير الرسالة الحالية."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "تحرير إعدادات مقدم الخدمة العامة."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "تحرير الرسائل التي تكتبها كثيرا في المحادثة."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "البرايد الإليكتروني"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "تفعيل \"المجموعات\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "تفعيل \"رسالة التنبيه بوجود زائر جديد على الإنتظار\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "تفعيل \"نموذج بيانات الزائر\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "تفعيل \"الإحصائيات\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "تفعيل عرض \"الزوار المزعجين\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "دخول"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "أدخل كلمة مرور جديدة ، أو اترك الحقل فارغا إذا كنت لا ترغب بتغييرها."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "أدخل عناون بريد حقيقي"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "أدخل البريد الإلكتروني لتستلم عليه رسائل النظام"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "أدخل رابط http لشعار موقعك"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "أدخل اسم الشركة"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "أدخل بريدك الألكتروني:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "أدخل ترجمة النص."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "اسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "كلمة المرور المدخلة غير متطابقة"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "البيئة:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "خطأ"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "خطأ أثناء نقل الملف"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "حدث خطأ:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "خطأ في رفع الملف \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "شاشة الخطأ"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "مثال: أو"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "مثال"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "تسجيل خروج"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "تم تفعيل الخاصية"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "معالج إعداد قاعدة البيانات."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "للمجموعة:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "للغة:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "للتنبيه و استرجاع كلمة السر"
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "إجبار عرض المحادثات عن طريق (SSL)"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "إجبار الزائر بإدخال الكود الأمني على الصورة قبل إرسال رسالة"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "إجبار الزائر من ملء نموذج الدخول للمحادثة"
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "نسيت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "عثر على 0 نتجية"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "من هذه الصقحة تستطيع تصفح الإحصائيات."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "من:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "القائمة الكاملة لمقدم الخدمة:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "الوظائف المتاحة لمقدمي الخدمة الموقع."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "عام"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "خيارات نافذة تفاصيل الآيبي"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "إذهب للبحث"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "المجموعة"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "تفاصيل المجموعة"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "المجموعة:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "المجموعات"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "زائر"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML كود"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "مرحبا, كيف أستطيع خدمتك ؟"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "من هنا تستطيع حظر الزوار المزعجين ."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "هنا تستطيع الحماية من الزوار المزعجين."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "إخفاء القائمة <<"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "الرئيسة"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "ماهي الطريقة التي تريد معرفة الزوار بها {name}, {id} أو {addr}. الإفتراضي: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "إذا كانت الترجمة غير مناسبة, الرجاء أرسل لنا التحديثات."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "لا يمكن تحديث بنية الجداول. حاول القيام بذلك يدويا أو أفرغ جميع الجداول (خطر : سيتم إزالة كل البينات )."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "في المحادثة"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "في الطابور"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "تظمين عنوان الموقع دالخ الكود"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "عنوان قصير:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "تنصيب البرنامج"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "اللغات المتوفرة:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "تحديثات وأخبار Messenger."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "الوصف العام"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "الاسم العام"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "الأسم الكامل (لاتيني)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "نوع الملف غير صالح"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "اسم المفتاح"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "اللغة"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "آخر تفاعل"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "آخر إصدار:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "شاشة ترك رسالة"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "اترك لنا رسالة"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "الترخيص"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "رابط خارجي لجلب معلومات الآيبي"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "قائمة العناوين المحظورة IPs:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "قائمة متصفحات الأنترنت المدعومة شاشة"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "قائمة الزوار المنتظرين"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "الدعم بالتاحدث المباشر"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "جاري الحميل"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "الترجمة"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "تسجيل الخروج من النظام."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "تسجيل الدخول"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "اسم للدخول يتألف من حروف لاتينية صغيرة."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "دخول او ارسال بريد الكترونى"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "اسم الدخول يجب أن يتكون من حروف لاتينية, أو أرقام أو الرمز _ ."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "الدخول بأستخدام كلمة السر الجديده."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "اسم المستخدم:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "شاشة إدخال البريد"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "الرئيسة"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "أكبر عدد إتصالات من العنوان ip الواحد"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "الأعضاء"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "الرسالة"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "الردود"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "رسائل مقدم الخدمة"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "رسائل الزائر"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "إعدادات النظام"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "تحديثات وأخبار Messenger."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger مجموعة"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger هو برنامج دعم مباشر مفتوج المصدر."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "غيراها"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "تعديل"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "الاسم"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "الاسم ياللغة الإنجليزية."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "اسم شركتك على سبيل المثال."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "اسم لتمييز المجموعة."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "الاسم:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "أبدا"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "رسالة جديدة"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "الأخبار:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "الخطوة التالية:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "لا يوجد نتيجة"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "لا يوجد مقدم خدمة مطابق"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "لا يوجد مجموعة مطابقة"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "لا يوجد رسائل مشابهة"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "لا,أغلق هذه النافذة"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "لا بيانات"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "عدد الأيام التي يحظر فيها العنوان"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "غير متصل"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "متصل"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "المتصفحات القديم تحتاج لتحديث الصفحة من أجل جلب البيانات. الإفتراضي 7 ثواني ."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "من هذه الصفحة تستطيع تحرير تفاصيل المجموعة."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "على الخط"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "مقدم الخدمة"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "مقدم الخدمة {0} تغيير مقدم الخدمة {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "تفاصيل مقدم الخدمة"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "مجموعات مقدمي الخدمة"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "وقت بقاء مقدم الخدمة على الخط"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "مقدم الخدمة {0} عاد للمحادثة"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "الذي يتحدث معك الـآن : {0}"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "تم غلق المحادثة ، لعمل محادثة أخرى يرجى الكـتابة ."
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "مقدم الخدمة {0} وجهك إلى مشغل آخر, من فضلك أنتظر قليلا"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "وقت تحديث صفحة مقدمي الخدمة"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "مقدم خدمة:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "مقدمي الخدمة"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "قائمة مقدمي الخدمة"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "خدمات إختيارية"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "غير ذلك"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "وقت تحديث الصفحة للمتصفحات القديمة"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "الصفحة {0} من {1}, {2}-{3} من {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "كلمة المرور"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "إسترجاع كلمة السر"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "كلمة المرور:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "سلوك"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "الصلاحيات"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "الصورة"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "الرجاء اختيار كلمة سر لإستخدامها مع حساب ميبو الخاص بك\n."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "الرجاء إختيار أسم دخول آخر, الاسم المدخل مستخدم حاليا."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "الرجاء إختيار اسم آخر, الاسم المدخل قيد الإستخدام حاليا."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "الرجاء إدخال عنوان الشركة"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "الرجاء إدخال أسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور من أجل مشاهدة زوارك والتحكم ."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "الرجاء تعبئة الحقل \"{0}\" بشكل صحيح."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "الرجاء تعبية الحقل \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "تأكد من أن هذا الخادم يدعم خاصية الاتصال الآمن https"
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "من فضلك, إبدأ معالج التحديث لإعداد قاعدة البيانات."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "الرجاء, استخدام متصفح أنترنت أحدث"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr ": معلوماتك الشاملة"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "شاشة إرسال رسالة"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "طابر أفضلية الزوار"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "مشكلة"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "إستكمال عملية الدخول"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "إنتقل إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "الملف الشخصي"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "الحماية ضد السبام العشوائي (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "سبب الحظر"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "توجيه إلى
مقدمة خدمة آخر"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "توجيه الزائر إلى مقدم خدمة آخر"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "شاشة تحويل الزائر إلى مقدم خدمة آخر"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "تحديث"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "تذكرني"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "المستخدم البعيد يكتب..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "إزالة صورة العرض"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "تم إنشاء الجداول المطلوبة."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "مسح كلمة السر"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "أصلح الأخطاء ثم عاود مرة أخرى . أنقر على عودة لإعادة المحاولة."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "حفظ"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "تم الحفظ"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "بحث"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "البحث في سجل المحادثات مقدم خدمة معين أو كلمة أو حروف في المحادثة."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "بحث سجل المحادثات."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "اختر نمط لشاشة المحادثة"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "اختيار اجابة..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "حدد التاريخ"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "إرسال"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "ارسال ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "إرسال سجل المحادثة بابريد الإلكتروني"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "إرسال سجل المحادثة
عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "ارسال رسالة"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "إرسال الرسالة مع:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "أرسل"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "تعديل الحالة إلى \"على الخط\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "تعديل الحالة إلى \"بالخارج\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "اضبط عدد الثواني التي يعتبر فيها مقدم الخدمة ما زال متصلا. الإفتراضي 30 ثانية."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "الإعدادات"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "عرض المحادثات عن طريق الإتصال الآمن https فقط"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "عرض الأخطاء"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "عرض حقل الإستفسار الإبتدائي"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "عرض القائمة <<"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "عرض وإخفاء حقل القسم أو المجموعة التي يتحدث معها من نموذج دخول الزائر للمحادثة"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "عرض وإخفاء حقل البريد الإلكتروني من نموذج دخول الزائر للمحادثة"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "عرض وإخفاء حقل الإستفسار الإبتدايء من نموذج دخول الزائر للمحادثة"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "عرض:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "شاشة المحادثة البسيطة, التحديث لأخذ الرسائل (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "مستشار الموقع"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "نمط الموقع"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "رسال تنبيه صغيرة لجلب أنتباهك بوجود زائر جديد."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "رخصة أستخدام البرنامج"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "نأسف, لا يوجد مقدم خدمة متصل في هذه اللحظة. نرجوا, المحاولة في وقت آخر أو إرسال استفسارك عن طريق هذا النموذج ."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "التصنيف بـ:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "النصوص المترجمة"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "تحديد الإعدادات العامة لشاشة المحادثة وخصائص سلوك النظام."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "تخصيص وقت التحديث . الإفتراضي هو 2 ثواني."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "بدأ المجادثة"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "الحالة"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "الإحصائيات"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "نصوص مدير النظام"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "نصوص مقدمي الخدمة"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "نصوص الزوار"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "بنية الجداول يجب تحديثها إلى الإصدار الجديد."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "ارسال"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "مدير النظام: الإعدادات, مقدمي الخدمة , إدارة , مولد زر الدخول"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "تم تحديث بنية الجداول."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "يستطيع سحب المحادثة من مقدم خدمة آخر"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "مقــدم الخدمة سيتكلم معك بعض لحظات ."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "مرحبا بك ! \n لنستطيع خدمتك نرجوا ملئ الحقول التالية ثم النقر على زر البدأ."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr " نشكرك لتعاملك معنا.
سيتم إجابتك على بريدك الإلكتروني قريبا ."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "لم يتم العثور على قاعدة البيانات في السيرفر. إذا كنت تملك الآن صلاحية للقيام بذلك أنقر على الرابط التالي ."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "الحروف التي أدخلتها لا تطابق الحروف المعروضة بالصورة."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "قائمة الزوار المنتظرين ، فارغ"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "العنوان المحدد مشغول , أنقر هنا إذا كنت ترغب بتحريره."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "الزائر {0} قام بتعديل ألاسم إلى: {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "الزائر وضع في قائمة انتظار المجموعة {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "الزائر وضع في قائمة انتظار مقدم الخدمة {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "الزائر تم توجيهه لمقدم خدمة آخر"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "هناك الكثير من متصفحات الإنترنت ، بماذا توصيني ؟"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "هذا الأسم سوف يشاهده الزائر ."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "هذه القائمة تعرض مقدمي الخدمة."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "هذه الصفحة تعرض المجموعات في هذا النظام. كل مجموعة تملك زر دخول خاص وردود جاهزو خاصة."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "هذه الصفحة تعرض قائمة الزوار الذين ينتظرون الإجابة."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "هذه الصفحة تعرض تفاصيل المحادثة ومحتوها."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "عرض إحصائيات مقدم الخدمة"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "يحظر حتى"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "إلى:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "وقت ومدة المحادثة"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "العنوان في شاشة المحادثة"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "للإجابة على أحد الزوار ، قم بالنقر على أسمه من القائمة."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "اليوم {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "الوقت المنقضي"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "المجموع:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "الترجمة"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "معالج الترجمة"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "هل من مشاكل تواجهك فى دخول حسابك؟"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "إجعلها غير متاحة لإغلاق خاصية تحرير الإسم من المحادثة"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "رابط URL للموقع"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "تحديث الجداول"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "التحديثات"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "رفع الصورة"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "رفع صورة العرض"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "حجم الملف المرفوع أكبر من المسموح به"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "عرض إحصائيات التاريخ"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "تفعيل المجموعات يمكن الزائر من الوصول إلى القسم الذي يهمه ، ويمكن مدير النظام من توزيع المهام"
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "استخدام تقنية (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "اسم المستخدم أو الرسالة للبحث عنها:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "يمكنك من حضر عنوان ip محدد"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "عرض شاشة المحادثة (مقدم الخدمة في وضع القراءة فقط)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "عرض وتحرير قائمة الأعضاء."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "يستطيع مشاهدة محادثات مقدمي الخدمة الآخرين"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "سجل الزوار"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "الزائر {0} يتحادث مع مقدم الخدمة{1}.
هل ترغب في بدأ المحادثة مع الزائر؟"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "الزائر أغلق نافذة المحادثة"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "الزائر عاود الإتصال من جديد"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "الزائر عبر إلى {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "الزائر {0} غادر المحدثة"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "عنوان الزائر"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "عنوان الزائر"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "مطابقة الزوار"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "رسائل الزائر"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "الزوار"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "محادثة زائر"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "زائر جاء من الصفحة {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "ينتظر مقدم اخدمة من بداية الوقت"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "ينتظر مقدم الخدمة"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "وقت الإنتظار"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "مشاهدة المحادثة"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "لقد قمنا بارسال التعليمات لبريدك الالكترونى. الرجاء مراجعتها !"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "حجم الصفحة وإخفاء الأزرار وغيرها من الخيارات"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "نعم , أنا متأكد"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "بالأمس {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "أسمك في المحادثة"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "أنت تتحدث مع:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "تم الإتصال بخادم قاعدة البيانات MySQL الإصدار {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "غير مسموح لك بتعديل الملف الشخصي."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "لا يمكنك التحدث مع الزوار."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "أنت تستخدم:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "أنت {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "تستطيع تغيير المعومات الشخصية من هذه الصفحة."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "من هنا تستطيع إنشاء مقدم خدمة جديد"
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "تستطيع إيجاد الزوار المنتظرين."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "تستطيع مشاهدة سجل محادثا الزائر هنا."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "تستطيع إنشاء كود HTML لزر دخول الزوار من هنا."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "تستطيع الآن تسجيل الدخوب كـ admin بدون كلمة مرور.
!!! يجب تغيير كلمة المرور بعد تسجيل الدخول مباشرة ، وحذف المجلد {0} للحماية ."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "تستطيع رفع الصورة الخاصة بك بأحد هذه الإمتدادت JPG, GIF, PNG أو TIF."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "من هنا, تستطيع مشاهدة التصاميم التي تم تنصيبها بشكل صحيح."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "لا يمكنك استعادة كلمة المرور, لكن بأمكتنك وضع كلمة مرور جديده عن طريق الذهاب الى الرابط الذى تم ارساله الى بريدك الالكترونى."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "لقد قمت باختيار من تاريخ بعد حتى تاريخ"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "أنت فتحت هذه الصفحة من أجل \"{0}\" , تمع تحديد العنوان الخاص به ، إملء خانة الأيام والتعليق ثم أنقر على ارسال."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "صورة العرض."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "صورة شعار شركتك"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "بريدك الإلكتروني"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "تم إرسال رسالتك بنجاح"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "اسمك"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "مقدم الخدمة سيكون معك بعض لحظـات ."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "تم تغيير كلمة السر!"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "وقت الجلسة أنتهى ،الرجاء أعادة تسجيل الدخول."
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "تم حفظ ترجمتك."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "متصفح الأنترنت الذي تستخدمه غير مدعوم من قبل Mibew Messenger.
\nالرجاء, استخدام أحد المتصفحات التالية أو أحدث:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[مزعج] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "تحرير"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "حقل إلزامي"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "التالي"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "السابق"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "إزالة"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "بدون قائمة"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/be/translation.po b/translations/be/translation.po
index 4b1798a4..8b02a21c 100644
--- a/translations/be/translation.po
+++ b/translations/be/translation.po
@@ -1,968 +1,894 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Стварэнне, выдаленне аператараў кампаніі. Кіраванне іх правамі і магчымасцямі."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Атрыманне HTML-кода для кнопкі \"Вэб Месэнджара\"."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Вы можаце задаць опцыі, якія ўплываюць на адлюстраванне чат-акна і агульныя паводзіны сістэмы."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Набор функцый, які даступны толькі зарэгістраваным аператарам."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Вашая сесія састарэла, увайдзіце, калі ласка, ізноў"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Мібью Вэб Месэнджар - гэта прыкладанне для кансультавання наведвальнікаў Вашага сайта."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Мібью Вэб Месэнджар"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Адрас ужо зарэгістраваны ў сістэме, націсніце тут, каб адрэдагаваць яго."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Выдаліць"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Увайсці"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Пакіньце паведамленне"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Кансультант сайта"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "OFFLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Задайце пытанне"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Кансультант сайта"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Захаваць"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Шукаць"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "выдаліць"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "рэдагаваць"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Змяніць"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Дадаць паведамленне.."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Стварайце тэкставыя паведамленні, якімі будзеце часта карыстацца ў чаце."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Для групы:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Для мовы:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Шаблоны адказаў"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Адрэдагуйце існуючае паведамленне."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Захавана"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Паведамленне"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Паведамленне, магчыма, ужо было выдаленае"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Рэдагаваць шаблон"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Дадаць новы шаблон для хуткага адказу."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Новы шаблон"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(адышоў)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(даступны)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік прыйшоў са старонкі {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Змяніць імя"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вы"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[спам] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Наведвальнік перайшоў на {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Зачыніць..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Адбылася памылка:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Памылка"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Зачыніць..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Націсніце на гэтую спасылку каб зачыніць акно"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Гісторыя Вашай гутаркі была адпраўлена на адрас {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Адпраўлена"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Назад..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Вы не абслугоўваеце гэтага наведвальніка."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Выбярыце:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Група:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Аператар:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Перанакіраваць
іншаму аператару"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Зачыніць..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Націсніце на гэтую спасылку каб зачыніць акно"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік змешчаны ў прывілеяваную чаргу аператара {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Наведвальнік змешчаны ў прывілеяваную чаргу групы {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік пераведзены да іншага аператару"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Аператар {0} змяніў аператара {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "У аператара ўзніклі праблемы з сувяззю, мы часова перавялі Вас у прыярытэтную чаргу. Прабачце за Вашае чаканне."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Аператар {0} уключыўся ў гутарку"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Аператар {0} пакінуў дыялог"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Аператар {0} пераключыў Вас на іншага аператара, калі ласка, пачакайце трохі"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Аператар {0} вярнуўся ў дыялог"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік змяніў імя {0} на {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік зачыніў акно дыялогу"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік {0} пакінуў дыялог"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Наведвальнік нанова ўвайшоў у дыялог"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "У дыялогу"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Зачынена"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Загружаецца"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "У чарзе"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Чаканне аператара"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Пра Наведвальніка: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Калі ласка, пачакайце трохі, да Вас далучыцца аператар.."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Вы гутарыце з:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Зачыніць дыялог"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Прадстаўлена:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Выбярыце адказ..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Месэнджар"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Адправіць паведамленне"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Адправіць ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Месэнджар"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Месэнджар"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Адправіць гісторыю дыялогу па электроннай пошце"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Перанакіраваць наведвальніка іншаму аператару"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Абнавіць змесціва дыялогу"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Для адказу наведвальніку клікніце на адпаведнае імя ў спісе."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна прагледзець спіс тых наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць адказу."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "У гэтай чарзе наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць, няма"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Наведвальнікі ў дыялогах"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Прыярытэтная чарга наведвальнікаў"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Чакаюць аператара ў першы раз"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Спіс наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "палі, абавязковыя для запаўнення"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Змяніць аператара"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "З наведвальнікам {0} ужо гутарыць {1}.
Вы ўпэўнены што жадаеце змяніць яго?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Не, зачыніць акно"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Так, я ўпэўнены"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Тут можна абараняцца ад спаму і шкодных наведвальнікаў."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Пошук па гісторыі дыялогаў."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Пакінуць сістэму."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Змены захаваныя"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Парайце мне, калі ласка, добры браўзэр?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Добры дзень! Чым я магу Вам дапамагчы?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Уведзеныя знакі не адпавядаюць малюнку."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Памылка выгрузкі файла \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Памылка капіявання файла"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Перавышаны дапушчальны памер файла"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Выправіце памылкі:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Недапушчальны фармат файла"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Запоўніце поле \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Няправільна запоўнена поле \"{0}\"."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Набор сэрвісаў зменены"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Напрыклад: ці"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Адрас наведвальніка"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Пад гэтым імем Вас убачаць Вашыя наведвальнікі з іншых краін."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Інтэрнацыянальнае імя (лацінкай)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Пад гэтым імем Вас убачаць Вашыя наведвальнікі, па ім жа да
Вас будзе звяртацца сістэма."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Імя"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Дадзены малюнак наведвальнікі будуць бачыць у сваім чат-акне,
калі будуць гутарыць з Вамі. Націснуўшы на спасылку пад малюнкам,
Вы можаце выдаліць аватарку."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Малюнак бягучай аватаркі"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Выбярыце файл на лакальным дыску. Для найлепшага адлюстравання памер
малюначка не павінен пераўзыходзіць 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Загрузіць аватарку"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Прычына забароны"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Каментар"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Колькасць дзён,
на якую будзе забаронены адрас"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Дні"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ваш email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Апісанне для наведвальнікаў з іншых краін."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Інтэрнацыянальнае апісанне"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Гэтую назву ўбачаць Вашыя наведвальнікі з іншых краін."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Інтэрнацыянальная назва"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Будзе даступная наведвальнікам пры выбары групы."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Апісанне"
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "Адрас для паведамленняў. Пакіньце пустым, каб выкарыстоўваць глабальны адрас."
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Можа быць назвай аддзела ў Вашай кампаніі."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Назва групы"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Лагін можа складацца з маленькіх лацінскіх літар і знака падкрэслення."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Лагін"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Для апавяшчэнняў і аднаўлення пароля."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "Адрас электроннай пошты"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Паведамленне"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вашае імя"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Увядзіце новы пароль ці пакіньце поле пустым, каб захаваць стары."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Пароль"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Пацвердзіце ўведзены пароль."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Пацверджанне"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Тэкст перакладу"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Немагчыма выканаць:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Прыкладанне знойдзена па адрасе {0}"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "Кантрольная сума файлаў праверана."
-msgid "install.0.php"
-msgstr "PHP версіі {0}"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Вы падлучаны да сервера MySQL версіі {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Стварыць базу дадзеных \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Створана база дадзеных \"{0}\"."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "База, якую Вы выбралі, не існуе на серверы. Калі ў Вас ёсць правы
на яе стварэнне, яе можна стварыць цяпер."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Стварыць неабходныя табліцы."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Неабходныя табліцы створаныя."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Абнавіць"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Структура табліц гатовая да выкарыстання."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Неабходна абнавіць структуру табліц для карэктнай працы Вэб Месэнджара."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "New Message"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "New Visitor"
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "Праверце гук: {0} і {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "Кантрольная сума не супадае для {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "Немагчыма прачытаць файл {0}"
-msgid "install.check_files"
-msgstr "Паспрабуйце нанова загрузіць файлы на сервер."
-msgid "install.check_permissions"
-msgstr "Не хапае правоў {0}"
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Няма доступу да MySQL серверу, праверце наладкі ў config.php. Памылка: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Выканана:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Выправіце праблему і паспрабуйце яшчэ раз. Націсніце назад, каб вярнуцца да майстра ўсталёўкі."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Памылка"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Немагчыма абнавіць структуру табліц. Паспрабуйце зрабіць гэта ўручную ці перастварыце ўсе табліцы нанова (увага: усе дадзеныя будуць згубленыя)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Выдаліць існуючыя табліцы"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Ліцэнзійная дамова пра праграмнае забеспячэнне"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Прытрымлівайцеся ўказанням майстра для правільнай налады базы дадзеных."
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "Віншуем! Вы паспяхова ўсталявалі Mibew Вэб Месэнджар {1}. Наведаеце старонку Пашырэнняў, каб падключыць больш функцый."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Наступны крок:"
-msgid "install.no_file"
-msgstr "Не хапае файла: {0}"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Усталёўка"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Калі ласка, запусціце Майстар абнаўлення базы дадзеных."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Увайсці ў сістэму"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Усталёўка паспяхова завершана. "
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Вы можаце ўвайсці ў сістэму як admin з пустым паролем.
!!! У мэтах бяспекі выдаліце, калі ласка, каталог {0} з Вашага сервера і памяняйце пароль."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Выбярыце Вашую мову"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Зачыніць"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Нажаль, зараз няма ніводнага даступнага аператара. Паспрабуйце звярнуцца пазней ці пакіньце нам сваё пытанне, і мы звяжамся з Вамі па пакінутым адрасе."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Перадаць"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Дзякуй за Вашае пытанне, мы паспрабуем адказаць на яго як мага хутчэй."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Вашае паведамленне захаванае"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Пакіньце Вашае паведамленне"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Аператары"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Код кнопкі"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Наладкі"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Ліцэнзія"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Зачыніць..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Увядзіце Ваш E-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Адправіць"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Адправіць гісторыю гутаркі
на паштовую скрыню"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Спіс аператараў"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Непажаданыя наведвальнікі"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Шаблоны адказаў"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "Вы Афлайн.
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Аб'яднанні аператараў на аснове аддзелаў ці абласцей ведаў."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Групы"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Абраць мову сістэмы."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Мова"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Галоўная"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Вы {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы Вы можаце адрэдагаваць сваю персанальную інфармацыю."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Профіль"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Лакалізацыя"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Праверыць наяўнасць абнаўленняў месэнджара."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Абнаўленні"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Уведзеныя паролі павінны супадаць"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Запытаны ўліковы запіс не існуе"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<без апісання>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Групы, ў якіх знаходзіцца аператар."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Групы"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Браўзэр"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Група"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Адрас наведвальніка"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Паведамленняў наведвальніка"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Імя"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Аператар"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Час у дыялозе"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "На дадзенай старонцы Вы можаце ўбачыць усе дыялогі з Вашым наведвальнікам."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Гісторыя дыялогаў"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Зачыніць..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Нажаль, для працы гэтай старонкі неабходзен навейшы браўзэр. Выкарыстоўвайце:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Выкарыстоўвайце навейшы браўзэр"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Для групы"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Выбар малюнка"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Для якой лакалі ствараць кнопку"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Стыль чат-акна"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Увага! Пры ўнясенні
якіх-небудзь змен
у гэты код працаздольнасць
кнопкі не гарантуецца!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML-код"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-усе аператары-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Уключаць імя сайта ў код"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы Вы можаце атрымаць HTML-код кнопкі \"Вэб Месэнджара\" для размяшчэння на сваім сайце."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Сумяшчальнасць з mod_security (, уключыце калі акно з чатам адкрываецца з http памылкай"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Прыклад"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Выкарыстоўваць абароненае злучэнне (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Атрыманне HTML-кода кнопкі"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Тут вы можаце стварыць новую групу."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Калі ласка, выбярыце іншае імя. Група з такім імем ужо існуе."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Тут Вы можаце адрэдагаваць дэталі групы."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Аператары"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Такой групы не існуе"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Дэталі групы"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Выбярыце аператараў, якія будуць складаць гэту групу."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Склад групы"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Вы ўпэўнены што жадаеце выдаліць групу \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы вы можаце кіраваць групамі аператараў. Кожная група можа мець асобную кнопку пачатку чата і свае шаблоны адказаў."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Away"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Даступная"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Дадаць групу..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Групы"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Акно чата (з боку аператара)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Акно прагляду чата (для аператара)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Простае чак-акно. Абнавіце, каб адпраўляць паведамленні (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Выбярыце стыль"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Абярыце шаблон"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Памылка акна"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Тут вы можаце паглядзець на стыль вашага сайта."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Напісаць у акне паведамленняў"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Паведамленне будзе дастаўлена\" акно"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Mail thread window"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"Mail is sent\" window"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "List of supported browsers window"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Адлюстраваць памылкі"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-з наладак сайта-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Форма апытання наведвальніка перад пачаткам дыялогу"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Стыль месэнджара"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Акно чата (з боку наведвальніка)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Калі Вам не падабаецца пераклад, дашліце нам Ваш варыянт."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Ваш пераклад захаваны."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Увядзіце Ваш варыянт перакладу."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Лакалізацыя"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Вы не можаце змяняць профіль гэтага аператара."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Выдаліць аватарку"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Стварэнне новага аператара."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Выбярыце іншы лагін, бо аператар з уведзеным лагінам ужо зарэгістраваны ў сістэме."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Лагін павінен складацца з лацінскіх знакаў, лічбаў і знака падкрэслення."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы Вы можаце прагледзець дэталі аператара і адрэдагаваць іх."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Фатаграфія"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Групы"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Агульнае"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Магчымасці"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Дэталі аператара"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Імя"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Поўны спіс аператараў:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце выдаліць аператара \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна прагледзець спіс аператараў кампаніі і дадаць новага пры наяўнасці адпаведных правоў доступу."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Адышоў"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Даступны"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Лагін"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Дадаць аператара..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Апошні раз"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Аператары"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Пошук па імі наведвальніка ці па тэксце паведамлення:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Гісторыя дыялогаў"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Вы можаце загрузіць фатаграфію пашырэння JPG, GIF, PNG ці TIF."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Загрузка фатаграфіі"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "З дапамогай механізму забароны Вы можаце змагацца з непажаданымі наведвальнікамі, якія парушаюць працу кансультантаў, адкрываючы вялікую колькасць вокнаў ці дасылаючы спам-паведамленні."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Адрас {0} забаронены на пазначаную колькасць дзён."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Вы адкрылі гэтае акно для дыялогу з \"{0}\", таму поле Адрас ужо запоўнена. Абярыце колькасць дзён і націсніце Адправіць."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Забарона адрасу"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Дадаць адрас"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце выдаліць адрас {0} са спісу заблакаваных?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Спіс забароненых адрасоў:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Забароны"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Да"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна прагледзець спіс наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць адказу."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Агульнае"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Склад"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Уведзены няправільны лагін ці пароль"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Калі ласка, увядзіце Вашыя імя і пароль для атрымання аператарскага доступу да сістэмы."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Лагін:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Пароль:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Запомніць"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Уваход у сістэму"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна ажыццявіць пошук дыялогаў па імі карыстальніка ці фразе, якая сустракаецца ў паведамленні."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Тут Вы можаце задаць опцыі, якія ўплываюць на адлюстраванне чат-акна і агульныя паводзіны сістэмы."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Пашырэнні"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Агульнае"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Прадукцыйнасць"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Прагляд стыляў"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Схаваць меню >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Паказаць меню >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Новы наведвальнік чакае адказу."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Выставіць статус \"Адышоў\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Выставіць статут \"Даступны\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Пазначыць наведвальніка як непажаданага"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Адрас наведвальніка"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Рознае"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Імя"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Аператар"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Стан"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Агульны час"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Час чакання"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Націсніце для таго, каб абслужыць наведвальніка"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Падключыцца да дыялогу ў рэжыме прагляду"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Адміністраванне сістэмы: налада, кіраванне аператарамі, генерацыя кнопкі"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Магчымасць змяняць свой профіль"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Перахапляць дыялогі ў іншых аператараў"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Праглядаць дыялогі іншых аператараў у рэжыме рэальнага часу"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Тут Вы можаце кіраваць магчымасцямі аператара."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Магчымасці аператара"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Абярыце аддзел:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Дзякуй, што звязаліся з намі! Запоўніце, калі ласка, невялікую форму і націсніце \"Пачаць дыялог\"."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вашае імя:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Вашае пытанне:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Пачаць дыялог"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Вэб Месэнджар"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Дата"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Дыялогаў"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Паведамленняў аператараў"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Паведамленняў наведвальнікаў"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Выкарыстанне месэнджара па днях"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Аператар"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Дыялогаў"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Паведамленняў"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Сярэдняя даўжыня паведамлення (у знаках)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Статыстыка па аператарах"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Мала дадзеных"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Разам:"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "Вярнуцца на галоўную"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Лагін ці E-Mail:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "З меркаванняў бяспекі мы не высылаем бягучы пароль, але Вы можаце замяніць яго на новы, скарыстаўшыся спасылкай з ліста."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "Забыліся пароль?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "Запыт на змену пароля"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "Мы адправілі інструкцыі па змене пароля на Ваш паштовы адрас. Праверце Вашую паштовую скрыню!"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "Памяняць пароль"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "Не можаце ўвайсці?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Кіраванне"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Наведвальнікі"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Астатняе"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Напрыклад, назва аддзела Вашай кампаніі."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Загаловак у чат-акне"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Прадпрагляд усіх старонак кожнага стылю даступны тут"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Выбярыце выгляд вашага чат акна"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Увядзіце назву Вашай кампаніі"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Назва кампаніі"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Увядзіце адрас электроннай пошты для атрымання паведамленняў ад сістэмы"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Адрас электроннай пошты"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "З яе дапамогай можна блакаваць напады з вызначаных адрасоў"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Уключыць функцыю \"Непажаданыя наведвальнікі\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Дазваляе аб'ядноўваць аператараў у групы і арганізоўваць для іх асобныя чэргі."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Уключыць функцыю \"Групы\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Прапануе наведвальніку запоўніць адмысловую форму перад пачаткам чата."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Уключыць \"Апытанне перад пачаткам дыялогу\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Ваш сервер павінен быць наладжаны для апрацоўкі https запытаў."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Дазваляць абароненыя злучэнні (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Дадае старонку са справаздачамі па выкарыстанні месэнджара."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Уключыць функцыю \"Статыстыка\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Паказваць чаты, выкарыстоўваючы толькі абароненае злучэнне"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Прымусова пераводзіць усе чаты ў абаронены рэжым"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Пакажыце чашчыню апытання сервера ў секундах. Па змаўчанні, 2 секунды."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Перыядычнасць абнаўлення паведамленняў у чаце"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "Старым браўзарам даводзіцца перазагружаць цалкам дыялог для атрымання новых паведамленняў. Па змаўчанні, 7 секунд."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Перыядычнасць абнаўлення ўсяго дыялогу для старых браўзараў"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Пакажыце чашчыню апытання сервера ў секундах. Па змаўчанні - 2 секунды."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "Перыядычнасць абнаўлення кансолі аператара"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "На любым IP адрасе можна будзе адкрыць невялікае акно з геаінфармацыяй. Можна выкарыстоўваць {ip}."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Спасылка на вонкавы geolocation сэрвіс"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Памер акна і наяўнасць тулбараў"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Опцыі для акна з геамнфармацыяй"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Будзе адкрывацца па націску на лагатып ці назву кампаніі ў чат-акне"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Спасылка на Ваш вэб-сайт"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Абарона ад аўтаматызаванага спаму (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Дазваляць пакідаць паведамленне толькі пасля ўводу адмысловага кода з малюнка"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Увядзіце спасылку на лагатып кампаніі"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Лога кампаніі"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Увядзіце імя Вашай кампаніі"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 дазваляе любую колькасць злучэнняў"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Максімальная колькасць дыялогаў з аднаго адрасу"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Колькасць секунд, на працягу якіх аператар вызначаецца як анлайн пасля апошняга абнаўлення. Па змаўчанні - 30 секунд."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Часавы інтэрвал даступнасці аператара"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Дазваляе прыцягнуць Вашую ўвагу, калі гукавой і візуальнай абвесткі недастаткова."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Паказваць невялікі дыялог пры з'яўленні новых наведвальнікаў у чарзе."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Змены захаваныя"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Дасылаць паведамленне па:"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators.description"
-msgstr "Можа замарудзіць абнаўленне спісу"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators"
-msgstr "Паказваць даступных аператараў на старонцы наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць выбар групы ў дыялозе перад пачаткам чата"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Дазваляць наведвальніку выбіраць групу аператараў"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць поле ўводу адрасу электроннай пошты"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Пытаць e-mail адрас"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць поле ўводу першага пытання"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Прапанаваць адразу ж задаць пытанне"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Наладкі месэнджара"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Магчымасць прыбраць поле змены імя з чат-акна"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Дазваляць наведвальнікам змяняць імёны"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Пазначце, як адлюстраваць імя наведвальніка аператарам. Можна выкарыстоўваць {name}, {id} і {addr}. Па змаўчанні: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Адлюстроўванае імя наведвальніка"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Увядзіце правільны адрас электроннай пошты"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "Поле \"Максімальная колькасць дыялогаў\" павінна быць лікам"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Абярыце даты"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Розныя справаздачы па наведвальніках і выкарыстанні месэнджара."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "З:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Па:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Статыстыка"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Вы выбралі дату для пачатку справаздачы пасля даты канца"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Старонка {0} з {1}, паказаны {2}-{3} з {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "наступная"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Няма элементаў для адлюстравання"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Нічога не знойдзена"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "папярэдняя"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Перайсці ў пошук"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Пратакол гутаркі"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "На дадзенай старонцы Вы можаце прагледзець дыялог."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Ніколі"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Сёння ў {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Учора ў {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Аператарскае меню"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Выхад"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Галоўная"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "без меню"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Наведвальнікі"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Кірунак перакладу:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"Паведамленне будзе дастаўлена\" акно"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<без апісання>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(адышоў)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(даступны)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-усе аператары-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-з наладак сайта-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 дазваляе любую колькасць злучэнняў"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Усталёўка паспяхова завершана. "
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Увага! Пры ўнясенні
якіх-небудзь змен
у гэты код працаздольнасць
кнопкі не гарантуецца!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Гісторыя Вашай гутаркі была адпраўлена на адрас {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Новы наведвальнік чакае адказу."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Прадпрагляд усіх старонак кожнага стылю даступны тут"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Магчымасць змяняць свой профіль"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Дадаць адрас"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Дадаць паведамленне.."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Дадаць новы шаблон для хуткага адказу."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Дадаць аператара..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Адрас {0} забаронены на пазначаную колькасць дзён."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Дадае старонку са справаздачамі па выкарыстанні месэнджара."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Кіраванне"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Усе радкі"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Радкі для адміністратара"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Радкі для аператара"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Радкі для наведвальніка"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Паказаць:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Па ключы рэсурса"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Па радку з першай мовы"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Сартаванне:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Ваш суразмоўца набірае тэкст..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Вы выкарыстоўваеце:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Дазваляць абароненыя злучэнні (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Дазваляць наведвальніку выбіраць групу аператараў"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Дазваляць наведвальнікам змяняць імёны"
+msgid "Application path is {0}"
+msgstr "Прыкладанне знойдзена па адрасе {0}"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце выдаліць адрас {0} са спісу заблакаваных?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце выдаліць аператара \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Вы ўпэўнены што жадаеце выдаліць групу \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Пытаць e-mail адрас"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Задайце пытанне"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Сярэдняя даўжыня паведамлення (у знаках)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Адышоў"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "Вярнуцца на галоўную"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Назад..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Забароны"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Пазначыць наведвальніка як непажаданага"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Забарона адрасу"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Непажаданыя наведвальнікі"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Браўзэр"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Атрыманне HTML-кода кнопкі"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Атрыманне HTML-кода для кнопкі \"Вэб Месэнджара\"."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Код кнопкі"
+msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
+msgstr "Можа замарудзіць абнаўленне спісу"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Шаблоны адказаў"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Немагчыма выканаць:"
+msgid "Cannot read file {0}"
+msgstr "Немагчыма прачытаць файл {0}"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Абраць мову сістэмы."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Змяніць імя"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Змяніць аператара"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Тут Вы можаце кіраваць магчымасцямі аператара."
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Змены захаваныя"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Дыялогаў"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Гісторыя дыялогаў"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Пратакол гутаркі"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Перыядычнасць абнаўлення паведамленняў у чаце"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Прагляд стыляў"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Дыялогаў"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Акно чата (з боку аператара)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Акно чата (з боку наведвальніка)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Стыль чат-акна"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Праверыць наяўнасць абнаўленняў месэнджара."
+msgid "Checksum differs for {0}"
+msgstr "Кантрольная сума не супадае для {0}"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Абярыце аддзел:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Групы, ў якіх знаходзіцца аператар."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Выбар малюнка"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Выбярыце стыль"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Абярыце шаблон"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Выбярыце файл на лакальным дыску. Для найлепшага адлюстравання памер
малюначка не павінен пераўзыходзіць 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Выбярыце Вашую мову"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Выбярыце:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Націсніце на гэтую спасылку каб зачыніць акно"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Націсніце для таго, каб абслужыць наведвальніка"
+msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
+msgstr "Праверце гук: {0} і {1}"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Націсніце на гэтую спасылку каб зачыніць акно"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Зачыніць"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Зачыніць дыялог"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Зачыніць..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Зачынена"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Для групы"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Для якой лакалі ствараць кнопку"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Каментар"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Назва кампаніі"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "Сумяшчальнасць з mod_security (, уключыце калі акно з чатам адкрываецца з http памылкай"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Выканана:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Пацвердзіце ўведзены пароль."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Пацверджанне"
+msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
+msgstr "Віншуем! Вы паспяхова ўсталявалі Mibew Вэб Месэнджар {1}. Наведаеце старонку Пашырэнняў, каб падключыць больш функцый."
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Выправіце памылкі:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Няма доступу да MySQL серверу, праверце наладкі ў config.php. Памылка: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Стварыць базу дадзеных \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Дадаць групу..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Тут вы можаце стварыць новую групу."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Стварэнне, выдаленне аператараў кампаніі. Кіраванне іх правамі і магчымасцямі."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Стварыць неабходныя табліцы."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Малюнак бягучай аватаркі"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Створана база дадзеных \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Дата"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Дні"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Выдаліць"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Аб'яднанні аператараў на аснове аддзелаў ці абласцей ведаў."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Апісанне"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Апісанне для наведвальнікаў з іншых краін."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Будзе даступная наведвальнікам пры выбары групы."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Будзе адкрывацца па націску на лагатып ці назву кампаніі ў чат-акне"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Кірунак перакладу:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Выдаліць існуючыя табліцы"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "Адрас электроннай пошты"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "На любым IP адрасе можна будзе адкрыць невялікае акно з геаінфармацыяй. Можна выкарыстоўваць {ip}."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Рэдагаваць шаблон"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Адрэдагуйце існуючае паведамленне."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы Вы можаце прагледзець дэталі аператара і адрэдагаваць іх."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Стварайце тэкставыя паведамленні, якімі будзеце часта карыстацца ў чаце."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Адрас электроннай пошты"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "E-mail:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Уключыць функцыю \"Групы\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Паказваць невялікі дыялог пры з'яўленні новых наведвальнікаў у чарзе."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Уключыць \"Апытанне перад пачаткам дыялогу\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Уключыць функцыю \"Статыстыка\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Уключыць функцыю \"Непажаданыя наведвальнікі\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Увайсці"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Увядзіце новы пароль ці пакіньце поле пустым, каб захаваць стары."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Увядзіце правільны адрас электроннай пошты"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Увядзіце адрас электроннай пошты для атрымання паведамленняў ад сістэмы"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Увядзіце спасылку на лагатып кампаніі"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Увядзіце назву Вашай кампаніі"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Увядзіце Ваш E-mail:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Увядзіце Ваш варыянт перакладу."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Уведзены няправільны лагін ці пароль"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Уведзеныя паролі павінны супадаць"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Асяроддзе:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Памылка"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Памылка капіявання файла"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Адбылася памылка:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Памылка выгрузкі файла \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Памылка акна"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Напрыклад: ці"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Прыклад"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Выхад"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Набор сэрвісаў зменены"
+msgid "File is absent: {0}"
+msgstr "Не хапае файла: {0}"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Прытрымлівайцеся ўказанням майстра для правільнай налады базы дадзеных."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Для групы:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Для мовы:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Для апавяшчэнняў і аднаўлення пароля."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Прымусова пераводзіць усе чаты ў абаронены рэжым"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Дазваляць пакідаць паведамленне толькі пасля ўводу адмысловага кода з малюнка"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Прапануе наведвальніку запоўніць адмысловую форму перад пачаткам чата."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Забыліся пароль?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Нічога не знойдзена"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Розныя справаздачы па наведвальніках і выкарыстанні месэнджара."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "З:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Поўны спіс аператараў:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Набор функцый, які даступны толькі зарэгістраваным аператарам."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Агульнае"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Опцыі для акна з геамнфармацыяй"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Перайсці ў пошук"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Група"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Дэталі групы"
+msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
+msgstr "Адрас для паведамленняў. Пакіньце пустым, каб выкарыстоўваць глабальны адрас."
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Група:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Групы"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML-код"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Добры дзень! Чым я магу Вам дапамагчы?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "З дапамогай механізму забароны Вы можаце змагацца з непажаданымі наведвальнікамі, якія парушаюць працу кансультантаў, адкрываючы вялікую колькасць вокнаў ці дасылаючы спам-паведамленні."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Тут можна абараняцца ад спаму і шкодных наведвальнікаў."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Схаваць меню >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Галоўная"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Пазначце, як адлюстраваць імя наведвальніка аператарам. Можна выкарыстоўваць {name}, {id} і {addr}. Па змаўчанні: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Калі Вам не падабаецца пераклад, дашліце нам Ваш варыянт."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Немагчыма абнавіць структуру табліц. Паспрабуйце зрабіць гэта ўручную ці перастварыце ўсе табліцы нанова (увага: усе дадзеныя будуць згубленыя)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "У дыялогу"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "У чарзе"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Уключаць імя сайта ў код"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Пра Наведвальніка: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Вашае пытанне:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Усталёўка"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Усталяваныя моўныя пакеты:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Навіны і інфармацыя пра апошнія версіі загружаецца з афіцыйнага сайта месэнджара."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "Insufficient file permissions {0}"
+msgstr "Не хапае правоў {0}"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Інтэрнацыянальнае апісанне"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Інтэрнацыянальная назва"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Інтэрнацыянальнае імя (лацінкай)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Недапушчальны фармат файла"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Па ключы рэсурса"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Мова"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Апошні раз"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Апошняя версія:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Напісаць у акне паведамленняў"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Пакіньце Вашае паведамленне"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Ліцэнзія"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Спасылка на вонкавы geolocation сэрвіс"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Спіс забароненых адрасоў:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "List of supported browsers window"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Спіс наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Вэб Месэнджар"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Загружаецца"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Лакалізацыя"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Пакінуць сістэму."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Уваход у сістэму"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Лагін можа складацца з маленькіх лацінскіх літар і знака падкрэслення."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "Лагін ці E-Mail:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Лагін павінен складацца з лацінскіх знакаў, лічбаў і знака падкрэслення."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Лагін:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Mail thread window"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Наведвальнікі"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Максімальная колькасць дыялогаў з аднаго адрасу"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Склад"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Паведамленне"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Паведамленняў"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Паведамленняў аператараў"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Паведамленняў наведвальнікаў"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Наладкі месэнджара"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Навіны і інфармацыя пра апошнія версіі загружаецца з афіцыйнага сайта месэнджара."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Месэнджар"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Месэнджар"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Мібью Вэб Месэнджар - гэта прыкладанне для кансультавання наведвальнікаў Вашага сайта."
+msgid "Mibew package is valid."
+msgstr "Кантрольная сума файлаў праверана."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Рознае"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Змяніць"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Імя"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Гэтую назву ўбачаць Вашыя наведвальнікі з іншых краін."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Напрыклад, назва аддзела Вашай кампаніі."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Можа быць назвай аддзела ў Вашай кампаніі."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Вашае імя:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Ніколі"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "New Message"
+msgid "New Visitor"
+msgstr "New Visitor"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Навіны:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Наступны крок:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Няма элементаў для адлюстравання"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Запытаны ўліковы запіс не існуе"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Такой групы не існуе"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Паведамленне, магчыма, ужо было выдаленае"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Не, зачыніць акно"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Мала дадзеных"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Колькасць дзён,
на якую будзе забаронены адрас"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "OFFLINE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ONLINE"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "Старым браўзарам даводзіцца перазагружаць цалкам дыялог для атрымання новых паведамленняў. Па змаўчанні, 7 секунд."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Тут Вы можаце адрэдагаваць дэталі групы."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Даступны"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Аператар"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Аператар {0} змяніў аператара {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Дэталі аператара"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Групы"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Часавы інтэрвал даступнасці аператара"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Аператар {0} вярнуўся ў дыялог"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Аператар {0} уключыўся ў гутарку"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Аператар {0} пакінуў дыялог"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Аператар {0} пераключыў Вас на іншага аператара, калі ласка, пачакайце трохі"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "Перыядычнасць абнаўлення кансолі аператара"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Аператар:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Аператары"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Спіс аператараў"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Пашырэнні"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Астатняе"
+msgid "PHP version {0}"
+msgstr "PHP версіі {0}"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Перыядычнасць абнаўлення ўсяго дыялогу для старых браўзараў"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Старонка {0} з {1}, паказаны {2}-{3} з {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Пароль"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "Запыт на змену пароля"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Пароль:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Прадукцыйнасць"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Магчымасці аператара"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Фатаграфія"
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Выбярыце іншы лагін, бо аператар з уведзеным лагінам ужо зарэгістраваны ў сістэме."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Калі ласка, выбярыце іншае імя. Група з такім імем ужо існуе."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Увядзіце імя Вашай кампаніі"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Калі ласка, увядзіце Вашыя імя і пароль для атрымання аператарскага доступу да сістэмы."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Няправільна запоўнена поле \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Запоўніце поле \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Ваш сервер павінен быць наладжаны для апрацоўкі https запытаў."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Калі ласка, запусціце Майстар абнаўлення базы дадзеных."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Выкарыстоўвайце навейшы браўзэр"
+msgid "Please, re-upload files to the server."
+msgstr "Паспрабуйце нанова загрузіць файлы на сервер."
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Прадстаўлена:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Форма апытання наведвальніка перад пачаткам дыялогу"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Прыярытэтная чарга наведвальнікаў"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Памылка"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Увайсці ў сістэму"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Профіль"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Абарона ад аўтаматызаванага спаму (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Прычына забароны"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Перанакіраваць
іншаму аператару"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Перанакіраваць наведвальніка іншаму аператару"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Абнавіць змесціва дыялогу"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Запомніць"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Ваш суразмоўца набірае тэкст..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Выдаліць аватарку"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Неабходныя табліцы створаныя."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "Памяняць пароль"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Выправіце праблему і паспрабуйце яшчэ раз. Націсніце назад, каб вярнуцца да майстра ўсталёўкі."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Захаваць"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Захавана"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Шукаць"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна ажыццявіць пошук дыялогаў па імі карыстальніка ці фразе, якая сустракаецца ў паведамленні."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Пошук па гісторыі дыялогаў."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Выбярыце выгляд вашага чат акна"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Выбярыце адказ..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Абярыце даты"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Адправіць"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Адправіць ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Адправіць гісторыю дыялогу па электроннай пошце"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Адправіць гісторыю гутаркі
на паштовую скрыню"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Адправіць паведамленне"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Дасылаць паведамленне па:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Адпраўлена"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Выставіць статут \"Даступны\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Выставіць статус \"Адышоў\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Колькасць секунд, на працягу якіх аператар вызначаецца як анлайн пасля апошняга абнаўлення. Па змаўчанні - 30 секунд."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Наладкі"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Паказваць чаты, выкарыстоўваючы толькі абароненае злучэнне"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Адлюстраваць памылкі"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Прапанаваць адразу ж задаць пытанне"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Паказаць меню >>"
+msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
+msgstr "Паказваць даступных аператараў на старонцы наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць выбар групы ў дыялозе перад пачаткам чата"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць поле ўводу адрасу электроннай пошты"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць поле ўводу першага пытання"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Паказаць:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Простае чак-акно. Абнавіце, каб адпраўляць паведамленні (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Кансультант сайта"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Стыль месэнджара"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Дазваляе прыцягнуць Вашую ўвагу, калі гукавой і візуальнай абвесткі недастаткова."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Ліцэнзійная дамова пра праграмнае забеспячэнне"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Нажаль, зараз няма ніводнага даступнага аператара. Паспрабуйце звярнуцца пазней ці пакіньце нам сваё пытанне, і мы звяжамся з Вамі па пакінутым адрасе."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Сартаванне:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Па радку з першай мовы"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Тут Вы можаце задаць опцыі, якія ўплываюць на адлюстраванне чат-акна і агульныя паводзіны сістэмы."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Пакажыце чашчыню апытання сервера ў секундах. Па змаўчанні - 2 секунды."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Пачаць дыялог"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Стан"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Статыстыка"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Радкі для адміністратара"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Радкі для аператара"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Радкі для наведвальніка"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Неабходна абнавіць структуру табліц для карэктнай працы Вэб Месэнджара."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Перадаць"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Адміністраванне сістэмы: налада, кіраванне аператарамі, генерацыя кнопкі"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Структура табліц гатовая да выкарыстання."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Перахапляць дыялогі ў іншых аператараў"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Калі ласка, пачакайце трохі, да Вас далучыцца аператар.."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Дзякуй, што звязаліся з намі! Запоўніце, калі ласка, невялікую форму і націсніце \"Пачаць дыялог\"."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Дзякуй за Вашае пытанне, мы паспрабуем адказаць на яго як мага хутчэй."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "База, якую Вы выбралі, не існуе на серверы. Калі ў Вас ёсць правы
на яе стварэнне, яе можна стварыць цяпер."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Уведзеныя знакі не адпавядаюць малюнку."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "У гэтай чарзе наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць, няма"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Адрас ужо зарэгістраваны ў сістэме, націсніце тут, каб адрэдагаваць яго."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік змяніў імя {0} на {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Наведвальнік змешчаны ў прывілеяваную чаргу групы {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Наведвальнік змешчаны ў прывілеяваную чаргу аператара {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік пераведзены да іншага аператару"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Парайце мне, калі ласка, добры браўзэр?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Пад гэтым імем Вас убачаць Вашыя наведвальнікі, па ім жа да
Вас будзе звяртацца сістэма."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна прагледзець спіс аператараў кампаніі і дадаць новага пры наяўнасці адпаведных правоў доступу."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы вы можаце кіраваць групамі аператараў. Кожная група можа мець асобную кнопку пачатку чата і свае шаблоны адказаў."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна прагледзець спіс тых наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць адказу."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "На дадзенай старонцы Вы можаце прагледзець дыялог."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Статыстыка па аператарах"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Да"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Па:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Час у дыялозе"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Загаловак у чат-акне"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Для адказу наведвальніку клікніце на адпаведнае імя ў спісе."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Сёння ў {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Агульны час"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Разам:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Тэкст перакладу"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Лакалізацыя"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "Не можаце ўвайсці?"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Магчымасць прыбраць поле змены імя з чат-акна"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "Спасылка на Ваш вэб-сайт"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Абнавіць"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Абнаўленні"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Загрузіць аватарку"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Загрузка фатаграфіі"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Перавышаны дапушчальны памер файла"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Выкарыстанне месэнджара па днях"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Дазваляе аб'ядноўваць аператараў у групы і арганізоўваць для іх асобныя чэргі."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Выкарыстоўваць абароненае злучэнне (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Пошук па імі наведвальніка ці па тэксце паведамлення:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "З яе дапамогай можна блакаваць напады з вызначаных адрасоў"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Акно прагляду чата (для аператара)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Выбярыце аператараў, якія будуць складаць гэту групу."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Праглядаць дыялогі іншых аператараў у рэжыме рэальнага часу"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Гісторыя дыялогаў"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "З наведвальнікам {0} ужо гутарыць {1}.
Вы ўпэўнены што жадаеце змяніць яго?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік зачыніў акно дыялогу"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік нанова ўвайшоў у дыялог"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік перайшоў на {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік {0} пакінуў дыялог"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Адрас наведвальніка"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Адрас наведвальніка"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Адлюстроўванае імя наведвальніка"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Паведамленняў наведвальніка"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Наведвальнікі"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Наведвальнікі ў дыялогах"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Наведвальнік прыйшоў са старонкі {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Чакаюць аператара ў першы раз"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Чаканне аператара"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Час чакання"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Падключыцца да дыялогу ў рэжыме прагляду"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "Мы адправілі інструкцыі па змене пароля на Ваш паштовы адрас. Праверце Вашую паштовую скрыню!"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Памер акна і наяўнасць тулбараў"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Так, я ўпэўнены"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Учора ў {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Вы"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "Вы Афлайн.
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Вы гутарыце з:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Вы падлучаны да сервера MySQL версіі {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Вы не можаце змяняць профіль гэтага аператара."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Вы не абслугоўваеце гэтага наведвальніка."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Вы выкарыстоўваеце:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Вы {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы Вы можаце адрэдагаваць сваю персанальную інфармацыю."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Стварэнне новага аператара."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы можна прагледзець спіс наведвальнікаў, якія чакаюць адказу."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "На дадзенай старонцы Вы можаце ўбачыць усе дыялогі з Вашым наведвальнікам."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "На гэтай старонцы Вы можаце атрымаць HTML-код кнопкі \"Вэб Месэнджара\" для размяшчэння на сваім сайце."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Вы можаце ўвайсці ў сістэму як admin з пустым паролем.
!!! У мэтах бяспекі выдаліце, калі ласка, каталог {0} з Вашага сервера і памяняйце пароль."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Вы можаце загрузіць фатаграфію пашырэння JPG, GIF, PNG ці TIF."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Тут вы можаце паглядзець на стыль вашага сайта."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "З меркаванняў бяспекі мы не высылаем бягучы пароль, але Вы можаце замяніць яго на новы, скарыстаўшыся спасылкай з ліста."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Вы выбралі дату для пачатку справаздачы пасля даты канца"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Вы адкрылі гэтае акно для дыялогу з \"{0}\", таму поле Адрас ужо запоўнена. Абярыце колькасць дзён і націсніце Адправіць."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Дадзены малюнак наведвальнікі будуць бачыць у сваім чат-акне,
калі будуць гутарыць з Вамі. Націснуўшы на спасылку пад малюнкам,
Вы можаце выдаліць аватарку."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Лога кампаніі"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Ваш email"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Вашае паведамленне захаванае"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Вашае імя"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "У аператара ўзніклі праблемы з сувяззю, мы часова перавялі Вас у прыярытэтную чаргу. Прабачце за Вашае чаканне."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Вашая сесія састарэла, увайдзіце, калі ласка, ізноў"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Ваш пераклад захаваны."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Нажаль, для працы гэтай старонкі неабходзен навейшы браўзэр. Выкарыстоўвайце:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[спам] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "рэдагаваць"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "палі, абавязковыя для запаўнення"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "наступная"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "папярэдняя"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "выдаліць"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "без меню"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/bg/translation.po b/translations/bg/translation.po
index 1d26f9ff..f08074f4 100644
--- a/translations/bg/translation.po
+++ b/translations/bg/translation.po
@@ -1,938 +1,866 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Създаване, премахване на оператори. Управление на техните права и възможности."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Получаване на HTML-код за бутон \"Месинджър\"."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Вие можете да зададете опции които влияят на вида на чат прозореца и общото поведение на системата."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Функций, достъпни само за регистрирани оператори."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Вашата сесия е закрита, моля влезте отново"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Това приложение е за общуване с посетителите на Вашия сайт."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Месинджър"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Адресът вече е регистриран в системата, натиснете тук за да го редактирате."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Изтрий"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Влез"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Оставете съобщение"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Консултант на сайта"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "OFFLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Задайте въпрос"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Консултант на сайта"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Запази"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Търси"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "изтрий"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "редактирай"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Промени"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Добави съобщение.."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Създайте текстови съобщения, които често ще се използват в чата."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "За групи:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "За езика:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Шаблони за отговор"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Редактирайте съществуващо съобщение."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Записано"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Съобщение"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Възможно е съобщението вече да е изтрито"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Редактирайте шаблона"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Добавяне на нов шаблон за бърз оговор."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Нов шаблон"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(излязъл)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(достъпен)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Посетителят идва от страница {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Промяна на името"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вие сте"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[спам] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Посетителят е дошъл на {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Посетител"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Затвори..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Стана грешка:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Грешка"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Затвори..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Натеснете на този линк за да затворите прозореца"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Историята на Вашият разговор е изпратена на адрес {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Изпратено"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Назад..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Вие обслужвате този посетител."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Изберете:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Група:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Оператор:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Препрати
към друг оператор"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Затвори..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Натиснете на този линк за да затворите прозореца"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Посетителят е поставен в привилегированите на оператора {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Посетителят е поставен в привилегированите на групата {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Посетителят e пренасочен към друг оператор"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Оператор {0} сменен с оператор {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Операторът има проблеми с връзката, временно сте преместен към привилегированите. Извинете ни за Вашето чакане."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Оператор {0} се включи в разговора"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Оператор {0} излезе от разговора"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Оператор {0} Вие сте пренасочени към друг оператор, моля, изчакайте малко"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Оператор {0} се върна"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Посетителят смени име {0} на {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Посетителят затвори прозореца за разговори"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Посетител {0} излезе от разговора"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Посетителят отново влезе в разговора"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "В разговора"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Затворено"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Зареждане"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Опашката"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Очакване на оператор"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "За Посетител: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Благодаря ви за връзката с нас. Операторът ще се включи скоро..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Вие говорите с:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Затвори разговора"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Създадено от:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Изберете отговор..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Месинджър"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Изпрати съобщение"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Изпрати ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Месинджър"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Месинджър"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Изпрати историята на разговора на e-mail"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Препрати посетителя към друг оператор"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Обнови разговора"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "За отговор на посетителя кликнете на съответстващото име в списъка."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "На тази страница може да видите списък на очакващите отговор посетители."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "На този етап няма очакващи посетители"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Посетители в разговора"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Превилигеровани очакващи посетители"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Очакващи оператор за първи път"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Списък с очакващи посетители"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "задължителни полета"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Смяна на оператор"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "С посетителят {0} вече говори {1}.
Вие сигурни ли сте, че искате да го смените?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Не, затвори прозореца"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Да, сигурен съм"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Тук може да се защитите от спам и нелоялни посетители."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Търсене в история на разговорите."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Напускане на системата."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Смяна на записа"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Посъветайте ме, моля, за добър браузър?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Здравейте! С какво можем да Ви помогнем?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Въведените символи не съответстват на изображението."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Грешка при качването на файла \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Грешка при копирането на файла"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Превишен е допустимият размер на файла"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Поправете грешките:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Недопустим формат на файла"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Попълнете поле \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Неправилно попълнено поле \"{0}\"."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Функциите са активирани"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Например: или"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Адрес на посетителя"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Под това име ще Ви видят посетители от други страни."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Интернационално имe (латиницa)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Под това име ще Ви видят вашите посетители."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Имe"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Изображение на Вашия аватар."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Изображение на текущия аватар"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Изберете файл за качване.
Размера на картинката не трябва да надвишава 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Качване на аватар"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Причина за забраната"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Коментари"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Брой дни,
за които адресът ще бъде забранен"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Дни"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вашият email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Описание на Английски."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Интернационално описание"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Име на Английски."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Интернационално име"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Описание за групи."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Описание"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Име за определяне на група."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Име на групата"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Логин може да се състои от малки латински букви и подчертавания."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Логин"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Връщане за уведомленията и паролата."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Съобщение"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вашето име"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Въведете нова парола или оставете полето празно, за да остане старата."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Парола"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Потвърдeте новата парола."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Потвърждаване"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Текст на превода"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Невъзможно е да се изпълни:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Вие сте свързани към сървър MySQL версия {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Създаване на база данни \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Базата данни \"{0}\" е създадена."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Базата данни, която сте избрали не съществува на сървъра.
Ако имате права може да я създадете сега."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Създаване на необходимите таблици."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Необходимите таблици са създадени."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Обнови таблиците"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Структурата на таблиците е готова за използване."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Структурите на таблиците трябва да бъдат адаптирани за новата версия на Mесинджъра."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Не може да се свържете, моля, проверете настройките на сървъра в config.php. Грешка: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Изпълнено:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Поправете проблема и опитайте отново. Натиснете обратно за да се върнете към съветника."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Проблем"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Невъзможно е да се актуализира структурата на таблиците. Опитайте се да го направите ръчно или пресъздаде всички таблици (Внимание: всички данни ще бъдат загубени)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Изтрий съществуващите таблици от база данни"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Лицензионно споразумение за програмата"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Следвайте съветника за настройка на Вашата база данни."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Следваща стъпка:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Инсталация"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Моля, стартирайте обновяванеза да настроите базата данни."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Влез в системата"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Инсталацията е завършена успешно."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Можете да влизане като администратор с празна парола.
!!! От съображения за сигурност, моля, променете паролата си незабавно и премахнете {0} папката от Вашия сървър."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Изберете Вашия език"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Затвори"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "За съжаление, нито един оператор не е наличен в момента. Моля опитайте по-късно или задайте Вашия въпрос в тази форма."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Изпрати"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Благодарим Ви, че използвате нашата услуга. Ние ще ви отговорим по пощата възможно най-скоро."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Вашето съобщение е изпратено"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Оставете Вашето съобщение"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Оператори"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Код на бутона"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Настройки"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Лиценз"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Затвори..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Въведете Вашия E-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Изпрати"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Изпрати историята на разговора
на email"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Списък с оператори"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Блокирани посетители"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Шаблони за отговор"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Асоциация на операторите на базата на отдели или области на познанието."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Групи"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Избери език."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Език"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Начало"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Вие сте {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "На тази страница можете да редактирате Вашата персонална информация."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Профил"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Локализация"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Провери за наличие на обновления."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Обновления"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Въведените пароли трябва да съвпадат"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Исканият отчет не съществува"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<без описание>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Групи в които е оператора."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Групи"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Браузър"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Група"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Адрес на посетителя"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Съобщения на посетителя"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Име"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Оператор"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Време на разговора"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "На тази страница можете да изтриете всички разговори с Вашите посетители."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "История на разговора"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Затвори..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вашият уеб браузър не се поддържа напълно от Messenger Mibew.\nМоля, използвайте един от следните уеб браузъри:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Моля, използвайте по-нов браузър"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Код за групата"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Избор на картинка"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "За какъв език да се създаде бутон"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Стил на чат-прозореца"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Внимание! При направа
на каквито и да е изменения
в този код ние не гарантираме,
че ще работи правилно!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML-код"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-всички оператори-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Включи името на сайта в кода"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "На тази страница можете да получите HTML-код за бутона, който да поставите във Вашия сайт."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Съвместимост с mod_security (, включете само ако имате проблеми с него"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Пример"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Използвайте защитени връзки (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Получаване на HTML-код за бутона"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Тук можете да създадете нова група."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Моля изберете ново име. Група с такова име вече има."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Тук можете да редактирате информацията за групата."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Оператори"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Такава група не съществува"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Информация за групата"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Изберете оператори, които ще направят тази група."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Потребители"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете група \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "На тази страница можете да управлявате групите с оператори. Всяка група може да има отделен бутон за започване на разговор, и шаблони за отговор."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Навън"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Достъпна"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Добави нова група..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Групи"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Чат прозорец (от страна на опиратора)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Преглед на чат прозореца (за оператора в режим за четене)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Обикновено чат прозореца, позволява да публикувате съобщения(IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Изберете стил"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Изберете шаблон"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Грешка"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "От тук можете да видите списъка с теми, които в момента са инсталирани."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Оставете съобщение в прозореца"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Съобщение е доставено\" в прозореца"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Mail thread window"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"Писмото е изпратено\" window"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Списък на поддържаните браузъри"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Пренасочване на посетител към друг оператор"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"Посетителя е пренасочен\" window"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Показване на грешките"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-от общите настройки-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Предварително проучване"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Стил на месенджъра"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Чат прозорец (за посетителя)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Ако не Ви харесва превода, моля изпратете ни актуален."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Вашия превод е запазен."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Въведете Ваш вариант на перевода."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Локализация"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Вие не можете да промените профила на този оператор."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Изтриване на аватара"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Създаване на нов оператор."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Моля изберете друг логин, тъй като оператор с такъв логин вече е регистриран в системата."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Логин трябва да съдържа само латински символи, цифри и подчертано."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Редактиране на общите настройки на оператора."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Фотография"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Групи"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Общи"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Възможности"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Информация за оператор"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Име"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Пълен списък с операторите:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете оператор \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Тази страница показва списък на операторите на компании."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Излязъл"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Достъпен"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Логин"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Добави оператор..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Последен път"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Оператори"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Търсене по потребителско име или текстово съобщение:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "История на разговорите"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Можете да качите ваша снимка само в JPG, GIF, PNG или TIF формат."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Качване на снимка"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Тук можете да блокирате злонамерени посетители, които пречат на работата със спам съобщения."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Адрес {0} се блокира за определен брой дни."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Отворихте този прозорец за \"{0}\", поле Адрес вече е запълнено. Изберете броя на дните и натиснете Изпрати."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Ограничаване на адрес"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Добави адрес"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете адрес {0} от блокираните в списъка?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Списък с блокирани адреси:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Блокирани"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "До"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "На тази страница можете да видите списък на посетителите, които очакват оговор."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Общи"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Потребители"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Въвели сте неправилно име или парола"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Моля, въведете Вашето потребителско име и парола за достъп до административните инструменти, вижте Вашите посетители и разгледайте историята."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Логин:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Паролa:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Запомни"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Вход в системата"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Търсене по историята на разговорите на определен потребител или определена фраза в съобщението."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Посочете опции, засягащи чат прозореца и общото поведение на системата."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Допълнителни опции по желание"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Общи"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Изпълнение"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Преглед на стиловете"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Скрий менюто >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Покажи менюто >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Нов посетител очакващ оговор."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Статус \"Излязъл\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Статус \"Достъпен\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Бан на посетител"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Адрес на посетителя"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Разни"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Име"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Оператор"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Състояние"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Общо време"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Време на чакане"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Кликнете за разговор с посетител"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Включете се в разговора в режим преглед"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Система за управление: настройки, управление на оператори, генериране на бутон"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Възможност за промяна на профила"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Прехващане на разговори от други оператори"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Преглед на разговори от други оператори в реално време"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Промяна на ограничения и наличните функции за този оператор."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Разрешения"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Изберете отдел:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Благодарим, че се свързахте с нас! За да ви служи по-добре, моля попълнете формуляра по-долу и кликнете върху бутона Започни разговор."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вашето име:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Вашият въпрос:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Започни разговор"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Уеб месенджър"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Дата"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Разговори"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Съобщения от операторите"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Съобщения от посетители"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Статистически данни на потреблението за всяка дата"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Оператор"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Разговори"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Съобщения"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Средна дължина на съобщението (в символи)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Статистика на оператор"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Няма достатъчно данни"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Общо:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "Паролата е променена!"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "Влез с новата си парола."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "Моля изберете парола за Вашия профил в Mibew акаунта."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "Влезте"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "Промяна"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Промяна на паролата в Mibew"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "Обратно към вход"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Login или E-mail:"
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "Забравили сте паролата?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Управление"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Посетители"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Други"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Например, име на Вашата компанията."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Заглавие в чат прозореца"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Преглед на всички страници и на всеки стилтук"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Изберете вида на Вашия чат прозорец"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Въведете името на Вашата фирма"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Име на фирмата"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Въведете email, за да получавате системни съобщения"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Чрез нея можете да блокирате атаки от определени IP адреси"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Включване на функцията \"Нежелани посетители\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Позволява обединяването на оператори в групи и организирането им в определен ред."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Включване на функцията \"Групи\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Предлага на потребителите да попълнят специален формуляр преди започване на разговор."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Включи \"Предварително проучване\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Моля, обърнете внимание, че вашия уеб сървър трябва да бъде конфигуриран https."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Разрешава сигурни връзки (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Добавя страница с отчети за използването на месенджъра."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Включи функцията \"Статистика\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Покажи разговори само с https връзка"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Вкарва всички разговори в защитен режим"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Посочете честотата на интервал в секунди. По подразбиране е 2 секунди."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Периодично обновяване на съобщенията в чата"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "За по-старите браузъри трябва да се обнови цялата страница, за да видите съобщенията. По подразбиране е 7 секунди."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Време за обновяване на разговора за по-старите браузъри"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Посочва се честотата на избирателните секции на сървъра за секунди. По подразбиране e 2 секунди."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "Време за обновяване на операторската конзола"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "На всеки IP адрес може да се овори малък прозорец с геоинформация. Може да се използва {ip}."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Връзка към външни Geolocation услуги"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Размерът на прозореца и ленти с инструменти"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Опции за прозореза с геоинформация"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ще се отваря когато натисните на логото или името на фирмата в чат прозореца"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Линк към Вашия сайт"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Защита от автоматизиран спам (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Разрешава пускането на съобщение само след въвеждането на кода от картинката"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Въведете http адрес на вашето фирмено лого"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Лого на фирмата"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Моля въведете името на Вашата фирма"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 позволява произволен брой връзки"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Максимален брои разговори с един адрес"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Задайте брой секунди за показване, че оператора е онлайн. По подразбиране е 30 секунди."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Интервал от време за достъп на оператора"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Позволява привличане на вниманието, ако звуковите и визуални сигнали не са достатъчни."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Показва разговора при появата на изчакващи посетители."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Промените са запазени"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Изпращане на съобщения с:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Покажи/скрий избора на групи в прозореца преди началото на разговора"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Разрешаване на посетителя да избере група с оператори"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Покажи/скрий полето за въвеждане на email"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Искане за e-mail адрес"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Покажи/скрий полето за въвеждане на първия въпрос"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Покажи първоначално полето за задаване на въпрос"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Настройка на месинджъра"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Изключване на полето за смяна на имената от чат прозореца"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Разрешаване на посетителя да сменя имената"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Посочете как да се вижда посетителя за оператора, чрез {name}, {id} или {addr}. По подразбиране: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Покажи името на посетителя"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Въведете правилно email адреса"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "Полето \"Максимално количество разговори\" трябва да бъде число"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Изберете дати"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "От тази страница можете да генерирате различни отчети за посетителите и използването на месинджъра."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "От:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "До:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Статистика"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Вие сте избрали за начало дата, която е след дата край"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Страница {0} от {1}, показани {2}-{3} от {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "следваща"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Няма елементи за показване"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Нищо не е намерено"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "предишна"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Към търсене"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Чат Вход"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Тази страница показва чат информация и съдържание."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Никога"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Днес в {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Вчера в {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Операторско меню"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Изход"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Начало"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "без меню"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Посетители"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Посока:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"Съобщение е доставено\" в прозореца"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"Посетителя е пренасочен\" window"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<без описание>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(излязъл)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(достъпен)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-всички оператори-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-от общите настройки-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 позволява произволен брой връзки"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Инсталацията е завършена успешно."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Внимание! При направа
на каквито и да е изменения
в този код ние не гарантираме,
че ще работи правилно!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Историята на Вашият разговор е изпратена на адрес {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Нов посетител очакващ оговор."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Преглед на всички страници и на всеки стилтук"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Възможност за промяна на профила"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Добави адрес"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Добави съобщение.."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Добавяне на нов шаблон за бърз оговор."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Добави оператор..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Адрес {0} се блокира за определен брой дни."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Добавя страница с отчети за използването на месенджъра."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Управление"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Всички линии"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Линии за администратора"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Линии за оператора"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Линии за посетителя"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Покажи:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Ключов идентификатор"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "По линия от първия език"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Сортиране:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Вашия събеседник набира текст..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Вие използвате:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Разрешава сигурни връзки (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Разрешаване на посетителя да избере група с оператори"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Разрешаване на посетителя да сменя имената"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете адрес {0} от блокираните в списъка?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете оператор \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете група \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Искане за e-mail адрес"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Задайте въпрос"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Средна дължина на съобщението (в символи)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Излязъл"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "Обратно към вход"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Назад..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Блокирани"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Бан на посетител"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Ограничаване на адрес"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Блокирани посетители"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Браузър"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Получаване на HTML-код за бутона"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Получаване на HTML-код за бутон \"Месинджър\"."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Код на бутона"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Шаблони за отговор"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Невъзможно е да се изпълни:"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "Промяна"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Избери език."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Промяна на името"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Смяна на оператор"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Промяна на ограничения и наличните функции за този оператор."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Промяна на паролата в Mibew"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Промените са запазени"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Разговори"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "История на разговорите"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Чат Вход"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Периодично обновяване на съобщенията в чата"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Преглед на стиловете"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Разговори"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Чат прозорец (от страна на опиратора)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Чат прозорец (за посетителя)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Стил на чат-прозореца"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Провери за наличие на обновления."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Изберете отдел:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Групи в които е оператора."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Избор на картинка"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Изберете стил"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Изберете шаблон"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Изберете файл за качване.
Размера на картинката не трябва да надвишава 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Изберете Вашия език"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Изберете:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Натеснете на този линк за да затворите прозореца"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Кликнете за разговор с посетител"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Натиснете на този линк за да затворите прозореца"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Затвори"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Затвори разговора"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Затвори..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Затворено"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Код за групата"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "За какъв език да се създаде бутон"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Коментари"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Име на фирмата"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "Съвместимост с mod_security (, включете само ако имате проблеми с него"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Изпълнено:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Потвърдeте новата парола."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Потвърждаване"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Поправете грешките:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Не може да се свържете, моля, проверете настройките на сървъра в config.php. Грешка: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Създаване на база данни \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Добави нова група..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Тук можете да създадете нова група."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Създаване, премахване на оператори. Управление на техните права и възможности."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Създаване на необходимите таблици."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Изображение на текущия аватар"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Базата данни \"{0}\" е създадена."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Дата"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Дни"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Изтрий"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Асоциация на операторите на базата на отдели или области на познанието."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Описание"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Описание на Английски."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Описание за групи."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Ще се отваря когато натисните на логото или името на фирмата в чат прозореца"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Посока:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Изтрий съществуващите таблици от база данни"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "На всеки IP адрес може да се овори малък прозорец с геоинформация. Може да се използва {ip}."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Редактирайте шаблона"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Редактирайте съществуващо съобщение."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Редактиране на общите настройки на оператора."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Създайте текстови съобщения, които често ще се използват в чата."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "E-mail:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Включване на функцията \"Групи\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Показва разговора при появата на изчакващи посетители."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Включи \"Предварително проучване\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Включи функцията \"Статистика\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Включване на функцията \"Нежелани посетители\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Влез"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Въведете нова парола или оставете полето празно, за да остане старата."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Въведете правилно email адреса"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Въведете email, за да получавате системни съобщения"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Въведете http адрес на вашето фирмено лого"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Въведете името на Вашата фирма"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Въведете Вашия E-mail:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Въведете Ваш вариант на перевода."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Въвели сте неправилно име или парола"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Въведените пароли трябва да съвпадат"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Среда:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Грешка"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Грешка при копирането на файла"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Стана грешка:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Грешка при качването на файла \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Грешка"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Например: или"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Пример"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Изход"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Функциите са активирани"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Следвайте съветника за настройка на Вашата база данни."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "За групи:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "За езика:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Връщане за уведомленията и паролата."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Вкарва всички разговори в защитен режим"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Разрешава пускането на съобщение само след въвеждането на кода от картинката"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Предлага на потребителите да попълнят специален формуляр преди започване на разговор."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Забравили сте паролата?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Нищо не е намерено"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "От тази страница можете да генерирате различни отчети за посетителите и използването на месинджъра."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "От:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Пълен списък с операторите:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Функций, достъпни само за регистрирани оператори."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Общи"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Опции за прозореза с геоинформация"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Към търсене"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Група"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Информация за групата"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Група:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Групи"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Посетител"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML-код"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Здравейте! С какво можем да Ви помогнем?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Тук можете да блокирате злонамерени посетители, които пречат на работата със спам съобщения."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Тук може да се защитите от спам и нелоялни посетители."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Скрий менюто >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Начало"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Посочете как да се вижда посетителя за оператора, чрез {name}, {id} или {addr}. По подразбиране: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Ако не Ви харесва превода, моля изпратете ни актуален."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Невъзможно е да се актуализира структурата на таблиците. Опитайте се да го направите ръчно или пресъздаде всички таблици (Внимание: всички данни ще бъдат загубени)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "В разговора"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "Опашката"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Включи името на сайта в кода"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "За Посетител: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Вашият въпрос:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Инсталация"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Инсталирани езикови пакети:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Новости за последната версия."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Интернационално описание"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Интернационално име"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Интернационално имe (латиницa)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Недопустим формат на файла"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Ключов идентификатор"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Език"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Последен път"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Последна версия:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Оставете съобщение в прозореца"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Оставете Вашето съобщение"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Лиценз"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Връзка към външни Geolocation услуги"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Списък с блокирани адреси:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Списък на поддържаните браузъри"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Списък с очакващи посетители"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Уеб месенджър"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Зареждане"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Локализация"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Напускане на системата."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Вход в системата"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Логин може да се състои от малки латински букви и подчертавания."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "Login или E-mail:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Логин трябва да съдържа само латински символи, цифри и подчертано."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "Влез с новата си парола."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Логин:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Mail thread window"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Посетители"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Максимален брои разговори с един адрес"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Потребители"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Съобщение"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Съобщения"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Съобщения от операторите"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Съобщения от посетители"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Настройка на месинджъра"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Новости за последната версия."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Месинджър"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Месинджър"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Това приложение е за общуване с посетителите на Вашия сайт."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Разни"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Промени"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Име"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Име на Английски."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Например, име на Вашата компанията."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Име за определяне на група."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Вашето име:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Никога"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Нов шаблон"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Новини:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Следваща стъпка:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Няма елементи за показване"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Исканият отчет не съществува"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Такава група не съществува"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Възможно е съобщението вече да е изтрито"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Не, затвори прозореца"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Няма достатъчно данни"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Брой дни,
за които адресът ще бъде забранен"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "OFFLINE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ONLINE"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "За по-старите браузъри трябва да се обнови цялата страница, за да видите съобщенията. По подразбиране е 7 секунди."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Тук можете да редактирате информацията за групата."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Достъпен"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Оператор"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Оператор {0} сменен с оператор {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Информация за оператор"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Групи"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Интервал от време за достъп на оператора"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Оператор {0} се върна"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Оператор {0} се включи в разговора"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Оператор {0} излезе от разговора"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Оператор {0} Вие сте пренасочени към друг оператор, моля, изчакайте малко"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "Време за обновяване на операторската конзола"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Оператор:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Оператори"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Списък с оператори"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Допълнителни опции по желание"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Други"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Време за обновяване на разговора за по-старите браузъри"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Страница {0} от {1}, показани {2}-{3} от {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Парола"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Паролa:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Изпълнение"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Разрешения"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Фотография"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "Моля изберете парола за Вашия профил в Mibew акаунта."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Моля изберете друг логин, тъй като оператор с такъв логин вече е регистриран в системата."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Моля изберете ново име. Група с такова име вече има."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Моля въведете името на Вашата фирма"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Моля, въведете Вашето потребителско име и парола за достъп до административните инструменти, вижте Вашите посетители и разгледайте историята."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Неправилно попълнено поле \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Попълнете поле \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Моля, обърнете внимание, че вашия уеб сървър трябва да бъде конфигуриран https."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Моля, стартирайте обновяванеза да настроите базата данни."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Моля, използвайте по-нов браузър"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Създадено от:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Предварително проучване"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Превилигеровани очакващи посетители"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Проблем"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "Влезте"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Влез в системата"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Профил"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Защита от автоматизиран спам (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Причина за забраната"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Препрати
към друг оператор"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Препрати посетителя към друг оператор"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Пренасочване на посетител към друг оператор"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Обнови разговора"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Запомни"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Вашия събеседник набира текст..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Изтриване на аватара"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Необходимите таблици са създадени."
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Поправете проблема и опитайте отново. Натиснете обратно за да се върнете към съветника."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Запази"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Записано"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Търси"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Търсене по историята на разговорите на определен потребител или определена фраза в съобщението."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Търсене в история на разговорите."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Изберете вида на Вашия чат прозорец"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Изберете отговор..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Изберете дати"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Изпрати"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Изпрати ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Изпрати историята на разговора на e-mail"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Изпрати историята на разговора
на email"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Изпрати съобщение"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Изпращане на съобщения с:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Изпратено"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Статус \"Достъпен\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Статус \"Излязъл\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Задайте брой секунди за показване, че оператора е онлайн. По подразбиране е 30 секунди."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Настройки"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Покажи разговори само с https връзка"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Показване на грешките"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Покажи първоначално полето за задаване на въпрос"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Покажи менюто >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Покажи/скрий избора на групи в прозореца преди началото на разговора"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Покажи/скрий полето за въвеждане на email"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Покажи/скрий полето за въвеждане на първия въпрос"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Покажи:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Обикновено чат прозореца, позволява да публикувате съобщения(IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Консултант на сайта"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Стил на месенджъра"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Позволява привличане на вниманието, ако звуковите и визуални сигнали не са достатъчни."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Лицензионно споразумение за програмата"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "За съжаление, нито един оператор не е наличен в момента. Моля опитайте по-късно или задайте Вашия въпрос в тази форма."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Сортиране:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "По линия от първия език"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Посочете опции, засягащи чат прозореца и общото поведение на системата."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Посочва се честотата на избирателните секции на сървъра за секунди. По подразбиране e 2 секунди."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Започни разговор"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Състояние"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Статистика"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Линии за администратора"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Линии за оператора"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Линии за посетителя"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Структурите на таблиците трябва да бъдат адаптирани за новата версия на Mесинджъра."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Изпрати"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Система за управление: настройки, управление на оператори, генериране на бутон"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Структурата на таблиците е готова за използване."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Прехващане на разговори от други оператори"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Благодаря ви за връзката с нас. Операторът ще се включи скоро..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Благодарим, че се свързахте с нас! За да ви служи по-добре, моля попълнете формуляра по-долу и кликнете върху бутона Започни разговор."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Благодарим Ви, че използвате нашата услуга. Ние ще ви отговорим по пощата възможно най-скоро."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Базата данни, която сте избрали не съществува на сървъра.
