From 2bcffd5f4ac350a5f9a6181c0b1d2d2ce7783674 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny Gryaznov <>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 14:29:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] replace " . $mysqlprefix . "  -> ${mysqlprefix}

 .../inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml    | 11 +++
 .../inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml  |  7 ++
 src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php        | 54 +++++------
 src/messenger/webim/install/dbperform.php     | 90 +++++++++----------
 src/messenger/webim/libs/chat.php             | 29 +++---
 src/messenger/webim/libs/common.php           |  2 +-
 src/messenger/webim/libs/groups.php           |  4 +-
 src/messenger/webim/libs/notify.php           |  2 +-
 src/messenger/webim/libs/operator.php         | 69 +++++++-------
 src/messenger/webim/libs/settings.php         |  4 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/ban.php          |  6 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/blocked.php      |  4 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/canned.php       |  6 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/cannededit.php   |  6 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/group.php        |  8 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/groupmembers.php |  8 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/groups.php       |  6 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/history.php      | 18 ++--
 src/messenger/webim/operator/notification.php |  2 +-
 .../webim/operator/notifications.php          |  2 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/operators.php    |  4 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/opgroups.php     |  4 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/permissions.php  |  6 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/redirect.php     |  2 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/resetpwd.php     |  2 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/restore.php      |  2 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/statistics.php   | 10 +--
 .../webim/operator/threadprocessor.php        |  2 +-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/update.php       | 13 ++-
 src/messenger/webim/operator/userhistory.php  |  2 +-
 30 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
 create mode 100644 src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml

diff --git a/src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml b/src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c66df003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
+  <profile version="1.0" is_locked="false">
+    <option name="myName" value="Project Default" />
+    <option name="myLocal" value="false" />
+    <inspection_tool class="SpellCheckingInspection" enabled="false" level="TYPO" enabled_by_default="false">
+      <option name="processCode" value="true" />
+      <option name="processLiterals" value="true" />
+      <option name="processComments" value="true" />
+    </inspection_tool>
+  </profile>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml b/src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b312839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/messenger/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
+  <settings>
+    <option name="PROJECT_PROFILE" value="Project Default" />
+    <option name="USE_PROJECT_PROFILE" value="true" />
+    <version value="1.0" />
+  </settings>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php b/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php
index 738d4f94..fa5b75ff 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/install/dbinfo.php
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 $dbtables = array(
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatgroup" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatgroup" => array(
 		"groupid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"vcemail" => "varchar(64)",
 		"vclocalname" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL",
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ $dbtables = array(
 		"vccommondescription" => "varchar(1024) NOT NULL",
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatthread" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatthread" => array(
 		"threadid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"userName" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL",
 		"userid" => "varchar(255)",
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ $dbtables = array(
 		"shownmessageid" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0",
 		"userAgent" => "varchar(255)",
 		"messageCount" => "varchar(16)",
-		"groupid" => "int references " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup(groupid)",
+		"groupid" => "int references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)",
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatmessage" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array(
 		"messageid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
-		"threadid" => "int NOT NULL references " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread(threadid)",
+		"threadid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatthread(threadid)",
 		"ikind" => "int NOT NULL",
 		"agentId" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0",
 		"tmessage" => "text NOT NULL",
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ $dbtables = array(
 		"tname" => "varchar(64)"
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatoperator" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" => array(
 		"operatorid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"vclogin" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL",
 		"vcpassword" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL",
@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ $dbtables = array(
 		"vcrestoretoken" => "varchar(64)",
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatrevision" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatrevision" => array(
 		"id" => "INT NOT NULL"
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator" => array(
-		"groupid" => "int NOT NULL references " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup(groupid)",
-		"operatorid" => "int NOT NULL references " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator(operatorid)",
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator" => array(
+		"groupid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)",
+		"operatorid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator(operatorid)",
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatban" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatban" => array(
 		"banid" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"dtmcreated" => "datetime DEFAULT 0",
 		"dtmtill" => "datetime DEFAULT 0",
@@ -99,20 +99,20 @@ $dbtables = array(
 		"blockedCount" => "int DEFAULT 0"
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatconfig" => array (
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatconfig" => array (
 		"id" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"vckey" => "varchar(255)",
 		"vcvalue" => "varchar(255)",
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatresponses" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatresponses" => array(
 		"id" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"locale" => "varchar(8)",
-		"groupid" => "int references " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup(groupid)",
+		"groupid" => "int references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)",
 		"vcvalue" => "varchar(1024) NOT NULL",
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatnotification" => array(
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatnotification" => array(
 		"id" => "INT NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