Ако имате права може да я създадете сега."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Въведените символи не съответстват на изображението."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "На този етап няма очакващи посетители"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Адресът вече е регистриран в системата, натиснете тук за да го редактирате."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Посетителят смени име {0} на {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Посетителят е поставен в привилегированите на групата {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Посетителят е поставен в привилегированите на оператора {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Посетителят e пренасочен към друг оператор"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Посъветайте ме, моля, за добър браузър?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Под това име ще Ви видят вашите посетители."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Тази страница показва списък на операторите на компании."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "На тази страница можете да управлявате групите с оператори. Всяка група може да има отделен бутон за започване на разговор, и шаблони за отговор."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "На тази страница може да видите списък на очакващите отговор посетители."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Тази страница показва чат информация и съдържание."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Статистика на оператор"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "До"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "До:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Време на разговора"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Заглавие в чат прозореца"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "За отговор на посетителя кликнете на съответстващото име в списъка."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Днес в {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Общо време"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Общо:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Текст на превода"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Локализация"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Изключване на полето за смяна на имената от чат прозореца"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "Линк към Вашия сайт"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Обнови таблиците"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Обновления"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Качване на аватар"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Качване на снимка"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Превишен е допустимият размер на файла"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Статистически данни на потреблението за всяка дата"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Позволява обединяването на оператори в групи и организирането им в определен ред."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Използвайте защитени връзки (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Търсене по потребителско име или текстово съобщение:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Чрез нея можете да блокирате атаки от определени IP адреси"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Преглед на чат прозореца (за оператора в режим за четене)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Изберете оператори, които ще направят тази група."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Преглед на разговори от други оператори в реално време"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "История на разговора"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "С посетителят {0} вече говори {1}.
Вие сигурни ли сте, че искате да го смените?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Посетителят затвори прозореца за разговори"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Посетителят отново влезе в разговора"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Посетителят е дошъл на {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Посетител {0} излезе от разговора"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Адрес на посетителя"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Адрес на посетителя"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Покажи името на посетителя"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Съобщения на посетителя"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Посетители"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Посетители в разговора"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Посетителят идва от страница {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Очакващи оператор за първи път"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Очакване на оператор"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Време на чакане"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Включете се в разговора в режим преглед"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Размерът на прозореца и ленти с инструменти"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Да, сигурен съм"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Вчера в {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Вие сте"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Вие говорите с:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Вие сте свързани към сървър MySQL версия {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Вие не можете да промените профила на този оператор."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Вие обслужвате този посетител."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Вие използвате:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Вие сте {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "На тази страница можете да редактирате Вашата персонална информация."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Създаване на нов оператор."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "На тази страница можете да видите списък на посетителите, които очакват оговор."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "На тази страница можете да изтриете всички разговори с Вашите посетители."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "На тази страница можете да получите HTML-код за бутона, който да поставите във Вашия сайт."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Можете да влизане като администратор с празна парола.
!!! От съображения за сигурност, моля, променете паролата си незабавно и премахнете {0} папката от Вашия сървър."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Можете да качите ваша снимка само в JPG, GIF, PNG или TIF формат."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "От тук можете да видите списъка с теми, които в момента са инсталирани."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Вие сте избрали за начало дата, която е след дата край"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Отворихте този прозорец за \"{0}\", поле Адрес вече е запълнено. Изберете броя на дните и натиснете Изпрати."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Изображение на Вашия аватар."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Лого на фирмата"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Вашият email"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Вашето съобщение е изпратено"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Вашето име"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Операторът има проблеми с връзката, временно сте преместен към привилегированите. Извинете ни за Вашето чакане."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "Паролата е променена!"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Вашата сесия е закрита, моля влезте отново"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Вашия превод е запазен."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Вашият уеб браузър не се поддържа напълно от Messenger Mibew.\nМоля, използвайте един от следните уеб браузъри:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[спам] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "редактирай"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "задължителни полета"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "следваща"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "предишна"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "изтрий"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "без меню"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/ca/translation.po b/translations/ca/translation.po
index 78cb0db8..4c6964b7 100644
--- a/translations/ca/translation.po
+++ b/translations/ca/translation.po
@@ -1,842 +1,776 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Crear, eliminar agents. Edita permisos."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Genera codi botó HTML."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Especifiqueu les opcions que afecten a la finestra de la xerrada i al comportament de sistema comú."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funcions disponibles només per a usuaris administradors."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "La vostra sessió ha expirat si us plau accedeix de nou"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger és una aplicació de codi obert per al suport en línia."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Adreça {0} està en el sistema, clic aquí per editar."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Entrar"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Deixa el teu missatge"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ajuda en viu"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "FORA DE LÍNIA"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Deixa el teu missatge"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ajuda en viu"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "EN LÍNIA"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Desa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cerca"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "eliminar"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "edita"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Modificar"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Afegeix missatge ..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Edita missatges que sovint utilitzes en el Xat."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Per als grups:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Per l'idioma:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Possibles missatges"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Editar un missatge existent."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Desa"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Missatge"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "No existeix el missatge"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Edita Missatge"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Afegeix un nou missatge."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Nous Missatges"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(en línia)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "visitants va ser redireccionat de la pàgina {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Canviar nom"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "El seu nom:"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Visitant"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Tanca ..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Error"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Tanca ..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Fes clic sobre aquest enllaç per tancar la finestra"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "La seva conversa va ser enviada a l'adreça {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Enviat"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Tornar ..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "No estàs conversant amb cap visitant."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Selecciona:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grup:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operador:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "redireccionar a
un altre operador"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Tanca ..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Click per tancar la finestra"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Visitant en espera prioritària per l'operador {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Visitant redirigit a un altre operador"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operador {0} canviat {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "L'Operador té problemes de connexió, està vostè temporalment en espera. Ho sentim per la demora."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operador {0} Entrant a la conversa"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operador {0} ha sortit de la conversa"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Operador {0} el redirecciona a un altre operador, si us plau esperi un moment"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operador {0} de tornada"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Visitant canviar el seu nom {0} per {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Visitant tancant finestra de conversa"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Visitant {0} va sortir de la conversa"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Visitant connectat a la conversa novament"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "En conversa"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Tancat"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Carregant"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "En espera"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "A l'espera d'un operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Correu electrònic: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Informació: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Gràcies per posar-se en contacte amb nosaltres. L'operador estarà amb vostè en breu ..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Està conversant amb:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Tanca conversa"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Tria resposta ..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Envia Missatge"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Envia ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Envia conversa per email"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Redireccionar visitant a un altre operador"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Refrescar"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Per respondre als visitants fer clic al seu nom a la llista."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Aquesta pàgina presenta la llista de visitants en espera."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Llista de visitant en espera buida"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visitant dialogant"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Visitant amb prioritat per a atenció"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Esperant operador per primera vegada"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Llista de visitants en espera"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "camps obligatoris"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Comunitat"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Canviar operador"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Visitant {0} és actualment servit per {1}.
Està vostè segur que vol iniciar conversa amb els visitants?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "No, tanqui la finestra"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Sí, Estic segur"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Aquí es pot defensar de visitant maliciosos."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Cerca Històric de conversa."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Sortida del sistema."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Canvis guardats"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hi ha tants navegadors per triar. Quin recomanes?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hola, En què puc ajudar-lo?"
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Error en carregar el fitxer \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Error al moure l'arxiu"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Ha excedit la mida de fitxer per pujar"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Corregir els errors:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Tipus de fitxer vàlid"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Si us plau ompli \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Si us plau ompli \"{0}\" correctament."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Característiques activades"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Ex: or"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Adreça de visitants"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Aquest nom serà vist per la visitants."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Nom internacional (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Aquest nom serà vist pels usuaris del seu lloc."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "La seva imatge avatar."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Imatge avatar actual"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Trieu l'arxiu a pujar.
La mida de la imatge no ha d'excedir 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Pujar avatar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Raó del bloqueig"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Comentaris"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Quants dies voleu ignorar aquesta direcció?"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Dies"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "El seu email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Descripció en anglès."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Descripció Internacional"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Nom en anglès."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Nom Internacional"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Descripció de el grup."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Descripció"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Nom per identificar el grup."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Usuari pot contenir petites lletres llatines
i subratllats"
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Usuari"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Missatge"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "El seu nom"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Escriviu la nova contrasenya o deixi el
camp buit per a accedir."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Contrasenya"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Confirma la contrasenya."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmació"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Traducció"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "No es pot executar:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Està connectat a MySQL server versió {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Crear base de dades \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Base de dades \"{0}\" creada."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Base de dades inexistent al servidor. si té permisos de creació
d'un clic sobre el següent enllaç."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Crear les taules requerides."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Taules requerides creades."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Actualitzar taules"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Estructura de taules actualitzades."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Estructura de taules ajustades per a la nova versió de Mibew Messenger."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "No hi ha connexió, si us plau verifiqueu la configuració del servidor en config.php. Error: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Completada:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Resoleu el problema i proveu de nou. Premeu back per tornar a l'ajuda."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Problema"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Impossible actualitzar l'estructura de dades. Intenteu-ho manualment o reconstrueix cada taula (compte: totes les dades seran esborrades)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Elimineu les taules existents de la base de dades"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Software license agreement"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Seguiu els passos de l'assistent per configurar la seva base de dades."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pròxim pas:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Instal.lació"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Si us plau, executa l'Assistent d'Actualització per ajustar la teva base de dades."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Procediu a la pàgina d'accés"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Aplicació instal.lada amb èxit."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Podeu accedir com a admin amb contrasenya buida.
!!! Per seguretat, si us plau canvieu la contrasenya immediatament i elimineu el directori {0} del seu servidor."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Selecciona l'idioma"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Tanca"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Ho sentim, en aquests moments no hi ha operador disponible. Si us plau, torneu a provar-ho més tard o envieu la vostra pregunta amb aquesta forma."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Envia"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Gràcies per utilitzar el nostre servei. Tot seguit rebràs una resposta al teu correu."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "El teu missatge ha estat enviat"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Deixi el teu missatge"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Agents"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Codi del botó"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Configuracions"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Tanca ..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Escrigui el seu e-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Envia"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Envia l'historial de conversa
per email"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Llista d'agents"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Visitants bloquejats"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Possibles missatges"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Departament o habilitat obtinguda a partir de grups d'operadors."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Grups"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Canviar regió."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Idioma"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Menú principal"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Tu ets {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Tu pots canviar la teva informació personal en aquesta pàgina."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Perfil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Regió"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Comprovar actualitzacions."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Actualitzacions"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "La contrasenya ingressada no coincideix"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "No es troba operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<sense descripción>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Selecciona els grups amb base a les habilitats de l'operador."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grup d'operadors"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cercador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grup"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Direcció del visitant"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Missatge del Visitant"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Temps en conversa"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Podeu trobar l'històric de converses dels teus visitants aquí."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Històric de visites"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tanca ..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "El seu explorador web no està suportat per Mibew Messenger.\nSi us plau, utilitzi alguns d'aquests exploradors:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Si us plau, utilitzeu un altre navegador"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Codi de grup"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Escolliu imatge"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Target locale"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Estil de la finestra del Xat"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Cura Si us plau no canviï
el codi manualment perquè
no es garanteix
seu correcte funcionament!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "Codi HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "- tots els operadors -"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Inclou el nom del domini en el codi"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Podeu generar el codi HTML per inserir-lo al vostre lloc."
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Exemple"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Usa enllaç segur (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Genera codi botó HTML"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Aquí pots crear un nou grup."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Per favor selecciona un altre nom, degut a que ja hi ha un el nom ingressat."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "En aquesta pàgina podràs editar els detalls de grup."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operadors"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "No existeix el grup"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Detalls de Grup"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Veure i editar llista de membres."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Membres"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Aquesta pàgina desplega una llista de grups de la teva companyia. Cada grup pot tenir per separat un botó i possibles respostes."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Crea un nou grup ..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grups"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Finestra de XAT (mode-operador)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Veure finestra de Xat (operador amb permisos de lectura)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Simple finestra de xat, enviar missatges d'actualització (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Tria estil"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Tria plantilla"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Podeu obtenir una vista prèvia d'estils del seu lloc."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Deixar missatge finestra"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Missatge lliurat\" finestra"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Finestra de correu electrònic"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"El correu és enviat\" finestra"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Llista de navegadors compatibles amb la finestra"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "redirigeix visitant a una altra finestra d'operador"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"El Visitant és redireccionat\" finestra"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Mostra els errors"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "- de configuració general -"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Estil del lloc"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Finestra de XAT (mode-usuari)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Si no us agrada la traducció, si us plau els vostres suggeriments."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "La teva traducció ha estat desada."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introdueix la teva traducció."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Traducció Mibew"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Tu no tens permís per canviar aquest perfil personal."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Eliminar avatar"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Aquí pot crear un nou operador."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Si us plau, escolliu un altre nom d'usuari, ja que l'agent va entrar amb un usuari que ja està registrat en el sistema."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Usuari només conté caràcters llatins, números i simbols de subratllat."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Aquesta pàgina mostra els detalls de cada agent, drets d'accés i edició."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Foto"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grups"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Permisos"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Detalls d'operadors"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Llista completa d'agents:"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Aquesta pàgina mostra la llista d'agents de l'empresa a més per afegir-ne de nous agents."
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Usuari"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Crear nou agent ..."
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Agents"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cerca de nom d'usuari o missatge de text:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Històric de conversa"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Pots pujar la teva foto en JPG, GIF, PNG o TIF fitxer d'imatge."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Pujar foto"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Aquí pot bloquejar visitants maliciosos que afectin el seu treball amb missatges spam."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Adreça {0} bloquejada per a un nombre especificat de dies."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Vostè obre aquesta finestra per a \"{0}\" thread, Direcció Camp ja és ple. Seleccioneu el nombre de dies i d'un clic Enviar."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Bloca direcció"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Afegeix direcció"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Llista d'Adreces IPS prohibides:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Bloquejat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Fins"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Pots trobar visitants en espera."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Membres"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Usuari/contrasenya incorrecte"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Si us plau ingressa el teu nom d'usuari i contrasenya per a accedir a les eines d'administració, veure els teus visitants i buscar a l'historial."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Usuari:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Contrasenya:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Recordar"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Usuari"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Cerca l'historial de conversa d'un determinat usuari o una determinada frase en un missatge."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Especifiqueu les opcions que afecten a la finestra de xat i el comportament del sistema."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Serveis opcionals"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vista prèvia de temes"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Amaga menú >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mostra el menú >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Visitants nous estan en espera d'una resposta."
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Bloca visitant"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Direcció del visitant"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Misc"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operador"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Estat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Temps total"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Temps d'espera"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Fes click per a conversar amb el visitant"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Veure conversa"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Administració del sistema: configurar, administrar operadors, generar codi del botó"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Prendre el control del Xat"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Veure el Xat d'un altre operador"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Aquí pot assignar els permisos a l'operador."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Permisos"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Selecciona Departament:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Gràcies per contactar-nos! Per oferir un millor servei, si us plau omple el formulari i fes clic al botó Inicia Xat."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Correu electrònic:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Pregunta inicial:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Inicia Xat"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Suport en línia"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Data"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Sessions de Xat"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Missatges dels operadors"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Missatges dels visitants"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Ús d'estadístiques per cada data"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operador"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Sessions de Xat"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Missatges"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Longitud mitjana del missatge (en caràcters)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Connexions per operador"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "No hi ha prou dades"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total:"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Administració"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Inici"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Un altre"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Departament de la teva empresa per exemple."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Títol a la finestra de xat"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Previsualització per a totes les pàgines de cada estil està disponible aquí"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil de les teves finestres de xat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introduïu el nom de la teva empresa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom de l'empresa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introduïu el correu electrònic per rebre missatges del sistema"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Correu electrònic"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Usant-lo pots impedir els atacs d'una IP"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Activar funció \"Visitants maliciosos\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Usa-la per tenir files separades de diferents preguntes."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Habilita \"Grups\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Obligar a l'usuari que ompli el formulari abans d'iniciar el xat."
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Si us plau, verifica que el teu servidor web està configurada per suportar connexions https."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Permetre connexions segures (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Habilita \"Estadístiques\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Mostra només els xats amb connexions https"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Obligar que tots els xats siguin segurs"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Cada IP es convertirà a enllaç d'obertura en una nova finestra. (ip) és substituït amb una IP real."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Enllaç extern a un servei de geolocalització"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Mida de la finestra i amagar barres d'eines"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Finestra d'opcions de geolocalització"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Destinació per al nom de l'empresa o l'enllaç del logo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL del teu lloc"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça URL (http://) del logo de la seva empresa"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Logo de la teva empresa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Si us plau, introdueix el nom de la teva empresa"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Nombre màxim de connexions des d'una mateixa direcció"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Mostra una finestra petita per atraure la teva atenció."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Habilita \"Diàleg de notificació de nous visitants\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Canvis guardats"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Enviar missatges amb:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Mostra/Oculta el camp de selecció de Departament en el qüestionari"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Permetre als visitants seleccionar el grup/departament"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Mostra/Amaga camps de correu electrònic en les enquestes"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Preguntar al visitant el seu Correu Electrònic"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Mostra/Amaga camp de pregunta inicial del qüestionari"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Mostra camp de pregunta inicial"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Configuració del Missatger"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Desactiveu la casella per ocultar l'opció editar en la finestra de xat"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Permet als usuaris canviar els seus noms"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Com construir la cadena d'identificació de visitant {name}, {id} o {addr}. Per defecte: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Identificador de visitant"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça de correu electrònic correcta"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "El camp \"Nombre màxim de connexions\" ha de ser numèric"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Selecciona les dates"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Des d'aquesta pàgina pots generar diferents informes."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Des de:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Fins a:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Estadístiques"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Has seleccionat la Data d'inici després de la Data de Terme"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pàgina {0} de {1}, {2} - {3} a {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "següent"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Sense elements"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Trobats 0 elements"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "anterior"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Cerca"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "conversa log"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "La pàgina mostra la conversa."
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"Missatge lliurat\" finestra"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"El Visitant és redireccionat\" finestra"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<sense descripción>"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(en línia)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "- tots els operadors -"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "- de configuració general -"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Aplicació instal.lada amb èxit."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Cura Si us plau no canviï
el codi manualment perquè
no es garanteix
seu correcte funcionament!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "La seva conversa va ser enviada a l'adreça {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Visitants nous estan en espera d'una resposta."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Previsualització per a totes les pàgines de cada estil està disponible aquí"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Afegeix direcció"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Afegeix missatge ..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Afegeix un nou missatge."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Crear nou agent ..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Adreça {0} bloquejada per a un nombre especificat de dies."
+msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administració"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Surt"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Inici"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "sense menú"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Visitants"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Adreça:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Tots els camps"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Camps de l'administrador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Camps de l'operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Camps del visitant"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mostra:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Clau d'indetificació"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Camp d'idioma font"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Ordenar per:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Usuari remot està escrivint ..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Tu estas usant:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Permetre connexions segures (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Permetre als visitants seleccionar el grup/departament"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Permet als usuaris canviar els seus noms"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Preguntar al visitant el seu Correu Electrònic"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Deixa el teu missatge"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Longitud mitjana del missatge (en caràcters)"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Tornar ..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Bloquejat"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Bloca visitant"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Bloca direcció"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Visitants bloquejats"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Cercador"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Genera codi botó HTML"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Genera codi botó HTML."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Codi del botó"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Possibles missatges"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "No es pot executar:"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Canviar regió."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Canviar nom"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Canviar operador"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Aquí pot assignar els permisos a l'operador."
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Canvis guardats"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Sessions de Xat"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Històric de conversa"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "conversa log"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Vista prèvia de temes"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Sessions de Xat"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Finestra de XAT (mode-operador)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Finestra de XAT (mode-usuari)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Estil de la finestra del Xat"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Comprovar actualitzacions."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Selecciona Departament:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Selecciona els grups amb base a les habilitats de l'operador."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Escolliu imatge"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Tria estil"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Tria plantilla"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Trieu l'arxiu a pujar.
La mida de la imatge no ha d'excedir 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Selecciona l'idioma"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Selecciona:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Fes clic sobre aquest enllaç per tancar la finestra"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Fes click per a conversar amb el visitant"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Click per tancar la finestra"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Tanca"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Tanca conversa"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Tanca ..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Tancat"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Codi de grup"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Target locale"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comentaris"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Nom de l'empresa"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Completada:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Confirma la contrasenya."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmació"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Corregir els errors:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "No hi ha connexió, si us plau verifiqueu la configuració del servidor en config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Crear base de dades \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Crea un nou grup ..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Aquí pots crear un nou grup."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Crear, eliminar agents. Edita permisos."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Crear les taules requerides."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Imatge avatar actual"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Base de dades \"{0}\" creada."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Dies"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Departament o habilitat obtinguda a partir de grups d'operadors."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripció"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Descripció en anglès."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Descripció de el grup."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Destinació per al nom de l'empresa o l'enllaç del logo"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Adreça:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Elimineu les taules existents de la base de dades"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "Correu electrònic: {0}"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Cada IP es convertirà a enllaç d'obertura en una nova finestra. (ip) és substituït amb una IP real."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Edita Missatge"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Editar un missatge existent."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Aquesta pàgina mostra els detalls de cada agent, drets d'accés i edició."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Edita missatges que sovint utilitzes en el Xat."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Correu electrònic"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Correu electrònic:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Habilita \"Grups\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Habilita \"Diàleg de notificació de nous visitants\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Habilita \"Estadístiques\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Activar funció \"Visitants maliciosos\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Entrar"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Escriviu la nova contrasenya o deixi el
camp buit per a accedir."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça de correu electrònic correcta"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Introduïu el correu electrònic per rebre missatges del sistema"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça URL (http://) del logo de la seva empresa"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Introduïu el nom de la teva empresa"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Escrigui el seu e-mail:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Introdueix la teva traducció."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Usuari/contrasenya incorrecte"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "La contrasenya ingressada no coincideix"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Entorn:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Error"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Error al moure l'arxiu"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Error en carregar el fitxer \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Ex: or"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Exemple"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Surt"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Característiques activades"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Seguiu els passos de l'assistent per configurar la seva base de dades."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Per als grups:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Per l'idioma:"
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Obligar que tots els xats siguin segurs"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Obligar a l'usuari que ompli el formulari abans d'iniciar el xat."
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Trobats 0 elements"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Des d'aquesta pàgina pots generar diferents informes."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Des de:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Llista completa d'agents:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Funcions disponibles només per a usuaris administradors."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Finestra d'opcions de geolocalització"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Cerca"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Grup"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Detalls de Grup"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Grup:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grups"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Visitant"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "Codi HTML"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Hola, En què puc ajudar-lo?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Aquí pot bloquejar visitants maliciosos que afectin el seu treball amb missatges spam."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Aquí es pot defensar de visitant maliciosos."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Amaga menú >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Inici"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Com construir la cadena d'identificació de visitant {name}, {id} o {addr}. Per defecte: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Si no us agrada la traducció, si us plau els vostres suggeriments."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Impossible actualitzar l'estructura de dades. Intenteu-ho manualment o reconstrueix cada taula (compte: totes les dades seran esborrades)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "En conversa"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "En espera"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Inclou el nom del domini en el codi"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Informació: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Pregunta inicial:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Instal.lació"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Idiomes instal.lats:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Actualitzacions de Web Messenger."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Descripció Internacional"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Nom Internacional"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Nom internacional (Latin)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Tipus de fitxer vàlid"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Clau d'indetificació"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Idioma"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Darrera versió:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Deixar missatge finestra"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Deixi el teu missatge"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Enllaç extern a un servei de geolocalització"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Llista d'Adreces IPS prohibides:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Llista de navegadors compatibles amb la finestra"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Llista de visitants en espera"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Suport en línia"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Carregant"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Regió"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Sortida del sistema."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Usuari"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Usuari pot contenir petites lletres llatines
i subratllats"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Usuari només conté caràcters llatins, números i simbols de subratllat."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Usuari:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Finestra de correu electrònic"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Inici"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Nombre màxim de connexions des d'una mateixa direcció"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Membres"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Missatge"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Missatges"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Missatges dels operadors"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Missatges dels visitants"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Configuració del Missatger"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Actualitzacions de Web Messenger."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Comunitat"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger és una aplicació de codi obert per al suport en línia."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Misc"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Modificar"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Nom en anglès."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Departament de la teva empresa per exemple."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Nom per identificar el grup."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nous Missatges"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Notícies:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Pròxim pas:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Sense elements"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "No es troba operador"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "No existeix el grup"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "No existeix el missatge"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "No, tanqui la finestra"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "No hi ha prou dades"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Quants dies voleu ignorar aquesta direcció?"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "FORA DE LÍNIA"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "EN LÍNIA"
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "En aquesta pàgina podràs editar els detalls de grup."
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operador"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operador {0} canviat {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Detalls d'operadors"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Grup d'operadors"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operador {0} de tornada"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operador {0} Entrant a la conversa"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operador {0} ha sortit de la conversa"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Operador {0} el redirecciona a un altre operador, si us plau esperi un moment"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operador:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Agents"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Llista d'agents"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Serveis opcionals"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Un altre"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Pàgina {0} de {1}, {2} - {3} a {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Contrasenya"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Contrasenya:"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permisos"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Foto"
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Si us plau, escolliu un altre nom d'usuari, ja que l'agent va entrar amb un usuari que ja està registrat en el sistema."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Per favor selecciona un altre nom, degut a que ja hi ha un el nom ingressat."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Si us plau, introdueix el nom de la teva empresa"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Si us plau ingressa el teu nom d'usuari i contrasenya per a accedir a les eines d'administració, veure els teus visitants i buscar a l'historial."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Si us plau ompli \"{0}\" correctament."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Si us plau ompli \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Si us plau, verifica que el teu servidor web està configurada per suportar connexions https."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Si us plau, executa l'Assistent d'Actualització per ajustar la teva base de dades."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Si us plau, utilitzeu un altre navegador"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Powered by:"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Visitant amb prioritat per a atenció"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Problema"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Procediu a la pàgina d'accés"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Perfil"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Raó del bloqueig"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "redireccionar a
un altre operador"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Redireccionar visitant a un altre operador"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "redirigeix visitant a una altra finestra d'operador"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refrescar"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Recordar"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Usuari remot està escrivint ..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Eliminar avatar"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Taules requerides creades."
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Resoleu el problema i proveu de nou. Premeu back per tornar a l'ajuda."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Desa"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Desa"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cerca"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Cerca l'historial de conversa d'un determinat usuari o una determinada frase en un missatge."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Cerca Històric de conversa."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil de les teves finestres de xat"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Tria resposta ..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Selecciona les dates"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Envia"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Envia ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Envia conversa per email"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Envia l'historial de conversa
per email"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Envia Missatge"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Enviar missatges amb:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Enviat"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configuracions"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Mostra només els xats amb connexions https"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Mostra els errors"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Mostra camp de pregunta inicial"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Mostra el menú >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostra/Oculta el camp de selecció de Departament en el qüestionari"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostra/Amaga camps de correu electrònic en les enquestes"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostra/Amaga camp de pregunta inicial del qüestionari"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Mostra:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Simple finestra de xat, enviar missatges d'actualització (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Ajuda en viu"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Estil del lloc"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Mostra una finestra petita per atraure la teva atenció."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Software license agreement"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Ho sentim, en aquests moments no hi ha operador disponible. Si us plau, torneu a provar-ho més tard o envieu la vostra pregunta amb aquesta forma."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Ordenar per:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Camp d'idioma font"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Especifiqueu les opcions que afecten a la finestra de xat i el comportament del sistema."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Inicia Xat"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Estat"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Estadístiques"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Camps de l'administrador"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Camps de l'operador"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Camps del visitant"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Estructura de taules ajustades per a la nova versió de Mibew Messenger."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Envia"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Administració del sistema: configurar, administrar operadors, generar codi del botó"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Estructura de taules actualitzades."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Prendre el control del Xat"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Gràcies per posar-se en contacte amb nosaltres. L'operador estarà amb vostè en breu ..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Gràcies per contactar-nos! Per oferir un millor servei, si us plau omple el formulari i fes clic al botó Inicia Xat."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Gràcies per utilitzar el nostre servei. Tot seguit rebràs una resposta al teu correu."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Base de dades inexistent al servidor. si té permisos de creació
d'un clic sobre el següent enllaç."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Llista de visitant en espera buida"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Adreça {0} està en el sistema, clic aquí per editar."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Visitant canviar el seu nom {0} per {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Visitant en espera prioritària per l'operador {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Visitant redirigit a un altre operador"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Hi ha tants navegadors per triar. Quin recomanes?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Aquest nom serà vist pels usuaris del seu lloc."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Aquesta pàgina mostra la llista d'agents de l'empresa a més per afegir-ne de nous agents."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Aquesta pàgina desplega una llista de grups de la teva companyia. Cada grup pot tenir per separat un botó i possibles respostes."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Aquesta pàgina presenta la llista de visitants en espera."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "La pàgina mostra la conversa."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Connexions per operador"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Fins"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Fins a:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Temps en conversa"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Títol a la finestra de xat"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Per respondre als visitants fer clic al seu nom a la llista."
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Temps total"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Total:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Traducció"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Traducció Mibew"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Desactiveu la casella per ocultar l'opció editar en la finestra de xat"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL del teu lloc"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Actualitzar taules"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Actualitzacions"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Pujar avatar"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Pujar foto"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Ha excedit la mida de fitxer per pujar"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Ús d'estadístiques per cada data"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Usa-la per tenir files separades de diferents preguntes."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Usa enllaç segur (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Cerca de nom d'usuari o missatge de text:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Usant-lo pots impedir els atacs d'una IP"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Veure finestra de Xat (operador amb permisos de lectura)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Veure i editar llista de membres."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Veure el Xat d'un altre operador"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Històric de visites"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Visitant {0} és actualment servit per {1}.
Està vostè segur que vol iniciar conversa amb els visitants?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Visitant tancant finestra de conversa"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Visitant connectat a la conversa novament"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Visitant {0} va sortir de la conversa"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Adreça de visitants"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Direcció del visitant"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Identificador de visitant"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Missatge del Visitant"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Visitants"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Visitant dialogant"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "visitants va ser redireccionat de la pàgina {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Esperant operador per primera vegada"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "A l'espera d'un operador"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Temps d'espera"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Veure conversa"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Mida de la finestra i amagar barres d'eines"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Sí, Estic segur"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "El seu nom:"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Està conversant amb:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Està connectat a MySQL server versió {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Tu no tens permís per canviar aquest perfil personal."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "No estàs conversant amb cap visitant."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Tu estas usant:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Tu ets {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Tu pots canviar la teva informació personal en aquesta pàgina."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Aquí pot crear un nou operador."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Pots trobar visitants en espera."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Podeu trobar l'històric de converses dels teus visitants aquí."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Podeu generar el codi HTML per inserir-lo al vostre lloc."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Podeu accedir com a admin amb contrasenya buida.
!!! Per seguretat, si us plau canvieu la contrasenya immediatament i elimineu el directori {0} del seu servidor."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Pots pujar la teva foto en JPG, GIF, PNG o TIF fitxer d'imatge."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Podeu obtenir una vista prèvia d'estils del seu lloc."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Has seleccionat la Data d'inici després de la Data de Terme"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Vostè obre aquesta finestra per a \"{0}\" thread, Direcció Camp ja és ple. Seleccioneu el nombre de dies i d'un clic Enviar."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "La seva imatge avatar."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Logo de la teva empresa"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "El seu email"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "El teu missatge ha estat enviat"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "El seu nom"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "L'Operador té problemes de connexió, està vostè temporalment en espera. Ho sentim per la demora."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "La vostra sessió ha expirat si us plau accedeix de nou"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "La teva traducció ha estat desada."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "El seu explorador web no està suportat per Mibew Messenger.\nSi us plau, utilitzi alguns d'aquests exploradors:"
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "edita"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "camps obligatoris"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "següent"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "anterior"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "eliminar"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "sense menú"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/cs/translation.po b/translations/cs/translation.po
index 2e4ff7fd..91ee7597 100644
--- a/translations/cs/translation.po
+++ b/translations/cs/translation.po
@@ -1,238 +1,224 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Vytváření a mazání operátorů, správa jejich oprávnění."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Generování HTML tlačítka."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Nastavení chatovacího okna a chování systému."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funkce dostupné pro administrátory."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Vaše sezení vypršelo, prosím přihlaste se znovu"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger je aplikace pro živou podporu s otevřeným kódem."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Tato adresa je již využívána, klikněte sem pokud ji chcete editovat."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Smazat"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Vložit"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Zanechte zprávu"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Site consultant"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "Offline"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Napište svou otázku"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Site consultant"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Uložit"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hledat"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "Odstranit"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "Editovat"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Změnit"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Přidat zprávu..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Upravte zprávy, které často píšete do chatu."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pro skupinu:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Pro jazyk:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Časté zprávy"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
+msgid "(away)"
msgstr "(nepřítomný)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
+msgid "(online)"
msgstr "(online)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Návštěvník přišel ze stránky {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Změnit jméno"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jste"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Návštěvník přešel na {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Návštěvník"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Zavřít..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Nastala chyba:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Chyba"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Zavřít..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Klikněte zde pro zavření okna"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
msgstr "Záznam vašeho chatu byl odeslán na adresu {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Odesláno"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Přidat zprávu..."
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Napište svou otázku"
+msgid "Back..."
msgstr "Zpět..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operátor:"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operátor {0} vystřídal operátora {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Operátor ztratil spojení, dočasně jsme vás přesunuli do přední fronty. Omlouváme se, že vás necháváme čekat."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operátor {0} vstoupil do chatu"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operátor {0} opustil chat"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operátor {0} je zpět"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Návštěvník změnil jméno {0} na {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Návštěvník zavřel okno chatu"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Návštěvník {0} opustil chat"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Návštěvník se opět vrátil do chatu"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Díky, že jste nás kontaktovali. Operátor u vás bude za chvilku..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Chatujete s:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Zavřít chat"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Používáme:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Vyberte odpověď..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Odeslat zprávu"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Odeslat ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Odeslat záznam chatu e-mailem"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Přesměrovat návštěvníka na jiného operátora"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Aktualizovat"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "povinné položky"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Změna operátora"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Návštěvníkovi {0} se již věnuje {1}.
Jste si jisti, že chcete zahájit chat s návštěvníkem?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ne, zavřít okno"
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Odhlásit se."
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Písmena, která jste napsali, neodpovídají těm na obrázku."
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Opravte chyby:"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Prosím vyplňte \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Prosím vyplňte \"{0}\" správně."
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Důvod blokování"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Komentář"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Počet dní po které je tato adresa blokována"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Dny"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Váš e-mail"
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Přihlašovací jméno"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Zpráva"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vaše jméno"
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Heslo"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Nelze vykonat:"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Zavřít"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Omlouváme se, žádný operátor v tuto chvíli není dostupný. prosím, zkuste později, nebo pošlete svou otázku tímto formulářem."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Odeslat"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Děkujeme. Odpovíme vám e-mailem hned, jakmile to bude možné."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Vaše zpráva byla odeslána"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Zanechte svou zprávu"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Licence"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Zavřít..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Zadejte váš e-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Odeslat"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Odeslat záznam chatu
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Lokalizace"
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Aktualizace"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Zadaná hesla nesouhlasí"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Browser"
msgstr "Prohlížeč"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zavřít..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Váš prohlížeč není Mibew Messengerem plně podporován. Prosím, používejte některý z těchto prohlížečů:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prosím používejte novější prohlížeč"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Generování HTML tlačítka."
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Časté zprávy"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Nelze vykonat:"
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Změnit jméno"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Změna operátora"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
msgstr "Vyberte oddělení:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Díky za váš zájem! Abychom vám lépe pomohli, vyplňte následující formulář a klikněte na tlačítko Vstoupit."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Klikněte zde pro zavření okna"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zavřít"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Zavřít chat"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Zavřít..."
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Komentář"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Opravte chyby:"
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Vytváření a mazání operátorů, správa jejich oprávnění."
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Dny"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Smazat"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-mail: {0}"
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Upravte zprávy, které často píšete do chatu."
+msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jméno:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Vložit"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Zadejte váš e-mail:"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Zadaná hesla nesouhlasí"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Chyba"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Nastala chyba:"
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Pro skupinu:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Pro jazyk:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Funkce dostupné pro administrátory."
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Návštěvník"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
msgstr "Úvodní otázka:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Vstoupit"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Živá podpora"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "bez menu"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Vzdálený uživatel píše..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Používáte:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Nainstalované lokace:"
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Poslední verze:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Zanechte svou zprávu"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licence"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Živá podpora"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Lokalizace"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Odhlásit se."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Přihlašovací jméno"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Zpráva"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger je aplikace pro živou podporu s otevřeným kódem."
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Změnit"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Jméno:"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Novinky:"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Ne, zavřít okno"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Počet dní po které je tato adresa blokována"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "Offline"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "Online"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operátor {0} vystřídal operátora {1}"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operátor {0} je zpět"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operátor {0} vstoupil do chatu"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operátor {0} opustil chat"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operátor:"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Heslo"
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Prosím vyplňte \"{0}\" správně."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Prosím vyplňte \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Prosím používejte novější prohlížeč"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Používáme:"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Důvod blokování"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Přesměrovat návštěvníka na jiného operátora"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Aktualizovat"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Vzdálený uživatel píše..."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Uložit"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Hledat"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Vyberte odpověď..."
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Odeslat"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Odeslat ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Odeslat záznam chatu e-mailem"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Odeslat záznam chatu
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Odeslat zprávu"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Odesláno"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Site consultant"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Omlouváme se, žádný operátor v tuto chvíli není dostupný. prosím, zkuste později, nebo pošlete svou otázku tímto formulářem."
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Nastavení chatovacího okna a chování systému."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Vstoupit"
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Odeslat"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Díky, že jste nás kontaktovali. Operátor u vás bude za chvilku..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Díky za váš zájem! Abychom vám lépe pomohli, vyplňte následující formulář a klikněte na tlačítko Vstoupit."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Děkujeme. Odpovíme vám e-mailem hned, jakmile to bude možné."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Písmena, která jste napsali, neodpovídají těm na obrázku."
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Tato adresa je již využívána, klikněte sem pokud ji chcete editovat."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Návštěvník změnil jméno {0} na {1}"
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Aktualizace"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Návštěvníkovi {0} se již věnuje {1}.
Jste si jisti, že chcete zahájit chat s návštěvníkem?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Návštěvník zavřel okno chatu"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Návštěvník se opět vrátil do chatu"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Návštěvník přešel na {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Návštěvník {0} opustil chat"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Návštěvník přišel ze stránky {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Jste"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Chatujete s:"
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Používáte:"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Váš e-mail"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Vaše zpráva byla odeslána"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Vaše jméno"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Operátor ztratil spojení, dočasně jsme vás přesunuli do přední fronty. Omlouváme se, že vás necháváme čekat."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Vaše sezení vypršelo, prosím přihlaste se znovu"
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Váš prohlížeč není Mibew Messengerem plně podporován. Prosím, používejte některý z těchto prohlížečů:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "Editovat"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "povinné položky"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "Odstranit"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "bez menu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/da/translation.po b/translations/da/translation.po
index 0f88c58c..50487838 100644
--- a/translations/da/translation.po
+++ b/translations/da/translation.po
@@ -1,506 +1,472 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Opret, slet firma operatører. Håndter deres rettigheder."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "HTML code generator knap."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Tilladte funktioner for administratorer."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Din session er udløbet. Venligst login igen"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger er et open-source live support program."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Adressen er allerede i brug, klik her for at ændre det."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Slet"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Enter"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Læg din besked"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Side konsulent"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "OFFLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hvad vil du spørge os om"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Supporter"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gem"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Søg"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "fjern"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "rediger"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Ændre"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Tilføj besked..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Rediger de spørgsmål du oftest anvender i chatten."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupper:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Sprog:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Pre-definerede beskeder"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Rediger en eksisterende besked."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Gemt"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Besked"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Der er ingen besked der matcher"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Rediger besked"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Tilføj ny besked."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Ny besked"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(ikke tilstede)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Besøgende kom fra følgende side {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Skift navn"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Du er"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Besøgende navigerede til {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Besøgende"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Luk..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Fejl opstod:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Fejl"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Luk..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Klik på dette link for at lukke vinduet"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Din chat-historik er sendt til {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Sendt"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Tilbage..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Du chatter nu med besøgende."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Vælg:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppe:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Supporter:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Videresend til
en anden supporter"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Luk..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Tryk for at lukke vinduet"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Den besøgende blev sat i prioriteret kø af supporter {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Den besøgende blev sat i prioriteret kø for gruppe {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Den besøgende blev videresendt til en anden supporter"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operatøren {0} skiftede operatør {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Operatøren har problemer med at forbinde og vi har midlertidigt anbragt dig forest i køen. Beklager ventetiden."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operatøren {0} er kommet ind i chatten"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operatøren {0} har forladt chatten"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Supporten har videresendt til til en anden supporter. Vent venligst"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operatøren {0} er tilbage"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Besøgende har ændret sit navn fra {0} til {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Besøgende har lukket chat vinduet"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Besøgende {0} har forladt chatten"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Besøgende er kommet tilbage til chatten igen"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Chatter"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Lukkede"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Loader"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "I kø"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Venter på en supporter"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Tak for at du kontakter os. En supporter vil være klar om et øjeblik..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Du chatter med:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Luk chatten"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Kører på:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Vælg svar..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Send besked"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Send ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Send chat historik via e-mail"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Videresend den besøgende til en anden supporter"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Opdater"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Tryk på den besøgendes navn for at svare."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Denne side viser en liste over ventende besøgende."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Der er ingen i kø"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Prioritér kø"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Venter på en supporter for første gang"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Liste over besøgende der venter"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "påkrævede felter"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Vælg ny supporter"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Besøgende {0} bliver allerede hjulpet af {1}.
Er du sikker på, at du vil igangsætte endnu en chat session?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nej, luk vinduet"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Ja, jeg er sikker"
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Søg i tidligere dialoger"
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Log ud af systemet"
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Ændringerne er gemt"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Der er så mange browsere at vælge imellem. Hvilke anbefaler du?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hej. Hvad kan jeg hjælpe med?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "De indtastede bogstaver stemmer ikke overens med dem i billedet."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Der skete en fejl ved upload af \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Der skete en fejl under flytning af fil"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Den uploadede fil er for stor"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Ret venligst følgende fejl:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Ukendt filtype"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Udfyld venligst \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Udfyld venligst \"{0}\" korrekt."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Funktioner aktiveret"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Fx: eller"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Besøgendes adresse"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Navnet er synligt for besøgende."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Internationalt navn (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Navnet er synligt for besøgende."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Navn"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Dit billede"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Nuværende billede"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Vælg venligst et billede til upload.
Billedet må ikke overstige 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Upload billede"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Kommentér"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Antal dage denne adresse er blokeret"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Dage"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Din e-mail"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Beskrivelse på dansk"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "International beskrivelse"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Engelsk navn."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "International navn"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Beskrivelse af gruppe."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Beskrivelse"
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "Gruppe email for notifikationer. Ved tomt felt bruges standard adressen."
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Navn til at identificere gruppen."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Navn"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Login kan bestå af små bogstaver og understreger."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Til notifikationer og generhvervelse af adgangskoder."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Besked"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Dit navn"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Indtast en ny adgangskode eller lad feltet forblive tomt for at beholde forrige kode."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Adgangskode"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Bekræft adgangskode."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Bekræftelse"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Oversættelse"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Kan ikke eksekvere:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Applikationssti er {0}"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "Mibew pakke er gyldig."
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Opret database \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Database \"{0}\" er oprettet."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Databasen blev ikke fundet på serveren. Hvis du har tilladelse til at oprette databasen, så skal du klikke på følgende link."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Opret nødvendige tabeller."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Nødvendige tabeller er oprettet."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Opdater tabeller"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Tabelstrukturen er up to date."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Tabelstrukturen bør justeres til ny version af Messenger."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "Ny besked"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "Ny besøgende"
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "Klik for at tjekke lyden: {0} og {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "Checksum er forskellig for {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "Kan ikke læse filen {0}"
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Vælg sprog"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Luk"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Beklager, der er i øjeblikket ingen operatør ledig. Venligst igen om et øjeblik eller stil dit spørgsmål i denne form."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Indsend"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Tak for at anvende vores service. Vi vil besvare din mail så hurtigt som muligt."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Din besked er sendt"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Angiv din besked"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Supportere"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Knap-kode"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Indstillinger"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Licens"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Luk..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Indtast din e-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Send"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Send chat historik
via e-mail"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Supporterliste"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Blokerede besøgende"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Pre-definerede beskeder"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "Du er OFFLINE.
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Grupper"
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Sprog"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Du er {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Lokalisér"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Tjek for nyheder og opdateringer."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Opdateringer"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Luk..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Din browser er ikke fuldt ud kompatibel med Mibew Messenger.\nAnvend venligst end af browsers:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Anvend venligst en nyerer browser"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Historik"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Tilføj adresse"
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Login:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Adgangskode:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Husk"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Generalt"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Navn"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Supporter"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Vælg afdeling:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Tak for at du har kontaktet os. For bedre at kunne servicere dig, udfyld venligst formen nedenfor og klik Start chat knappen."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Navn:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Første spørgsmål:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Start chat"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Live support"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Dato"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Chat tråde"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Andet"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Besøgendes identifikator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Indtast en gyldig email"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "\"Maks antal af tråde\" feltet skal være tal"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Vælg datoer"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Fra denne side kan du generere forskellige rapporter."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Fra:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Til:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistikker"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Du har valgt Fra dato efter Til dato"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Side {0} af {1}, {2}-{3} af {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "næste"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Ingen elemnter"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Fandt 0 elementer"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "tidligere"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Gå til søgning"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Denne side viser detaljer og indhold for chatten."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Aldrig"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "I dag kl. {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "I går kl. {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Start"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Exit"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Start"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "uden menu"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Besøgende"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Vej:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(ikke tilstede)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "Online"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Din chat-historik er sendt til {0}"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Tilføj adresse"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Tilføj besked..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Tilføj ny besked."
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Alle strenge"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Strenge for administratorer"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Strenge for supportere"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Strenge for besøgende"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vis:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Nøgle identifikator"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Kildesprog streng"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Sorter efter:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Bruger skriver..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Du bruger:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Application path is {0}"
+msgstr "Applikationssti er {0}"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Hvad vil du spørge os om"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Tilbage..."
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Blokerede besøgende"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "HTML code generator knap."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Knap-kode"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Pre-definerede beskeder"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Kan ikke eksekvere:"
+msgid "Cannot read file {0}"
+msgstr "Kan ikke læse filen {0}"
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Skift navn"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Vælg ny supporter"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Ændringerne er gemt"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Historik"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Chat tråde"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Tjek for nyheder og opdateringer."
+msgid "Checksum differs for {0}"
+msgstr "Checksum er forskellig for {0}"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Vælg afdeling:"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Vælg venligst et billede til upload.
Billedet må ikke overstige 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Vælg sprog"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Vælg:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Klik på dette link for at lukke vinduet"
+msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
+msgstr "Klik for at tjekke lyden: {0} og {1}"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Tryk for at lukke vinduet"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Luk"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Luk chatten"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Luk..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Lukkede"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Kommentér"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Bekræft adgangskode."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Bekræftelse"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Ret venligst følgende fejl:"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Opret database \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Opret, slet firma operatører. Håndter deres rettigheder."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Opret nødvendige tabeller."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Nuværende billede"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Database \"{0}\" er oprettet."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Dato"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Dage"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Slet"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Beskrivelse"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Beskrivelse på dansk"
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Beskrivelse af gruppe."
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Vej:"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Rediger besked"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Rediger en eksisterende besked."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Rediger de spørgsmål du oftest anvender i chatten."
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "E-mail:"
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Enter"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Indtast en ny adgangskode eller lad feltet forblive tomt for at beholde forrige kode."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Indtast en gyldig email"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Indtast din e-mail:"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Miljø:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Fejl"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Der skete en fejl under flytning af fil"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Fejl opstod:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Der skete en fejl ved upload af \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Fx: eller"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Exit"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Funktioner aktiveret"
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Grupper:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Sprog:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Til notifikationer og generhvervelse af adgangskoder."
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Fandt 0 elementer"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Fra denne side kan du generere forskellige rapporter."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Fra:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Tilladte funktioner for administratorer."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generalt"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Gå til søgning"
+msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
+msgstr "Gruppe email for notifikationer. Ved tomt felt bruges standard adressen."
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Gruppe:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grupper"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Besøgende"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Hej. Hvad kan jeg hjælpe med?"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Start"
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Chatter"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "I kø"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Første spørgsmål:"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Installerede lokaliseringer:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Messenger opdateringer."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "International beskrivelse"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "International navn"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Internationalt navn (Latin)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Ukendt filtype"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Nøgle identifikator"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Sprog"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Seneste version:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Angiv din besked"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licens"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Liste over besøgende der venter"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Live support"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Loader"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Lokalisér"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Log ud af systemet"
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Login"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Login kan bestå af små bogstaver og understreger."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Login:"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Besked"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Messenger opdateringer."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger er et open-source live support program."
+msgid "Mibew package is valid."
+msgstr "Mibew pakke er gyldig."
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Ændre"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Navn"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Engelsk navn."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Navn til at identificere gruppen."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Navn:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Aldrig"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Ny besked"
+msgid "New Visitor"
+msgstr "Ny besøgende"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Nyheder:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Ingen elemnter"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Der er ingen besked der matcher"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Nej, luk vinduet"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Antal dage denne adresse er blokeret"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "OFFLINE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ONLINE"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Supporter"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operatøren {0} skiftede operatør {1}"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operatøren {0} er tilbage"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operatøren {0} er kommet ind i chatten"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operatøren {0} har forladt chatten"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Supporten har videresendt til til en anden supporter. Vent venligst"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Supporter:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Supportere"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Supporterliste"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Andet"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Side {0} af {1}, {2}-{3} af {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Adgangskode"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Adgangskode:"
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Udfyld venligst \"{0}\" korrekt."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Udfyld venligst \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Anvend venligst en nyerer browser"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Kører på:"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Prioritér kø"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Videresend til
en anden supporter"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Videresend den besøgende til en anden supporter"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Opdater"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Husk"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Bruger skriver..."
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Nødvendige tabeller er oprettet."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Gem"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Gemt"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Søg"
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Søg i tidligere dialoger"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Vælg svar..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Vælg datoer"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Send"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Send ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Send chat historik via e-mail"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Send chat historik
via e-mail"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Send besked"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Sendt"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Indstillinger"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Vis:"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Supporter"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Beklager, der er i øjeblikket ingen operatør ledig. Venligst igen om et øjeblik eller stil dit spørgsmål i denne form."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Sorter efter:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Kildesprog streng"
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Start chat"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistikker"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Strenge for administratorer"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Strenge for supportere"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Strenge for besøgende"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Tabelstrukturen bør justeres til ny version af Messenger."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Indsend"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Tabelstrukturen er up to date."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Tak for at du kontakter os. En supporter vil være klar om et øjeblik..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Tak for at du har kontaktet os. For bedre at kunne servicere dig, udfyld venligst formen nedenfor og klik Start chat knappen."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Tak for at anvende vores service. Vi vil besvare din mail så hurtigt som muligt."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Databasen blev ikke fundet på serveren. Hvis du har tilladelse til at oprette databasen, så skal du klikke på følgende link."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "De indtastede bogstaver stemmer ikke overens med dem i billedet."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Der er ingen i kø"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Adressen er allerede i brug, klik her for at ændre det."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Besøgende har ændret sit navn fra {0} til {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Den besøgende blev sat i prioriteret kø for gruppe {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Den besøgende blev sat i prioriteret kø af supporter {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Den besøgende blev videresendt til en anden supporter"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Der er så mange browsere at vælge imellem. Hvilke anbefaler du?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Navnet er synligt for besøgende."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Denne side viser en liste over ventende besøgende."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Denne side viser detaljer og indhold for chatten."
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Til:"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Tryk på den besøgendes navn for at svare."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "I dag kl. {0}"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Oversættelse"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Opdater tabeller"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Opdateringer"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Upload billede"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Den uploadede fil er for stor"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Besøgende {0} bliver allerede hjulpet af {1}.
Er du sikker på, at du vil igangsætte endnu en chat session?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Besøgende har lukket chat vinduet"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Besøgende er kommet tilbage til chatten igen"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Besøgende navigerede til {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Besøgende {0} har forladt chatten"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Besøgendes adresse"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Besøgendes identifikator"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Besøgende"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Besøgende kom fra følgende side {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Venter på en supporter for første gang"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Venter på en supporter"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Ja, jeg er sikker"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "I går kl. {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Du er"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "Du er OFFLINE.
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Du chatter med:"
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Du chatter nu med besøgende."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Du bruger:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Du er {0}"
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Du har valgt Fra dato efter Til dato"
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Dit billede"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Din e-mail"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Din besked er sendt"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Dit navn"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Operatøren har problemer med at forbinde og vi har midlertidigt anbragt dig forest i køen. Beklager ventetiden."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Din session er udløbet. Venligst login igen"
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Din browser er ikke fuldt ud kompatibel med Mibew Messenger.\nAnvend venligst end af browsers:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "rediger"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "påkrævede felter"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "næste"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "tidligere"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "fjern"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "uden menu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/de/translation.po b/translations/de/translation.po
index bd3762a8..f31f95fb 100644
--- a/translations/de/translation.po
+++ b/translations/de/translation.po
@@ -1,850 +1,786 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Erstellen und löschen von Agenten. Rechte anpassen."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Button HTML Code generieren."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Spezifische Optionen die das Chat-Fenster und allgemeinen Systemeinstellungen betreffen"
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funktionen für Poweruser verfügbar."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Ihre Session ist abgelaufen! Bitte melden Sie sich noch einmal an."
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger ist eine open-source live support software."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Live Support"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Addresse {0} ist schon vorhanden, klicke hier um die Addresse zu ändern."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Löschen"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "OK"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Nachricht hinterlassen"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "offline"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Speichern"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Suchen"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "entfernen"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "editieren"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Ändern"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Nachricht hinzufügen..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Nachrichten ändern, die regelmäßig benutzt werden."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Für Gruppe:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Für Sprache:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Vordefinierte Nachrichten"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Eine bestehende Nachricht editieren."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "gespeichert"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Nachricht"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Nachricht nicht gefunden"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Nachricht editieren"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Neue Nachricht hinzufügen."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Neue Nachricht"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "abwesend"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(online)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Besucher kommt von der Seite {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Name ändern"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sie sind"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Besucher"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Schließen..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Fehler"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "schliessen..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Klick auf diesen Link, um das Fenster zu schließen"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Ein Protokoll des Chat wurde an {0} gesendet."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Senden"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "zurück..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Sie chatten nicht mit dem besucher."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Wähle:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppe:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operator:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Weiterleiten zu
anderem Operator"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Schliessen..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Klick auf diesen Link zum schliessen des Fensters"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Der Besucher ist in der Prioritäts-Warteschlange bei Operator: {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Besucher in der Warteschleife der Gruppe {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Der Besucher wurde weitergeleitet."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operator {0} wechselt Operator {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Der Operator ist zurzeit mit jemand anderem in Kontakt, bitte warten sie einen Moment."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operator {0} ist in den Chat gekommen"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operator {0} hat den Chat verlassen"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Der Operator {0} hat sie zu einem anderen Operator weitergeleitet, bitte warten..."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operator {0} ist zurück"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Der Besucher hat seinen Namen von {0} zu {1} geändert."
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Besucher hat das Chatfenster geschlossen"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Besucher {0} hat den Chat verlassen"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Besucher hat erneut Chat betreten"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Im Chat"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "geschlossen"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Laden"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "In Warteschlange"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Warten auf den Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Willkommen ! Bitte warten, ein Operator ist gleich da."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Sie chatten mit:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Chat schliessen"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Antwort auswählen..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Nachricht senden"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Senden ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Chat-Protokoll via Email senden"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Benutzer an einen anderen Operator weiterleiten"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Aktualisieren"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Um zu Antworten, den Name anklicken."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Diese Seite zeigt wartende Benutzer"
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Die Liste ist leer"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Besucher im Gespräch"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Prioritäts Besucher Warteschlange"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Das erste mal auf einen Operator warten"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Liste der wartenden Benutzer"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "obligatorische Felder"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Operator wechseln"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Besucher {0} ist schon reserviert für {1}.
Sicher zum Start ?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nein, Fenster schliessen."
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Ja, fortfahren."
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Hier können Sie sich vor lästigen Teilnehmern schützen."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Suche im Chat-Protokoll"
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Vom System abmelden."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Änderungen gespeichert"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Es gibt zu viele Browser zur Auswahl. Welchen wollen sie benutzen ?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hallo, wie kann ich ihnen helfen ?"
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Datei Upload \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Fehler beim verschieben der Datei"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "max. Upload Größe überschritten."
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Fehler korrigieren:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Falscher Dateityp"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Bitte \"{0}\" ausfüllen."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Bitte \"{0}\" korrekt ausfüllen."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Optionen aktiviert"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Bsp.: oder"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Adresse des Besuchers"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Dieser Name wird den Besuchern angezeigt"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Internationaler Name (Latain)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Dieser Name wird den Besuchern angezeigt."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Ihr Avatar Bild."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Standard Avatar Bild"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Wählen sie ein Avatar Bild zum Upload.
Das Bild sollte die Maße 100x100 Pixel nicht überschreiten"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Avatar hochladen"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Grund der Blockierung"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Wie viele Tage soll die Adresse blockiert werden?"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Tage"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ihre Email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Beschreibung in Englisch."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Internationale Beschreibung"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Name in Englisch."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Internationaler Name"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Beschreibung der Gruppe."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Beschreibung"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Name zur identifizierung der Gruppe."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Login nur mit normalen Zeichen."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Nachricht"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ihr Name"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Bitte neues Passwort eingeben.
Lassen sie das Feld leer um das Passwort nicht zu ändern."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Passwort"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Neues Passwort bestätigen."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Bestätigung"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Übersetzung"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Sie sind verbunden mit MySQL Server Version {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Datenbank anlegen \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Datenbank \"{0}\" wurde angelegt."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Die Datenbank wurde konnte nicht auf dem Server gefunden werden.
Klicken Sie den folgenden Link, falls sie die nötige Berechtigung
besitzen um eine Datenbank anzulegen."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Benötigte Tabellen anlegen."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Tabellen wurden erfolgreich angelegt."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Tabellen aktuallisieren"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Die Tabellenstruktur ist auf dem akuellen Stand."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Die Struktur ihrer Tabellen sollte auf die neue Version aktuallisiert werden."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden. Überprüfen Sie bitte die Einstellungen in der Datei config.php. Fehler: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Abgeschlossen:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Lösen Sie das Problem und versuchen Sie es erneut. Drücken Sie zurück um zum wizard zurück zu kehren."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Problem"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Ihre Tabellenstruktur kann nicht aktuallisiert werden. Versuchen Sie es manuell oder erstellen sie alle Tabellen noch einmal ganz neu (ACHTUNG: Alle Daten gehen hier bei verloren)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Existierende Tabellen der Datenbank löschen"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Software license agreement"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Folgen sie dem Wizard um Ihre Datenbank einzurichten."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nächster Schritt:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Installation"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Bitte starten Sie den Update wizard um die Datenbank anzupassen."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Sie können sich nun anmelden"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Das System wurde erfolgreich installiert."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Sie können sich als admin ohne Passwort anmelden.
ACHTUNG: Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollten sie nach der Installation ein Passwort für den Benutzer admin vergeben und den Ordner {0} vom Server löschen."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie ihre Sprache"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "schliessen"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Es tut uns leid, aber es ist zurzeit kein Operator frei bzw. da.
Versuchen sie es spaeter nochmal oder benutzen sie dieses Formular:"
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Senden"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Danke für die Benutzung unseres Services. Wir antworten Ihnen per Email so bald wie möglich."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Die Nachricht wurde gesendet."
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Live Support"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Agenten"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Button Code"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Einstellungen"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "schliessen..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Email eingeben:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Senden"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Chat-Protokoll per Email senden"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Agenten Liste"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Gesperrte Besucher"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Vordefinierte Nachrichten"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Abteilungs- oder Qualifikationsabhängige Operator Gruppen."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Gruppen"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Region ändern."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Sprache"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Haupt"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Sie sind {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Sie können ihre persönlichen Daten auf dieser Seite ändern."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Regionalisieren"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Auf Nachrichten und Updates prüfen."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Updates"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
-msgid "my_settings.error.no_password"
-msgstr "Es ist noch kein Passwort für den Administrator gesetzt"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Kein solcher Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<keine Beschreibung>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Wähle Gruppen nach Operator Qualifikation."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Operator Gruppen"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Browser"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppe"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Besuchers Addresse"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Besuchers Nachricht"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zeit im Chat"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Das Chat-Protokoll ist hier zu finden."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Protokoll ansehen"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Schließen..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ihr Webbrowser ist nicht geeignet. Bitte benutzen Sie einen der folgenden, gängigen Browser:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bitte benutzen Sie einen moderneren Browser..."
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Code für Gruppe"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Bild wählen"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Zielschauplatz"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Chatfenster Style"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Warnung ! Bitte nicht den Code aendern !"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML CCode"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-Alle Operatoren-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Hostname in den Code integrieren"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Hier kann der HTML Code generieren."
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Beispiel"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Sichere Links (https) ?"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Button HTML Code generieren"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hier können Sie neue Gruppen erstellen."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Gruppennamen, da die Gruppe mit dem eingegebenen Namen bereits existiert."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hier können sie Gruppendetails ändern."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operatoren"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppe nicht gefunden"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppendetails"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Mitgliederliste anzeigen und ändern."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Mitglieder"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Diese Seite zeigt eine Liste der Gruppen in Ihrem Unternehmen an. Jede Gruppe kann individuelle Buttons und vordefinierte Nachrichten haben."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Neue Gruppe erstellen..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Gruppen"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Chat Fenster (Agenten-Modus)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Chatfenster anschauen (Lesen-Only-Modus)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Einfaches Chatfenster, Nachrichten aktualisieren (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Style wählen"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Template waehlen"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Sie koennen die Styles testen"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Nachrichten Fenster verlassen"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "Lassen Sie Mitteilung gesendetes Fenster"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Mail Thread Fenster"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "Email wird im Fenster geschickt"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Liste unterstützter Browser"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Leiten Sie Besucher zu einem anderen Operatorfenster um"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "Besucher ist in einem umadressierten Fenster"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Fehler anschauen"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-von Haupteinstellungen-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Umfrage for dem Chat"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Seiten Style"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Chat Fenster (Benutzer-Modus)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Wenn ihnen die Überstzung nicht gefällt, senden sie uns bitte ein Update."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Ihre Übersetzung wurde gespeichert."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Geben sie ihre Übersetzung ein."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Übersetze Mibew"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung das Profil dieser Person zu ändern."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Avatar entfernen"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Hier kann ein neuer Operator erstellt werden."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Bitte einen anderen Login Namen auswählen. Ein Agent mit dem gewählten Namen ist bereits im System vorhanden."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Der Login-Name darf nur Zahlen, Buchstaben und den Unterstrich \"_\" beinhalten."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Diese Seite zeigt Agenten Details. Falls Sie die nötigen Berechtigungen besitzen, können sie die Details hier editieren."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Foto"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppen"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Haupt"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Berechtigungen"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Operator Details"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Agenten Volle Liste:"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Auf dieser Seite werden die Mitarbeiter Ihrer Firma angezeigt, hier können Sie auch neue Agenten anlegen oder deren Rechte ändern."
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Neuen Agent erstellen..."
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Agenten"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Benutzername oder Nachrichtentext Suche:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Chat-Protokoll"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Es können nur Fotos in JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF hochgeladen werden."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Foto hochladen"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Hier können Sie Benutzer sperren, die Ihre Arbeit erschweren indem sie Ihnen lästige Spam-Nachrichten schreiben."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Addresse {0} ist gesperrt."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Sie haben das Fenster für das Thema \"{0}\" geöffnet, das Adresse Feld ist bereits gefüllt. Wählen Sie die Anzahl an Tagen und klicken Sie auf Senden."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Adresse sperren"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Adresse hinzufügen"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Liste der gebannten IPs:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Gesperrt"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "bis"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Hier sind wartende Benutzer zu sehen"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Allgemein"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mitglieder"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Username/Passwort ist falsch !"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Usernamen und Ihr Passwort ein um Zugang zu den administrativen Werzeugen zu bekommen, ihre Besucher anzuzeigen und den Verlauf zu durchsuchen."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Login:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Passwort:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Merken"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Suchen Sie im Chat-Protokoll nach einem Benutzer oder einem bestimmten Frase in der Nachricht."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Spezielle Optionen die das Chat-Fenster und andere Sytemeinstellungen betreffen."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Optionale Dienste"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Allgemein"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Template Vorschau"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Menü verstecken >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Menü anzeigen >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Ein neuer Besucher wartet auf Antwort."
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Besucher bannen"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Adresse des Besuchers"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Weiteres"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Status"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total Zeit"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Wartezeit"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Klicken um mit dem Besucher zu chatten."
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Chat ansehen"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "System Administration: Einstellungen, Operators Managment, Button Generierung"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Über das Chat Thema setzen"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Andere Operator-Themen anschauen"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Hier können die Berechtigungen für die Operatoren gesetzt werden"
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Berechtigungen"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Abteilung wählen:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Danke, dass Sie uns kontaktieren! Um Ihnen besser helfen zu können, füllen Sie bitte das Formular aus und clicken auf den Start Chat Button."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Anfangsfrage:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Chat starten"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Live Support"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Datum"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Chat Diskussionen"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Nachrichten von Operatoren"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Nachrichten von Besuchern"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Nutzungsstatistiken für jedes Datum"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Chat Diskussionen"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Nachrichten"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Durchschnittliche Nachrichtenlänge (in Zeichen)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Diskussionen nach Operator"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Nicht genügend Daten"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gesamt:"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Administration"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Primär"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Andere"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Abteilung Ihrer Firma zum Beispiel."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Title im Chatfenster"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Alles pruefen im Style, hier"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Style für das Chatfenster"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Geben sie ihren Firmen Titel ein"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Firmen Titel"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email Adresse an die System Nachrichten gesendet werden."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Mit dieser Funktion können IPs gesperrt werden"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Option \"Malicious Visitors\" anschalten"
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Benutzen Sie es um seperate Warteschleifen für unterschiedliche Fragen zu haben."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "\"Gruppen\" aktivieren"
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Zwingt den Benutzer ein Formular auszufüllen um den Chat zu starten."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "\"Umfrage vor dem Chat\" aktivieren"
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie, dass ihr Web-Server so konfiguriert sein muss, dass er https Anfragen erlaubt."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Erlaube sichere Verbindungen (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Fügt eine Seite mit messenger Nutzungsstatistiken ein."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "\"Statistiken\" aktivieren"
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Chats nur über https Verbindungen anzeigen"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Sichere Verbindung (SSL) aller Chats erzwingen"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Jede IP wird bei Verbindungseröffnung in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet. {IP} wird mit einer realen IP ersetzt."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Verbindung zu einem externen geolocation Service"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Fenstergröße und Symbolleisten verstecken"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Geolocation Fenster Optionen"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Weiterleitungsziel (URL) für ihren Firmenname oder Firmenlogo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL ihrer Website"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Geben sie die Adresse für Ihr Firmenlogo ein"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Ihr Firmen Logo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Namen Ihrer Firma ein."
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 erlaubt eine beliebige Anzahl an Verbindungen"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Maximale Anzahl der Diskussionen einer Adresse."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Kurze Dialoge scheinen ihre Aufmersamkeit auf Sie zu ziehen."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "\"Popup Nachrichten für neue Besucher\" aktivieren"
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Änderungen gespeichert"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Nachrichten senden mit:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Abteilungs Auswahlfeld in Umfrage anzeigen/verstecken"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Besuchern erlauben eine Abteilung/Gruppe auszuwählen"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "E-Mail Feld in Umfrage anzeigen/ausblenden"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Besucher E-Mail abfragen"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Anfangsfragen Feld in Umfrage anzeigen/verstecken"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Anfangsfragefeld anzeigen"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Messenger Einstellungen"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Ausschalten um die EditBox aus den Chat-Fenster zu verstecken."
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Benutzern erlauben den Namen zu wechseln"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Wie man ansehnlichen Besuchernamen aufbaut von {name}, {id} oder {addr}. Standard: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Ansehnlicher Besuchername"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Geben sie eine korrekte Emailadresse ein"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "\"Maximale Anzahl der Diskussionen\" Feld muss eine Zahl sein"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Datum wählen"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Hier können Sie eine vielzahl an Nutzungsstatistiken generieren."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Von:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Bis:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistiken"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Das gewählte \"Von\" Datum ist nach dem gewählten \"Bis\" Datum"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Seite {0} von {1}, {2}-{3} von {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nächstes"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Keine Elemente"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "0 Elemente gefunden"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "Vorheriges"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "zur Suche gehen"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Chat Log"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Die Seite zeigt Chats an"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "Lassen Sie Mitteilung gesendetes Fenster"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "Besucher ist in einem umadressierten Fenster"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<keine Beschreibung>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "abwesend"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(online)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-Alle Operatoren-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-von Haupteinstellungen-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 erlaubt eine beliebige Anzahl an Verbindungen"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Das System wurde erfolgreich installiert."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Warnung ! Bitte nicht den Code aendern !"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Ein Protokoll des Chat wurde an {0} gesendet."
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Ein neuer Besucher wartet auf Antwort."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Alles pruefen im Style, hier"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Adresse hinzufügen"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Nachricht hinzufügen..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Neue Nachricht hinzufügen."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Neuen Agent erstellen..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Addresse {0} ist gesperrt."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Fügt eine Seite mit messenger Nutzungsstatistiken ein."
+msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Logout"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "Ohne Menü"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Besucher"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Richtung:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Alle Zeichenketten"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zeichenketten für Administrator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zeichenketten für Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zeichenketten für Besucher"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Anzeigen:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Schlüssel Identifizierer"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Quellsprachen Zeichenkette"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Sortiere nach:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Anderer Benutzer schreibt..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Sie benutzen:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Erlaube sichere Verbindungen (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Besuchern erlauben eine Abteilung/Gruppe auszuwählen"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Benutzern erlauben den Namen zu wechseln"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Besucher E-Mail abfragen"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Durchschnittliche Nachrichtenlänge (in Zeichen)"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "zurück..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Gesperrt"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Besucher bannen"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Adresse sperren"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Gesperrte Besucher"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Browser"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Button HTML Code generieren"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Button HTML Code generieren."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Button Code"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Vordefinierte Nachrichten"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen:"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Region ändern."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Name ändern"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Operator wechseln"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Hier können die Berechtigungen für die Operatoren gesetzt werden"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Änderungen gespeichert"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Chat Diskussionen"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Chat-Protokoll"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Chat Log"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Template Vorschau"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Chat Diskussionen"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Chat Fenster (Agenten-Modus)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Chat Fenster (Benutzer-Modus)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Chatfenster Style"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Auf Nachrichten und Updates prüfen."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Abteilung wählen:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Wähle Gruppen nach Operator Qualifikation."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Bild wählen"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Style wählen"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Template waehlen"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Wählen sie ein Avatar Bild zum Upload.
Das Bild sollte die Maße 100x100 Pixel nicht überschreiten"
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Wählen Sie ihre Sprache"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Wähle:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Klick auf diesen Link, um das Fenster zu schließen"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Klicken um mit dem Besucher zu chatten."
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Klick auf diesen Link zum schliessen des Fensters"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "schliessen"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Chat schliessen"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Schließen..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "geschlossen"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Code für Gruppe"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Zielschauplatz"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Kommentar"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Firmen Titel"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Abgeschlossen:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Neues Passwort bestätigen."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Bestätigung"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Fehler korrigieren:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden. Überprüfen Sie bitte die Einstellungen in der Datei config.php. Fehler: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Datenbank anlegen \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Neue Gruppe erstellen..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Hier können Sie neue Gruppen erstellen."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Erstellen und löschen von Agenten. Rechte anpassen."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Benötigte Tabellen anlegen."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Standard Avatar Bild"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Datenbank \"{0}\" wurde angelegt."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Datum"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Tage"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Löschen"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Abteilungs- oder Qualifikationsabhängige Operator Gruppen."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Beschreibung"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Beschreibung in Englisch."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Beschreibung der Gruppe."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Weiterleitungsziel (URL) für ihren Firmenname oder Firmenlogo"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Richtung:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Existierende Tabellen der Datenbank löschen"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Jede IP wird bei Verbindungseröffnung in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet. {IP} wird mit einer realen IP ersetzt."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Nachricht editieren"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Eine bestehende Nachricht editieren."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Diese Seite zeigt Agenten Details. Falls Sie die nötigen Berechtigungen besitzen, können sie die Details hier editieren."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Nachrichten ändern, die regelmäßig benutzt werden."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "\"Gruppen\" aktivieren"
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "\"Popup Nachrichten für neue Besucher\" aktivieren"
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "\"Umfrage vor dem Chat\" aktivieren"
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "\"Statistiken\" aktivieren"
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Option \"Malicious Visitors\" anschalten"
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "OK"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Bitte neues Passwort eingeben.
Lassen sie das Feld leer um das Passwort nicht zu ändern."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Geben sie eine korrekte Emailadresse ein"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Email Adresse an die System Nachrichten gesendet werden."
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Geben sie die Adresse für Ihr Firmenlogo ein"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Geben sie ihren Firmen Titel ein"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Email eingeben:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Geben sie ihre Übersetzung ein."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Username/Passwort ist falsch !"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Umgebung:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Fehler"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Fehler beim verschieben der Datei"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Datei Upload \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Bsp.: oder"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Beispiel"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Logout"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Optionen aktiviert"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Folgen sie dem Wizard um Ihre Datenbank einzurichten."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Für Gruppe:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Für Sprache:"
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Sichere Verbindung (SSL) aller Chats erzwingen"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Zwingt den Benutzer ein Formular auszufüllen um den Chat zu starten."
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "0 Elemente gefunden"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Hier können Sie eine vielzahl an Nutzungsstatistiken generieren."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Von:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Agenten Volle Liste:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Funktionen für Poweruser verfügbar."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Allgemein"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Geolocation Fenster Optionen"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "zur Suche gehen"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Gruppe"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Gruppendetails"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Gruppe:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Gruppen"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Besucher"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML CCode"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Hallo, wie kann ich ihnen helfen ?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Hier können Sie Benutzer sperren, die Ihre Arbeit erschweren indem sie Ihnen lästige Spam-Nachrichten schreiben."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Hier können Sie sich vor lästigen Teilnehmern schützen."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Menü verstecken >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Home"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Wie man ansehnlichen Besuchernamen aufbaut von {name}, {id} oder {addr}. Standard: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Wenn ihnen die Überstzung nicht gefällt, senden sie uns bitte ein Update."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Ihre Tabellenstruktur kann nicht aktuallisiert werden. Versuchen Sie es manuell oder erstellen sie alle Tabellen noch einmal ganz neu (ACHTUNG: Alle Daten gehen hier bei verloren)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Im Chat"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "In Warteschlange"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Hostname in den Code integrieren"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Anfangsfrage:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installation"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Installierte Sprachen:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Web Messenger Updates."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Internationale Beschreibung"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Internationaler Name"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Internationaler Name (Latain)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Falscher Dateityp"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Schlüssel Identifizierer"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Sprache"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Neueste Version:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Nachrichten Fenster verlassen"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Live Support"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Verbindung zu einem externen geolocation Service"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Liste der gebannten IPs:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Liste unterstützter Browser"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Liste der wartenden Benutzer"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Live Support"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Laden"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Regionalisieren"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Vom System abmelden."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Login"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Login nur mit normalen Zeichen."
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Der Login-Name darf nur Zahlen, Buchstaben und den Unterstrich \"_\" beinhalten."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Login:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Mail Thread Fenster"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Primär"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Maximale Anzahl der Diskussionen einer Adresse."
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Mitglieder"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Nachricht"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Nachrichten"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Nachrichten von Operatoren"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Nachrichten von Besuchern"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Messenger Einstellungen"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Web Messenger Updates."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger ist eine open-source live support software."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Weiteres"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Ändern"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Name"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Name in Englisch."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Abteilung Ihrer Firma zum Beispiel."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Name zur identifizierung der Gruppe."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Neue Nachricht"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Nachrichten:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Nächster Schritt:"
+msgid "No Password set for the Administrator"
+msgstr "Es ist noch kein Passwort für den Administrator gesetzt"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Keine Elemente"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Kein solcher Operator"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Gruppe nicht gefunden"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Nachricht nicht gefunden"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Nein, Fenster schliessen."
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Nicht genügend Daten"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Wie viele Tage soll die Adresse blockiert werden?"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "offline"
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Hier können sie Gruppendetails ändern."
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operator"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operator {0} wechselt Operator {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Operator Details"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Operator Gruppen"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operator {0} ist zurück"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operator {0} ist in den Chat gekommen"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operator {0} hat den Chat verlassen"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Der Operator {0} hat sie zu einem anderen Operator weitergeleitet, bitte warten..."
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operator:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Agenten"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Agenten Liste"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Optionale Dienste"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Andere"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Seite {0} von {1}, {2}-{3} von {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Passwort"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Passwort:"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Berechtigungen"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Foto"
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Bitte einen anderen Login Namen auswählen. Ein Agent mit dem gewählten Namen ist bereits im System vorhanden."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Gruppennamen, da die Gruppe mit dem eingegebenen Namen bereits existiert."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Namen Ihrer Firma ein."
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Usernamen und Ihr Passwort ein um Zugang zu den administrativen Werzeugen zu bekommen, ihre Besucher anzuzeigen und den Verlauf zu durchsuchen."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Bitte \"{0}\" korrekt ausfüllen."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Bitte \"{0}\" ausfüllen."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie, dass ihr Web-Server so konfiguriert sein muss, dass er https Anfragen erlaubt."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Bitte starten Sie den Update wizard um die Datenbank anzupassen."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Bitte benutzen Sie einen moderneren Browser..."
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Powered by:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Umfrage for dem Chat"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Prioritäts Besucher Warteschlange"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Problem"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Sie können sich nun anmelden"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Grund der Blockierung"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Weiterleiten zu
anderem Operator"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Benutzer an einen anderen Operator weiterleiten"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Leiten Sie Besucher zu einem anderen Operatorfenster um"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Aktualisieren"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Merken"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Anderer Benutzer schreibt..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Avatar entfernen"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Tabellen wurden erfolgreich angelegt."
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Lösen Sie das Problem und versuchen Sie es erneut. Drücken Sie zurück um zum wizard zurück zu kehren."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Speichern"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "gespeichert"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Suchen"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Suchen Sie im Chat-Protokoll nach einem Benutzer oder einem bestimmten Frase in der Nachricht."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Suche im Chat-Protokoll"
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Style für das Chatfenster"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Antwort auswählen..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Datum wählen"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Senden"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Senden ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Chat-Protokoll via Email senden"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Chat-Protokoll per Email senden"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Nachricht senden"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Nachrichten senden mit:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Senden"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Einstellungen"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Chats nur über https Verbindungen anzeigen"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Fehler anschauen"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Anfangsfragefeld anzeigen"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Menü anzeigen >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Abteilungs Auswahlfeld in Umfrage anzeigen/verstecken"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "E-Mail Feld in Umfrage anzeigen/ausblenden"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Anfangsfragen Feld in Umfrage anzeigen/verstecken"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Anzeigen:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Einfaches Chatfenster, Nachrichten aktualisieren (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Seiten Style"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Kurze Dialoge scheinen ihre Aufmersamkeit auf Sie zu ziehen."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Software license agreement"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Es tut uns leid, aber es ist zurzeit kein Operator frei bzw. da.
Versuchen sie es spaeter nochmal oder benutzen sie dieses Formular:"
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Sortiere nach:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Quellsprachen Zeichenkette"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Spezielle Optionen die das Chat-Fenster und andere Sytemeinstellungen betreffen."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Chat starten"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Status"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiken"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Zeichenketten für Administrator"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Zeichenketten für Operator"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Zeichenketten für Besucher"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Die Struktur ihrer Tabellen sollte auf die neue Version aktuallisiert werden."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Senden"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "System Administration: Einstellungen, Operators Managment, Button Generierung"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Die Tabellenstruktur ist auf dem akuellen Stand."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Über das Chat Thema setzen"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Willkommen ! Bitte warten, ein Operator ist gleich da."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Danke, dass Sie uns kontaktieren! Um Ihnen besser helfen zu können, füllen Sie bitte das Formular aus und clicken auf den Start Chat Button."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Danke für die Benutzung unseres Services. Wir antworten Ihnen per Email so bald wie möglich."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Die Datenbank wurde konnte nicht auf dem Server gefunden werden.
Klicken Sie den folgenden Link, falls sie die nötige Berechtigung
besitzen um eine Datenbank anzulegen."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Die Liste ist leer"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Addresse {0} ist schon vorhanden, klicke hier um die Addresse zu ändern."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Der Besucher hat seinen Namen von {0} zu {1} geändert."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Besucher in der Warteschleife der Gruppe {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Der Besucher ist in der Prioritäts-Warteschlange bei Operator: {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Der Besucher wurde weitergeleitet."
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Es gibt zu viele Browser zur Auswahl. Welchen wollen sie benutzen ?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Dieser Name wird den Besuchern angezeigt."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Auf dieser Seite werden die Mitarbeiter Ihrer Firma angezeigt, hier können Sie auch neue Agenten anlegen oder deren Rechte ändern."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Diese Seite zeigt eine Liste der Gruppen in Ihrem Unternehmen an. Jede Gruppe kann individuelle Buttons und vordefinierte Nachrichten haben."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Diese Seite zeigt wartende Benutzer"
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Die Seite zeigt Chats an"
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Diskussionen nach Operator"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "bis"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Bis:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Zeit im Chat"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Title im Chatfenster"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Um zu Antworten, den Name anklicken."
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Total Zeit"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Gesamt:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Übersetzung"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Übersetze Mibew"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Ausschalten um die EditBox aus den Chat-Fenster zu verstecken."
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL ihrer Website"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Tabellen aktuallisieren"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Updates"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Avatar hochladen"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Foto hochladen"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "max. Upload Größe überschritten."
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Nutzungsstatistiken für jedes Datum"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Benutzen Sie es um seperate Warteschleifen für unterschiedliche Fragen zu haben."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Sichere Links (https) ?"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Benutzername oder Nachrichtentext Suche:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Mit dieser Funktion können IPs gesperrt werden"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Chatfenster anschauen (Lesen-Only-Modus)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Mitgliederliste anzeigen und ändern."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Andere Operator-Themen anschauen"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Protokoll ansehen"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Besucher {0} ist schon reserviert für {1}.
Sicher zum Start ?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Besucher hat das Chatfenster geschlossen"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Besucher hat erneut Chat betreten"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Besucher {0} hat den Chat verlassen"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Adresse des Besuchers"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Adresse des Besuchers"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Ansehnlicher Besuchername"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Besuchers Nachricht"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Besucher"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Besucher im Gespräch"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Besucher kommt von der Seite {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Das erste mal auf einen Operator warten"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Warten auf den Operator"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Wartezeit"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Chat ansehen"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Fenstergröße und Symbolleisten verstecken"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Ja, fortfahren."
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Sie sind"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Sie chatten mit:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Sie sind verbunden mit MySQL Server Version {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung das Profil dieser Person zu ändern."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Sie chatten nicht mit dem besucher."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Sie benutzen:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Sie sind {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Sie können ihre persönlichen Daten auf dieser Seite ändern."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Hier kann ein neuer Operator erstellt werden."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Hier sind wartende Benutzer zu sehen"
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Das Chat-Protokoll ist hier zu finden."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Hier kann der HTML Code generieren."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Sie können sich als admin ohne Passwort anmelden.
ACHTUNG: Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollten sie nach der Installation ein Passwort für den Benutzer admin vergeben und den Ordner {0} vom Server löschen."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Es können nur Fotos in JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF hochgeladen werden."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Sie koennen die Styles testen"
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Das gewählte \"Von\" Datum ist nach dem gewählten \"Bis\" Datum"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Sie haben das Fenster für das Thema \"{0}\" geöffnet, das Adresse Feld ist bereits gefüllt. Wählen Sie die Anzahl an Tagen und klicken Sie auf Senden."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Ihr Avatar Bild."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Ihr Firmen Logo"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Ihre Email"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Die Nachricht wurde gesendet."
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Ihr Name"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Der Operator ist zurzeit mit jemand anderem in Kontakt, bitte warten sie einen Moment."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Ihre Session ist abgelaufen! Bitte melden Sie sich noch einmal an."
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Ihre Übersetzung wurde gespeichert."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Ihr Webbrowser ist nicht geeignet. Bitte benutzen Sie einen der folgenden, gängigen Browser:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "editieren"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "obligatorische Felder"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "Nächstes"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "Vorheriges"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "entfernen"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "Ohne Menü"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/el/translation.po b/translations/el/translation.po
index 179012f9..266f9fcc 100644
--- a/translations/el/translation.po
+++ b/translations/el/translation.po
@@ -1,948 +1,876 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Δημιουργήστε, διαγράψτε χειριστές της εταιρείας. Διαχειριστείτε τα δικαιώματά τους."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Παραγωγή του HTML κώδικα του Κουμπιού."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Καθορίστε τις επιλογές που επηρεάζουν το παράθυρο συνομιλίας και την κοινή συμπεριφορά του συστήματος."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Λειτουργίες που είναι διαθέσιμες στους διαχειριστές της Ιστοσελίδας."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Η συνεδρία σας έχει λήξει παρακαλώ συνδεθείτε ξανά"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Το Mibew Messenger είναι μία εφαρμογή ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ για 'Άμεση ζωντανή υποστήριξη."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Συνομιλητής Mibew"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Η συγκεκριμένη διεύθυνση είναι ήδη σε χρήση, κάντε κλικ εδώ αν θέλετε να την επεξεργαστείτε."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Διαγραφή"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Enter"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Αφήστε το μήνυμά σας"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Online Υποστήριξη"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "Εκτός Σύνδεσης"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Κάντε την ερώτησή σας"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Online Υποστήριξη"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Συνδεμένος"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Αποθήκευση"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Αναζήτηση"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "αφαίρεση"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "επεξεργασία"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Τροποποίηση"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη μηνύματος..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία μηνυμάτων που συχνά χρησιμοποιείτε στη συζήτηση."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Για την ομάδα:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Για την γλώσσα:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Προκαθορισμένα μηνύματα"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία ενός υπάρχοντος μηνύματος."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Αποθηκευμένα"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Μήνυμα"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο μήνυμα"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία μηνύματος"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη νέου μηνύματος."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Νέο Μήνυμα"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(απών)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(παρόν)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης προήλθε από τη σελίδα {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή ονόματος"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Είστε"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης περιηγήθηκε στο {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Επισκέπτης"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Κλείσιμο..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Προέκυψε Σφάλμα:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Σφάλμα"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Κλείσιμο..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο για να κλείσετε το παράθυρο"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Το Ιστορικό της συνομιλίας σας εστάλη στην διεύθυνση {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Εστάλη"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Επιστροφή..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Δεν συνομιλείτε με τον επισκέπτη."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ομάδα:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Χειριστής:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Ανακατεύθυνση σε
άλλον χειριστή"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Κλείσιμο..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Κάντε κλικ για να κλείσετε το παράθυρο"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Ο επισκέπτης τοποθετήθηκε στην σειρά προτεραιότητας του χειριστή {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ο επισκέπτης τοποθετήθηκε στην σειρά προτεραιότητας της ομάδας {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Ο επισκέπτης ανακατευθύνεται σε άλλον χειριστή"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} άλλαξε χειριστή {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Ο Χειριστής έχει προβλήματα σύνδεσης, για αυτό σας μετακινήσαμε προσωρινά σε σειρά αναμονής στο παρασκήνιο. Λυπούμαστε για την αναμονή."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} εισήλθε στην συνομιλία"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} εγκατέλειψε την συνομιλία"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} θα μεταφέρει την συνομιλία σας σε άλλον χειριστή, παρακαλώ περιμένετε"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} έχει επιστρέψει"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης άλλαξε το όνομα του από {0} σε {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης έκλεισε το παράθυρο συνομιλίας"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης {0} εγκατέλειψε την συνομιλία"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Επισκέπτης προσχώρησε στο chat"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Σε συνομιλία"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Κλειστό"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Φορτώνει"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Στην ουρά"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Αναμονή για τον χειριστή"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Πληροφορίες: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Σας ευχαριστούμε που επικοινωνήσατε μαζί μας. Ένας Χειριστής θα είναι σύντομα κοντά σας..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Συνομιλείτε με:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Κλείσε την συνομιλία"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Λειτουργεί με:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε απάντηση..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Αποστολή μηνύματος"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Αποστολή ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Συνομιλητής Mibew"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Συνομιλητής Mibew"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Αποστολή ιστορικού συνομιλίας με e-mail"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Ανακατεύθυνση επισκέπτη σε άλλο χειριστή"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Ανανέωση"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Για να απαντήσετε στον επισκέπτη κάντε κλικ στο όνομά του στην παρακάτω λίστα."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει μια λίστα επισκεπτών σε αναμονή."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Η λίστα των εν αναμονή επισκεπτών είναι άδεια"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Επισκέπτες σε συνομιλίες"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Επισκέπτες στην ουρά προτεραιότητας"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Αναμονή για το χειριστή για πρώτη φορά"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Κατάλογος των εν αναμονή επισκεπτών"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "υποχρεωτικά πεδία"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Κοινότητα Συνομιλητή Mibew"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή χειριστή"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης {0} βοηθιέται ήδη από τον {1}.
Είστε πραγματικά σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να αρχίσετε να μιλάτε με τον επισκέπτη?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Όχι, κλείσε το παράθυρο"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Ναι, είμαι σίγουρος"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να αμυνθείτε από κακόβουλους επισκέπτες."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Αναζήτηση στο ιστορικό διαλόγων."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Αποσύνδεση από το σύστημα."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Οι αλλαγές αποθηκεύτηκαν"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Υπάρχουν πολλά προγράμματα περιήγησης για να επιλέξετε. Ποιο μου προτείνετε?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Γεια σας, πως μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Τα γράμματα που πληκτρολογήσατε δεν ταιριάζουν με τα γράμματα που υπάρχουν στην εικόνα."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Σφάλμα κατά την μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Σφάλμα κατά την μεταφορά του αρχείου"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Υπέρβαση επιτρεπόμενου μεγέθους αρχείου για ανέβασμα"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Διόρθωση των λαθών:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Μη-έγκυρος τύπος αρχείου"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το πεδίο \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το πεδίο \"{0}\" σωστά."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Τα Χαρακτηριστικά έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Πχ: ή"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Η Διεύθυνση του επισκέπτη"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Αυτό το όνομα θα είναι ορατό από τους επισκέπτες σας."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Διεθνής ονομασία (Λατινικά)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Αυτό το όνομα θα είναι ορατό από τους επισκέπτες σας."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Όνομα"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Η εικόνα avatar σας."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Η τρέχουσα εικόνα avatar"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε το αρχείο εικόνας για ανέβασμα.
Η εικόνα δεν θα πρέπει να ξεπερνά τα 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Ανέβασμα εικόνας avatar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Αιτία μπλοκαρίσματος"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Σχόλιο"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Αριθμός Ημερών που αυτή η διεύθυνση είναι μπλοκαρισμένη"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Ημέρες"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "To email σας"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Περιγραφή στα Αγγλικά."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Διεθνής περιγραφή"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Όνομα στα Αγγλικά."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Διεθνές όνομα"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Περιγραφή της ομάδας."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Περιγραφή"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Όνομα για ταυτοποίηση της ομάδας."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Όνομα"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Η Είσοδος μπορεί να αποτελείται από μικρά λατινικά γράμματα και υπόπαυλα."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Είσοδος"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Για ενημερώσεις και επαναφορά κωδικού."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Μήνυμα"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Το όνομά σας"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Πληκτρολογήστε νέο κωδικό πρόσβασης ή αφήστε το πεδίο κενό για να κρατήσει τον προηγούμενο."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Κωδικός"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση νέου κωδικού."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Μετάφραση"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Δεν μπορεί να εκτελεστεί:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Έχετε συνδεθεί με τον διακομιστή MySQL έκδοση {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Δημιουργία βάσης \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Η βάση \"{0}\" έχει δημιουργηθεί."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Η Βάση δεδομένων δεν βρέθηκε στον διακομιστή. Εάν έχετε δικαιώματα για να δημιουργηθεί τώρα, κάντε κλικ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Δημιουργία απαιτούμενων πινάκων."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Οι απαιτούμενοι πίνακες δημιουργήθηκαν."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Ενημέρωση πινάκων"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Η δομή των πινάκων είναι ενημερωμένη."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Η δομή των πινάκων σας πρέπει να τροποποιηθεί για να είναι συμβατοί με την νέα έκδοση του Messenger."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Δεν μπορεί να συνδεθεί, παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις του διακομιστή στο config.php. Σφάλμα: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Ολοκληρώθηκε:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Επιλύστε το πρόβλημα και δοκιμάστε ξανά. Πατήστε επιστροφή για να επιστρέψετε στον οδηγό."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Πρόβλημα"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Δεν είναι δυνατό να ενημερωθεί η δομή των πινάκων. Προσπαθήστε να το κάνετε χειροκίνητα ή να αναδημιουργήσετε όλους τους πίνακες (προειδοποίηση: όλα τα δεδομένα σας θα χαθούν)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Διαγραφή υπαρχόντων πινάκων από τη βάση δεδομένων"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Άδεια χρήσης λογισμικού"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Ακολουθείστε τον οδηγό για την εγκατάσταση της βάσης δεδομένων."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Επόμενο βήμα:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Εγκατάσταση"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ, τρέξτε τον Οδηγό Ενημέρωσης για να αναπροσαρμόσετε την βάση δεδομένων σας."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Μεταβείτε στην σελίδα εισόδου"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Η Εφαρμογή εγκαταστάθηκε επιτυχώς."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Μπορείτε να συνδεθείτε ως διαχειριστής με κενό κωδικό.
!!! Για λόγους ασφαλείας όμως, παρακαλώ αλλάξτε τον κωδικό σας άμεσα και σβήστε τον φάκελο {0} από τον διακομιστή."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Επιλογή Γλώσσας"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Κλείσιμο"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Δυστυχώς, κανένας χειριστής δεν είναι διαθέσιμος αυτή τη στιγμή. Παρακαλώ, δοκιμάστε αργότερα,η στείλτε μας την ερώτησή σας μέσω τις φόρμας αποστολής."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Αποστολή"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Σας ευχαριστούμε που χρησιμοποιήσατε την υπηρεσία μας. Θα σας απαντήσουμε μέσω e-mail το συντομότερο δυνατόν."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "To μήνυμά σας έχει αποσταλεί"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Αφήστε το μήνυμά σας"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Χειριστές"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Κώδικας κουμπιού"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Άδεια"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Κλείσιμο..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Εισάγετε το e-mail σας:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Αποστολή"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Αποστολή ιστορικού συνομιλίας
με e-mail"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Λίστα χειριστών"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Αποκλεισμένοι επισκέπτες"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Προκαθορισμένα μηνύματα"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Τμήματα."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Ομάδες"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Αλλάξτε την γλώσσα."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Γλώσσα"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Κεντρικό"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Είστε ο/η {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα προσωπικά σας στοιχεία σε αυτή τη σελίδα."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Προφίλ"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Μετάφραση"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Έλεγχος για νέα και ενημερώσεις."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Ενημερώσεις"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Οι Κωδικοί που εισάγατε δεν ταιριάζουν"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιος χειριστής"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<δεν υπάρχει περιγραφή>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε τις ομάδες ανάλογα με τις ικανότητες του χειριστή."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Ομάδες χειριστών"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Περιηγητής"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ομάδα"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Διεύθυνση του επισκέπτη"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Μηνύματα του επισκέπτη"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Όνομα"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Χειριστής"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Χρόνος παραμονής στην συνομιλία"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Μπορείτε να βρείτε το ιστορικό συνομιλίας των επισκεπτών σας εδώ."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Ιστορικό επισκέψεων"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Κλείσιμο..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας δεν υποστηρίζετε πλήρως από τον Συνομιλητή Mibew. Παρακαλούμε, χρησιμοποιήστε ένα από τα παρακάτω προγράμματα περιήγησης στο Web:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Παρακαλούμε, χρησιμοποιήστε νεότερο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Κώδικας για την ομάδα"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε εικόνα"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Κώδικας για τη γλώσσα"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Στυλ παράθυρου Συνομιλίας"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Προσοχή! Παρακαλώ μην αλλάζετε τον κώδικα
γιατί δεν μπορούμε να εγγυηθούμε ότι
αυτό θα λειτουργήσει!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "Κώδικας HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-Όλοι οι χειριστές-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Συμπεριλάβετε το όνομα του Διακομιστή στον κώδικα"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε HTML κώδικα για να τοποθετήσετε στο site σας."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Συμβατότητα με το mod_security (, ενεργοποιήστε μόνο εάν έχετε προβλήματα με αυτό"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Παράδειγμα"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Χρησιμοποιήστε ασφαλείς συνδέσεις (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Παραγωγή του HTML κώδικα του Κουμπιού"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε νέα ομάδα."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ διαλέξτε ένα άλλο όνομα, γιατί ομάδα με το όνομα αυτό υπάρχει ήδη."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Σε αυτή τη σελίδα μπορείτε να επεξεργαστείτε τις λεπτομέρειες της ομάδας."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Χειριστές"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοια ομάδα"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Λεπτομέρειες Ομάδας"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Δείτε και επεξεργαστείτε τη λίστα μελών."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Μέλη"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε την ομάδα \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει μια λίστα των ομάδων της εταιρείας. Κάθε ομάδα μπορεί να έχει ξεχωριστό κουμπί και έτοιμες απαντήσεις."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Απών"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Συνδεμένος"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Δημιουργία νέας ομάδας ..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Ομάδες"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Chat window (operator-mode)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Δείτε παράθυρο του Chat (χειριστή σε λειτουργία μόνο για ανάγνωση)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Απλό παράθυρο του chat, ανανεώστε για να αναρτήσετε μηνύματα για περιηγητές (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε το στυλ"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Επιλογή εμφάνισης"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Παράθυρο σφάλματος"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Από εδώ, μπορείτε να δείτε τη λίστα των θεμάτων που σήμερα έχουν εγκατασταθεί."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Παράθυρο για αφήσετε μήνυμα"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "παράθυρο \"Μήνυμα παραδόθηκε\""
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "παράθυρο νήματος Email"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "παράθυρο \"Μήνυμα στάλθηκε\""
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Λίστα των υποστηριζόμενων περιηγητών"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Ανακατεύθυνση επισκέπτη σε ένα άλλο παράθυρο χειριστή"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "παράθυρο \"Ανακατεύθυνση Επισκέπτη\""
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση σφαλμάτων"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-Από τις γενικές ρυθμίσεις-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Έρευνα πριν την συνομιλία"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Στυλ Ιστοσελίδας"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Παράθυρο συνομιλίας (user-mode)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Αν δεν σας αρέσει η μετάφραση, παρακαλούμε να μας ενημερώσετε για τα λάθη."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Η μετάφρασή σας έχει αποθηκευτεί."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Εισάγετε σας μετάφραση."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Οδηγός τοπικοποίησης"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Δεν σας επιτρέπεται να αλλάξετε το προφίλ του προσώπου αυτού."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Κατάργηση avatar"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να προσθέσετε νέο χειριστή."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα άλλο όνομα σύνδεσης , επειδή χειριστής με αυτό όνομα ήδη υπάρχει καταχωρημένος στο σύστημα."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Όνομα σύνδεσης θα πρέπει να περιέχει μόνο λατινικούς χαρακτήρες, αριθμούς και κάτω παύλα σύμβολο."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία γενικών ρυθμίσεων του χειριστή."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Φωτογραφία"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ομάδες"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Γενικά"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Δικαιώματα"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Λεπτομέρειες Χειριστή"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Όνομα"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Πλήρης λίστα χειριστών:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε χειριστή \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει μια λίστα με χειριστές της εταιρείας."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Απών"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Συνδεμένος"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Εισάγετε χειριστή..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Πρόσφατες δραστηριότητες"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Χειριστές"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Όνομα χρήστη ή μήνυμα αναζήτησης κειμένου:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ιστορικό συνομιλιών"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Μπορείτε να ανεβάσετε τη φωτογραφία σας μόνο σε μορφή JPG, GIF, PNG ή TIF αρχείων εικόνας."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Ανεβάστε τη φωτογραφία"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να αποτρέψετε τους κακόβουλους επισκέπτες που επηρεάζουν την εργασία σας με τα μηνύματα spam."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Διεύθυνση {0} είναι αποκλεισμένη για συγκεκριμένο αριθμό ημερών."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Μπορείτε άνοιξε αυτό το παράθυρο για \"{0}\" νήμα, Διεύθυνση πεδίο είναι ήδη συμπληρωμένο. Επιλέξτε τον αριθμό των ημερών και κάντε κλικ στο Αποστολή."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Μπλοκάρισμα διεύθυνσης"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Εισάγετε διεύθυνση"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε τη διεύθυνση {0} από τη φραγή?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Λίστα μπλοκαρισμένων IPs:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Λίστα φραγής"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Έως"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Μπορείτε να δείτε την λίστα με την ουρά επισκεπτών."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Γενικά"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Χρήστες"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Όνομα σύνδεσης/κωδικός είναι εσφαλμένα"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το όνομα χρήστη και το κωδικό σας για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στην Διαχείριση , δείτε τους επισκέπτες σας και περιηγηθείτε στο ιστορικό."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Κωδικός:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Να με Θυμάσαι"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Αναζήτηση για ιστορία συνομιλίας ενός συγκεκριμένου χρήστη ή μια συγκεκριμένη φράση σε ένα μήνυμα."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Καθορίστε τις επιλογές που επηρεάζουν παράθυρο συνομιλίας και την κοινή συμπεριφορά του συστήματος."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Προαιρετικές Υπηρεσίες"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Γενικά"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Επιδόσεις"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση Θεμάτων"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Απόκρυψη μενού >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μενού >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Νέος Επισκέπτης σε αναμονή απάντησης."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Επιλογή κατάστασης \"Απών\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Επιλογή κατάστασης \"Διαθέσιμος\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Φραγή Επισκέπτη"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Διεύθυνση Επισκέπτη"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Διάφορα"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Όνομα"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Χειριστής"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Κατάσταση"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Συνολικός Χρόνος"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Χρόνος Αναμονής"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Κάντε κλικ για να συνομιλήσετε με τον επισκέπτη"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Παρακολουθήστε την συνομιλία"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Σύστημα διαχείρισης: Οι ρυθμίσεις, διαχείριση χειριστών, το κουμπί παραγωγής HTML"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Δυνατότητα να τροποποιήσετε το προφίλ"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Αναλάβετε νήμα συνομιλίας"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Δείτε νήματα άλλον χειριστών"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή των περιορισμών και των διαθέσιμων στοιχείων για την εν λόγω χειριστή."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Δικαιώματα"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Επιλογή Τμήματος:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Σας ευχαριστούμε που επικοινωνήσατε μαζί μας! Για την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτησή σας, παρακαλούμε να συμπληρώσετε την παρακάτω φόρμα και κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί Έναρξη συνομιλίας."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Όνομα:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Αρχική Ερώτηση:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Έναρξη συνομιλίας"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Άμεση Υποστήριξη"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Ημερομηνία"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "θέματα συνομιλίας"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Μηνύματα από χειριστές"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Μηνύματα από Επισκέπτες"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Στατιστικά χρήσης για κάθε ημερομηνία"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Χειριστής"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "θέματα συνομιλίας"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Μηνύματα"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Μέσος όρος μήκους του μηνύματος (σε χαρακτήρες)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Θέματα από χειριστές"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν αρκετά δεδομένα"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Σύνολο:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "Ο κωδικός σας έχει αλλάξει!"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση με το νέο κωδικό πρόσβασης."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "Παρακαλούμε επιλέξτε έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης για χρήση με Mibew λογαριασμό σας."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "Προχωρήστε για να συνδεθείτε"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "Αλλαγή"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Αλλάξτε κωδικό πρόσβασης σας στο Mibew"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "Επιστροφή στην σελίδα εισόδου"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση ή E-mail:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "Δεν μπορείτε να ανακτήσετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας, αλλά μπορείτε να ορίσετε ένα νέο ακολουθώντας τον σύνδεσμο που σας έχει σταλεί με email."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "Ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό σας?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "Ανάκτηση κωδικού πρόσβασης"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "Στείλαμε τις οδηγίες στο email σας. Παρακαλούμε, ελέγξτε το!"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "Επαναφορά κωδικού πρόσβασης"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "Προβλήματα με την πρόσβαση στο λογαριασμό σας?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Διαχείριση"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Γενικά"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Άλλα"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Το όνομα της εταιρείας σας, για παράδειγμα."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Τίτλος στο παράθυρο συνομιλίας"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση για όλες τις σελίδες του κάθε στυλ είναι διαθέσιμη εδώ"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε στυλ για σας παράθυρα συνομιλίας"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Εισάγετε τον τίτλο της εταιρείας σας"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Τίτλος Εταιρείας"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Εισάγετε το email για να λαμβάνετε μηνύματα του συστήματος"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Με την χρήση του μπορείτε να αποκλείσετε τις επιθέσεις από συγκεκριμένες IPs"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Ενεργοποιήστε το χαρακτηριστικό \"Κακόβουλοι Επισκέπτες\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Χρησιμοποιήστε το για να έχουν χωριστές ουρές για διαφορετικές ερωτήσεις."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"Ομάδες\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Δώστε δυνατότητα στο χρήστη να συμπληρώσει ένα ειδικό έντυπο για να ξεκινήσει συνομιλία."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"Προ-chat έρευνα\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Παρακαλούμε, σημειώστε ότι web server σας θα πρέπει να ρυθμιστεί ώστε να υποστηρίζει https αιτήματα."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Επιτρέψτε ασφαλές συνδέσεις (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Προσθέτει σελίδα με αναφορές χρήσης συνομιλιών."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"Στατιστικά\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Δείτε τις συνομιλίες μόνο με https σύνδεση"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Υποχρέωση όλων των συνομιλιών να είναι ασφαλή"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Καθορίστε το διάστημα σταθμοσκόπησης σε δευτερόλεπτα. Η προεπιλογή είναι 2 δευτερόλεπτα."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Χρόνος ανανέωσης Συνομιλίας"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "Παλιοί περιηγητές μπορεί να χρειαστούν να ανανεώσουν ολόκληρη τη σελίδα για να εμφανιστούν τα μηνύματα. Η προεπιλογή είναι 7 δευτερόλεπτα."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Σελίδα ανανέωσης χρόνου για τις παλιούς περιηγητές"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Καθορίστε το διάστημα σταθμοσκόπησης σε δευτερόλεπτα. Η προεπιλογή είναι 2 δευτερόλεπτα."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "κονσόλα ανανέωσης χρόνου Χειριστή"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Άνοιγμα συνδέσμου τις κάθε ΙΡ σε νέο παράθυρο. {Ip} αντικαθίσταται με ένα πραγματικό ip."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση σε εξωτερική υπηρεσία geolocation"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Μέγεθος Παράθυρου και γραμμές εργαλείων κρύβονται"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Παράθυρο επιλογών Γεωγραφικής τοποθεσίας"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Προορισμός για το όνομα της εταιρείας σας ή του λογοτύπου"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL της ιστοσελίδας σας"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Προστασία από αυτοματοποιημένη spam (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Επιβολή στον επισκέπτη να εισάγει τον κωδικό επαλήθευσης κατά την αποστολή μηνυμάτων"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Εισάγετε τη διεύθυνση http του λογότυπου της εταιρείας σας"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Λογότυπο της εταιρείας σας"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον τίτλο της εταιρείας σας"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 επιτρέπει οποιοδήποτε αριθμό των συνδέσεων"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Μέγιστο αριθμό των νημάτων από μια διεύθυνση"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Ορίστε τον αριθμό των δευτερολέπτων να δείξει Χειριστή συνδεμένο. Η προεπιλογή είναι 30 δευτερόλεπτα."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Όριο χρόνου σύνδεσης Χειριστή"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρόν παραθύρων για να προσελκύσουν την προσοχή σας."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"αναδυόμενο παράθυρο για κοινοποίηση για νέους επισκέπτες\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Οι αλλαγές αποθηκεύτηκαν"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Αποστολή μηνυμάτων με:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση / απόκρυψη πεδίο επιλογής τμήματος"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Επιτρέπει επισκέπτη να επιλέξει τμήμα/ομάδα"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση / απόκρυψη πεδίο email"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Ζητήστε e-mail του επισκέπτη"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση / απόκρυψη αρχικό πεδίο ερώτησης"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Δείτε αρχικό πεδίο ερώτησης"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις Messenger"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Απενεργοποιήστε την απόκρυψη πλαίσιο επεξεργασίας από παράθυρο συνομιλίας"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να αλλάζουν τα ονόματά τους"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Πώς να φτιάξουμε αναζήτηση επισκεπτών με σειρά από {name}, {id} ή {addr}. Προεπιλογή: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Αναγνωριστικό Επισκέπτη"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Εισάγετε σωστή διεύθυνση e-mail"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "«Τον μέγιστο αριθμό θεμάτων\" πεδίο θα πρέπει να είναι ο αριθμός"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Επιλέξτε ημερομηνίες"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Σε αυτή την σελίδα μπορείτε να δείτε διάφορα στατιστικά χρήσης."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Από:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Μέχρι:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Στατιστικά"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Έχετε επιλέξει Από την ημερομηνία μετά έως την ημερομηνία"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Σελίδα {0} από {1}, {2} - {3} από {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "επόμενο"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν στοιχεία"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Βρέθηκαν 0 στοιχεία"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "προηγούμενο"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Μετάβαση στην αναζήτηση"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Καταγραφές συνομιλίας"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει λεπτομέρειες συνομιλίας και το περιεχόμενο."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Ποτέ"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Σήμερα στις {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Yesterday at {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Αρχική"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Έξοδος"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Αρχική"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "χωρίς μενού"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Επισκέπτες"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Κατεύθυνση:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "παράθυρο \"Μήνυμα παραδόθηκε\""
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "παράθυρο \"Ανακατεύθυνση Επισκέπτη\""
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<δεν υπάρχει περιγραφή>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(απών)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(παρόν)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-Όλοι οι χειριστές-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-Από τις γενικές ρυθμίσεις-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 επιτρέπει οποιοδήποτε αριθμό των συνδέσεων"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Η Εφαρμογή εγκαταστάθηκε επιτυχώς."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Προσοχή! Παρακαλώ μην αλλάζετε τον κώδικα
γιατί δεν μπορούμε να εγγυηθούμε ότι
αυτό θα λειτουργήσει!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Το Ιστορικό της συνομιλίας σας εστάλη στην διεύθυνση {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Νέος Επισκέπτης σε αναμονή απάντησης."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση για όλες τις σελίδες του κάθε στυλ είναι διαθέσιμη εδώ"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Δυνατότητα να τροποποιήσετε το προφίλ"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Εισάγετε διεύθυνση"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Προσθήκη μηνύματος..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Προσθήκη νέου μηνύματος."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Εισάγετε χειριστή..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Διεύθυνση {0} είναι αποκλεισμένη για συγκεκριμένο αριθμό ημερών."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Προσθέτει σελίδα με αναφορές χρήσης συνομιλιών."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Διαχείριση"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Όλες σειρές"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Σειρές για διαχειριστή"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Σειρές για χειριστή"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Σειρές για Επισκέπτη"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Προβολή:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Αναγνωριστικό κλειδί"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Σειρά γλώσσας - πηγής"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Ταξινόμηση ανά:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Απομακρυσμένος χρήστης πληκτρολογεί ..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Εσείς χρησιμοποιείτε:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Επιτρέψτε ασφαλές συνδέσεις (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Επιτρέπει επισκέπτη να επιλέξει τμήμα/ομάδα"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να αλλάζουν τα ονόματά τους"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε τη διεύθυνση {0} από τη φραγή?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε χειριστή \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε την ομάδα \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Ζητήστε e-mail του επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Κάντε την ερώτησή σας"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Μέσος όρος μήκους του μηνύματος (σε χαρακτήρες)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Απών"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "Επιστροφή στην σελίδα εισόδου"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Επιστροφή..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Λίστα φραγής"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Φραγή Επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Μπλοκάρισμα διεύθυνσης"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Αποκλεισμένοι επισκέπτες"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Περιηγητής"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Παραγωγή του HTML κώδικα του Κουμπιού"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Παραγωγή του HTML κώδικα του Κουμπιού."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Κώδικας κουμπιού"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Προκαθορισμένα μηνύματα"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Δεν μπορεί να εκτελεστεί:"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "Αλλαγή"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Αλλάξτε την γλώσσα."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Αλλαγή ονόματος"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Αλλαγή χειριστή"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Αλλαγή των περιορισμών και των διαθέσιμων στοιχείων για την εν λόγω χειριστή."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Αλλάξτε κωδικό πρόσβασης σας στο Mibew"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Οι αλλαγές αποθηκεύτηκαν"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "θέματα συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Ιστορικό συνομιλιών"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Καταγραφές συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Χρόνος ανανέωσης Συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση Θεμάτων"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "θέματα συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Παράθυρο συνομιλίας (user-mode)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Στυλ παράθυρου Συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Έλεγχος για νέα και ενημερώσεις."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Επιλογή Τμήματος:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε τις ομάδες ανάλογα με τις ικανότητες του χειριστή."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε εικόνα"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε το στυλ"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Επιλογή εμφάνισης"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε το αρχείο εικόνας για ανέβασμα.
Η εικόνα δεν θα πρέπει να ξεπερνά τα 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Επιλογή Γλώσσας"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο για να κλείσετε το παράθυρο"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Κάντε κλικ για να συνομιλήσετε με τον επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Κάντε κλικ για να κλείσετε το παράθυρο"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Κλείσιμο"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Κλείσε την συνομιλία"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Κλείσιμο..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Κλειστό"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Κώδικας για την ομάδα"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Κώδικας για τη γλώσσα"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Σχόλιο"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Τίτλος Εταιρείας"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "Συμβατότητα με το mod_security (, ενεργοποιήστε μόνο εάν έχετε προβλήματα με αυτό"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Ολοκληρώθηκε:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση νέου κωδικού."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Διόρθωση των λαθών:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Δεν μπορεί να συνδεθεί, παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις του διακομιστή στο config.php. Σφάλμα: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Δημιουργία βάσης \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Δημιουργία νέας ομάδας ..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε νέα ομάδα."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Δημιουργήστε, διαγράψτε χειριστές της εταιρείας. Διαχειριστείτε τα δικαιώματά τους."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Δημιουργία απαιτούμενων πινάκων."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Η τρέχουσα εικόνα avatar"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Η βάση \"{0}\" έχει δημιουργηθεί."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Ημερομηνία"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Ημέρες"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Διαγραφή"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Τμήματα."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Περιγραφή"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Περιγραφή στα Αγγλικά."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Περιγραφή της ομάδας."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Προορισμός για το όνομα της εταιρείας σας ή του λογοτύπου"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Κατεύθυνση:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Διαγραφή υπαρχόντων πινάκων από τη βάση δεδομένων"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα συνδέσμου τις κάθε ΙΡ σε νέο παράθυρο. {Ip} αντικαθίσταται με ένα πραγματικό ip."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία μηνύματος"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία ενός υπάρχοντος μηνύματος."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία γενικών ρυθμίσεων του χειριστή."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία μηνυμάτων που συχνά χρησιμοποιείτε στη συζήτηση."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"Ομάδες\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"αναδυόμενο παράθυρο για κοινοποίηση για νέους επισκέπτες\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"Προ-chat έρευνα\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση \"Στατιστικά\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Ενεργοποιήστε το χαρακτηριστικό \"Κακόβουλοι Επισκέπτες\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Enter"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Πληκτρολογήστε νέο κωδικό πρόσβασης ή αφήστε το πεδίο κενό για να κρατήσει τον προηγούμενο."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Εισάγετε σωστή διεύθυνση e-mail"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Εισάγετε το email για να λαμβάνετε μηνύματα του συστήματος"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Εισάγετε τη διεύθυνση http του λογότυπου της εταιρείας σας"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Εισάγετε τον τίτλο της εταιρείας σας"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Εισάγετε το e-mail σας:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Εισάγετε σας μετάφραση."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Όνομα σύνδεσης/κωδικός είναι εσφαλμένα"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Οι Κωδικοί που εισάγατε δεν ταιριάζουν"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Περιβάλλον:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Σφάλμα"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Σφάλμα κατά την μεταφορά του αρχείου"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Προέκυψε Σφάλμα:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Σφάλμα κατά την μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Παράθυρο σφάλματος"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Πχ: ή"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Παράδειγμα"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Έξοδος"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Τα Χαρακτηριστικά έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Ακολουθείστε τον οδηγό για την εγκατάσταση της βάσης δεδομένων."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Για την ομάδα:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Για την γλώσσα:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Για ενημερώσεις και επαναφορά κωδικού."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Υποχρέωση όλων των συνομιλιών να είναι ασφαλή"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Επιβολή στον επισκέπτη να εισάγει τον κωδικό επαλήθευσης κατά την αποστολή μηνυμάτων"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Δώστε δυνατότητα στο χρήστη να συμπληρώσει ένα ειδικό έντυπο για να ξεκινήσει συνομιλία."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό σας?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Βρέθηκαν 0 στοιχεία"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Σε αυτή την σελίδα μπορείτε να δείτε διάφορα στατιστικά χρήσης."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Από:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Πλήρης λίστα χειριστών:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Λειτουργίες που είναι διαθέσιμες στους διαχειριστές της Ιστοσελίδας."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Γενικά"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Παράθυρο επιλογών Γεωγραφικής τοποθεσίας"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Μετάβαση στην αναζήτηση"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Ομάδα"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Λεπτομέρειες Ομάδας"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Ομάδα:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Ομάδες"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Επισκέπτης"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "Κώδικας HTML"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Γεια σας, πως μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να αποτρέψετε τους κακόβουλους επισκέπτες που επηρεάζουν την εργασία σας με τα μηνύματα spam."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να αμυνθείτε από κακόβουλους επισκέπτες."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Απόκρυψη μενού >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Αρχική"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Πώς να φτιάξουμε αναζήτηση επισκεπτών με σειρά από {name}, {id} ή {addr}. Προεπιλογή: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Αν δεν σας αρέσει η μετάφραση, παρακαλούμε να μας ενημερώσετε για τα λάθη."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Δεν είναι δυνατό να ενημερωθεί η δομή των πινάκων. Προσπαθήστε να το κάνετε χειροκίνητα ή να αναδημιουργήσετε όλους τους πίνακες (προειδοποίηση: όλα τα δεδομένα σας θα χαθούν)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Σε συνομιλία"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "Στην ουρά"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Συμπεριλάβετε το όνομα του Διακομιστή στον κώδικα"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Πληροφορίες: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Αρχική Ερώτηση:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Εγκατάσταση"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Εγκατεστημένες τοπικές προσαρμογές:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Ενημερώσεις Messenger."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Διεθνής περιγραφή"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Διεθνές όνομα"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Διεθνής ονομασία (Λατινικά)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Μη-έγκυρος τύπος αρχείου"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Αναγνωριστικό κλειδί"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Γλώσσα"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Πρόσφατες δραστηριότητες"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Τελευταία έκδοση:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Παράθυρο για αφήσετε μήνυμα"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Αφήστε το μήνυμά σας"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Άδεια"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Σύνδεση σε εξωτερική υπηρεσία geolocation"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Λίστα μπλοκαρισμένων IPs:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Λίστα των υποστηριζόμενων περιηγητών"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Κατάλογος των εν αναμονή επισκεπτών"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Άμεση Υποστήριξη"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Φορτώνει"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Μετάφραση"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Αποσύνδεση από το σύστημα."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Σύνδεση"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Η Είσοδος μπορεί να αποτελείται από μικρά λατινικά γράμματα και υπόπαυλα."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "Σύνδεση ή E-mail:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Όνομα σύνδεσης θα πρέπει να περιέχει μόνο λατινικούς χαρακτήρες, αριθμούς και κάτω παύλα σύμβολο."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "Σύνδεση με το νέο κωδικό πρόσβασης."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Σύνδεση:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "παράθυρο νήματος Email"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Γενικά"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Μέγιστο αριθμό των νημάτων από μια διεύθυνση"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Χρήστες"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Μήνυμα"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Μηνύματα"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Μηνύματα από χειριστές"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Μηνύματα από Επισκέπτες"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις Messenger"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Ενημερώσεις Messenger."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Συνομιλητής Mibew"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Κοινότητα Συνομιλητή Mibew"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Το Mibew Messenger είναι μία εφαρμογή ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ για 'Άμεση ζωντανή υποστήριξη."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Διάφορα"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Τροποποίηση"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Όνομα"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Όνομα στα Αγγλικά."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Το όνομα της εταιρείας σας, για παράδειγμα."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Όνομα για ταυτοποίηση της ομάδας."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Όνομα:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Ποτέ"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Νέο Μήνυμα"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Νέα:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Επόμενο βήμα:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν στοιχεία"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιος χειριστής"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοια ομάδα"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο μήνυμα"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Όχι, κλείσε το παράθυρο"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν αρκετά δεδομένα"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Αριθμός Ημερών που αυτή η διεύθυνση είναι μπλοκαρισμένη"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "Εκτός Σύνδεσης"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "Συνδεμένος"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "Παλιοί περιηγητές μπορεί να χρειαστούν να ανανεώσουν ολόκληρη τη σελίδα για να εμφανιστούν τα μηνύματα. Η προεπιλογή είναι 7 δευτερόλεπτα."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Σε αυτή τη σελίδα μπορείτε να επεξεργαστείτε τις λεπτομέρειες της ομάδας."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Συνδεμένος"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Χειριστής"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} άλλαξε χειριστή {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Λεπτομέρειες Χειριστή"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Ομάδες χειριστών"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Όριο χρόνου σύνδεσης Χειριστή"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} έχει επιστρέψει"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} εισήλθε στην συνομιλία"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} εγκατέλειψε την συνομιλία"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Ο Χειριστής {0} θα μεταφέρει την συνομιλία σας σε άλλον χειριστή, παρακαλώ περιμένετε"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "κονσόλα ανανέωσης χρόνου Χειριστή"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Χειριστής:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Χειριστές"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Λίστα χειριστών"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Προαιρετικές Υπηρεσίες"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Άλλα"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Σελίδα ανανέωσης χρόνου για τις παλιούς περιηγητές"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Σελίδα {0} από {1}, {2} - {3} από {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Κωδικός"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "Ανάκτηση κωδικού πρόσβασης"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Κωδικός:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Επιδόσεις"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Δικαιώματα"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Φωτογραφία"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "Παρακαλούμε επιλέξτε έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης για χρήση με Mibew λογαριασμό σας."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα άλλο όνομα σύνδεσης , επειδή χειριστής με αυτό όνομα ήδη υπάρχει καταχωρημένος στο σύστημα."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ διαλέξτε ένα άλλο όνομα, γιατί ομάδα με το όνομα αυτό υπάρχει ήδη."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον τίτλο της εταιρείας σας"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το όνομα χρήστη και το κωδικό σας για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στην Διαχείριση , δείτε τους επισκέπτες σας και περιηγηθείτε στο ιστορικό."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το πεδίο \"{0}\" σωστά."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το πεδίο \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Παρακαλούμε, σημειώστε ότι web server σας θα πρέπει να ρυθμιστεί ώστε να υποστηρίζει https αιτήματα."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ, τρέξτε τον Οδηγό Ενημέρωσης για να αναπροσαρμόσετε την βάση δεδομένων σας."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Παρακαλούμε, χρησιμοποιήστε νεότερο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Λειτουργεί με:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Έρευνα πριν την συνομιλία"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Επισκέπτες στην ουρά προτεραιότητας"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Πρόβλημα"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "Προχωρήστε για να συνδεθείτε"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Μεταβείτε στην σελίδα εισόδου"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Προφίλ"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Προστασία από αυτοματοποιημένη spam (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Αιτία μπλοκαρίσματος"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Ανακατεύθυνση σε
άλλον χειριστή"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Ανακατεύθυνση επισκέπτη σε άλλο χειριστή"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Ανακατεύθυνση επισκέπτη σε ένα άλλο παράθυρο χειριστή"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Ανανέωση"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Να με Θυμάσαι"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Απομακρυσμένος χρήστης πληκτρολογεί ..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Κατάργηση avatar"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Οι απαιτούμενοι πίνακες δημιουργήθηκαν."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "Επαναφορά κωδικού πρόσβασης"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Επιλύστε το πρόβλημα και δοκιμάστε ξανά. Πατήστε επιστροφή για να επιστρέψετε στον οδηγό."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Αποθηκευμένα"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Αναζήτηση"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Αναζήτηση για ιστορία συνομιλίας ενός συγκεκριμένου χρήστη ή μια συγκεκριμένη φράση σε ένα μήνυμα."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Αναζήτηση στο ιστορικό διαλόγων."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε στυλ για σας παράθυρα συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε απάντηση..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε ημερομηνίες"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Αποστολή"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Αποστολή ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Αποστολή ιστορικού συνομιλίας με e-mail"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Αποστολή ιστορικού συνομιλίας
με e-mail"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Αποστολή μηνύματος"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Αποστολή μηνυμάτων με:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Εστάλη"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Επιλογή κατάστασης \"Διαθέσιμος\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Επιλογή κατάστασης \"Απών\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Ορίστε τον αριθμό των δευτερολέπτων να δείξει Χειριστή συνδεμένο. Η προεπιλογή είναι 30 δευτερόλεπτα."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Δείτε τις συνομιλίες μόνο με https σύνδεση"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση σφαλμάτων"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Δείτε αρχικό πεδίο ερώτησης"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μενού >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση / απόκρυψη πεδίο επιλογής τμήματος"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση / απόκρυψη πεδίο email"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση / απόκρυψη αρχικό πεδίο ερώτησης"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Προβολή:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Απλό παράθυρο του chat, ανανεώστε για να αναρτήσετε μηνύματα για περιηγητές (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Online Υποστήριξη"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Στυλ Ιστοσελίδας"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρόν παραθύρων για να προσελκύσουν την προσοχή σας."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Άδεια χρήσης λογισμικού"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Δυστυχώς, κανένας χειριστής δεν είναι διαθέσιμος αυτή τη στιγμή. Παρακαλώ, δοκιμάστε αργότερα,η στείλτε μας την ερώτησή σας μέσω τις φόρμας αποστολής."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Ταξινόμηση ανά:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Σειρά γλώσσας - πηγής"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Καθορίστε τις επιλογές που επηρεάζουν παράθυρο συνομιλίας και την κοινή συμπεριφορά του συστήματος."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Καθορίστε το διάστημα σταθμοσκόπησης σε δευτερόλεπτα. Η προεπιλογή είναι 2 δευτερόλεπτα."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Έναρξη συνομιλίας"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Κατάσταση"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Στατιστικά"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Σειρές για διαχειριστή"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Σειρές για χειριστή"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Σειρές για Επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Η δομή των πινάκων σας πρέπει να τροποποιηθεί για να είναι συμβατοί με την νέα έκδοση του Messenger."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Αποστολή"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Σύστημα διαχείρισης: Οι ρυθμίσεις, διαχείριση χειριστών, το κουμπί παραγωγής HTML"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Η δομή των πινάκων είναι ενημερωμένη."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Αναλάβετε νήμα συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Σας ευχαριστούμε που επικοινωνήσατε μαζί μας. Ένας Χειριστής θα είναι σύντομα κοντά σας..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Σας ευχαριστούμε που επικοινωνήσατε μαζί μας! Για την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτησή σας, παρακαλούμε να συμπληρώσετε την παρακάτω φόρμα και κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί Έναρξη συνομιλίας."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Σας ευχαριστούμε που χρησιμοποιήσατε την υπηρεσία μας. Θα σας απαντήσουμε μέσω e-mail το συντομότερο δυνατόν."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Η Βάση δεδομένων δεν βρέθηκε στον διακομιστή. Εάν έχετε δικαιώματα για να δημιουργηθεί τώρα, κάντε κλικ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Τα γράμματα που πληκτρολογήσατε δεν ταιριάζουν με τα γράμματα που υπάρχουν στην εικόνα."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Η λίστα των εν αναμονή επισκεπτών είναι άδεια"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Η συγκεκριμένη διεύθυνση είναι ήδη σε χρήση, κάντε κλικ εδώ αν θέλετε να την επεξεργαστείτε."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης άλλαξε το όνομα του από {0} σε {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Ο επισκέπτης τοποθετήθηκε στην σειρά προτεραιότητας της ομάδας {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Ο επισκέπτης τοποθετήθηκε στην σειρά προτεραιότητας του χειριστή {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Ο επισκέπτης ανακατευθύνεται σε άλλον χειριστή"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Υπάρχουν πολλά προγράμματα περιήγησης για να επιλέξετε. Ποιο μου προτείνετε?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Αυτό το όνομα θα είναι ορατό από τους επισκέπτες σας."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει μια λίστα με χειριστές της εταιρείας."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει μια λίστα των ομάδων της εταιρείας. Κάθε ομάδα μπορεί να έχει ξεχωριστό κουμπί και έτοιμες απαντήσεις."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει μια λίστα επισκεπτών σε αναμονή."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Αυτή η σελίδα εμφανίζει λεπτομέρειες συνομιλίας και το περιεχόμενο."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Θέματα από χειριστές"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Έως"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Μέχρι:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Χρόνος παραμονής στην συνομιλία"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Τίτλος στο παράθυρο συνομιλίας"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Για να απαντήσετε στον επισκέπτη κάντε κλικ στο όνομά του στην παρακάτω λίστα."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Σήμερα στις {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Συνολικός Χρόνος"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Σύνολο:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Μετάφραση"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Οδηγός τοπικοποίησης"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "Προβλήματα με την πρόσβαση στο λογαριασμό σας?"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Απενεργοποιήστε την απόκρυψη πλαίσιο επεξεργασίας από παράθυρο συνομιλίας"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL της ιστοσελίδας σας"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Ενημέρωση πινάκων"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Ενημερώσεις"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Ανέβασμα εικόνας avatar"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Ανεβάστε τη φωτογραφία"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Υπέρβαση επιτρεπόμενου μεγέθους αρχείου για ανέβασμα"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Στατιστικά χρήσης για κάθε ημερομηνία"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Χρησιμοποιήστε το για να έχουν χωριστές ουρές για διαφορετικές ερωτήσεις."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Χρησιμοποιήστε ασφαλείς συνδέσεις (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Όνομα χρήστη ή μήνυμα αναζήτησης κειμένου:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Με την χρήση του μπορείτε να αποκλείσετε τις επιθέσεις από συγκεκριμένες IPs"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Δείτε παράθυρο του Chat (χειριστή σε λειτουργία μόνο για ανάγνωση)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Δείτε και επεξεργαστείτε τη λίστα μελών."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Δείτε νήματα άλλον χειριστών"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Ιστορικό επισκέψεων"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης {0} βοηθιέται ήδη από τον {1}.
Είστε πραγματικά σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να αρχίσετε να μιλάτε με τον επισκέπτη?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης έκλεισε το παράθυρο συνομιλίας"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Επισκέπτης προσχώρησε στο chat"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης περιηγήθηκε στο {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης {0} εγκατέλειψε την συνομιλία"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Η Διεύθυνση του επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Διεύθυνση Επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Αναγνωριστικό Επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Μηνύματα του επισκέπτη"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Επισκέπτες"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Επισκέπτες σε συνομιλίες"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Ο Επισκέπτης προήλθε από τη σελίδα {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Αναμονή για το χειριστή για πρώτη φορά"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Αναμονή για τον χειριστή"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Χρόνος Αναμονής"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Παρακολουθήστε την συνομιλία"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "Στείλαμε τις οδηγίες στο email σας. Παρακαλούμε, ελέγξτε το!"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Μέγεθος Παράθυρου και γραμμές εργαλείων κρύβονται"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Ναι, είμαι σίγουρος"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Είστε"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Συνομιλείτε με:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Έχετε συνδεθεί με τον διακομιστή MySQL έκδοση {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Δεν σας επιτρέπεται να αλλάξετε το προφίλ του προσώπου αυτού."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Δεν συνομιλείτε με τον επισκέπτη."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Εσείς χρησιμοποιείτε:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Είστε ο/η {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα προσωπικά σας στοιχεία σε αυτή τη σελίδα."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να προσθέσετε νέο χειριστή."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Μπορείτε να δείτε την λίστα με την ουρά επισκεπτών."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Μπορείτε να βρείτε το ιστορικό συνομιλίας των επισκεπτών σας εδώ."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Εδώ μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε HTML κώδικα για να τοποθετήσετε στο site σας."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Μπορείτε να συνδεθείτε ως διαχειριστής με κενό κωδικό.
!!! Για λόγους ασφαλείας όμως, παρακαλώ αλλάξτε τον κωδικό σας άμεσα και σβήστε τον φάκελο {0} από τον διακομιστή."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Μπορείτε να ανεβάσετε τη φωτογραφία σας μόνο σε μορφή JPG, GIF, PNG ή TIF αρχείων εικόνας."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Από εδώ, μπορείτε να δείτε τη λίστα των θεμάτων που σήμερα έχουν εγκατασταθεί."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "Δεν μπορείτε να ανακτήσετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας, αλλά μπορείτε να ορίσετε ένα νέο ακολουθώντας τον σύνδεσμο που σας έχει σταλεί με email."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Έχετε επιλέξει Από την ημερομηνία μετά έως την ημερομηνία"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Μπορείτε άνοιξε αυτό το παράθυρο για \"{0}\" νήμα, Διεύθυνση πεδίο είναι ήδη συμπληρωμένο. Επιλέξτε τον αριθμό των ημερών και κάντε κλικ στο Αποστολή."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Η εικόνα avatar σας."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Λογότυπο της εταιρείας σας"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "To email σας"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "To μήνυμά σας έχει αποσταλεί"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Το όνομά σας"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Ο Χειριστής έχει προβλήματα σύνδεσης, για αυτό σας μετακινήσαμε προσωρινά σε σειρά αναμονής στο παρασκήνιο. Λυπούμαστε για την αναμονή."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "Ο κωδικός σας έχει αλλάξει!"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Η συνεδρία σας έχει λήξει παρακαλώ συνδεθείτε ξανά"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Η μετάφρασή σας έχει αποθηκευτεί."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας δεν υποστηρίζετε πλήρως από τον Συνομιλητή Mibew. Παρακαλούμε, χρησιμοποιήστε ένα από τα παρακάτω προγράμματα περιήγησης στο Web:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "επεξεργασία"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "υποχρεωτικά πεδία"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "επόμενο"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "προηγούμενο"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "αφαίρεση"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "χωρίς μενού"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/en/translation.po b/translations/en/translation.po
index 118d9efa..03ef1b96 100644
--- a/translations/en/translation.po
+++ b/translations/en/translation.po
@@ -1,1326 +1 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Button HTML code generation."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Functions available for site operators."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Your session has expired. Please login again"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Delete"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Enter"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Leave your message"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Site consultant"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "OFFLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ask your question"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Site consultant"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Save"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Search"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "remove"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "edit"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Modify"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Add message..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "For group:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "For language:"
-msgid "canned.message_title"
-msgstr "Title"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Canned Messages"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Edit an existing message."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Saved"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Message"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "No such message"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Edit Message"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Add new message."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "New Message"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(away)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(online)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Vistor came from page {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Change name"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "You are"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam]"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visitor navigated to {0}"
-msgid "chat.close.confirmation"
-msgstr "Are you sure want to leave chat?"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Guest"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Close..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Error occurred:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Error"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Close..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Click on this link to close the window"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Sent"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Back..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "You are not chatting with the visitor."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Choose:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Group:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operator:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Redirect to
another operator"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Close..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Click to close the window"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
-msgid "chat.requested_operator.offline"
-msgstr "Thank you for contacting us. We are sorry, but requested operator {0} is offline. Another operator will be with you shortly."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operator {0} joined the chat"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operator {0} left the chat"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operator {0} is back"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Visitor closed chat window"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Visitor {0} left the chat"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Visitor joined chat again"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "In chat"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Closed"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Loading"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "In queue"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Waiting for operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.visitor.invitation.accepted"
-msgstr "Visitor accepted invitation from operator {0}"
-msgid "chat.visitor.invitation.canceled"
-msgstr "Operator canceled invitation"
-msgid "chat.visitor.invitation.ignored"
-msgstr "Visitor ignored invitation and it was closed automatically"
-msgid "chat.visitor.invitation.rejected"
-msgstr "Visitor rejected invitation"
-msgid "chat.visitor.invitation.sent"
-msgstr "Operator {0} invites visitor at {1} page"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "You are chatting with:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Close chat"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Select answer..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Send message"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Send ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Send chat history by e-mail"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Redirect visitor to another operator"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Refresh"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mute"
-msgstr "Sound on/off"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.turn_off_sound"
-msgstr "Turn off sound"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.turn_on_sound"
-msgstr "Turn on sound"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visitors in dialogs"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Priority visitors' queue"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Waiting an operator for the first time"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "List of visitors waiting"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "mandatory fields"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Change operator"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "No. Close the window"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Yes. I'm sure"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Here you can block malicious visitors."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Search the dialogs history."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Log out of the system."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Changes saved"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hello. How may I help you?"
-msgid "edit.item"
-msgstr "edit"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Error moving file"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Uploaded file size exceeded"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Correct the mistakes:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Invalid file type"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Please fill \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
-msgid "error.no_password"
-msgstr "This is your first time logging in and your password is blank. For security reasons you have to change it."
-msgid "error.no_password.visit_profile"
-msgstr "Visit your Profile Page."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Features activated"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Ex: or"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Visitor's Address"
-msgid "form.field.agent_code.description"
-msgstr "Use to start chat with determined operator"
-msgid "form.field.agent_code"
-msgstr "Code"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "This name will be seen by your visitors."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "International name (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "This name will be seen by your visitors."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Your avatar image."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Current avatar image"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Upload avatar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Reason for block"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Comment"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Days"
-msgid "form.field.department"
-msgstr "Choose Department:"
-msgid "form.field.department.description"
-msgstr "Department description:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Your email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Description in English."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "International description"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Name in English."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "International name"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Description of the group."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Description"
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Name to identify the group."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "form.field.groupparent"
-msgstr "Parent group"
-msgid "form.field.groupparent.description"
-msgstr "Groups can be organized in a hierarchical structure"
-msgid "form.field.groupparent.root"
-msgstr "-none-"
-msgid "form.field.groupweight"
-msgstr "Weight"
-msgid "form.field.groupweight.description"
-msgstr "Groups with lower weight display higher in groups list. Group weight is a positive integer value."
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "For notifications and password retrieval."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "form.field.mail_template_body"
-msgstr "Mail body"
-msgid "form.field.mail_template_subject"
-msgstr "Mail subject"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Message"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Your name"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Password"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Confirm new password."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmation"
-msgid "form.field.title"
-msgstr "Title"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Translation"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Cannot execute:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Application path is {0}"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "Mibew package is valid."
-msgid "install.0.php"
-msgstr "PHP version {0}"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Create database \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Database \"{0}\" is created."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Create required tables."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Required tables are created."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Update tables"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Tables structure is up to date."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "New Message"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "New Visitor"
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "Checksum differs for {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "Cannot read file {0}"
-msgid "install.check_files"
-msgstr "Please, re-upload files to the server."
-msgid "install.check_permissions"
-msgstr "Insufficient file permissions {0}"
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Completed:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Problem"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Drop existing tables from database"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Software license agreement"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Next step:"
-msgid "install.no_file"
-msgstr "File is absent: {0}"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Installation"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Proceed to the login page"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Application installed successfully."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
-msgid "invitation.message"
-msgstr "Hello, how can I help you?"
-msgid "invitation.accept.caption"
-msgstr "Answer"
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Choose your language"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Close"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Submit"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Your message has been sent"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Leave your message"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Operators"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Button code"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Settings"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "License"
-msgid "mail_template.actions"
-msgstr "Modify"
-msgid "mail_template.actions.edit"
-msgstr "edit"
-msgid "mail_template.body"
-msgstr "Mail body"
-msgid "mail_template.intro"
-msgstr "On this page you can edit mail templates which are used in the system."
-msgid "mail_template.locale"
-msgstr "For language:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Machine name"
-msgid "mail_template.saved"
-msgstr "Changes saved"
-msgid "mail_template.subject"
-msgstr "Mail subject"
-msgid "mail_template.title"
-msgstr "Mail templates"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Close..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Enter your email:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Send"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Send chat history
by mail"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Operators list"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Blocked visitors"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Canned Messages"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "You are Offline.
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Department or skill based groups."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Groups"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Change locale."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Language"
-msgid "menu.mail_templates"
-msgstr "Mail templates"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Main"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "You are {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "You can change your personal information on this page."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profile"
-msgid "menu.styles"
-msgstr "Styles"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Localize"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Check for news and updates."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Updates"
-msgid "my_settings.error.no_password"
-msgstr "No Password set for the Administrator"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Entered passwords do not match"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "No such Operator"
-msgid "not_found"
-msgstr "-not found-"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<no description>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Choose groups according to operator skills."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Operator groups"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Browser"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Group"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visitor's address"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visitor's messages"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Time in chat"
-msgid "page.analysis.trackedpath.title"
-msgstr "Tracked visitor's path"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Visit history"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Close..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Please use a more recent browser"
-msgid "page.gen_button.button"
-msgstr "button"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Code for group"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Choose image"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_invitationstyle"
-msgstr "Invitation style"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Code for language"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Chat window style"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_type"
-msgstr "Generating code type"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML code"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-all operators-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Include host name into the code"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
-msgid "page.gen_button.operator_code"
-msgstr "operator code field"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Example"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Use secure links (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.text_link"
-msgstr "text link"
-msgid "page.gen_button.text_link_text"
-msgstr "Click to chat"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Button HTML code generation"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Create new group here."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "The fields that located below are extra fields. These fields are only available for the top level groups and override corresponding system settings if specified."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "On this page you can edit group details."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operators"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "No such group"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Group details"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "View and edit the member list."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Members"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.error.cannot_delete"
-msgstr "Cannot delete: wrong argument."
-msgid "page.groups.error.forbidden_remove"
-msgstr "You are not allowed to remove groups."
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Away"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Create new group"
-msgid "page.groups.sort"
-msgstr "Sort by:"
-msgid "page.groups.sortdirection"
-msgstr "Sort direction:"
-msgid "page.groups.sortdirection.desc"
-msgstr "descending"
-msgid "page.groups.sortdirection.asc"
-msgstr "ascending"
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Groups"
-msgid "page.groups.weight"
-msgstr "Weight"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Chat window (operator-mode)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Choose style"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Choose template"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Error window"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Leave message window"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Message is delivered\" window"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Mail thread window"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
-msgstr "\"Mail is sent\" window"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "List of supported browsers window"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Show errors"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-from general settings-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Pre-chat survey"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Site style"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Chat window (user-mode)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Your translation is saved."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Enter your translation."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Translations"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Remove avatar"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "You can create a new operator here."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_email"
-msgstr "Please choose another email because an operator with that email is already registered in the system."
-msgid "page_agent.error.forbidden_create"
-msgstr "You are not allowed to create operators."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_agent_code"
-msgstr "Code should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Edit general operator settings."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Photo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Groups"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Permissions"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Operator details"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Full list of operators:"
-msgid "page_agents.commonname"
-msgstr "International name"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.cannot.disable.admin"
-msgstr "Cannot disable \"admin\"."
-msgid "page_agents.cannot.disable.self"
-msgstr "Cannot disable self."
-msgid "page_agents.disable.agent"
-msgstr "disable"
-msgid "page_agents.disable.not.allowed"
-msgstr "You are not allowed to disable operators."
-msgid "page_agents.enable.agent"
-msgstr "enable"
-msgid "page_agents.enable.not.allowed"
-msgstr "You are not allowed to enable operators."
-msgid "page_agents.error.cannot_remove_admin"
-msgstr "Cannot remove operator \"admin\"."
-msgid "page_agents.error.cannot_remove_self"
-msgstr "Cannot remove self."
-msgid "page_agents.error.forbidden_remove"
-msgstr "You are not allowed to remove operators."
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "This page displays a list of company operators."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Away"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Add operator..."
-msgid "page_agents.sort"
-msgstr "Sort by:"
-msgid "page_agents.sortdirection"
-msgstr "Sort direction:"
-msgid "page_agents.sortdirection.desc"
-msgstr "descending"
-msgid "page_agents.sortdirection.asc"
-msgstr "ascending"
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Last active"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Operators"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "User name, operator name or message text search:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Chat history"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Upload photo"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Block address"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Add address"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
-msgid "page_bans.edit"
-msgstr "Edit"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "List of banned IPs:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Ban List"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Till"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "You can find awaiting visitors."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Members"
-msgid "page_locales.actions"
-msgstr "Modify"
-msgid "page_locales.cannot_disable_all"
-msgstr "You cannot disable all locales."
-msgid "page_locales.code"
-msgstr "Code"
-msgid "page_locales.disable.locale"
-msgstr "disable"
-msgid "page_locales.enable.locale"
-msgstr "enable"
-msgid "page_locales.intro"
-msgstr "On this page you can configure locales which are used in the system"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "page_locales.title"
-msgstr "Locales"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Locales"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Translations"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Entered login/password is incorrect"
-msgid "page_login.operator.disabled"
-msgstr "Your account is temporarily blocked. Please contact system administrator."
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Login:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Password:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Remember"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
-msgid "page_search.type.all"
-msgstr "everywhere"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Search in system messages"
-msgid "page_search.type.message"
-msgstr "in messages"
-msgid "page_search.type.operator"
-msgstr "by operator"
-msgid "page_search.type.title"
-msgstr "Search:"
-msgid "page_search.type.visitor"
-msgstr "by visitor"
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Optional Services"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operator pages themes preview"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Performance"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Chat themes preview"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Invitation themes preview"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Network problems detected. Please refresh the page."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hide menu >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Show menu >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
-msgid "pending.status.away"
-msgstr "Away"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Up to date"
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Set status as \"Away\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Set status as \"Available\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Ban this visitor"
-msgid "pending.table.head.actions"
-msgstr "Actions"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Visitor's address"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Misc"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "State"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total time"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Waiting time"
-msgid "pending.table.invite"
-msgstr "Invite to chat"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Click to chat with the visitor"
-msgid "pending.table.tracked"
-msgstr "Tracked visitor's path"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Watch the chat"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Ability to modify profile"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Take over chat thread"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "View another operator's chat thread"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Permissions"
-msgid "presurvey.error.wrong_email"
-msgstr "Wrong email address."
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Choose Department:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Initial Question:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Start Chat"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Live support"
-msgid "remove.item"
-msgstr "remove"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Date"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Chat threads"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Messages from operators"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Messages from visitors"
-msgid "report.bydate.5"
-msgstr "Average waiting time (in seconds)"
-msgid "report.bydate.6"
-msgstr "Average chat time (in seconds)"
-msgid "report.bydate.7"
-msgstr "Missed threads"
-msgid "report.bydate.8"
-msgstr "Invitations sent"
-msgid "report.bydate.9"
-msgstr "Invitations accepted"
-msgid "report.bydate.10"
-msgstr "Invitations rejected"
-msgid "report.bydate.11"
-msgstr "Invitations ignored"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Usage statistics for each date"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Chat Threads"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Messages"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Average message length (in chars)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.5"
-msgstr "Invitations sent"
-msgid "report.byoperator.6"
-msgstr "Invitations accepted"
-msgid "report.byoperator.7"
-msgstr "Invitations rejected"
-msgid "report.byoperator.8"
-msgstr "Invitations ignored"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Threads by operator"
-msgid "report.bypage.1"
-msgstr "Page"
-msgid "report.bypage.2"
-msgstr "View times"
-msgid "report.bypage.3"
-msgstr "Chat threads"
-msgid "report.bypage.4"
-msgstr "Invitations sent"
-msgid "report.bypage.5"
-msgstr "Invitations accepted"
-msgid "report.bypage.6"
-msgstr "Invitations rejected"
-msgid "report.bypage.7"
-msgstr "Invitations ignored"
-msgid "report.bypage.title"
-msgstr "Chat threads by page"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Not enough data"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "Your password has been changed."
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "Login using your new password."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "Please choose a password to use with your account."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "Proceed to login"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "Change"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Change your password"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "Back to login"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Login or E-mail:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "Forgot your password?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "Password retrieval"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "Reset password"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Administration"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Main"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Other"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name of your company for example."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Title in the chat window"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Select a style for your chat windows"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Enter your company title"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Company title"
-msgid "settings.cronkey"
-msgstr "Cron security key"
-msgid "settings.cronkey.description"
-msgstr "To run cron use link {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Enter an email to receive system messages"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Enable \"Groups\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroupsisolation"
-msgstr "Enable \"Groups Isolation\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroupsisolation.description"
-msgstr "Use it to completely isolate groups from each other."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Enable \"Statistics\""
-msgid "settings.enabletracking.description"
-msgstr "Enable tracking of visitors' activity on your site and ability to invite visitors to chat."
-msgid "settings.enabletracking"
-msgstr "Enable \"Tracking and inviting\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Show chats only through https connection"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Force all chats to be secure"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Chat refresh time"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Page refresh time for old browsers"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "Operator's console refresh time"
-msgid "settings.frequencytracking.description"
-msgstr "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 10 seconds."
-msgid "settings.frequencytracking"
-msgstr "Tracking refresh time"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Link to an external geolocation service"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Window size and toolbars hiding"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Geolocation window options"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Destination for your company name or logo link"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL of your website"
-msgid "settings.invitationlifetime.description"
-msgstr "Specify the lifetime of invitation in seconds. Default is 60 seconds."
-msgid "settings.invitationlifetime"
-msgstr "Invitation lifetime"
-msgid "settings.invitationstyle.description"
-msgstr "A preview for invitation style is available here"
-msgid "settings.invitationstyle"
-msgstr "Select a style for your invitation"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
-msgid "settings.leftmessageslocale.description"
-msgstr "Language of the messages that could be left by visitors when operators aren't available"
-msgid "settings.leftmessageslocale"
-msgstr "Language of the messages left by visitors"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Enter http address of your company logo"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Your company logo"
-msgid "settings.maxuploadedfilesize.description"
-msgstr "The upper limit of uploaded files (avatars) in bytes. Default is 100000 bytes."
-msgid "settings.maxuploadedfilesize"
-msgstr "Maximum size of uploaded files"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Please enter your company title"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 allows any number of connections"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Max number of threads from one address"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Operator online time threshold"
-msgid "settings.page_style.description"
-msgstr "A preview for each style is available here"
-msgid "settings.page_style"
-msgstr "Select a style for your operator pages"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Changes saved"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Send messages with:"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators.description"
-msgstr "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators"
-msgstr "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
-msgid "settings.statistics_aggregation_interval"
-msgstr "Statistics aggregation interval"
-msgid "settings.statistics_aggregation_interval.description"
-msgstr "Specify interval for statistics aggregation in seconds. Default is 86400 (one day)"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Show/hide email field in the survey"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Ask for visitor's email"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Show initial question field"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Messenger settings"
-msgid "settings.trackinglifetime.description"
-msgstr "Specify the lifetime of old visitor's tracks in seconds. Default is 600 seconds."
-msgid "settings.trackinglifetime"
-msgstr "Track lifetime"
-msgid "settings.threadlifetime.description"
-msgstr "Specify the lifetime of the thread after closing the dialog box in seconds. Default is 600 seconds. Set 0 for unlimited thread lifetime."
-msgid "settings.threadlifetime"
-msgstr "Thread lifetime"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Allows users to change their names"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Visitor's identifier"
-msgid "settings.visitorslimit.description"
-msgstr "Specify the number of items to display in tracked visitors list. Default is 20. Set 0 for all visitors (not recommended)."
-msgid "settings.visitorslimit"
-msgstr "Limit for tracked visitors list"
-msgid "settings.wrong.cronkey"
-msgstr "Use only Latin letters(upper and lower case) and numbers in cron key."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Enter a valid email address"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
-msgid "settings.wrong.threadlifetime"
-msgstr "\"Thread lifetime\" field should be a number"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Select dates"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
-msgid "statistics.description.full"
-msgstr "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports. Last time statistics was calculated {0}. You can calculate it manually."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "From:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Till:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistics"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "You have selected From date after Till date"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "next"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "No elements"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Found 0 elements"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "previous"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Go to search"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Chat log"
-msgid "thread.error.cannot_take"
-msgstr "Cannot take thread"
-msgid "thread.error.cannot_take_over"
-msgstr "Cannot take over"
-msgid "thread.error.cannot_view"
-msgstr "Cannot view threads"
-msgid "thread.error.old_browser"
-msgstr "Old browser is used, please update it"
-msgid "thread.error.wrong_thread"
-msgstr "Wrong thread"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "This page displays chat details and content."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Never"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Today at {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Yesterday at {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Exit"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "without menu"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Visitors"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visit time"
-msgid "tracked.empty.referrer"
-msgstr "direct visit"
-msgid "tracked.intro"
-msgstr "This page displays tracked history of visitor's activity on site."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visited page"
-msgid "tracked.path"
-msgstr "Tracked path of visitor"
-msgid "tracked.visitor.came.from"
-msgstr "Visitor came from"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Direction:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "All strings"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Strings for administrator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Strings for operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Strings for visitor"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Show:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Key identifier"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Source language string"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Sort by:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Remote user is typing..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "You are using:"
-msgid "updates.env"
-msgstr "Environment:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
-msgstr "Installed localizations:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Messenger updates."
-msgid "updates.latest"
-msgstr "Latest version:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "News:"
-msgid "updates.title"
-msgstr "Updates"
-msgid "visitors.how_to"
-msgstr "To invite the visitor to chat click on his/her name in the list."
-msgid "visitors.intro"
-msgstr "The table below represents a list of visitors ready to chat on your site."
-msgid "visitors.no_visitors"
-msgstr "There are no visitors ready to chat on your site at present time"
-msgid "visitors.table.head.actions"
-msgstr "Actions"
-msgid "visitors.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Visitor's address"
-msgid "visitors.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Misc"
-msgid "visitors.table.head.firsttimeonsite"
-msgstr "First seen"
-msgid "visitors.table.head.invitations"
-msgstr "Invitations / Chats"
-msgid "visitors.table.head.invitationtime"
-msgstr "Invitation time"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Invited by"
-msgid "visitors.table.head.lasttimeonsite"
-msgstr "Last seen"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name"
-msgid "visitors.title"
-msgstr "Visitors on site"
+# This file is empty because english strings are a part of Mibew core
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/es/translation.po b/translations/es/translation.po
index c7714350..639eb28e 100644
--- a/translations/es/translation.po
+++ b/translations/es/translation.po
@@ -1,980 +1,906 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Crear, eliminar agentes. Editar permisos."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Genera código boton HTML."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Especifique las opciones que afectan a la ventana de la charla y al comportamiento de sistema común."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funciones disponibles sólo para usuarios administradores."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Su sesión ha expirado por favor accese de nuevo"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger en una aplicación open-source para el soporte en tiempo real."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "La dirección esta en uso pincha en here, si quieres editarla."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Entrar"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Dejar tu mensaje"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zona Consultor"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "DESCONETAR"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Haz tu pregunta"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zona Consultor"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Conectar"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Guardar"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Buscar"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "eliminar"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "editar"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Modificar"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Agregar mensaje..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Añade mensajes que usa abitualmente en el chat."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Para los grupos:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Para el idioma:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Posibles mensajes"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Editar un mensaje existente."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Guardar"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Mensaje"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "No existe el mensaje"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Editar Mensaje"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Agregar nuevo mensaje."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Nuevo Mensaje"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(ausente)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(en línea)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Vistante fue redireccionado de la pagina {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Cambiar nombre"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Su nombre"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "El visitante se traslado a {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Visitante"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Cerrar..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Ocurrió un error:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Error"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Cerrar..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "De un click sobre este enlace para cerrar la ventana"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Su conversación fue enviado a la dirección{0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Enviado"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Regresar..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "No estas chateando con nadie."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Seleccionar:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupo:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operador:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Redirecciónar a
otro operador"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Cerrar..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Click para cerrar la ventana"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Visitante en espera prioritaria por el operador{0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "El visitante se coloco en una cola prioritaria en el grupo {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Visitante redirigido a otro operador"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operador {0} cambiado {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "El Operador tiene problemas de conexión, esta usted temporalmente en espera. Lo sentimos por la demora."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operador {0} Entrando a la conversación"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operador {0} salió de la conversación"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Operador {0} lo redireccionó a otro operador, por favor espere un momento"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operador {0} de regreso"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Visitante cambio su nombre {0} por {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Visitante cerrando ventana de conversación"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Visitante {0} salió de la conversación"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Visitante conectado a la conversación nuevamente"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "En conversación"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Cerrado"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Cargando"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "En espera"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "En espera de un operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Correo Electrónico: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Información: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Gracias por ponerse en contacto con nosotros. El operador estara con usted en breve..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Esta conversando con:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Cerrar conversación"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Elige respuesta..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Enviar Mensaje"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Enviar ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Enviar conversación por email"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Redirecciónar visitante a otro operador"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Refrescar"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Para responder a los visitantes hacer clic en su nombre en la lista."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Esta página presenta la lista de visitantes en espera."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Lista de visitante en espera vacía"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visitante dialogando"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Visitante con prioridad para atención"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Esperando a operador por primera vez"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Lista de visitantes en espera"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "campos obligatorios"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Comunidad Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Cambiar operador"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Visitante {0} es actualmente servido por{1}.
Esta usted seguro que quiere iniciar conversación con los visitantes?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "No, cierre la ventana"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Sí, Estoy seguro"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Aquí puede defenderse de visitante maliciosos."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Busqueda en historico de dialogos."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Salida del sistema."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Cambios guardados"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hay tantos navegadores para elegir. ¿Cuál recomiendas?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hola, ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "No coincide con la muestra."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Error al subir el archivo \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Error al mover el archivo"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Ha excedido el tamaño de archivo para subir"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Corregir los errores:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Tipo de archivo invalido"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Por favor rellene \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Por favor llene \"{0}\" correctamente."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Características activadas"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Ex: or"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Dirección de visitantes"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Este nombre será visto por los visitantes."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Nombre internacional (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Este nombre será visto por los usuarios de su sitio."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Su imagen avatar."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Imagen avatar actual"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Escoja el archivo a subir.
El tamaño de la imagen no debe exceder 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Subir avatar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Razon del bloqueo"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Comentarios"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Dias con bloqueo a dirección"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Dias"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Su email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Descripción en Inglés."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Descripción Internacional"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Nombre en Inglés."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Nombre Internacional"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Descripción de el grupo."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Descripción"
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "Email del Grupo para notificaciones. Dejalo en blanco para usar la dirección por defecto."
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Nombre para identificar el grupo."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Nombre"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "El nombre de usuario puede contener minusculas y subrrallado."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Usuario"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Para avisos y recuperar la password."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "Correo Electrónico"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Mensaje"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Su nombre"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Escriba la nueva contraseña o deje el
campo vacío para accesar."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Password"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Confirmar nueva contraseña."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmación"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Traducción"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "No se puede ejecutar:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "La ruta de la apllicación {0}"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "El paquete Mibew es valido."
-msgid "install.0.php"
-msgstr "Versión PHP {0}"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Esta conectado a MySQL server versión {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Crear base de datos \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Base de datos \"{0}\" creada."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Base de datos no encontrada en el servidor. si tiene permisos de creación
de un click sobre el siguiente enlace."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Crear las tablas requeridas."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Tablas requeridas creadas."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Actualizar tablas"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Estructura de tablas actualizadas."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "La estructura de tablas se ajustara a la nueva versión de Messenger."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "Nuevo Mensaje"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "Nueva visita"
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "Pincha para marcar el sonido: {0} y {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "Suma de comprobación diiere en {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "No puedo leer el fichero {0}"
-msgid "install.check_files"
-msgstr "Porfavor, actualiza los ficheros en el servidor."
-msgid "install.check_permissions"
-msgstr "Fichero con permisos insuficientes {0}"
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "No hay conexión, por favor verifique la configuración del servidor en config.php. Error: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Completada:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Resuelva el problema e intente de nuevo. Presione back para regresar a la ayuda."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Problema"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Imposible actualizar la estructura de datos. Inténtelo manualmente o reconstruya cada tabla (cuidado: todos los datos serán borrados)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Elimine las tablas existentes de la base de datos"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Software license agreement"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Siga los pasos del asistente para configurar su base de datos."
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "¡Felicidades! Ya tienes Mibew Messenger {1} instalado. Activa mas caracteristicas en la pagina Optional services."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Próximo paso:"
-msgid "install.no_file"
-msgstr "Fichero ausente: {0}"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Instalación"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Por favor, ejecuta el Asistente de Actualización para ajustar tu base de datos."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Proceda a la página de acceso"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Aplicación instalada con éxito."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Puedes registrarte como admin sin contraseña.
¡¡¡ Por razones de seguridad, porfavor crea una contraseña inmediatamente y borra el directorio {0} de tu servidor !!!."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Selecciona tu idioma"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Cerrar"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Lo sentimos, en este momento no hay operador disponible. Por favor, Inténtelo de nuevo mas tarde o envie su pregunta con esta forma."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Gracias por usar nuestro servicio. En breve recibirá una respuesta a su correo."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Su mensaje ha sido enviado"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Deje su mensaje"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Agentes"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Código del Botón"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Licencia"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Cerrar..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Escriba su e-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Enviar el historial de conversación
por email"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Lista de agentes"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Visitantes bloqueados"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Posibles mensajes"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "Estas fuera de linea.
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Departamento o niveles en base a grupos de operadores."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Grupos"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Cambiar región."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Idioma"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Menu principal"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Tu eres {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Tú puedes cambiar tu información personal aqui."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Perfil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Región"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Comprobar actualizaciones."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "La contraseña ingresada no coincide"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "No se encuentra operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<sin descripción>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Selecciona los grupos deacuerdo al nivel del operador."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grupo de operadores"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Buscador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Dirección del visitante"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mensaje del Visitante"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nombre"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tiempo en conversación"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Puede encontrar el Histórico de conversaciónes de sus visitantes aquí."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Histórico de visitas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cerrar..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Su Explorador web no esta soportado por Mibew Messenger. \nPor favor, utilize algunos de estos exploradores:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Por favor, use otro explorador"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Código de grupo"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Escoja imagen"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Target locale"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Estilo de la ventana del Chat"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Cuidado! Por favor no cambie
el código manualmente porque
no se garantiza
su correcto funcionamiento!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "Código HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-todos los operadores-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Incluye el nombre del dominio en el código"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Puede generar el código HTML para insertarlo en su sitio web."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Compatibilidad con mod_security (, activar solo en caso de tener problemas con el"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Ejemplo"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Usa enlace seguro (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Genera código boton HTML"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Aquí puedes crear un nuevo grupo."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Por favor elije otro nombre, porque el grupo que introdujistes ya existe."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "En esta página podrás editar los detalles de grupo."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operadores"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "No existe el grupo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Detalles de Grupo"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Ver y editar lista de miembros."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Miembros"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "¿Estas seguro de que quieres eliminar el grupo \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Esta página despliega una lista de grupos de tu compañía. Cada grupo puede tener por separado un botón y posibles respuestas."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Ausente"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "En linea"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Crear un nuevo grupo..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grupos"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Ventana de Chat (modo-operador)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Ver ventana de Chat (operador en modo lectura)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Simple ventana de Chat, enviar mensajes de actualización (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Elige estilo"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Elige plantilla"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Error de ventana"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Puede obtener una vista previa de estilos de su sitio."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Dejar mensaje ventana"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Mensaje entregado\" ventana"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Ventana de correo electrónico"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"El correo es enviado\" ventana"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Lista de navegadores compatibles con la ventana"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Redirige visitante a otra ventana de operador"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"El Visitante es redireccionado\" ventana"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Mostrar errores"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-de configuración general-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Repasar el Pre-Chat"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Estilo del sitio"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Ventana de Chat (modo-usuario)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Si no te gusta la traducción, por favor envía tus sugerencias."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Tu traducción ha sido guardada."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introduce tu traducción."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Traducción Mibew"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "No tienes permisos para cambiar este perfil personal."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Eliminar avatar"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Aquí puede crear un nuevo operador."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Por favor, elija otro nombre de usuario, ya que el agente entró con un usuario que ya está registrado en el sistema."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Usuario debe contener solamente caracteres latinos, números y simbolos de subrayado."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Esta página muestra los detalles de cada agente, derechos de acceso y edición."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Foto"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupos"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Permisos"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Detalles de operadores"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Lista completa de agentes:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "¿Estas seguro de querer borrar al operador \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Esta página muestra la lista de agentes de la empresa además permite añadir otros nuevos agentes."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Ausente"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "En linea"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Usuario"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Crear nuevo agente..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Ultimo activo"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Agentes"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Búsqueda de nombre de usuario o mensaje de texto:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Histórico de conversación"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Puedes subir tu foto en JPG, GIF, PNG o TIF archivo de imagen."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Subir foto"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Aquí puede bloquear visitantes maliciosos que afecten su trabajo con mensajes spam."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Dirección {0} bloqueada para un número especificado de días."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Usted abre esta ventana para \"{0}\" thread, Dirección Campo ya está lleno. Seleccione el número de días y de un click Enviar."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Bloquear dirección"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Agregar dirección"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "¿Estas seguro de querer borrar esta dirección {0} de la lista de bloqueados?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Lista de Direcciónes IPS prohibidas:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Bloqueado"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hasta"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Puedes encontrar visitantes en espera."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Miembros"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Usuario/contraseña incorrecto"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Por favor ingresa tu nombre de usuario y contraseña para accesar a las herramientas de administración, ver tus visitantes y buscar en el historial."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Usuario:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Contraseña:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Recordar"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Usuario"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Buscar el historial de conversación de un determinado usuario o una determinada frase en un mensaje."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Especifique las opciones que afectan a la ventana de chat y el comportamiento del sistema."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Servicios opcionales"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "General"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Rendimiento"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vista previa de temas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ocultar menú >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mostrar menú >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Visitantes nuevos estan en espera de una respuesta."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Seleciona el estado de \"Ausente\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Seleciona el estado de \"Disponible\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Bloquear visitante"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Dirección del visitante"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Misc"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nombre"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operador"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Estado"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tiempo total"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Tiempo de espera"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "De un click para conversar con el visitante"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Ver conversación"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Administración del Sistema: configurar, administrar operadores, generar código del botón"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Capacidad para modificar el perfil"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Tomar el control del Chat"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Ver el Chat de otro operador"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Aquí usted puede asignar los permisos al operador."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Permisos"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Selecciona Departamento:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Gracias por contactarnos! Para brindarte un mejor servicio, por favor rellena el formulario y haz clic en el botón Iniciar Chat."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Correo Electrónico:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nombre:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Pregunta inicial:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Iniciar Chat"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Soporte en línea"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Fecha"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Sesiones de Chat"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Mensajes de los operadores"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Mensajes de los visitantes"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Uso de estadísticas por cada fecha"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operador"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Sesiones de Chat"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Mensajes"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Longitud promedio del mensaje (en caracteres)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Conexiones por operador"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "No existen suficientes datos"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "¡Tu contraseña fue cambiada!"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "Autenticate con tu nueva contraseña."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "Porvafor seleciona una contraseña para usar con tu cuenta Mibew."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "Procede a registrarte"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "Cambiar"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Cambiar tu contraseña Mibew"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "A tras para registrarse"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Nombre de registro o correo electronico:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "Tu no reciviras tu contraseña, pero puedes crear una nueva pinchando en el enlace enviado a tu dirección de correo."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "Contraseña recuperada"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "Hemos enviado instrucciones a tu correo, Porfavor hechale un vistazo"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "Contraseña reinicializada"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "¿Problemas en el acceso a tu cuenta?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Administración"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Inicio"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Otro"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Departamento de tu empresa por ejemplo."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Título en la ventana de chat"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Vista previa para todas las páginas de cada estilo está disponible aquí"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Seleccione el estilo de tus ventanas de chat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introduce el nombre de tu empresa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nombre de la empresa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introduzca el correo electrónico para recibir mensajes del sistema"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Correo electrónico"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Usándolo puedes impedir los ataques de una IP específica"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Activar función \"Visitantes maliciosos\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Usalo para tener filas separadas de diferentes preguntas."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Habilitar \"Grupos\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Obligar al usuario a que rellene el formulario antes de iniciar el chat."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Activa repaso de \"Pre-Chat\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Por favor, verifica que tu servidor web este configurado para suportar conexiones https."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Permitir conexiones seguras (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Añade mensajes usador en los informes."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Habilitar \"Estadísticas\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Mostrar sólo chats con conexiones https"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Obligar que todos los chat sean seguros"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Especifica la cantidad del intervalo en segundos. Por defecto son 2 segundos."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Tiempo de refresco del Chat"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "Navegadores antiguos que tenga que actualizar toda la página para recibir mensajes. Por defecto es de 7 segundos."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Tiempo de refresco de pagina para viejos navegadores"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Define el intervalo en sergundos, Por defecto son 2 segundos."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "Refresco de tiempo para la consola del Operador"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Cada IP se convertirá a enlace de apertura en una nueva ventana. {ip} es substituido con una IP real."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Enlace externo a un servicio de geolocalización"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Tamaño de la ventana y ocultar barras de herramientas"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Ventana de opciones de geolocalización"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Destino para el nombre de la empresa o el enlace del logo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL de tu sitio web"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Protección contra Spam automatico (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Obliga al visitante a introducir un codigo de verificación cuando introduce un mensaje"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Introduzca la dirección URL del logo de su empresa"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Logo de tu empresa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Por favor, introduce el nombre de tu empresa"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 permitidos cualquier numero de conexiones"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Número máximo de conexiones desde una misma dirección"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Define el numero de segundos que mostrara al operador en linea. Por deecto son 30 segundos."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Limite de tiempo para el operador en linea"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Mostrar una ventaña pequeña para atraer tu atención."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Habilitar \"Dialogo de notificación de nuevos visitantes\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Cambios guardados"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Enviar mensajes con:"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators.description"
-msgstr "Puede ralentizar la velocidad de actualización de la lista"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators"
-msgstr "Muestra a los operadores en linea la pagina \"Lista de visitantes en espera\""
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar el campo de selección de Departamento en el cuestionario"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Permitir a los visitantes seleccionar el grupo/departamento"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar campos de correo electrónico en el cuestionario"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Preguntarle al visitante su Correo Electrónico"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar campo de pregunta inicial del cuestionario"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Mostrar campo de pregunta inicial"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Configuración del Mensajero"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Desactive la casilla para ocultar la opción editar en la ventana de chat"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Permite a los usuarios cambiar sus nombres"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "¿Cómo construir la cadena de identificación de visitante {name}, {id} o {addr}. Predeterminado: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Identificador de visitante"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Introduzca la dirección de correo electrónico correcta"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "El campo \"Número máximo de conexiones\" debe ser numerico"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Selecciona las fechas"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Desde esta página puedes generar diferentes reportes."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Desde:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Hasta:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Estadísticas"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Tu has seleccionado la Fecha de Inicio después de la Fecha de Termino"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Página {0} de {1}, {2}-{3} hasta {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "siguiente"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Sin elementos"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Encontrados 0 elementos"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "anterior"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Buscar"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "conversación log"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Esta pagina muestra los detalles y contenido del chat."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Nunca"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hoy a las {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ayer a las {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"Mensaje entregado\" ventana"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"El Visitante es redireccionado\" ventana"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<sin descripción>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(ausente)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(en línea)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-todos los operadores-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-de configuración general-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 permitidos cualquier numero de conexiones"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Aplicación instalada con éxito."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Cuidado! Por favor no cambie
el código manualmente porque
no se garantiza
su correcto funcionamiento!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Su conversación fue enviado a la dirección{0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Visitantes nuevos estan en espera de una respuesta."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Vista previa para todas las páginas de cada estilo está disponible aquí"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Capacidad para modificar el perfil"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Agregar dirección"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Agregar mensaje..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Agregar nuevo mensaje."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Crear nuevo agente..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Dirección {0} bloqueada para un número especificado de días."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Añade mensajes usador en los informes."
+msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administración"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Salir"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Inicio"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "sin menú"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Visitantes"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Dirección:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Todos los campos"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Campos del administrador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Campos del operador"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Campos del visitante"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mostrar:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Clave de Intentificación"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Campo de Idioma fuente"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Ordenar por:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Usuario remoto esta escribiendo..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Tú estas usando:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Permitir conexiones seguras (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Permitir a los visitantes seleccionar el grupo/departamento"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Permite a los usuarios cambiar sus nombres"
+msgid "Application path is {0}"
+msgstr "La ruta de la apllicación {0}"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "¿Estas seguro de querer borrar esta dirección {0} de la lista de bloqueados?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "¿Estas seguro de querer borrar al operador \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "¿Estas seguro de que quieres eliminar el grupo \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Preguntarle al visitante su Correo Electrónico"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Haz tu pregunta"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Longitud promedio del mensaje (en caracteres)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Ausente"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "A tras para registrarse"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Regresar..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Bloqueado"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Bloquear visitante"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Bloquear dirección"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Visitantes bloqueados"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Buscador"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Genera código boton HTML"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Genera código boton HTML."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Código del Botón"
+msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
+msgstr "Puede ralentizar la velocidad de actualización de la lista"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Posibles mensajes"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "No se puede ejecutar:"
+msgid "Cannot read file {0}"
+msgstr "No puedo leer el fichero {0}"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "Cambiar"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Cambiar región."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Cambiar nombre"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Cambiar operador"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Aquí usted puede asignar los permisos al operador."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Cambiar tu contraseña Mibew"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Cambios guardados"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Sesiones de Chat"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Histórico de conversación"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "conversación log"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Tiempo de refresco del Chat"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Vista previa de temas"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Sesiones de Chat"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Ventana de Chat (modo-operador)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Ventana de Chat (modo-usuario)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Estilo de la ventana del Chat"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Comprobar actualizaciones."
+msgid "Checksum differs for {0}"
+msgstr "Suma de comprobación diiere en {0}"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Selecciona Departamento:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Selecciona los grupos deacuerdo al nivel del operador."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Escoja imagen"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Elige estilo"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Elige plantilla"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Escoja el archivo a subir.
El tamaño de la imagen no debe exceder 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Selecciona tu idioma"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Seleccionar:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "De un click sobre este enlace para cerrar la ventana"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "De un click para conversar con el visitante"
+msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
+msgstr "Pincha para marcar el sonido: {0} y {1}"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Click para cerrar la ventana"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Cerrar"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Cerrar conversación"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Cerrar..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Cerrado"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Código de grupo"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Target locale"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comentarios"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Nombre de la empresa"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "Compatibilidad con mod_security (, activar solo en caso de tener problemas con el"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Completada:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Confirmar nueva contraseña."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmación"
+msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
+msgstr "¡Felicidades! Ya tienes Mibew Messenger {1} instalado. Activa mas caracteristicas en la pagina Optional services."
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Corregir los errores:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "No hay conexión, por favor verifique la configuración del servidor en config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Crear base de datos \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Crear un nuevo grupo..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Aquí puedes crear un nuevo grupo."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Crear, eliminar agentes. Editar permisos."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Crear las tablas requeridas."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Imagen avatar actual"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Base de datos \"{0}\" creada."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Fecha"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Dias"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Departamento o niveles en base a grupos de operadores."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripción"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Descripción en Inglés."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Descripción de el grupo."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Destino para el nombre de la empresa o el enlace del logo"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Dirección:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Elimine las tablas existentes de la base de datos"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "Correo Electrónico: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "Correo Electrónico"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Cada IP se convertirá a enlace de apertura en una nueva ventana. {ip} es substituido con una IP real."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Editar Mensaje"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Editar un mensaje existente."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Esta página muestra los detalles de cada agente, derechos de acceso y edición."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Añade mensajes que usa abitualmente en el chat."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Correo electrónico"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Correo Electrónico:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Habilitar \"Grupos\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Habilitar \"Dialogo de notificación de nuevos visitantes\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Activa repaso de \"Pre-Chat\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Habilitar \"Estadísticas\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Activar función \"Visitantes maliciosos\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Entrar"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Escriba la nueva contraseña o deje el
campo vacío para accesar."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Introduzca la dirección de correo electrónico correcta"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Introduzca el correo electrónico para recibir mensajes del sistema"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Introduzca la dirección URL del logo de su empresa"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Introduce el nombre de tu empresa"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Escriba su e-mail:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Introduce tu traducción."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Usuario/contraseña incorrecto"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "La contraseña ingresada no coincide"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Entorno:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Error"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Error al mover el archivo"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Ocurrió un error:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Error al subir el archivo \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Error de ventana"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Ex: or"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Ejemplo"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Salir"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Características activadas"
+msgid "File is absent: {0}"
+msgstr "Fichero ausente: {0}"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Siga los pasos del asistente para configurar su base de datos."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Para los grupos:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Para el idioma:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Para avisos y recuperar la password."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Obligar que todos los chat sean seguros"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Obliga al visitante a introducir un codigo de verificación cuando introduce un mensaje"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Obligar al usuario a que rellene el formulario antes de iniciar el chat."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Encontrados 0 elementos"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Desde esta página puedes generar diferentes reportes."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Desde:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Lista completa de agentes:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Funciones disponibles sólo para usuarios administradores."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Ventana de opciones de geolocalización"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Buscar"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Grupo"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Detalles de Grupo"
+msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
+msgstr "Email del Grupo para notificaciones. Dejalo en blanco para usar la dirección por defecto."
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Grupo:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grupos"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Visitante"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "Código HTML"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Hola, ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Aquí puede bloquear visitantes maliciosos que afecten su trabajo con mensajes spam."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Aquí puede defenderse de visitante maliciosos."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Ocultar menú >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Inicio"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "¿Cómo construir la cadena de identificación de visitante {name}, {id} o {addr}. Predeterminado: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Si no te gusta la traducción, por favor envía tus sugerencias."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Imposible actualizar la estructura de datos. Inténtelo manualmente o reconstruya cada tabla (cuidado: todos los datos serán borrados)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "En conversación"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "En espera"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Incluye el nombre del dominio en el código"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Información: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Pregunta inicial:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Instalación"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Idiomas instalados:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones de Web Messenger."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "Insufficient file permissions {0}"
+msgstr "Fichero con permisos insuficientes {0}"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Descripción Internacional"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Nombre Internacional"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Nombre internacional (Latin)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Tipo de archivo invalido"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Clave de Intentificación"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Idioma"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Ultimo activo"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Última versión:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Dejar mensaje ventana"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Deje su mensaje"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licencia"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Enlace externo a un servicio de geolocalización"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Lista de Direcciónes IPS prohibidas:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Lista de navegadores compatibles con la ventana"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Lista de visitantes en espera"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Soporte en línea"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Cargando"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Región"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Salida del sistema."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Usuario"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "El nombre de usuario puede contener minusculas y subrrallado."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "Nombre de registro o correo electronico:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Usuario debe contener solamente caracteres latinos, números y simbolos de subrayado."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "Autenticate con tu nueva contraseña."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Usuario:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Ventana de correo electrónico"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Inicio"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Número máximo de conexiones desde una misma dirección"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Miembros"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Mensaje"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mensajes"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Mensajes de los operadores"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Mensajes de los visitantes"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Configuración del Mensajero"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Actualizaciones de Web Messenger."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Comunidad Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger en una aplicación open-source para el soporte en tiempo real."
+msgid "Mibew package is valid."
+msgstr "El paquete Mibew es valido."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Misc"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Modificar"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Nombre en Inglés."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Departamento de tu empresa por ejemplo."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Nombre para identificar el grupo."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nombre:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Nunca"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nuevo Mensaje"
+msgid "New Visitor"
+msgstr "Nueva visita"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Noticias:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Próximo paso:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Sin elementos"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "No se encuentra operador"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "No existe el grupo"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "No existe el mensaje"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "No, cierre la ventana"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "No existen suficientes datos"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Dias con bloqueo a dirección"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "DESCONETAR"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "Conectar"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "Navegadores antiguos que tenga que actualizar toda la página para recibir mensajes. Por defecto es de 7 segundos."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "En esta página podrás editar los detalles de grupo."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "En linea"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operador"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operador {0} cambiado {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Detalles de operadores"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Grupo de operadores"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Limite de tiempo para el operador en linea"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operador {0} de regreso"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operador {0} Entrando a la conversación"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operador {0} salió de la conversación"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Operador {0} lo redireccionó a otro operador, por favor espere un momento"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "Refresco de tiempo para la consola del Operador"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operador:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Agentes"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Lista de agentes"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Servicios opcionales"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Otro"
+msgid "PHP version {0}"
+msgstr "Versión PHP {0}"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Tiempo de refresco de pagina para viejos navegadores"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Página {0} de {1}, {2}-{3} hasta {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Password"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "Contraseña recuperada"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Contraseña:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Rendimiento"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permisos"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Foto"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "Porvafor seleciona una contraseña para usar con tu cuenta Mibew."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Por favor, elija otro nombre de usuario, ya que el agente entró con un usuario que ya está registrado en el sistema."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Por favor elije otro nombre, porque el grupo que introdujistes ya existe."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Por favor, introduce el nombre de tu empresa"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Por favor ingresa tu nombre de usuario y contraseña para accesar a las herramientas de administración, ver tus visitantes y buscar en el historial."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Por favor llene \"{0}\" correctamente."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Por favor rellene \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Por favor, verifica que tu servidor web este configurado para suportar conexiones https."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Por favor, ejecuta el Asistente de Actualización para ajustar tu base de datos."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Por favor, use otro explorador"
+msgid "Please, re-upload files to the server."
+msgstr "Porfavor, actualiza los ficheros en el servidor."
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Powered by:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Repasar el Pre-Chat"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Visitante con prioridad para atención"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Problema"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "Procede a registrarte"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Proceda a la página de acceso"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Perfil"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Protección contra Spam automatico (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Razon del bloqueo"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Redirecciónar a
otro operador"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Redirecciónar visitante a otro operador"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Redirige visitante a otra ventana de operador"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refrescar"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Recordar"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Usuario remoto esta escribiendo..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Eliminar avatar"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Tablas requeridas creadas."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "Contraseña reinicializada"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Resuelva el problema e intente de nuevo. Presione back para regresar a la ayuda."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Guardar"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Guardar"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Buscar"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Buscar el historial de conversación de un determinado usuario o una determinada frase en un mensaje."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Busqueda en historico de dialogos."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Seleccione el estilo de tus ventanas de chat"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Elige respuesta..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Selecciona las fechas"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Enviar"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Enviar ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Enviar conversación por email"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Enviar el historial de conversación
por email"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Enviar Mensaje"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Enviar mensajes con:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Enviado"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Seleciona el estado de \"Disponible\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Seleciona el estado de \"Ausente\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Define el numero de segundos que mostrara al operador en linea. Por deecto son 30 segundos."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Mostrar sólo chats con conexiones https"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Mostrar errores"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Mostrar campo de pregunta inicial"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Mostrar menú >>"
+msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
+msgstr "Muestra a los operadores en linea la pagina \"Lista de visitantes en espera\""
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar el campo de selección de Departamento en el cuestionario"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar campos de correo electrónico en el cuestionario"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar campo de pregunta inicial del cuestionario"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Mostrar:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Simple ventana de Chat, enviar mensajes de actualización (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Zona Consultor"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Estilo del sitio"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Mostrar una ventaña pequeña para atraer tu atención."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Software license agreement"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Lo sentimos, en este momento no hay operador disponible. Por favor, Inténtelo de nuevo mas tarde o envie su pregunta con esta forma."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Ordenar por:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Campo de Idioma fuente"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Especifique las opciones que afectan a la ventana de chat y el comportamiento del sistema."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Define el intervalo en sergundos, Por defecto son 2 segundos."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Iniciar Chat"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Estado"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Estadísticas"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Campos del administrador"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Campos del operador"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Campos del visitante"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "La estructura de tablas se ajustara a la nueva versión de Messenger."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Enviar"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Administración del Sistema: configurar, administrar operadores, generar código del botón"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Estructura de tablas actualizadas."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Tomar el control del Chat"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Gracias por ponerse en contacto con nosotros. El operador estara con usted en breve..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Gracias por contactarnos! Para brindarte un mejor servicio, por favor rellena el formulario y haz clic en el botón Iniciar Chat."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Gracias por usar nuestro servicio. En breve recibirá una respuesta a su correo."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Base de datos no encontrada en el servidor. si tiene permisos de creación
de un click sobre el siguiente enlace."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "No coincide con la muestra."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Lista de visitante en espera vacía"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "La dirección esta en uso pincha en here, si quieres editarla."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Visitante cambio su nombre {0} por {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "El visitante se coloco en una cola prioritaria en el grupo {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Visitante en espera prioritaria por el operador{0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Visitante redirigido a otro operador"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Hay tantos navegadores para elegir. ¿Cuál recomiendas?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Este nombre será visto por los usuarios de su sitio."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Esta página muestra la lista de agentes de la empresa además permite añadir otros nuevos agentes."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Esta página despliega una lista de grupos de tu compañía. Cada grupo puede tener por separado un botón y posibles respuestas."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Esta página presenta la lista de visitantes en espera."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Esta pagina muestra los detalles y contenido del chat."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Conexiones por operador"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Hasta"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Hasta:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Tiempo en conversación"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Título en la ventana de chat"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Para responder a los visitantes hacer clic en su nombre en la lista."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Hoy a las {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Tiempo total"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Total:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Traducción"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Traducción Mibew"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "¿Problemas en el acceso a tu cuenta?"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Desactive la casilla para ocultar la opción editar en la ventana de chat"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL de tu sitio web"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Actualizar tablas"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Actualizaciones"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Subir avatar"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Subir foto"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Ha excedido el tamaño de archivo para subir"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Uso de estadísticas por cada fecha"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Usalo para tener filas separadas de diferentes preguntas."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Usa enlace seguro (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Búsqueda de nombre de usuario o mensaje de texto:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Usándolo puedes impedir los ataques de una IP específica"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Ver ventana de Chat (operador en modo lectura)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Ver y editar lista de miembros."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Ver el Chat de otro operador"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Histórico de visitas"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Visitante {0} es actualmente servido por{1}.
Esta usted seguro que quiere iniciar conversación con los visitantes?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Visitante cerrando ventana de conversación"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Visitante conectado a la conversación nuevamente"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "El visitante se traslado a {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Visitante {0} salió de la conversación"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Dirección de visitantes"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Dirección del visitante"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Identificador de visitante"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Mensaje del Visitante"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Visitantes"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Visitante dialogando"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Vistante fue redireccionado de la pagina {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Esperando a operador por primera vez"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "En espera de un operador"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Tiempo de espera"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Ver conversación"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "Hemos enviado instrucciones a tu correo, Porfavor hechale un vistazo"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Tamaño de la ventana y ocultar barras de herramientas"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Sí, Estoy seguro"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Ayer a las {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Su nombre"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "Estas fuera de linea.
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Esta conversando con:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Esta conectado a MySQL server versión {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "No tienes permisos para cambiar este perfil personal."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "No estas chateando con nadie."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Tú estas usando:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Tu eres {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Tú puedes cambiar tu información personal aqui."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Aquí puede crear un nuevo operador."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Puedes encontrar visitantes en espera."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Puede encontrar el Histórico de conversaciónes de sus visitantes aquí."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Puede generar el código HTML para insertarlo en su sitio web."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Puedes registrarte como admin sin contraseña.
¡¡¡ Por razones de seguridad, porfavor crea una contraseña inmediatamente y borra el directorio {0} de tu servidor !!!."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Puedes subir tu foto en JPG, GIF, PNG o TIF archivo de imagen."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Puede obtener una vista previa de estilos de su sitio."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "Tu no reciviras tu contraseña, pero puedes crear una nueva pinchando en el enlace enviado a tu dirección de correo."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Tu has seleccionado la Fecha de Inicio después de la Fecha de Termino"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Usted abre esta ventana para \"{0}\" thread, Dirección Campo ya está lleno. Seleccione el número de días y de un click Enviar."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Su imagen avatar."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Logo de tu empresa"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Su email"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Su mensaje ha sido enviado"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Su nombre"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "El Operador tiene problemas de conexión, esta usted temporalmente en espera. Lo sentimos por la demora."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "¡Tu contraseña fue cambiada!"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Su sesión ha expirado por favor accese de nuevo"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Tu traducción ha sido guardada."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Su Explorador web no esta soportado por Mibew Messenger. \nPor favor, utilize algunos de estos exploradores:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "editar"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "campos obligatorios"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "siguiente"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "anterior"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "eliminar"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "sin menú"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/fa/translation.po b/translations/fa/translation.po
index 3ad8c825..ed3d5273 100644
--- a/translations/fa/translation.po
+++ b/translations/fa/translation.po
@@ -1,1082 +1,916 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "ایجاد و مدیریت پرسنل و دسترسیهای آنها."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "ایجاد کد برای دکمهی چت."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "تنظیمات پنجرهی چت."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "امکانات موجود برای متصدیان سایت."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "لطفا دوباره وارد سیستم شوید"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew یک پیامرسان تحت وب متن باز است."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "پیام رسان Mibew"
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "حذف"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "ورود"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "پیام بگذارید"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "آفلاین"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "سوال بپرسید"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "آنلاین"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ذخیره"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "جستجو"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "حذف"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "ویرایش"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "ویرایش"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "اضافه نمودن پیام..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "ویرایش پیامهایی که در چت زیاد استفاده میکنید."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "برای گروه:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "برای زبان:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "پیام آماده"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "ویرایش یک پیام."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "ذخیره شد"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "پیام"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "پیامی وجود ندارد"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "ویرایش پیام"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "اضافه نمودن پیام جدید."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "پیام جدید"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(عدم امکان پاسخگویی)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(آنلاین)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "این کاربر از صفحهی {0} آمده است"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "تغییر نام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr " خوش آمدید"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[اسپم] "
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "کاربر"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "خروج..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "این خطا روی داده است:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "خطا"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "خروج..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "برای خروج از این پنجره کلیک کنید"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "گزارش چت شما به {0} ارسال شد"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "ارسال شد"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "بازگشت..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "شما در حال چت با بازدید کننده ای نمی باشید."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "انتخاب:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "گروه:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "متصدی:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "ارجاع به
متصدی دیگر"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "بستن..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "برای بستن پنجره کلیک کنید"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "{0} در صف انتظار برای چت با متصدی مربوطه قرار گرفت."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{0} در صف انتظار برای چت با بخش مربوطه قرار گرفت."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "کاربر به متصدی دیگری ارجاع شد"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "ارتباط متصدی پاسخگوی شما با مشکل مواجه شده است، شما موقتا در صف انتظار قرار گرفتید، با پوز ش از این وقفه، لطفا منتظر بمانید."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "{0} آمادهی پاسخگویی به شماست"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "{0} از چت خارج شد"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "{0} شما را به متصدی دیگری ارجاع داد، لطفا کمی منتظر بمانید."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "{0} به چت بازگشت"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "کاربر نام خود را از {0} به {1} تغییر داد"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "کاربر پنجرهی چت را بست"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "{0} از چت خارج شد"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "بازگشت کاربر به پنجرهی چت"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "در حال چت"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "بسته شد"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "بارگذاری"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "در صف انتظار"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "در انتظار یک متصدی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "آدرس ایمیل: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اطلاعات: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "با تشکر از اینکه ما را انتخاب نمودید،لطفا منتظر بمانید..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "شما در حال هستید با:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr " اتمام چت"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "قدرت گرفته از:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "انتخاب پاسخ..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew پیام رسان"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "ارسال"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "ارسال ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew پیغامرسان"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew پیغامرسان"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "ارسال متن چت بوسیلهی ایمیل"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "ارجاع کاربر به یک متصدی دیگر"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "برای پاسخ به کاربر برروی نام او در لیست کلیک کنید."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "لیست کاربرانِ در انتظار چت در این صفحه نمایش داده میشود."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "هیچ کاربری در صف انتظار نمیباشد"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "کاربران موجود در صف چت"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "در انتظار چت با متصدی برای اولین بار"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "لیست صف کاربران"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew جامعه پیام رسان"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "تغییر متصدی"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "کاربر {0} در حال چت با {1}.
میباشد، آیا شما از ورود به چت با این کاربر اطمینان دارید؟"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "خیر، پنجره بسته شود"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "بله، مطمئن هستم"
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "جستجو در گزارشات چت."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "خروج از سیستم."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "تغییرات ذخیره شد"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "سلام، چطور میتونم به شما کمک کنم؟"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "حروف نمایش داده شده در عکس با حروف ورودی شما مطابقت ندارد."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "خطا در آپلود فایل \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "خطا در انتقال فایل"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "آپلود با موفقیت انجام شد"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "این اشکالات را رفع نمایید:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "این نوع فایل مجاز نمیباشد"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "لطفا \"{0}\" کامل شود."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "لطفا قسمت \"{0}\" را بدرستی پر نمایید."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "امکانات فعال شد"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "آدرس کاربر"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "این نام توسط کاربر دیده میشود."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "نام انگلیسی"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "این نام توسط کاربر دیده میشود."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "نام"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "تصویر (آواتار) شما."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "آواتار فعلی"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "فایل عکس آواتار خود را انتخاب کنید
اندازه عکس باید کمتر از ۱۰۰*۱۰۰ پیکسل باشد."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "آوپلود آواتار"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "دلیل مسدود سازی"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "توضیح"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ایمیل شما"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "توضیحات به انگلیسی."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "توضیحات برای کاربران خارجی"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "نام به انگلیسی."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "نام برای کاربران حارجی"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "توضیحاتی در رابطه با این بخش."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "توضیحات"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "نام برای شناسایی این بخش."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "نام بخش"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "برای ورود می توانید از حروف کوچک انگلیسی استفاده کنید."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "ورود"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "برای بازیابی رمز و اخبار و اطلاعات."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "آدرس ایمیل"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "پیام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نام شما"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "رمز عبور تازه خود را وارد کنید ویا برای استفاده از رمز پیشین خالی بگذارید."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "رمز"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "رمز تازه را دوباره وارد کنید."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "تایید رمز"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "ترجمه"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "گام بعدی:"
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "انتخاب زبان"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "خروج"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "متاسفانه در حال حاضر هیچ متصدی امکان چت ندارد، لطفا از طریق فرم درخواست خود را ارسال نمایید تا سریعا بررسی شود."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "ارسال"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "با تشکر از انتخاب ما، بزودی از طریق ایمیل به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "پیام شما ارسال شد"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "پیغام بگذارید"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "متصدیان"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "کد برای کلید چت"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "تنظیمات"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "لیسانس"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "خروج..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "آدرس ایمیل خود را وارد کنید:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "ارسال"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "ارسال گزارش چت
به ایمیل"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "لیست متصدیان"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "مسدود نمودن کاربران"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "پیامهای اماده"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "بخشها و دپارتمانها."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "دپارتمانها"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "تغییرات محلی."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "زبان"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "فهرست اصلی"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "{0} خوش آمدی"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "در این قسمت میتوانید مشخصات خود را تغییر دهید."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "مشخصات شما"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "بومی سازی"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "برسی برای اخبار و بروزرسانیها."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "بروزرسانیها"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "رمز ورودی و تایید آن همخوانی ندارد"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "هیچ متصدیای وجود ندارد"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<بدون توضیحات>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "بخش مرتبط با این متصدی را مشخص نمایید."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "بخشها"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مرورگر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بخش"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "آدرس کاربر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "پیامهای کاربر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "متصدی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "زمان چت"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "تاریچه و گزارشات چت کاربران از این قسمت در دسترس است."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "تاریخچهی بازدید"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بستن پنجره..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "لطفا از یک مرورگر بروزشده استفاده نمایید. این نسخه پشتیبانی نمیشود"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "کد برای بخش"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "انتخاب عکس"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "کد برای زبان"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "ظاهر پنجرهی چت"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-تمام متصدیان-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "مثال"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "استفاده از لینک امن (https)"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "از اینجا میتوانید یک بخش جدید ایجاد کنید."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "این بخش وجود دارد، از یک نام دیگر برای بخش جدید استفاده کنید."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "در این قسمت میتوانید بخشهای شرکت را مشخص نمایید."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "تعداد اپراتورها"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "هیچ بخشای یافت نشد"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مشخصات گروهها"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "مشاهده و ویرایش لیست اعضا."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "اعضا"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "آیا از حذف بخش \"{0}\" اطمینان دارید?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "این صفحه لیست بخشهای مختلف شرکت شما را نمایش میدهد، هر گروه دسترسیها، متصدیان و پیامهای پیشفرض مخصوص به خود را دارد."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "دور از دسترس"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "آنلاین"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ایجاد بخش جدید"
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "بخشها"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "پنجرهی چت (در حالت متصدی)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "انتخاب ظاهر"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "پنجرهی خطا"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "اگر این ترجمهها صحیح نمی باشند، شما ترجمهی صحیح را برای ما ارسال کنید."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "ترجمهی شما ذخیره شد."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ترجمهی خود را وارد کنید."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "همیارِ ترجمه"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "شما مجاز به ویرایش مشخصات این کاربر نمیباشید."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "حذف آواتار"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "از این قسمت میتوانید متصدی جدید اضافه کنید."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "یک نامکاربری دیگر انتخاب کنید، متصدی با این نام کاربری در سیستم وجود دارد."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "نام کاربری فقط میتوانید شامل حروف انگلیسی، اعداد و زیرخط باشد."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "ویرایش تنظیمات عمومی متصدی."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عکس"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بخشها"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عمومی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "دسترسیها"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "مشخصات متصدی"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "نام متصدی"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "لیست تمام متصدیان:"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "این صفحه لیست متصدیان شرکت را نمایش میدهد."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "دور از دسترس"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "آنلاین"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "نام کاربری"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "افزودن متصدی..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "آخرین فعالیت"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "متصدیان"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "تاریخچهی چت"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr " شما فقط مجاز به آپلود تصاویر با پسوند JPG, GIF, PNG یا TIF هستید. ."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "آپلود عکس"
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "مسدودسازی آدرس"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "افزودن آدرس"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "لیست IPهای مسدود شده:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "لیست مسدود شدهها"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "تا"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "مشاهدهی صف کاربران برای چت."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عمومی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اعضا"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "نام کاربری یا رمز ورود اشتباه است"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "لطفا نام کاربری و رمز ورود خود را برای دسترسی به ابزارهای اداری, دیدن کاربران و تاریخ مکالمات وارد کنید."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "ورود:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "رمز:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "مرا به یاد داشته باش"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "ورود"
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "تنظیمات محیط چت و قسمتهای مختلف سیستم."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "تنظیمات پیشرفته"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عمومی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بهرهوری"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "پیشنمایش ظاهر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "حذف منو >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نمایش منو >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "یک کاربر جدید در انتظار چت است."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "برای تغییر وضعیت به \"عدم امکان پاسخگویی\" ایجا کلیک کنید"
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "برای تغییر وضعیت به \"در دسترس\" ایجا کلیک کنید"
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "مسدود نمودن کاربر"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "آدرس کاربر"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "مرورگر"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نام"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "متصدی"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "وضعیت"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مجموع زمان"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "زمان انتظار"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "برای چت با این کاربر کلیک کنید"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "امکان تغییر مشخصات"
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "دسترسیها"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "انتخاب بخش:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "ابتدا بخش مورد نظر خود را انتخاب نموده و سپس برروی کلید \"آغاز چت\" کلیک نمایید."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "ایمیل:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نام:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "پرسش اولیه:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "آغازچت"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "پشتیبانی زنده"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "تاریخ"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "پیام اپراتور"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "پیام کاربر"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "آمار استفاده براساس روز"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "اپراتور"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "پیام"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مجموع:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "رمز شما تغییر یافت."
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "با رمز جدیدتان وارد شوید."
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "ویرایش"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "تغییر رمز ورود"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "نام کاربری یا ایمیل:"
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "رمز خود را فراموش کردهاید؟"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "بازیابی رمز"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "ریست نمودن رمز"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "مدیر"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "فهرست اصلی"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "دیگر امکانات"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "عنوان شرکت شما مثلا."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نام شرکت در پنجرهی چت"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "انتخاب ظاهر پنجرهی چت"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نام شرکت شما"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "شرکت"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ایمیل"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "فعال شدن این امکان درخواستهای زیاد از یک آدرس IP را مسدود میکند"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "فعال نمودن امکان شناسایی \"کاربر نماها\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "فعال سازی \"بخشها\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "توجه داشته باشید، سرور شما باید برای استفاده از این امکان پیکربندی شده باشد."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "امکان استفاده از اتصال امن (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "فعال سازی \"آمار\""
-msgid ""
-msgstr "آدرس وبسایت شما"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "فعال سازی کپچا"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "آدرس وب برای لوگوی شرکت"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "لوگوی شرکت شما"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "لطفاعنوان شرکت را وارد کنید"
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "تغییرات ذخیره شد"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "نمایش یا عدم نمایش انتخاب بخش در پنجرهی اولیهی چت"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "امکان انتخاب \"بخش\" در پنجرهی چت"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "نمایش یا عدم نمایش دریافت آدرس ایمیل کاربر در پنجرهی چت"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "دریافت ایمیل از کاربر"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "نمایش یا عدم نمایش سوال اولیه در پنجرهی چت"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "نمایش سوال اولیه در پنجرهی چت"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "تنظیمات پیامرسان"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "در صورت غیرفعال بودن این امکان از پنجرهی چت حذف خواهد شد"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "دسترسی به کاربران برای تغییر نام خود"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "انتخاب تاریخ"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "آمار استفاده و پاسخگوییها."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "از:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "تا:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "آمار"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "حداقل زمان انتخابی از حداکثر زمان انتخابی بیشتر است!"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بعدی"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "هیچ رکوردی وجود ندارد"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "موردی یافت نشد"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "قبلی"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "جستجو"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "گزارش چت"
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "هرگز"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "امروز در {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "دیروز در {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "فهرست اصلی"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "خروج"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "خانه"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "بدون منو"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "کاربران"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "اصلی:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "تمام جملات"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "جملات بخش مدیریت"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "جملات بخش اپراتورها"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "جملات بخش کاربران"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "نمایش:"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "زبان مبدا"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "مرتب سازی براساس:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "کاربر در حال نگارش متن..."
-msgid "updates.env"
-msgstr "محیط:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
-msgstr "زبانهای نصب شده:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "بروزرسانیهای پیام رسان."
-msgid "updates.latest"
-msgstr "آخرین نسخه:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اخبار:"
-msgid "updates.title"
-msgstr "بروزرسانیها"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.toggle_sound"
-msgstr "فعال/غیر فعال نمودن صدا"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "تازه کردن"
-msgid "menu.notifications"
-msgstr "اعلان ها"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "موارد الزامی"
-msgid "menu.notifications.content"
-msgstr "تمام اطلاعیه ها ارسال شده توسط پیام رسان."
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "جستجو در چت برای یک کاربر مشخص یا یک عبارت خاص را در پیام ها."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "جستجوی نام کاربری و یا متن پیام :"
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "تبریک میگوییم! شما پیام رسان Mibew {1} را نصب کرده اید. میتوانید ویژگی های بیشتری را در صفحه خدمات دلخواه فعال کنید."
-msgid "settings.enablejabber"
-msgstr "فعال کردن \"اطلاعیه های Jabber\""
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "شما آفلاین هستید.
آنلاین شدن..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مشاور سایت"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مشاور سایت"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "آدرس مشخص شده در حال حاضر در حال استفاده است.در صورتی که می خواهید آن را ویرایش کنید اینجا کلیک کنید."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "بازدید در پنجره"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "پیمایش بازدید کنندگان به {0}"
-msgid "chat.redirect.unknown_group"
-msgstr "گروه ناشناخته"
-msgid "chat.redirect.unknown_operator"
-msgstr "متصدی ناشناخته"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "اپراتور {0} به اپراتور {1} تغییر کرد"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "در اینجا شما می توانید بازدید کننده های مخرب را مسدود کنید."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مرورگرهای زیادی برای انتخاب در دسترس هستند. کدام یک را شما پیشنهاد میکنید؟"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "مثال: یا"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "روزها"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "تعداد روزهایی که این آدرس مسدود باشد"
-msgid "error.no_password.visit_profile"
-msgstr "بازدید از صفحه پروفایل شما."
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "گروه ایمیل برای اطلاعیه ها.برای استفاده از آدرس پیش فرض خالی بگذارید."
-msgid "form.field.jabber"
-msgstr "شناسه جابر(Jabber)"
-msgid "form.field.jabber.description"
-msgstr "برای اطلاع رسانی فوری"
-msgid "form.field.jabbernotify"
-msgstr "اطلاع از بازدید کنندگان جدید"
-msgid "form.field.jabbernotify.description"
-msgstr "تحویل از طریق Jabber (فوری)"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مسیر برنامه {0} می باشد"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "بسته پیام رسان Mibew مورد تایید است."
-msgid "install.0.php"
-msgstr "نسخه PHP{0}"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "شما به سرور پایگاه داده ی MySQL نسخه {0} اتصال دارید"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "ایجاد پایگاه داده \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "پایگاه داده \"{0}\" ساخته شد."
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "تکمیل شد:"
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "شما در حال استفاده از :"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "کلید شناسایی"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "این پنجره جزئیات و محتوای پیام را نمایش میدهد."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "صفحه {0} تا {1}, {2}-{3} از {4}"
-msgid "settings.wrong.threadlifetime"
-msgstr "طول عمر موضوع \"باید عدد باشد\""
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "بیشترین تعداد موضوعات \"مقدار باید عددی باشد\""
-msgid "settings.threadlifetime"
-msgstr "طول عمر موضوع"
-msgid "settings.threadlifetime.description"
-msgstr "تعیین طول عمر از موضوع پس از بستن کادر محاوره ای در ثانیه صورت گرفت. به طور پیش فرض 600 ثانیه است. تنظیم 0 برای طول عمر موضوع نامحدود."
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "شناسه بازدید کنندگان"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "آدرس پست الکترونیکی معتبری وارد نمایید"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "چگونگی ساخت رشته شناسایی بازدید کننده به صورت {name}, {id} یا {addr}. پیش فرض: {name}"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "ارسال پیام ها با:"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators"
-msgstr "نمایش اپراتورهای روی خط در صفحه \"لیست بازدیدکنندگان منتظر\""
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators.description"
-msgstr "می تواند نرخ به روز رسانی لیست را کاهش دهد"
-msgid "settings.survey.askcaptcha"
-msgstr "اجبار بازدید کننده به وارد کردن کد تایید"
-msgid "settings.survey.askcaptcha.description"
-msgstr "محافظت در برابر هرزنامه ها (کد امنیتی کپچا)"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "زمان تازه کردن گفتگو"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "گزینه های مختصات پنجره"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "اندازه پنجره و نوار ابزار مخفی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مسیر برای نام شرکت شما و یا لینک لوگو"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "اجبار بازدیدکنندگان برای وارد نمودن کد امنیتی هنگام گذاشتن پیغام"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "اشکال در دسترسی به حساب تان هست؟"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "دیده بانی پیام رسان"
-msgid "permission.viewnotifications"
-msgstr "مشاهده اعلانات کاربران"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "موضوعات گفتگو"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "موضوعات گفتگو"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "بازگشت به صفحه ورود"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "موضوع ها توسط اپراتور"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "نگاهی بر موضوع چت"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "مشاهده موضوع چت اپراتور دیگر"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "تغییر محدودیت ها و امکانات موجود برای این اپراتور."
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "حداکثر تعداد موضوعات از یک آدرس(IP)"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "مدت زمان آستانه آنلاین اپراتور"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "تنظیم تعداد ثانیه برای نشان دادن یک اپراتور به شکل آنلاین. پیش فرض 30 ثانیه."
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "مدیریت سیستم: تنظیمات، مدیریت اپراتور، تولید دکمه"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "داده کافی نیست"
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "اقدام برای ورود"
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "لطفا برای استفاده در حسابتان پسوردی برگزینید."
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "شما می توانید رمز عبور خود را بازیابی کنید، همچنین می توانید رمز تازه ای از لینک زیر تنظیم کنید که به ایمیل شما فرستاده می شود."
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "ما دستورالعمل ها را به پست الکترونیک شما فرستادیم. لطفا آن را چک کنید."
-msgid "error.no_password"
-msgstr "این نخستین ورود شما به سیستم است و رمز عبورتان خالی می باشد. به دلایل امنیتی شما باید آن را تغییر دهید."
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "نمی توان اجرا نمود :"
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "پایگاه داده ها بر روی سرور یافت نشد. در صورتی که مجوز برای ایجاد هم اکنون آن دارید، بر روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "ساختن جداول مورد نیاز."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "جدول های مورد نیاز ساخته شدند."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "بروز رسانی جداول"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "ساختار جداول بروز هستند."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "ساختار جداول شما باید با نسخه نوین پیام رسان هم خوان شوند."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "پیام جدید"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "بازدید کننده جدید"
-msgid "install.check_files"
-msgstr "لطفا ، پرونده ها را مجدد بر روی سرور بارگذاری نمایید."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "مشکل"
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "حذف جداول جاری از پایگاه داده"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "توافق نامه خدمات نرم افزار"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "نصب کننده را دنبال کنید تا پایگاه داده شما راه اندازی گردد."
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "به روز رسانی ساختار جداول امکان پذیر نیست. سعی کنید این کار را دستی انجام دهید و یا از نو تمام جداول را بسازید (هشدار: تمام اطلاعات خود را از دست خواهد رفت)."
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "مشکل را حل کنید و دوباره سعی کنید. بازگشت را برای برگشتن به نصب کننده فشار دهید."
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "نصب"
-msgid "install.no_file"
-msgstr "فایلی که ناموجود است : {0}"
-msgid "notifications.head.subj"
-msgstr "موضوع"
-msgid "notifications.locale"
-msgstr "زبان"
-msgid "notifications.kind.mail"
-msgstr "پست الکترونیکی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "به"
-msgid "notifications.head.time"
-msgstr "زمان"
-msgid "notifications.kind.all"
-msgstr "-همه-"
-msgid "notifications.locale.all"
-msgstr "-همه-"
-msgid "notification.back_to_list"
-msgstr "بازگشت به فهرست"
-msgid "notification.label.subj"
-msgstr "موضوع"
-msgid "notification.label.time"
-msgstr "زمان"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "به"
-msgid "notification.title"
-msgstr "جزئیات آگاه سازی"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "\"{0}\""
-msgid "notifications.head.msg"
-msgstr "نوشته"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{1}: {0}"
-msgid "notifications.kind.xmpp"
-msgstr "XMPP/Jabber"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "کد HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "شامل نام میزبان در کد"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "اینحا میتوانید کد HTML برای قرار دادن در سایتتان تولید کنید."
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "ساخت کلید با کد HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "سازگاری با mod_security ،فقط درصورت مشکل با آن روشن نمایید("
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "توجه!
از تغییر کدهابصورت دستی
بپرهیزید چرا که ما تضمین
نمی کنیم که کار خواهند کرد!"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "مرورگر شما منقرض شده است! لطفا از یکی از مرورگر های بروز مقابل استفاده نمایید :"
-msgid "notifications.kind"
-msgstr "نوع اطلاع رسانی"
-msgid "notification.intro"
-msgstr "محتوای مطالب اطلاع رسانی ارسال شده."
-msgid "pending.loading"
-msgstr "درحال بارگذاری..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "متن"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "تصویر"
-msgid "page_agents.remove"
-msgstr "پاک کردن"
-msgid "page_avatar.cannot_load_avatar"
-msgstr "بارگذاری تصویر مقدور نیست"
-msgid "page_avatar.no_avatar"
-msgstr "بدون نماد (اواتار)"
-msgid "page_agent.not_found"
-msgstr "-یافت نشد-"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "طرح سایت"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "نمایش خطاها"
-msgid "page.preview.no_iframes"
-msgstr "بدون iframe ها"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "بررسی پیش-چت"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "اتصال"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "پنجره موضوع ایمیل"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"پیام تحویل داده شده است\" پنجره"
-msgid "page.groups.none"
-msgstr "هیچکدام"
-msgid "page.groups.remove"
-msgstr "حذف"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "انتخاب پوسته"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"پیام ارسال شده است\" پنجره"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "پنجره گذاشتن پیام"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "فهرست مرورگرهای قابل استفاده پنجره"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "در اینجا شما می توانید بازدید کننده های مخربی که کار شما را با پیام های جفنگ تحت تاثیر قرار میدهند ،مسدود نمایید."
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "آیا شما از حذف نمودن آدرس {0} از فهرست ممنوع شده ها،اطمینان دارید؟"
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "آدرس {0} برای مدت معینی مسدود شده است."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "پنجره باز شده شما برای موضوع \"{0}\" . آدرس قسمت پر شده است. تعداد روزها را انتخاب وبرروی ارسالکلیک کنید."
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "آیا شما از حذف متصدی \"{0}\" اطمینان دارید؟"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "پنجره چت (حالت کاربر)"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-از تنظیمات اصلی-"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
+msgstr "بیشترین تعداد موضوعات \"مقدار باید عددی باشد\""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"پیام تحویل داده شده است\" پنجره"
+msgid "\"Thread lifetime\" field should be a number"
+msgstr "طول عمر موضوع \"باید عدد باشد\""
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
msgstr "\"کاربر redirect شد\" پنجره"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "تغییر مسیر بازدید کننده به دیگری اپراتور پنجره"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "اینجا شما می توانید لیستی از پوسته های نصب شده در اینجا مشاهده کنید."
-msgid "page.preview.in_separate_window"
-msgstr "در پنجره جداگانه"
-msgid "page.notifications.intro"
-msgstr "لیستی اطلاعیه ها ارسال شده توسط پیام رسان، شامل پیام های متنی فوری و پست الکترونیکی."
-msgid "page.notifications.title"
-msgstr "وقایع اعلانها"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "پنجره گفتوگوی ساده. بارگزاری مجدد برای ارسال پیام ها (IE 5، اپرا 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "پنجره مشخصات چت (اپراتور در حالت فقط خواندنی)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "میانگین طول پیام (حرف)"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "برای دریافت پیام های سیستم یک پست الکترونیکی وارد نمایید"
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "استفاده از آن را به صف جداگانه برای سوالات مختلف."
-msgid "settings.enablejabber.description"
-msgstr "اطلاع رسانی از طریق مسنجر از بازدید کننده های جدید (نیاز به نرم افزار Mibew Jabber)"
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "فعال کردن \"بررسی پیش-چت\""
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "متصل نشد. لطفا تنظیمات سرور در config.php را چک کنید. خطا: {0}"
-msgid "install.check_permissions"
-msgstr "مجوز ناکافی فایل {0}"
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "شما میتوانید با نام کاربری admin و بدون پسورد وارد شوید.
به دلایل امنیتی هرچه سریعتر نسبت به تغییر پسورد اقدام نموده و فولدر {0} را از سرور حذف نمایید."
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "لطفا بروز رسانی نصب کننده را کلیک کنید تا پایگاه داده شما همسان گردد."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "ادامه به صفحه ورود"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "برنامه با موفقیت نصب گردید."
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "برای بررسی صدای کلیک کنید: {0} و {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "chechsum نادرست برای {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "فایل {0} قابل خواند نیست"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "پیش نمایش تمام صفحه برای هر سبک در اینجا a> است"
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "مجبور به کاربر برای پر کردن یک فرم خاص برای شروع چت."
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<بدون توضیحات>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(عدم امکان پاسخگویی)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(آنلاین)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-تمام متصدیان-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-از تنظیمات اصلی-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
msgstr "اجازه تعداد نامحدود ارتباط 0"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "برنامه با موفقیت نصب گردید."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "توجه!
از تغییر کدهابصورت دستی
بپرهیزید چرا که ما تضمین
نمی کنیم که کار خواهند کرد!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "گزارش چت شما به {0} ارسال شد"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "یک کاربر جدید در انتظار چت است."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "پیش نمایش تمام صفحه برای هر سبک در اینجا a> است"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "امکان تغییر مشخصات"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "افزودن آدرس"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "اضافه نمودن پیام..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "اضافه نمودن پیام جدید."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "افزودن متصدی..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "آدرس {0} برای مدت معینی مسدود شده است."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
msgstr "اضافه کردن صفحه ای با گزارش های استفاده ی پیام رسان."
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "الزام تمامی گفتگوها به امنیت"
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "نمایش گفتگو فقط در قالب ارتباط https"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "زمان تازه کردن کنسول متصدی"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "در مرورگرهای قدیمی نیاز به تازه کردن تمام صفحه برای دریافت پیام است. پیش فرض 7 ثانیه."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "مدت زمان وقفه Poll به ثانیه. پیش فرض 2 ثانیه."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "زمان تازه شدن صفحه برای مرورگر های قدیمی"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "مدیر"
+msgid "All strings"
+msgstr "تمام جملات"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "امکان استفاده از اتصال امن (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "امکان انتخاب \"بخش\" در پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "دسترسی به کاربران برای تغییر نام خود"
+msgid "Application path is {0}"
+msgstr "مسیر برنامه {0} می باشد"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "آیا شما از حذف نمودن آدرس {0} از فهرست ممنوع شده ها،اطمینان دارید؟"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "آیا شما از حذف متصدی \"{0}\" اطمینان دارید؟"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "آیا از حذف بخش \"{0}\" اطمینان دارید?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "دریافت ایمیل از کاربر"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "سوال بپرسید"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "میانگین طول پیام (حرف)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "دور از دسترس"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "بازگشت به صفحه ورود"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "بازگشت..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "لیست مسدود شدهها"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "مسدود نمودن کاربر"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "مسدودسازی آدرس"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "مسدود نمودن کاربران"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "مرورگر"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "ساخت کلید با کد HTML"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "ایجاد کد برای دکمهی چت."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "کد برای کلید چت"
+msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
+msgstr "می تواند نرخ به روز رسانی لیست را کاهش دهد"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "پیامهای اماده"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "نمی توان اجرا نمود :"
+msgid "Cannot read file {0}"
+msgstr "فایل {0} قابل خواند نیست"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "ویرایش"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "تغییرات محلی."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "تغییر نام"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "تغییر متصدی"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "تغییر محدودیت ها و امکانات موجود برای این اپراتور."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "تغییر رمز ورود"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "تغییرات ذخیره شد"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "موضوعات گفتگو"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "تاریخچهی چت"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "گزارش چت"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "زمان تازه کردن گفتگو"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "پیشنمایش ظاهر"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "موضوعات گفتگو"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "پنجرهی چت (در حالت متصدی)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "پنجره چت (حالت کاربر)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "ظاهر پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "برسی برای اخبار و بروزرسانیها."
+msgid "Checksum differs for {0}"
+msgstr "chechsum نادرست برای {0}"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "انتخاب بخش:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "بخش مرتبط با این متصدی را مشخص نمایید."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "انتخاب عکس"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "انتخاب ظاهر"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "انتخاب پوسته"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "فایل عکس آواتار خود را انتخاب کنید
اندازه عکس باید کمتر از ۱۰۰*۱۰۰ پیکسل باشد."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "انتخاب زبان"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "انتخاب:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "برای خروج از این پنجره کلیک کنید"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "برای چت با این کاربر کلیک کنید"
+msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
+msgstr "برای بررسی صدای کلیک کنید: {0} و {1}"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "برای بستن پنجره کلیک کنید"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "خروج"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr " اتمام چت"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "بستن پنجره..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "بسته شد"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "کد برای بخش"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "کد برای زبان"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "توضیح"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "شرکت"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "سازگاری با mod_security ،فقط درصورت مشکل با آن روشن نمایید("
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "تکمیل شد:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "رمز تازه را دوباره وارد کنید."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "تایید رمز"
+msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
+msgstr "تبریک میگوییم! شما پیام رسان Mibew {1} را نصب کرده اید. میتوانید ویژگی های بیشتری را در صفحه خدمات دلخواه فعال کنید."
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "این اشکالات را رفع نمایید:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "متصل نشد. لطفا تنظیمات سرور در config.php را چک کنید. خطا: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "ایجاد پایگاه داده \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "ایجاد بخش جدید"
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "از اینجا میتوانید یک بخش جدید ایجاد کنید."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "ایجاد و مدیریت پرسنل و دسترسیهای آنها."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "ساختن جداول مورد نیاز."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "آواتار فعلی"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "پایگاه داده \"{0}\" ساخته شد."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "تاریخ"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "روزها"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "حذف"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "بخشها و دپارتمانها."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "توضیحات"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "توضیحات به انگلیسی."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "توضیحاتی در رابطه با این بخش."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "مسیر برای نام شرکت شما و یا لینک لوگو"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "اصلی:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "حذف جداول جاری از پایگاه داده"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "آدرس ایمیل: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "آدرس ایمیل"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
msgstr "هر IP تبدیل به یک پیوند خواهد شد که در پنجره جدید باز می شود. {ip} با IP واقعی جایگزین می شود."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "پیوند به یک سرویس دهنده(جغرافیایی) geolocation خارجی"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "زمان توقف گفتگو ، پیش فرض 2 ثانیه."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "ویرایش پیام"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "ویرایش یک پیام."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "ویرایش تنظیمات عمومی متصدی."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "ویرایش پیامهایی که در چت زیاد استفاده میکنید."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "ایمیل"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "ایمیل:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "فعال سازی \"بخشها\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
msgstr "\"فعال سازی\" پنجره بازشونده برای بازدید کننده جدید."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "فعال کردن \"بررسی پیش-چت\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "فعال سازی \"آمار\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "فعال نمودن امکان شناسایی \"کاربر نماها\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "ورود"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "رمز عبور تازه خود را وارد کنید ویا برای استفاده از رمز پیشین خالی بگذارید."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "آدرس پست الکترونیکی معتبری وارد نمایید"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "برای دریافت پیام های سیستم یک پست الکترونیکی وارد نمایید"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "آدرس وب برای لوگوی شرکت"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "نام شرکت شما"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "آدرس ایمیل خود را وارد کنید:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "ترجمهی خود را وارد کنید."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "نام کاربری یا رمز ورود اشتباه است"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "رمز ورودی و تایید آن همخوانی ندارد"
+msgid "Environment:"
+msgstr "محیط:"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "خطا"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "خطا در انتقال فایل"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "این خطا روی داده است:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "خطا در آپلود فایل \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "پنجرهی خطا"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "مثال: یا"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "مثال"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "خروج"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "امکانات فعال شد"
+msgid "File is absent: {0}"
+msgstr "فایلی که ناموجود است : {0}"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "نصب کننده را دنبال کنید تا پایگاه داده شما راه اندازی گردد."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "برای گروه:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "برای زبان:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "برای بازیابی رمز و اخبار و اطلاعات."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "الزام تمامی گفتگوها به امنیت"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "اجبار بازدیدکنندگان برای وارد نمودن کد امنیتی هنگام گذاشتن پیغام"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "مجبور به کاربر برای پر کردن یک فرم خاص برای شروع چت."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "رمز خود را فراموش کردهاید؟"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "موردی یافت نشد"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "آمار استفاده و پاسخگوییها."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "از:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "لیست تمام متصدیان:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "امکانات موجود برای متصدیان سایت."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "عمومی"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "گزینه های مختصات پنجره"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "جستجو"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "بخش"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "مشخصات گروهها"
+msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
+msgstr "گروه ایمیل برای اطلاعیه ها.برای استفاده از آدرس پیش فرض خالی بگذارید."
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "گروه:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "بخشها"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "کاربر"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "کد HTML"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "سلام، چطور میتونم به شما کمک کنم؟"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "در اینجا شما می توانید بازدید کننده های مخربی که کار شما را با پیام های جفنگ تحت تاثیر قرار میدهند ،مسدود نمایید."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "در اینجا شما می توانید بازدید کننده های مخرب را مسدود کنید."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "حذف منو >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "خانه"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "چگونگی ساخت رشته شناسایی بازدید کننده به صورت {name}, {id} یا {addr}. پیش فرض: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "اگر این ترجمهها صحیح نمی باشند، شما ترجمهی صحیح را برای ما ارسال کنید."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "به روز رسانی ساختار جداول امکان پذیر نیست. سعی کنید این کار را دستی انجام دهید و یا از نو تمام جداول را بسازید (هشدار: تمام اطلاعات خود را از دست خواهد رفت)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "در حال چت"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "در صف انتظار"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "شامل نام میزبان در کد"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "اطلاعات: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "پرسش اولیه:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "نصب"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
+msgstr "زبانهای نصب شده:"
+msgid "Insufficient file permissions {0}"
+msgstr "مجوز ناکافی فایل {0}"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "توضیحات برای کاربران خارجی"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "نام برای کاربران حارجی"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "نام انگلیسی"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "این نوع فایل مجاز نمیباشد"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "کلید شناسایی"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "زبان"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "آخرین فعالیت"
+msgid "Latest version:"
+msgstr "آخرین نسخه:"
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "پنجره گذاشتن پیام"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "پیغام بگذارید"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "لیسانس"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "پیوند به یک سرویس دهنده(جغرافیایی) geolocation خارجی"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "لیست IPهای مسدود شده:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "فهرست مرورگرهای قابل استفاده پنجره"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "لیست صف کاربران"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "پشتیبانی زنده"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "بارگذاری"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "بومی سازی"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "خروج از سیستم."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "ورود"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "برای ورود می توانید از حروف کوچک انگلیسی استفاده کنید."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "نام کاربری یا ایمیل:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "نام کاربری فقط میتوانید شامل حروف انگلیسی، اعداد و زیرخط باشد."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "با رمز جدیدتان وارد شوید."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "ورود:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "پنجره موضوع ایمیل"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "فهرست اصلی"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "حداکثر تعداد موضوعات از یک آدرس(IP)"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "اعضا"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "پیام"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "پیام"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "پیام اپراتور"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "پیام کاربر"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "تنظیمات پیامرسان"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "بروزرسانیهای پیام رسان."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew پیام رسان"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew پیغامرسان"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew جامعه پیام رسان"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew یک پیامرسان تحت وب متن باز است."
+msgid "Mibew package is valid."
+msgstr "بسته پیام رسان Mibew مورد تایید است."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "مرورگر"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "ویرایش"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "نام"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "نام به انگلیسی."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "عنوان شرکت شما مثلا."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "نام برای شناسایی این بخش."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "نام:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "هرگز"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "پیام جدید"
+msgid "New Visitor"
+msgstr "بازدید کننده جدید"
+msgid "News:"
+msgstr "اخبار:"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "گام بعدی:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "هیچ رکوردی وجود ندارد"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "هیچ متصدیای وجود ندارد"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "هیچ بخشای یافت نشد"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "پیامی وجود ندارد"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "خیر، پنجره بسته شود"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "داده کافی نیست"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "تعداد روزهایی که این آدرس مسدود باشد"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "آفلاین"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "آنلاین"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "در مرورگرهای قدیمی نیاز به تازه کردن تمام صفحه برای دریافت پیام است. پیش فرض 7 ثانیه."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "در این قسمت میتوانید بخشهای شرکت را مشخص نمایید."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "آنلاین"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "اپراتور"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "اپراتور {0} به اپراتور {1} تغییر کرد"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "مشخصات متصدی"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "بخشها"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "مدت زمان آستانه آنلاین اپراتور"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "{0} به چت بازگشت"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "{0} آمادهی پاسخگویی به شماست"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "{0} از چت خارج شد"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "{0} شما را به متصدی دیگری ارجاع داد، لطفا کمی منتظر بمانید."
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "زمان تازه کردن کنسول متصدی"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "متصدی:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "متصدیان"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "لیست متصدیان"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "تنظیمات پیشرفته"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "دیگر امکانات"
+msgid "PHP version {0}"
+msgstr "نسخه PHP{0}"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "زمان تازه شدن صفحه برای مرورگر های قدیمی"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "صفحه {0} تا {1}, {2}-{3} از {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "رمز"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "بازیابی رمز"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "رمز:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "بهرهوری"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "دسترسیها"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "عکس"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "لطفا برای استفاده در حسابتان پسوردی برگزینید."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "یک نامکاربری دیگر انتخاب کنید، متصدی با این نام کاربری در سیستم وجود دارد."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "این بخش وجود دارد، از یک نام دیگر برای بخش جدید استفاده کنید."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "لطفاعنوان شرکت را وارد کنید"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "لطفا نام کاربری و رمز ورود خود را برای دسترسی به ابزارهای اداری, دیدن کاربران و تاریخ مکالمات وارد کنید."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "لطفا قسمت \"{0}\" را بدرستی پر نمایید."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "لطفا \"{0}\" کامل شود."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "توجه داشته باشید، سرور شما باید برای استفاده از این امکان پیکربندی شده باشد."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "لطفا بروز رسانی نصب کننده را کلیک کنید تا پایگاه داده شما همسان گردد."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "لطفا از یک مرورگر بروزشده استفاده نمایید. این نسخه پشتیبانی نمیشود"
+msgid "Please, re-upload files to the server."
+msgstr "لطفا ، پرونده ها را مجدد بر روی سرور بارگذاری نمایید."
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "قدرت گرفته از:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "بررسی پیش-چت"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "کاربران موجود در صف چت"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "مشکل"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "اقدام برای ورود"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "ادامه به صفحه ورود"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "مشخصات شما"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "فعال سازی کپچا"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "دلیل مسدود سازی"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "ارجاع به
متصدی دیگر"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "ارجاع کاربر به یک متصدی دیگر"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "تغییر مسیر بازدید کننده به دیگری اپراتور پنجره"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "تازه کردن"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "مرا به یاد داشته باش"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "کاربر در حال نگارش متن..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "حذف آواتار"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "جدول های مورد نیاز ساخته شدند."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "ریست نمودن رمز"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "مشکل را حل کنید و دوباره سعی کنید. بازگشت را برای برگشتن به نصب کننده فشار دهید."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "ذخیره"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "ذخیره شد"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "جستجو"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "جستجو در چت برای یک کاربر مشخص یا یک عبارت خاص را در پیام ها."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "جستجو در گزارشات چت."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "انتخاب ظاهر پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "انتخاب پاسخ..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "انتخاب تاریخ"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "ارسال"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "ارسال ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "ارسال متن چت بوسیلهی ایمیل"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "ارسال گزارش چت
به ایمیل"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "ارسال"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "ارسال پیام ها با:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "ارسال شد"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "برای تغییر وضعیت به \"در دسترس\" ایجا کلیک کنید"
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "برای تغییر وضعیت به \"عدم امکان پاسخگویی\" ایجا کلیک کنید"
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "تنظیم تعداد ثانیه برای نشان دادن یک اپراتور به شکل آنلاین. پیش فرض 30 ثانیه."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "تنظیمات"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "نمایش گفتگو فقط در قالب ارتباط https"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "نمایش خطاها"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "نمایش سوال اولیه در پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "نمایش منو >>"
+msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
+msgstr "نمایش اپراتورهای روی خط در صفحه \"لیست بازدیدکنندگان منتظر\""
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "نمایش یا عدم نمایش انتخاب بخش در پنجرهی اولیهی چت"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "نمایش یا عدم نمایش دریافت آدرس ایمیل کاربر در پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "نمایش یا عدم نمایش سوال اولیه در پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "نمایش:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "پنجره گفتوگوی ساده. بارگزاری مجدد برای ارسال پیام ها (IE 5، اپرا 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "مشاور سایت"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "طرح سایت"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
msgstr "گفتوگوای کوچک به نظر می رسد برای شما جالب باشد."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "توافق نامه خدمات نرم افزار"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "متاسفانه در حال حاضر هیچ متصدی امکان چت ندارد، لطفا از طریق فرم درخواست خود را ارسال نمایید تا سریعا بررسی شود."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "مرتب سازی براساس:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "زبان مبدا"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "تنظیمات محیط چت و قسمتهای مختلف سیستم."
+msgid "Specify the lifetime of the thread after closing the dialog box in seconds. Default is 600 seconds. Set 0 for unlimited thread lifetime."
+msgstr "تعیین طول عمر از موضوع پس از بستن کادر محاوره ای در ثانیه صورت گرفت. به طور پیش فرض 600 ثانیه است. تنظیم 0 برای طول عمر موضوع نامحدود."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "مدت زمان وقفه Poll به ثانیه. پیش فرض 2 ثانیه."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "آغازچت"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "وضعیت"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "آمار"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "جملات بخش مدیریت"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "جملات بخش اپراتورها"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "جملات بخش کاربران"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "ساختار جداول شما باید با نسخه نوین پیام رسان هم خوان شوند."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "ارسال"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "مدیریت سیستم: تنظیمات، مدیریت اپراتور، تولید دکمه"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "ساختار جداول بروز هستند."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "نگاهی بر موضوع چت"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "با تشکر از اینکه ما را انتخاب نمودید،لطفا منتظر بمانید..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "ابتدا بخش مورد نظر خود را انتخاب نموده و سپس برروی کلید \"آغاز چت\" کلیک نمایید."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "با تشکر از انتخاب ما، بزودی از طریق ایمیل به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "پایگاه داده ها بر روی سرور یافت نشد. در صورتی که مجوز برای ایجاد هم اکنون آن دارید، بر روی لینک زیر کلیک کنید."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "حروف نمایش داده شده در عکس با حروف ورودی شما مطابقت ندارد."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "هیچ کاربری در صف انتظار نمیباشد"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "آدرس مشخص شده در حال حاضر در حال استفاده است.در صورتی که می خواهید آن را ویرایش کنید اینجا کلیک کنید."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "کاربر نام خود را از {0} به {1} تغییر داد"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "{0} در صف انتظار برای چت با بخش مربوطه قرار گرفت."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "{0} در صف انتظار برای چت با متصدی مربوطه قرار گرفت."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "کاربر به متصدی دیگری ارجاع شد"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "مرورگرهای زیادی برای انتخاب در دسترس هستند. کدام یک را شما پیشنهاد میکنید؟"
+msgid "This is your first time logging in and your password is blank. For security reasons you have to change it."
+msgstr "این نخستین ورود شما به سیستم است و رمز عبورتان خالی می باشد. به دلایل امنیتی شما باید آن را تغییر دهید."
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "این نام توسط کاربر دیده میشود."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "این صفحه لیست متصدیان شرکت را نمایش میدهد."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "این صفحه لیست بخشهای مختلف شرکت شما را نمایش میدهد، هر گروه دسترسیها، متصدیان و پیامهای پیشفرض مخصوص به خود را دارد."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "لیست کاربرانِ در انتظار چت در این صفحه نمایش داده میشود."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "این پنجره جزئیات و محتوای پیام را نمایش میدهد."
+msgid "Thread lifetime"
+msgstr "طول عمر موضوع"
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "موضوع ها توسط اپراتور"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "تا"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "تا:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "زمان چت"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "نام شرکت در پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "برای پاسخ به کاربر برروی نام او در لیست کلیک کنید."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "امروز در {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "مجموع زمان"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "مجموع:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "ترجمه"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "همیارِ ترجمه"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "اشکال در دسترسی به حساب تان هست؟"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "در صورت غیرفعال بودن این امکان از پنجرهی چت حذف خواهد شد"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "آدرس وبسایت شما"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "بروز رسانی جداول"
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "بروزرسانیها"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "آوپلود آواتار"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "آپلود عکس"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "آپلود با موفقیت انجام شد"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "آمار استفاده براساس روز"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "استفاده از آن را به صف جداگانه برای سوالات مختلف."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "استفاده از لینک امن (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "جستجوی نام کاربری و یا متن پیام :"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "فعال شدن این امکان درخواستهای زیاد از یک آدرس IP را مسدود میکند"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "پنجره مشخصات چت (اپراتور در حالت فقط خواندنی)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "مشاهده و ویرایش لیست اعضا."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "مشاهده موضوع چت اپراتور دیگر"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "تاریخچهی بازدید"
+msgid "Visit your Profile Page."
+msgstr "بازدید از صفحه پروفایل شما."
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "کاربر {0} در حال چت با {1}.
میباشد، آیا شما از ورود به چت با این کاربر اطمینان دارید؟"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "کاربر پنجرهی چت را بست"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "بازگشت کاربر به پنجرهی چت"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "پیمایش بازدید کنندگان به {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "{0} از چت خارج شد"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "آدرس کاربر"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "آدرس کاربر"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "شناسه بازدید کنندگان"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "پیامهای کاربر"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "کاربران"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "بازدید در پنجره"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "این کاربر از صفحهی {0} آمده است"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "در انتظار چت با متصدی برای اولین بار"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "در انتظار یک متصدی"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "زمان انتظار"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "دیده بانی پیام رسان"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "ما دستورالعمل ها را به پست الکترونیک شما فرستادیم. لطفا آن را چک کنید."
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "اندازه پنجره و نوار ابزار مخفی"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "بله، مطمئن هستم"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "دیروز در {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr " خوش آمدید"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "شما آفلاین هستید.
آنلاین شدن..."
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "شما در حال هستید با:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "شما به سرور پایگاه داده ی MySQL نسخه {0} اتصال دارید"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "شما مجاز به ویرایش مشخصات این کاربر نمیباشید."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "شما در حال چت با بازدید کننده ای نمی باشید."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "شما در حال استفاده از :"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "{0} خوش آمدی"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "در این قسمت میتوانید مشخصات خود را تغییر دهید."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "از این قسمت میتوانید متصدی جدید اضافه کنید."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "مشاهدهی صف کاربران برای چت."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "تاریچه و گزارشات چت کاربران از این قسمت در دسترس است."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "اینحا میتوانید کد HTML برای قرار دادن در سایتتان تولید کنید."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "شما میتوانید با نام کاربری admin و بدون پسورد وارد شوید.
به دلایل امنیتی هرچه سریعتر نسبت به تغییر پسورد اقدام نموده و فولدر {0} را از سرور حذف نمایید."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr " شما فقط مجاز به آپلود تصاویر با پسوند JPG, GIF, PNG یا TIF هستید. ."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "اینجا شما می توانید لیستی از پوسته های نصب شده در اینجا مشاهده کنید."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "شما می توانید رمز عبور خود را بازیابی کنید، همچنین می توانید رمز تازه ای از لینک زیر تنظیم کنید که به ایمیل شما فرستاده می شود."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "حداقل زمان انتخابی از حداکثر زمان انتخابی بیشتر است!"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "پنجره باز شده شما برای موضوع \"{0}\" . آدرس قسمت پر شده است. تعداد روزها را انتخاب وبرروی ارسالکلیک کنید."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "تصویر (آواتار) شما."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "لوگوی شرکت شما"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "ایمیل شما"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "پیام شما ارسال شد"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "نام شما"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "ارتباط متصدی پاسخگوی شما با مشکل مواجه شده است، شما موقتا در صف انتظار قرار گرفتید، با پوز ش از این وقفه، لطفا منتظر بمانید."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "رمز شما تغییر یافت."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "لطفا دوباره وارد سیستم شوید"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "ترجمهی شما ذخیره شد."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "مرورگر شما منقرض شده است! لطفا از یکی از مرورگر های بروز مقابل استفاده نمایید :"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[اسپم] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "ویرایش"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "موارد الزامی"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "بعدی"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "قبلی"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "حذف"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "بدون منو"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/fi/translation.po b/translations/fi/translation.po
index 03871a89..4b0c08c6 100644
--- a/translations/fi/translation.po
+++ b/translations/fi/translation.po
@@ -1,362 +1,310 @@
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Poista"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Jätä viestisi"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sivuston tuki"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kysy kysymyksesi"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sivun konsultantti"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "LINJOILLA"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tallenna"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Etsi"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "poista"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "muokkaa"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Muokkaa"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Lisää viesti..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Muokkaa viestejä joita usein kirjoitat chattiin."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ryhmälle:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Kielelle:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Tallennetut Viestit"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Muokkaa olemassa olevaa viestiä."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Tallennettu"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Viesti"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Muokkaa Viestiä"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Lisää uusi viesti."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Uusi Viesti"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
+msgid "(away)"
msgstr "(poissa)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
+msgid "(online)"
msgstr "(käyettävissä)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Kävijä tuli sivulta {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Muuta nimi"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sinä olet"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kävijä suuntasi sivulle {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Kävijä"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Sulje..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Tapahtui virhe:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Virhe"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Sulje..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Napsauta tätä linkkiä sulkeaksesi ikkuna"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
msgstr "Tämän keskustelun historia lähetettiin osoitteeseen {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Lähetetty"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Takaisin..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Valitse:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ryhmä:"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Sulje..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Napsauta sulkeaksesi ikkuna"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Kävijä sulki keskusteluikkunan"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Vierailija liittyi keskusteluun uudestaan"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Keskustelussa"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Suljettu"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Ladataan"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Jonossa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sähköposti: {0}"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Sulje keskustelu"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Valitse vastaus..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Lähetä viesti"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Lähetä ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Lähetä keskusteluhistoria sähköpostitse"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Lataa uudelleen"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Vastataksesi vierailijalle, klikkaa hänen nimeä listalta."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Tämä sivu näyttää lista odottavista vierailijoista."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Odottavien vierailijoiden lista on tyhjä"
-msgid "clients.online_operators.away"
-msgstr "(Poissa)"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Lista odottavista vierailijoista"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ei, sulje ikkuna"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Kyllä, olen varma"
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Kirjaudu ulos järjestelmästä."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Muutokset tallennettu"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Kirjoittamasi kirjaimet eivät täsmää kirjaimia jotka näyttettiin kuvassa."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Virhe tiedoston siirtämisessä"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Virheellinen tiedosomuoto"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Täytä \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Täytä \"{0}\" oikein."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Ominaisuudet aktivoitu"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Esim.: tai"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Kävijän Osoite"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Tämä nimi näytetään käviöille."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Tämä nimi näytetään käviöille."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nimi"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Päiviä"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sähköpostisi"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Nimi Englanniksi."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Ryhmän kuvaus."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Kuvaus"
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Nimi"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Viesti"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nimesi"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Ei voi suorittaa:"
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Onglema"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Ohjelmiston käyttöoikeussopimus"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Seuraa ohjeita asentaaksesi tietokanta."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Seuraava vaihe:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Asennus"
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Valitse kielesi"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Sulje"
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Lähetä"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Kiitos, että käytät palveluamme. Me vastamme sinulle mahdollisimman nopeasit sähköpostitse."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Viestisi on lähetetty"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Jätä viesti"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Painikekoodi"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Asetukset"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Lisenssi"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Sulje..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Syötä sähköpostiosoitteesi:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Lähetä"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Lähetä keskusteluhistoria
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Estetyt vierailijat"
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Ryhmät"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Vaihda kieli."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Kieli"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Olennaiset"
-msgid "menu.notifications"
-msgstr "Ilmoitukset"
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profiili"
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Päivitykset"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Antamasi salasanat eivät täsmää"
-msgid "notification.title"
-msgstr "Ilmoituksen tiedot"
-msgid "notifications.locale"
-msgstr "Kieli"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nimi"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sulje..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger ei täysin tue selaintasi. Ole hyvä ja käytä yhtä seuraavista selaimista:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Käyttäkää uudenmpaa selainta"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML-koodi"
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Poissa"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Linjoilla"
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Ryhmät"
-msgid "page.notifications.title"
-msgstr "Ilmoitushistoria"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Valitse tyyli"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Virheikkuna"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Näytä virheet"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Sivun tyyli"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Jos et pidä käännöksestä, ole hyvä ja lähetä meille päivitys."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Käännöksesi on tallennettu."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Syötä käännös."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Käännösvelho"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ryhmät"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nimi"
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Poissa"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Linjoilla"
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Viimeksi aktiivinen"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Keskusteluhistoria"
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Estä osoite"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Lisää osoite"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Lista estetyistä IPistä:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Estettyjen lista"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Piilota valikko >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Näytä valikko >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
msgstr "Uusi vierailija odottaa vastausta."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Aseta \"Poissa\" tila"
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Aseta \"Saatavilla\" tila"
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Estä vierailija"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Vierailijan osoite"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Muuta"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nimi"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Tila"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Aika yhteensä"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Odotusaika"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Katso keskustelua"
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Oikeudet"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Valitse Osasto:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Kiitos yhteydenotostanne! Jotta voisimme paremmin palvella teitä, ole hyvä ja täytä alla olevan lomakkeen tiedot ja klikkaa Aloita keskustelu -painiketta."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Sähköposti:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nimi:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Alkuperäinen Kysymys:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Aloita keskustelu"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Live-tuki"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Päivämäärä"
-msgid "right.administration"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Lisää osoite"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Lisää viesti..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Lisää uusi viesti."
+msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Hallinta"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Olennaiset"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Muut"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Valitse päivämäärät"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistiikat"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Kysy kysymyksesi"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Poissa"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Takaisin..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Estettyjen lista"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Estä vierailija"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Estä osoite"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Estetyt vierailijat"
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Painikekoodi"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Tallennetut Viestit"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Ei voi suorittaa:"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Vaihda kieli."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Muuta nimi"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Muutokset tallennettu"
+msgid "Chat history"
msgstr "Keskusteluhistoria"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Koti"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Keskusteluhistoria"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Valitse Osasto:"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Valitse tyyli"
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Valitse kielesi"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Valitse:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Napsauta tätä linkkiä sulkeaksesi ikkuna"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Napsauta sulkeaksesi ikkuna"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Sulje"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Sulje keskustelu"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Sulje..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Suljettu"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Päivämäärä"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Päiviä"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Poista"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Kuvaus"
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Ryhmän kuvaus."
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "Sähköposti: {0}"
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Muokkaa Viestiä"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Muokkaa olemassa olevaa viestiä."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Muokkaa viestejä joita usein kirjoitat chattiin."
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Sähköposti:"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Syötä sähköpostiosoitteesi:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Syötä käännös."
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Antamasi salasanat eivät täsmää"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Virhe"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Virhe tiedoston siirtämisessä"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Tapahtui virhe:"
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Virheikkuna"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Esim.: tai"
+msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Poistu"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Ominaisuudet aktivoitu"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Seuraa ohjeita asentaaksesi tietokanta."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Ryhmälle:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Kielelle:"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Ryhmä:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Ryhmät"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Kävijä"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML-koodi"
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Piilota valikko >>"
+msgid "Home"
msgstr "Koti"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "ilman valikkoa"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Vierailijat"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Etäkäyttäjä kirjoittaa..."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Jos et pidä käännöksestä, ole hyvä ja lähetä meille päivitys."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Keskustelussa"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "Jonossa"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Alkuperäinen Kysymys:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Asennus"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Virheellinen tiedosomuoto"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Kieli"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Viimeksi aktiivinen"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Uusin versio:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Jätä viesti"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Lisenssi"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Lista estetyistä IPistä:"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Lista odottavista vierailijoista"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Live-tuki"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Ladataan"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Kirjaudu ulos järjestelmästä."
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Olennaiset"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Viesti"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Muuta"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Muokkaa"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nimi"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Nimi Englanniksi."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nimi:"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Uusi Viesti"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Seuraava vaihe:"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Ei, sulje ikkuna"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "LINJOILLA"
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Linjoilla"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Muut"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Oikeudet"
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Täytä \"{0}\" oikein."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Täytä \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Käyttäkää uudenmpaa selainta"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Onglema"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profiili"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Lataa uudelleen"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Etäkäyttäjä kirjoittaa..."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Tallenna"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Tallennettu"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Etsi"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Valitse vastaus..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Valitse päivämäärät"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Lähetä"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Lähetä ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Lähetä keskusteluhistoria sähköpostitse"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Lähetä keskusteluhistoria
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Lähetä viesti"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Lähetetty"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Aseta \"Saatavilla\" tila"
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Aseta \"Poissa\" tila"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Asetukset"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Näytä virheet"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Näytä valikko >>"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Sivun konsultantti"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Sivun tyyli"
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Ohjelmiston käyttöoikeussopimus"
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Aloita keskustelu"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Tila"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiikat"
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Lähetä"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Kiitos yhteydenotostanne! Jotta voisimme paremmin palvella teitä, ole hyvä ja täytä alla olevan lomakkeen tiedot ja klikkaa Aloita keskustelu -painiketta."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Kiitos, että käytät palveluamme. Me vastamme sinulle mahdollisimman nopeasit sähköpostitse."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Kirjoittamasi kirjaimet eivät täsmää kirjaimia jotka näyttettiin kuvassa."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Odottavien vierailijoiden lista on tyhjä"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Tämä nimi näytetään käviöille."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Tämä sivu näyttää lista odottavista vierailijoista."
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Vastataksesi vierailijalle, klikkaa hänen nimeä listalta."
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Aika yhteensä"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Käännösvelho"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Päivitykset"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Kävijä sulki keskusteluikkunan"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Vierailija liittyi keskusteluun uudestaan"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Kävijä suuntasi sivulle {0}"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Kävijän Osoite"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Vierailijan osoite"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Vierailijat"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Kävijä tuli sivulta {0}"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Odotusaika"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Katso keskustelua"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Kyllä, olen varma"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Sinä olet"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Sähköpostisi"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Viestisi on lähetetty"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Nimesi"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Käännöksesi on tallennettu."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger ei täysin tue selaintasi. Ole hyvä ja käytä yhtä seuraavista selaimista:"
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "muokkaa"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "poista"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "ilman valikkoa"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/fr/translation.po b/translations/fr/translation.po
index 9fc1a125..73a20cb5 100644
--- a/translations/fr/translation.po
+++ b/translations/fr/translation.po
@@ -1,846 +1,784 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Créer, effacer agents de société. Gérer leurs permissions."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Générer code HTML du Bouton."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Spécifiez les options concernant la fenêtre de discussion et le comportement général du programme"
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Fonctions disponible pour utilisateurs autorisés."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Votre session a expiré; ouvrez une nouvelle session"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger est une application de Support Direct sous licence Open-Source Initiative."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "L'adresse {0} est déjà utilisée, cliquez ici pour la modifier."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Supprimer"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Entrer"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "Hors ligne"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "En ligne"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sauver"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Rechercher"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "Supprimer"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "Editer"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Modifier"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Ajouter message..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Editer les messages que vous saisissez fréquemment dans les réponses."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pour un groupe :"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Pour la langue :"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Messages préenregistrés"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Editer un message existant."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Sauvegarder"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Message"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Ce message n'existe pas"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Editer message"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau message."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Nouveau Message"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(En ligne)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Visiteur venu de la page {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "CHANGER DE NOM"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "VOTRE NOM:"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Visiteur"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Fermer..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Erreur détectée:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Erreur"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Fermer..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Cliquez sur ce lien pour fermer la boîte de dialogue"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "L'historique de votre entretien a été envoyé à l'adresse {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Envoyé"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Retour..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Vous ne dialoguez actuellement avec aucun Visiteur."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Choisissez :"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Groupe :"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Opérateur :"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Redirection vers
Un autre opérateur"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Fermer..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Cliquez pour fermer la fenêtre"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Le Visiteur a été placé dans la file d'attente prioritaire de l'opérateur {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Le Visiteur placé dans la file d'attente prioritaire du groupe {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Visiteur redirigé vers un autre opérateur"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Votre interlocuteur {0} a changé d'opérateur {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "L'opérateur a des problèmes de connexion, nous vous mettons provisoirement en liste d'attente prioritaire. Veuillez excuser ce contretemps."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "L'opérateur {0} rejoint l'entrevue"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "L'opérateur {0} quitte l'entrevue"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "L'opérateur {0} vous redirige vers un autre opérateur, patientez SVP."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "L'opérateur {0} est de retour"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Le Visiteur change de nom {0} to {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Le Visiteur a fermé la boîte de dialogue"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Le Visiteur {0} quitte l'entrevue"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Le Visiteur rejoint à nouveau l'entretien"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Intervenant"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Fermé"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Chargement"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "En attente"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "En attente d'un opérateur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Merci de nous contacter. Un opérateur va vous rejoindre sous peu..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Votre interlocuteur est:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Clore l'entretien"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Pulsé par:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Choisissez une réponse..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messagerie"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Envoyer message"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Envoyer ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Messagerie Web"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Messagerie Web"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Envoyer historique de l'entretien par email"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Rediriger le visiteur vers un autre opérateur"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Rafraîchir"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Pour répondre au Visiteur cliquer sur son nom dans la liste."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Page d'affichage de la liste d'attente des Visiteurs."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "La liste des visiteurs en attente est vide"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visiteurs en entrevue"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "File des visiteurs prioritaires"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "En attente d'un opérateur pour la 1ère fois"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Liste des visiteurs en attente"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "champs obligatoires"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Communauté Mibew Messager"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Changez d'opérateur"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Le Visiteur {0} est déjà assisté par {1}.
Etes-vous sûr de vouloir démarrer une discussion avec ce visiteur?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "NON, fermer la fenêtre"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "OUI, je suis sûr!"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Ici vous pouvez vous protéger contre les visiteurs malveillants."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Rechercher historiques des dialogues"
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Sortir du programme."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Sauvegarder les modifications"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Il y a un tel choix de navigateurs. Lequel recommandez-vous?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bienvenue, que puis-je faire pour vous?"
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Erreur de téléchargement \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Erreur de transfert de fichier"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Taille excessive du fichier téléchargé"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Corrigez les erreurs:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Type de fichier non valide"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Please fill \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "SVP remplir \"{0}\" correctement."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Eléments activés"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Ex: ou"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Adresse Visiteur"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Ce nom sera vu par vos visiteurs."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Nom International (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Ce nom sera vu par vos Visiteurs."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Votre avatar."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Avatar actuel"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Choisissez l'avatar à télécharger.
Les dimensions de l'image ne doivent pas dépasser 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Télécharger l'avatar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Raison du blocage"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Commentaire"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Nombre de jours durant lesquels cette adresse est bloquée"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Jours"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Votre email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Description en Anglais."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Description internationale"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Nom en Anglais."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Nom international"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Description du groupe."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Description"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Nom pour identifier le groupe."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Le Login peut être en lettres latines
et souligné."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Message"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "votre nom"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Entrer un nouveau mot de passe ou
laissez le champ vide pour conserver l'ancien."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Mot de Passe"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Confirmez le nouveau mot de passe."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmation"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Traduire"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Exécution impossible:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Vous êtes connecté à un serveur MySQL version {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Créer base de données \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "La base de données \"{0}\" est créée."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "La base de données n'a pas été trouvée sur le serveur. Si vous avez les permissions pour le faire maintenant,
cliquez sur le lien suivant."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Créez les tables requises."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Les tables requises ont été créées."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Mettre à jour les tables"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Structure des tables mise à jour."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "La structure de vos tables doit être adjustée pour une nouvelle version du Messager."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Connexion impossible, regardez les réglages serveur du fichier config.php. Error: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Terminé:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Résoudre le problème et essayer de nouveau. Presser Retour pour retourner à l'assistant."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Problème"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour la structure des tables. Essayez de le faire manuellement ou recréez toutes les tables (attention: toutes vos données seront perdues)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Ecrire les tables existantes de la base de données"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "License d'utilisation du programme"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Suivez l'assistant pour paramétrer votre base de données."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prochaine étape:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Installation"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Lancer Assistant de mise à jour pour rectifier votre base de données."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Procédez à l'identification"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Application installée avec succès."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez ouvrir une session en tant que \"admin\" avec un mot de passe vide.
Pour des raisons de sécurités, changez votre mot de passe immédiatement et effacez le dossier {0} de votre serveur."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Choisissez votre langue"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Fermer"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Désolé, aucun opérateur n'est disponible pour l'instant. Essayez plus tard ou posez votre question dans ce formulaire."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Soumettre"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Merci d'utiliser notre service. Nous vous répondrons par email dès que possible."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Votre message a bien été envoyé"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Laisser votre message"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Agents"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Code du bouton"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Paramètres"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Fermer..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Entrer votre email:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Envoyer"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Envoi l'historique de l'entretien
par email"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Liste des Agents"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Visiteurs bloqués"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Messages enregistrés"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Département ou centre technique d'organisation des groupes."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Groupes"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Changer de lieu."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Langage"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Menu Principal"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Vous êtes {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez changer vos renseignements personnels sur cette page."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Localiser"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Vérifier les mises à jour et actualités."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Mises à jour"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Le mot de passe saisit n'est pas le même"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Cet opérator n'existe pas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<pas de description>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Choisissez les groupes selon les compétences de l'opérateur."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Groupes d'opérateurs"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Navigateur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Groupe"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Adresse visiteur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Messages des Visiteurs"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Opérateur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Durée de la discussion"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Historique des discussions avec vos visiteurs, ici."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Historique des visites"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Fermer..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Votre navigateur Web n'est pas pleinement supporté par le Messager. \nPlease, utilisez un des navigateurs suivants:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "SVP, utilisez un navigateur récent"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Indicatif du groupe"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Choisir une image"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Choisir la langue du bouton"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Style de la fenêtre de dialogue"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Attention! SVP ne changez pas
le code manuellement parce que
nous ne garantissons pas qu'il
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "Code HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-Tous les opérateurs-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Inclure le nom de l'hébergeur dans le code"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez générer ici le code HTML à placer dans votre site."
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Exemple"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Lien sécurisé utilisé (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Générer code HTML du Bouton"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ici vous pouvez créer un nouveau groupe."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Merci de choisir un autre Nom; celui que vous avez saisi existe déjà."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sur cette page vous pouvez éditer les données d'un groupe."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Opérateurs"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Données du groupe"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Vue et édition de la liste des membres."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Membres"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Cette page affiche une liste des groupes de votre Entreprise. Chaque groupe peut disposer séparemment d'un bouton et de réponses préenregistrées."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Créer un nouveau groupe..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Groupes"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Fenêtre de dialogue (mode-agent)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Aperçu de la fenêtre de dialogue de l'Agent"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Simple fenêtre de discussion, actualiser pour envoyer des messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Choisir le style"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Choisir le modèle"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez prévisualiser les styles pour votre site"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Fenêtre des messages à envoyer"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "Fenêtre des messages déjà envoyés"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Fenêtre suivi de courrier"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "Fenêtre courrier envoyé"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Fenêtre de la liste des navigateurs supportés"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Fenêtre redirection Visiteur vers un autre opérateur"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "Fenêtre Visiteur redirigé"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Voir les erreurs"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "- depuis l'ensemble des réglages -"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Evaluation avant entretien"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Style du site"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Fenêtre de dialogue (mode-utilisateur)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de la traduction, soumettez une mise à jour."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Votre traduction est sauvegardée."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Entrez votre traduction."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Traduction"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à modifier le profil de cette personne."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Supprimer avatar"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Ici vous pouvez créer un nouvel opérateur"
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "SVP Choisissez un autre pseudonyme, ce nom d'agent existe déjà dans le programme."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Votre Nom ou Login ne doit être composé que de lettres ou chiffres reconnus."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Cette page affiche le détail des agents, si vous avez les droits d'accès, vous pouvez les éditer."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Photo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Groupes"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Général"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Autorisations"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Détails de l'opérateur"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Liste complète des agents:"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Cette page affiche la liste des agents de la société, elle permet aussi d'en ajouter de nouveaux si vous y êtes autorisé"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Ouvrir une session"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Créer de nouveau agent..."
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Agents"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Recherche nom utilisateur ou texte de message:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Historique de la conversation"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez télécharger votre photo aux formats JPG, GIF, PNG ou TIF."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Télécharger photo"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Ici vous pouvez bloquer les visiteurs malveillants qui affectent votre travail par des messages indésirables."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "L'adresse {0} est bloquée pour un nombre de jours spécifiés."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Vous avez ouvert cette fenêtre pour suivre \"{0}\", Adresse champs déjà rempli. Sélectionnez le nombre de jours et cliquez Envoyer."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Bloquer l'adresse"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Ajouter l'adresse"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Liste des IP bannies:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Bloqué"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jusqu'à"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Des visiteurs vous attendent."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Général"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Membres"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Le nom/mot de passe saisit est incorrect"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Veuillez entrer votre Nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe, pour accéder à l'interface administration, voir vos visiteurs et suivre l'historique de vos contacts."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Nom de code:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Mot de passe:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Mémoriser"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Ouvrir une session"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Recherche dans l'historique de dialogue d'un utilisateur ou phrase précise dans un message."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Spécifiez les options contrôlant la fenêtre de dialogue et les réglages partagés par le programme"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Services facultatifs ou optionnels"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Général"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prévisualisation des Thèmes"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cacher menu >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Afficher menu >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Un nouveau Visiteur attend une réponse."
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Bannir le visiteur"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Adresse du Visiteur"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Divers"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Opérateur"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Etat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Durée Totale"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Temps d'attente"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Cliquer pour dialoguer avec le Visiteur"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Contrôler les conversations"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Gestion du programme: Réglages, Agents-opérateurs, Générateur de bouton"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Reprendre le contrôle du dialogue en cours"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Voir le dialogue en cours d'un autre opérateur"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Vous contrôlez ici le champ d'action de l'opérateur"
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Autorisations"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Choisissez un Département :"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Merci de nous avoir contacter! Afin de mieux vous rendre service, veuillez s'il vous plait remplir le formulaire ci-dessous, puis cliquer sur le bouton Démarrer Conversation."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Première question:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Démarrer Conversation"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Support en Direct"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Date"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Suivis de Conversation"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Messages des Opérateurs"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Messages des Visiteurs"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Traitement des statistiques pour chaque entretien"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Opérateur"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Suivis de Conversation"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Messages"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Longueur moyenne du message (en nbre de caractères)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Suivis par opérateur"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Pas assez de données"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total:"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Administration"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Principal"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Autre"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Département de votre société, par exemple."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Titre dans la fenêtre de dialogue"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Aperçu de toutes les pages de chaque style disponible ici"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Sélectionnez le style de votre fenêtre de dialogue"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Entrez le Nom de votre Société"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nom de Société"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Entrez un email pour recevoir des messages par le programme"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Permet de bloquer les attaques de certaines adresses IP"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Autorise fonction \"Visiteurs Malveillants\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "S'en servir pour constituer des files d'attentes distinctes selon différentes questions."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Habiliter \"Groupes\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Obliger l'Utilisateur à remplir un formulaire spécial avant de démarrer l'entretien."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Autoriser \"Evaluation avant entretien\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Veuillez noter que votre serveur web doit être configuré pour supporter les requêtes https."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Autoriser les Connexions Sécurisées (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Ajouter la page des rapports d'utilisation du messager."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Autoriser les \"Statistiques\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Ne montrer que les conversations par connexion https"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Forcer tous les entretiens à être sécurisés"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Chaque adresse IP devient un lien ouvrable dans une nouvelle fenêtre. {ip} est remplacée par une IP réelle."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Lien vers un service de géo-localisation"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Cacher la taille de la fenêtre et la barre d'outils"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Options de la fenêtre de localisation géographique"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Destination pour le nom de votre société ou lien logo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Adresse de votre site Web"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Entrez l'adresse http du logo de votre société"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Le logo de votre société"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Entrez le nom de votre société SVP"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 autoriser un très grand nombre de connexions"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Nombre maximum de suivis pour une adresse"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Un dialogue léger paraît attirer votre attention."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Autoriser \"Notification automatique d'un nouveau Visiteur\""
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Modifications sauvegardées"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Envoyer messages avec :"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Affiche/Masque le champs, sélection du département, dans les statistiques"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Autorise le Visiteur à choisir le département ou groupe"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Affiche/Masque le champs, email, dans les statistiques"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Demander l'email du Visiteur"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Affiche/Masque le champs, 1ère question, dans les statistiques"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Afficher le champs de la 1ère question posée"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Réglages du Messager"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Fermer pour cacher l'éditeur de la fenêtre de dialogue"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Autorise les utilisateurs à changer leur nom"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Sélectionnez le type d'identifiant du Visiteur: {name}, {id} ou {addr}. Par défaut: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Identifiant du Visiteur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Entrez une adresse email correcte"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "Le champs \"Nombre maxi de suivis\" doit être de :"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Selectionner les entretiens"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Depuis cette page vous pouvez générer divers rapports d'utilisation."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "De :"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Jusqu'à :"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistiques"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Vous avez sélectionné de date à date"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Page {0} de {1}, {2}-{3} à {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "suivant"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Pas d'éléments"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "0 éléments trouvés"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "précédent"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Aller rechercher"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Session de dialogue"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Cette page affiche la conversation"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre des messages déjà envoyés"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre Visiteur redirigé"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<pas de description>"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(En ligne)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-Tous les opérateurs-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "- depuis l'ensemble des réglages -"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 autoriser un très grand nombre de connexions"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Application installée avec succès."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Attention! SVP ne changez pas
le code manuellement parce que
nous ne garantissons pas qu'il
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "L'historique de votre entretien a été envoyé à l'adresse {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Un nouveau Visiteur attend une réponse."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Aperçu de toutes les pages de chaque style disponible ici"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Ajouter l'adresse"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Ajouter message..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau message."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Créer de nouveau agent..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "L'adresse {0} est bloquée pour un nombre de jours spécifiés."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Ajouter la page des rapports d'utilisation du messager."
+msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Sortie"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Accueil"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "sans menu"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Visiteurs"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Direction :"
-msgid ""
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Toute séquence"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Séquences d'administrateur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Séquences d'opérateur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Séquences de visiteur"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Affiche :"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Clé d'identification"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Langage source des séquences"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Trier par :"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "L'utilisateur distant écrit..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Vous utilisez :"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Autoriser les Connexions Sécurisées (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Autorise le Visiteur à choisir le département ou groupe"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Autorise les utilisateurs à changer leur nom"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Demander l'email du Visiteur"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Longueur moyenne du message (en nbre de caractères)"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Retour..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Bloqué"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Bannir le visiteur"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Bloquer l'adresse"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Visiteurs bloqués"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Navigateur"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Générer code HTML du Bouton"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Générer code HTML du Bouton."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Code du bouton"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Messages enregistrés"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Exécution impossible:"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Changer de lieu."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "CHANGER DE NOM"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Changez d'opérateur"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Vous contrôlez ici le champ d'action de l'opérateur"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Modifications sauvegardées"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Suivis de Conversation"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Historique de la conversation"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Session de dialogue"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Prévisualisation des Thèmes"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Suivis de Conversation"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Fenêtre de dialogue (mode-agent)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Fenêtre de dialogue (mode-utilisateur)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Style de la fenêtre de dialogue"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Vérifier les mises à jour et actualités."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Choisissez un Département :"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Choisissez les groupes selon les compétences de l'opérateur."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Choisir une image"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Choisir le style"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Choisir le modèle"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Choisissez l'avatar à télécharger.
Les dimensions de l'image ne doivent pas dépasser 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Choisissez votre langue"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Choisissez :"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Cliquez sur ce lien pour fermer la boîte de dialogue"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Cliquer pour dialoguer avec le Visiteur"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour fermer la fenêtre"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fermer"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Clore l'entretien"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Fermer..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Fermé"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Indicatif du groupe"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Choisir la langue du bouton"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Commentaire"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Nom de Société"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Terminé:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Confirmez le nouveau mot de passe."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Confirmation"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Corrigez les erreurs:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Connexion impossible, regardez les réglages serveur du fichier config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Créer base de données \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau groupe..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Ici vous pouvez créer un nouveau groupe."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Créer, effacer agents de société. Gérer leurs permissions."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Créez les tables requises."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Avatar actuel"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "La base de données \"{0}\" est créée."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Jours"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Supprimer"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Département ou centre technique d'organisation des groupes."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Description"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Description en Anglais."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Description du groupe."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Destination pour le nom de votre société ou lien logo"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direction :"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Ecrire les tables existantes de la base de données"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "Email: {0}"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Chaque adresse IP devient un lien ouvrable dans une nouvelle fenêtre. {ip} est remplacée par une IP réelle."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Editer message"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Editer un message existant."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Cette page affiche le détail des agents, si vous avez les droits d'accès, vous pouvez les éditer."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Editer les messages que vous saisissez fréquemment dans les réponses."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Habiliter \"Groupes\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Autoriser \"Notification automatique d'un nouveau Visiteur\""
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Autoriser \"Evaluation avant entretien\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Autoriser les \"Statistiques\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Autorise fonction \"Visiteurs Malveillants\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Entrer"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Entrer un nouveau mot de passe ou
laissez le champ vide pour conserver l'ancien."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Entrez une adresse email correcte"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Entrez un email pour recevoir des messages par le programme"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Entrez l'adresse http du logo de votre société"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Entrez le Nom de votre Société"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Entrer votre email:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Entrez votre traduction."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Le nom/mot de passe saisit est incorrect"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Le mot de passe saisit n'est pas le même"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Environnement :"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Erreur"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Erreur de transfert de fichier"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Erreur détectée:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Erreur de téléchargement \"{0}\": \"{1}\"."
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Ex: ou"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Exemple"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Sortie"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Eléments activés"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Suivez l'assistant pour paramétrer votre base de données."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Pour un groupe :"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Pour la langue :"
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Forcer tous les entretiens à être sécurisés"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Obliger l'Utilisateur à remplir un formulaire spécial avant de démarrer l'entretien."
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "0 éléments trouvés"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Depuis cette page vous pouvez générer divers rapports d'utilisation."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "De :"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Liste complète des agents:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Fonctions disponible pour utilisateurs autorisés."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Général"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Options de la fenêtre de localisation géographique"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Aller rechercher"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Groupe"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Données du groupe"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Groupe :"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Groupes"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Visiteur"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "Code HTML"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Bienvenue, que puis-je faire pour vous?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Ici vous pouvez bloquer les visiteurs malveillants qui affectent votre travail par des messages indésirables."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Ici vous pouvez vous protéger contre les visiteurs malveillants."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Cacher menu >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Accueil"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez le type d'identifiant du Visiteur: {name}, {id} ou {addr}. Par défaut: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de la traduction, soumettez une mise à jour."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour la structure des tables. Essayez de le faire manuellement ou recréez toutes les tables (attention: toutes vos données seront perdues)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Intervenant"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "En attente"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Inclure le nom de l'hébergeur dans le code"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Première question:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installation"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Localisations :"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Mises à jour Mibew."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Description internationale"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Nom international"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Nom International (Latin)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Type de fichier non valide"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Clé d'identification"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Langage"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Dernière version :"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre des messages à envoyer"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Laisser votre message"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Lien vers un service de géo-localisation"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Liste des IP bannies:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre de la liste des navigateurs supportés"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Liste des visiteurs en attente"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Support en Direct"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Chargement"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Localiser"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Sortir du programme."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Ouvrir une session"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Le Login peut être en lettres latines
et souligné."
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Votre Nom ou Login ne doit être composé que de lettres ou chiffres reconnus."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Nom de code:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre suivi de courrier"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Principal"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Nombre maximum de suivis pour une adresse"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Membres"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Message"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Messages"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Messages des Opérateurs"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Messages des Visiteurs"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Réglages du Messager"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Mises à jour Mibew."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messagerie"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Messagerie Web"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Communauté Mibew Messager"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger est une application de Support Direct sous licence Open-Source Initiative."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Divers"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Modifier"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Nom en Anglais."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Département de votre société, par exemple."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Nom pour identifier le groupe."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nouveau Message"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Nouvelles :"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Prochaine étape:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Pas d'éléments"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Cet opérator n'existe pas"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Ce message n'existe pas"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "NON, fermer la fenêtre"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Pas assez de données"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Nombre de jours durant lesquels cette adresse est bloquée"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "Hors ligne"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "En ligne"
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Sur cette page vous pouvez éditer les données d'un groupe."
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Opérateur"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Votre interlocuteur {0} a changé d'opérateur {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Détails de l'opérateur"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Groupes d'opérateurs"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "L'opérateur {0} est de retour"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "L'opérateur {0} rejoint l'entrevue"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "L'opérateur {0} quitte l'entrevue"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "L'opérateur {0} vous redirige vers un autre opérateur, patientez SVP."
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Opérateur :"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Agents"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Liste des Agents"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Services facultatifs ou optionnels"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Autre"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Page {0} de {1}, {2}-{3} à {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Mot de Passe"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Mot de passe:"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Autorisations"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Photo"
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "SVP Choisissez un autre pseudonyme, ce nom d'agent existe déjà dans le programme."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Merci de choisir un autre Nom; celui que vous avez saisi existe déjà."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Entrez le nom de votre société SVP"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Veuillez entrer votre Nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe, pour accéder à l'interface administration, voir vos visiteurs et suivre l'historique de vos contacts."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "SVP remplir \"{0}\" correctement."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Veuillez noter que votre serveur web doit être configuré pour supporter les requêtes https."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Lancer Assistant de mise à jour pour rectifier votre base de données."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "SVP, utilisez un navigateur récent"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Pulsé par:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Evaluation avant entretien"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "File des visiteurs prioritaires"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Problème"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Procédez à l'identification"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Raison du blocage"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Redirection vers
Un autre opérateur"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Rediriger le visiteur vers un autre opérateur"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre redirection Visiteur vers un autre opérateur"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Rafraîchir"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Mémoriser"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "L'utilisateur distant écrit..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Supprimer avatar"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Les tables requises ont été créées."
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Résoudre le problème et essayer de nouveau. Presser Retour pour retourner à l'assistant."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Sauver"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Sauvegarder"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Rechercher"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Recherche dans l'historique de dialogue d'un utilisateur ou phrase précise dans un message."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Rechercher historiques des dialogues"
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez le style de votre fenêtre de dialogue"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Choisissez une réponse..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Selectionner les entretiens"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Envoyer"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Envoyer ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Envoyer historique de l'entretien par email"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Envoi l'historique de l'entretien
par email"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Envoyer message"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Envoyer messages avec :"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Envoyé"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Ne montrer que les conversations par connexion https"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Voir les erreurs"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Afficher le champs de la 1ère question posée"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Afficher menu >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Affiche/Masque le champs, sélection du département, dans les statistiques"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Affiche/Masque le champs, email, dans les statistiques"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Affiche/Masque le champs, 1ère question, dans les statistiques"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Affiche :"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Simple fenêtre de discussion, actualiser pour envoyer des messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Style du site"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Un dialogue léger paraît attirer votre attention."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "License d'utilisation du programme"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Désolé, aucun opérateur n'est disponible pour l'instant. Essayez plus tard ou posez votre question dans ce formulaire."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Trier par :"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Langage source des séquences"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Spécifiez les options contrôlant la fenêtre de dialogue et les réglages partagés par le programme"
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Démarrer Conversation"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Etat"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiques"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Séquences d'administrateur"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Séquences d'opérateur"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Séquences de visiteur"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "La structure de vos tables doit être adjustée pour une nouvelle version du Messager."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Soumettre"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Gestion du programme: Réglages, Agents-opérateurs, Générateur de bouton"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Structure des tables mise à jour."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Reprendre le contrôle du dialogue en cours"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Merci de nous contacter. Un opérateur va vous rejoindre sous peu..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Merci de nous avoir contacter! Afin de mieux vous rendre service, veuillez s'il vous plait remplir le formulaire ci-dessous, puis cliquer sur le bouton Démarrer Conversation."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Merci d'utiliser notre service. Nous vous répondrons par email dès que possible."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "La base de données n'a pas été trouvée sur le serveur. Si vous avez les permissions pour le faire maintenant,
cliquez sur le lien suivant."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "La liste des visiteurs en attente est vide"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "L'adresse {0} est déjà utilisée, cliquez ici pour la modifier."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Le Visiteur change de nom {0} to {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Le Visiteur placé dans la file d'attente prioritaire du groupe {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Le Visiteur a été placé dans la file d'attente prioritaire de l'opérateur {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Visiteur redirigé vers un autre opérateur"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Il y a un tel choix de navigateurs. Lequel recommandez-vous?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Ce nom sera vu par vos Visiteurs."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Cette page affiche la liste des agents de la société, elle permet aussi d'en ajouter de nouveaux si vous y êtes autorisé"
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Cette page affiche une liste des groupes de votre Entreprise. Chaque groupe peut disposer séparemment d'un bouton et de réponses préenregistrées."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Page d'affichage de la liste d'attente des Visiteurs."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Cette page affiche la conversation"
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Suivis par opérateur"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Jusqu'à"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Jusqu'à :"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Durée de la discussion"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Titre dans la fenêtre de dialogue"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Pour répondre au Visiteur cliquer sur son nom dans la liste."
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Durée Totale"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Total:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Traduire"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Mibew Traduction"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Fermer pour cacher l'éditeur de la fenêtre de dialogue"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "Adresse de votre site Web"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Mettre à jour les tables"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Mises à jour"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Télécharger l'avatar"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Télécharger photo"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Taille excessive du fichier téléchargé"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Traitement des statistiques pour chaque entretien"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "S'en servir pour constituer des files d'attentes distinctes selon différentes questions."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Lien sécurisé utilisé (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Recherche nom utilisateur ou texte de message:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Permet de bloquer les attaques de certaines adresses IP"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Aperçu de la fenêtre de dialogue de l'Agent"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Vue et édition de la liste des membres."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Voir le dialogue en cours d'un autre opérateur"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Historique des visites"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Le Visiteur {0} est déjà assisté par {1}.
Etes-vous sûr de vouloir démarrer une discussion avec ce visiteur?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Le Visiteur a fermé la boîte de dialogue"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Le Visiteur rejoint à nouveau l'entretien"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Le Visiteur {0} quitte l'entrevue"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Adresse Visiteur"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Adresse du Visiteur"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Identifiant du Visiteur"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Messages des Visiteurs"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Visiteurs"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Visiteurs en entrevue"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Visiteur venu de la page {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "En attente d'un opérateur pour la 1ère fois"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "En attente d'un opérateur"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Temps d'attente"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Contrôler les conversations"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Cacher la taille de la fenêtre et la barre d'outils"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "OUI, je suis sûr!"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "VOTRE NOM:"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Votre interlocuteur est:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Vous êtes connecté à un serveur MySQL version {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à modifier le profil de cette personne."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Vous ne dialoguez actuellement avec aucun Visiteur."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Vous utilisez :"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Vous êtes {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez changer vos renseignements personnels sur cette page."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Ici vous pouvez créer un nouvel opérateur"
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Des visiteurs vous attendent."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Historique des discussions avec vos visiteurs, ici."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez générer ici le code HTML à placer dans votre site."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez ouvrir une session en tant que \"admin\" avec un mot de passe vide.
Pour des raisons de sécurités, changez votre mot de passe immédiatement et effacez le dossier {0} de votre serveur."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez télécharger votre photo aux formats JPG, GIF, PNG ou TIF."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez prévisualiser les styles pour votre site"
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Vous avez sélectionné de date à date"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Vous avez ouvert cette fenêtre pour suivre \"{0}\", Adresse champs déjà rempli. Sélectionnez le nombre de jours et cliquez Envoyer."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Votre avatar."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Le logo de votre société"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Votre email"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Votre message a bien été envoyé"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "votre nom"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "L'opérateur a des problèmes de connexion, nous vous mettons provisoirement en liste d'attente prioritaire. Veuillez excuser ce contretemps."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Votre session a expiré; ouvrez une nouvelle session"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Votre traduction est sauvegardée."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Votre navigateur Web n'est pas pleinement supporté par le Messager. \nPlease, utilisez un des navigateurs suivants:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "Editer"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "champs obligatoires"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "suivant"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "précédent"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "Supprimer"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "sans menu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/he/translation.po b/translations/he/translation.po
index 9f17cac8..4d3cdfc1 100644
--- a/translations/he/translation.po
+++ b/translations/he/translation.po
@@ -1,842 +1,780 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "מחיקה ויצירה של מפעילי החברה. ניהול היכולות והעדפות שלהם."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "לחצן יצירת קוד ה-HTML."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "הגדרת פונקציות המשפיעות על חלון הצ 'אט ועל התנהגות המערכת בכלל."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "פונקציות זמינות עבור מפעילי האתר."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "פג תוקף ההפעלה, בבקשה התחבר שוב"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "מסנגר הוא הינו מקור פתוח לתמיכה בזמן אמת."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "מסנגר"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "הכתובת שמצויינת כבר בשימוש, לחץ here אם ברצונך לערוך אותו."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "מחק"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "היכנס"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שמור"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "חפש"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "הסר"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "ערוך"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "שנה"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "הוסף הודעה .."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "עריכת הודעות שאתה כותב לעיתים קרובות בצא'ט."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "עבור קבוצה:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "עבור שפה:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "הודעות שמורות"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "ערוך הודעה קיימת."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "נשמר"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "הודעה"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "אין כזאת הודעה"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "ערוך הודעה"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "הוסף הודעה חדשה."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "הודעה חדשה"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(online)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "אורח הגיעה מעמוד {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "שנה שם"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "אתה"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "אורח"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "סגור..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "נוצרה שגיאה:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "שגיאה"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "סגור..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "לסגירת החלון, לחץ כאן"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "היסטוריית השיחות שלך נשלחה אל הכתובת {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "נשלח"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "חזור..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "אינך משוחח עם המבקר"
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "בחר:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "קבוצה:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "נציג:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "הפנה אל
לנציג אחר"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "סגור..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "לסגירת החלון לחץ כאן"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "האורח הועבר מקום מועדף בתור של הנציג {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "האורח הועבר למקום מועדף בתור של הקבוצה {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "האורח הועבר לנציג אחר"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "נציג {0} שונה לנציג אחר {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "נוצרה בעייה בחיבור אצל הנציג, זמנית העברנו אותך למצב המתנה לנציג אחר. מצטערים ומודים על הסבלנות."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "הנציג {0} הצטרף לשיחה"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "הנציג {0} התנתק מהשיחה"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "הנציג {0} העביר אותך לנציג אחר, אנא, המתן בבקשה"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "הנציג {0} חזר לשיחה"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "האורח שינה את שמו {0} ל {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "האורח סגר את חלון השיחה"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "האורח {0} התנתק מהשיחה"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "אורח שוב הצטרף לשיחה"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "בשיחה"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "סגור"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "טוען"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "בתור"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "ממתין לנציג"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "על האורח: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "תודה שפניתה אלינו. תכף התפנה אליך אחד מהנציגים שלנו..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "הנך מנהל שיחה עם:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "סגור שיחה"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "הוקצה על ידי:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "בחר תשובה..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "מסנגר"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "שלח הודעה"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "שלח ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "פתח מסנגר"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "פתח מסנגר"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "לשלוח היסטוריית השיחות בדואר אלקטרוני"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "להעביר את האורח לנציג אחר"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "לרענן את תוכן השיחה"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "למתן תשובה לאורח, לחץ על השם המתאים ברשימה."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לראות אורחים הממתינים לתשובות."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "בתור זה אין אורחים ממתינים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "אורחים בשיחות"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "רשימת אורחים מועדפים"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "ממתינים לראשונה לנציג"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "רשימת אורחים ממתינים"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "שדות חושה למילוי"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "להחליף נציג"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Visitor {0} נמצא כבר בשיחה {1}.
האם אתה בטוח שברצונך, להחליף את הנציג?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "לא, סגור חלון"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "כן, אני בטוח"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "יש כאן אבטחה מספאם ואורחים מזיקים"
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "חיפוש בהיסטוריית השיחות"
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "להתנתק מהמערכת."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "השינויים נשמרו"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "המלץ לי, בבקשה, על דפדפן טוב?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שלום! במה אוכל לעזור לך?"
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "שגיאה בטעינת הקובץ \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "שגיאה העברת הקובץ"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "גודל הקובת עולה מעל המותר"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "לתקן שגיאות:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "פורמט הקובץ לא נתמך על ידי המערכת"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "מלא שדה זה \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "מילאת שדה בצורה לא נכונה \"{0}\"."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "רשימת השירותים עברה שינוי"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Ex: or"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "כתובת האורח"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "בשם זה יראו אותך אורחים אחרים."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "שם בינלאומי (לטינית)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "בשם זה יראו אותך האורחים שלך."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "שם"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "את התמונה האורחים יראו בחלון הצאט שלהם."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "תמונה נוכחית"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "בחר קובץ מתוך המחשב שלך.
גודל התמונה לא אמור לעלות מ 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "לעלות תמונה"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "סיבת שלילה"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "תגובה"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "כמות ימים,
בתקופת החסימה בתקופת החסימה"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "ימים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "email שלך"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "תיאור באנגלית."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "תיאור הבינלאומי"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "שם באנגלית."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "שם בינלאומי"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "תיאור של הקבוצה."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "תיאור"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "שם בכדי לזהות את הקבוצה."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "שם"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "הכינוי יכול להיות מורכב מאותיות לטיניות קטנות
וסימני הדגשה."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "כינוי"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "הודעה"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "השם שלך"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "הכנס סיסמה חדשה או השאר שדה זה
ריק, כדי לשמור את הסיסמה הישנה."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "סיסמה"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "הכנס את הסיסמה בשנית לאימות."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "אימות"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "טקסט לתרגום"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "לא ניתן לביצוע:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "הינך מחובר לשירות MySQL בגרסה {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "ליצור בסיס נתונים \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "בסיס הנתונים נוצר \"{0}\" ."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "בסיס הנתונים שבחרת, לא נמצא בשרת. אם יש לך הרשאות ליצירת בסיס נתונים,
הינך יכול לעשות זאת בעצמך."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "ליצור טבלאות דרושות."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "הטבלאות הנדרשות נוצרו בהצלחה."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "עדכן טבלאות"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "הטבלאות מוכנות לשימוש."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "צריך לחדש את מבנה הטבלאות לעבודה תקינה של המסנגר."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "אין גישה לשרת MySQL, בדוק העדפות ונתונים בקובץ config.php. שגיאה: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "בוצע:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "תקן את הבעיה ונסה בשנית. לחץ חזרה כדי לחזור למנהל התקנה."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "שגיאה"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "לא ניתן לחדש את מבנה הטבלאות. נסה לעשות זאת ידנית או ליצור את כל הטבלאות מחדש."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "מחק טבלאות קיימות"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "זכויות יוצרים של התוכנה"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "עקוב אחר הוראות מנהל ההתקנה ליצירת טבלאות בצורה נכונה."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "צעד הבא:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "התקנה"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "בבקשה, תפעיל אשף עדכון כדי לעדכן את הנתונים."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "כניסה למערכת"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "ההתקנה הסתיימה בהצלחה. "
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "הינך יכול להיכנס למערכת כמנהל - admin עם סיסמה ריקה.
!!! לטעמי בטחון, צריך למחוק את התקייה {0} מתוך השרת ושנה את הסיסמה."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "בחר שפה"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "סגור"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "לצערנו ברגעים אלו אין נציג פנוי. נסה שנית מאוחר יותר או השאר לנו שאלה ואחד הנציגים יחזור אליך בהקדם האפשרי במייל."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "להעביר"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "תודה על השאלה, אחד הנציגים יחזור אליך בהקדם האפשרי."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "הודעתך נשמרה בהצלחה"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "השאר הודעה"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "סוכנים"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "הקוד של הכפתור"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "העדפות"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "סגור..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "הכנס את ה E-mail שלך:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "שלח"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "לשלוח את היסטוריית השיחות
לכתובת דואר אלקטרוני."
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "רשימת סוכנים"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "אורחים לא רצויים"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "הודעות שמורות"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "מחלקה או קבוצה המבוססת מנציגים מיומנים"
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "קבוצות"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "שנה מיקום."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "שפה"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "ראשי"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "אתה {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "אתה יכול לשנות את המידע האישי שלך בעמוד הזה."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "פרופיל"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "למקם"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "בדוק חדשות ועדכונים"
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "עדכונים"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "הסיסמאות שהזנת צריכות להיות זהות, אחת לשניה"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "מידע שביקשת אינו קיים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<ללא תיאור>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "בחר קבוצה לפי מיומנויות הנציג."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "קבוצות נציגים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "דפדפן"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "קבוצה"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "כתובת האורח"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הודעות האורח"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שם"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "נציג"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "זמן בשיחה"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "בעמוד ניכחי ניתו לראות את כל השיחות עם האורח שלך."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "היסטוריית השיחות"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "סגור..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "לצערנו, לעבודה תקינה של עמוד זה צריך דפדפן חדש יותר. לצפייה טובה יותר, השתמש ב:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "השתמש בדפדפן חדש יותר"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "קוד לקבוצה"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "בחר תמונה"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "קוד לשפה"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "סגנון של חלון הצאט"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "שים לב! בזמן
הכנסת שינויים
לקוד זה
של הכפתור, אנו לא יכולים לאבטיח את עבודתה התקינה של פונקציית הכפתור!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "קוד - HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-כל הנציגים-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "להכיל את שם האתר בכפתור"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לקבל את קוד HTML של הכפתור \"המסנגר\" להצבתה בהאתר שלך.."
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "דוגמא"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "להשתמש בחיבור מאובטח (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "קבלת קוד HTML של הכפתור"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "כאן אתה יכול ליצור קבוצה חדשה"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "בבקשה תבחר שם אחר, קבוצה בעלת שם כזה כבר קיימת"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "בעמוד זה אתה יכול לערוך את פרטי הקבוצה"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "נציגים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "אין קבוצה כזאת"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "פרטי הקבוצה"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "לצפות ולערוך את רשימת החברים"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "חברים"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "עמוד זה מציג את הקבוצות בחברה שלך. בכל קבוצה יכולים להיות כפתורים ותגובות שונות."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "צור קבוצה חדשה...."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "קבוצות"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "חלון שיחה (מצב-נציג)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "צפה בחלון שיחה (נציג במצב קריאה בלבד)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "חלון שיחה פשוט, רענן על מנת להוסיף הודעה (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "בחר סגנון"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "בחר שבלונה"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "כאן ניתן לצפות בסגנון האתר שלך"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "השאר חלון הודעו"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "חלון \"ההודעה נמסרה\""
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "חלון הודעות"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "חלון \"ההודעה נשלחה\""
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "חלון רשימת הדפדפנים הנתמכים"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "חלון הפניה לנציג אחר"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "חלון \"האורח הופנה\""
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "הצג שגיאות"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-מהעדפות האתר-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "סקר טרום שיחה"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "סגנון המסנגר"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "חלון שיחה (מצב משתמש)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "אם התרגום לא מצא חן בענייך, שלח לנו את הגרסה שלך.."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "התרגום שלך נשמר."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הכנס את הגרסה שלך של התרגום."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "מנהל הלוקליזציה"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "אינך רשאי לשנות את הפרופיל של משתמש זה."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "מחק תמונה"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "יצירת נציג חדש"
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "בחר כינוי אחר, נציג עם שם כזה כבר קיים ונרשם במערכת."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "הכינוי חייב להיות מורכב מאותיות לטיניות, ספרות או סימני הדגשה."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות ולערות את פרופיל והעדפות הסוכן."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "תמונה"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "קבוצות"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "כללי"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "יכולות"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "פרטי הנציג"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "שם"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "רשימה מלאה של סוכנים:"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות ברשימת הסוכנים של החברה, להוסיף חדש במידת הצורך והרשאות מתאימות לכך."
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "כינוי"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "צור נציג חדש..."
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "נציגים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "חיפוש לפי שם האורח או תוכן הודעות טקסט:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "היסטוריית השיחות"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "ניתן לעלות סוגי תמונות JPG, GIF, PNG או TIF."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "טעינת תמונה"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "על ידי מנגנון ההתנגדות, ניתן להתמודד עם אורחים לא רצויים, אשר פוגעים בעבודתם התקינה של הנציגים או הסוכנים - למשל, אלו שפותחים חלונות רבים או שולחים ספאמים."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "כתובת {0} חסומה למספר ימים נקוב."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "פתחת חלון זה לביצוע שיחה עם \"{0}\", לכן, בגלל זה השדה כתובת כבר מלא. בחר כמות ימים ולחץ על שלח."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "איסור כתובת"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "הוסף כתובת"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "רשימת כתובות אסורות:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "איסורים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "עד"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לראות רשימת אורחים הממתינים לתשובות."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "כללי"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "חברים"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "כינוי או סיסמה לא נכונים"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "אנא הכנס שם משתמש וסיסמה כדי לקבל גישה לכלי ניהול, לראות את המבקרים ולעיין בהיסטוריה."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "כינוי:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "סיסמה:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "שמור"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "כניסה למערכת"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "בעמוד נוכחי ניתן לבצע חיפוש שיחות לפי שם אורחים או ביטויים, אשר קיימים בתכני השיחות."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "כאן ניתן לקבוע העדפות המשפיעות על תצורת חלון הצאט,והתנהגות כללית של המערכת"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שירותים נוספים"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "כללי"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "צפייה בסגנונות"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הסתר תפריט >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הצג תפריט >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "אורח חדש מחכה לתשובה."
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "לסמן את האורח כלא רצוי"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "כתובת האורח"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "אחר"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שם"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "נציג"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "מצב"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "זמן כללי"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "זמן המתנה"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "לחץ כדי לתת שירות לאורח"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "להתחבר לשיחה במצב צפייה"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "ניהול מערכת: העדפות, ניהול נציגים, ניהול כפתור"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "לקחת שיחה מנציגים אחרים"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "לצפות בשיחות במצב אונליין עכשוי"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "כאן ניתן להגביל את האפשרויות של הנציגים"
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "יכולות הנציג"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "בחר מחלקה:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "תודה שיצרתה קשר איתנו! בכדי ליעל את השרות שלנו, בבקשה מלא את הכל ולאחר מכן לחץ להתחיל את השיחה."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שם:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "שאלה ראשונית:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "התחל שיחה"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "תמיכה בזמן אמת"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "תאריך"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "שיחות"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "הודעות הצניגים"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "הודעות מאורחים"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "נתונים סטטיסטיים על השימוש עבור כל תאריך"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "נציג"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "שיחות"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "הודעות"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "עורך הודעה ממוצע (באותיות)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "על ידי הנציג"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "אין מספיק מידע"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "סה\"כ:"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "מינהל"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "כללי"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "אחר"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "לדוגמא, שם המדור של הכפתור"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "כותר בחלון הצאט"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr " צפיה בתצוגה מקדימה של הסגנונות ניתנת כאן"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "בחר סגנון לחלון הצאט"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הכנס שם לכפתור שלך"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שם הכפתור"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הכנס כתובת דואר אלקטרוני לקבלת מכתבים מהמערכת"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "כתובת דואר אלקטרוני"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "בעזרתה ניתן לחסום התקפות מכתובות מסויימות"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "הפעל פונקציית \"אורחים לא רצויים\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "השתמש בזה על מנת לקבל תור נפרד לשאלות שונות"
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "אפשר \"קזוצות\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "מאלץ את המשתמש למלא טופס מיוחד על מנת להפעיל את השיחה."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "אפשר \"סקר טרום שיחה\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "השרת שלך חייב להיות בעל יכולת עבודה בסביבת עבודה מאובטחת לבקשות https."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "לאשר אבטחת חיבור (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "הוסף עמוד עם דוח שימוש במסנגר"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "אפשר \"סטטיסטיקה\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "הצג שיחות דרך חיבור http בלבד"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "מאלץ את כל השיחות להיות בטוחות"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "בכל כתובת IP ניתן יהיה לפתוח חלון עם גאו-מידע. ניתן להשתמש ב {ip}."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "חיבור ל geolocation חיצוני של השרת"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "גודל החלון וכמות ה- TOOLBARS"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "אופציות לחלון גאו-מידע"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "יפתח בעת לחיצה על לוגו בחלון הצאט עם שם הצאט בחלון"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "קישור לאתר האינטרנט שלך"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "הכנס קישור ללוגו התמונה של הכפתור"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "לוגו החברה"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הכנס שם לכפתור שלך"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 מאפשר כל מספר חיבורים שהוא"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "מספר מקסימלי מכתובת אחת"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "דיאלוג קטן מופיע על מנת למשוך את תשומת לבך"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "אפשר \"הודעה קופצת המודיע על המבקר החדש\""
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "שינויים נשמרו"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "שלך הודעה עם:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "הצג / הסתר שדה בחירת מחלקה בסקר"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "אפשר למשתמש לבחור מחלקה / קבוצה"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "הצג / הסתר שדה דואר אלקטרוני בסקר"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "בקש דואר אלקטרוני של המשתמש"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "הצג / הסתר שדה שאלה ראשונית בסקר"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "הצג שאלה ראשונית בסקר"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "העדפות המסנגר"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "יכולת להוריד את שדה שינוי השם מחלון הצאט"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "לאשר לאורחים לשנות את שמם"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "ציין את אופן הצגת שמות האורחים לנציגי החברה. ניתן להשתמש ב {name}, {id} ו {addr}. לפי ברירת מחדל: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "שם תצוגה של אורח"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הכנס כתובת דואר אלקטרוני נכונה"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "\"מספר מקסימלי\" שדה צריך להיות מספר"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "בחר תאריכים"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "מדף זה תוכל ליצור מגוון דוחות שימוש"
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "מ:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "עד:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "סטטיסטיקה"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "בחרת מתאריך לאחר עד תאריך"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "עמוד {0} מתוך {1}, מוצגים {2}-{3} מתוך {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הבא"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "אין מידע לתצוגה."
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "אין תוצאות חיפוש"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "הקודם"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "עבור לחיפוש"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "סיכום השיחה"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "בעמוד נוכחי ניתן לצפות בשיחה"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "תפריט של הנציגים"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "יציאה"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "בית"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "ללא תפריט"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "אורחים"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "כיוון התרגום:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "חלון \"ההודעה נמסרה\""
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "חלון \"האורח הופנה\""
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<ללא תיאור>"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(online)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-כל הנציגים-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-מהעדפות האתר-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 מאפשר כל מספר חיבורים שהוא"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "ההתקנה הסתיימה בהצלחה. "
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "שים לב! בזמן
הכנסת שינויים
לקוד זה
של הכפתור, אנו לא יכולים לאבטיח את עבודתה התקינה של פונקציית הכפתור!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "היסטוריית השיחות שלך נשלחה אל הכתובת {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "אורח חדש מחכה לתשובה."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr " צפיה בתצוגה מקדימה של הסגנונות ניתנת כאן"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "הוסף כתובת"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "הוסף הודעה .."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "הוסף הודעה חדשה."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "צור נציג חדש..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "כתובת {0} חסומה למספר ימים נקוב."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "הוסף עמוד עם דוח שימוש במסנגר"
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "מינהל"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "כל השורות"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שורות למנהל המערכת"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שורות לנציג"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "שורות לאורח"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "הצג:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "לפי מפתח המשאב"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "לפי שורה משפה ראשונה"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "מיון:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "מקליד..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "אתה משתמש:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "לאשר אבטחת חיבור (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "אפשר למשתמש לבחור מחלקה / קבוצה"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "לאשר לאורחים לשנות את שמם"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "בקש דואר אלקטרוני של המשתמש"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "עורך הודעה ממוצע (באותיות)"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "חזור..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "איסורים"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "לסמן את האורח כלא רצוי"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "איסור כתובת"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "אורחים לא רצויים"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "דפדפן"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "קבלת קוד HTML של הכפתור"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "לחצן יצירת קוד ה-HTML."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "הקוד של הכפתור"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "הודעות שמורות"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "לא ניתן לביצוע:"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "שנה מיקום."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "שנה שם"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "להחליף נציג"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "כאן ניתן להגביל את האפשרויות של הנציגים"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "שינויים נשמרו"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "שיחות"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "היסטוריית השיחות"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "סיכום השיחה"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "צפייה בסגנונות"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "שיחות"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "חלון שיחה (מצב-נציג)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "חלון שיחה (מצב משתמש)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "סגנון של חלון הצאט"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "בדוק חדשות ועדכונים"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "בחר מחלקה:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "בחר קבוצה לפי מיומנויות הנציג."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "בחר תמונה"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "בחר סגנון"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "בחר שבלונה"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "בחר קובץ מתוך המחשב שלך.
גודל התמונה לא אמור לעלות מ 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "בחר שפה"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "בחר:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "לסגירת החלון, לחץ כאן"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "לחץ כדי לתת שירות לאורח"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "לסגירת החלון לחץ כאן"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "סגור"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "סגור שיחה"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "סגור..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "סגור"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "קוד לקבוצה"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "קוד לשפה"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "תגובה"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "שם הכפתור"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "בוצע:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "הכנס את הסיסמה בשנית לאימות."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "אימות"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "לתקן שגיאות:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "אין גישה לשרת MySQL, בדוק העדפות ונתונים בקובץ config.php. שגיאה: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "ליצור בסיס נתונים \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "צור קבוצה חדשה...."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "כאן אתה יכול ליצור קבוצה חדשה"
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "מחיקה ויצירה של מפעילי החברה. ניהול היכולות והעדפות שלהם."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "ליצור טבלאות דרושות."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "תמונה נוכחית"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "בסיס הנתונים נוצר \"{0}\" ."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "תאריך"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "ימים"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "מחק"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "מחלקה או קבוצה המבוססת מנציגים מיומנים"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "תיאור"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "תיאור באנגלית."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "תיאור של הקבוצה."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "יפתח בעת לחיצה על לוגו בחלון הצאט עם שם הצאט בחלון"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "כיוון התרגום:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "מחק טבלאות קיימות"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "בכל כתובת IP ניתן יהיה לפתוח חלון עם גאו-מידע. ניתן להשתמש ב {ip}."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "ערוך הודעה"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "ערוך הודעה קיימת."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות ולערות את פרופיל והעדפות הסוכן."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "עריכת הודעות שאתה כותב לעיתים קרובות בצא'ט."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "כתובת דואר אלקטרוני"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "אפשר \"קזוצות\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "אפשר \"הודעה קופצת המודיע על המבקר החדש\""
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "אפשר \"סקר טרום שיחה\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "אפשר \"סטטיסטיקה\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "הפעל פונקציית \"אורחים לא רצויים\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "היכנס"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "הכנס סיסמה חדשה או השאר שדה זה
ריק, כדי לשמור את הסיסמה הישנה."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "הכנס כתובת דואר אלקטרוני נכונה"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "הכנס כתובת דואר אלקטרוני לקבלת מכתבים מהמערכת"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "הכנס קישור ללוגו התמונה של הכפתור"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "הכנס שם לכפתור שלך"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "הכנס את ה E-mail שלך:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "הכנס את הגרסה שלך של התרגום."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "כינוי או סיסמה לא נכונים"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "הסיסמאות שהזנת צריכות להיות זהות, אחת לשניה"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "סביבה:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "שגיאה"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "שגיאה העברת הקובץ"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "נוצרה שגיאה:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "שגיאה בטעינת הקובץ \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Ex: or"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "דוגמא"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "יציאה"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "רשימת השירותים עברה שינוי"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "עקוב אחר הוראות מנהל ההתקנה ליצירת טבלאות בצורה נכונה."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "עבור קבוצה:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "עבור שפה:"
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "מאלץ את כל השיחות להיות בטוחות"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "מאלץ את המשתמש למלא טופס מיוחד על מנת להפעיל את השיחה."
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "אין תוצאות חיפוש"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "מדף זה תוכל ליצור מגוון דוחות שימוש"
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "מ:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "רשימה מלאה של סוכנים:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "פונקציות זמינות עבור מפעילי האתר."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "כללי"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "אופציות לחלון גאו-מידע"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "עבור לחיפוש"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "קבוצה"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "פרטי הקבוצה"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "קבוצה:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "קבוצות"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "אורח"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "קוד - HTML"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "שלום! במה אוכל לעזור לך?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "על ידי מנגנון ההתנגדות, ניתן להתמודד עם אורחים לא רצויים, אשר פוגעים בעבודתם התקינה של הנציגים או הסוכנים - למשל, אלו שפותחים חלונות רבים או שולחים ספאמים."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "יש כאן אבטחה מספאם ואורחים מזיקים"
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "הסתר תפריט >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "בית"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "ציין את אופן הצגת שמות האורחים לנציגי החברה. ניתן להשתמש ב {name}, {id} ו {addr}. לפי ברירת מחדל: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "אם התרגום לא מצא חן בענייך, שלח לנו את הגרסה שלך.."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "לא ניתן לחדש את מבנה הטבלאות. נסה לעשות זאת ידנית או ליצור את כל הטבלאות מחדש."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "בשיחה"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "בתור"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "להכיל את שם האתר בכפתור"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "על האורח: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "שאלה ראשונית:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "התקנה"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "לוקליזציות הותקנו:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "עדכוני מסנגר."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "תיאור הבינלאומי"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "שם בינלאומי"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "שם בינלאומי (לטינית)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "פורמט הקובץ לא נתמך על ידי המערכת"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "לפי מפתח המשאב"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "שפה"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "גירסה אחרונה:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "השאר חלון הודעו"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "השאר הודעה"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "חיבור ל geolocation חיצוני של השרת"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "רשימת כתובות אסורות:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "חלון רשימת הדפדפנים הנתמכים"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "רשימת אורחים ממתינים"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "תמיכה בזמן אמת"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "טוען"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "למקם"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "להתנתק מהמערכת."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "כניסה למערכת"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "הכינוי יכול להיות מורכב מאותיות לטיניות קטנות
וסימני הדגשה."
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "הכינוי חייב להיות מורכב מאותיות לטיניות, ספרות או סימני הדגשה."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "כינוי:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "חלון הודעות"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "כללי"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "מספר מקסימלי מכתובת אחת"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "חברים"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "הודעה"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "הודעות"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "הודעות הצניגים"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "הודעות מאורחים"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "העדפות המסנגר"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "עדכוני מסנגר."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "מסנגר"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "פתח מסנגר"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "מסנגר הוא הינו מקור פתוח לתמיכה בזמן אמת."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "אחר"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "שנה"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "שם"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "שם באנגלית."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "לדוגמא, שם המדור של הכפתור"
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "שם בכדי לזהות את הקבוצה."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "שם:"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "הודעה חדשה"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "חדשות:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "צעד הבא:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "אין מידע לתצוגה."
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "מידע שביקשת אינו קיים"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "אין קבוצה כזאת"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "אין כזאת הודעה"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "לא, סגור חלון"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "אין מספיק מידע"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "כמות ימים,
בתקופת החסימה בתקופת החסימה"
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "בעמוד זה אתה יכול לערוך את פרטי הקבוצה"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "נציג"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "נציג {0} שונה לנציג אחר {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "פרטי הנציג"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "קבוצות נציגים"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "הנציג {0} חזר לשיחה"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "הנציג {0} הצטרף לשיחה"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "הנציג {0} התנתק מהשיחה"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "הנציג {0} העביר אותך לנציג אחר, אנא, המתן בבקשה"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "נציג:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "נציגים"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "רשימת סוכנים"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "שירותים נוספים"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "אחר"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "עמוד {0} מתוך {1}, מוצגים {2}-{3} מתוך {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "סיסמה"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "סיסמה:"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "יכולות הנציג"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "תמונה"
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "בחר כינוי אחר, נציג עם שם כזה כבר קיים ונרשם במערכת."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "בבקשה תבחר שם אחר, קבוצה בעלת שם כזה כבר קיימת"
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "הכנס שם לכפתור שלך"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "אנא הכנס שם משתמש וסיסמה כדי לקבל גישה לכלי ניהול, לראות את המבקרים ולעיין בהיסטוריה."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "מילאת שדה בצורה לא נכונה \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "מלא שדה זה \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "השרת שלך חייב להיות בעל יכולת עבודה בסביבת עבודה מאובטחת לבקשות https."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "בבקשה, תפעיל אשף עדכון כדי לעדכן את הנתונים."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "השתמש בדפדפן חדש יותר"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "הוקצה על ידי:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "סקר טרום שיחה"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "רשימת אורחים מועדפים"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "שגיאה"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "כניסה למערכת"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "פרופיל"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "סיבת שלילה"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "הפנה אל
לנציג אחר"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "להעביר את האורח לנציג אחר"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "חלון הפניה לנציג אחר"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "לרענן את תוכן השיחה"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "שמור"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "מקליד..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "מחק תמונה"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "הטבלאות הנדרשות נוצרו בהצלחה."
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "תקן את הבעיה ונסה בשנית. לחץ חזרה כדי לחזור למנהל התקנה."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "שמור"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "נשמר"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "חפש"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "בעמוד נוכחי ניתן לבצע חיפוש שיחות לפי שם אורחים או ביטויים, אשר קיימים בתכני השיחות."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "חיפוש בהיסטוריית השיחות"
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "בחר סגנון לחלון הצאט"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "בחר תשובה..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "בחר תאריכים"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "שלח"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "שלח ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "לשלוח היסטוריית השיחות בדואר אלקטרוני"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "לשלוח את היסטוריית השיחות
לכתובת דואר אלקטרוני."
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "שלח הודעה"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "שלך הודעה עם:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "נשלח"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "העדפות"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "הצג שיחות דרך חיבור http בלבד"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "הצג שגיאות"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "הצג שאלה ראשונית בסקר"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "הצג תפריט >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "הצג / הסתר שדה בחירת מחלקה בסקר"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "הצג / הסתר שדה דואר אלקטרוני בסקר"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "הצג / הסתר שדה שאלה ראשונית בסקר"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "הצג:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "חלון שיחה פשוט, רענן על מנת להוסיף הודעה (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "סגנון המסנגר"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "דיאלוג קטן מופיע על מנת למשוך את תשומת לבך"
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "זכויות יוצרים של התוכנה"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "לצערנו ברגעים אלו אין נציג פנוי. נסה שנית מאוחר יותר או השאר לנו שאלה ואחד הנציגים יחזור אליך בהקדם האפשרי במייל."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "מיון:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "לפי שורה משפה ראשונה"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "כאן ניתן לקבוע העדפות המשפיעות על תצורת חלון הצאט,והתנהגות כללית של המערכת"
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "התחל שיחה"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "מצב"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "סטטיסטיקה"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "שורות למנהל המערכת"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "שורות לנציג"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "שורות לאורח"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "צריך לחדש את מבנה הטבלאות לעבודה תקינה של המסנגר."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "להעביר"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "ניהול מערכת: העדפות, ניהול נציגים, ניהול כפתור"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "הטבלאות מוכנות לשימוש."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "לקחת שיחה מנציגים אחרים"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "תודה שפניתה אלינו. תכף התפנה אליך אחד מהנציגים שלנו..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "תודה שיצרתה קשר איתנו! בכדי ליעל את השרות שלנו, בבקשה מלא את הכל ולאחר מכן לחץ להתחיל את השיחה."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "תודה על השאלה, אחד הנציגים יחזור אליך בהקדם האפשרי."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "בסיס הנתונים שבחרת, לא נמצא בשרת. אם יש לך הרשאות ליצירת בסיס נתונים,
הינך יכול לעשות זאת בעצמך."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "בתור זה אין אורחים ממתינים"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "הכתובת שמצויינת כבר בשימוש, לחץ here אם ברצונך לערוך אותו."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "האורח שינה את שמו {0} ל {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "האורח הועבר למקום מועדף בתור של הקבוצה {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "האורח הועבר מקום מועדף בתור של הנציג {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "האורח הועבר לנציג אחר"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "המלץ לי, בבקשה, על דפדפן טוב?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "בשם זה יראו אותך האורחים שלך."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות ברשימת הסוכנים של החברה, להוסיף חדש במידת הצורך והרשאות מתאימות לכך."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "עמוד זה מציג את הקבוצות בחברה שלך. בכל קבוצה יכולים להיות כפתורים ותגובות שונות."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לראות אורחים הממתינים לתשובות."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "בעמוד נוכחי ניתן לצפות בשיחה"
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "על ידי הנציג"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "עד"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "עד:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "זמן בשיחה"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "כותר בחלון הצאט"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "למתן תשובה לאורח, לחץ על השם המתאים ברשימה."
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "זמן כללי"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "סה\"כ:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "טקסט לתרגום"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "מנהל הלוקליזציה"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "יכולת להוריד את שדה שינוי השם מחלון הצאט"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "קישור לאתר האינטרנט שלך"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "עדכן טבלאות"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "עדכונים"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "לעלות תמונה"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "טעינת תמונה"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "גודל הקובת עולה מעל המותר"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "נתונים סטטיסטיים על השימוש עבור כל תאריך"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "השתמש בזה על מנת לקבל תור נפרד לשאלות שונות"
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "להשתמש בחיבור מאובטח (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "חיפוש לפי שם האורח או תוכן הודעות טקסט:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "בעזרתה ניתן לחסום התקפות מכתובות מסויימות"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "צפה בחלון שיחה (נציג במצב קריאה בלבד)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "לצפות ולערוך את רשימת החברים"
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "לצפות בשיחות במצב אונליין עכשוי"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "היסטוריית השיחות"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Visitor {0} נמצא כבר בשיחה {1}.
האם אתה בטוח שברצונך, להחליף את הנציג?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "האורח סגר את חלון השיחה"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "אורח שוב הצטרף לשיחה"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "האורח {0} התנתק מהשיחה"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "כתובת האורח"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "כתובת האורח"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "שם תצוגה של אורח"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "הודעות האורח"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "אורחים"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "אורחים בשיחות"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "אורח הגיעה מעמוד {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "ממתינים לראשונה לנציג"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "ממתין לנציג"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "זמן המתנה"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "להתחבר לשיחה במצב צפייה"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "גודל החלון וכמות ה- TOOLBARS"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "כן, אני בטוח"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "אתה"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "הנך מנהל שיחה עם:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "הינך מחובר לשירות MySQL בגרסה {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "אינך רשאי לשנות את הפרופיל של משתמש זה."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "אינך משוחח עם המבקר"
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "אתה משתמש:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "אתה {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "אתה יכול לשנות את המידע האישי שלך בעמוד הזה."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "יצירת נציג חדש"
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לראות רשימת אורחים הממתינים לתשובות."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "בעמוד ניכחי ניתו לראות את כל השיחות עם האורח שלך."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "בעמוד זה ניתן לקבל את קוד HTML של הכפתור \"המסנגר\" להצבתה בהאתר שלך.."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "הינך יכול להיכנס למערכת כמנהל - admin עם סיסמה ריקה.
!!! לטעמי בטחון, צריך למחוק את התקייה {0} מתוך השרת ושנה את הסיסמה."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "ניתן לעלות סוגי תמונות JPG, GIF, PNG או TIF."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "כאן ניתן לצפות בסגנון האתר שלך"
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "בחרת מתאריך לאחר עד תאריך"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "פתחת חלון זה לביצוע שיחה עם \"{0}\", לכן, בגלל זה השדה כתובת כבר מלא. בחר כמות ימים ולחץ על שלח."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "את התמונה האורחים יראו בחלון הצאט שלהם."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "לוגו החברה"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "email שלך"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "הודעתך נשמרה בהצלחה"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "השם שלך"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "נוצרה בעייה בחיבור אצל הנציג, זמנית העברנו אותך למצב המתנה לנציג אחר. מצטערים ומודים על הסבלנות."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "פג תוקף ההפעלה, בבקשה התחבר שוב"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "התרגום שלך נשמר."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "לצערנו, לעבודה תקינה של עמוד זה צריך דפדפן חדש יותר. לצפייה טובה יותר, השתמש ב:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "ערוך"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "שדות חושה למילוי"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "הבא"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "הקודם"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "הסר"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "ללא תפריט"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/hr/translation.po b/translations/hr/translation.po
index 920614c5..06c26c31 100644
--- a/translations/hr/translation.po
+++ b/translations/hr/translation.po
@@ -1,862 +1,800 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Dodavanje, brisanje operatora poduzeća. Uređivanje njihovih postavki."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Generiranje HTML koda gumba."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Određivanje postavki prozora za razgovor i uobičajenog ponašanja sustava."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funkcije dostupne operatorima stranica."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Vaša sesija je istekla, molimo ponovno se prijavite"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger je aplikacija otvorenog koda za podršku uživo."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Navedena adresa je već u upotrebi, kliknite ovdje ako je želite urediti."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Izbriši"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Ulaz"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Spremi"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Traži"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "izbriši"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "uredi"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Uredi"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Dodaj poruku..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Uredite poruke koje često upisujete u razgovor."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Za grupu:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Za jezik:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Spremljene poruke"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Uredi postojeću poruku."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Spremljeno"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Poruka"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Nema takve poruke"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Uredi poruku"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Dodaj novu poruku."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Nova poruka"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(online)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj je došao sa stranice {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Promijeni ime"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vi ste"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Zatvori..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Pojavila se greška:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Greška"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Zatvori..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Kliknite na ovaj link za zatvaranje prozora"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Povijest vašeg razgovora je poslana na adresu {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Poslano"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Natrag..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Ne razgovarate sa posjetiteljem."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Odaberi:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupa:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operator:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Preusmjeri na
drugog operatora"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Zatvori..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Klikni za zatvaranje prozora"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj je smješten u prioritetni red čekanja operatora {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Posjetitelj je smješten u prioritetni red čekanja grupe {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj je preusmjeren na drugog operatora"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operator {0} je zamijenio operatora {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Operator ima problema sa vezom, privremeno smo Vas premjestili na primarnu listu čekanja. Ispričavamo se što morate čekati."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operator {0} se priključio razgovoru"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operator {0} je napustio razgovor"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Operator {0} Vas je preusmjerio na drugog operatora, molimo pričekajte"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operator {0} se vratio"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj je promijenio ime iz {0} u {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj je zatvorio prozor za razgovor"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj {0} je napustio razgovor"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Posjetitelj se ponovno priključio razgovoru"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "U razgovoru"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Zatvoren"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Učitavanje"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Na listi čekanja"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Čekanje operatora"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali. Uskoro će Vam se pridružiti operator..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Razgovarate sa:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Zatvori razgovor"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Omogućio je:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Odaberite odgovor..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Pošalji poruku"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Pošalji {{0}}"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Pošalji povijest razgovora emailom"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Preusmjeri posjetitelja drugom operatoru"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Osvježi"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Odgovorite posjetitelju klikom na njegovo/njezino ime na listi."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Ova stranica prikazuje listu posjetitelja na čekanju."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Lista posjetitelja na čekanju je prazna"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Posjetitelji u razgovorima"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Prioritetni red čekanja posjetitelja"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Čekanje na operatora po prvi put"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Lista posjetitelja koji čekaju"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "obavezna polja"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Promijeni operatora"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Posjetitelju {0} već pomaže {1}.
Jeste li sigurni da želite započeti razgovor sa posjetiteljem?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ne, zatvori prozor"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Da, siguran/na sam"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Ovdje se možete obraniti od zlonamjernih posjetitelja."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Pretraga starih razgovora."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Odjava iz sustava."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Promjene spremljene"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Postoji veliki izbor preglednika. Koje(g) biste preporučili?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Dobar dan, kako Vam mogu pomoći?"
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Greška kod slanja datoteke \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Greška kod premještanja datoteke"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Premašena veličina poslane datoteke"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Ispravite pogreške:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Pogrešna vrsta datoteke"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Molimo ispunite \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Molimo točno ispunite \"{0}\"."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Svojstva aktivirana"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Primjer: ili"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Adresa posjetitelja"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Ovo ime će biti vidljivo posjetiteljima."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Međunarodno ime (latinica)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Ovo ime će biti vidljivo posjetiteljima."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Ime"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Slika Vašeg avatara."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Trenutna slika avatara"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Odaberite dokument avatara za slanje.
Slika ne bi smjela biti veća od 100x100 piksela."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Pošalji avatara"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Razlog blokiranja"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Komentar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Broj dana blokiranja ove adrese"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "dana"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vaš email"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Opis na engleskom."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Međunarodni opis"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Ime na engleskom."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Međunarodno ime"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Opis grupe."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Opis"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Ime za identificiranje grupe."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Ime"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Korisničko ime se može sastojati od malih slova na latinici i donje crte."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Korisničko ime"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Poruka"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vaše ime"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Upišite novu lozinku ili ostavite prazno ako želite zadržati staru."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Lozinka"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Potvrdite novu lozinku."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Potvrda lozinke"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Prijevod"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Nemoguće izvesti:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Spojeni ste na MySQL server verziju {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Kreiraj bazu podataka \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Baza podataka \"{0}\" je kreirana."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Baza podataka nije pronađena na serveru. Ako imate dopuštenje
da je sada kreirate, kliknite na slijedeći link."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Kreiraj potrebne tablice."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Potrebne tablice su kreirane."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Ažuriraj tablice"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Struktura tablica je ažurna."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Struktura Vaših tablica treba biti prilagođena novoj verziji Messengera."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Ne mogu se spojiti, molimo provjerite postavke servera u config.php. Greška: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Završeno:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Riješite problem i pokušajte ponovno. Pritisnite natrag za povratak na čarobnjaka."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Problem"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Nije moguće ažurirati strukturu tablica. Pokušajte ručno ili ponovno kreirajte sve tablice (upozoranje: svi Vaši podaci će biti izgubljeni)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Izbacivanje postojećih tablica iz baze podataka"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Software licence agreement"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Pripremite bazu podataka pomoću čarobnjaka."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Slijedeći korak:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Instalacija"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Molimo, pokrenite Čarobnjaka za ažuriranje kako biste prilagodili bazu podataka."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Nastavite na stranicu prijave"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Aplikacija je uspješno instalirana."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Možete se prijaviti kao admin bez lozinke.
!!! Iz sigurnosnih razloga, molimo da odmah promijenite lozinku i izbrišete {0} folder sa servera."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Odaberite jezik"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Zatvori"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Izvinjavamo se, ali trenutno nema dostupnog operatora. Molimo, pokušajte ponovno kasnije ili pošaljite upit."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Pošalji"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Zahvaljujemo na upitu. Odgovorit ćemo Vam u najkraćem mogućem roku."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Vaša poruka je poslana"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Ostavite poruku"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Operatori"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Kod gumba"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Postavke"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Zatvori..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Upišite svoj email:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Pošalji"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Pošalji povijest razgovora
putem emaila"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Lista operatora"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Blokirani posjetitelji"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Spremljene poruke"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Grupe operatora prema odjelima ili znanjima."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Grupe"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Jezik programa."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Jezik"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Početak"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Vi ste {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Na ovoj stranici možete promijeniti svoje osobne podatke."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Lokaliziraj"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Provjeri novosti i ažuriranja."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Ažuriranja"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Upisane lozinke nisu iste"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Operator ne postoji"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<nema opisa>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Odaberi grupe prema znanjima operatora."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grupe operatora"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Preglednik"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Adresa posjetitelja"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Poruke posjetitelja"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ime"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vrijeme provedeno u razgovoru"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Ovdje možete pronaći povijest razgovora sa posjetiteljima."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Povijest posjeta"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Zatvori..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vaš internet preglednik Mibew Messenger ne podržava u potpunosti. \nMolimo, koristite jedan od slijedećih web preglednika:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Molimo, koristite noviji preglednik"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Kod za grupu"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Odaberi sliku"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Kod za jezik"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Stil prozora za razgovor"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Oprez! Molimo ne mjenjajte
kod ručno, jer
ne garantiramo da
će raditi!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML kod"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-svi operatori-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Uključi ime hosta u kod"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Ovdje možete generirati HTML kod koji ćete postaviti na svoje stranice."
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Primjer"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Koristi sigurne linkove (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Generiranje HTML koda za gumb"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ovdje možete napraviti novu grupu."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Molimo odaberite drugo ime, jer već postoji grupa sa upisanim imenom."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ovdje možete urediti detalje grupe."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operatori"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupa ne postoji"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Detalji grupe"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Pregled i uređivanje liste članova."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Članovi"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati grupu \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Na ovoj stranici možete vidjeti listu grupa u poduzeću. Svaka grupa može imati drugačije gumbe i spremljene odgovore."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Napravi novu grupu..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grupe"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Prozor razgovora (operator-način rada)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Pregled prozora za razgovor (operator u readonly načinu rada)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Jednostavan prozor za razgovor, osvježi za slanje poruka (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Odaberi stil"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Odaberi predložak"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Prozor greške"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Ovdje možete vidjeti listu tema koje trenutno imate instalirane."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Napusti prozor poruka"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Poruka je dostavljena\" prozor"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Prozor popisa emailova"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"Email je poslan\" prozor"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Prozor liste podržanih preglednika"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Prozor preusmjeravanja posjetitelja drugom operatoru"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"Posjetitelj je preusmjeren\" prozor"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Prikaži greške"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-iz općenitih postavki-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Upitnik prije razgovora"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Stil stranice"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Prozor razgovora (korisnik-način rada)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Ako Vam se ne sviđa prijevod, pošaljite nam novi."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Prijevod je spremljen."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Upišite prijevod."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Čarobnjak za lokalizaciju"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Niste ovlašteni za promjenu profila ove osobe."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Izbriši avatara"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Ovdje možete kreirati novog operatora."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Molimo odaberite drugo korisničko ime, jer već postoji registrirani operator s unesenim korisničkim imenom."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Korisničko ime može sadržavati samo znakove latinice, brojeve i donju crtu."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Uredi općenite postavke operatora."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Slika"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupe"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Općenito"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Dopuštenja"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Detalji operatora"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Ime"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Cijela lista operatora:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati operatora \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Ovdje možete vidjeti listu operatora poduzeća."
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Korisničko ime"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Dodaj operatora..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Zadnja aktivnost"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Operatori"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pretraga prema korisničkom imenu ili tekstu poruke:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Povijest razgovora"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Poslane slike mogu biti samo u JPG, GIF, PNG ili TIF formatu."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Pošalji sliku"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Ovdje možete blokirati zlonamjerne posjetitelje koji utječu na Vaše poslovanje sa spam porukama."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Adresa {0} je blokirana na određeni broj dana."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Otvorili ste ovaj prozor za \"{0}\" listu, polje Adresa je već ispunjeno. Odaberite broj dana i kliknite Pošalji."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Blokiraj adresu"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Dodaj adresu"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati adresu {0} sa liste blokiranih?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Lista baniranih IP adresa:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Lista baniranih"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Do"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Lista posjetitelja na čekanju."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Općenito"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Članovi"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Upisano korisničko ime/lozinka je pogrešno"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Molimo upišite svoje korisničko ime i lozinku za pristup administrativnim alatima, pregledu posjetitelja i pretraživanju povijesti."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Korisničko ime:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Lozinka:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Zapamti me"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Prijava"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Pretraga povijesti razgovora prema određenom korisniku ili određenoj frazi u poruci."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Određivanje opcija koje utječu na prozor razgovora i uobičajeno ponašanje sustava."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Dodatne opcije"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Općenito"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pregled tema"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sakrij izbornik >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prikaži izbornik >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Novi posjetitelj čeka odgovor."
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Baniraj posjetitelja"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Adresa posjetitelja"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Ostalo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ime"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Status"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ukupno vrijeme"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Vrijeme čekanja"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Kliknite za razgovor s posjetiteljem"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Gledaj razgovor"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Administracija sustava: postavke, uređivanje operatora, kreiranje gumba"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Mogućnost uređivanja profila"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Preuzmite razgovor"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Pogledajte razgovor drugog operatora"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Promjena ograničenja i dostupnih mogućnosti za ovog operatora."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Dopuštenja"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Odaberite odjel:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali! Za bolju uslugu, molim ispunite svoje podatke i kliknite na gumb Započni razgovor."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ime:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Početno pitanje:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Započni razgovor"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Podrška uživo"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Datum"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Lista razgovora"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Poruke operatora"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Poruke posjetitelja"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Statistika korištenja za svaki datum"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Lista razgovora"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Poruke"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Prosječna dužina poruke (u znakovima)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Liste po operatorima"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Nema dovoljno podataka"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ukupno:"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Administracija"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Glavni izbornik"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Ostalo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Na primjer, ime Vašeg poduzeća."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Naslov prozora razgovora"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Pregled svih stranica svakog stila je dostupan ovdje"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Odaberite stil prozora za razgovor"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Upišite ime Vašeg poduzeća"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ime poduzeća"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Upišite email za primanje poruka sustava"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Pomoću njega možete blokirati napade sa određene IP adrese"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Omogući svojstvo \"Zlonamjerni posjetitelji\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Koristi se za stvaranje različitih tema za različita pitanja."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Omogući \"Grupe\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Korisnici moraju ispuniti upitnik prije razgovora."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Omogući \"Upitnik prije razgovora\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Molimo, zapamtite da web server treba biti konfiguriran za podržavanje https zahtjeva."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Dopusti sigurne veze (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Dodaje stranicu sa izvješćem o korištenju Messengera."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Omogući \"Statistiku\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Prikaži razgovore samo kroz https veze"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Svi razgovori moraju biti sigurni"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Svaki IP postaje link koji se otvara u novom prozoru. {ip} je zamijenjen sa pravim ip."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Link na vanjski servis geolokacije"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Veličina prozora i alatnih traka"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Opcije prozora geolokacije"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Web adresa poduzeća ili link na logo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL Vaše web stranice"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Upišite http adresu loga poduzeća"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Logo Vašeg poduzeća"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Molimo unesite naziv poduzeća"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 ne ograničava broj veza"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Maksimalni broj upita sa jedne adrese"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Pojavljuje se mali dijaloški okvir da Vam privuče pažnju."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Omogući \"Popup prozor sa obavijesti o novom posjetitelju\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Promjene su spremljene"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Pošalji poruke sa:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Prikazuje/skriva polje sa odabirom odjela u upitniku"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Dopušta posjetitelju da odabere odjel/grupu"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Prikazuje/skriva email polje u upitniku"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Pitaj email posjetitelja"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Prikazuje/skriva polje sa početnim pitanjem u upitniku"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Prikaži polje sa početnim pitanjem"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Postavke Messengera"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Isključi za skrivanje okvira uređivanja u prozoru za razgovor"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Dopušta korisnicima promjenu imena"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Kako se stvara niz podataka identifikatora od {name}, {id} ili {addr}. Uobičajeno: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Identifikator posjetitelja"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Upišite važeću email adresu"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "Polje \"Maksimalni broj upita\" bi trebalo sadržavati broj"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Odaberi datume"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Na ovoj stranici možete generirate razne izvještaje o korištenju."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Od:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Do:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistika"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Odabrali ste početni datum nakon završnog"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Stranica {0} od {1}, {2}-{3} od {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "slijedeća"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Nema elemenata"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "pronađeno 0 elemenata"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "prethodna"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Idite na pretraživanje"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Zapis razgovora"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Ova stranica prikazuje detalje i sadržaj razgovora."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Nikad"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Danas u {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jučer u {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Početna"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Izlaz"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Početna"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "bez izbornika"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Posjetitelji"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Smjer:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"Poruka je dostavljena\" prozor"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"Posjetitelj je preusmjeren\" prozor"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<nema opisa>"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(online)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-svi operatori-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-iz općenitih postavki-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 ne ograničava broj veza"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Aplikacija je uspješno instalirana."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Oprez! Molimo ne mjenjajte
kod ručno, jer
ne garantiramo da
će raditi!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Povijest vašeg razgovora je poslana na adresu {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Novi posjetitelj čeka odgovor."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Pregled svih stranica svakog stila je dostupan ovdje"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Mogućnost uređivanja profila"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Dodaj adresu"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Dodaj poruku..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Dodaj novu poruku."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Dodaj operatora..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Adresa {0} je blokirana na određeni broj dana."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Dodaje stranicu sa izvješćem o korištenju Messengera."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administracija"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Svi tekstovi"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tekstovi za administratora"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tekstovi za operatora"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tekstovi za posjetitelja"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prikaži:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Glavnom identifikatoru"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Jeziku izvora"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Složi prema:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Udaljeni korisnik piše..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Koristite:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Dopusti sigurne veze (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Dopušta posjetitelju da odabere odjel/grupu"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Dopušta korisnicima promjenu imena"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati adresu {0} sa liste blokiranih?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati operatora \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati grupu \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Pitaj email posjetitelja"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Prosječna dužina poruke (u znakovima)"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Natrag..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Lista baniranih"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Baniraj posjetitelja"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Blokiraj adresu"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Blokirani posjetitelji"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Preglednik"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Generiranje HTML koda za gumb"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Generiranje HTML koda gumba."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Kod gumba"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Spremljene poruke"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Nemoguće izvesti:"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Jezik programa."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Promijeni ime"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Promijeni operatora"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Promjena ograničenja i dostupnih mogućnosti za ovog operatora."
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Promjene su spremljene"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Lista razgovora"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Povijest razgovora"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Zapis razgovora"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Pregled tema"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Lista razgovora"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Prozor razgovora (operator-način rada)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Prozor razgovora (korisnik-način rada)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Stil prozora za razgovor"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Provjeri novosti i ažuriranja."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Odaberite odjel:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Odaberi grupe prema znanjima operatora."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Odaberi sliku"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Odaberi stil"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Odaberi predložak"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Odaberite dokument avatara za slanje.
Slika ne bi smjela biti veća od 100x100 piksela."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Odaberite jezik"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Odaberi:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Kliknite na ovaj link za zatvaranje prozora"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Kliknite za razgovor s posjetiteljem"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Klikni za zatvaranje prozora"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zatvori"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Zatvori razgovor"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Zatvori..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Zatvoren"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Kod za grupu"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Kod za jezik"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Komentar"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Ime poduzeća"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Završeno:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Potvrdite novu lozinku."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Potvrda lozinke"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Ispravite pogreške:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Ne mogu se spojiti, molimo provjerite postavke servera u config.php. Greška: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Kreiraj bazu podataka \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Napravi novu grupu..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete napraviti novu grupu."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Dodavanje, brisanje operatora poduzeća. Uređivanje njihovih postavki."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Kreiraj potrebne tablice."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Trenutna slika avatara"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Baza podataka \"{0}\" je kreirana."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Datum"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "dana"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Izbriši"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Grupe operatora prema odjelima ili znanjima."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Opis"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Opis na engleskom."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Opis grupe."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Web adresa poduzeća ili link na logo"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Smjer:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Izbacivanje postojećih tablica iz baze podataka"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "Email: {0}"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Svaki IP postaje link koji se otvara u novom prozoru. {ip} je zamijenjen sa pravim ip."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Uredi poruku"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Uredi postojeću poruku."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Uredi općenite postavke operatora."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Uredite poruke koje često upisujete u razgovor."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Omogući \"Grupe\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Omogući \"Popup prozor sa obavijesti o novom posjetitelju\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Omogući \"Upitnik prije razgovora\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Omogući \"Statistiku\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Omogući svojstvo \"Zlonamjerni posjetitelji\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Ulaz"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Upišite novu lozinku ili ostavite prazno ako želite zadržati staru."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Upišite važeću email adresu"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Upišite email za primanje poruka sustava"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Upišite http adresu loga poduzeća"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Upišite ime Vašeg poduzeća"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Upišite svoj email:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Upišite prijevod."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Upisano korisničko ime/lozinka je pogrešno"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Upisane lozinke nisu iste"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Okolina:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Greška"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Greška kod premještanja datoteke"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Pojavila se greška:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Greška kod slanja datoteke \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Prozor greške"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Primjer: ili"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Primjer"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Izlaz"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Svojstva aktivirana"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Pripremite bazu podataka pomoću čarobnjaka."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Za grupu:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Za jezik:"
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Svi razgovori moraju biti sigurni"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Korisnici moraju ispuniti upitnik prije razgovora."
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "pronađeno 0 elemenata"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Na ovoj stranici možete generirate razne izvještaje o korištenju."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Od:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Cijela lista operatora:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Funkcije dostupne operatorima stranica."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Općenito"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Opcije prozora geolokacije"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Idite na pretraživanje"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Grupa"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Detalji grupe"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Grupa:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grupe"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Posjetitelj"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML kod"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Dobar dan, kako Vam mogu pomoći?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete blokirati zlonamjerne posjetitelje koji utječu na Vaše poslovanje sa spam porukama."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Ovdje se možete obraniti od zlonamjernih posjetitelja."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Sakrij izbornik >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Početna"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Kako se stvara niz podataka identifikatora od {name}, {id} ili {addr}. Uobičajeno: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Ako Vam se ne sviđa prijevod, pošaljite nam novi."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Nije moguće ažurirati strukturu tablica. Pokušajte ručno ili ponovno kreirajte sve tablice (upozoranje: svi Vaši podaci će biti izgubljeni)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "U razgovoru"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "Na listi čekanja"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Uključi ime hosta u kod"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Početno pitanje:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Instalacija"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Instalirane lokalizacije:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Ažuriranja Web Messengera."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Međunarodni opis"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Međunarodno ime"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Međunarodno ime (latinica)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Pogrešna vrsta datoteke"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Glavnom identifikatoru"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Jezik"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Zadnja aktivnost"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Posljednja verzija:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Napusti prozor poruka"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Ostavite poruku"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Link na vanjski servis geolokacije"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Lista baniranih IP adresa:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Prozor liste podržanih preglednika"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Lista posjetitelja koji čekaju"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Podrška uživo"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Učitavanje"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Lokaliziraj"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Odjava iz sustava."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Prijava"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Korisničko ime se može sastojati od malih slova na latinici i donje crte."
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Korisničko ime može sadržavati samo znakove latinice, brojeve i donju crtu."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Korisničko ime:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Prozor popisa emailova"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Glavni izbornik"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Maksimalni broj upita sa jedne adrese"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Članovi"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Poruka"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Poruke"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Poruke operatora"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Poruke posjetitelja"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Postavke Messengera"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Ažuriranja Web Messengera."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger je aplikacija otvorenog koda za podršku uživo."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Ostalo"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Uredi"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Ime"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Ime na engleskom."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Na primjer, ime Vašeg poduzeća."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Ime za identificiranje grupe."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Ime:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Nikad"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nova poruka"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Novosti:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Slijedeći korak:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Nema elemenata"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Operator ne postoji"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Grupa ne postoji"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Nema takve poruke"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Ne, zatvori prozor"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Nema dovoljno podataka"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Broj dana blokiranja ove adrese"
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete urediti detalje grupe."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Online"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operator"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operator {0} je zamijenio operatora {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Detalji operatora"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Grupe operatora"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operator {0} se vratio"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operator {0} se priključio razgovoru"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operator {0} je napustio razgovor"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Operator {0} Vas je preusmjerio na drugog operatora, molimo pričekajte"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operator:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Operatori"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Lista operatora"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Dodatne opcije"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ostalo"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Stranica {0} od {1}, {2}-{3} od {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Lozinka"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Lozinka:"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Dopuštenja"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Slika"
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Molimo odaberite drugo korisničko ime, jer već postoji registrirani operator s unesenim korisničkim imenom."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Molimo odaberite drugo ime, jer već postoji grupa sa upisanim imenom."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Molimo unesite naziv poduzeća"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Molimo upišite svoje korisničko ime i lozinku za pristup administrativnim alatima, pregledu posjetitelja i pretraživanju povijesti."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Molimo točno ispunite \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Molimo ispunite \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Molimo, zapamtite da web server treba biti konfiguriran za podržavanje https zahtjeva."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Molimo, pokrenite Čarobnjaka za ažuriranje kako biste prilagodili bazu podataka."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Molimo, koristite noviji preglednik"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Omogućio je:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Upitnik prije razgovora"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Prioritetni red čekanja posjetitelja"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Problem"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Nastavite na stranicu prijave"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Razlog blokiranja"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Preusmjeri na
drugog operatora"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Preusmjeri posjetitelja drugom operatoru"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Prozor preusmjeravanja posjetitelja drugom operatoru"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Osvježi"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Zapamti me"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Udaljeni korisnik piše..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Izbriši avatara"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Potrebne tablice su kreirane."
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Riješite problem i pokušajte ponovno. Pritisnite natrag za povratak na čarobnjaka."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Spremi"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Spremljeno"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Traži"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Pretraga povijesti razgovora prema određenom korisniku ili određenoj frazi u poruci."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Pretraga starih razgovora."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Odaberite stil prozora za razgovor"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Odaberite odgovor..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Odaberi datume"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Pošalji"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Pošalji {{0}}"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Pošalji povijest razgovora emailom"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Pošalji povijest razgovora
putem emaila"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Pošalji poruku"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Pošalji poruke sa:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Poslano"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Postavke"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Prikaži razgovore samo kroz https veze"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Prikaži greške"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Prikaži polje sa početnim pitanjem"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Prikaži izbornik >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Prikazuje/skriva polje sa odabirom odjela u upitniku"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Prikazuje/skriva email polje u upitniku"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Prikazuje/skriva polje sa početnim pitanjem u upitniku"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Prikaži:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Jednostavan prozor za razgovor, osvježi za slanje poruka (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Stil stranice"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Pojavljuje se mali dijaloški okvir da Vam privuče pažnju."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Software licence agreement"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Izvinjavamo se, ali trenutno nema dostupnog operatora. Molimo, pokušajte ponovno kasnije ili pošaljite upit."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Složi prema:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Jeziku izvora"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Određivanje opcija koje utječu na prozor razgovora i uobičajeno ponašanje sustava."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Započni razgovor"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Status"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistika"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Tekstovi za administratora"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Tekstovi za operatora"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Tekstovi za posjetitelja"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Struktura Vaših tablica treba biti prilagođena novoj verziji Messengera."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Pošalji"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Administracija sustava: postavke, uređivanje operatora, kreiranje gumba"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Struktura tablica je ažurna."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Preuzmite razgovor"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali. Uskoro će Vam se pridružiti operator..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali! Za bolju uslugu, molim ispunite svoje podatke i kliknite na gumb Započni razgovor."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Zahvaljujemo na upitu. Odgovorit ćemo Vam u najkraćem mogućem roku."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Baza podataka nije pronađena na serveru. Ako imate dopuštenje
da je sada kreirate, kliknite na slijedeći link."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Lista posjetitelja na čekanju je prazna"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Navedena adresa je već u upotrebi, kliknite ovdje ako je želite urediti."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Posjetitelj je promijenio ime iz {0} u {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Posjetitelj je smješten u prioritetni red čekanja grupe {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Posjetitelj je smješten u prioritetni red čekanja operatora {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Posjetitelj je preusmjeren na drugog operatora"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Postoji veliki izbor preglednika. Koje(g) biste preporučili?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Ovo ime će biti vidljivo posjetiteljima."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete vidjeti listu operatora poduzeća."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Na ovoj stranici možete vidjeti listu grupa u poduzeću. Svaka grupa može imati drugačije gumbe i spremljene odgovore."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Ova stranica prikazuje listu posjetitelja na čekanju."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Ova stranica prikazuje detalje i sadržaj razgovora."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Liste po operatorima"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Do"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Do:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Vrijeme provedeno u razgovoru"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Naslov prozora razgovora"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Odgovorite posjetitelju klikom na njegovo/njezino ime na listi."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Danas u {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Ukupno vrijeme"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Ukupno:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Prijevod"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Čarobnjak za lokalizaciju"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Isključi za skrivanje okvira uređivanja u prozoru za razgovor"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL Vaše web stranice"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Ažuriraj tablice"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Ažuriranja"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Pošalji avatara"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Pošalji sliku"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Premašena veličina poslane datoteke"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Statistika korištenja za svaki datum"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Koristi se za stvaranje različitih tema za različita pitanja."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Koristi sigurne linkove (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Pretraga prema korisničkom imenu ili tekstu poruke:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Pomoću njega možete blokirati napade sa određene IP adrese"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Pregled prozora za razgovor (operator u readonly načinu rada)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Pregled i uređivanje liste članova."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Pogledajte razgovor drugog operatora"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Povijest posjeta"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Posjetitelju {0} već pomaže {1}.
Jeste li sigurni da želite započeti razgovor sa posjetiteljem?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Posjetitelj je zatvorio prozor za razgovor"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Posjetitelj se ponovno priključio razgovoru"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Posjetitelj {0} je napustio razgovor"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Adresa posjetitelja"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Adresa posjetitelja"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Identifikator posjetitelja"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Poruke posjetitelja"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Posjetitelji"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Posjetitelji u razgovorima"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Posjetitelj je došao sa stranice {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Čekanje na operatora po prvi put"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Čekanje operatora"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Vrijeme čekanja"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Gledaj razgovor"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Veličina prozora i alatnih traka"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Da, siguran/na sam"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Jučer u {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Vi ste"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Razgovarate sa:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Spojeni ste na MySQL server verziju {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Niste ovlašteni za promjenu profila ove osobe."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Ne razgovarate sa posjetiteljem."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Koristite:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Vi ste {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Na ovoj stranici možete promijeniti svoje osobne podatke."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete kreirati novog operatora."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Lista posjetitelja na čekanju."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete pronaći povijest razgovora sa posjetiteljima."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete generirati HTML kod koji ćete postaviti na svoje stranice."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Možete se prijaviti kao admin bez lozinke.
!!! Iz sigurnosnih razloga, molimo da odmah promijenite lozinku i izbrišete {0} folder sa servera."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Poslane slike mogu biti samo u JPG, GIF, PNG ili TIF formatu."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Ovdje možete vidjeti listu tema koje trenutno imate instalirane."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Odabrali ste početni datum nakon završnog"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Otvorili ste ovaj prozor za \"{0}\" listu, polje Adresa je već ispunjeno. Odaberite broj dana i kliknite Pošalji."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Slika Vašeg avatara."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Logo Vašeg poduzeća"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Vaš email"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Vaša poruka je poslana"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Vaše ime"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Operator ima problema sa vezom, privremeno smo Vas premjestili na primarnu listu čekanja. Ispričavamo se što morate čekati."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Vaša sesija je istekla, molimo ponovno se prijavite"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Prijevod je spremljen."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Vaš internet preglednik Mibew Messenger ne podržava u potpunosti. \nMolimo, koristite jedan od slijedećih web preglednika:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "uredi"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "obavezna polja"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "slijedeća"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "prethodna"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "izbriši"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "bez izbornika"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/hu/translation.po b/translations/hu/translation.po
index e7b84e4c..5a787d18 100644
--- a/translations/hu/translation.po
+++ b/translations/hu/translation.po
@@ -1,980 +1,906 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Céges operátor létrehozása, törlése. Jogok kezelése."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Gomb HTML kód létrehozása."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Opciók megadása, amik az üzenetküldő ablakot és a rendszerbeállításokat módosítják."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Az oldal operátorai által elérhető funkciók."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "A munkamenet lejárt, jelentkezzen be újra"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "A Mibew üzenetküldő egy nyílt forráskódú ügyfélszolgálati alkalmazás."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew üzenetküldő"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "A megadott cím már használatban van, kattintson ide ha szerkeszteni akarja."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Törlés"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Bevitel"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Hagyjon üzenetet"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Oldal tanácsadó"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "OFFLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tegye fel kérdését"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Oldal tanácsadó"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mentés"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Keresés"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "eltávolítás"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "szerkesztés"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Módosítás"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Üzenet hozzáadása..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Gyakori üzenetek szerkesztése."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Csoportnak:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Nyelv:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Tárolt Üzenetek"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Meglévő üzenet szerkesztése."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Elmentve"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Üzenet"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Nincs ilyen üzenet"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Üzenet szerkesztése"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Új üzenet hozzáadása."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Új üzenet"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(nincs a gépnél)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(elérhető)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél a {0} oldalról jött"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Név módosítása"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Az Ön azonosítója:"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Az ügyfél megnyitotta a {0} oldalt"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Látogató"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Bezárás..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "A hiba oka:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Hiba"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Bezárás..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Kattintson erre a linkre az ablak bezárásához"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "A beszélgetés a {0} címre el lett küldve"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Elküldve"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Vissza..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Nem beszélget ügyféllel."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Válasszon:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Csoport:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operátor:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Átirányítás
másik operátorhoz"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Bezárás..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Kattintson az ablak bezárásához"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél elsőbbséget élvez {0} operátornál."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Az ügyfél elsőbbséget élvez a(z) {0} csoportnál."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél át lett irányítva másik operátorhoz"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "A(z) {0} operátor átváltott a(z) {1} operátorra"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Az operátornál probléma van a kapcsolatban, ideiglenesen átváltottunk háttérben küldésre. Elnézését kérjük."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "{0} operátor csatlakozott a beszélgetéshez"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "{0} operátor elhagyta a beszélgetést"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "{0} operátor átirányította egy másik operátorhoz, kérem várjon"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "{0} operátor visszajött"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél megváltoztatta a nevét {0} -ról {1} -ra"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél bezárta az üzenet ablakot"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél {0} kilépett a beszélgetésből"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél visszalépett a beszélgetésbe"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Beszélgetésben"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Bezárva"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Betöltés"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Sorban"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Várakozás az operátorra"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Információ: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy megkeresett bennünket! Kollégánk nemsokára felveszi önnel a kapcsolatot..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Ügyfél neve:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés bezárása"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Válasz kiválasztása..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Üzenet küldése"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Elküld {{0}}"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew üzenetküldő"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew üzenetküldő"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "A beszélgetés elküldése e-mailben"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél átirányítása másik operátorhoz"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Frissítés"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Hogy válaszoljon az ügyfélnek, kattintson a nevére a listában."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Ez az oldal a várakozó ügyfelek listáját mutatja."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Nincs várakozó ügyfél"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ügyfelek beszélgetésben"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Elsőbbségben lévő ügyfelek listája"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Először várakoznak operátorra"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Várakozó ügyfelek listája"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "kötelező mező"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Operátor váltása"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Az ügyfélnek{0}már segít {1}.
Biztos vagy benne, hogy beszélni akarsz az ügyféllel?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nem, ablak bezárása"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Igen, biztos vagyok benne"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Itt tud védekezni a rosszindulatú ügyfelektől."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Keresés a korábbi beszélgetésekben."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Kijelentkezés."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Változtatások elmentve"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sok böngészőből lehet választani. Melyiket ajánlja?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Üdvözlöm! Miben segíthetek?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "A betűk nem egyeznek a képen látható betűkkel."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Hiba a fájl feltöltésekor \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Hiba a fájl mozgatásakor"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "A feltöltött fájl mérete nagyobb mint a megengedett"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Javítsa ki a következő hibát (hibákat):"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Érvénytelen fájltípus"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "\"{0}\" nincs kitöltve."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "\"{0}\" nincs pontosan kitöltve."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Bekapcsolt szolgáltatások"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Például: vagy"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Látogatók címei"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Ezt a nevet fogják látni az ügyfelek."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Nemzetközi név (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Ezt a nevet fogják látni az ügyfelek."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Név"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Profilképe."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Jelenlegi profilkép"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Válassza ki a profilképet. A kép mérete nem lehet nagyobb, mint 100x100 pixel."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Profilkép feltöltése"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Tiltás oka"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Kommentek"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Napja blokkolva"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Napok"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-mail címe"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Leírás magyarul."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Nemzetközi leírás"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Név magyarul."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Nemzetközi név"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "A csoport leírása."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Leírás"
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "A Csoport e-mail címe az értesítéseknek. Maradjon üresen az alapértelmezett e-mail használatához."
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Név a csoport azonosításához."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Név"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "A név csak kis latin betűket és aláhúzást tartalmazhat."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Felhasználónév"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Értesítések és jelszó visszaállítás céljára."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Üzenet"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Név"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Írjon be új jelszót, vagy hagyja üresen a jelenlegi megtartásához."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Jelszó"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Az új jelszó még egyszer."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Jelszó újra"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Fordítás"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Nem futtatható:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Az alkalmazás útvonala {0}"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "A Mibew telepítőcsomag érvényes."
-msgid "install.0.php"
-msgstr "PHP verzió {0}"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Kapcsolódott a MySQL szerverhez, verzó {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "\"{0}\" adatbázis létrehozása"
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "\"{0}\" adatbázis létrehozva."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Az adatbázis nem található a szerveren. Ha van jogosultsága most létrehozni, kattintson a következő linkre."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "A szükséges táblák létrehozása."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "A szükséges táblák létrehozva."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Táblák frissitése"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "A táblák szerkezete megfelelő."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "A táblák struktúráját változtatni kell az üzenetküldő új verziójához."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "Új Üzenet"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "Új Ügyfél"
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "Ellenőrizze a hangokat: {0} és {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "Az ellenőrzés különbözik {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "Nem olvasható a {0} fájl"
-msgid "install.check_files"
-msgstr "Kérem, újra töltse fel a fájlokat a szerverre."
-msgid "install.check_permissions"
-msgstr "Nem megfelelő fájl jogosultságok {0}"
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Nem lehet csatlakozni, kérem ellenőrizze a szerver beállításait a config.php -ban. Hiba: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Kész:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Javítsa ki a hibát és próbálja újra. Nyomja meg a vissza gombot, hogy visszatérjen a varázslóhoz."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Hiba"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Lehetetlen frissíteni a táblákat. Próbálja meg kézzel vagy hozza létre újra az összes táblát (figyelem: az összes adata törlődik)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Meglévő táblák törlése az adatbázisból"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Szoftver licenc szerződés"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Kövesse az varázslót az adatbázis beállításához."
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "Gratulálunk! A Mibew Messenger {1} sikeresen fel lett telepítve. A részleteket beállíthatja a Kiegészítő szolgáltatások oldalon."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Következő lépés:"
-msgid "install.no_file"
-msgstr "A fájl: {0} hiányzik"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Installálás"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Futtassa a Frissítés varázslót az adatbázis beállításához."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Tovább a bejelentkező oldalra"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Az alkalmazás telepítése sikeresen befejeződött."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Bejelentkezhet admin felhasználónévvel, jelszó nélkül.
!!! Biztonsági okokból kérem változtassa meg a jelszavát és távolítsa el a {0} mappát a szerverről."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Nyelv kiválasztása"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Bezárás"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Sajnos most nincs elérhető operátor. Kérem próbálja később vagy küldje el kérdését az alábbi űrlapon."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Elküld"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy igénybe vette szolgálásunkat. Kérdésére e-mailben válaszolunk amint lehetséges."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Az üzenet elküldve"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Hagyjon üzenetet"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Operátorok"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Gomb kód"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Beállítások"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Licenc"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Bezárás..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "E-mail címe:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Küldés"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "A beszélgetés elküldése
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Operátorok listája"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Tiltott látogatók"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Tárolt üzenetek"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "Most Ön nem elérhető.
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Operátor csoportok részleg vagy szakértelem szerint."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Csoportok"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Nyelv beállítása."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Nyelv"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Menü"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Az Ön azonosítója -> {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "A személyes információkat tudja megváltoztatni ezen az oldalon."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Lokalizáció"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Frissítések és hírek keresése."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Frissítések"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "A beírt két jelszó nem egyezik"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Nincs ilyen operátor"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<nincs leírás>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Válassza ki a csoportokat az operátorok képességeinek megfelelően."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Operátor csoportok"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Böngésző"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Csoport"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ügyfél címe"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ügyfél üzenetei"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Név"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operátor"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Idő"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Itt találja az ügyfelekkel folytatott beszélgetéseket."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Előzmények"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bezárás..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "A böngészőjét nem teljesen támogatja a Mibew Messenger. \nKérem, használja a következő böngészők egyikét: \n"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kérem frissítse a böngészőjét"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Csoport kiválasztása"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Kép kiválasztása"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Nyelv kiválasztása"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Üzenetküldő ablak stílusa"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Figyelem! Ne változtassa
meg a kódot, mert
nem tudjuk garantálni,
hogy működni fog!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML kód"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-összes operátor-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Tartalmazza-e a kiszolgáló nevét a kód"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Itt tudja létrehozni azt a HTML kódot, amit a weboldalába kell illeszteni."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Kompatibilitás a mod_security -vel (, csak akkor kapcsolja be, ha problémát okoz"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Példa"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Biztonságos kapcsolat használata (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "HTML kód létrehozása"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Itt lehet csoportokat létrehozni."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kérem válasszon másik nevet, ilyen nevű csoport már létezik."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ezen az oldalon tudja szerkeszteni a csoport részleteit."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operátorok"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nincs ilyen csoport"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Csoport részletei"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Tagok listája és szerkesztése."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Tagok"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Biztos, hogy törölni akarja a \"{0}\" csoportot?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Ez az oldal mutatja a csoportok listáját. Mindegyik csoportnak lehet külön gombja és előre tárolt válaszai."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Nincs a gépnél"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Elérhető"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Új csoport létrehozása..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Csoportok"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés ablak (operátornak)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés ablak (operátornak csak olvasható módban)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Egyszerű beszélgetés ablak, Elküld gombbal (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Stílus kiválasztása"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Sablon kiválasztása"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Hiba ablak"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Itt láthatóak részletesen azok a témák, amik telepítve vannak."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Hagyjon üzenetet ablak"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Az üzenet elküldve\" ablak"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés elküldése ablak"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"E-mail elküldve\" ablak"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "A támogatott böngészők listája"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Átirányítás másik operátorhoz ablak"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"Az ügyfél átirányítva\" ablak"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Hibák mutatása"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-általános beállítás-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés előtti felmérés"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Oldal stílusa"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés ablak (ügyfélnek)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Ha nem tetszik a jelenlegi fordítás, kérem küldjön frissítést."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Fordítás elmentve."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Írja be a fordítást."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Fordítási varázsló"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága ennek a profilnak a módosításához."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Profilkép eltávolítása"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Itt tud új operátort létrehozni."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Kérem válasszon másik nevet, ilyen nevű operátor már regisztrálva van."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "A név csak karaktereket, számokat és aláhúzást tartalmazhat."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Az operátor beállításainak szerkesztése."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Fotó"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Csoportok"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Általános"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jogok"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Operátor tulajdonságai"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Név"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Operátorok teljes listája:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Biztos benne, hogy törölni akarja \"{0}\" operátort?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Ez az oldal az operátorok teljes listáját mutatja."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Nincs a gép előtt"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Elérhető"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Bejelentkezve"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Operátor hozzáadása..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Utoljára aktív"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Operátorok"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Felhasználónév vagy üzenet keresése:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Beszélgetések előzményei"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Csak JPG, GIF, PNG vagy TIF formátumú képeket lehet feltölteni."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Fotó feltöltése"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Itt tudja blokkolni a veszélyes ügyfeleket akik Spam üzenetekkel zavarják a munkáját."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "A {0} cím megadott napra blokkolva."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Megnyitotta ezt az ablakot \"{0}\" szálban a Cím mező már ki van töltve. Válassza ki a napok számát és kattintson a Küldésre."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Cím tiltása"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Cím hozzáadása"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Biztosan törli a {0} címet a tiltólistából?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "A kitiltott IP címek listája:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Kitiltottak listája"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tiltás"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Itt találja a várakozó ügyfeleket."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Általános"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tagok"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "A felhasználónév vagy a jelszó hibás"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Kérem adja meg a nevét és jelszavát az adminisztrációs eszközök eléréséhez, az ügyfelek és az előzmények megtekintéséhez."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Felhasználónév:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Jelszó:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Megjegyzés"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Bejelentkezés"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Keresés az előzményekben egy ügyfélre vagy az üzenet egy részére."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Részletes lehetőségek, amik csevegés-ablakra és a rendszer viselkedésére vonatkoznak."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kiegészítő szolgáltatások"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Általános"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Teljesítmény"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Témák előnézete"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Menü elrejtése >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Menü megjelenítése>>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Új ügyfél várakozik a válaszra."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Beállítás \"Nincs a gépnél\" státuszba"
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Beállítás \"Elérhető\" státuszba"
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Ügyfél tiltása"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Ügyfelek címe"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Egyéb"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Név"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operátor"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Státusz"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Összes idő"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Várakozási idő"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Kattintson, ha beszélni szeretne az ügyféllel"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés figyelése"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Rendszer adminisztráció: beállítások, operátorok kezelése, gomb létrehozása"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Profil módosításának engedélyezése"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "A beszélgetés átvétele"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Másik operátor beszélgetéseinek megnézése"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Az operátor jogainak megváltoztatása."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Jogok"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Részleg választása:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy megkeresett bennünket! A megfelelő tájékoztatás érdekében kérjük töltse ki az adatokat, és kattintson a Beszélgetés indítása gombra."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Név:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Indító kérdés:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés indítása"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Élő ügyfélszolgálat"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Dátum"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Beszélgetések"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Üzenetek az operátoroktól"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Üzenetek a látogatóktól"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Statisztikai adatok minden napról"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operátor"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Beszélgetések"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Üzenetek"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Átlagos üzenetek hossza (karakter)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Operátorok szálai"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Nincs elég adat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Összesen:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "A jelszava megváltozott!"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "Jelentkezzen be az új jelszóval."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "Válasszon egy jelszót a Mibew felhasználói fiókjához."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "Tovább a bejelentkezéshez"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "Változtat"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Megváltoztatja a Mibew jelszavát"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "Vissza a bejelentkezéshez"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Felhasználónév vagy E-mail:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "Nem tudjuk elküldeni a jelszavát, de beállíthat egy újat, ha követi az e-mailben elküldött hivatkozást."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "Elfelejtette a jelszavát?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "Jelszó visszaállítása"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "Elküldtük a tájékoztatást az e-mail címére. Kérjük ellenőrizze!"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "Jelszó beállítása"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "Baj van a Bejelentkezéssel?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Adminisztráció"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Menü"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Egyéb"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Például a cég neve."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "A beszélgetés ablak címsora"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Az összes oldal különböző stílusú előnézetei megnézhetők itt"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Üzenetküldő ablak stílusa"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Írja be a cégének a nevét"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "A cég elnevezése"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Adja meg az e-mail címét, hogy megkapja a rendszerüzeneteket"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Ezt a modult használva megadott IP címeket tud blokkolni"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Engedélyezze a \"Veszélyes látogatók\" modult"
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Arra való, hogy különböző kérdésekre legyenek elkülönített válaszok."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "\"Csoportok\" engedélyezése"
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Az ügyfélnek meg kell adnia bizonyos adatokat a beszélgetés előtt."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "\"Beszélgetés előtti felmérés\" engedélyezése"
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Vegye figyelembe, hogy ehhez a kiszolgálónak támogatnia kell a https kapcsolatokat."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Biztonságos (SSL) kapcsolat szerkesztése"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Az üzenetek használatáról szóló oldalakat készít."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "\"Statisztika\" engedélyezése"
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Csak a https kapcsolaton keresztül érkezett beszélgetések mutassa"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Biztonságos kapcsolat kényszerítése minden beszélgetéshez"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Adja meg a frissítési időt másodpercben. Az alapérték 2 mp."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés frissítése"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "Régebbi böngészőknél az egész oldalt kell újratölteni, hogy megkapják az üzeneteket. Az alapérték 7 mp."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Oldal frissítési ideje a régi böngészőknél"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Adja meg a frissítési időt másodpercben. Az alapérték 2 mp."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "Az operátor konzolok frissítési ideje"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Minden IP egy link megnyitása lesz egy új ablakban. Az {ip} helyére valódi ip kerül."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Külső geolocation service-re mutató hivatkozás"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Az ablak mérete és az eszköztárak elrejtése"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Geolocation ablak beállításai"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ahová a cég nevének és a logójának a linkje mutat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Az Ön weboldalának címe"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Védelem az automatikusan küldött spam ellen (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Az ügyfeleknek kötelező beírni ellenőrző kódot, amikor üzenetet hagynak"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Kérem adja meg a cég logójának http címét"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "A cég logója"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kérem adja meg a cég nevét"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 nem engedélyez egy kapcsolatot sem"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Szálak maximális száma egy címről"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Állítsa be hány mp-ig legyen az operátor online. Az alapértelmezés 30 mp."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Az operátor mennyi ideig legyen online"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Egy kis ablak megjelenik, hogy felhívja a figyelmet."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Engedélyezze az \"Új ügyfél várakozik a válaszra\" felugró ablakot."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "A változtatások elmentve"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Az üzenet elküldése:"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators.description"
-msgstr "Ez lelassíthatja a lista automatikus frissítését"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators"
-msgstr "Mutassa az elérhető operátorokat a \"Várakozó ügyfelek listája\" oldalon"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Mutatja vagy elrejti a részleg választás mezőt"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Részleg/csoport választás engedélyezése"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Mutassa vagy rejtse el ezt a mezőt"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Az ügyfél e-mail címe"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Mutassa vagy rejtse el az Indító kérdés mezőt"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Mutassa az Indító kérdés mezőt"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Az üzenetküldő beállításai"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Ha üresen marad, akkor elrejti a szerkesztő gombot a beszélgető ablakban"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Engedélyezi az ügyfeleknek a névváltoztatást"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Az ügyfelek azonosítóját meghatározó string {name}, {id} vagy {addr}. Az alapértelmezett: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Ügyfelek azonosítója"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Adja meg az E-mail címet"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "a \"Szálak maximális száma\" mezőben csak szám lehet"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Dátumok kiválasztása"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Erről az oldalról különböző statisztikákat lehet készíteni a használatról."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Ettől:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Eddig:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statisztika"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Hibás dátum intervallum választás"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{0} oldal a {1}, {2}-{3} a {4} -ból"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "következő"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Nincs elem"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Találtam 0 elemet"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "előző"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Kereséshez"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Beszélgetés naplója"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Ez az oldal a beszélgetés részleteit és a tartalmát mutatja."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Soha"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ma {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tegnap {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Főoldal"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Kilépés"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Főoldal"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "menü nélkül"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Ügyfelek"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Irány:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"Az üzenet elküldve\" ablak"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"Az ügyfél átirányítva\" ablak"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<nincs leírás>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(nincs a gépnél)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(elérhető)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-összes operátor-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-általános beállítás-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 nem engedélyez egy kapcsolatot sem"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás telepítése sikeresen befejeződött."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Figyelem! Ne változtassa
meg a kódot, mert
nem tudjuk garantálni,
hogy működni fog!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "A beszélgetés a {0} címre el lett küldve"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Új ügyfél várakozik a válaszra."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Az összes oldal különböző stílusú előnézetei megnézhetők itt"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Profil módosításának engedélyezése"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Cím hozzáadása"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Üzenet hozzáadása..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Új üzenet hozzáadása."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Operátor hozzáadása..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "A {0} cím megadott napra blokkolva."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Az üzenetek használatáról szóló oldalakat készít."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Adminisztráció"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Összes szöveg"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Adminisztrátori szövegek"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operátori szövegek"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Látogatói beszélgetések"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mutat:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Kulcs"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Forrás nyelv"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Rendezés:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "A felhasználó gépel..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Jelenlegi verzió:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Biztonságos (SSL) kapcsolat szerkesztése"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Részleg/csoport választás engedélyezése"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Engedélyezi az ügyfeleknek a névváltoztatást"
+msgid "Application path is {0}"
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás útvonala {0}"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Biztosan törli a {0} címet a tiltólistából?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Biztos benne, hogy törölni akarja \"{0}\" operátort?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Biztos, hogy törölni akarja a \"{0}\" csoportot?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél e-mail címe"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Tegye fel kérdését"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Átlagos üzenetek hossza (karakter)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Nincs a gép előtt"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "Vissza a bejelentkezéshez"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Vissza..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Kitiltottak listája"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Ügyfél tiltása"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Cím tiltása"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Tiltott látogatók"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Böngésző"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "HTML kód létrehozása"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Gomb HTML kód létrehozása."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Gomb kód"
+msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
+msgstr "Ez lelassíthatja a lista automatikus frissítését"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Tárolt üzenetek"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Nem futtatható:"
+msgid "Cannot read file {0}"
+msgstr "Nem olvasható a {0} fájl"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "Változtat"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Nyelv beállítása."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Név módosítása"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Operátor váltása"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Az operátor jogainak megváltoztatása."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Megváltoztatja a Mibew jelszavát"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "A változtatások elmentve"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Beszélgetések"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Beszélgetések előzményei"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés naplója"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés frissítése"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Témák előnézete"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Beszélgetések"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés ablak (operátornak)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés ablak (ügyfélnek)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Üzenetküldő ablak stílusa"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Frissítések és hírek keresése."
+msgid "Checksum differs for {0}"
+msgstr "Az ellenőrzés különbözik {0}"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Részleg választása:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Válassza ki a csoportokat az operátorok képességeinek megfelelően."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Kép kiválasztása"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Stílus kiválasztása"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Sablon kiválasztása"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Válassza ki a profilképet. A kép mérete nem lehet nagyobb, mint 100x100 pixel."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Nyelv kiválasztása"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Válasszon:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Kattintson erre a linkre az ablak bezárásához"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Kattintson, ha beszélni szeretne az ügyféllel"
+msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
+msgstr "Ellenőrizze a hangokat: {0} és {1}"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Kattintson az ablak bezárásához"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Bezárás"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés bezárása"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Bezárás..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Bezárva"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Csoport kiválasztása"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Nyelv kiválasztása"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Kommentek"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "A cég elnevezése"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "Kompatibilitás a mod_security -vel (, csak akkor kapcsolja be, ha problémát okoz"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Kész:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Az új jelszó még egyszer."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Jelszó újra"
+msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
+msgstr "Gratulálunk! A Mibew Messenger {1} sikeresen fel lett telepítve. A részleteket beállíthatja a Kiegészítő szolgáltatások oldalon."
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Javítsa ki a következő hibát (hibákat):"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Nem lehet csatlakozni, kérem ellenőrizze a szerver beállításait a config.php -ban. Hiba: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "\"{0}\" adatbázis létrehozása"
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Új csoport létrehozása..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Itt lehet csoportokat létrehozni."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Céges operátor létrehozása, törlése. Jogok kezelése."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "A szükséges táblák létrehozása."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Jelenlegi profilkép"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "\"{0}\" adatbázis létrehozva."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Dátum"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Napok"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Törlés"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Operátor csoportok részleg vagy szakértelem szerint."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Leírás"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Leírás magyarul."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "A csoport leírása."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Ahová a cég nevének és a logójának a linkje mutat"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Irány:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Meglévő táblák törlése az adatbázisból"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Minden IP egy link megnyitása lesz egy új ablakban. Az {ip} helyére valódi ip kerül."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Üzenet szerkesztése"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Meglévő üzenet szerkesztése."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Az operátor beállításainak szerkesztése."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Gyakori üzenetek szerkesztése."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "E-mail:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "\"Csoportok\" engedélyezése"
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Engedélyezze az \"Új ügyfél várakozik a válaszra\" felugró ablakot."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "\"Beszélgetés előtti felmérés\" engedélyezése"
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "\"Statisztika\" engedélyezése"
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Engedélyezze a \"Veszélyes látogatók\" modult"
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Bevitel"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Írjon be új jelszót, vagy hagyja üresen a jelenlegi megtartásához."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Adja meg az E-mail címet"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Adja meg az e-mail címét, hogy megkapja a rendszerüzeneteket"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Kérem adja meg a cég logójának http címét"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Írja be a cégének a nevét"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "E-mail címe:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Írja be a fordítást."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "A felhasználónév vagy a jelszó hibás"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "A beírt két jelszó nem egyezik"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Környezet:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Hiba"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Hiba a fájl mozgatásakor"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "A hiba oka:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Hiba a fájl feltöltésekor \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Hiba ablak"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Például: vagy"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Példa"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Kilépés"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Bekapcsolt szolgáltatások"
+msgid "File is absent: {0}"
+msgstr "A fájl: {0} hiányzik"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Kövesse az varázslót az adatbázis beállításához."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Csoportnak:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Nyelv:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Értesítések és jelszó visszaállítás céljára."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Biztonságos kapcsolat kényszerítése minden beszélgetéshez"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Az ügyfeleknek kötelező beírni ellenőrző kódot, amikor üzenetet hagynak"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Az ügyfélnek meg kell adnia bizonyos adatokat a beszélgetés előtt."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Elfelejtette a jelszavát?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Találtam 0 elemet"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Erről az oldalról különböző statisztikákat lehet készíteni a használatról."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Ettől:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Operátorok teljes listája:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Az oldal operátorai által elérhető funkciók."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Általános"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Geolocation ablak beállításai"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Kereséshez"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Csoport"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Csoport részletei"
+msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
+msgstr "A Csoport e-mail címe az értesítéseknek. Maradjon üresen az alapértelmezett e-mail használatához."
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Csoport:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Csoportok"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Látogató"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML kód"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Üdvözlöm! Miben segíthetek?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Itt tudja blokkolni a veszélyes ügyfeleket akik Spam üzenetekkel zavarják a munkáját."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Itt tud védekezni a rosszindulatú ügyfelektől."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Menü elrejtése >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Főoldal"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Az ügyfelek azonosítóját meghatározó string {name}, {id} vagy {addr}. Az alapértelmezett: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Ha nem tetszik a jelenlegi fordítás, kérem küldjön frissítést."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Lehetetlen frissíteni a táblákat. Próbálja meg kézzel vagy hozza létre újra az összes táblát (figyelem: az összes adata törlődik)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Beszélgetésben"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "Sorban"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Tartalmazza-e a kiszolgáló nevét a kód"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Információ: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Indító kérdés:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installálás"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Telepített nyelvek:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Frissítések és hírek."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "Insufficient file permissions {0}"
+msgstr "Nem megfelelő fájl jogosultságok {0}"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Nemzetközi leírás"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Nemzetközi név"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Nemzetközi név (Latin)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Érvénytelen fájltípus"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Kulcs"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Nyelv"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Utoljára aktív"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Utolsó verzió:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Hagyjon üzenetet ablak"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Hagyjon üzenetet"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licenc"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Külső geolocation service-re mutató hivatkozás"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "A kitiltott IP címek listája:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "A támogatott böngészők listája"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Várakozó ügyfelek listája"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Élő ügyfélszolgálat"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Betöltés"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Lokalizáció"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Kijelentkezés."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Bejelentkezés"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "A név csak kis latin betűket és aláhúzást tartalmazhat."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "Felhasználónév vagy E-mail:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "A név csak karaktereket, számokat és aláhúzást tartalmazhat."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "Jelentkezzen be az új jelszóval."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Felhasználónév:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés elküldése ablak"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Menü"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Szálak maximális száma egy címről"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Tagok"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Üzenet"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Üzenetek"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Üzenetek az operátoroktól"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Üzenetek a látogatóktól"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Az üzenetküldő beállításai"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Frissítések és hírek."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew üzenetküldő"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "A Mibew üzenetküldő egy nyílt forráskódú ügyfélszolgálati alkalmazás."
+msgid "Mibew package is valid."
+msgstr "A Mibew telepítőcsomag érvényes."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Egyéb"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Módosítás"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Név"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Név magyarul."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Például a cég neve."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Név a csoport azonosításához."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Név:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Soha"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Új Üzenet"
+msgid "New Visitor"
+msgstr "Új Ügyfél"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Hírek:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Következő lépés:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Nincs elem"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Nincs ilyen operátor"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Nincs ilyen csoport"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Nincs ilyen üzenet"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Nem, ablak bezárása"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Nincs elég adat"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Napja blokkolva"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "OFFLINE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ONLINE"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "Régebbi böngészőknél az egész oldalt kell újratölteni, hogy megkapják az üzeneteket. Az alapérték 7 mp."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Ezen az oldalon tudja szerkeszteni a csoport részleteit."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Elérhető"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operátor"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "A(z) {0} operátor átváltott a(z) {1} operátorra"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Operátor tulajdonságai"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Operátor csoportok"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Az operátor mennyi ideig legyen online"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "{0} operátor visszajött"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "{0} operátor csatlakozott a beszélgetéshez"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "{0} operátor elhagyta a beszélgetést"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "{0} operátor átirányította egy másik operátorhoz, kérem várjon"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "Az operátor konzolok frissítési ideje"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operátor:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Operátorok"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Operátorok listája"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Kiegészítő szolgáltatások"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Egyéb"
+msgid "PHP version {0}"
+msgstr "PHP verzió {0}"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Oldal frissítési ideje a régi böngészőknél"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "{0} oldal a {1}, {2}-{3} a {4} -ból"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Jelszó"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "Jelszó visszaállítása"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Jelszó:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Teljesítmény"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Jogok"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Fotó"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "Válasszon egy jelszót a Mibew felhasználói fiókjához."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Kérem válasszon másik nevet, ilyen nevű operátor már regisztrálva van."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Kérem válasszon másik nevet, ilyen nevű csoport már létezik."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Kérem adja meg a cég nevét"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Kérem adja meg a nevét és jelszavát az adminisztrációs eszközök eléréséhez, az ügyfelek és az előzmények megtekintéséhez."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "\"{0}\" nincs pontosan kitöltve."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "\"{0}\" nincs kitöltve."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Vegye figyelembe, hogy ehhez a kiszolgálónak támogatnia kell a https kapcsolatokat."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Futtassa a Frissítés varázslót az adatbázis beállításához."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Kérem frissítse a böngészőjét"
+msgid "Please, re-upload files to the server."
+msgstr "Kérem, újra töltse fel a fájlokat a szerverre."
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Powered by:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés előtti felmérés"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Elsőbbségben lévő ügyfelek listája"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Hiba"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "Tovább a bejelentkezéshez"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Tovább a bejelentkező oldalra"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Védelem az automatikusan küldött spam ellen (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Tiltás oka"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Átirányítás
másik operátorhoz"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél átirányítása másik operátorhoz"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Átirányítás másik operátorhoz ablak"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Frissítés"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Megjegyzés"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "A felhasználó gépel..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Profilkép eltávolítása"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "A szükséges táblák létrehozva."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "Jelszó beállítása"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Javítsa ki a hibát és próbálja újra. Nyomja meg a vissza gombot, hogy visszatérjen a varázslóhoz."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Mentés"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Elmentve"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Keresés"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Keresés az előzményekben egy ügyfélre vagy az üzenet egy részére."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Keresés a korábbi beszélgetésekben."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Üzenetküldő ablak stílusa"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Válasz kiválasztása..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Dátumok kiválasztása"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Küldés"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Elküld {{0}}"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "A beszélgetés elküldése e-mailben"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "A beszélgetés elküldése
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Üzenet küldése"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Az üzenet elküldése:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Elküldve"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Beállítás \"Elérhető\" státuszba"
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Beállítás \"Nincs a gépnél\" státuszba"
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Állítsa be hány mp-ig legyen az operátor online. Az alapértelmezés 30 mp."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Beállítások"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Csak a https kapcsolaton keresztül érkezett beszélgetések mutassa"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Hibák mutatása"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Mutassa az Indító kérdés mezőt"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Menü megjelenítése>>"
+msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
+msgstr "Mutassa az elérhető operátorokat a \"Várakozó ügyfelek listája\" oldalon"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mutatja vagy elrejti a részleg választás mezőt"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mutassa vagy rejtse el ezt a mezőt"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mutassa vagy rejtse el az Indító kérdés mezőt"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Mutat:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Egyszerű beszélgetés ablak, Elküld gombbal (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Oldal tanácsadó"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Oldal stílusa"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Egy kis ablak megjelenik, hogy felhívja a figyelmet."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Szoftver licenc szerződés"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Sajnos most nincs elérhető operátor. Kérem próbálja később vagy küldje el kérdését az alábbi űrlapon."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Rendezés:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Forrás nyelv"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Részletes lehetőségek, amik csevegés-ablakra és a rendszer viselkedésére vonatkoznak."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Adja meg a frissítési időt másodpercben. Az alapérték 2 mp."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés indítása"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Státusz"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statisztika"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Adminisztrátori szövegek"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Operátori szövegek"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Látogatói beszélgetések"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "A táblák struktúráját változtatni kell az üzenetküldő új verziójához."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Elküld"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Rendszer adminisztráció: beállítások, operátorok kezelése, gomb létrehozása"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "A táblák szerkezete megfelelő."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "A beszélgetés átvétele"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy megkeresett bennünket! Kollégánk nemsokára felveszi önnel a kapcsolatot..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy megkeresett bennünket! A megfelelő tájékoztatás érdekében kérjük töltse ki az adatokat, és kattintson a Beszélgetés indítása gombra."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy igénybe vette szolgálásunkat. Kérdésére e-mailben válaszolunk amint lehetséges."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Az adatbázis nem található a szerveren. Ha van jogosultsága most létrehozni, kattintson a következő linkre."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "A betűk nem egyeznek a képen látható betűkkel."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Nincs várakozó ügyfél"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "A megadott cím már használatban van, kattintson ide ha szerkeszteni akarja."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél megváltoztatta a nevét {0} -ról {1} -ra"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Az ügyfél elsőbbséget élvez a(z) {0} csoportnál."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Az ügyfél elsőbbséget élvez {0} operátornál."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél át lett irányítva másik operátorhoz"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Sok böngészőből lehet választani. Melyiket ajánlja?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Ezt a nevet fogják látni az ügyfelek."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Ez az oldal az operátorok teljes listáját mutatja."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Ez az oldal mutatja a csoportok listáját. Mindegyik csoportnak lehet külön gombja és előre tárolt válaszai."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Ez az oldal a várakozó ügyfelek listáját mutatja."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Ez az oldal a beszélgetés részleteit és a tartalmát mutatja."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Operátorok szálai"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Tiltás"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Eddig:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Idő"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "A beszélgetés ablak címsora"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Hogy válaszoljon az ügyfélnek, kattintson a nevére a listában."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Ma {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Összes idő"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Összesen:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Fordítás"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Fordítási varázsló"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "Baj van a Bejelentkezéssel?"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Ha üresen marad, akkor elrejti a szerkesztő gombot a beszélgető ablakban"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "Az Ön weboldalának címe"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Táblák frissitése"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Frissítések"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Profilkép feltöltése"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Fotó feltöltése"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "A feltöltött fájl mérete nagyobb mint a megengedett"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Statisztikai adatok minden napról"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Arra való, hogy különböző kérdésekre legyenek elkülönített válaszok."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Biztonságos kapcsolat használata (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Felhasználónév vagy üzenet keresése:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Ezt a modult használva megadott IP címeket tud blokkolni"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés ablak (operátornak csak olvasható módban)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Tagok listája és szerkesztése."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Másik operátor beszélgetéseinek megnézése"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Előzmények"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Az ügyfélnek{0}már segít {1}.
Biztos vagy benne, hogy beszélni akarsz az ügyféllel?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél bezárta az üzenet ablakot"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél visszalépett a beszélgetésbe"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél megnyitotta a {0} oldalt"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél {0} kilépett a beszélgetésből"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Látogatók címei"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Ügyfelek címe"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Ügyfelek azonosítója"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Ügyfél üzenetei"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Ügyfelek"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Ügyfelek beszélgetésben"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Az ügyfél a {0} oldalról jött"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Először várakoznak operátorra"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Várakozás az operátorra"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Várakozási idő"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Beszélgetés figyelése"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "Elküldtük a tájékoztatást az e-mail címére. Kérjük ellenőrizze!"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Az ablak mérete és az eszköztárak elrejtése"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Igen, biztos vagyok benne"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Tegnap {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Az Ön azonosítója:"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "Most Ön nem elérhető.
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Ügyfél neve:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Kapcsolódott a MySQL szerverhez, verzó {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága ennek a profilnak a módosításához."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Nem beszélget ügyféllel."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Jelenlegi verzió:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Az Ön azonosítója -> {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "A személyes információkat tudja megváltoztatni ezen az oldalon."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Itt tud új operátort létrehozni."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Itt találja a várakozó ügyfeleket."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Itt találja az ügyfelekkel folytatott beszélgetéseket."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Itt tudja létrehozni azt a HTML kódot, amit a weboldalába kell illeszteni."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Bejelentkezhet admin felhasználónévvel, jelszó nélkül.
!!! Biztonsági okokból kérem változtassa meg a jelszavát és távolítsa el a {0} mappát a szerverről."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Csak JPG, GIF, PNG vagy TIF formátumú képeket lehet feltölteni."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Itt láthatóak részletesen azok a témák, amik telepítve vannak."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "Nem tudjuk elküldeni a jelszavát, de beállíthat egy újat, ha követi az e-mailben elküldött hivatkozást."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Hibás dátum intervallum választás"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Megnyitotta ezt az ablakot \"{0}\" szálban a Cím mező már ki van töltve. Válassza ki a napok számát és kattintson a Küldésre."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Profilképe."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "A cég logója"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "E-mail címe"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Az üzenet elküldve"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Név"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Az operátornál probléma van a kapcsolatban, ideiglenesen átváltottunk háttérben küldésre. Elnézését kérjük."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "A jelszava megváltozott!"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "A munkamenet lejárt, jelentkezzen be újra"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Fordítás elmentve."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "A böngészőjét nem teljesen támogatja a Mibew Messenger. \nKérem, használja a következő böngészők egyikét: \n"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "szerkesztés"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "kötelező mező"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "következő"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "előző"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "eltávolítás"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "menü nélkül"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/id/translation.po b/translations/id/translation.po
index 4880ed6e..dff3d4e8 100644
--- a/translations/id/translation.po
+++ b/translations/id/translation.po
@@ -1,980 +1,906 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Membuat, menghapus operator perusahaan. Mengatur hak akses mereka."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Tombol pembuatan kode HTML."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Pilihan spesifik yang mempengaruhi jendela obrolan dan perilaku sistem umum."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Fungsi tersedia untuk operator situs."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Sesi Anda kadaluarsa silahkan login lagi"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger merupakan open-source aplikasi live support."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Alamat yang ditentukan sudah digunakan, klik sini jika Anda ingin mengeditnya."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Hapus"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Masukkan"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Tinggalkan pesan Anda"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Konsultan situs"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "OFFLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ajukan pertanyaan Anda"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Konsultan situs"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Simpan"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cari"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "hapus"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "edit"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Modifikasi"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Tambahkan pesan ..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Edit pesan yang Anda sering diketik dalam obrolan."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Untuk kelompok:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Untuk bahasa:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Pesan Rekaman"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Edit pesan yang ada."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Tersimpan"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Pesan"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Tidak ada pesan seperti"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Edit Pesan"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Tambahkan pesan baru."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Pesan Baru"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(pergi)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(online)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Vistor berasal dari halaman {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Ganti nama"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Anda"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam]"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pengunjung navigasikan ke {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Pengunjung"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Tutup ..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Kesalahan terjadi:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Error"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Tutup ..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Klik link ini untuk menutup jendela"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Riwayat obrolan Anda telah dikirim pada alamat {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Terkirim"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Kembali ..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Anda tidak mengobrol dengan pengunjung."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Pilih:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Group:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operator:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Alihkan kepada
operator lain"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Tutup ..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Klik untuk menutup jendela"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "pengunjung ditempatkan dalam antrian priorty dari operator {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "pengunjung ditempatkan dalam antrian prioritas kelompok {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "pengunjung dialihkan ke operator lain"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operator {0} ganti operator {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Operator memiliki masalah koneksi, kami sementara memindahkan anda ke antrian selanjutnya. Maaf membuat Anda menunggu."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operator {0} bergabung dengan obrolan"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operator {0} meninggalkan obrolan"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Operator {0} mengalihkan Anda ke operator lain, silakan tunggu sebentar"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operator {0} sudah kembali"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Pengunjung mengubah nama {0} ke {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Pengunjung menutup jendela obrolan"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Pengunjung {0} meninggalkan obrolan"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Pengunjung bergabung ke obrolan lagi"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Dalam obrolan"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Tertutup"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Loading"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Dalam antrian"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Menunggu operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami. Seorang operator akan segera bersama Anda..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Anda mengobrol dengan:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Tutup obrolan"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr " Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Pilih jawaban ..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger "
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Kirim pesan"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Kirim ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Kirim riwayat obrolan melalui e-mail"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Alihkan pengunjung ke operator lain"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Refresh"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Untuk menjawab klik pengunjung pada namanya dalam daftar."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan daftar tunggu pengunjung."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Daftar pengunjung menunggu kosong"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pengunjung dalam dialog"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Prioritas antrian pengunjung"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Menunggu operator untuk pertama kalinya"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Daftar menunggu pengunjung"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "wajib diisi"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Ubah operator"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Pengunjung {0} telah dibantu oleh {1}.
Apakah Anda benar-benar yakin ingin memulai chatting pengunjung?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tidak, menutup jendela"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Ya, saya yakin"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat bertahan dari pengunjung yang berbahaya."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Cari riwayat dialog."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Log out dari sistem."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Perubahan disimpan"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ada begitu banyak browser yang dapat dipilih. Mana yang Anda rekomendasikan?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Halo, bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Huruf-huruf yang Anda ketik tidak cocok dengan huruf yang ditampilkan dalam gambar."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Error upload file \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Error memindahkan file"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "ukuran file upload melebihi batas"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Perbaiki kesalahan:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Jenis file tidak valid"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Silakan mengisi \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Silakan mengisi \"{0}\" dengan benar."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Fitur diaktifkan"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Misal: atau"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Alamat Pengunjung"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Nama ini akan dilihat oleh pengunjung Anda."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Nama International (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Nama ini akan dilihat oleh pengunjung Anda."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nama"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "gambar avatar Anda."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "gambar avatar saat ini"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Pilih file avatar untuk diupload.
Ukuran gambar tidak boleh lebih dari 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Upload avatar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Alasan blokir"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Komentar"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Jumlah hari alamat ini akan diblokir"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Hari"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "email Anda"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "deskripsi Internasional"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Nama dalam bahasa Inggris."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "nama Internasional"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Deskripsi kelompok."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Keterangan"
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "Grup email untuk pemberitahuan. Biarkan kosong untuk menggunakan alamat default."
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Nama untuk mengidentifikasi kelompok."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Nama"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Login dapat terdiri dari huruf Latin kecil dan garis bawah."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Untuk pemberitahuan dan pengambilan sandi."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Pesan"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nama Anda"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Masukkan sandi baru atau tinggalkan kosong untuk menjaga sandi sebelumnya."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Sandi"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Konfirmasi kata sandi baru."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Konfirmasi"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Terjemahan"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Tidak dapat menjalankan:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jalur aplikasi yaitu {0}"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "paket Mibew berlaku."
-msgid "install.0.php"
-msgstr "PHP versi {0}"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Anda terhubung ke server MySQL versi {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Membuat database \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Database \"{0}\" dibuat."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Database tidak ditemukan di server. Jika Anda memiliki izin untuk menciptakannya sekarang, klik pada link berikut."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Buat tabel yang diperlukan."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "tabel dibutuhkan telah dibuat."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Update tabel"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Tabel struktur up to date."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Struktur dari tabel Anda harus disesuaikan untuk versi baru dari Messenger."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "Pesan Baru"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "Pengunjung Baru"
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "Klik untuk memeriksa suara: {0} dan {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "Checksum berbeda untuk {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "Tidak dapat membaca file {0}"
-msgid "install.check_files"
-msgstr "Tolong, re-upload file ke server."
-msgid "install.check_permissions"
-msgstr "Hak akses file kurang {0}"
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Tidak dapat terhubung, silahkan cek setting server di config.php. Error: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Lengkap:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Atasi masalah dan coba lagi. Tekan kembali untuk kembali ke wizard."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Masalah"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Mustahil untuk memperbarui struktur tabel. Cobalah untuk melakukannya secara manual atau membuat ulang semua tabel (peringatan: semua data Anda akan hilang)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Drop table yang ada dari database"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Lisensi Perjanjian Perangkat Lunak"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Ikuti wizard untuk konfigurasi database Anda."
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "Selamat! Mibew Messenger {1} Anda telah terinstal. Aktifkan fitur lebih lanjut tentang halaman layanan Opsional."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Langkah berikutnya:"
-msgid "install.no_file"
-msgstr "Berkas tidak ada: {0}"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Instalasi"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Tolong, jalankan wizard Update untuk menyesuaikan database Anda."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Lanjutkan ke halaman login"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Aplikasi berhasil diinstal."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Anda bisa logon sebagai admin dengan sandi kosong.
! Untuk alasan keamanan, harap mengubah sandi Anda segera dan menghapus folder {0} dari server Anda."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Pilih bahasa Anda"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Tutup"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada operator yang tersedia pada saat ini. Silakan, coba lagi nanti atau tanyakan pertanyaan Anda di formulir ini."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Kirim"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan layanan kami. Kami akan menjawab Anda melalui surat sesegera mungkin."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Pesan Anda dikirim"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Tinggalkan pesan Anda"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Tombol kode"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Pengaturan"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Lisensi"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Tutup ..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Masukkan e-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Kirim"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Kirim riwayat
obrolan dengan mail"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "daftar Operator"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "diblok pengunjung"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Rekaman Pesan"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "Anda sedang Offline.
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Departemen atau kelompok operator berdasarkan keahlian."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Grup"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Mengubah lokal."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Bahasa"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Utama"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Anda adalah {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Anda dapat mengubah informasi pribadi anda pada halaman ini."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profile"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "lokalisasi"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Periksa berita dan update."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Pembaruan"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Sandi yang dimasukkan tidak cocok"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Tidak ada operator seperti"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<tidak ada description>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Pilih kelompok sesuai dengan keahlian operator."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Kelompok operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Browser"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grup"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Alamat pengunjung"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pesan pengunjung"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nama"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Waktu dalam obrolan"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan riwayat obrolan pengunjung Anda di sini."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Kunjungi riwayat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tutup ..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr " browser web Anda tidak sepenuhnya didukung oleh Messenger Mibew. \nHarap, gunakan salah satu browser web berikut:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Harap gunakan browser yang lebih baru"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Kode untuk kelompok"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Pilih gambar"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Kode untuk bahasa"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "obrolan window style"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Perhatian! Harap jangan mengubah kode
secara manual karena
kami tidak menjamin bahwa
itu akan bekerja!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML code"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-semua operator-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Masukkan nama host ke dalam kode"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Anda dapat menghasilkan kode HTML untuk ditempatkan di situs Anda di sini."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Kompatibilitas dengan mod_security (, nyalakan hanya jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan itu"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Contoh"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Gunakan link aman (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Tombol penghasil kode HTML"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat membuat grup baru."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Silahkan pilih nama lain, karena kelompok dengan nama yang dimasukkan sudah ada."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pada halaman ini Anda dapat mengedit rincian grup."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tidak ada kelompok seperti"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Group rincian"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Lihat dan edit daftar anggota."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Anggota"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus grup \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan daftar kelompok di perusahaan Anda. Masing-masing kelompok dapat memiliki tombol terpisah dan tanggapan rekaman."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Away"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Buat grup baru ..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grup"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "obrolan window (operator-mode)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Lihat jendela obrolan (operator dalam mode readonly)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Jendela obrolan simple, refresh untuk memposting pesan (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Pilih gaya"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Pilih template"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Kesalahan jendela"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Dari sini Anda dapat melihat daftar tema Anda yang telah diinstal saat ini."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Tinggalkan jendela pesan"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "Jendela \"Pesan dikirim\""
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Mail thread jendela"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "Jendela \"Surat dikirim\""
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Daftar jendela browser yang didukung"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Pengunjung redirect ke jendela operator lain"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "Jendela jendela \"Pengunjung yang dialihkan\""
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Pesan error"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-dari pengaturan umum-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Pra-obrolan Survei"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Gaya situs"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Jendela obrolan (user-mode)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Jika Anda tidak menyukai terjemahan, silahkan kirim pembaruan."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "terjemahan Anda akan disimpan."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Masukkan terjemahan Anda."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Lokalisasi wizard"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengubah profil orang ini."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Hapus avatar"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat membuat operator baru."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Silakan memilih login yang lain, karena operator dengan login yang dimasukkan sudah terdaftar dalam sistem."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Login seharusnya hanya berisi karakter latin, angka dan garis bawah simbol."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Edit pengaturan operator umum."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Foto"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grup"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Umum"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Permissions"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Operator rincian"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nama"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Daftar Lengkap dari operator:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus operator \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan daftar operator perusahaan."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Away"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Tambahkan operator ..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Terakhir aktif"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nama pengguna atau cari pesan teks:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Riwayat obrolan"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Anda dapat meng-upload foto Anda hanya dalam JPG, GIF, PNG atau file TIF gambar."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Upload foto"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat memblokir pengunjung berbahaya yang mempengaruhi Anda bekerja dengan pesan spam."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Alamat {0} akan diblokir selama jumlah hari yang ditentukan."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Anda membuka jendela ini untuk thread \"{0}\", Alamat field sudah terisi. Pilih jumlah hari dan klik Kirim."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Blok alamat"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Tambahkan alamat"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus alamat {0} dari daftar diblokir?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Daftar IP dilarang:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Daftar Ban"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sampai"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan menunggu pengunjung."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Umum"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Anggota"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "login / sandi yang dimasukkan salah"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Harap masukkan username dan sandi untuk mengakses alat-alat administratif, melihat pengunjung Anda dan menelusuri riwayat."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Login:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Sandi:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Ingat"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Cari riwayat obrolan pengguna tertentu atau frase tertentu dalam pesan."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Penentuan pilihan mempengaruhi jendela obrolan dan perilaku sistem umum."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Opsional Layanan"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Umum"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kinerja"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tema pratayang"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sembunyikan menu >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tampilkan menu >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "pengunjung baru sedang menunggu jawaban."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Set status \"Away\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Set status \"Tersedia\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Ban pengunjung"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "alamat pengunjung"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Misc"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nama"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Negara"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total waktu"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Menunggu waktu"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Klik untuk chatting dengan pengunjung"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Lihat obrolan"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Sistem administrasi: pengaturan, operator manajemen, generasi tombol"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Kemampuan untuk memodifikasi profil"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Mengambil alih thread obrolan"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Lihat operator lain thread obrolan"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Ubah pembatasan dan fitur yang tersedia untuk operator ini."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Ijin"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Pilih Departemen:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami! Untuk lebih melayani Anda, silahkan mengisi formulir di bawah ini dan klik tombol Memulai Obrolan."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nama:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Pertanyaan Awal:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Mulai Obrolan"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "dukungan Live"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Tanggal"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "thread Obrolan"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Pesan dari operator"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Pesan dari pengunjung"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr " Statistik penggunaan untuk tanggal masing-masing"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operator"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Thread Obrolan"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Pesan"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "panjang pesan rata-rata (karakter)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Threads oleh operator"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Tidak cukup data"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Total:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "Sandi Anda telah berubah!"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "Login menggunakan sandi baru anda."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "Harap pilih sandi untuk digunakan dengan account Mibew Anda."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "Lanjutkan untuk login"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "Ubah"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Ubah sandi Mibew"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "Kembali untuk login"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Login atau E-mail:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "Anda tidak bisa mengambil kata sandi Anda, tetapi Anda bisa menetapkan yang baru dengan link berikut yang dikirimkan kepada Anda melalui email."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "Lupa sandi Anda?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "sandi pengambilan"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "Kami telah mengirimkan instruksi ke email Anda. Silakan periksa email tersebut!"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "Reset sandi"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "Masalah saat mengakses Account Anda?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Administrasi"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Utama"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Lainnya"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nama perusahaan Anda misalnya."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Judul di jendela obrolan"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Pratinjau untuk semua halaman masing-masing gaya tersedia di sini "
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Pilih style untuk Anda jendela chatting"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Masukkan judul perusahaan Anda"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Judul perusahaan"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Masukkan email untuk menerima pesan sistem"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Menggunakan itu, Anda dapat memblokir serangan dari IP tertentu"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Aktifkan fitur \"Pengunjung berbahaya\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Gunakan untuk memiliki antrian terpisah untuk pertanyaan yang berbeda."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Aktifkan \"Grup\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Paksa pengguna untuk mengisi formulir khusus untuk memulai chatting."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Aktifkan \"Pra-obrolan survey\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Harap dicatat bahwa server web Anda harus dikonfigurasi untuk mendukung permintaan https."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Izinkan koneksi aman (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Menambahkan halaman dengan laporan penggunaan messenger."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Aktifkan \"Statistik\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Tampilkan chatting hanya melalui koneksi https"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Force semua obrolan akan aman"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Tentukan interval polling dalam hitungan detik. Default adalah 2 detik."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Waktu refresh obrolan"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "browser Lama perlu me-refresh seluruh halaman untuk mendapatkan pesan. Default adalah 7 detik."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Page waktu refresh untuk browser lama"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Tentukan interval polling dalam hitungan detik. Default adalah 2 detik."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "konsol waktu refresh Operator"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Setiap IP menjadi membuka link di jendela baru. {Ip} diganti dengan ip nyata."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Link ke layanan geolocation eksternal"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Jendela ukuran dan menyembunyikan toolbar"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Geolocation jendela pilihan"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tujuan untuk nama perusahaan Anda atau link logo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL website Anda"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Perlindungan terhadap spam otomatis (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Paksa pengunjung untuk memasukkan kode verifikasi ketika meninggalkan pesan"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Masukkan alamat http logo perusahaan Anda"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Logo perusahaan Anda"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Harap masukkan judul perusahaan Anda"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 memungkinkan setiap jumlah koneksi"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Max jumlah thread dari satu alamat"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Mengatur jumlah detik untuk menunjukkan operator secara online. Default adalah 30 detik."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Operator batas waktu online"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "dialog kecil muncul untuk menarik perhatian Anda."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Aktifkan \"Popup pemberitahuan dialog dari pengunjung baru\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Perubahan disimpan"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Mengirim pesan dengan:"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators.description"
-msgstr "bisa memperlambat laju update dari daftar"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators"
-msgstr "Tampilkan operator online di \"Daftar menunggu pengunjung\" halaman"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan bidang seleksi departemen dalam survei"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Memungkinkan pengunjung untuk memilih jurusan/kelompok"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan bidang email dalam survei"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Tanyakan pengunjung e-mail"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan bidang pertanyaan awal dalam survei"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Tampilkan field awal pertanyaan"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Messenger pengaturan"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Matikan untuk menyembunyikan kotak edit dari jendela obrolan"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengubah nama mereka"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Bagaimana membangun identifikasi pengunjung dari {name},{id} atau {alm}. Default: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Pengenal pengunjung"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Masukkan alamat email yang benar"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "\"Max jumlah thread\" harus berupa angka"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Pilih tanggal"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Dari halaman ini Anda bisa menghasilkan berbagai laporan penggunaan."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "From:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Sampai:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistik"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Anda telah memilih Dari tanggal setelah Hingga tanggal"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Page {0} dari {1},{2}-{3} dari {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "berikutnya"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Tidak ada unsur-unsur"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Ditemukan 0 elemen"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "sebelumnya"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Pergi untuk mencari"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "catatan riwayat"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan rincian obrolan dan konten."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Tidak pernah"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Hari ini pada {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Kemarin jam {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Keluar"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "tanpa menu"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Pengunjung"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Arah:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "Jendela \"Pesan dikirim\""
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "Jendela jendela \"Pengunjung yang dialihkan\""
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<tidak ada description>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(pergi)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(online)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-semua operator-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-dari pengaturan umum-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 memungkinkan setiap jumlah koneksi"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Aplikasi berhasil diinstal."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Perhatian! Harap jangan mengubah kode
secara manual karena
kami tidak menjamin bahwa
itu akan bekerja!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Riwayat obrolan Anda telah dikirim pada alamat {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "pengunjung baru sedang menunggu jawaban."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Pratinjau untuk semua halaman masing-masing gaya tersedia di sini "
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Kemampuan untuk memodifikasi profil"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Tambahkan alamat"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Tambahkan pesan ..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Tambahkan pesan baru."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Tambahkan operator ..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Alamat {0} akan diblokir selama jumlah hari yang ditentukan."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Menambahkan halaman dengan laporan penggunaan messenger."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administrasi"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Semua string"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Strings untuk administrator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "String untuk operator"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "String bagi pengunjung"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tampilkan:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "kunci pengenal"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Sumber string bahasa"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Urutkan berdasarkan:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "pengguna Remote sedang mengetik ..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Anda menggunakan:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Izinkan koneksi aman (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Memungkinkan pengunjung untuk memilih jurusan/kelompok"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengubah nama mereka"
+msgid "Application path is {0}"
+msgstr "Jalur aplikasi yaitu {0}"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus alamat {0} dari daftar diblokir?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus grup \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Tanyakan pengunjung e-mail"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Ajukan pertanyaan Anda"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "panjang pesan rata-rata (karakter)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Away"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "Kembali untuk login"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Kembali ..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Daftar Ban"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Ban pengunjung"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Blok alamat"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "diblok pengunjung"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Browser"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Tombol penghasil kode HTML"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Tombol pembuatan kode HTML."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Tombol kode"
+msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
+msgstr "bisa memperlambat laju update dari daftar"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Rekaman Pesan"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat menjalankan:"
+msgid "Cannot read file {0}"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat membaca file {0}"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "Ubah"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Mengubah lokal."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Ganti nama"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Ubah operator"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Ubah pembatasan dan fitur yang tersedia untuk operator ini."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Ubah sandi Mibew"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Perubahan disimpan"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Thread Obrolan"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Riwayat obrolan"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "catatan riwayat"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Waktu refresh obrolan"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Tema pratayang"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "thread Obrolan"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "obrolan window (operator-mode)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Jendela obrolan (user-mode)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "obrolan window style"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Periksa berita dan update."
+msgid "Checksum differs for {0}"
+msgstr "Checksum berbeda untuk {0}"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Pilih Departemen:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Pilih kelompok sesuai dengan keahlian operator."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Pilih gambar"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Pilih gaya"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Pilih template"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Pilih file avatar untuk diupload.
Ukuran gambar tidak boleh lebih dari 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Pilih bahasa Anda"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Pilih:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Klik link ini untuk menutup jendela"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Klik untuk chatting dengan pengunjung"
+msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
+msgstr "Klik untuk memeriksa suara: {0} dan {1}"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Klik untuk menutup jendela"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Tutup"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Tutup obrolan"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Tutup ..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Tertutup"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Kode untuk kelompok"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Kode untuk bahasa"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Komentar"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Judul perusahaan"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "Kompatibilitas dengan mod_security (, nyalakan hanya jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan itu"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Lengkap:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Konfirmasi kata sandi baru."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Konfirmasi"
+msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
+msgstr "Selamat! Mibew Messenger {1} Anda telah terinstal. Aktifkan fitur lebih lanjut tentang halaman layanan Opsional."
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Perbaiki kesalahan:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat terhubung, silahkan cek setting server di config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Membuat database \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Buat grup baru ..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat membuat grup baru."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Membuat, menghapus operator perusahaan. Mengatur hak akses mereka."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Buat tabel yang diperlukan."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "gambar avatar saat ini"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Database \"{0}\" dibuat."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Tanggal"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Hari"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Hapus"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Departemen atau kelompok operator berdasarkan keahlian."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Keterangan"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Deskripsi kelompok."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Tujuan untuk nama perusahaan Anda atau link logo"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Arah:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Drop table yang ada dari database"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Setiap IP menjadi membuka link di jendela baru. {Ip} diganti dengan ip nyata."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Edit Pesan"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Edit pesan yang ada."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Edit pengaturan operator umum."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Edit pesan yang Anda sering diketik dalam obrolan."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Aktifkan \"Grup\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Aktifkan \"Popup pemberitahuan dialog dari pengunjung baru\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Aktifkan \"Pra-obrolan survey\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Aktifkan \"Statistik\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Aktifkan fitur \"Pengunjung berbahaya\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Masukkan"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Masukkan sandi baru atau tinggalkan kosong untuk menjaga sandi sebelumnya."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Masukkan alamat email yang benar"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Masukkan email untuk menerima pesan sistem"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Masukkan alamat http logo perusahaan Anda"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Masukkan judul perusahaan Anda"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Masukkan e-mail:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Masukkan terjemahan Anda."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "login / sandi yang dimasukkan salah"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Sandi yang dimasukkan tidak cocok"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Lingkungan:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Error"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Error memindahkan file"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Kesalahan terjadi:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Error upload file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Kesalahan jendela"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Misal: atau"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Contoh"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Keluar"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Fitur diaktifkan"
+msgid "File is absent: {0}"
+msgstr "Berkas tidak ada: {0}"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Ikuti wizard untuk konfigurasi database Anda."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Untuk kelompok:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Untuk bahasa:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Untuk pemberitahuan dan pengambilan sandi."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Force semua obrolan akan aman"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Paksa pengunjung untuk memasukkan kode verifikasi ketika meninggalkan pesan"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Paksa pengguna untuk mengisi formulir khusus untuk memulai chatting."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Lupa sandi Anda?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Ditemukan 0 elemen"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Dari halaman ini Anda bisa menghasilkan berbagai laporan penggunaan."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "From:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Daftar Lengkap dari operator:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Fungsi tersedia untuk operator situs."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Umum"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Geolocation jendela pilihan"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Pergi untuk mencari"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Grup"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Group rincian"
+msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
+msgstr "Grup email untuk pemberitahuan. Biarkan kosong untuk menggunakan alamat default."
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Group:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grup"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Pengunjung"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML code"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Halo, bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat memblokir pengunjung berbahaya yang mempengaruhi Anda bekerja dengan pesan spam."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat bertahan dari pengunjung yang berbahaya."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Sembunyikan menu >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Home"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Bagaimana membangun identifikasi pengunjung dari {name},{id} atau {alm}. Default: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Jika Anda tidak menyukai terjemahan, silahkan kirim pembaruan."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Mustahil untuk memperbarui struktur tabel. Cobalah untuk melakukannya secara manual atau membuat ulang semua tabel (peringatan: semua data Anda akan hilang)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Dalam obrolan"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "Dalam antrian"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Masukkan nama host ke dalam kode"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Pertanyaan Awal:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Instalasi"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Terpasang lokalisasi:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Messenger update."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "Insufficient file permissions {0}"
+msgstr "Hak akses file kurang {0}"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "deskripsi Internasional"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "nama Internasional"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Nama International (Latin)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Jenis file tidak valid"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "kunci pengenal"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Bahasa"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Terakhir aktif"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Versi terbaru:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Tinggalkan jendela pesan"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Tinggalkan pesan Anda"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Lisensi"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Link ke layanan geolocation eksternal"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Daftar IP dilarang:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Daftar jendela browser yang didukung"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Daftar menunggu pengunjung"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "dukungan Live"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Loading"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "lokalisasi"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Log out dari sistem."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Login"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Login dapat terdiri dari huruf Latin kecil dan garis bawah."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "Login atau E-mail:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Login seharusnya hanya berisi karakter latin, angka dan garis bawah simbol."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "Login menggunakan sandi baru anda."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Login:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Mail thread jendela"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Utama"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Max jumlah thread dari satu alamat"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Anggota"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Pesan"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Pesan"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Pesan dari operator"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Pesan dari pengunjung"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Messenger pengaturan"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Messenger update."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger "
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger merupakan open-source aplikasi live support."
+msgid "Mibew package is valid."
+msgstr "paket Mibew berlaku."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Misc"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Modifikasi"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nama"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Nama dalam bahasa Inggris."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Nama perusahaan Anda misalnya."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Nama untuk mengidentifikasi kelompok."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nama:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Tidak pernah"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Pesan Baru"
+msgid "New Visitor"
+msgstr "Pengunjung Baru"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Berita:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Langkah berikutnya:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Tidak ada unsur-unsur"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Tidak ada operator seperti"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Tidak ada kelompok seperti"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Tidak ada pesan seperti"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Tidak, menutup jendela"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Tidak cukup data"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Jumlah hari alamat ini akan diblokir"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "OFFLINE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ONLINE"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "browser Lama perlu me-refresh seluruh halaman untuk mendapatkan pesan. Default adalah 7 detik."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Pada halaman ini Anda dapat mengedit rincian grup."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Online"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operator"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operator {0} ganti operator {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Operator rincian"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Kelompok operator"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Operator batas waktu online"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operator {0} sudah kembali"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operator {0} bergabung dengan obrolan"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operator {0} meninggalkan obrolan"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Operator {0} mengalihkan Anda ke operator lain, silakan tunggu sebentar"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "konsol waktu refresh Operator"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operator:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Operator"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "daftar Operator"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Opsional Layanan"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Lainnya"
+msgid "PHP version {0}"
+msgstr "PHP versi {0}"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Page waktu refresh untuk browser lama"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Page {0} dari {1},{2}-{3} dari {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Sandi"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "sandi pengambilan"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Sandi:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Kinerja"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Ijin"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Foto"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "Harap pilih sandi untuk digunakan dengan account Mibew Anda."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Silakan memilih login yang lain, karena operator dengan login yang dimasukkan sudah terdaftar dalam sistem."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Silahkan pilih nama lain, karena kelompok dengan nama yang dimasukkan sudah ada."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Harap masukkan judul perusahaan Anda"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Harap masukkan username dan sandi untuk mengakses alat-alat administratif, melihat pengunjung Anda dan menelusuri riwayat."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Silakan mengisi \"{0}\" dengan benar."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Silakan mengisi \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Harap dicatat bahwa server web Anda harus dikonfigurasi untuk mendukung permintaan https."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Tolong, jalankan wizard Update untuk menyesuaikan database Anda."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Harap gunakan browser yang lebih baru"
+msgid "Please, re-upload files to the server."
+msgstr "Tolong, re-upload file ke server."
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr " Powered by:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Pra-obrolan Survei"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Prioritas antrian pengunjung"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Masalah"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "Lanjutkan untuk login"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Lanjutkan ke halaman login"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profile"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Perlindungan terhadap spam otomatis (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Alasan blokir"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Alihkan kepada
operator lain"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Alihkan pengunjung ke operator lain"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Pengunjung redirect ke jendela operator lain"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Refresh"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Ingat"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "pengguna Remote sedang mengetik ..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Hapus avatar"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "tabel dibutuhkan telah dibuat."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "Reset sandi"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Atasi masalah dan coba lagi. Tekan kembali untuk kembali ke wizard."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Simpan"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Tersimpan"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cari"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Cari riwayat obrolan pengguna tertentu atau frase tertentu dalam pesan."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Cari riwayat dialog."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Pilih style untuk Anda jendela chatting"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Pilih jawaban ..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Pilih tanggal"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Kirim"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Kirim ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Kirim riwayat obrolan melalui e-mail"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Kirim riwayat
obrolan dengan mail"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Kirim pesan"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Mengirim pesan dengan:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Terkirim"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Set status \"Tersedia\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Set status \"Away\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Mengatur jumlah detik untuk menunjukkan operator secara online. Default adalah 30 detik."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Pengaturan"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Tampilkan chatting hanya melalui koneksi https"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Pesan error"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Tampilkan field awal pertanyaan"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Tampilkan menu >>"
+msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
+msgstr "Tampilkan operator online di \"Daftar menunggu pengunjung\" halaman"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan bidang seleksi departemen dalam survei"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan bidang email dalam survei"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan bidang pertanyaan awal dalam survei"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Tampilkan:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Jendela obrolan simple, refresh untuk memposting pesan (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Konsultan situs"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Gaya situs"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "dialog kecil muncul untuk menarik perhatian Anda."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Lisensi Perjanjian Perangkat Lunak"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada operator yang tersedia pada saat ini. Silakan, coba lagi nanti atau tanyakan pertanyaan Anda di formulir ini."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Urutkan berdasarkan:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Sumber string bahasa"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Penentuan pilihan mempengaruhi jendela obrolan dan perilaku sistem umum."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Tentukan interval polling dalam hitungan detik. Default adalah 2 detik."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Mulai Obrolan"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Negara"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistik"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Strings untuk administrator"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "String untuk operator"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "String bagi pengunjung"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Struktur dari tabel Anda harus disesuaikan untuk versi baru dari Messenger."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Kirim"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Sistem administrasi: pengaturan, operator manajemen, generasi tombol"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Tabel struktur up to date."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Mengambil alih thread obrolan"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami. Seorang operator akan segera bersama Anda..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami! Untuk lebih melayani Anda, silahkan mengisi formulir di bawah ini dan klik tombol Memulai Obrolan."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan layanan kami. Kami akan menjawab Anda melalui surat sesegera mungkin."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Database tidak ditemukan di server. Jika Anda memiliki izin untuk menciptakannya sekarang, klik pada link berikut."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Huruf-huruf yang Anda ketik tidak cocok dengan huruf yang ditampilkan dalam gambar."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Daftar pengunjung menunggu kosong"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Alamat yang ditentukan sudah digunakan, klik sini jika Anda ingin mengeditnya."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Pengunjung mengubah nama {0} ke {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "pengunjung ditempatkan dalam antrian prioritas kelompok {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "pengunjung ditempatkan dalam antrian priorty dari operator {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "pengunjung dialihkan ke operator lain"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Ada begitu banyak browser yang dapat dipilih. Mana yang Anda rekomendasikan?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Nama ini akan dilihat oleh pengunjung Anda."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan daftar operator perusahaan."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan daftar kelompok di perusahaan Anda. Masing-masing kelompok dapat memiliki tombol terpisah dan tanggapan rekaman."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan daftar tunggu pengunjung."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Halaman ini menampilkan rincian obrolan dan konten."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Threads oleh operator"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Sampai"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Sampai:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Waktu dalam obrolan"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Judul di jendela obrolan"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Untuk menjawab klik pengunjung pada namanya dalam daftar."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Hari ini pada {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Total waktu"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Total:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Terjemahan"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Lokalisasi wizard"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "Masalah saat mengakses Account Anda?"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Matikan untuk menyembunyikan kotak edit dari jendela obrolan"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL website Anda"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Update tabel"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Pembaruan"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Upload avatar"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Upload foto"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "ukuran file upload melebihi batas"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr " Statistik penggunaan untuk tanggal masing-masing"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Gunakan untuk memiliki antrian terpisah untuk pertanyaan yang berbeda."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Gunakan link aman (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Nama pengguna atau cari pesan teks:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Menggunakan itu, Anda dapat memblokir serangan dari IP tertentu"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Lihat jendela obrolan (operator dalam mode readonly)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Lihat dan edit daftar anggota."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Lihat operator lain thread obrolan"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Kunjungi riwayat"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Pengunjung {0} telah dibantu oleh {1}.
Apakah Anda benar-benar yakin ingin memulai chatting pengunjung?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Pengunjung menutup jendela obrolan"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Pengunjung bergabung ke obrolan lagi"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Pengunjung navigasikan ke {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Pengunjung {0} meninggalkan obrolan"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Alamat Pengunjung"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "alamat pengunjung"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Pengenal pengunjung"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Pesan pengunjung"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Pengunjung"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Pengunjung dalam dialog"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Vistor berasal dari halaman {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Menunggu operator untuk pertama kalinya"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Menunggu operator"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Menunggu waktu"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Lihat obrolan"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "Kami telah mengirimkan instruksi ke email Anda. Silakan periksa email tersebut!"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Jendela ukuran dan menyembunyikan toolbar"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Ya, saya yakin"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Kemarin jam {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Anda"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "Anda sedang Offline.
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Anda mengobrol dengan:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Anda terhubung ke server MySQL versi {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengubah profil orang ini."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Anda tidak mengobrol dengan pengunjung."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Anda menggunakan:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Anda adalah {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Anda dapat mengubah informasi pribadi anda pada halaman ini."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat membuat operator baru."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan menunggu pengunjung."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan riwayat obrolan pengunjung Anda di sini."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Anda dapat menghasilkan kode HTML untuk ditempatkan di situs Anda di sini."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Anda bisa logon sebagai admin dengan sandi kosong.
! Untuk alasan keamanan, harap mengubah sandi Anda segera dan menghapus folder {0} dari server Anda."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Anda dapat meng-upload foto Anda hanya dalam JPG, GIF, PNG atau file TIF gambar."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Dari sini Anda dapat melihat daftar tema Anda yang telah diinstal saat ini."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "Anda tidak bisa mengambil kata sandi Anda, tetapi Anda bisa menetapkan yang baru dengan link berikut yang dikirimkan kepada Anda melalui email."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Anda telah memilih Dari tanggal setelah Hingga tanggal"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Anda membuka jendela ini untuk thread \"{0}\", Alamat field sudah terisi. Pilih jumlah hari dan klik Kirim."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "gambar avatar Anda."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Logo perusahaan Anda"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "email Anda"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Pesan Anda dikirim"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Nama Anda"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Operator memiliki masalah koneksi, kami sementara memindahkan anda ke antrian selanjutnya. Maaf membuat Anda menunggu."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "Sandi Anda telah berubah!"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Sesi Anda kadaluarsa silahkan login lagi"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "terjemahan Anda akan disimpan."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr " browser web Anda tidak sepenuhnya didukung oleh Messenger Mibew. \nHarap, gunakan salah satu browser web berikut:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam]"
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "edit"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "wajib diisi"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "berikutnya"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "sebelumnya"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "hapus"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "tanpa menu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/it/translation.po b/translations/it/translation.po
index ac9e3489..16e80fe2 100644
--- a/translations/it/translation.po
+++ b/translations/it/translation.po
@@ -1,980 +1,906 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Crea, cancella operatori. Gestisci permessi."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Generazione del codice HTML per il bottone."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Specifica le opzioni che interessano la finestra di chat e il comportamento del sistema."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funzioni disponibili per gli operatori."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "La tua sessione è scaduta, riesegui il login"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger è un'applicazione open-source per l'assistenza in tempo reale."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "L'indirizzo specificato è già in uso, clicca qui se vuoi modificarlo."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Cancella"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Entra"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Lascia un messaggio"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Consulente"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "ASSENTE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "La tua domanda"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Consulente"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Salva"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cerca"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "rimuovi"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "modifica"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Modifica"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Aggiungi messaggio..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Modifica i messaggi che frequentemente scrivi in chat."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Per gruppo:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Per lingua:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Messaggi predefiniti"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Modifica un messaggio esistente."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Salvato"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Messaggio"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Nessun messaggio del tipo"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Modifica Messaggio"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Aggiungi un nuovo messaggio."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Nuovo Messaggio"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(assente)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(online)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Il visitatore proviene dalla pagina {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Cambia nome"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Utente"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Il visitatore è giunto a {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Visitatore"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Chiudi..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Errore incontrato:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Errore"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Chiudi..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Clicca su questo link per chiudere la finestra"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Lo storico della tua chat è stato inviato al seguente indirizzo {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Inviato"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Indietro..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Al momento non stai comunicando con alcun visitatore."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Scegli:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppo:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operatore:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Trasferisci
ad un altro operatore"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Chiudi..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Clicca per chiudere la finestra"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Il visitatore si trova nella coda di priorità dell'operatore {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Il visitatore è stato inserito nella coda di priorità del gruppo {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Il visitatore è stato assegnato ad un altro operatore"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "L'operatore {0} è cambiato nell'operatore {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "L'operatore ha problemi di connessione, ti abbiamo temporaneamente spostato in testa alla coda. Siamo spiacenti per l'attesa."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "L'operatore {0} ha effettuato l'accesso"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "L'operatore {0} ha abbandonato la chat"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "L'operatore {0} è stato reindirizzato ad un altro operatore, attendi"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "L'operatore {0} è tornato"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Il visitatore ha cambiato il nome da {0} a {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Il visitatore ha chiuso la chat"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Il visitatore {0} ha abbandonato la chat"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Il visitatore ha effettuato nuovamente l'ingresso"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "In chat"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Chiusa"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Avvio"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "In coda"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "In attesa di un operatore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Grazie per averci contattato. Un operatore risponderà a breve..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Stai chattando con:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Chiudi la chat"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Scegli la risposta..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Invia Messaggio"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Invia ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Invia tutta la discussione tramite e-mail"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Redireziona il visitatore ad un altro operatore"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Aggiorna"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Per rispondere ad un visitatore clicca sul suo nome."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "La pagina elenca i visitatori in attesa."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "La lista dei visitatori in attesa è vuota"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Visitatori in chat"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Coda visitatori per priorità"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "In attesa di operatore per la prima volta"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Lista dei visitatori in attesa"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "campi obbligatori"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Cambia operatore"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Il visitatore {0} è già assistito da {1}.
Sei sicuro di voler iniziare una chat con lui/lei?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "No, chiudi la finestra"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Si, Sono sicuro"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Qui ti puoi difendere da visitatori indesiderati."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Cerca nella cronologia delle chat."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Esci dal sistema."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Modifiche salvate"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ci sono molti browser da cui scegliere. Quale/i consigli?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Salve, come posso aiutarla?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Le lettere digitate non corrispondono a quelle indicate."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Errore caricando il file \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Errore spostando il file"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "La dimensione del file da caricare è troppo grande"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Correggere gli errori:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Tipo di file non valido"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Compilare \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Compilare \"{0}\" correttamente."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Funzioni attivate"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Es: o"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Indirizzo visitatore"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Questo nome verrà visualizzato dai tuoi visitatori."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Nome Internazionale (Latin)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Questo nome verrà visualizzato dai tuoi visitatori."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Immagine (avatar)."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Immagine (avatar) corrente"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Scegli l'immagine da caricare.
L'immagine non deve superare 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Carica Immagine (avatar)"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Motivo del blocco"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Commento"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Giorni di blocco dell'indirizzo"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Giorni"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "La tua e-mail"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Descrizione in Inglese."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Descrizione internazionale"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Nome in Inglese."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Nome internazionale"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Descrizione del gruppo."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Descrizione"
-msgid "form.field.groupemail.description"
-msgstr "Email di gruppo per notifiche. Lasciare vuoto per usare l'indirizzo di default."
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Nome utile ad identificare il gruppo."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Nome"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Il login può essere costituito da lettere latine minuscole e trattino basso."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "Per notifiche e recupero password."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Messaggio"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Il tuo nome"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Immettere una nuova password o lasciare
il campo vuoto per mantenere la precedente."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Password"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Conferma la nuova password."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Conferma"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Traduzione"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Impossibile eseguire:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Percorso applicazione {0}"
-msgid "install.0.package"
-msgstr "Il pacchetto Mibew è valido."
-msgid "install.0.php"
-msgstr "Versione PHP {0}"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Sei connesso al server MySQL versione {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Crea database \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Il database \"{0}\" è stato creato."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Il database non è presente sul server. Se hai i permessi per crearlo adesso, clicca sul seguente link."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Creo tabelle necessarie."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Le tabelle sono state create."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Aggiorno le tabelle"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Le tabelle sono state aggiornate."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "La strutture delle tabelle è stata adeguata alla nuova versione."
-msgid "install.5.newmessage"
-msgstr "Nuovo messaggio"
-msgid "install.5.newvisitor"
-msgstr "Nuovo visitatore"
-msgid "install.5.text"
-msgstr "Fai clic per provare l'audio: {0} e {1}"
-msgid "install.bad_checksum"
-msgstr "Checksum errato per {0}"
-msgid "install.cannot_read"
-msgstr "Impossibile leggere il file {0}"
-msgid "install.check_files"
-msgstr "Inviare di nuovo i file al server."
-msgid "install.check_permissions"
-msgstr "Permessi file insufficienti {0}"
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Impossibile effettuare la connessione, si prega di controllare le impostazioni del server nel config.php. Errore: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Completato:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Risolvere i problemi e riprovare. Premere indietro per ritornare al wizard."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Problema"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare le struttura delle tabelle. Prova a farlo manualmente oppure ricrea tutte le tabelle (attenzione: tutti i dati verranno persi)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Togli le tabelle esistenti dal database"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Contratto di licenza del software"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Segui il wizard per settare il tuo database."
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "Congratulazioni! Ora Mibew Messenger {1} è installato.\nAttiva altre funzioni sulla pagina Servizi opzionali."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prossimo passo:"
-msgid "install.no_file"
-msgstr "Il file è assente: {0}"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Installazione"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Avvia Aggiornamento guidato per sistemare il database."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Vai alla pagina di login"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Applicazione installata con successo."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Puoi accedere lasciando vuota la password.
!!! Per ragioni di sicurezza, modifica la password e cancella la cartella {0} dal server."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Scegli la tua lingua"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Chiudi"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Non ci sono operatori disponibili in questo momento. Riprova più tardi oppure lascia un messaggio nel form qui sotto."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Invia"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Grazie per aver usato il nostro servizio. Ti risponderemo appena possibile."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Il tuo messaggio è stato inviato"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Lascia il tuo messaggio"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Operatori"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Codice bottone HTML"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Impostazioni"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Licenza"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Chiudi..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "La tua e-mail:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Invia"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Invia questa chat
via e-mail"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Lista Operatori"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Visitatori bloccati"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Messaggi Archiviati"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "Sei fuori linea.
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Dipartimento o gruppi di operatori specializzati."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Gruppi"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Cambia provenienza."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Lingua"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Utente {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "In questa pagina puoi cambiare le tue informazioni personali."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profilo"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Traduci"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Controlla news ed aggiornamenti."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Aggiornamenti"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "La password inserita non corrisponde"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Non ci sono operatori"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<nessuna descrizione>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Seleziona i gruppi in base alle specializzazioni degli operatori."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Gruppi di operatori"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Browser"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Indirizzo visitatore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Messaggi visitatore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nome"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operatore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tempo nella chat"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Puoi trovare la cronologia delle chat dei tuoi utenti qui."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Cronologia visite"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Chiudi..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Il tuo browser non è completamente supportato da Mibew Messenger. \nUsa uno dei seguenti browser:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Per favore, usa un browser più recente"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Codice per gruppo"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Scegli immagine"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Target locale"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Stile chat"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Attenzione! Non cambiare
il codice manualmente
non garantiamo
che funzioni!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "codice HTML"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-tutti gli operatori-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Include il nome dell'host nel codice"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Puoi generare il codice HTML da inserire nel sito."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "Compatibilità con mod_security (, attivare solo in caso di problemi"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Esempio"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Usa link sicuro (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Bottone per generare il codice HTML"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Qui puoi creare un nuovo gruppo."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Scegli un altro nome, perché il nome che hai inserito per il gruppo esiste già."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "In questa pagina puoi modificare i dettagli del gruppo."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operatori"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppo non trovato"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Dettagli del gruppo"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Vedi e modifica la lista membri."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Membri"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Vuoi veramente cancellare il gruppo \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Questa pagina mostra la lista dei gruppi della tua azienda. Ogni gruppo può avere specifici bottoni e regole di archiviazione."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Assente"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Crea un nuovo gruppo..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Gruppi"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Finestra chat (modo operatore)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Visualizza finestra chat (readonly mode)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Finestra chat semplice, aggiorna per inviare un messaggio (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Scegli lo stile"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Scegli un template"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Finestra di errore"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Puoi avere un'anteprima dello stile per il tuo sito."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Finestra Lascia un messaggio"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "Finestra \"Messaggio recapitato\""
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Finestra Mail thread"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "Finestra \"Messaggio inviato\""
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Finestra Elenco dei browser supportati"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Finestra Indirizza utente ad un altro operatore"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "Finestra \"Visitatore reindirizzato\""
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Visualizza errori"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-per impostazioni generali-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Anteprima chat del sondaggio"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Stile sito"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Finestra chat (modo utente)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Se non ti piace la traduzione, per favore inviaci l'aggiornamento."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "La tua traduzione è stata salvata."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Inserisci la traduzione."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Wizard di traduzione"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Non sei abilitato alle modifiche del profilo di questa persona."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Rimuovi avatar"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Qui puoi creare un nuovo operatore."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Per favore scegli un altro login, perché questo è già utilizzato nel sistema."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "la login può conteneresolo caratteri latin, numeri ed underscore."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Questa pagina visualizza elenco degli assistenti societari e permette anche di aggiungerne nuovi, se si possiedono le autorizzazioni."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Foto"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Gruppi"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Generale"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Permessi"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Dettagli operatore"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Lista completa operatori:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Vuoi davvero cancellare l'operatore \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Questa pagina visualizza un elenco degli operatori."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Assente"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Crea nuovo operatore..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Attivo fino a"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Operatori"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cerca nome utente o testo del messaggio:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Cronologia delle chat"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Puoi caricare la tua foto solo in formato JPG, GIF, PNG o TIF."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Carica foto"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Qui è possibile bloccare disturbatori che interrompono il lavoro con messaggi di spam."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "L'indirizzo {0} è bloccato per il numero di giorni specificato."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Finestra aperta per la discussione \"{0}\", il campo Indirizzo è già compilato. Selezionare il numero di giorni e fare clic su Invia."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Blocca indirizzo"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Aggiungi indirizzo"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Vuoi davvero cancellare l'indirizzo {0} dalla lista bloccata?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Lista degli IP bannati:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Lista IP bloccati"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Fino a"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Puoi cercare utenti in attesa."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Generale"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Membri"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Username e/o password errati"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Inserisci il tuo username e password per accedere agli strumenti di amministrazione, per vedere i tuoi visitatori e guardare nella cronologia delle chat."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Login:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Password:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Ricorda"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Login"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Cerca la cronologia chat di un visitatore o una frase in un messaggio."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Specifica le opzioni che interessano la finestra di chat e il comportamento del sistema."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Servizi opzionali"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Generale"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prestazioni"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Anteprima tema"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nascondi menu >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mostra menu >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Un nuovo visitatore sta attendendo una risposta."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Imposta \"Assente\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Imposta \"Online\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Banna l'utente"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Indirizzo visitatore"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Varie"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nome"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operatore"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Stato"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tempo totale"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Tempo di attesa"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Clicca per parlare col visitatore"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Guarda la chat"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Amministrazione del sistema: settaggi, gestione degli operatori, generazione dei bottoni HTML"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Permesso di modifica profilo"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Prendi la discussione in corso"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Visualizza la discussione di un altro operatore"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Qui puoi controllare i permessi degli operatori."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Permessi"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Scegli il Dipartimento:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Grazie per averci contattato! Per migliorare il nostro servizio nei tuoi confronti, ti preghiamo di completare i dati sottostanti e cliccare sul bottone Avvia Chat."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nome:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Domanda Iniziale:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Avvia Chat"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Assistenza Live"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Data"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Sessioni Chat"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Messaggi dagli operatori"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Messaggi dai visitatori"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Statistiche di utilizzo per ogni data"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operatore"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Sessioni Chat"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Messaggi"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Lunghezza media dei messaggi (in caratteri)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Chat suddivise per operatore"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Dati non sufficienti"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Totale:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "La tua password è stata cambiata"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "Esegui il login con la nuova password."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "Scegli una password da usare con il tuo account Mibew."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "Procedi con il login"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "Cambia"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Cambia la tua password Mibew"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "Torna al login"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "Login o indirizzo e-mail:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "Non è possibile recuperare la password, ma puoi impostarne una nuova seguendo il link che ti sarà inviato via e-mail."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "Password dimenticata?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "Recupero password"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "Informazioni inviate via e-mail. Controlla la tua posta"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "Resetta password"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "Non riesci ad accedere al tuo account?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Amministrazione"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Principale"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Altro"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Per esempio nome azienda."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Finestra Titolo della chat"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Anteprima per tutte le pagine di ogni stile disponibile qui"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Seleziona lo stile per la finesta della chat"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Descrizione azienda"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Titolo azienda"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-mail per ricevere i messaggi di sistema"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Usalo se vuoi bloccare gli attacchi da uno specifico IP"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Abilita opzione \"Visitatore molesto\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Utilizza questo per avere le code di attesa suddivise per domande."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Abilita \"Gruppi\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Obbliga l'utente a completare uno specifico questionario per iniziare la chat."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Abilita \"Anteprima chat questionario\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Verificare che il proprio Web Server sia configurato per supportare richieste https."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Abilita connessione sicura (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Aggiungi pagina con i reports di utilizzo di messenger."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Abilita \"Statistiche\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Mostra le chats solamente tramite connessioni sicure https"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Obbliga la sicurezza in tutte le chats"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Specifica l'intervallo di poll in secondi. Il default è 2 secondi."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Tempo di refresh chat"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "I vecchi browser richiedono il refresh dell'intera pagina per vedere i messaggi. Il default è 7 secondi."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Tempo di refresh per vecchi browsers"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Specifica l'intervallo di poll in secondi. Il default è 2 secondi."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "Tempo di refresh console operatore"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Ogni IP diventa un link che si apre in una nuova finestra. {ip} viene sostituito dall'ip reale."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Link ad un servizio esterno di geolocalizzazione"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Dimensione della finestra e barre degli strumenti nascoste"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Finestra opzioni geolocalizzazione"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Destinazione per il nome azienda o link al logo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL del tuo sito"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Protezione contro spam automatico (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Obbliga il visitatore a inserire il codice di verifica per lasciare messaggi"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Inserire URL del logo aziendale"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Logo aziendale"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Inserisci il nome dell'azienda"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 abilita connessioni illimitate"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Numero massimo di sessioni aperte da un unico indirizzo ip"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Tempo prima di mostrare l'operatore come online. Il default è 30 secondi."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Soglia tempo online dell'operatore"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Fa apparire una piccola finestra per attirare la tua attenzione."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Abilita \"Popup di notifica nuovo visitatore\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Cambiamenti salvati"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Manda messaggi con:"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators.description"
-msgstr "Può rallentare il tempo di aggiornamento della lista"
-msgid "settings.show_online_operators"
-msgstr "Mostra gli operatori online nella pagina \"Lista in attesa\""
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Mostra/nascondi il campo di selezione dipartimento nel questionario"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Permetti al visitatore di scegliere un dipartimento/gruppo"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Mostra/Nascondi il campo e-mail nel questionario"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Richiedi ai visitatori l'e-mail"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Mostra/Nascondi il campo di Domanda Iniziale nel questionario"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Mostra il campo di Domanda Iniziale"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Impostazioni"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Togliere la spunta per nascondere il box modifica dalla finestra di chat"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Abilita gli utenti a cambiare il loro nome"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Come costruire la stringa di identificazione del visitatore da {name}, {id} o {addr}. Default: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Identificatore del visitatore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Inserire il proprio indirizzo e-mail"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "Il campo \"Massimo numero di sessioni\" dovrebbe essere un numero"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Seleziona date"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Da questa pagina puoi personalizzare differenti report di utilizzo."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Da:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Fino a:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistiche"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Hai selezionato una data di inizio successiva alla data di conclusione"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pagina {0} di {1}, {2}-{3} da {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "successivo"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Nessun elemento"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Trovati 0 elementi"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "precedente"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Ritorna a cerca"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Chat log"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Questa pagina visualizza i dettagli ed i contenuti della chat."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Mai"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Oggi alle {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ieri alle {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Uscita"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Home"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "senza menu"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Visitatori"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Direzione:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "Finestra \"Messaggio recapitato\""
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "Finestra \"Visitatore reindirizzato\""
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<nessuna descrizione>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(assente)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(online)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-tutti gli operatori-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-per impostazioni generali-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 abilita connessioni illimitate"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Applicazione installata con successo."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Attenzione! Non cambiare
il codice manualmente
non garantiamo
che funzioni!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Lo storico della tua chat è stato inviato al seguente indirizzo {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Un nuovo visitatore sta attendendo una risposta."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Anteprima per tutte le pagine di ogni stile disponibile qui"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Permesso di modifica profilo"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Aggiungi indirizzo"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Aggiungi messaggio..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Aggiungi un nuovo messaggio."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Crea nuovo operatore..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "L'indirizzo {0} è bloccato per il numero di giorni specificato."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Aggiungi pagina con i reports di utilizzo di messenger."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Amministrazione"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Tutte le righe testo"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Righe testo per amministratore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Righe testo per operatore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Righe testo per visitatore"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Mostra:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Chiave di identificazione"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Righe di testo dell'origine della lingua"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Ordinato per:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "L'utente remoto sta scrivendo..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Tu stai usando:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Abilita connessione sicura (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Permetti al visitatore di scegliere un dipartimento/gruppo"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Abilita gli utenti a cambiare il loro nome"
+msgid "Application path is {0}"
+msgstr "Percorso applicazione {0}"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Vuoi davvero cancellare l'indirizzo {0} dalla lista bloccata?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Vuoi davvero cancellare l'operatore \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Vuoi veramente cancellare il gruppo \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Richiedi ai visitatori l'e-mail"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "La tua domanda"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Lunghezza media dei messaggi (in caratteri)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Assente"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "Torna al login"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Indietro..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Lista IP bloccati"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Banna l'utente"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Blocca indirizzo"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Visitatori bloccati"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Browser"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Bottone per generare il codice HTML"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "Generazione del codice HTML per il bottone."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Codice bottone HTML"
+msgid "Can slow down the update rate of the list"
+msgstr "Può rallentare il tempo di aggiornamento della lista"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Messaggi Archiviati"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire:"
+msgid "Cannot read file {0}"
+msgstr "Impossibile leggere il file {0}"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "Cambia"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Cambia provenienza."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Cambia nome"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Cambia operatore"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Qui puoi controllare i permessi degli operatori."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Cambia la tua password Mibew"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Cambiamenti salvati"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Sessioni Chat"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Cronologia delle chat"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Chat log"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Tempo di refresh chat"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Anteprima tema"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Sessioni Chat"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Finestra chat (modo operatore)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Finestra chat (modo utente)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Stile chat"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Controlla news ed aggiornamenti."
+msgid "Checksum differs for {0}"
+msgstr "Checksum errato per {0}"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Scegli il Dipartimento:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Seleziona i gruppi in base alle specializzazioni degli operatori."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Scegli immagine"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Scegli lo stile"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Scegli un template"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Scegli l'immagine da caricare.
L'immagine non deve superare 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Scegli la tua lingua"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Scegli:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Clicca su questo link per chiudere la finestra"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Clicca per parlare col visitatore"
+msgid "Click to check the sound: {0} and {1}"
+msgstr "Fai clic per provare l'audio: {0} e {1}"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Clicca per chiudere la finestra"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Chiudi"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Chiudi la chat"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Chiudi..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Chiusa"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Codice per gruppo"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Target locale"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Commento"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Titolo azienda"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "Compatibilità con mod_security (, attivare solo in caso di problemi"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Completato:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Conferma la nuova password."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Conferma"
+msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
+msgstr "Congratulazioni! Ora Mibew Messenger {1} è installato.\nAttiva altre funzioni sulla pagina Servizi opzionali."
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Correggere gli errori:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Impossibile effettuare la connessione, si prega di controllare le impostazioni del server nel config.php. Errore: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Crea database \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Crea un nuovo gruppo..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Qui puoi creare un nuovo gruppo."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Crea, cancella operatori. Gestisci permessi."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Creo tabelle necessarie."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Immagine (avatar) corrente"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Il database \"{0}\" è stato creato."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Giorni"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Cancella"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Dipartimento o gruppi di operatori specializzati."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descrizione"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Descrizione in Inglese."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Descrizione del gruppo."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Destinazione per il nome azienda o link al logo"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direzione:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Togli le tabelle esistenti dal database"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Ogni IP diventa un link che si apre in una nuova finestra. {ip} viene sostituito dall'ip reale."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Modifica Messaggio"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Modifica un messaggio esistente."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Questa pagina visualizza elenco degli assistenti societari e permette anche di aggiungerne nuovi, se si possiedono le autorizzazioni."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Modifica i messaggi che frequentemente scrivi in chat."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Email:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Abilita \"Gruppi\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Abilita \"Popup di notifica nuovo visitatore\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Abilita \"Anteprima chat questionario\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Abilita \"Statistiche\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Abilita opzione \"Visitatore molesto\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Entra"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Immettere una nuova password o lasciare
il campo vuoto per mantenere la precedente."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Inserire il proprio indirizzo e-mail"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "E-mail per ricevere i messaggi di sistema"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Inserire URL del logo aziendale"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Descrizione azienda"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "La tua e-mail:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Inserisci la traduzione."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Username e/o password errati"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "La password inserita non corrisponde"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Ambiente:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Errore"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Errore spostando il file"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Errore incontrato:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Errore caricando il file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Finestra di errore"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Es: o"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Esempio"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Uscita"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Funzioni attivate"
+msgid "File is absent: {0}"
+msgstr "Il file è assente: {0}"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Segui il wizard per settare il tuo database."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Per gruppo:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Per lingua:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "Per notifiche e recupero password."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Obbliga la sicurezza in tutte le chats"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Obbliga il visitatore a inserire il codice di verifica per lasciare messaggi"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Obbliga l'utente a completare uno specifico questionario per iniziare la chat."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Password dimenticata?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Trovati 0 elementi"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Da questa pagina puoi personalizzare differenti report di utilizzo."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Da:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Lista completa operatori:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Funzioni disponibili per gli operatori."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generale"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Finestra opzioni geolocalizzazione"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Ritorna a cerca"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Gruppo"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Dettagli del gruppo"
+msgid "Group email for notifications. Leave empty to use the default address."
+msgstr "Email di gruppo per notifiche. Lasciare vuoto per usare l'indirizzo di default."
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Gruppo:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Gruppi"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Visitatore"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "codice HTML"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Salve, come posso aiutarla?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Qui è possibile bloccare disturbatori che interrompono il lavoro con messaggi di spam."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Qui ti puoi difendere da visitatori indesiderati."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Nascondi menu >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Home"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Come costruire la stringa di identificazione del visitatore da {name}, {id} o {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Se non ti piace la traduzione, per favore inviaci l'aggiornamento."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare le struttura delle tabelle. Prova a farlo manualmente oppure ricrea tutte le tabelle (attenzione: tutti i dati verranno persi)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "In chat"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "In coda"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Include il nome dell'host nel codice"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Domanda Iniziale:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Installazione"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Lingue installate:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Aggiornamenti Web Messenger."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "Insufficient file permissions {0}"
+msgstr "Permessi file insufficienti {0}"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Descrizione internazionale"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Nome internazionale"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Nome Internazionale (Latin)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Tipo di file non valido"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Chiave di identificazione"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Lingua"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Attivo fino a"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Versione più recente:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Finestra Lascia un messaggio"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Lascia il tuo messaggio"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licenza"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Link ad un servizio esterno di geolocalizzazione"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Lista degli IP bannati:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Finestra Elenco dei browser supportati"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Lista dei visitatori in attesa"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Assistenza Live"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Avvio"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Traduci"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Esci dal sistema."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Login"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Il login può essere costituito da lettere latine minuscole e trattino basso."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "Login o indirizzo e-mail:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "la login può conteneresolo caratteri latin, numeri ed underscore."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "Esegui il login con la nuova password."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Login:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Finestra Mail thread"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Principale"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Numero massimo di sessioni aperte da un unico indirizzo ip"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Membri"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Messaggio"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Messaggi"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Messaggi dagli operatori"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Messaggi dai visitatori"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Impostazioni"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Aggiornamenti Web Messenger."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger è un'applicazione open-source per l'assistenza in tempo reale."
+msgid "Mibew package is valid."
+msgstr "Il pacchetto Mibew è valido."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Varie"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Modifica"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nome"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Nome in Inglese."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Per esempio nome azienda."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Nome utile ad identificare il gruppo."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nome:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Mai"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nuovo messaggio"
+msgid "New Visitor"
+msgstr "Nuovo visitatore"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "News:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Prossimo passo:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Nessun elemento"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Non ci sono operatori"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Gruppo non trovato"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Nessun messaggio del tipo"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "No, chiudi la finestra"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Dati non sufficienti"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Giorni di blocco dell'indirizzo"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "ASSENTE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ONLINE"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "I vecchi browser richiedono il refresh dell'intera pagina per vedere i messaggi. Il default è 7 secondi."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "In questa pagina puoi modificare i dettagli del gruppo."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Online"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operatore"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "L'operatore {0} è cambiato nell'operatore {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Dettagli operatore"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Gruppi di operatori"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Soglia tempo online dell'operatore"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "L'operatore {0} è tornato"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "L'operatore {0} ha effettuato l'accesso"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "L'operatore {0} ha abbandonato la chat"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "L'operatore {0} è stato reindirizzato ad un altro operatore, attendi"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "Tempo di refresh console operatore"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operatore:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Operatori"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Lista Operatori"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Servizi opzionali"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Altro"
+msgid "PHP version {0}"
+msgstr "Versione PHP {0}"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Tempo di refresh per vecchi browsers"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Pagina {0} di {1}, {2}-{3} da {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Password"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "Recupero password"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Password:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Prestazioni"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permessi"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Foto"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "Scegli una password da usare con il tuo account Mibew."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Per favore scegli un altro login, perché questo è già utilizzato nel sistema."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Scegli un altro nome, perché il nome che hai inserito per il gruppo esiste già."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Inserisci il nome dell'azienda"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Inserisci il tuo username e password per accedere agli strumenti di amministrazione, per vedere i tuoi visitatori e guardare nella cronologia delle chat."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Compilare \"{0}\" correttamente."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Compilare \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Verificare che il proprio Web Server sia configurato per supportare richieste https."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Avvia Aggiornamento guidato per sistemare il database."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Per favore, usa un browser più recente"
+msgid "Please, re-upload files to the server."
+msgstr "Inviare di nuovo i file al server."
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Powered by:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Anteprima chat del sondaggio"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Coda visitatori per priorità"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Problema"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "Procedi con il login"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Vai alla pagina di login"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profilo"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Protezione contro spam automatico (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Motivo del blocco"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Trasferisci
ad un altro operatore"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Redireziona il visitatore ad un altro operatore"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Finestra Indirizza utente ad un altro operatore"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Aggiorna"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Ricorda"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "L'utente remoto sta scrivendo..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Rimuovi avatar"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Le tabelle sono state create."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "Resetta password"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Risolvere i problemi e riprovare. Premere indietro per ritornare al wizard."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Salva"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Salvato"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cerca"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Cerca la cronologia chat di un visitatore o una frase in un messaggio."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Cerca nella cronologia delle chat."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Seleziona lo stile per la finesta della chat"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Scegli la risposta..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Seleziona date"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Invia"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Invia ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Invia tutta la discussione tramite e-mail"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Invia questa chat
via e-mail"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Invia Messaggio"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Manda messaggi con:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Inviato"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Imposta \"Online\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Imposta \"Assente\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Tempo prima di mostrare l'operatore come online. Il default è 30 secondi."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Impostazioni"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Mostra le chats solamente tramite connessioni sicure https"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Visualizza errori"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Mostra il campo di Domanda Iniziale"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Mostra menu >>"
+msgid "Show online operators on \"List of awaiting visitors\" page"
+msgstr "Mostra gli operatori online nella pagina \"Lista in attesa\""
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostra/nascondi il campo di selezione dipartimento nel questionario"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostra/Nascondi il campo e-mail nel questionario"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Mostra/Nascondi il campo di Domanda Iniziale nel questionario"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Mostra:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Finestra chat semplice, aggiorna per inviare un messaggio (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Consulente"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Stile sito"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Fa apparire una piccola finestra per attirare la tua attenzione."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Contratto di licenza del software"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Non ci sono operatori disponibili in questo momento. Riprova più tardi oppure lascia un messaggio nel form qui sotto."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Ordinato per:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Righe di testo dell'origine della lingua"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Specifica le opzioni che interessano la finestra di chat e il comportamento del sistema."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Specifica l'intervallo di poll in secondi. Il default è 2 secondi."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Avvia Chat"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Stato"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiche"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Righe testo per amministratore"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Righe testo per operatore"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Righe testo per visitatore"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "La strutture delle tabelle è stata adeguata alla nuova versione."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Invia"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Amministrazione del sistema: settaggi, gestione degli operatori, generazione dei bottoni HTML"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Le tabelle sono state aggiornate."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Prendi la discussione in corso"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Grazie per averci contattato. Un operatore risponderà a breve..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Grazie per averci contattato! Per migliorare il nostro servizio nei tuoi confronti, ti preghiamo di completare i dati sottostanti e cliccare sul bottone Avvia Chat."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Grazie per aver usato il nostro servizio. Ti risponderemo appena possibile."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Il database non è presente sul server. Se hai i permessi per crearlo adesso, clicca sul seguente link."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Le lettere digitate non corrispondono a quelle indicate."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "La lista dei visitatori in attesa è vuota"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "L'indirizzo specificato è già in uso, clicca qui se vuoi modificarlo."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Il visitatore ha cambiato il nome da {0} a {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Il visitatore è stato inserito nella coda di priorità del gruppo {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Il visitatore si trova nella coda di priorità dell'operatore {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Il visitatore è stato assegnato ad un altro operatore"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Ci sono molti browser da cui scegliere. Quale/i consigli?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Questo nome verrà visualizzato dai tuoi visitatori."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Questa pagina visualizza un elenco degli operatori."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Questa pagina mostra la lista dei gruppi della tua azienda. Ogni gruppo può avere specifici bottoni e regole di archiviazione."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "La pagina elenca i visitatori in attesa."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Questa pagina visualizza i dettagli ed i contenuti della chat."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Chat suddivise per operatore"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Fino a"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Fino a:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Tempo nella chat"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Finestra Titolo della chat"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Per rispondere ad un visitatore clicca sul suo nome."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Oggi alle {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Tempo totale"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Totale:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Traduzione"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Wizard di traduzione"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "Non riesci ad accedere al tuo account?"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Togliere la spunta per nascondere il box modifica dalla finestra di chat"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL del tuo sito"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Aggiorno le tabelle"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Aggiornamenti"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Carica Immagine (avatar)"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Carica foto"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "La dimensione del file da caricare è troppo grande"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Statistiche di utilizzo per ogni data"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Utilizza questo per avere le code di attesa suddivise per domande."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Usa link sicuro (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Cerca nome utente o testo del messaggio:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Usalo se vuoi bloccare gli attacchi da uno specifico IP"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Visualizza finestra chat (readonly mode)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Vedi e modifica la lista membri."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Visualizza la discussione di un altro operatore"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Cronologia visite"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Il visitatore {0} è già assistito da {1}.
Sei sicuro di voler iniziare una chat con lui/lei?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Il visitatore ha chiuso la chat"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Il visitatore ha effettuato nuovamente l'ingresso"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Il visitatore è giunto a {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Il visitatore {0} ha abbandonato la chat"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Indirizzo visitatore"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Indirizzo visitatore"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Identificatore del visitatore"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Messaggi visitatore"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Visitatori"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Visitatori in chat"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Il visitatore proviene dalla pagina {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "In attesa di operatore per la prima volta"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "In attesa di un operatore"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Tempo di attesa"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Guarda la chat"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "Informazioni inviate via e-mail. Controlla la tua posta"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Dimensione della finestra e barre degli strumenti nascoste"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Si, Sono sicuro"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Ieri alle {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Utente"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "Sei fuori linea.
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Stai chattando con:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Sei connesso al server MySQL versione {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Non sei abilitato alle modifiche del profilo di questa persona."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Al momento non stai comunicando con alcun visitatore."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Tu stai usando:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Utente {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "In questa pagina puoi cambiare le tue informazioni personali."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Qui puoi creare un nuovo operatore."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Puoi cercare utenti in attesa."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Puoi trovare la cronologia delle chat dei tuoi utenti qui."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Puoi generare il codice HTML da inserire nel sito."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Puoi accedere lasciando vuota la password.
!!! Per ragioni di sicurezza, modifica la password e cancella la cartella {0} dal server."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Puoi caricare la tua foto solo in formato JPG, GIF, PNG o TIF."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Puoi avere un'anteprima dello stile per il tuo sito."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "Non è possibile recuperare la password, ma puoi impostarne una nuova seguendo il link che ti sarà inviato via e-mail."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Hai selezionato una data di inizio successiva alla data di conclusione"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Finestra aperta per la discussione \"{0}\", il campo Indirizzo è già compilato. Selezionare il numero di giorni e fare clic su Invia."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Immagine (avatar)."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Logo aziendale"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "La tua e-mail"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Il tuo messaggio è stato inviato"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Il tuo nome"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "L'operatore ha problemi di connessione, ti abbiamo temporaneamente spostato in testa alla coda. Siamo spiacenti per l'attesa."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "La tua password è stata cambiata"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "La tua sessione è scaduta, riesegui il login"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "La tua traduzione è stata salvata."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Il tuo browser non è completamente supportato da Mibew Messenger. \nUsa uno dei seguenti browser:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "modifica"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "campi obbligatori"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "successivo"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "precedente"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "rimuovi"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "senza menu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/ja/translation.po b/translations/ja/translation.po
index aaa63cec..7557b2cf 100644
--- a/translations/ja/translation.po
+++ b/translations/ja/translation.po
@@ -1,138 +1,124 @@
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "お客様が {0} ページから来ました"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "ユーザーネームを変更する"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "お客様は"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "お客様が {0} に移動しました"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "お客様"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "終了..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "エラーが発生しました:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "エラー"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "終了..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "ウィンドウを閉じるには、このリンクをクリックしてください"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
msgstr "チャットの履歴は以下のアドレスに送信されました {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "送信済み"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "オペレータ {0} オペレータ変更 {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "接続の問題がございます。お客様を待ち順番の最前位置に移動させていただきました。ご迷惑をおかけしまして申し訳ありません。"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "オペレータ {0} チャットに参加しました"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "オペレータ {0} チャットを出ました"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "オペレータ {0} が戻りました"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "お客様はご自分のユーザーネームを {0} から{1}に変更しました。"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "お客様がチャットのウィンドウを閉じました"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "お客様{0}がチャットを終了しました"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "お客様が再びチャットに参加しました"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Info: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "お問い合わせいただきありがとうございます。まもなくオペレータがご案内いたします。"
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "お客様と現在チャットしている担当者は:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "チャット終了"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "より提供:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "回答を選択..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "送信 ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "メッセージを送信"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "メールでチャットの履歴を送信"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "別のオペレータにお客様のご質問を転送いたします"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "リフレッシュ"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.toggle_sound"
-msgstr "音声オン/オフ"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "ご入力なさられた文字は、画像に示された文字と一致しません。"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "\"{0}\" を記入してください"
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "\"{0}\" を正しく記入してください。"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "お客様のメールアドレス"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "メッセージ"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "お名前"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
msgstr "実行できません:"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "終了"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "申し訳ありません。現在オペレータは席を外しております。
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "提出する"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "お問い合わせいただきありがとうございました。担当者がメールにて迅速にご連絡いたします。"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "メッセージが送信されました"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "メッセージを入力してください"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "ライセンス"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "終了..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "メールアドレスを入力:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "送信"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "メールでチャット履歴
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{1}: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "終了..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "お使いのWebブラウザーが完全にサポートされていません。 、以下のWebブラウザーのいずれかを使用してください:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "最新のブラウザーを使用してください"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "ユーザーネームを変更する"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
msgstr "カテゴリーを選択してください:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "お問い合わせいただきありがとうございます。下記のフォームに必要事項を記入し、チャット開始ボタンをクリックしてください。"
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "ウィンドウを閉じるには、このリンクをクリックしてください"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "終了"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "チャット終了"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "終了..."
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Name:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "メールアドレスを入力:"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "エラー"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "エラーが発生しました:"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "お客様"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Info: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
msgstr "最初のご質問:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "チャットを開始"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "メッセージを入力してください"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "ライセンス"
+msgid "Live support"
msgstr "Live support"
-msgid "typing.remote"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "メッセージ"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "オペレータ {0} オペレータ変更 {1}"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "オペレータ {0} が戻りました"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "オペレータ {0} チャットに参加しました"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "オペレータ {0} チャットを出ました"
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "\"{0}\" を正しく記入してください。"
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "\"{0}\" を記入してください"
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "最新のブラウザーを使用してください"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "より提供:"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "別のオペレータにお客様のご質問を転送いたします"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "リフレッシュ"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
msgstr "ユーザーが入力しています..."
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "回答を選択..."
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "送信"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "送信 ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "メールでチャットの履歴を送信"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "メールでチャット履歴
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "メッセージを送信"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "送信済み"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "申し訳ありません。現在オペレータは席を外しております。
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "チャットを開始"
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "提出する"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "お問い合わせいただきありがとうございます。まもなくオペレータがご案内いたします。"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "お問い合わせいただきありがとうございます。下記のフォームに必要事項を記入し、チャット開始ボタンをクリックしてください。"
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "お問い合わせいただきありがとうございました。担当者がメールにて迅速にご連絡いたします。"
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "ご入力なさられた文字は、画像に示された文字と一致しません。"
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "お客様はご自分のユーザーネームを {0} から{1}に変更しました。"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "お客様がチャットのウィンドウを閉じました"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "お客様が再びチャットに参加しました"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "お客様が {0} に移動しました"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "お客様{0}がチャットを終了しました"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "お客様が {0} ページから来ました"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "お客様は"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "お客様と現在チャットしている担当者は:"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "お客様のメールアドレス"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "メッセージが送信されました"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "お名前"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "接続の問題がございます。お客様を待ち順番の最前位置に移動させていただきました。ご迷惑をおかけしまして申し訳ありません。"
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "お使いのWebブラウザーが完全にサポートされていません。 、以下のWebブラウザーのいずれかを使用してください:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/ka/translation.po b/translations/ka/translation.po
index 610e458a..d405f379 100644
--- a/translations/ka/translation.po
+++ b/translations/ka/translation.po
@@ -1,1012 +1,880 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "შექმენი, წაშალე კომპანიის ოპერატორები. მართე მათი უფლებები."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "HTML ღილაკის კოდის გენერაცია."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "განსაზღვრე ოპციები რომლებიც განაპირობებს ჩატის სარკმელს და სისტემის ძირითად მახასიათებლებს."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "ფუნქციები ნებადართულია საიტის ოპერატორებისათვის."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "თქვენი დრო ამოიწურა გთხოვთ ჩაერთოთ ახლიდან"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger-ი არის ღია წყარო დახმარების აპლიკაციის მხარდასაჭერად."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "აღნიშნული მისამართი უკვე არის გამოყენებაში, დააჭირე აქ თუ გსურს რედაქტირება."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "წაშლა"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "შესვლა"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "დატოვეთ შეტყობინება"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "საიტის კონსულტანტი"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "გათიშულია"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "დასვი შეკითხვა"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "საიტის კონსულტანტი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ონლაინ"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შენახვა"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "მოძებნა"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "წაშლა"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "შესწორება"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "განსაზღვრე"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "შეტყობინების დამატება..."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "შესწორება გაუკეთე შეტყობინებებს რომელსაც ხშირად წერ ამ საუბარში."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფისთვის:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "ენისთვის:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "ყველა შეტყობინება"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "შეტყობინების რედაქტირება."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "შენახულია"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "შეტყობინება"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "ესეთი შეტყობინება არ არსებობს"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "შეტყობინების რედაქტირება"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "დაამატე ახალი შეტყობინება."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "ახალი შეტყობინება"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(გასულია)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(ხაზზეა)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "სტუმარი შემოგვიერთდა {0} –დან"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "სახელის შეცვლა"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "თქვენ ხართ"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[სპამი] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სტუმარი გადამისამართდა ოპერატორთან {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "სტუმარი"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "დახურვა..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "მოხდა შეცდომა:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "შეცდომა"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "დახურვა..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "დააჭირეთ ამ ბმულს ფანჯრის დასახურად"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "საუბარი გადმოგზავნილია მისამართზე {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "გაგზავნა"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "უკან..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "ახლა თქვენ ელაპარაკებით სტუმარს."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "აირჩიეთ:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფი:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "ოპერატორი:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "გადამისამართება
სხვა ოპერატორთან"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "დახურვა..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "დააჭირეთ ამ ბმულს ფანჯრის დასახურად"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "სტუმარი გადაყვანილია პრიორიტეტულ მოთხოვნის სიაში {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სტუმარი გადაყვანილია ჯგუფის პრიორიტეტულ მოთხოვნის სიაში {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "სტუმარი გადამისამართებულია სხვა ოპერატორთან"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "ოპერატორი {0} შეცვალა ოპერატორმა {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "ჩვენ ოპერატორს აქვს პრობლემა ინტერნეტთან, დროებით გადაგიყვანეთ მოლოდინის სიაში. ბოდიშს ვიხდით თქვენ დროის დახარჯვისთვის."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "ოპერატორი {0} შემოუერთდა საუბარს"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "{0}დატოვა საუბარი"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "{0}–მ გადაგამისამართათ სხვა ოპერატორთან, გთხოვთ მოითმინოთ ცოტახანი"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "{0} დაბრუნდა"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "სტუმარმა შეიცვალა სახელი {0} {1}-ით"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "სტუმარმა დახურა საუბრის ფანჯარა"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "სტუმარმა {0} დატოვა საუბარი"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "სტუმარი ისევ შემოუერთდა საუბარს"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "საუბარში"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "დახურა"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "იტვირთება"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "რიგში"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "ველოდებით ოპერატორს"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სტუმრის ელ.ფოსტა :{0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ინფორმაცია: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "მადლობას გიხდით ჩვენთან დაკავშირებისთვის. ოპერატორი მალე მოგემსახურებათ..."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "თქვენ ესაუბრებით:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "საუბრის დახურვა"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "ჩეთისთვის ვიყენებთ:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "აირჩიეთ პასუხი..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "შეტყობინების გაგზავნა"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "გაგზავნა ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "გავგზავნოთ საუბარი ელექტრონულ ფოსტაზე"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "გადავამოსამართოთ სტუმარი სხვა ოპერატორთან"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "განახლება"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "პასუხის გასაცემად სიაში დააჭირე მის სახელს."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "ეს გვერდი ხსნის მოლოდინში მყოფ სტუმართა სიას."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "მოლოდინის სტუმართა სიაში არავინ არის"
-msgid "clients.online_operators.away"
-msgstr "(გასულია)"
-msgid "clients.online_operators.field"
-msgstr "ონლაინ ოპერატორები:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სტუმრები დიალოგებში"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "პრიორიტეტული სტუმართა რიგი"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "ველოდები ოპერატორს პირველად"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "მოლოდინში მყოფი სტუმრების სია"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "სავალდებულო ველები"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "ოპერატორის შეცვლა"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Visitor {0} already assisted by {1}.
დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ სტუმართან დიალოგის დაწყება?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "არა, დახურე ფანჯარა"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "დიახ, დარწმუნებული ვარ"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "თავდაცვა მავნე სტუმრებისგან."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "მოძებნე დიალოგების ისტორია."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "სისტემიდან გასვლა."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "ცვლილებები შენახულია"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ბევრი ბრაუზერია გახსნილი. რომელებს მირჩევთ?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "გამარჯობა, როგორ შემიძლია დაგეხმარო?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "თქვენს მიერ აკრეფილი სიტყვა, არ დაემთხვა ნაჩვენებ სურათს."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "შეცდომა ფაილის ატვირთისას \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "შეცდომა ფაილის აღება"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "ატვირთული ფაილის ზომამ გადააჭარბა ნორმას"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "შეასწორე შეცდომები:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "გაუქმებულია ფაილის ფორმატი"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "გთხოვთ შეავსოთ \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "გთხოვთ, სწორედ \"{0}\" შეავსოთ."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "მახასიათებლები გააქტიურებულია"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Ex: ან"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "სტუმრის მისამართი"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "ეს სახელი გამოჩნდება მნახველების მიერ."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "საერთაშორისო სახელი (ლათინურად)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "ეს სახელი გამოჩნდება მნახველების მიერ."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "სახელი"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "თქვენი სურათი."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "მიმდინარე სურათი"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "აირჩიე სურათი ასატვირთად.
სურათის ზომამ არ უნდა გადააჭარბოს 100x100 პიქსელს."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "სურათის ატვირთვა"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "დაბლოკვის მიზეზი"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "კომენტარი"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "დღეების რიცხვები ეს მისამართი დაბლოკილია"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "დღეები"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "თქვენი ელ. ფოსტა"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "აღწერა ინგლისურად."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "საერთაშორისო აღწერილობა"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "სახელი ინგლისურად."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "საერთაშორისო სახელი"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "ჯგუფის აღწერა."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "აღწერა"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "სახელი ჯგუფის საიდენტიფიკაციოდ."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "ჯგუფის სახელი"
-msgid "form.field.jabber.description"
-msgstr "დაუყოვნებლივი ცნობისთვის"
-msgid "form.field.jabber"
-msgstr "მოსაუბრის საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი"
-msgid "form.field.jabbernotify.description"
-msgstr "ჩაბარება საუბრით (დაუყოვნებლივ)"
-msgid "form.field.jabbernotify"
-msgstr "ცნობა ახალი სტუმრისგან"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "რეგისტრაცია შეიძლება შეიცავდეს ლათინურ ასოებს და ხაზგასმას."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "შესვლა"
-msgid "form.field.mail.description"
-msgstr "შეტყობინებების და პაროლის აღსადგენად."
-msgid "form.field.mail"
-msgstr "ელ.ფოსტა"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "შეტყობინება"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "თქვენი სახელი"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "შეიყვანეთ ახალი პაროლი ან დატოვეთ ველი ცარიელი უკან დასაბრუნებლად."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "პაროლი"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "დაადასტურეთ ახალი პაროლი."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "თანხმობა"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "თარგმანი"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "თქვენი თხოვნა ვერ შესრულდება:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "თქვენ ხართ დაკავშირებული MySQL-ის სერვერთან {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზის შექმნა \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "მონაცემთა \"{0}\" ბაზა შექმნილია."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზა არ არის ნაპოვნი სერვერში.თუ გაქვთ ნებართვა რომ შექმნათ ეხლა,დააჭირეთ შემდეგ ლინკს."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "შექმენი მოთხოვნილი ცხრილები."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "მოთხოვნილი ცხრილი შექმნილია."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "ცხრილების განახლება"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "ცხრილების სტუქტურა განახლებულია."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "თქვენი ცხრილების სტრუქტურა სასურველია განახლდეს მესენჯერის ახალი ვერსიისთვის."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "დაკავშირირება შეუძლებელია,გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ სერვერის პარამეტრები კონფიგურაციაში.php. მოხდა ცდომიდლება: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "შესრულებულია:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "გადაჭერი პრობლემა და სცადე ხელახლა. დააჭირეუკან დაბრუნებას."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "პრობლემა"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "შეუძლებელია ცხრილების სტურქტურის განახლება. სცადეთ ხელით ან ახლიდან შექმენით ყველა ცხრილი (გაფრთხილება: ყველა თქვენი ამჟამინდელი ცხრილი იქნება წაშლილი)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "არსებული ცხრილის მონაცემთა ბაზიდან ამოგდება"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის ლიცენზიის ხელშეკრულება"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზის მოსაწყობად."
-msgid "install.newfeatures"
-msgstr "გილოცავთ! Mibew Messenger {1} დაგიინსტალდათ. ჩართეთ განახლებისთვის არჩევითი სერვისები გვერდზე."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შემდეგი საფეხური:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "ინსტალაცია"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "გთხოვთ, გაუშვათ განახლებამონაცემთა ბაზის წესრიგში რეგულირებისთვის."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "მიმდინარეობს გვერდის ჩატვირთვა"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "აპლიკაცია წარმატებით დაინსტალდა."
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "თქვენ შეგიძლიათ ჩაერთოთ როგორც ადმინსიტრატორი მხოლოდ პაროლით.
!!! თავდაცვისთვის, გთხოვთ შეცვალოთ პაროლი დაუყოვნებლივ და აიღოთ/mibew/ თქვენი სერვერის ფაილიდან."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "აირჩიეთ თქვენი ენა"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "დახურვა"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "ამჟამად არცერთი ოპერატორი არ არის ხაზზე. გააგზავნეთ შეკითხვა ან სცადეთ მოგვიანებით."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "გაგზავნა"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "გმადლობთ რომ იყენებთ ჩვენ სერვის. ჩვენ გიპასუხებთ ელ.ფოსტით როგორც კი შევძლებთ."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "დატოვებული შეტყობინება გაგზავნილია"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "დატოვეთ შეტყობინება"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "ოპერატორები"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "კოდი"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "პარამეტრები"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "ლიცენზია"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "დახურვა..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი ელ.ფოსტა:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "გაგზავნა"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "დიალოგების ისტორიის გაგზავნა
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "ოპერატორების სია"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "დაბლოკილი სტუმრები"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "ყველა შეტყობინება"
-msgid "menu.goonline"
-msgstr "თქვენ გასული ხართ.
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "დეპარტამენტის ან უნარ-ჩვევების მიხედვით ოპერატორთა ჯგუფები."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "ჯგუფები"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "ადგილის შეცვლა."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "ენა"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "მთავარი"
-msgid "menu.notifications.content"
-msgstr "ყველა ცნობა მესენჯერისგან."
-msgid "menu.notifications"
-msgstr "ცნობები"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "თქვენ ხართ {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "პერსონალური ინფორმაციის შეცვლა."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "პროფილი"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "განსაზღვრა"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "სიახლეების შემოწმება."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "სიალხეები"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "პაროლი არასწორია"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "არ არსებობს ესეთი ოპერატორი"
-msgid "notification.back_to_list"
-msgstr "სიაში დაბრუნება"
-msgid "notification.intro"
-msgstr "შინაარსი გაგზავნილი შეტყობინებების."
-msgid "notification.label.subj"
-msgstr "საგანი"
-msgid "notification.label.time"
-msgstr "დრო"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სთვის"
-msgid "notification.title"
-msgstr "შეტყობინების დეტალები"
-msgid "notifications.head.msg"
-msgstr "ტექსტი"
-msgid "notifications.head.subj"
-msgstr "საგანი"
-msgid "notifications.head.time"
-msgstr "დრო"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სთვის"
-msgid "notifications.kind.all"
-msgstr "-ყველა-"
-msgid "notifications.kind.mail"
-msgstr "ელ.ფოსტა"
-msgid "notifications.kind.xmpp"
-msgstr "XMPP/მოსაუბრე"
-msgid "notifications.kind"
-msgstr "შეტყობინებების სახეობა"
-msgid "notifications.locale.all"
-msgstr "-ყველა-"
-msgid "notifications.locale"
-msgstr "ენა"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "\"{0}\""
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{1}: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<აღწერილობის გარეშე>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "აირჩიე ჯგუფები ოპერატორის უნარ-ჩვევების მიხედვით."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "ოპერატორი ჯგუფები"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ბრაუზერი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სტუმრის მისამართი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სტუმრის შეტყობინებები"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სახელი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ოპერატორი"
-msgid ""
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-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "სტუმრებთან დიალოგების ისტორია."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "მნახველთა ისტორია"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "დახურვა..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "თქვენი ვებ-ბრაუზერი არ არის სრულად მხარდაჭერილი Mibew Messenger ის მიერ.\nგთხოვთ, გამოიყენოთ შემდეგი ვებ-ბრაუზერები :"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "გთხოვთ, გამოიყენოთ ახალი ბრაუზერი"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "კოდი ჯგუფებისათვის"
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-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
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-msgstr "სადიალოგო ფანჯრის სტილი"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "<ძლიერი>გაფრთხილება! გთხოვთ არ შეცვალოთ
კოდი ხელით რადგანაც
გარანტიას ვერ მოგცემთ რომ
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML კოდი"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-ყველა ოპერატორი-"
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-msgstr "ჩასვი მფლობელის სახელი კოდში"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გენერირება გაუკეთოთ HTML კოდს საიტზე დადებისთვის აქ."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr "შეწყობა დამცავ ფორმასთან,(,ჩართეთ მხოლოდ პრობლემების არსებობის შემთხვევაში"
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-msgstr "მაგალითი"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "დამცავი კავშირების გამოყენება (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "HTML კოდის გენერაცია"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფის შექმნა."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ სხვა სახელი, იმიტომ რომ ამ ჯგუფის სახელი სისტემაში უკვე არსებობს."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფის დეტალების შესწორება."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ოპერატორები"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ესეთი ჯგუფი არ არსებობს"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფის დეტალები"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "ნახვა და ცვლილებების შეტანა წევრების სიაში."
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-msgstr "წევრები"
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-msgstr "დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ ჯგუფის წაშლა? \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "ეს გვერდი ხსნის ჯგუფების სიას თქვენს კომპანიაში. ყველა ჯგუფს შეიძლება ჰქონდეს საკუთარი ღილაკი და მჭიდრო პასუხები."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "გასულია"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "ხაზზეა"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფის შექმნა..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "ჯგუფები"
-msgid "page.notifications.intro"
-msgstr "ეს სია ხსნის მესენჯერის მიერ გამოგზავნილ ყველა შეტყობინებას, დაუყოვნებლივი ტექსტის და ელ-ფოსტის შემცველობით."
-msgid "page.notifications.title"
-msgstr "ცნობების ნახვა"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "სასაუბრო ფანჯარა (ოპერატორი-რეჟიმი)"
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-msgstr "საუბრის ფანჯრის ნახვა (ოპერატორის წაკითხვის ფორმაში)"
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-msgstr "მარტივი საუბრის რეჟიმი, განაახლე შეტყობინებს დასაწერად(IE 5, Opera 7)"
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-msgstr "აირჩიე სტილი"
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-msgstr "აირჩიეთ ნიმუში"
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-msgstr "მოხდა ცდომილება"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "თემების სიის ნახვა რომელსაც გაუკეთდა ინსტალიზაცია."
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-msgstr "დატოვეთ მესიჯი"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"შეტყობინება გადაცემულია\""
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-msgstr "მეილის გაფრთხილების ფანჯარა"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"შეტყობინება \" გაგზავნილია"
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-msgstr "მხარდაჭერილი ბრაუზერების სია"
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-msgstr "სტუმრის გადამისამართება სხვა ოპერატორთან"
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-msgstr "\"სტუმარი გადამისამართებულია\""
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-msgstr "აჩვენე ცდომილებები"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-მთავარი პარამეტრებიდან-"
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-msgstr "საუბრამდე მიმოხილვა"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "საიტის სტილი"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "საუბრის ფანჯარა (მომხმარებლის-რეჟიმში)"
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-msgstr "თუ არ ხართ კმაყოფილი ნათარგმნით, გთხოვთ მოგვწეროთ თქვენი ვერსია."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "თქვენი ნათარგმნი შენახულია."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი თარგმანი."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "პროგრამის ლოკალიზება"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "თქვენ არ გაქვთ ნებართვა ამ პიროვნების პროფილის შეცვლის."
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-msgstr "სურათის აღება"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "შექმენი ახალი ოპერატორი."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ სხვა სახელი, რადგანაც ოპერატორი აღნისნული სახელით უკვე არის დარეგისტრირებული სისტემაში."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "სისტემაში შესასვლისთვის სიტყვა უნდა შეიცავდეს, მხოლოდ ლათინურ ნიშნებს, ციფრებს და აღმნიშვნელ სიმბოლოებს."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "მთავარი ოპერატორი პარამეტრების კორექტირება."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სურათი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჯგუფები"
-msgid ""
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-msgstr "ნებართვები"
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-msgstr "სახელი"
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-msgstr "ოპერატორების სრული სია:"
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-msgstr "დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ოპერატორის წაშლა \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "კომპანიის ოპერატორების სიის ნახვა."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "გასულია"
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-msgstr "ხაზზეა"
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-msgstr "შესვლა"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "ოპერატორის დამატება..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "ბოლო აქტივობა (ქმედება)"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "ოპერატორები"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "მომხმარებლის სახელის ან ტექსტის მოძებნა:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "დიალოგების ისტორია"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "თქვენ შეგიძლიათ ატვირთოთ სურათი მხოლოდ JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF -ის ფორმატში."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "სურათის ატვირთვა"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "აქ შეგიძლიათ დაბლოკოთ სარისკო სტუმრები რომლებსაც შეუძლიათ ეფექტის მოხდენა სამუშაოზე მათი რეკლამებით."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "მისამართი {0}დაბლოკილია განსაზღვული დღეების მანძილზე."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "თქვენ გახსენით ფანჯარა \"{0}\"გაფრთხილება,მისამართისველი უკვე შევსებულია. აირჩიეთ დღეების რაოდენობა და დააჭირეთ გაგზავნას."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "მისამართის დაბლოკვა"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "დაამატე მისამართი"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ წაშალოთ მისამართი {0} დაბლოკილთა სიიდან?"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "დაბლოკილი IP-ების(კომპიუტერის საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომრების)სია:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "დაბლოკილთა სია"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "მდე"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "მოლოდინის სიაში მყოფი სტუმრები."
-msgid ""
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-msgid ""
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-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "მომხმარებლოს სახელი/პაროლი არასწორია"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ თქვენი სახელი ან პაროლი ადმინისტრაციულ უფლებებთან წვდომისთვის, ნახე სტუმრები და ისტორია."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "შესვლა:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "პაროლი:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "დაიმახსოვრე"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "შესვლა"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "ძებნა საუბრის ისტორიის კონკრეტული მომხმარებლის ან კონკრეტული ფრაზის საშუალებით დიალოგში."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "დაყავი პარამეტრები სასაუბრო ფანჯარაზე ზემოქმდებით და მსგავსი სისტემით."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "პარამეტრების სერვისები"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "მთავარი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შესრულება"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "თემების ჩვენება"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "მენიუს დამალვა >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "მენიუს ჩვენება >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "ახალი სტუმარი ელოდება პასუხს."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "გასულია"
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "ხაზზეა"
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "სტუმრის დაბლოკვა"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "სტუმრების მისამართები"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "ანგარიში"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სახელი"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "ოპერატორი"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "ქვეყანა"
-msgid ""
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-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "მოლოდინის დრო"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "დააჭირე სტუმართან საუბრისთვის"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "საუბრისთვის ყურება"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "სისტემის ადმინსიტრირება: პარამეტრები, ოპერატორების მენეჯმენტი, გენერაციის საშუალება"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "პროფილის მოდიფიცირების ნებართვა"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "საუბრის გაფრთხილებების მიღება"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "ჩვენება სხვა ოპერატორების საუბრის გაფრთხილებების"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "შეზღუდვების მოხსნა ამ ოპერატორისთვის."
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "ნებართვები"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "აირჩიეთ დეპარტამენტი:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "გმადლობთ ჩვენთან კონტაქტისათვის! უკეთესად რომ მოგემსახუროთ, გთხოვთ შეავსოთ მოცემული ფორმა და დააჭიროთ დიალოგის დაწყების ღილაკს."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "ელ.ფოსტა:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სახელი:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "პირველი შეკითხვა:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "საუბრის დაწყება"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Live დახმარება"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "თარიღი"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "ჩეთის გაფრთხილებები"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "შეტყობინებები ოპერატორებისგან"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "სტუმრებისგან შეტყობინებები"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "სტატისტიკის გამოყენება თითოეული დღისთვის"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "ოპერატორი"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "ჩეთის კავშირები"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "შეტყობინებები"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "საშუალო მესიჯის სიგრძე (დღიურ სამუშაოში)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "კავშირები ოპერატორისგან"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზა არასაკმარისია"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სულ:"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed.title"
-msgstr "თქვენი პაროლი შეცვლილია!"
-msgid "resetpwd.changed"
-msgstr "შესვლა ახალი პაროლით."
-msgid "resetpwd.intro"
-msgstr "გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ პაროლი თქვენი Mibew-ის ანგარიშისთვის."
-msgid "resetpwd.login"
-msgstr "იტვირთება ჩასართავად"
-msgid "resetpwd.submit"
-msgstr "შეცვლა"
-msgid "resetpwd.title"
-msgstr "Mibew-ს პაროლოს შეცვლა"
-msgid "restore.back_to_login"
-msgstr "უკან დაბრუნება შემოსვლისთვის"
-msgid "restore.emailorlogin"
-msgstr "შესვლა ან ელ.ფოსტა:"
-msgid "restore.intro"
-msgstr "თქვენ ვეღარ აღადგენთ პაროლს, მაგრამ შეგიძლიათ დააყენოთ ახალი ელ.ფოსტაზე გამოგზავნილი ლინკით."
-msgid "restore.pwd.message"
-msgstr "დაგავიწყდათ პაროლი?"
-msgid "restore.sent.title"
-msgstr "პაროლის აღდგენა"
-msgid "restore.sent"
-msgstr "ინსტრუქციები გამოგზავნილია ელ.ფოსტაზე. გთხოვთ, შეამოწმოთ!"
-msgid "restore.submit"
-msgstr "პაროლის შეცვლა"
-msgid "restore.title"
-msgstr "დაგავიწყდათ პაროლი?"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "ადმინისტრატორი"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "მთავარი"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "სხვა"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "დაასახელეთ თქვენი კომპანიის სახელწოდება მაგალითისთვის."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ჩეთის ფანჯრის სათაური"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "ჩვენება ყველა გვერდის თითოეული არსებული სტილისთვისhere"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "შეარჩიე სტილი საუბრის ფანჯრისთვის"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი კომპანიის სახელწოდება"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "კომპანიის სახელწოდება"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შეიყვანეთ ელ.ფოსტა სისტემისგან შეტყობინებების მისაღებად"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ელ.ფოსტა"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "ამის გამოყენებით თქვენ შეგიძლიათ დაბლოკოთ შეტევები სპეციალური IP-ებისგან"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "ნების დართვა \"საშიში მნახველებისთვის\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "დაყავი სხვადასხვა შეკითხვები რიგებად(აბზაცებად)."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "ნებართვა \"ჯგუფებისთვის\""
-msgid "settings.enablejabber.description"
-msgstr "დაუყოვნებლივი ცნობა ახალი სტუმრისთვის(მოითხოვე Mibew Jabber პროგრამის)"
-msgid "settings.enablejabber"
-msgstr "ნების დართვა \"საუბრის ცნობებისთვის\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "იძულება-მომხმარებელმა უნდა შევასოს სპეციალური ფორმა ჩეთის დასაწყებად."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "ნების დართვა \"ჩეთამდე დათვალიერების\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "გთხოვთ, გაითვალისწინოთ რომ თქვენი ვებ სერვერის ფორმა უნდა ჯდებოდეს მხარდამჭერი https-ს მოთხოვნებში."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "ნების დართვა დამცველი კავშირებისთვის (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "დაამატე გვერდი მესენჯერის შეტყობინებების მოხმარებისთვის."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "ნების დართვა \"სტატისტიკისთვის\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "აჩვენე ჩეთი მხოლოდ https კავშირით"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "აიძილე ყველა ჩეთს რომ იყოს დაცული"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "განსაზღვრე გამოკითხვის ინტერვალი წამებში. გამოსვლის შუალედუ 2 წამში."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "ჩეთის განახლების დრო"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "ძველი ბრაუზერები საჭიროა განახლდეს შეტყობინებების მისაღებად. გამოუცხადებლობა არის 7 წამი."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "გვერდის განახლების დრო ძველი ბრაუზერებისთვის"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "განსაზღვე გამოკითხვის შუალედი წამებში. გამოუცხადებლობა არის 2 წამი."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "ოპერატორის კონსოლის განახლების დრო"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "თითოეული IP-კოდი გახდეს ლინკი ახალი ფანჯრის გასახსენლად. {ip} არის შეცვლილი ნამდვილი ip-ით."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "ჯეო ლოკალიზაციის სერვისის ლინკი დამატებით"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "ფანჯრის ზომის და პანელის დამალვა"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "ჯეო-ლოკალიზაციის ფანჯრის პარამეტრები"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ადგილმდებარეობა თქვენი კომპანიის სახელის ან ლოგოსი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "URL თქვენი ვებ-საიტის"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "თავდაცვა ავტომატური რეკლამებისგან (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "სავალდებულია სტუმრებმა შეიყვანონ საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი შეტყობინების დატოვების დროს"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი კომპანიის ლოგოს http მისამართი"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "თქვენი კომპანიის ლოგო"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ თქვენი კომპანიის სახელწოდება"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 ნებას რთავს არცერთი ციფრის კავშირს"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "მაქსიმალური კავშირის ციფრი მიღებულია ერთი მისამართიდან"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "ოპერატორების ხაზზე ყოფნის წამების დაყენება. გამოუცხადებლობა არის 30 წამი."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "ოპერატორის ხაზზე ყოფნის დროის ლიმიტი"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "პატარა დიალოგის გამოჩნდება თქვენი ყურადღების მისაპყრობად."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "ნებას რთავს \"Popup-ის უწყებებს ახალი სტუმრისთვის\"."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "ცვლილებები შენახულია"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "გააგზავნე შეტყობინება თან:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "აჩვენე/დამალე დეპარტამენტის არჩევის ველი მიმოხილვაში"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "სტუმრებისთვის ნებართვა დეპარტამენტის/ჯგუფის ასარჩევად"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "აჩვენე/დამალე ელ ფოსტის მისამართი ამ ველის მიმოხილვაში"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "შეეკითხე სტუმარს ელ.ფოსტის მისამართი"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "აჩვენე/დამალე ინიციალური(დაწყებითი) შეკითხვა დათვალიერების ველში"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "აჩვენე ინიციალი შეკითხვა ველზე"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "მესენჯერის პარამეტრები"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "ჩეთის ფანჯრიდან ხელსაწყოების გრაფის გამორთვა"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "მომხმარებლებისთვის სახელის შეცვლის ნებართვა"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "რის მიხედვით დაფუძნდეს სტუმართა საიდენტიფიკაციო წყობა {სახელიდან}, {პირადი ნომრიდან} ან {მისამართიდან}. \nსავალდებულოა: {სახელი}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "სტუმრების იდენტიფიკატორი"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შეიყვანეთ ზუსტი ელ ფოსტის მისამართი"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "\"მაქსიმალური ციფრი გაფრთხილებების\" ველში ჩაწერეთ ციფრი"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "თარიღის შერჩევა"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "ამ გვერდიდან შეგიძლიაც გენერაცია გაუკეთოთ გამოყენებულ შეცვლილ ანგარიშებს."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "დან:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "მდე:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "სტატისტიკა"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "თქვენ აირჩიეთ ამ დღიდან დღევანდელ დღემდე"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "გვერდი {0} დან {1},{2}-{3} დან {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "შემდეგი"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "არ შეიცავს არცერთ ელემენტს"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "ნაპოვნია 0 ელემენტი"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "წინა"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "ძიებაში შესვლა"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "ჩეთის ჩართვა"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "ეს გვერდი ხსნის დიალოგების დეტალებს და შინაარს."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "არასოდეს"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "დღეს {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "გუშინ {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "მთავარი"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "გასვლა"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "მთავარზე დაბრუნება"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "მენიუს გარეშე"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "სტუმრები"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "მიმართულება:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"შეტყობინება გადაცემულია\""
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"სტუმარი გადამისამართებულია\""
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<აღწერილობის გარეშე>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(გასულია)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(ხაზზეა)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-ყველა ოპერატორი-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-მთავარი პარამეტრებიდან-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 ნებას რთავს არცერთი ციფრის კავშირს"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "აპლიკაცია წარმატებით დაინსტალდა."
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "<ძლიერი>გაფრთხილება! გთხოვთ არ შეცვალოთ
კოდი ხელით რადგანაც
გარანტიას ვერ მოგცემთ რომ
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "საუბარი გადმოგზავნილია მისამართზე {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "ახალი სტუმარი ელოდება პასუხს."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "ჩვენება ყველა გვერდის თითოეული არსებული სტილისთვისhere"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "პროფილის მოდიფიცირების ნებართვა"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "დაამატე მისამართი"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "შეტყობინების დამატება..."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "დაამატე ახალი შეტყობინება."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "ოპერატორის დამატება..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "მისამართი {0}დაბლოკილია განსაზღვული დღეების მანძილზე."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "დაამატე გვერდი მესენჯერის შეტყობინებების მოხმარებისთვის."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "ადმინისტრატორი"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "ყველა საშუალება"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ადმინისტრატორისთვის"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "საშუალებები ოპერატორებისთვის"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "სტუმრისთვის"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "აჩვენე:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "მთავარი იდენთიფიკატორი"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "ენის წყარო"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "სახეობების მიხედვით დალაგება:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "მომხმარებელი ბეჭდავს..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "თქვენ იყენებთ:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "ნების დართვა დამცველი კავშირებისთვის (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "სტუმრებისთვის ნებართვა დეპარტამენტის/ჯგუფის ასარჩევად"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "მომხმარებლებისთვის სახელის შეცვლის ნებართვა"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ წაშალოთ მისამართი {0} დაბლოკილთა სიიდან?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ოპერატორის წაშლა \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ ჯგუფის წაშლა? \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "შეეკითხე სტუმარს ელ.ფოსტის მისამართი"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "დასვი შეკითხვა"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "საშუალო მესიჯის სიგრძე (დღიურ სამუშაოში)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "გასულია"
+msgid "Back to login"
+msgstr "უკან დაბრუნება შემოსვლისთვის"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "უკან..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "დაბლოკილთა სია"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "სტუმრის დაბლოკვა"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "მისამართის დაბლოკვა"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "დაბლოკილი სტუმრები"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "ბრაუზერი"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "HTML კოდის გენერაცია"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "HTML ღილაკის კოდის გენერაცია."
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "კოდი"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "ყველა შეტყობინება"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "თქვენი თხოვნა ვერ შესრულდება:"
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "შეცვლა"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "ადგილის შეცვლა."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "სახელის შეცვლა"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "ოპერატორის შეცვლა"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "შეზღუდვების მოხსნა ამ ოპერატორისთვის."
+msgid "Change your password"
+msgstr "Mibew-ს პაროლოს შეცვლა"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "ცვლილებები შენახულია"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "ჩეთის კავშირები"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "დიალოგების ისტორია"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "ჩეთის ჩართვა"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "ჩეთის განახლების დრო"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "თემების ჩვენება"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "ჩეთის გაფრთხილებები"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "სასაუბრო ფანჯარა (ოპერატორი-რეჟიმი)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "საუბრის ფანჯარა (მომხმარებლის-რეჟიმში)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "სადიალოგო ფანჯრის სტილი"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "სიახლეების შემოწმება."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "აირჩიეთ დეპარტამენტი:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "აირჩიე ჯგუფები ოპერატორის უნარ-ჩვევების მიხედვით."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "აირჩიე სურათი"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "აირჩიე სტილი"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "აირჩიეთ ნიმუში"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "აირჩიე სურათი ასატვირთად.
სურათის ზომამ არ უნდა გადააჭარბოს 100x100 პიქსელს."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "აირჩიეთ თქვენი ენა"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "აირჩიეთ:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "დააჭირეთ ამ ბმულს ფანჯრის დასახურად"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "დააჭირე სტუმართან საუბრისთვის"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "დააჭირეთ ამ ბმულს ფანჯრის დასახურად"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "დახურვა"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "საუბრის დახურვა"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "დახურვა..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "დახურა"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "კოდი ჯგუფებისათვის"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "კოდი ენისთვის"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "კომენტარი"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "კომპანიის სახელწოდება"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr "შეწყობა დამცავ ფორმასთან,(,ჩართეთ მხოლოდ პრობლემების არსებობის შემთხვევაში"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "შესრულებულია:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "დაადასტურეთ ახალი პაროლი."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "თანხმობა"
+msgid "Congratulations! You now have Mibew Messenger {1} installed. Turn on more features on the Optional services page."
+msgstr "გილოცავთ! Mibew Messenger {1} დაგიინსტალდათ. ჩართეთ განახლებისთვის არჩევითი სერვისები გვერდზე."
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "შეასწორე შეცდომები:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "დაკავშირირება შეუძლებელია,გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ სერვერის პარამეტრები კონფიგურაციაში.php. მოხდა ცდომიდლება: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზის შექმნა \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "ჯგუფის შექმნა..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "ჯგუფის შექმნა."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "შექმენი, წაშალე კომპანიის ოპერატორები. მართე მათი უფლებები."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "შექმენი მოთხოვნილი ცხრილები."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "მიმდინარე სურათი"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "მონაცემთა \"{0}\" ბაზა შექმნილია."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "თარიღი"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "დღეები"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "წაშლა"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "დეპარტამენტის ან უნარ-ჩვევების მიხედვით ოპერატორთა ჯგუფები."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "აღწერა"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "აღწერა ინგლისურად."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "ჯგუფის აღწერა."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "ადგილმდებარეობა თქვენი კომპანიის სახელის ან ლოგოსი"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "მიმართულება:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "არსებული ცხრილის მონაცემთა ბაზიდან ამოგდება"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "სტუმრის ელ.ფოსტა :{0}"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "ელ.ფოსტა"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "თითოეული IP-კოდი გახდეს ლინკი ახალი ფანჯრის გასახსენლად. {ip} არის შეცვლილი ნამდვილი ip-ით."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "შეტყობინების რედაქტირება"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "შეტყობინების რედაქტირება."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "მთავარი ოპერატორი პარამეტრების კორექტირება."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "შესწორება გაუკეთე შეტყობინებებს რომელსაც ხშირად წერ ამ საუბარში."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "ელ.ფოსტა"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "ელ.ფოსტა:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "ნებართვა \"ჯგუფებისთვის\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "ნებას რთავს \"Popup-ის უწყებებს ახალი სტუმრისთვის\"."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "ნების დართვა \"ჩეთამდე დათვალიერების\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "ნების დართვა \"სტატისტიკისთვის\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "ნების დართვა \"საშიში მნახველებისთვის\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "შესვლა"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "შეიყვანეთ ახალი პაროლი ან დატოვეთ ველი ცარიელი უკან დასაბრუნებლად."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "შეიყვანეთ ზუსტი ელ ფოსტის მისამართი"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "შეიყვანეთ ელ.ფოსტა სისტემისგან შეტყობინებების მისაღებად"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი კომპანიის ლოგოს http მისამართი"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი კომპანიის სახელწოდება"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი ელ.ფოსტა:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი თარგმანი."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "მომხმარებლოს სახელი/პაროლი არასწორია"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "პაროლი არასწორია"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "გარემო ვითარება:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "შეცდომა"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "შეცდომა ფაილის აღება"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "მოხდა შეცდომა:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "შეცდომა ფაილის ატვირთისას \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "მოხდა ცდომილება"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Ex: ან"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "მაგალითი"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "გასვლა"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "მახასიათებლები გააქტიურებულია"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზის მოსაწყობად."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "ჯგუფისთვის:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "ენისთვის:"
+msgid "For notifications and password retrieval."
+msgstr "შეტყობინებების და პაროლის აღსადგენად."
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "აიძილე ყველა ჩეთს რომ იყოს დაცული"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "სავალდებულია სტუმრებმა შეიყვანონ საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი შეტყობინების დატოვების დროს"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "იძულება-მომხმარებელმა უნდა შევასოს სპეციალური ფორმა ჩეთის დასაწყებად."
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "დაგავიწყდათ პაროლი?"
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "ნაპოვნია 0 ელემენტი"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "ამ გვერდიდან შეგიძლიაც გენერაცია გაუკეთოთ გამოყენებულ შეცვლილ ანგარიშებს."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "დან:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "ოპერატორების სრული სია:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "ფუნქციები ნებადართულია საიტის ოპერატორებისათვის."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "მთავარი"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "ჯეო-ლოკალიზაციის ფანჯრის პარამეტრები"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "ძიებაში შესვლა"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "ჯგუფი"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "ჯგუფის დეტალები"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "ჯგუფი:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "ჯგუფები"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "სტუმარი"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML კოდი"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "გამარჯობა, როგორ შემიძლია დაგეხმარო?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "აქ შეგიძლიათ დაბლოკოთ სარისკო სტუმრები რომლებსაც შეუძლიათ ეფექტის მოხდენა სამუშაოზე მათი რეკლამებით."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "თავდაცვა მავნე სტუმრებისგან."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "მენიუს დამალვა >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "მთავარზე დაბრუნება"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "რის მიხედვით დაფუძნდეს სტუმართა საიდენტიფიკაციო წყობა {სახელიდან}, {პირადი ნომრიდან} ან {მისამართიდან}. \nსავალდებულოა: {სახელი}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "თუ არ ხართ კმაყოფილი ნათარგმნით, გთხოვთ მოგვწეროთ თქვენი ვერსია."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "შეუძლებელია ცხრილების სტურქტურის განახლება. სცადეთ ხელით ან ახლიდან შექმენით ყველა ცხრილი (გაფრთხილება: ყველა თქვენი ამჟამინდელი ცხრილი იქნება წაშლილი)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "საუბარში"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "რიგში"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "ჩასვი მფლობელის სახელი კოდში"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "ინფორმაცია: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "პირველი შეკითხვა:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "ინსტალაცია"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "დაინსტალირებული ლოკალიზაციები:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "მესენჯერის განახლებები."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "საერთაშორისო აღწერილობა"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "საერთაშორისო სახელი"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "საერთაშორისო სახელი (ლათინურად)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "გაუქმებულია ფაილის ფორმატი"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "მთავარი იდენთიფიკატორი"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "ენა"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "ბოლო აქტივობა (ქმედება)"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "უახლესი ვერსია:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "დატოვეთ მესიჯი"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "დატოვეთ შეტყობინება"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "ლიცენზია"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "ჯეო ლოკალიზაციის სერვისის ლინკი დამატებით"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "დაბლოკილი IP-ების(კომპიუტერის საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომრების)სია:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "მხარდაჭერილი ბრაუზერების სია"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "მოლოდინში მყოფი სტუმრების სია"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Live დახმარება"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "იტვირთება"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "განსაზღვრა"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "სისტემიდან გასვლა."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "შესვლა"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "რეგისტრაცია შეიძლება შეიცავდეს ლათინურ ასოებს და ხაზგასმას."
+msgid "Login or E-mail:"
+msgstr "შესვლა ან ელ.ფოსტა:"
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "სისტემაში შესასვლისთვის სიტყვა უნდა შეიცავდეს, მხოლოდ ლათინურ ნიშნებს, ციფრებს და აღმნიშვნელ სიმბოლოებს."
+msgid "Login using your new password."
+msgstr "შესვლა ახალი პაროლით."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "შესვლა:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "მეილის გაფრთხილების ფანჯარა"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "მთავარი"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "მაქსიმალური კავშირის ციფრი მიღებულია ერთი მისამართიდან"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "წევრები"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "შეტყობინება"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "შეტყობინებები"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "შეტყობინებები ოპერატორებისგან"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "სტუმრებისგან შეტყობინებები"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "მესენჯერის პარამეტრები"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "მესენჯერის განახლებები."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger-ი არის ღია წყარო დახმარების აპლიკაციის მხარდასაჭერად."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "ანგარიში"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "განსაზღვრე"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "სახელი"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "სახელი ინგლისურად."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "დაასახელეთ თქვენი კომპანიის სახელწოდება მაგალითისთვის."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "სახელი ჯგუფის საიდენტიფიკაციოდ."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "სახელი:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "არასოდეს"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "ახალი შეტყობინება"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "სიახლეები:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "შემდეგი საფეხური:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "არ შეიცავს არცერთ ელემენტს"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "არ არსებობს ესეთი ოპერატორი"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "ესეთი ჯგუფი არ არსებობს"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "ესეთი შეტყობინება არ არსებობს"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "არა, დახურე ფანჯარა"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზა არასაკმარისია"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "დღეების რიცხვები ეს მისამართი დაბლოკილია"
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "გათიშულია"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ონლაინ"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "ძველი ბრაუზერები საჭიროა განახლდეს შეტყობინებების მისაღებად. გამოუცხადებლობა არის 7 წამი."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "ჯგუფის დეტალების შესწორება."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "ხაზზეა"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "ოპერატორი"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "ოპერატორი {0} შეცვალა ოპერატორმა {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "ოპერატორის დეტალები"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "ოპერატორი ჯგუფები"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "ოპერატორის ხაზზე ყოფნის დროის ლიმიტი"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "{0} დაბრუნდა"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "ოპერატორი {0} შემოუერთდა საუბარს"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "{0}დატოვა საუბარი"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "{0}–მ გადაგამისამართათ სხვა ოპერატორთან, გთხოვთ მოითმინოთ ცოტახანი"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "ოპერატორის კონსოლის განახლების დრო"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "ოპერატორი:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "ოპერატორები"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "ოპერატორების სია"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "პარამეტრების სერვისები"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "სხვა"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "გვერდის განახლების დრო ძველი ბრაუზერებისთვის"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "გვერდი {0} დან {1},{2}-{3} დან {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "პაროლი"
+msgid "Password retrieval"
+msgstr "პაროლის აღდგენა"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "პაროლი:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "შესრულება"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "ნებართვები"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "სურათი"
+msgid "Please choose a password to use with your account."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ პაროლი თქვენი Mibew-ის ანგარიშისთვის."
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ სხვა სახელი, რადგანაც ოპერატორი აღნისნული სახელით უკვე არის დარეგისტრირებული სისტემაში."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ სხვა სახელი, იმიტომ რომ ამ ჯგუფის სახელი სისტემაში უკვე არსებობს."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ თქვენი კომპანიის სახელწოდება"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ თქვენი სახელი ან პაროლი ადმინისტრაციულ უფლებებთან წვდომისთვის, ნახე სტუმრები და ისტორია."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ, სწორედ \"{0}\" შეავსოთ."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ შეავსოთ \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ, გაითვალისწინოთ რომ თქვენი ვებ სერვერის ფორმა უნდა ჯდებოდეს მხარდამჭერი https-ს მოთხოვნებში."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "გთხოვთ, გაუშვათ განახლებამონაცემთა ბაზის წესრიგში რეგულირებისთვის."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "გთხოვთ, გამოიყენოთ ახალი ბრაუზერი"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "ჩეთისთვის ვიყენებთ:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "საუბრამდე მიმოხილვა"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "პრიორიტეტული სტუმართა რიგი"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "პრობლემა"
+msgid "Proceed to login"
+msgstr "იტვირთება ჩასართავად"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "მიმდინარეობს გვერდის ჩატვირთვა"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "პროფილი"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "თავდაცვა ავტომატური რეკლამებისგან (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "დაბლოკვის მიზეზი"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "გადამისამართება
სხვა ოპერატორთან"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "გადავამოსამართოთ სტუმარი სხვა ოპერატორთან"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "სტუმრის გადამისამართება სხვა ოპერატორთან"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "განახლება"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "დაიმახსოვრე"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "მომხმარებელი ბეჭდავს..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "სურათის აღება"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "მოთხოვნილი ცხრილი შექმნილია."
+msgid "Reset password"
+msgstr "პაროლის შეცვლა"
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "გადაჭერი პრობლემა და სცადე ხელახლა. დააჭირეუკან დაბრუნებას."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "შენახვა"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "შენახულია"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "მოძებნა"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "ძებნა საუბრის ისტორიის კონკრეტული მომხმარებლის ან კონკრეტული ფრაზის საშუალებით დიალოგში."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "მოძებნე დიალოგების ისტორია."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "შეარჩიე სტილი საუბრის ფანჯრისთვის"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "აირჩიეთ პასუხი..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "თარიღის შერჩევა"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "გაგზავნა"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "გაგზავნა ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "გავგზავნოთ საუბარი ელექტრონულ ფოსტაზე"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "დიალოგების ისტორიის გაგზავნა
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "შეტყობინების გაგზავნა"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "გააგზავნე შეტყობინება თან:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "გაგზავნა"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "ხაზზეა"
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "გასულია"
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "ოპერატორების ხაზზე ყოფნის წამების დაყენება. გამოუცხადებლობა არის 30 წამი."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "პარამეტრები"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "აჩვენე ჩეთი მხოლოდ https კავშირით"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "აჩვენე ცდომილებები"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "აჩვენე ინიციალი შეკითხვა ველზე"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "მენიუს ჩვენება >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "აჩვენე/დამალე დეპარტამენტის არჩევის ველი მიმოხილვაში"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "აჩვენე/დამალე ელ ფოსტის მისამართი ამ ველის მიმოხილვაში"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "აჩვენე/დამალე ინიციალური(დაწყებითი) შეკითხვა დათვალიერების ველში"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "აჩვენე:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "მარტივი საუბრის რეჟიმი, განაახლე შეტყობინებს დასაწერად(IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "საიტის კონსულტანტი"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "საიტის სტილი"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "პატარა დიალოგის გამოჩნდება თქვენი ყურადღების მისაპყრობად."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის ლიცენზიის ხელშეკრულება"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "ამჟამად არცერთი ოპერატორი არ არის ხაზზე. გააგზავნეთ შეკითხვა ან სცადეთ მოგვიანებით."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "სახეობების მიხედვით დალაგება:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "ენის წყარო"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "დაყავი პარამეტრები სასაუბრო ფანჯარაზე ზემოქმდებით და მსგავსი სისტემით."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "განსაზღვე გამოკითხვის შუალედი წამებში. გამოუცხადებლობა არის 2 წამი."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "საუბრის დაწყება"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "ქვეყანა"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "სტატისტიკა"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "ადმინისტრატორისთვის"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "საშუალებები ოპერატორებისთვის"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "სტუმრისთვის"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "თქვენი ცხრილების სტრუქტურა სასურველია განახლდეს მესენჯერის ახალი ვერსიისთვის."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "გაგზავნა"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "სისტემის ადმინსიტრირება: პარამეტრები, ოპერატორების მენეჯმენტი, გენერაციის საშუალება"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "ცხრილების სტუქტურა განახლებულია."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "საუბრის გაფრთხილებების მიღება"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "მადლობას გიხდით ჩვენთან დაკავშირებისთვის. ოპერატორი მალე მოგემსახურებათ..."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "გმადლობთ ჩვენთან კონტაქტისათვის! უკეთესად რომ მოგემსახუროთ, გთხოვთ შეავსოთ მოცემული ფორმა და დააჭიროთ დიალოგის დაწყების ღილაკს."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "გმადლობთ რომ იყენებთ ჩვენ სერვის. ჩვენ გიპასუხებთ ელ.ფოსტით როგორც კი შევძლებთ."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "მონაცემთა ბაზა არ არის ნაპოვნი სერვერში.თუ გაქვთ ნებართვა რომ შექმნათ ეხლა,დააჭირეთ შემდეგ ლინკს."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "თქვენს მიერ აკრეფილი სიტყვა, არ დაემთხვა ნაჩვენებ სურათს."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "მოლოდინის სტუმართა სიაში არავინ არის"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "აღნიშნული მისამართი უკვე არის გამოყენებაში, დააჭირე აქ თუ გსურს რედაქტირება."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "სტუმარმა შეიცვალა სახელი {0} {1}-ით"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "სტუმარი გადაყვანილია ჯგუფის პრიორიტეტულ მოთხოვნის სიაში {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "სტუმარი გადაყვანილია პრიორიტეტულ მოთხოვნის სიაში {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "სტუმარი გადამისამართებულია სხვა ოპერატორთან"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "ბევრი ბრაუზერია გახსნილი. რომელებს მირჩევთ?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "ეს სახელი გამოჩნდება მნახველების მიერ."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "კომპანიის ოპერატორების სიის ნახვა."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "ეს გვერდი ხსნის ჯგუფების სიას თქვენს კომპანიაში. ყველა ჯგუფს შეიძლება ჰქონდეს საკუთარი ღილაკი და მჭიდრო პასუხები."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "ეს გვერდი ხსნის მოლოდინში მყოფ სტუმართა სიას."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "ეს გვერდი ხსნის დიალოგების დეტალებს და შინაარს."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "კავშირები ოპერატორისგან"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "მდე"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "მდე:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "დიალოგის საუბრის დრო"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "ჩეთის ფანჯრის სათაური"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "პასუხის გასაცემად სიაში დააჭირე მის სახელს."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "დღეს {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "სრული დრო"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "სულ:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "თარგმანი"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "პროგრამის ლოკალიზება"
+msgid "Trouble Accessing Your Account?"
+msgstr "დაგავიწყდათ პაროლი?"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "ჩეთის ფანჯრიდან ხელსაწყოების გრაფის გამორთვა"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "URL თქვენი ვებ-საიტის"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "ცხრილების განახლება"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "განახლებები"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "სურათის ატვირთვა"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "სურათის ატვირთვა"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "ატვირთული ფაილის ზომამ გადააჭარბა ნორმას"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "სტატისტიკის გამოყენება თითოეული დღისთვის"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "დაყავი სხვადასხვა შეკითხვები რიგებად(აბზაცებად)."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "დამცავი კავშირების გამოყენება (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "მომხმარებლის სახელის ან ტექსტის მოძებნა:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "ამის გამოყენებით თქვენ შეგიძლიათ დაბლოკოთ შეტევები სპეციალური IP-ებისგან"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "საუბრის ფანჯრის ნახვა (ოპერატორის წაკითხვის ფორმაში)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "ნახვა და ცვლილებების შეტანა წევრების სიაში."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "ჩვენება სხვა ოპერატორების საუბრის გაფრთხილებების"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "მნახველთა ისტორია"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Visitor {0} already assisted by {1}.
დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ სტუმართან დიალოგის დაწყება?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "სტუმარმა დახურა საუბრის ფანჯარა"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "სტუმარი ისევ შემოუერთდა საუბარს"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "სტუმარი გადამისამართდა ოპერატორთან {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "სტუმარმა {0} დატოვა საუბარი"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "სტუმრის მისამართი"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "სტუმრების მისამართები"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "სტუმრების იდენტიფიკატორი"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "სტუმრის შეტყობინებები"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "სტუმრები"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "სტუმრები დიალოგებში"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "სტუმარი შემოგვიერთდა {0} –დან"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "ველოდები ოპერატორს პირველად"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "ველოდებით ოპერატორს"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "მოლოდინის დრო"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "საუბრისთვის ყურება"
+msgid "We've sent the instructions to your email. Please check it."
+msgstr "ინსტრუქციები გამოგზავნილია ელ.ფოსტაზე. გთხოვთ, შეამოწმოთ!"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "ფანჯრის ზომის და პანელის დამალვა"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "დიახ, დარწმუნებული ვარ"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "გუშინ {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "თქვენ ხართ"
+msgid "You are Offline.
+msgstr "თქვენ გასული ხართ.
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "თქვენ ესაუბრებით:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "თქვენ ხართ დაკავშირებული MySQL-ის სერვერთან {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "თქვენ არ გაქვთ ნებართვა ამ პიროვნების პროფილის შეცვლის."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "ახლა თქვენ ელაპარაკებით სტუმარს."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "თქვენ იყენებთ:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "თქვენ ხართ {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "პერსონალური ინფორმაციის შეცვლა."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "შექმენი ახალი ოპერატორი."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "მოლოდინის სიაში მყოფი სტუმრები."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "სტუმრებთან დიალოგების ისტორია."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გენერირება გაუკეთოთ HTML კოდს საიტზე დადებისთვის აქ."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "თქვენ შეგიძლიათ ჩაერთოთ როგორც ადმინსიტრატორი მხოლოდ პაროლით.
!!! თავდაცვისთვის, გთხოვთ შეცვალოთ პაროლი დაუყოვნებლივ და აიღოთ/mibew/ თქვენი სერვერის ფაილიდან."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "თქვენ შეგიძლიათ ატვირთოთ სურათი მხოლოდ JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF -ის ფორმატში."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "თემების სიის ნახვა რომელსაც გაუკეთდა ინსტალიზაცია."
+msgid "You cannot retrieve your password, but you can set a new one by following a link sent to you by email."
+msgstr "თქვენ ვეღარ აღადგენთ პაროლს, მაგრამ შეგიძლიათ დააყენოთ ახალი ელ.ფოსტაზე გამოგზავნილი ლინკით."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "თქვენ აირჩიეთ ამ დღიდან დღევანდელ დღემდე"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "თქვენ გახსენით ფანჯარა \"{0}\"გაფრთხილება,მისამართისველი უკვე შევსებულია. აირჩიეთ დღეების რაოდენობა და დააჭირეთ გაგზავნას."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "თქვენი სურათი."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "თქვენი კომპანიის ლოგო"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "თქვენი ელ. ფოსტა"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "დატოვებული შეტყობინება გაგზავნილია"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "თქვენი სახელი"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "ჩვენ ოპერატორს აქვს პრობლემა ინტერნეტთან, დროებით გადაგიყვანეთ მოლოდინის სიაში. ბოდიშს ვიხდით თქვენ დროის დახარჯვისთვის."
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "თქვენი პაროლი შეცვლილია!"
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "თქვენი დრო ამოიწურა გთხოვთ ჩაერთოთ ახლიდან"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "თქვენი ნათარგმნი შენახულია."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "თქვენი ვებ-ბრაუზერი არ არის სრულად მხარდაჭერილი Mibew Messenger ის მიერ.\nგთხოვთ, გამოიყენოთ შემდეგი ვებ-ბრაუზერები :"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[სპამი] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "შესწორება"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "სავალდებულო ველები"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "შემდეგი"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "წინა"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "წაშლა"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "მენიუს გარეშე"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/ko/translation.po b/translations/ko/translation.po
index f82b7742..0f7c0c2e 100644
--- a/translations/ko/translation.po
+++ b/translations/ko/translation.po
@@ -1,138 +1,124 @@
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "{0} 페이지로 부터 오신 방문자"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "이름변경"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "고객님은"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "방문자는 {0}로 가셨습니다"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "손님"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "창닫기..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "에러가 생겼습니다"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "에러"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "창닫기…"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "창을 닫으려면 링크를 누르십시오"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
msgstr "대화 내용이 주소로 보내졌습니다{0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "발송"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "직원{0} 이 직원{1} 로 변경됐습니다"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "직원연결에 문제가 있습니다. 우선대기자로 이동합니다. 기다리셔서 죄송합니다."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "직원{0} 이 체팅방에 들어왔습니다"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "직원{0} 이 체팅방을 나갔습니다"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "직원{0} 이 돌아왔습니다"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "방문자는 이름을 {0} 에서 {1} 로 변경하셨습니다"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "방문자는 체팅창을 닫으셨습니다"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "{0} 방문자가 나가셨습니다"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "방문자는 체팅에 다시 들어오셨습니다"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "인포메이션: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "연락 감사드립니다. 직원이 곧 도와드리겠습니다."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "체팅중:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "체팅창 닫기"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "움직이는:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "답변을 고르십시오…"
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "발송 ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "메세지 발송"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "체팅내역을 이메일로 발송"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "다른 직원에게 방문자를 리디렉션"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "재생"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.toggle_sound"
-msgstr "소리 켬/끔"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "적어주신 문서가 사진에 보이는 문서와 매치가 되지 않습니다."
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "\"{0}\"을 적어주십시오"
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "\"{0}\"을 정확히 적어주십시오"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "이메일"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "메세지"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "이름"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
msgstr "실행할수 없음:"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "창닫기"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "죄송합니다. 서포트 팀이 현재 자리에 없습니다.
메세지를 남겨주시면 연락드리겠습니다."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "제출"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "메세지 감사드립니다. 이메일로 빠른 답변 해드리겠습니다."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "메세지가 발송됐습니다"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "메세지를 남겨주십시오"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "라이센스"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "창닫기..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "이메일주소를 넣으십시오:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "발송"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "체팅내역을
이메일로 발송"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "{1}: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "창닫기..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "이 웹브라우져는 지원이 안됩니다. 다음의 웹 브라우져 중 한가지를 선택하십시오.:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "최근에 사용하신 브라우져를 사용하십시오"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "이름변경"
+msgid "Choose Department:"
msgstr "선택:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "연락 감사드립니다. 아래 사항을 적어주시고 체팅스타트 버튼을 눌러 주시길 바랍니다."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "창을 닫으려면 링크를 누르십시오"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "창닫기"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "체팅창 닫기"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "창닫기..."
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "이름:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "이메일주소를 넣으십시오:"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "에러"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "에러가 생겼습니다"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "손님"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "인포메이션: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
msgstr "질문:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "체팅시작"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "메세지를 남겨주십시오"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "라이센스"
+msgid "Live support"
msgstr "실시간 고객센타"
-msgid "typing.remote"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "메세지"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "이름:"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "직원{0} 이 직원{1} 로 변경됐습니다"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "직원{0} 이 돌아왔습니다"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "직원{0} 이 체팅방에 들어왔습니다"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "직원{0} 이 체팅방을 나갔습니다"
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "\"{0}\"을 정확히 적어주십시오"
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "\"{0}\"을 적어주십시오"
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "최근에 사용하신 브라우져를 사용하십시오"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "움직이는:"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "다른 직원에게 방문자를 리디렉션"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "재생"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
msgstr "리모트 유저가 글을 씁니다…"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "답변을 고르십시오…"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "발송"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "발송 ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "체팅내역을 이메일로 발송"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "체팅내역을
이메일로 발송"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "메세지 발송"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "발송"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "죄송합니다. 서포트 팀이 현재 자리에 없습니다.
메세지를 남겨주시면 연락드리겠습니다."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "체팅시작"
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "제출"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "연락 감사드립니다. 직원이 곧 도와드리겠습니다."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "연락 감사드립니다. 아래 사항을 적어주시고 체팅스타트 버튼을 눌러 주시길 바랍니다."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "메세지 감사드립니다. 이메일로 빠른 답변 해드리겠습니다."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "적어주신 문서가 사진에 보이는 문서와 매치가 되지 않습니다."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "방문자는 이름을 {0} 에서 {1} 로 변경하셨습니다"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "방문자는 체팅창을 닫으셨습니다"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "방문자는 체팅에 다시 들어오셨습니다"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "방문자는 {0}로 가셨습니다"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "{0} 방문자가 나가셨습니다"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "{0} 페이지로 부터 오신 방문자"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "고객님은"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "체팅중:"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "이메일"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "메세지가 발송됐습니다"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "이름"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "직원연결에 문제가 있습니다. 우선대기자로 이동합니다. 기다리셔서 죄송합니다."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "이 웹브라우져는 지원이 안됩니다. 다음의 웹 브라우져 중 한가지를 선택하십시오.:"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/lt/translation.po b/translations/lt/translation.po
index deaf7641..b2074f89 100644
--- a/translations/lt/translation.po
+++ b/translations/lt/translation.po
@@ -1,916 +1,844 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Įmonės operatorių sukūrimas, šalinimas. Operatorių teisių ir galimybių valdymas."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "HTML kodo gavimas mygtukui"
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Jūs galite įvesti nustatymus, įtakojančius pokalbio lango atvaizdavimą ir bendrą sistemos elgesį."
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funkcijos, prienamos tik registruotiems operatoriams."
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Jūsų sesija baigėsi, prašome prisijungti dar karta"
-msgid "app.descr"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger tai bendavimo su Jūsų tinklalapio lankytojais sistema."
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "ban.error.duplicate"
-msgstr "Adresas jau įregistruotas sistemoje, paspauskite čia kad jį pataisyti."
-msgid "button.delete"
-msgstr "Pašalinti"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Įeiti"
-msgid "button.offline.bottom"
-msgstr "Palikite pranešimą"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įmonės konsultantas"
-msgid "button.offline"
-msgstr "OFFLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Užduokite klausimą"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įmonės konsultantas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "ONLINE"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Išsaugoti"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ieškoti"
-msgid "canned.actions.del"
-msgstr "pašalinti"
-msgid "canned.actions.edit"
-msgstr "redaguoti"
-msgid "canned.actions"
-msgstr "Keisti"
-msgid "canned.add"
-msgstr "Pridėti pranešimą.."
-msgid "canned.descr"
-msgstr "Sukurkite tekstinius pranešimus, kuriuos dažnai naudosite susirašinėjant."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupei:"
-msgid "canned.locale"
-msgstr "Kalbai:"
-msgid "canned.title"
-msgstr "Atsakymų šablonai"
-msgid "cannededit.descr"
-msgstr "Paredaguokite esamus pranešimus."
-msgid "cannededit.done"
-msgstr "Išsaugota"
-msgid "cannededit.message"
-msgstr "Pranešimas"
-msgid "cannededit.no_such"
-msgstr "Tikriausiai pranešimas jau buvo pašalintas"
-msgid "cannededit.title"
-msgstr "Redaguoti šabloną"
-msgid "cannednew.descr"
-msgstr "Pridėti naują šabloną greitam atsakymui."
-msgid "cannednew.title"
-msgstr "Naujas šablonas"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.away_suff"
-msgstr "(trumpam nepasiekiamas)"
-msgid "char.redirect.operator.online_suff"
-msgstr "(pasiekiamas)"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Lankytojas atėjo iš puslapio {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Pakeisti vardą"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jūs"
-msgid "chat.client.spam.prefix"
-msgstr "[spam] "
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Lankytojas perėjo į {0}"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Įveskite savo vardą"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Uždaryti..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Įvyko klaida:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Klaida"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Uždaryti..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Paspauskite šią nuorodą lango uždarymui"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Jūsų pokalbio istorija buvo išsiųsta adresu {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Išsiųsta"
-msgid "chat.redirect.back"
-msgstr "Atgal..."
-msgid "chat.redirect.cannot"
-msgstr "Jūs neaptarnaujate šio lankytojo."
-msgid "chat.redirect.choose"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupė:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.operator"
-msgstr "Operatorius:"
-msgid "chat.redirect.title"
-msgstr "Peradresuoti
kitam operatoriui"
-msgid "chat.redirected.close"
-msgstr "Uždaryti..."
-msgid "chat.redirected.closewindow"
-msgstr "Paspauskite šią nuorodą lango uždarymui"
-msgid "chat.redirected.content"
-msgstr "Lankytojas įtrauktas į privilegijuotą operatoriaus eilę {0}."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Lankytojas įtrauktas į privilegijuotą grupės eilę {0}."
-msgid "chat.redirected.title"
-msgstr "Lankytojas perjungtas į kitą operatorių"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operatorius {0} pakeitė operatorių {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Operatorius turi ryšio problemą, laikinai įtraukėme Jus į prioritetinę eilę. Prašome palaukti. Atsiprašome už nepatogumus."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operatorius {0} prisijungė prie pokalbio"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operatorius {0} atsijungė nuo pokalbio"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.redirect"
-msgstr "Operatorius {0} perjungė Jus į kitą operatorių, prašome šiek tiek palaukti"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operatorius {0} grįžo į pokalbį"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Lankytojas pakeitė vardą {0} į {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Lankytojas uždarė pokalbio langą"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Lankytojas {0} paliko pokalbį"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Lankytojas grįžo į pokalbį"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Pokalbyje"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Uždaryta"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Kraunasi"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Eilėje"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Operatoriaus laukimas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Apie lankytoją: {0}"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Prašome palaukti, prie pokalbio netrukus prisijungs operatorius.."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Jūs bendraujate su:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Uždaryti pokalbį"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Powered by:"
-msgid "chat.window.predefined.select_answer"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite atsakymą..."
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Išsiųsti pranešimą"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Išsiųsti ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Nusiųsti pokalbio istoriją elektroniniu paštu"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.redirect_user"
-msgstr "Peradresuoti lankytoją pas kitą operatorių"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti pokalbio langą"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Norėdami atsakyti lankytojui, spauskite atitinkamą vardą sąraše."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame puslapyje galima matyti lankytojų, laukiančių atsakymų sąrašą."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Šioje eilėje laukiančių lankytojų nėra"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Lankytojai pokalbiuose"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Prioritetinė lankytojų eilė"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Laukiantys operatoriaus pirmą kartą"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Laukiančių lankytojų sąrašas"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "laukai, kuriuos būtina užpildyti"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "confirm.take.head"
-msgstr "Pakeisti operatorių"
-msgid "confirm.take.message"
-msgstr "Su lankytoju {0} jau bendrauja {1}.
Ar tikrai norite pakeisti jį?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Ne, uždaryti langą"
-msgid "confirm.take.yes"
-msgstr "Taip, tikrai"
-msgid "content.blocked"
-msgstr "Čia galima apsisaugoti nuo nepageidaujamų laiškų ir kenksmingų lankytojų."
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Paiešką pokalbių archyve."
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Išeiti iš sitemos."
-msgid "data.saved"
-msgstr "Pakeitimai išsaugoti"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Patarkite man prašau dėl geros interneto naršyklės?"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sveiki! Kaip galime Jums padėti?"
-msgid "errors.captcha"
-msgstr "Neteisignasi įvesti simboliai."
-msgid "errors.failed.uploading.file"
-msgstr "Failo siuntimo klaida \"{0}\": {1}."
-msgid "errors.file.move.error"
-msgstr "Failo kopijavimo klaida"
-msgid "errors.file.size.exceeded"
-msgstr "Viršijamas leistinas failo dydis"
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Prašome ištaisyti klaidas:"
-msgid "errors.invalid.file.type"
-msgstr "Neleistinas failo formatas"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Užpildykite lauką \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Neteisingai užpildytas laukas \"{0}\"."
-msgid "features.saved"
-msgstr "Servisų nustatymai pakeisti"
-msgid "form.field.address.description"
-msgstr "Pavyzdžiui: arba"
-msgid "form.field.address"
-msgstr "Lankytojo adresas"
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Šiuo vardu Jūs matys lankytojai iš kitų šalių."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Internacionalinis vardas (lotyniškomis raidėmis)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Šituo vardu Jūs matys Jūsų lankytojai, taip pat
jį naudos sistema."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Vardas"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current.description"
-msgstr "Šią nuotrauką lankytojai matys pokalbio lange
kai bendraus su Jumis. Paspaudus nuorodą po nuotrauka, Jūs galite
ją pašalinti."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.current"
-msgstr "Esama nuotrauka"
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload.description"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite failą Jūsų kompiuteryje. Paveikslelio dydis neturėtų būti
didesnis negu 100x100 px."
-msgid "form.field.avatar.upload"
-msgstr "Įkelti nuotrauką"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment.description"
-msgstr "Draudimo priežastis"
-msgid "form.field.ban_comment"
-msgstr "Komentaras"
-msgid "form.field.ban_days.description"
-msgstr "Draudimo (ban) dienų
-msgid "form.field.ban_days"
-msgstr "Dienos"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jūsų elektroninio pašto adresas"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc.description"
-msgstr "Aprašymas kitų šalių gyventojams."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommondesc"
-msgstr "Internacionalinis aprašymas"
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname.description"
-msgstr "Šį pavadinimą matys Jūsų lankytojai iš kitų šalių."
-msgid "form.field.groupcommonname"
-msgstr "Internacionalinis pavadinimas"
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc.description"
-msgstr "Bus pasiekiama lankytojams pasirenkant grupę."
-msgid "form.field.groupdesc"
-msgstr "Aprašymas"
-msgid "form.field.groupname.description"
-msgstr "Gali būti padalinio pavadinimu Jūsų kompanijoje."
-msgid "form.field.groupname"
-msgstr "Grupės pavadinimas"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Prisijungimo vardui galima naudoti mažasias raidės ir pabraukimo ženklą."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Pranešimas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jūsų vardas, pavardė"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Įveskite naują slaptažodį arba palikte tusčią lauką, kad išsaugoti seną."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Slaptažodis"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Patvirtinkite įvestą slaptažodį dar karta."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Patvirtinimas"
-msgid "form.field.translation"
-msgstr "Vertimo tekstas"
-msgid "harderrors.header"
-msgstr "Neįmanoma įvykdyti:"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Jūs prisijungėte prie MySQL serverio, versija {0}"
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Sukurti duomenų bazę \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Duomenų bazė sukurta \"{0}\"."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Duomenų bazė, kuria pasirinkote neegzistuoja serveryje. Jeigu turite teises
ją sukurti, galite tai padaryti dabar."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Sukurti reikiamas lenteles."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Reikaimos lentelės sukurtos."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Lentelių struktūra paruošta naudojumui."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Korektiškam Messenger veikimui reikia atnaujinti lentelių struktūrą."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Nėra priėjimo prie MySQL serverio, patikrinkite nustatymys config.php faile. Klaida: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Atlikta:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Ištaisykite problemą ir bandykite dar karta. Paspauskite atgal kad sugrįžtume prie diegimo vedlio."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Klaida"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Neįmanoma atnaujinti lentelių struktūrą. Pabandykite padaryti tai rankiniu būdu arba sukūrkite visas lenteles iš naujo (Dėmesio: visi duomenys bus prarasti)."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Pašalinti egzistuojančias lenteles"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Programinės įrangos licencija"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Sekite diegimo vedlio nurodymus teisingam duomenų bazių konfiguravimui."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sekantis žingsnis:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Diegimas"
-msgid "install.updatedb"
-msgstr "Prašome paleisti Duomenų bazių diegimo vedlį."
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Įeiti į sistemą"
-msgid "installed.message"
-msgstr "Diegimas sėkmingai baigtas. "
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Jūs galite įeiti į sistemą kaip admin su tusčiu slaptažodžio įvedimo lauku.
!!! Saugumo sumetimais prašome iš serverio pašalinti katalogą {0} ir pakeiskite slaptažodį."
-msgid "lang.choose"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite kalbą"
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Uždaryti"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Atsiprašome, šiuo metu visi operatoriai užimti. Bandykite susisiekti vėliau arba palikite savo klausimą ir artimiausiu metu mes susisieksime su Jumus nurodytu adresu."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Perduoti"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Dėkojame už Jūsų klausimą. Mes pasistengsime atsakyti į jį kuo greičiau."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Jūsų pranešimas išsaugotas"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Palikite savo pranešimą"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Operatoriai"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Mygtuko kodas"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Nustatymai"
-msgid "license.title"
-msgstr "Licencija"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Uždaryti..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Įveskite elektroninio pašto adresą:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Siųsti"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Siųsti pokalbio istoriją
elektroniniu paštu"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Operatorių sąrašas"
-msgid "menu.blocked"
-msgstr "Nepageidaujami lankytojai"
-msgid "menu.canned"
-msgstr "Atsakymų šablonai"
-msgid "menu.groups.content"
-msgstr "Operatorių grupavimas pagal padalinius arba temas."
-msgid "menu.groups"
-msgstr "Grupės"
-msgid "menu.locale.content"
-msgstr "Pasirinkti sistemos kalbą."
-msgid "menu.locale"
-msgstr "Kalba"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Pagrindinis"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Jūs {0}"
-msgid "menu.profile.content"
-msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite redaguoti savo asmeninius nustatymus."
-msgid "menu.profile"
-msgstr "Profilis"
-msgid "menu.translate"
-msgstr "Lokalizavimas"
-msgid "menu.updates.content"
-msgstr "Patikrinti ar yra sistemos atnaujinimų."
-msgid "menu.updates"
-msgstr "Atnaujinimai"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Įvesti slaptažodžiai turi sutapti"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Užklaustas operatoriaus įrašas neegzistuoja"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "<be aprašymo>"
-msgid "operator.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Grupės į kurios įeina operatorius."
-msgid "operator.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grupės"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Interneto Naršyklė"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupė"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Lankytojo adresas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Lankytojo pranešimų"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vardas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operatorius"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pokalbio trukmė"
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite matyti visus pokalbius su lankytojais."
-msgid "page.analysis.userhistory.title"
-msgstr "Pokalbių istorija"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Uždaryti..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Atsiprašome, darbui su sistema reikalingas naujasne interneto naršyklė. Rekomenduojame naudoti:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Naudokite naujasnę interneto naršyklę"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_group"
-msgstr "Grupei"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_image"
-msgstr "Paveiksliuko pasirinkimas"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_locale"
-msgstr "Kiekvienam vietai (locale) sukurti mygtuką"
-msgid "page.gen_button.choose_style"
-msgstr "Pokalbių lango stilius"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code.description"
-msgstr "Dėmesio! Jei darysite
kokius nors pakeitimus
šiame programiniame kode mygtuko
veikimas negarantuojamas!"
-msgid "page.gen_button.code"
-msgstr "HTML kodas"
-msgid "page.gen_button.default_group"
-msgstr "-visi operatoriai-"
-msgid "page.gen_button.include_site_name"
-msgstr "Įtraukti tinklalapio pavadimimą į kodą"
-msgid "page.gen_button.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite gauti HTML kodą patalpinimui į savo puslapį."
-msgid "page.gen_button.modsecurity"
-msgstr " Suderinamumas su mod_security (, įjunkite jei pokalbio langas atsidaro su http klaida"
-msgid "page.gen_button.sample"
-msgstr "Pavyzdys"
-msgid "page.gen_button.secure_links"
-msgstr "Naudoti saugų ryšį (https)"
-msgid "page.gen_button.title"
-msgstr "Mygtuko HTML kodo gavimas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Čia Jūs galite sukūrti naują grupę."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Prašome pasirinkite kitą pavadinimą. Grupė su tokiu pavadinimu jau egzistuoja."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Čia Jūs galite redaguoti grupės detales."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operatoriai"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Tokios grupės nėra"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupės nustatymai"
-msgid "page.groupmembers.intro"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite operatorius, kurie įeis į šią grupę."
-msgid "page.groupmembers.title"
-msgstr "Grupės nariai"
-msgid "page.groups.confirm"
-msgstr "Jūs tikrai norite ištrinti grupę \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page.groups.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite valdyti operatorių grupes. Kiekviena grupė gali turėti atskirą pokalbio pradžios mygtuką ir savo atsakymų šablonus."
-msgid "page.groups.isaway"
-msgstr "Laikinai nepasiekiamas"
-msgid "page.groups.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pridėti grupę..."
-msgid "page.groups.title"
-msgstr "Grupės"
-msgid "page.preview.agentchat"
-msgstr "Pokalbio langas (operatoriaus dalis)"
-msgid "page.preview.agentrochat"
-msgstr "Pokalbio peržiūros langas (operatoriui)"
-msgid "page.preview.chatsimple"
-msgstr "Paprastas pokalbio langas, atnaujinti pranešimo išsiuntimui (IE 5, Opera 7)"
-msgid "page.preview.choose"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite stilių"
-msgid "page.preview.choosetpl"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite šabloną"
-msgid "page.preview.error"
-msgstr "Klaidos langas"
-msgid "page.preview.intro"
-msgstr "Čia Jūs galite pamatyti savo puslapio stilių."
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessage"
-msgstr "Palikite pranešimą langas"
-msgid "page.preview.leavemessagesent"
-msgstr "\"Pranešimas pristatytas\" langas"
-msgid "page.preview.mail"
-msgstr "Laiško langas"
-msgid "page.preview.mailsent"
+msgid "\"Mail is sent\" window"
msgstr "\"Laiškas išsiųstas\" langas"
-msgid "page.preview.nochat"
-msgstr "Palaikamų naršyklių langas"
-msgid "page.preview.redirect"
-msgstr "Peradresuoti lankytoją į kito operatoriaus langą"
-msgid "page.preview.redirected"
-msgstr "\"Lankytojas peradresuotas\" langas"
-msgid "page.preview.showerr"
-msgstr "Parodyti klaidas"
-msgid "page.preview.style_default"
-msgstr "-iš puslapio nustatymų-"
-msgid "page.preview.survey"
-msgstr "Lankytojo apklausos forma prieš pradedant pokalbį"
-msgid "page.preview.title"
-msgstr "Sistemos stilius"
-msgid "page.preview.userchat"
-msgstr "Pokalbio langas (lankytojo dalis)"
-msgid "page.translate.descr"
-msgstr "Jeigu Jums nepatinka vertimas, atsiųskite savo vertimo variantą. Ačiū."
-msgid "page.translate.done"
-msgstr "Jūsų vertimas išsaugotas."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įveskite savo vertimo variantą."
-msgid "page.translate.title"
-msgstr "Lokalizavimas"
-msgid "page_agent.cannot_modify"
-msgstr "Jūs negalite keisti šio operatoriaus profilį."
-msgid "page_agent.clear_avatar"
-msgstr "Pašalinti nuotrauką"
-msgid "page_agent.create_new"
-msgstr "Naujo operatoriaus sukūrimas."
-msgid "page_agent.error.duplicate_login"
-msgstr "Prašome pasirinkti kitą prisijungimo vardą, nes operatorius su tokiu vardu sistemoje jau egzistuoja."
-msgid "page_agent.error.wrong_login"
-msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas gali būti iš lotyniškų raidžių, skaičių ir pabraukimo."
-msgid "page_agent.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame puslapyje Jūs galite matyti operatoriaus nustatymus ir juos redaguoti."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nuotrauka"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Grupė"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bendras"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Galimybės"
-msgid "page_agent.title"
-msgstr "Operatoriaus nustatymai"
-msgid "page_agents.agent_name"
-msgstr "Vardas"
-msgid "page_agents.agents"
-msgstr "Pilnas operatorių sąrašas:"
-msgid "page_agents.confirm"
-msgstr "Jūs tikrai norite pašalinti operatorių \"{0}\"?"
-msgid "page_agents.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite peržiūrėti įmonės operatorių sąrašą ir pridėti naujus operatorius jeigu turite tokias teises."
-msgid "page_agents.isaway"
-msgstr "Laikinai nepasiekiamas"
-msgid "page_agents.isonline"
-msgstr "Online"
-msgid "page_agents.login"
-msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas"
-msgid "page_agents.new_agent"
-msgstr "Pridėti naują operatorių..."
-msgid "page_agents.status"
-msgstr "Paskutinis kartas"
-msgid "page_agents.title"
-msgstr "Operatoriai"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Paieška pagal lankytojo vardą arba pagal pranešimų tekstą:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pokalbių istorija"
-msgid "page_avatar.intro"
-msgstr "Jūs galite pridėti nuotrauką JPG, GIF, PNG arba TIF formatu."
-msgid "page_avatar.title"
-msgstr "Nuotraukos siųntimas"
-msgid "page_ban.intro"
-msgstr "Lankytojų blokavimo funkcijos deka Jūs galite kovoto su nepageidaujamis lankytojais, kurie piktybiškai trikdo konsultantų darbą, atidarydami daug pokalbio langų arba siunčiant spam pranešimus."
-msgid "page_ban.sent"
-msgstr "Adresas {0} užblokuotas nurodytam laikotarpiui."
-msgid "page_ban.thread"
-msgstr "Jūs atidarėte ši langa pokalbiui su \"{0}\", todėl laukas Adresas jau užpildytas. Pasirinkite dienų skaičių ir paspauskite Siųsti."
-msgid "page_ban.title"
-msgstr "Adreso blokavimas"
-msgid "page_bans.add"
-msgstr "Pridėti adresą"
-msgid "page_bans.confirm"
-msgstr "Jūs tikrai norite pašalinti adresą {0} iš blokuotų adresų sąrašo??"
-msgid "page_bans.list"
-msgstr "Blokuotų adresų sąrašas:"
-msgid "page_bans.title"
-msgstr "Blokavimai"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Iki"
-msgid "page_client.pending_users"
-msgstr "Šiame skyriuje galite matyti laukiančių atsakymo lankytojų sąrašą."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Benras"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Sudėtis"
-msgid "page_login.error"
-msgstr "Įvestas neteisingas prisijungimo vardas arba slaptažodis"
-msgid "page_login.intro"
-msgstr "Prisijungimui prašome įvesti savo prisijungimo vardą ir slaptažodį."
-msgid "page_login.login"
-msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas:"
-msgid "page_login.password"
-msgstr "Slaptažodis:"
-msgid "page_login.remember"
-msgstr "Prisiminti"
-msgid "page_login.title"
-msgstr "Įeiti į sistemą"
-msgid "page_search.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame skyriuje galima ieškoti pokalbius pagal lankytojo vardą arba pagal frazę iš pokalbio."
-msgid "page_settings.intro"
-msgstr "Čia Jūs galite atlikti nustatymus, įtakojančius pokalbio lango atvaizdavimą ir bendrą sistemos veikimą."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Рlėtiniai"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bendri"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Performance"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Stilių peržiūra"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Paslėpti meniu >>"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Parodyti meniu >>"
-msgid "pending.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Naujas lankytojas laukia atsakymo."
-msgid "pending.status.setaway"
-msgstr "Rodyti mano statusą kaip \"Laikinai nepasiekiamas\""
-msgid "pending.status.setonline"
-msgstr "Rodyti statusą \"Online\""
-msgid "pending.table.ban"
-msgstr "Pažymėti lankytoją kaip nepageidaujama"
-msgid "pending.table.head.contactid"
-msgstr "Lankytojo adresas"
-msgid "pending.table.head.etc"
-msgstr "Kita"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vardas"
-msgid "pending.table.head.operator"
-msgstr "Operatorius"
-msgid "pending.table.head.state"
-msgstr "Statusas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Bendras laikas"
-msgid "pending.table.head.waittime"
-msgstr "Laukimo laikas"
-msgid "pending.table.speak"
-msgstr "Paspauskite pokalbio su lankytoju pradžiai"
-msgid "pending.table.view"
-msgstr "Prisijungti prie pokalbio peržiūros režimu"
-msgid "permission.admin"
-msgstr "Sistemos administravimas: nustatymai, operatorių valdymas,mygtuko generavimas"
-msgid "permission.modifyprofile"
-msgstr "Galimybė pakeisti savo profilį"
-msgid "permission.takeover"
-msgstr "Perimti pokalbius iš kitų operatorių"
-msgid "permission.viewthreads"
-msgstr "Peržiūrėti kitų operatorių pokalbius realiu laiku"
-msgid "permissions.intro"
-msgstr "Čia Jūs galite valdyti operatorių galimybes"
-msgid "permissions.title"
-msgstr "Operatorių galimybes"
-msgid "presurvey.department"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite skyrių:"
-msgid "presurvey.intro"
-msgstr "Malonu kad kreipiatės! Norėdami pradėti pokalbį, prašome užpildyti formą ir paspausti \"Pradėti pokalbį\"."
-msgid "presurvey.mail"
-msgstr "Elektroninio pašto adresas:"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jūsų vardas, pavardė:"
-msgid "presurvey.question"
-msgstr "Jūsų klausimas:"
-msgid "presurvey.submit"
-msgstr "Pradėti pokalbį"
-msgid "presurvey.title"
-msgstr "Konsultavimo realiu laiku sistema"
-msgid "report.bydate.1"
-msgstr "Data"
-msgid "report.bydate.2"
-msgstr "Pokalbių"
-msgid "report.bydate.3"
-msgstr "Operatorių pranešimų"
-msgid "report.bydate.4"
-msgstr "Lankytojų pranešimų"
-msgid "report.bydate.title"
-msgstr "Sistemos naudojimas dienomis"
-msgid "report.byoperator.1"
-msgstr "Operatorius"
-msgid "report.byoperator.2"
-msgstr "Pokalbių"
-msgid "report.byoperator.3"
-msgstr "Pranešimų"
-msgid "report.byoperator.4"
-msgstr "Vidutinis pranešimo ilgis(simboliais)"
-msgid "report.byoperator.title"
-msgstr "Statistika pagal operatorius"
-msgid "report.no_items"
-msgstr "Mažai duomenų"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Viso:"
-msgid "right.administration"
-msgstr "Valdymas"
-msgid "right.main"
-msgstr "Lankytojai"
-msgid "right.other"
-msgstr "Kita"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pavyzdžiui, Jūsų įmonės padalinio pavadinimas."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Pavadinimas pokalbio lange"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle.description"
-msgstr "Preliminari visų kiekvieno stiliaus puslapių peržiūra prienama čia"
-msgid "settings.chatstyle"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite Jūsų pokalbio lango stilių"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įveskite Jūsų įmonės pavadinimą"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įmonės pavadinimas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įveskite elektroninio pašto adresą sistemos pranešimų gavimui"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Elektroninio pašto adresas"
-msgid "settings.enableban.description"
-msgstr "Jos pagalba galima blokuoti atakas iš konkretaus adreso"
-msgid "settings.enableban"
-msgstr "Įjungti funkciją \"Nepageidaujami lankytojai\""
-msgid "settings.enablegroups.description"
-msgstr "Leidžia apjungti operatorius į grupes ir organizuoti jiems atskiras eiles."
-msgid "settings.enablegroups"
-msgstr "Įjungti funkciją \"Grupės\""
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey.description"
-msgstr "Siūlo užpildyti lankytojui specialią formą prieš pradedant pokalbį."
-msgid "settings.enablepresurvey"
-msgstr "Įjungti \"Apklausa prieš pradedant pokalbį\""
-msgid "settings.enablessl.description"
-msgstr "Jūsų serveris turi būti paruoštas https užklausų apdorojimui."
-msgid "settings.enablessl"
-msgstr "Leisti saugius ryšius (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics.description"
-msgstr "Pridėda puslapį su ataskaitomis dėl sistemos naudojimo."
-msgid "settings.enablestatistics"
-msgstr "Įjungti funkciją \"Statistika\""
-msgid "settings.forcessl.description"
-msgstr "Rodyti pokalbius naudojant tik saugų ryšį (SSL)"
-msgid "settings.forcessl"
-msgstr "Priverstinai perjungti visus pokalbius į apsaugotą režimą SSL"
-msgid "settings.frequencychat.description"
-msgstr "Nurodykite serverio apklausos dažnumą sekundėmis. Pagal nutylėjimą, 2 sek."
-msgid "settings.frequencychat"
-msgstr "Pranešimų atnaujinimo periodiškumas pokalbyje"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat.description"
-msgstr "Senomis naršyklėms tenka pilnai perkrauti pokalbį naujų pranešimų gavimui.Pagal nutylėjimą, 7 sekundės."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoldchat"
-msgstr "Viso pokalbio atnaujinimo periodiškumas senoms naršyklėms"
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator.description"
-msgstr "Nurodykite serverio apklausos dažnumą sekundėmis. Pagal nutylėjimą, 2 sek."
-msgid "settings.frequencyoperator"
-msgstr "Operatoriaus lango atnaujinimo periodiškumas"
-msgid "settings.geolink.description"
-msgstr "Bet kuriam IP adresui galima bus atidaryti nedidelį langą su geo informacija. Galima naudoti {ip}."
-msgid "settings.geolink"
-msgstr "Nuoroda į išorinį geolocation servisą"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams.description"
-msgstr "Lango dydis ir įrankių juostų buvimas"
-msgid "settings.geolinkparams"
-msgstr "Lango su geoinformacija nustatymai"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Atsidarys paspaudus ant įmonės logotipo arba įmonės pavadinimo pokalbio lange"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nuoroda į Jūsų tinklalapį"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha.description"
-msgstr "Apsauga nuo automatizuoto spamo (captcha)"
-msgid "settings.leavemessage_captcha"
-msgstr "Leisti įvesti pranešimus tik po specialus kodo įvedimo iš paveiksliuko"
-msgid "settings.logo.description"
-msgstr "Įveskite nuorodą į imonės logotipą"
-msgid "settings.logo"
-msgstr "Įmonės logotipas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įveskite Jūsų įmonės pavadinimą"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections.description"
-msgstr "0 leidžia neribotą skaičių sujungimų"
-msgid "settings.onehostconnections"
-msgstr "Maksimalus pokalbių skaičius iš vieno adreso"
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout.description"
-msgstr "Per kiek sekundžių operatorius parodomos kaip pasiekiamas (online) po paskutinio atnaujinimo. Pagal nutylėjimą 30 sek."
-msgid "settings.onlinetimeout"
-msgstr "Operatoriaus prieinamumo laiko intervalas"
-msgid "settings.popup_notification.description"
-msgstr "Atkreipia Jūsų dėmesį jeigu garsinio arba vizualinio įspėjimo nepakanka."
-msgid "settings.popup_notification"
-msgstr "Rodyti nedidelį langą kai eilėje atsiranda nauji lankytojai."
-msgid "settings.saved"
-msgstr "Pakeitimai išsaugoti"
-msgid "settings.sendmessagekey"
-msgstr "Siųsti pranešimą:"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup.description"
-msgstr "Rodyti/paslėpti grupės pasirinkimą lange prieš pokalbio pradžią"
-msgid "settings.survey.askgroup"
-msgstr "Leisti lankytojui pasirinkti operatorių grupę"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail.description"
-msgstr "Rodyti/paslėpti elektroninio pašto adreso įvedimo lauką"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmail"
-msgstr "Klausit elektroninio pašto adreso"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage.description"
-msgstr "Rodyti/slėpti pirmo klausimo įvedimo lauką"
-msgid "settings.survey.askmessage"
-msgstr "Siūlyti iškarto užduoti klausimą"
-msgid "settings.title"
-msgstr "Sistemos nustatymai"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename.description"
-msgstr "Galimybė pašalinti vardo keitimo lauką iš pokalbio lango"
-msgid "settings.usercanchangename"
-msgstr "Leisti lankytojams keisti vardus"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern.description"
-msgstr "Nurodykite kaip parodyti lankytojo vardą operatoriams. Galima naudoti {name}, {id} и {addr}. Pagal nutylėjimą: {name}"
-msgid "settings.usernamepattern"
-msgstr "Rodomas lankytojo vardas"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Įveskite teisingą elektroninio pašto adresą"
-msgid "settings.wrong.onehostconnections"
+msgid "\"Max number of threads\" field should be a number"
msgstr "Lauko \"Maksimalus pokalbių skaičius\" reikšmė turi būti nurodyta skaičiais"
-msgid "statistics.dates"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite datas"
-msgid "statistics.description"
-msgstr "Įvairios lankytojų ir sistemos naudojimo ataskaitos."
-msgid "statistics.from"
-msgstr "Nuo:"
-msgid "statistics.till"
-msgstr "Iki:"
-msgid "statistics.title"
-msgstr "Statistika"
-msgid "statistics.wrong.dates"
-msgstr "Jūs pasirinkta ataskaitos pradžios datą yra vėlesnė negu pabaigos"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Puslapis {0} iš {1}, rodoma {2}-{3} iš {4}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "kitas"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items.elements"
-msgstr "Nėra elementų atvaizdavimui"
-msgid "tag.pagination.no_items"
-msgstr "Nieko nerasta"
-msgid "tag.pagination.previous"
-msgstr "ankstesne"
-msgid "thread.back_to_search"
-msgstr "Pereiti į paiešką"
-msgid "thread.chat_log"
-msgstr "Pokalbio protokolas"
-msgid "thread.intro"
-msgstr "Šiame puslapyje Jūs galite peržiūrėti pokalbį."
-msgid "time.never"
-msgstr "Niekada"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Šiandien, {0}"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vakar, {0}"
-msgid "topMenu.admin"
-msgstr "Operatoriaus meniu"
-msgid "topMenu.logoff"
-msgstr "Išeiti"
-msgid "topMenu.main"
-msgstr "Pagrindinis"
-msgid "topMenu.users.nomenu"
-msgstr "be meniu"
-msgid "topMenu.users"
-msgstr "Lankytojai"
-msgid "translate.direction"
-msgstr "Vertimo kryptis:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "\"Message is delivered\" window"
+msgstr "\"Pranešimas pristatytas\" langas"
+msgid "\"Visitor is redirected\" window"
+msgstr "\"Lankytojas peradresuotas\" langas"
+msgid "<no description>"
+msgstr "<be aprašymo>"
+msgid "(away)"
+msgstr "(trumpam nepasiekiamas)"
+msgid "(online)"
+msgstr "(pasiekiamas)"
+msgid "-all operators-"
+msgstr "-visi operatoriai-"
+msgid "-from general settings-"
+msgstr "-iš puslapio nustatymų-"
+msgid "0 allows any number of connections"
+msgstr "0 leidžia neribotą skaičių sujungimų"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
+msgstr "Diegimas sėkmingai baigtas. "
+msgid "Caution! Please don't change
the code manually because
we don't guarantee that
it will work!"
+msgstr "Dėmesio! Jei darysite
kokius nors pakeitimus
šiame programiniame kode mygtuko
veikimas negarantuojamas!"
+msgid "A history of your chat was sent to address {0}"
+msgstr "Jūsų pokalbio istorija buvo išsiųsta adresu {0}"
+msgid "A new visitor is waiting for an answer."
+msgstr "Naujas lankytojas laukia atsakymo."
+msgid "A preview all pages for each style is available here"
+msgstr "Preliminari visų kiekvieno stiliaus puslapių peržiūra prienama čia"
+msgid "Ability to modify profile"
+msgstr "Galimybė pakeisti savo profilį"
+msgid "Add address"
+msgstr "Pridėti adresą"
+msgid "Add message..."
+msgstr "Pridėti pranešimą.."
+msgid "Add new message."
+msgstr "Pridėti naują šabloną greitam atsakymui."
+msgid "Add operator..."
+msgstr "Pridėti naują operatorių..."
+msgid "Address {0} is blocked for a specified number of days."
+msgstr "Adresas {0} užblokuotas nurodytam laikotarpiui."
+msgid "Adds a page with messenger usage reports."
+msgstr "Pridėda puslapį su ataskaitomis dėl sistemos naudojimo."
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Valdymas"
+msgid "All strings"
msgstr "Visos eilutės"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Eilutės administratoriui"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Eilutės operatoriui"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Eilutės lankytojui"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Rodyti:"
-msgid "translate.sort.key"
-msgstr "Pagal resurso raktą"
-msgid "translate.sort.lang"
-msgstr "Pagal pirmos kalbos eilutę"
-msgid "translate.sort"
-msgstr "Rūšiavimas:"
-msgid "typing.remote"
-msgstr "Jūsų pašnekovas rašo žinutę..."
-msgid "updates.current"
-msgstr "Jūs naudojate:"
-msgid "updates.env"
+msgid "Allow secure connections (SSL)"
+msgstr "Leisti saugius ryšius (SSL)"
+msgid "Allows a visitor to choose department/group"
+msgstr "Leisti lankytojui pasirinkti operatorių grupę"
+msgid "Allows users to change their names"
+msgstr "Leisti lankytojams keisti vardus"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete address {0} from the blocked list?"
+msgstr "Jūs tikrai norite pašalinti adresą {0} iš blokuotų adresų sąrašo??"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete operator \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Jūs tikrai norite pašalinti operatorių \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to delete the group \"{0}\"?"
+msgstr "Jūs tikrai norite ištrinti grupę \"{0}\"?"
+msgid "Ask for visitor's email"
+msgstr "Klausit elektroninio pašto adreso"
+msgid "Ask your question"
+msgstr "Užduokite klausimą"
+msgid "Average message length (in chars)"
+msgstr "Vidutinis pranešimo ilgis(simboliais)"
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Laikinai nepasiekiamas"
+msgid "Back..."
+msgstr "Atgal..."
+msgid "Ban List"
+msgstr "Blokavimai"
+msgid "Ban this visitor"
+msgstr "Pažymėti lankytoją kaip nepageidaujama"
+msgid "Block address"
+msgstr "Adreso blokavimas"
+msgid "Blocked visitors"
+msgstr "Nepageidaujami lankytojai"
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Interneto Naršyklė"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation"
+msgstr "Mygtuko HTML kodo gavimas"
+msgid "Button HTML code generation."
+msgstr "HTML kodo gavimas mygtukui"
+msgid "Button code"
+msgstr "Mygtuko kodas"
+msgid "Canned Messages"
+msgstr "Atsakymų šablonai"
+msgid "Cannot execute:"
+msgstr "Neįmanoma įvykdyti:"
+msgid "Change locale."
+msgstr "Pasirinkti sistemos kalbą."
+msgid "Change name"
+msgstr "Pakeisti vardą"
+msgid "Change operator"
+msgstr "Pakeisti operatorių"
+msgid "Change restrictions and available features for this operator."
+msgstr "Čia Jūs galite valdyti operatorių galimybes"
+msgid "Changes saved"
+msgstr "Pakeitimai išsaugoti"
+msgid "Chat Threads"
+msgstr "Pokalbių"
+msgid "Chat history"
+msgstr "Pokalbių istorija"
+msgid "Chat log"
+msgstr "Pokalbio protokolas"
+msgid "Chat refresh time"
+msgstr "Pranešimų atnaujinimo periodiškumas pokalbyje"
+msgid "Chat themes preview"
+msgstr "Stilių peržiūra"
+msgid "Chat threads"
+msgstr "Pokalbių"
+msgid "Chat window (operator-mode)"
+msgstr "Pokalbio langas (operatoriaus dalis)"
+msgid "Chat window (user-mode)"
+msgstr "Pokalbio langas (lankytojo dalis)"
+msgid "Chat window style"
+msgstr "Pokalbių lango stilius"
+msgid "Check for news and updates."
+msgstr "Patikrinti ar yra sistemos atnaujinimų."
+msgid "Choose Department:"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite skyrių:"
+msgid "Choose groups according to operator skills."
+msgstr "Grupės į kurios įeina operatorius."
+msgid "Choose image"
+msgstr "Paveiksliuko pasirinkimas"
+msgid "Choose style"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite stilių"
+msgid "Choose template"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite šabloną"
+msgid "Choose the avatar file to upload.
The picture size should not exceed 100x100 px."
+msgstr "Pasirinkite failą Jūsų kompiuteryje. Paveikslelio dydis neturėtų būti
didesnis negu 100x100 px."
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite kalbą"
+msgid "Choose:"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite:"
+msgid "Click on this link to close the window"
+msgstr "Paspauskite šią nuorodą lango uždarymui"
+msgid "Click to chat with the visitor"
+msgstr "Paspauskite pokalbio su lankytoju pradžiai"
+msgid "Click to close the window"
+msgstr "Paspauskite šią nuorodą lango uždarymui"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Uždaryti"
+msgid "Close chat"
+msgstr "Uždaryti pokalbį"
+msgid "Close..."
+msgstr "Uždaryti..."
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Uždaryta"
+msgid "Code for group"
+msgstr "Grupei"
+msgid "Code for language"
+msgstr "Kiekvienam vietai (locale) sukurti mygtuką"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Komentaras"
+msgid "Company title"
+msgstr "Įmonės pavadinimas"
+msgid "Compatibility with mod_security (, turn on only if you have problems with it"
+msgstr " Suderinamumas su mod_security (, įjunkite jei pokalbio langas atsidaro su http klaida"
+msgid "Completed:"
+msgstr "Atlikta:"
+msgid "Confirm new password."
+msgstr "Patvirtinkite įvestą slaptažodį dar karta."
+msgid "Confirmation"
+msgstr "Patvirtinimas"
+msgid "Correct the mistakes:"
+msgstr "Prašome ištaisyti klaidas:"
+msgid "Could not connect. Please check server settings in config.php. Error: {0}"
+msgstr "Nėra priėjimo prie MySQL serverio, patikrinkite nustatymys config.php faile. Klaida: {0}"
+msgid "Create database \"{0}\""
+msgstr "Sukurti duomenų bazę \"{0}\""
+msgid "Create new group"
+msgstr "Pridėti grupę..."
+msgid "Create new group here."
+msgstr "Čia Jūs galite sukūrti naują grupę."
+msgid "Create or delete company operators. Manage their permissions."
+msgstr "Įmonės operatorių sukūrimas, šalinimas. Operatorių teisių ir galimybių valdymas."
+msgid "Create required tables."
+msgstr "Sukurti reikiamas lenteles."
+msgid "Current avatar image"
+msgstr "Esama nuotrauka"
+msgid "Database \"{0}\" is created."
+msgstr "Duomenų bazė sukurta \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Data"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Dienos"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Pašalinti"
+msgid "Department or skill based groups."
+msgstr "Operatorių grupavimas pagal padalinius arba temas."
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Aprašymas"
+msgid "Description in English."
+msgstr "Aprašymas kitų šalių gyventojams."
+msgid "Description of the group."
+msgstr "Bus pasiekiama lankytojams pasirenkant grupę."
+msgid "Destination for your company name or logo link"
+msgstr "Atsidarys paspaudus ant įmonės logotipo arba įmonės pavadinimo pokalbio lange"
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Vertimo kryptis:"
+msgid "Drop existing tables from database"
+msgstr "Pašalinti egzistuojančias lenteles"
+msgid "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgstr "E-Mail: {0}"
+msgid "Each IP becomes a link opening in a new window. {ip} is substituted with a real IP."
+msgstr "Bet kuriam IP adresui galima bus atidaryti nedidelį langą su geo informacija. Galima naudoti {ip}."
+msgid "Edit Message"
+msgstr "Redaguoti šabloną"
+msgid "Edit an existing message."
+msgstr "Paredaguokite esamus pranešimus."
+msgid "Edit general operator settings."
+msgstr "Šiame puslapyje Jūs galite matyti operatoriaus nustatymus ir juos redaguoti."
+msgid "Edit messages that you frequently type into the chat."
+msgstr "Sukurkite tekstinius pranešimus, kuriuos dažnai naudosite susirašinėjant."
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Elektroninio pašto adresas"
+msgid "Email:"
+msgstr "Elektroninio pašto adresas:"
+msgid "Enable \"Groups\""
+msgstr "Įjungti funkciją \"Grupės\""
+msgid "Enable \"Popup dialog notification of the new visitor\"."
+msgstr "Rodyti nedidelį langą kai eilėje atsiranda nauji lankytojai."
+msgid "Enable \"Pre-chat survey\""
+msgstr "Įjungti \"Apklausa prieš pradedant pokalbį\""
+msgid "Enable \"Statistics\""
+msgstr "Įjungti funkciją \"Statistika\""
+msgid "Enable feature \"Malicious Visitors\""
+msgstr "Įjungti funkciją \"Nepageidaujami lankytojai\""
+msgid "Enter"
+msgstr "Įeiti"
+msgid "Enter a new password or leave the field empty to keep the previous one."
+msgstr "Įveskite naują slaptažodį arba palikte tusčią lauką, kad išsaugoti seną."
+msgid "Enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Įveskite teisingą elektroninio pašto adresą"
+msgid "Enter an email to receive system messages"
+msgstr "Įveskite elektroninio pašto adresą sistemos pranešimų gavimui"
+msgid "Enter http address of your company logo"
+msgstr "Įveskite nuorodą į imonės logotipą"
+msgid "Enter your company title"
+msgstr "Įveskite Jūsų įmonės pavadinimą"
+msgid "Enter your email:"
+msgstr "Įveskite elektroninio pašto adresą:"
+msgid "Enter your translation."
+msgstr "Įveskite savo vertimo variantą."
+msgid "Entered login/password is incorrect"
+msgstr "Įvestas neteisingas prisijungimo vardas arba slaptažodis"
+msgid "Entered passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Įvesti slaptažodžiai turi sutapti"
+msgid "Environment:"
msgstr "Aplinka:"
-msgid "updates.installed_locales"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Klaida"
+msgid "Error moving file"
+msgstr "Failo kopijavimo klaida"
+msgid "Error occurred:"
+msgstr "Įvyko klaida:"
+msgid "Error uploading file \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgstr "Failo siuntimo klaida \"{0}\": {1}."
+msgid "Error window"
+msgstr "Klaidos langas"
+msgid "Ex: or"
+msgstr "Pavyzdžiui: arba"
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr "Pavyzdys"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Išeiti"
+msgid "Features activated"
+msgstr "Servisų nustatymai pakeisti"
+msgid "Follow the wizard to setup your database."
+msgstr "Sekite diegimo vedlio nurodymus teisingam duomenų bazių konfiguravimui."
+msgid "For group:"
+msgstr "Grupei:"
+msgid "For language:"
+msgstr "Kalbai:"
+msgid "Force all chats to be secure"
+msgstr "Priverstinai perjungti visus pokalbius į apsaugotą režimą SSL"
+msgid "Force visitor to enter a verification code when leaving message"
+msgstr "Leisti įvesti pranešimus tik po specialus kodo įvedimo iš paveiksliuko"
+msgid "Forces the user to fill out a special form to start a chat."
+msgstr "Siūlo užpildyti lankytojui specialią formą prieš pradedant pokalbį."
+msgid "Found 0 elements"
+msgstr "Nieko nerasta"
+msgid "From this page you can generate a variety of usage reports."
+msgstr "Įvairios lankytojų ir sistemos naudojimo ataskaitos."
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Nuo:"
+msgid "Full list of operators:"
+msgstr "Pilnas operatorių sąrašas:"
+msgid "Functions available for site operators."
+msgstr "Funkcijos, prienamos tik registruotiems operatoriams."
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Bendri"
+msgid "Geolocation window options"
+msgstr "Lango su geoinformacija nustatymai"
+msgid "Go to search"
+msgstr "Pereiti į paiešką"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Grupė"
+msgid "Group details"
+msgstr "Grupės nustatymai"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Grupė:"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grupė"
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Įveskite savo vardą"
+msgid "HTML code"
+msgstr "HTML kodas"
+msgid "Hello. How may I help you?"
+msgstr "Sveiki! Kaip galime Jums padėti?"
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors that affect your work with spam messages."
+msgstr "Lankytojų blokavimo funkcijos deka Jūs galite kovoto su nepageidaujamis lankytojais, kurie piktybiškai trikdo konsultantų darbą, atidarydami daug pokalbio langų arba siunčiant spam pranešimus."
+msgid "Here you can block malicious visitors."
+msgstr "Čia galima apsisaugoti nuo nepageidaujamų laiškų ir kenksmingų lankytojų."
+msgid "Hide menu >>"
+msgstr "Paslėpti meniu >>"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Pagrindinis"
+msgid "How to build visitor's identifying string from {name}, {id} or {addr}. Default: {name}"
+msgstr "Nurodykite kaip parodyti lankytojo vardą operatoriams. Galima naudoti {name}, {id} и {addr}. Pagal nutylėjimą: {name}"
+msgid "If you don't agree with the translation please send us an update."
+msgstr "Jeigu Jums nepatinka vertimas, atsiųskite savo vertimo variantą. Ačiū."
+msgid "Impossible to update tables structure. Try to do it manually or recreate all tables (warning: all your data will be lost)."
+msgstr "Neįmanoma atnaujinti lentelių struktūrą. Pabandykite padaryti tai rankiniu būdu arba sukūrkite visas lenteles iš naujo (Dėmesio: visi duomenys bus prarasti)."
+msgid "In chat"
+msgstr "Pokalbyje"
+msgid "In queue"
+msgstr "Eilėje"
+msgid "Include host name into the code"
+msgstr "Įtraukti tinklalapio pavadimimą į kodą"
+msgid "Info: {0}"
+msgstr "Apie lankytoją: {0}"
+msgid "Initial Question:"
+msgstr "Jūsų klausimas:"
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "Diegimas"
+msgid "Installed localizations:"
msgstr "Įdiegti kalbų paketai:"
-msgid "updates.intro"
-msgstr "Naujienos ir informacija apie paskutines versijas kraunama iš sistemos oficialaus tinklalapio."
-msgid "updates.latest"
+msgid "International description"
+msgstr "Internacionalinis aprašymas"
+msgid "International name"
+msgstr "Internacionalinis pavadinimas"
+msgid "International name (Latin)"
+msgstr "Internacionalinis vardas (lotyniškomis raidėmis)"
+msgid "Invalid file type"
+msgstr "Neleistinas failo formatas"
+msgid "Key identifier"
+msgstr "Pagal resurso raktą"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Kalba"
+msgid "Last active"
+msgstr "Paskutinis kartas"
+msgid "Latest version:"
msgstr "Paskutinė versija:"
-msgid ""
+msgid "Leave message window"
+msgstr "Palikite pranešimą langas"
+msgid "Leave your message"
+msgstr "Palikite savo pranešimą"
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licencija"
+msgid "Link to an external geolocation service"
+msgstr "Nuoroda į išorinį geolocation servisą"
+msgid "List of banned IPs:"
+msgstr "Blokuotų adresų sąrašas:"
+msgid "List of supported browsers window"
+msgstr "Palaikamų naršyklių langas"
+msgid "List of visitors waiting"
+msgstr "Laukiančių lankytojų sąrašas"
+msgid "Live support"
+msgstr "Konsultavimo realiu laiku sistema"
+msgid "Loading"
+msgstr "Kraunasi"
+msgid "Localize"
+msgstr "Lokalizavimas"
+msgid "Log out of the system."
+msgstr "Išeiti iš sitemos."
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Įeiti į sistemą"
+msgid "Login can consist of small Latin letters and underscore."
+msgstr "Prisijungimo vardui galima naudoti mažasias raidės ir pabraukimo ženklą."
+msgid "Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol."
+msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas gali būti iš lotyniškų raidžių, skaičių ir pabraukimo."
+msgid "Login:"
+msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas:"
+msgid "Mail thread window"
+msgstr "Laiško langas"
+msgid "Main"
+msgstr "Lankytojai"
+msgid "Max number of threads from one address"
+msgstr "Maksimalus pokalbių skaičius iš vieno adreso"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Sudėtis"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Pranešimas"
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Pranešimų"
+msgid "Messages from operators"
+msgstr "Operatorių pranešimų"
+msgid "Messages from visitors"
+msgstr "Lankytojų pranešimų"
+msgid "Messenger settings"
+msgstr "Sistemos nustatymai"
+msgid "Messenger updates."
+msgstr "Naujienos ir informacija apie paskutines versijas kraunama iš sistemos oficialaus tinklalapio."
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
+msgid "Mibew Messenger is an open-source live support application."
+msgstr "Mibew Messenger tai bendavimo su Jūsų tinklalapio lankytojais sistema."
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Kita"
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Keisti"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Vardas"
+msgid "Name in English."
+msgstr "Šį pavadinimą matys Jūsų lankytojai iš kitų šalių."
+msgid "Name of your company for example."
+msgstr "Pavyzdžiui, Jūsų įmonės padalinio pavadinimas."
+msgid "Name to identify the group."
+msgstr "Gali būti padalinio pavadinimu Jūsų kompanijoje."
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Jūsų vardas, pavardė:"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Niekada"
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Naujas šablonas"
+msgid "News:"
msgstr "Naujienos:"
-msgid "updates.title"
+msgid "Next step:"
+msgstr "Sekantis žingsnis:"
+msgid "No elements"
+msgstr "Nėra elementų atvaizdavimui"
+msgid "No such Operator"
+msgstr "Užklaustas operatoriaus įrašas neegzistuoja"
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Tokios grupės nėra"
+msgid "No such message"
+msgstr "Tikriausiai pranešimas jau buvo pašalintas"
+msgid "No. Close the window"
+msgstr "Ne, uždaryti langą"
+msgid "Not enough data"
+msgstr "Mažai duomenų"
+msgid "Numbers of days this address is blocked"
+msgstr "Draudimo (ban) dienų
+msgid "OFFLINE"
+msgstr "OFFLINE"
+msgid "ONLINE"
+msgstr "ONLINE"
+msgid "Old browsers need to refresh the whole page to get messages. Default is 7 seconds."
+msgstr "Senomis naršyklėms tenka pilnai perkrauti pokalbį naujų pranešimų gavimui.Pagal nutylėjimą, 7 sekundės."
+msgid "On this page you can edit group details."
+msgstr "Čia Jūs galite redaguoti grupės detales."
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Online"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operatorius"
+msgid "Operator {0} changed operator {1}"
+msgstr "Operatorius {0} pakeitė operatorių {1}"
+msgid "Operator details"
+msgstr "Operatoriaus nustatymai"
+msgid "Operator groups"
+msgstr "Grupės"
+msgid "Operator online time threshold"
+msgstr "Operatoriaus prieinamumo laiko intervalas"
+msgid "Operator {0} is back"
+msgstr "Operatorius {0} grįžo į pokalbį"
+msgid "Operator {0} joined the chat"
+msgstr "Operatorius {0} prisijungė prie pokalbio"
+msgid "Operator {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Operatorius {0} atsijungė nuo pokalbio"
+msgid "Operator {0} redirected you to another operator. Please wait a while."
+msgstr "Operatorius {0} perjungė Jus į kitą operatorių, prašome šiek tiek palaukti"
+msgid "Operator's console refresh time"
+msgstr "Operatoriaus lango atnaujinimo periodiškumas"
+msgid "Operator:"
+msgstr "Operatorius:"
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Operatoriai"
+msgid "Operators list"
+msgstr "Operatorių sąrašas"
+msgid "Optional Services"
+msgstr "Рlėtiniai"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Kita"
+msgid "Page refresh time for old browsers"
+msgstr "Viso pokalbio atnaujinimo periodiškumas senoms naršyklėms"
+msgid "Page {0} of {1}, {2}-{3} from {4}"
+msgstr "Puslapis {0} iš {1}, rodoma {2}-{3} iš {4}"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Slaptažodis"
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Slaptažodis:"
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Performance"
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Operatorių galimybes"
+msgid "Photo"
+msgstr "Nuotrauka"
+msgid "Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system."
+msgstr "Prašome pasirinkti kitą prisijungimo vardą, nes operatorius su tokiu vardu sistemoje jau egzistuoja."
+msgid "Please choose another name because a group with that name already exists."
+msgstr "Prašome pasirinkite kitą pavadinimą. Grupė su tokiu pavadinimu jau egzistuoja."
+msgid "Please enter your company title"
+msgstr "Įveskite Jūsų įmonės pavadinimą"
+msgid "Please enter your username and password to access administrative tools. See your visitors and browse the history."
+msgstr "Prisijungimui prašome įvesti savo prisijungimo vardą ir slaptažodį."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\" correctly."
+msgstr "Neteisingai užpildytas laukas \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please fill \"{0}\"."
+msgstr "Užpildykite lauką \"{0}\"."
+msgid "Please note that your web server should be configured to support https requests."
+msgstr "Jūsų serveris turi būti paruoštas https užklausų apdorojimui."
+msgid "Please run the Update wizard to adjust your database."
+msgstr "Prašome paleisti Duomenų bazių diegimo vedlį."
+msgid "Please use a more recent browser"
+msgstr "Naudokite naujasnę interneto naršyklę"
+msgid "Powered by:"
+msgstr "Powered by:"
+msgid "Pre-chat survey"
+msgstr "Lankytojo apklausos forma prieš pradedant pokalbį"
+msgid "Priority visitors' queue"
+msgstr "Prioritetinė lankytojų eilė"
+msgid "Problem"
+msgstr "Klaida"
+msgid "Proceed to the login page"
+msgstr "Įeiti į sistemą"
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profilis"
+msgid "Protection against automated spam (captcha)"
+msgstr "Apsauga nuo automatizuoto spamo (captcha)"
+msgid "Reason for block"
+msgstr "Draudimo priežastis"
+msgid "Redirect to
another operator"
+msgstr "Peradresuoti
kitam operatoriui"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator"
+msgstr "Peradresuoti lankytoją pas kitą operatorių"
+msgid "Redirect visitor to another operator window"
+msgstr "Peradresuoti lankytoją į kito operatoriaus langą"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Atnaujinti pokalbio langą"
+msgid "Remember"
+msgstr "Prisiminti"
+msgid "Remote user is typing..."
+msgstr "Jūsų pašnekovas rašo žinutę..."
+msgid "Remove avatar"
+msgstr "Pašalinti nuotrauką"
+msgid "Required tables are created."
+msgstr "Reikaimos lentelės sukurtos."
+msgid "Resolve the problem and try again. Press back to return to the wizard."
+msgstr "Ištaisykite problemą ir bandykite dar karta. Paspauskite atgal kad sugrįžtume prie diegimo vedlio."
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Išsaugoti"
+msgid "Saved"
+msgstr "Išsaugota"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Ieškoti"
+msgid "Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages."
+msgstr "Šiame skyriuje galima ieškoti pokalbius pagal lankytojo vardą arba pagal frazę iš pokalbio."
+msgid "Search the dialogs history."
+msgstr "Paiešką pokalbių archyve."
+msgid "Select a style for your chat windows"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite Jūsų pokalbio lango stilių"
+msgid "Select answer..."
+msgstr "Pasirinkite atsakymą..."
+msgid "Select dates"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite datas"
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Siųsti"
+msgid "Send ({0})"
+msgstr "Išsiųsti ({0})"
+msgid "Send chat history by e-mail"
+msgstr "Nusiųsti pokalbio istoriją elektroniniu paštu"
+msgid "Send chat history
by mail"
+msgstr "Siųsti pokalbio istoriją
elektroniniu paštu"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Išsiųsti pranešimą"
+msgid "Send messages with:"
+msgstr "Siųsti pranešimą:"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Išsiųsta"
+msgid "Set status as \"Available\""
+msgstr "Rodyti statusą \"Online\""
+msgid "Set status as \"Away\""
+msgstr "Rodyti mano statusą kaip \"Laikinai nepasiekiamas\""
+msgid "Set the number of seconds to show an operator as online. Default is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "Per kiek sekundžių operatorius parodomos kaip pasiekiamas (online) po paskutinio atnaujinimo. Pagal nutylėjimą 30 sek."
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Nustatymai"
+msgid "Show chats only through https connection"
+msgstr "Rodyti pokalbius naudojant tik saugų ryšį (SSL)"
+msgid "Show errors"
+msgstr "Parodyti klaidas"
+msgid "Show initial question field"
+msgstr "Siūlyti iškarto užduoti klausimą"
+msgid "Show menu >>"
+msgstr "Parodyti meniu >>"
+msgid "Show/hide department selection field in the survey"
+msgstr "Rodyti/paslėpti grupės pasirinkimą lange prieš pokalbio pradžią"
+msgid "Show/hide email field in the survey"
+msgstr "Rodyti/paslėpti elektroninio pašto adreso įvedimo lauką"
+msgid "Show/hide initial question field in the survey"
+msgstr "Rodyti/slėpti pirmo klausimo įvedimo lauką"
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Rodyti:"
+msgid "Simple chat window. Refresh to post messages (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgstr "Paprastas pokalbio langas, atnaujinti pranešimo išsiuntimui (IE 5, Opera 7)"
+msgid "Site consultant"
+msgstr "Įmonės konsultantas"
+msgid "Site style"
+msgstr "Sistemos stilius"
+msgid "Small dialog appears to attract your attention."
+msgstr "Atkreipia Jūsų dėmesį jeigu garsinio arba vizualinio įspėjimo nepakanka."
+msgid "Software license agreement"
+msgstr "Programinės įrangos licencija"
+msgid "Sorry. None of the support team is available at the moment.
Please leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly."
+msgstr "Atsiprašome, šiuo metu visi operatoriai užimti. Bandykite susisiekti vėliau arba palikite savo klausimą ir artimiausiu metu mes susisieksime su Jumus nurodytu adresu."
+msgid "Sort by:"
+msgstr "Rūšiavimas:"
+msgid "Source language string"
+msgstr "Pagal pirmos kalbos eilutę"
+msgid "Specify options affecting chat window and common system behavior."
+msgstr "Čia Jūs galite atlikti nustatymus, įtakojančius pokalbio lango atvaizdavimą ir bendrą sistemos veikimą."
+msgid "Specify the poll interval in seconds. Default is 2 seconds."
+msgstr "Nurodykite serverio apklausos dažnumą sekundėmis. Pagal nutylėjimą, 2 sek."
+msgid "Start Chat"
+msgstr "Pradėti pokalbį"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Statusas"
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistika"
+msgid "Strings for administrator"
+msgstr "Eilutės administratoriui"
+msgid "Strings for operator"
+msgstr "Eilutės operatoriui"
+msgid "Strings for visitor"
+msgstr "Eilutės lankytojui"
+msgid "Structure of your tables should be adjusted for new version of Messenger."
+msgstr "Korektiškam Messenger veikimui reikia atnaujinti lentelių struktūrą."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Perduoti"
+msgid "System administration: settings, operators management, button generation"
+msgstr "Sistemos administravimas: nustatymai, operatorių valdymas,mygtuko generavimas"
+msgid "Tables structure is up to date."
+msgstr "Lentelių struktūra paruošta naudojumui."
+msgid "Take over chat thread"
+msgstr "Perimti pokalbius iš kitų operatorių"
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly."
+msgstr "Prašome palaukti, prie pokalbio netrukus prisijungs operatorius.."
+msgid "Thank you for contacting us. Please fill out the form below and click the Start Chat button."
+msgstr "Malonu kad kreipiatės! Norėdami pradėti pokalbį, prašome užpildyti formą ir paspausti \"Pradėti pokalbį\"."
+msgid "Thank you for your message. We'll answer your query by email as soon as possible."
+msgstr "Dėkojame už Jūsų klausimą. Mes pasistengsime atsakyti į jį kuo greičiau."
+msgid "The database was not found on the server. If you have permissions to create it now, click on the following link."
+msgstr "Duomenų bazė, kuria pasirinkote neegzistuoja serveryje. Jeigu turite teises
ją sukurti, galite tai padaryti dabar."
+msgid "The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
+msgstr "Neteisignasi įvesti simboliai."
+msgid "The list of visitors waiting is empty"
+msgstr "Šioje eilėje laukiančių lankytojų nėra"
+msgid "The specified address is already in use. Click here if you want to edit it."
+msgstr "Adresas jau įregistruotas sistemoje, paspauskite čia kad jį pataisyti."
+msgid "The visitor changed their name {0} to {1}"
+msgstr "Lankytojas pakeitė vardą {0} į {1}"
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in a priorty queue of the group {0}."
+msgstr "Lankytojas įtrauktas į privilegijuotą grupės eilę {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been placed in the priorty queue of the operator {0}."
+msgstr "Lankytojas įtrauktas į privilegijuotą operatoriaus eilę {0}."
+msgid "The visitor has been redirected to another operator"
+msgstr "Lankytojas perjungtas į kitą operatorių"
+msgid "There are so many browsers to choose from. Which ones do you recommend?"
+msgstr "Patarkite man prašau dėl geros interneto naršyklės?"
+msgid "This name will be seen by your visitors."
+msgstr "Šituo vardu Jūs matys Jūsų lankytojai, taip pat
jį naudos sistema."
+msgid "This page displays a list of company operators."
+msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite peržiūrėti įmonės operatorių sąrašą ir pridėti naujus operatorius jeigu turite tokias teises."
+msgid "This page displays a list of groups. Each group can have separate button and canned responses."
+msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite valdyti operatorių grupes. Kiekviena grupė gali turėti atskirą pokalbio pradžios mygtuką ir savo atsakymų šablonus."
+msgid "This page displays a list of visitors who are waiting."
+msgstr "Šiame puslapyje galima matyti lankytojų, laukiančių atsakymų sąrašą."
+msgid "This page displays chat details and content."
+msgstr "Šiame puslapyje Jūs galite peržiūrėti pokalbį."
+msgid "Threads by operator"
+msgstr "Statistika pagal operatorius"
+msgid "Till"
+msgstr "Iki"
+msgid "Till:"
+msgstr "Iki:"
+msgid "Time in chat"
+msgstr "Pokalbio trukmė"
+msgid "Title in the chat window"
+msgstr "Pavadinimas pokalbio lange"
+msgid "To answer the visitor click their name in the list."
+msgstr "Norėdami atsakyti lankytojui, spauskite atitinkamą vardą sąraše."
+msgid "Today at {0}"
+msgstr "Šiandien, {0}"
+msgid "Total time"
+msgstr "Bendras laikas"
+msgid "Total:"
+msgstr "Viso:"
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Vertimo tekstas"
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Lokalizavimas"
+msgid "Turn off to hide edit box from chat window"
+msgstr "Galimybė pašalinti vardo keitimo lauką iš pokalbio lango"
+msgid "URL of your website"
+msgstr "Nuoroda į Jūsų tinklalapį"
+msgid "Update tables"
+msgstr "Atnaujinti"
+msgid "Updates"
msgstr "Atnaujinimai"
+msgid "Upload avatar"
+msgstr "Įkelti nuotrauką"
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Nuotraukos siųntimas"
+msgid "Uploaded file size exceeded"
+msgstr "Viršijamas leistinas failo dydis"
+msgid "Usage statistics for each date"
+msgstr "Sistemos naudojimas dienomis"
+msgid "Use it to have separate queues for different questions."
+msgstr "Leidžia apjungti operatorius į grupes ir organizuoti jiems atskiras eiles."
+msgid "Use secure links (https)"
+msgstr "Naudoti saugų ryšį (https)"
+msgid "User name, operator name or message text search:"
+msgstr "Paieška pagal lankytojo vardą arba pagal pranešimų tekstą:"
+msgid "Using it you can block attacks from specific IPs"
+msgstr "Jos pagalba galima blokuoti atakas iš konkretaus adreso"
+msgid "View Chat window (operator in read-only mode)"
+msgstr "Pokalbio peržiūros langas (operatoriui)"
+msgid "View and edit the member list."
+msgstr "Pasirinkite operatorius, kurie įeis į šią grupę."
+msgid "View another operator's chat thread"
+msgstr "Peržiūrėti kitų operatorių pokalbius realiu laiku"
+msgid "Visit history"
+msgstr "Pokalbių istorija"
+msgid "Visitor {0} is already being assisted by {1}.
Are you really sure you want to start chatting the visitor?"
+msgstr "Su lankytoju {0} jau bendrauja {1}.
Ar tikrai norite pakeisti jį?"
+msgid "Visitor closed chat window"
+msgstr "Lankytojas uždarė pokalbio langą"
+msgid "Visitor joined chat again"
+msgstr "Lankytojas grįžo į pokalbį"
+msgid "Visitor navigated to {0}"
+msgstr "Lankytojas perėjo į {0}"
+msgid "Visitor {0} left the chat"
+msgstr "Lankytojas {0} paliko pokalbį"
+msgid "Visitor's Address"
+msgstr "Lankytojo adresas"
+msgid "Visitor's address"
+msgstr "Lankytojo adresas"
+msgid "Visitor's identifier"
+msgstr "Rodomas lankytojo vardas"
+msgid "Visitor's messages"
+msgstr "Lankytojo pranešimų"
+msgid "Visitors"
+msgstr "Lankytojai"
+msgid "Visitors in dialogs"
+msgstr "Lankytojai pokalbiuose"
+msgid "Vistor came from page {0}"
+msgstr "Lankytojas atėjo iš puslapio {0}"
+msgid "Waiting an operator for the first time"
+msgstr "Laukiantys operatoriaus pirmą kartą"
+msgid "Waiting for operator"
+msgstr "Operatoriaus laukimas"
+msgid "Waiting time"
+msgstr "Laukimo laikas"
+msgid "Watch the chat"
+msgstr "Prisijungti prie pokalbio peržiūros režimu"
+msgid "Window size and toolbars hiding"
+msgstr "Lango dydis ir įrankių juostų buvimas"
+msgid "Yes. I'm sure"
+msgstr "Taip, tikrai"
+msgid "Yesterday at {0}"
+msgstr "Vakar, {0}"
+msgid "You are"
+msgstr "Jūs"
+msgid "You are chatting with:"
+msgstr "Jūs bendraujate su:"
+msgid "You are connected to MySQL server version {0}"
+msgstr "Jūs prisijungėte prie MySQL serverio, versija {0}"
+msgid "You are not allowed to change this person's profile."
+msgstr "Jūs negalite keisti šio operatoriaus profilį."
+msgid "You are not chatting with the visitor."
+msgstr "Jūs neaptarnaujate šio lankytojo."
+msgid "You are using:"
+msgstr "Jūs naudojate:"
+msgid "You are {0}"
+msgstr "Jūs {0}"
+msgid "You can change your personal information on this page."
+msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite redaguoti savo asmeninius nustatymus."
+msgid "You can create a new operator here."
+msgstr "Naujo operatoriaus sukūrimas."
+msgid "You can find awaiting visitors."
+msgstr "Šiame skyriuje galite matyti laukiančių atsakymo lankytojų sąrašą."
+msgid "You can find the chat history of your visitors here."
+msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite matyti visus pokalbius su lankytojais."
+msgid "You can generate HTML code to place at your site here."
+msgstr "Šiame skyriuje Jūs galite gauti HTML kodą patalpinimui į savo puslapį."
+msgid "You can logon as admin with empty password.
!!! For security reasons please change your password immediately and remove the {0} folder from your server."
+msgstr "Jūs galite įeiti į sistemą kaip admin su tusčiu slaptažodžio įvedimo lauku.
!!! Saugumo sumetimais prašome iš serverio pašalinti katalogą {0} ir pakeiskite slaptažodį."
+msgid "You can upload your photo only as JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF image files."
+msgstr "Jūs galite pridėti nuotrauką JPG, GIF, PNG arba TIF formatu."
+msgid "You can view the list of themes you currently have installed here."
+msgstr "Čia Jūs galite pamatyti savo puslapio stilių."
+msgid "You have selected From date after Till date"
+msgstr "Jūs pasirinkta ataskaitos pradžios datą yra vėlesnė negu pabaigos"
+msgid "You opened this window for \"{0}\" thread. Address field is already filled. Select a number of days and click Send."
+msgstr "Jūs atidarėte ši langa pokalbiui su \"{0}\", todėl laukas Adresas jau užpildytas. Pasirinkite dienų skaičių ir paspauskite Siųsti."
+msgid "Your avatar image."
+msgstr "Šią nuotrauką lankytojai matys pokalbio lange
kai bendraus su Jumis. Paspaudus nuorodą po nuotrauka, Jūs galite
ją pašalinti."
+msgid "Your company logo"
+msgstr "Įmonės logotipas"
+msgid "Your email"
+msgstr "Jūsų elektroninio pašto adresas"
+msgid "Your message has been sent"
+msgstr "Jūsų pranešimas išsaugotas"
+msgid "Your name"
+msgstr "Jūsų vardas, pavardė"
+msgid "Your operator has connection issues. We have moved you to a priorty position in the queue. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
+msgstr "Operatorius turi ryšio problemą, laikinai įtraukėme Jus į prioritetinę eilę. Prašome palaukti. Atsiprašome už nepatogumus."
+msgid "Your session has expired. Please login again"
+msgstr "Jūsų sesija baigėsi, prašome prisijungti dar karta"
+msgid "Your translation is saved."
+msgstr "Jūsų vertimas išsaugotas."
+msgid "Your web browser is not fully supported. \nPlease, use one of the following web browsers:"
+msgstr "Atsiprašome, darbui su sistema reikalingas naujasne interneto naršyklė. Rekomenduojame naudoti:"
+msgid "[spam]"
+msgstr "[spam] "
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "redaguoti"
+msgid "mandatory fields"
+msgstr "laukai, kuriuos būtina užpildyti"
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "kitas"
+msgid "previous"
+msgstr "ankstesne"
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "pašalinti"
+msgid "without menu"
+msgstr "be meniu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translations/lv/translation.po b/translations/lv/translation.po
index 920c7fa9..bc46d364 100644
--- a/translations/lv/translation.po
+++ b/translations/lv/translation.po
@@ -1,366 +1,322 @@
-msgid "admin.content.client_agents"
-msgstr "Uzņēmuma jauno operatorus pievienošana, to raksturpazīmes vadīšana."
-msgid "admin.content.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "HTML-koda saņemšana pogai „Web Messenger”."
-msgid "admin.content.client_settings"
-msgstr "Jūs varat ievadīt opcijas ietekmējošie uz dialoga loga attēlošanu un kopējo sistēmas uzvedumu"
-msgid "admin.content.description"
-msgstr "Funkciju saraksts, pieejamais tikai reģistrētiem operatoriem"
-msgid "agent.not_logged_in"
-msgstr "Jūsu sesija novecoja, lūdzu ieejiet no jauna"
-msgid "app.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "button.enter"
-msgstr "Ieejiet"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Saita Konsultants"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Onlainā"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Saglabāt"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Meklēt"
-msgid "chat.came.from"
-msgstr "Apmeklētais atnāca no lapas {0}"
-msgid "chat.client.changename"
-msgstr "Mainīt vārdu"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jūs"
-msgid "chat.default.username"
-msgstr "Apmeklētājs"
-msgid "chat.error_page.close"
-msgstr "Aizvērt..."
-msgid "chat.error_page.head"
-msgstr "Notikusi kļūda:"
-msgid "chat.error_page.title"
-msgstr "Kļūda"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.close"
-msgstr "Aizvērt..."
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.closewindow"
-msgstr "Nospiediet uz šo atsauci lai aizvērt logu"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.content"
-msgstr "Jūsu sarunu vēsture tika nosūtīta uz adresi {0}"
-msgid "chat.mailthread.sent.title"
-msgstr "Tika nosūtīts"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.changed"
-msgstr "Operators {0} nomainījis operatoru {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.dead"
-msgstr "Operatoram radušas problēmas ar sakaru, uz šo laiku mēs Jūs pārvedām uz rindu ar augstas prioritātes līmeņi. Lūdzam atvainot par gaidīšanu."
-msgid "chat.status.operator.joined"
-msgstr "Operators {0} pieslēdzās pie sarunas"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.left"
-msgstr "Operators {0} pameta dialoga logu"
-msgid "chat.status.operator.returned"
-msgstr "Operators {0} atgriezies dialoga logā"
-msgid "chat.status.user.changedname"
-msgstr "Apmeklētājs nomainīja vārdu {0} uz {1}"
-msgid "chat.status.user.dead"
-msgstr "Apmeklētājs aizvēra dialoga logu"
-msgid "chat.status.user.left"
-msgstr "Apmeklētājs {0} pameta dialoga logu"
-msgid "chat.status.user.reopenedthread"
-msgstr "Apmeklētājs no jauna pieslēdzies dialoga logam"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_chatting_with_agent"
-msgstr "Dialogā"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_closed"
-msgstr "Aizvērts"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_loading"
-msgstr "Ielādējas"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait"
-msgstr "Rindā"
-msgid "chat.thread.state_wait_for_another_agent"
-msgstr "Operatora gaidīšana"
-msgid "chat.wait"
-msgstr "Lūdzu uzgaidiet, Jums pievienosies operators.."
-msgid "chat.window.chatting_with"
-msgstr "Jūs runājat ar:"
-msgid "chat.window.close_title"
-msgstr "Aizvērt dialoga logu"
-msgid "chat.window.poweredby"
-msgstr "Piedavats:"
-msgid "chat.window.product_name"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message"
-msgstr "Sūtīt ziņojumu"
-msgid "chat.window.send_message_short"
-msgstr "Sūtīt ({0})"
-msgid "chat.window.title.agent"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.title.user"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.mail_history"
-msgstr "Nosūtīt dialoga vēsturi pa elektronisko pastu"
-msgid "chat.window.toolbar.refresh"
-msgstr "Atjaunot dialoga loga saturu"
-msgid "clients.how_to"
-msgstr "Lai sniegt atbildi apmeklētājam, uzklikšķiniet uz attiecīgo vārdu sarakstā."
-msgid "clients.intro"
-msgstr "Šajā lapā var apskatīt atbildes gaidījušo apmeklētāju sarakstu."
-msgid "clients.no_clients"
-msgstr "Šajā rindā gaidījušo apmeklētāju nav"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Apmeklētāji dialogos"
-msgid "clients.queue.prio"
-msgstr "Apmeklētāju rinda ar augstu prioritātes līmeņi"
-msgid "clients.queue.wait"
-msgstr "Pirmo reizi operatoru gaidījušie"
-msgid "clients.title"
-msgstr "Gaidījušo apmeklētāju saraksts"
-msgid "common.asterisk_explanation"
-msgstr "laukumi, obligātai aizpildīšanai"
-msgid "company.title"
-msgstr "Mibew Messenger Community"
-msgid "content.history"
-msgstr "Meklēšana pēc dialogu vēsturi"
-msgid "content.logoff"
-msgstr "Atstāt sistēmu."
-msgid "errors.header"
-msgstr "Izlabojiet kļūdas:"
-msgid "errors.required"
-msgstr "Aizpildiet laukumu \"{0}\"."
-msgid "errors.wrong_field"
-msgstr "Nepareizi aizpildīts laukums \"{0}\""
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname.description"
-msgstr "Zem šī vārda Jūs redzēs apmeklētāji no citām valstīm."
-msgid "form.field.agent_commonname"
-msgstr "Internacionālais vārds (ar latiņu burtiem)"
-msgid "form.field.agent_name.description"
-msgstr "Zem šī vārda Jūs redzēs Jūsu apmeklētāji
kā arī pie Jums vērsies sistēma."
-msgid "form.field.agent_name"
-msgstr "Vārds"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jūsu e-pasta adrese"
-msgid "form.field.login.description"
-msgstr "Lietotājvārds var būt izveidots no maziem latiņiem
burtiem un svītrošanas zīmes."
-msgid "form.field.login"
-msgstr "Lietotājvārds"
-msgid "form.field.message"
-msgstr "Ziņojums"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Jūsu vārds"
-msgid "form.field.password.description"
-msgstr "Ievadiet jauno parole vai atstājiet laukumu
tukšu, lai saglabāt veco paroli."
-msgid "form.field.password"
-msgstr "Parole"
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm.description"
-msgstr "Apstipriniet jauno paroli."
-msgid "form.field.password_confirm"
-msgstr "Apstiprinājums"
-msgid "install.1.connected"
-msgstr "Izveidots savienojums ar MySQL serveri, versija {0}."
-msgid "install.2.create"
-msgstr "Izveidot datu bāzi \"{0}\""
-msgid "install.2.db_exists"
-msgstr "Datu bāze tiek izveidota \"{0}\"."
-msgid "install.2.notice"
-msgstr "Jūsu izvēlēta bāze serverī neeksistē. Ja Jums ir tiesības
datu bāzes izveidošanai, to var paveikt tagad."
-msgid "install.3.create"
-msgstr "Izveidot nepieciešamas tabulas."
-msgid "install.3.tables_exist"
-msgstr "Nepieciešamās tabulas izveidoti."
-msgid "install.4.create"
-msgstr "Atjaunot"
-msgid "install.4.done"
-msgstr "Tabulu struktūra gatava lietošanai."
-msgid "install.4.notice"
-msgstr "Web Messengera korektai darbībai ir nepieciešams atjaunot tabulas struktūru."
-msgid "install.connection.error"
-msgstr "Nav pieejas pie MySQL servera, pārbaudiet iestatījumus failā config.php. Kļūda: {0}"
-msgid "install.done"
-msgstr "Gatavs:"
-msgid "install.err.back"
-msgstr "Izlabojiet kļūdu un mēģiniet vēlreiz. Uzspīdiet atpakaļ lai atgriezties pie uzstādīšanas meistara."
-msgid "install.err.title"
-msgstr "Kļūda"
-msgid "install.key.error"
-msgstr "Jūsu atslēga kods {0} nav apstiprināts, lūdzam vērsties pēc tehniskā atbalsta Web Messengera pa pastu"
-msgid "install.kill_tables.notice"
-msgstr "Nav iespējam atjaunot tabulu struktūru. Mēģiniet pavekt to Попробуйте сделать это вручную vai izveidojiet visas tabulas no jauna."
-msgid "install.kill_tables"
-msgstr "Dzēst esošas tabulas"
-msgid "install.license"
-msgstr "Programmas nodrošinājuma licences līgums"
-msgid "install.message"
-msgstr "Sekojiet meistara norādījumiem datu bāzei pareizai konfigurēšanai."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Nākamais solis:"
-msgid "install.title"
-msgstr "Uzstādīšana"
-msgid "installed.login_link"
-msgstr "Ieejiet sistēmā"
-msgid "installed.message"
+msgid "Application installed successfully."
msgstr "Uzstādīšana sekmīgi pabeigta. "
-msgid "installed.notice"
-msgstr "Jūs varat ieejiet sistēmā ar lietotāja vārdu „admin” ar tukšu paroles laukumu.
!!! Drošības mērķos, lūdzu nodzēsiet katalogu {0} no Jūsu servera un nomainiet paroli."
-msgid "leavemessage.close"
-msgstr "Aizvērt"
-msgid "leavemessage.descr"
-msgstr "Diemžēl visi operatori pašlaik ir aizņemti. Mēģiniet vērsties vēlāk vai atstājiet savu jautājumu un mēs ar Jums sazināsimies pēc Jūsu norādītās adreses."
-msgid "leavemessage.perform"
-msgstr "Nosūtīt"
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.message"
-msgstr "Paldies par Jūsu jautājumu, mēs pēc iespējas ātrāk pacenšamies uz to atbildēt."
-msgid "leavemessage.sent.title"
-msgstr "Jūsu ziņojums saglabāts"
-msgid "leavemessage.title"
-msgstr "Atstājiet Jūsu ziņojumu"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_agents"
-msgstr "Operatori"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_gen_button"
-msgstr "Pogas kods"
-msgid "leftMenu.client_settings"
-msgstr "Iestatījumi"
-msgid "mailthread.close"
-msgstr "Aizvērt..."
-msgid "mailthread.enter_email"
-msgstr "Ievediet Jūsu e-pasta adresi:"
-msgid "mailthread.perform"
-msgstr "Sūtīt"
-msgid "mailthread.title"
-msgstr "Nosūtīt sarunu vēsturi
uz pasta kastīti"
-msgid "menu.agents"
-msgstr "Aģentu saraksts"
-msgid "menu.main"
-msgstr "Galvenā"
-msgid "menu.operator"
-msgstr "Jūs {0}"
-msgid "my_settings.error.password_match"
-msgstr "Ievadītām parolēm jābūt vienādam"
-msgid "no_such_operator"
-msgstr "Ievadītais lietotāja konts neeksistē"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Apmeklētāju adrese"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Apmeklētāju ziņojumu"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Vārds"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Operators"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Laiks dialogā"
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Aizvērt..."
-msgid ""
-msgstr "Diemžēl, šīs lapas darbībai nepieciešama jaunāka pārlūkprogrammas versija. Labākai apskatīšanai izmantojiet:\n\n