 		"locale" => "varchar(8)",
 		"vckind" => "varchar(16)",
@@ -120,21 +120,21 @@ $dbtables = array(
 		"dtmcreated" => "datetime DEFAULT 0",
 		"vcsubject" => "varchar(256)",
 		"tmessage" => "text NOT NULL",
-		"refoperator" => "int NOT NULL references " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator(operatorid)",
+		"refoperator" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator(operatorid)",
 $memtables = array();
 $dbtables_can_update = array(
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatthread" => array("agentId", "userTyping", "agentTyping", "messageCount", "nextagent", "shownmessageid", "userid", "userAgent", "groupid"),
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatmessage" => array("agentId"),
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatoperator" => array("vcavatar", "vcjabbername", "iperm", "istatus", "vcemail", "dtmrestore", "vcrestoretoken", "inotify"),
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatban" => array(),
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatgroup" => array("vcemail"),
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator" => array(),
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatresponses" => array(),
-	$mysqlprefix . "chatnotification" => array(),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatthread" => array("agentId", "userTyping", "agentTyping", "messageCount", "nextagent", "shownmessageid", "userid", "userAgent", "groupid"),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array("agentId"),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" => array("vcavatar", "vcjabbername", "iperm", "istatus", "vcemail", "dtmrestore", "vcrestoretoken", "inotify"),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatban" => array(),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatgroup" => array("vcemail"),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator" => array(),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatresponses" => array(),
+	"${mysqlprefix}chatnotification" => array(),
 function show_install_err($text) {
@@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ function create_table($id,$link) {
 	mysql_query($query,$link) or show_install_err(' Query failed: '.mysql_error());
-	if( $id == $mysqlprefix . 'chatoperator' ) {
+	if( $id == "${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" ) {
 		create_operator_("admin", "", "", "", "Administrator", "Administrator", 0, $link);
-	} else if( $id == $mysqlprefix . 'chatrevision' ) {
-		perform_query("INSERT INTO " . $mysqlprefix . "chatrevision VALUES (1)",$link);
+	} else if( $id == "${mysqlprefix}chatrevision" ) {
+		perform_query("INSERT INTO ${mysqlprefix}chatrevision VALUES (1)",$link);
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/install/dbperform.php b/src/messenger/webim/install/dbperform.php
index dee7b50e..475ef1f3 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/install/dbperform.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/install/dbperform.php
@@ -77,90 +77,90 @@ if ($act == "silentcreateall") {
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.agentId", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage ADD agentId int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER ikind", $link);
-			runsql("update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set agentId = operatorid where agentId = 0 AND ikind = 2 AND (vclocalename = tname OR vccommonname = tname)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.agentId", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage ADD agentId int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER ikind", $link);
+			runsql("update ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage, ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set agentId = operatorid where agentId = 0 AND ikind = 2 AND (vclocalename = tname OR vccommonname = tname)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.agentId", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD agentId int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER agentName", $link);
-			runsql("update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set agentId = operatorid where agentId = 0 AND (vclocalename = agentName OR vccommonname = agentName)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.agentId", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD agentId int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER agentName", $link);
+			runsql("update ${mysqlprefix}chatthread, ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set agentId = operatorid where agentId = 0 AND (vclocalename = agentName OR vccommonname = agentName)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.agentTyping", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD agentTyping int DEFAULT 0", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.agentTyping", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD agentTyping int DEFAULT 0", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.userTyping", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD userTyping int DEFAULT 0", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.userTyping", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD userTyping int DEFAULT 0", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.messageCount", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD messageCount varchar(16)", $link);
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage ADD INDEX idx_threadid_ikind (threadid, ikind)", $link);
-			runsql("UPDATE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread t SET t.messageCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage WHERE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.threadid = t.threadid AND ikind = 1)", $link);
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage DROP INDEX idx_threadid_ikind", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.messageCount", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD messageCount varchar(16)", $link);
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage ADD INDEX idx_threadid_ikind (threadid, ikind)", $link);
+			runsql("UPDATE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread t SET t.messageCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage WHERE ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.threadid = t.threadid AND ikind = 1)", $link);
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage DROP INDEX idx_threadid_ikind", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.nextagent", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD nextagent int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.nextagent", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD nextagent int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.shownmessageid", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD shownmessageid int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.shownmessageid", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD shownmessageid int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.userid", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD userid varchar(255) DEFAULT \"\"", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.userid", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD userid varchar(255) DEFAULT \"\"", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.iperm", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD iperm int DEFAULT 65535", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.iperm", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD iperm int DEFAULT 65535", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.istatus", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD istatus int DEFAULT 0", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.istatus", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD istatus int DEFAULT 0", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.inotify", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD inotify int DEFAULT 0", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.inotify", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD inotify int DEFAULT 0", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.vcavatar", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD vcavatar varchar(255)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.vcavatar", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD vcavatar varchar(255)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.vcjabbername", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD vcjabbername varchar(255)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.vcjabbername", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD vcjabbername varchar(255)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.vcemail", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD vcemail varchar(64)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.vcemail", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD vcemail varchar(64)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.dtmrestore", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD dtmrestore datetime DEFAULT 0", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.dtmrestore", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD dtmrestore datetime DEFAULT 0", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.vcrestoretoken", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ADD vcrestoretoken varchar(64)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.vcrestoretoken", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ADD vcrestoretoken varchar(64)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.groupid", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD groupid int references " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup(groupid)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.groupid", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD groupid int references ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup(groupid)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatthread.userAgent", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ADD userAgent varchar(255)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatthread.userAgent", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ADD userAgent varchar(255)", $link);
-		if( in_array($mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.vcemail", $absent) ) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup ADD vcemail varchar(64)", $link);
+		if( in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.vcemail", $absent) ) {
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup ADD vcemail varchar(64)", $link);
-		$res = mysql_query("select null from information_schema.statistics where table_name = '". $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage' and index_name = 'idx_agentid'", $link);
+		$res = mysql_query("select null from information_schema.statistics where table_name = '${mysqlprefix}chatmessage' and index_name = 'idx_agentid'", $link);
 		if($res && mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
-			runsql("ALTER TABLE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage ADD INDEX idx_agentid (agentid)", $link);
+			runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage ADD INDEX idx_agentid (agentid)", $link);
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/libs/chat.php b/src/messenger/webim/libs/chat.php
index 03a6c276..9a4d8934 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/libs/chat.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/libs/chat.php
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function next_token() {
 function next_revision($link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
-	perform_query("update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatrevision set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1)",$link);
+	perform_query("update ${mysqlprefix}chatrevision set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1)",$link);
 	$val = mysql_insert_id($link);
 	return $val;
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function next_revision($link) {
 function post_message_($threadid,$kind,$message,$link,$from=null,$utime=null,$opid=null) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage (threadid,ikind,tmessage,tname,agentId,dtmcreated) values (%s, %s,'%s',%s,%s,%s)",
+		"insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage (threadid,ikind,tmessage,tname,agentId,dtmcreated) values (%s, %s,'%s',%s,%s,%s)",
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function get_messages($threadid,$meth,$isuser,&$lastid) {
 	$link = connect();
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"select messageid,ikind,unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created,tname,tmessage from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage ".
+		"select messageid,ikind,unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created,tname,tmessage from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage ".
 		"where threadid = %s and messageid > %s %s order by messageid",
 		$threadid, $lastid, $isuser ? "and ikind <> $kind_for_agent" : "" );
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ function load_canned_messages($locale, $groupid) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$result = select_multi_assoc(
-			"select vcvalue from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses where locale = '".$locale."' ".
+			"select vcvalue from ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses where locale = '".$locale."' ".
 			"AND (groupid is NULL OR groupid = 0) order by vcvalue", $link);
 	if(count($result) == 0) {
 		foreach(explode("\n", getstring_('chat.predefined_answers', $locale)) as $answer) {
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ function load_canned_messages($locale, $groupid) {
 	if($groupid) {
 		$result2 = select_multi_assoc(
-				"select vcvalue from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses where locale = '".$locale."' ".
+				"select vcvalue from ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses where locale = '".$locale."' ".
 				"AND groupid = $groupid order by vcvalue", $link);
 		foreach($result as $r) {
 			$result2[] = $r;
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ function update_thread_access($threadid, $params, $link) {
 		$clause .= $k."=".$v;
-		 "update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread set $clause ".
+		 "update ${mysqlprefix}chatthread set $clause ".
 		 "where threadid = ".$threadid,$link);
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ function ping_thread($thread, $isuser,$istyping) {
 function commit_thread($threadid,$params,$link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
-	$query = "update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread t set lrevision = ".next_revision($link).", dtmmodified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
+	$query = "update ${mysqlprefix}chatthread t set lrevision = ".next_revision($link).", dtmmodified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
 	foreach( $params as $k => $v ) {
 		$query .= ", ".$k."=".$v;
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ function close_thread($thread,$isuser) {
 	$link = connect();
 	if( $thread['istate'] != $state_closed ) {
 		commit_thread( $thread['threadid'], array('istate' => $state_closed,
-			"messageCount" => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage WHERE " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.threadid = t.threadid AND ikind = 1)"), $link);
+			'messageCount' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage WHERE ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.threadid = t.threadid AND ikind = 1)"), $link);
 	$message =  $isuser ? getstring2_("chat.status.user.left", array($thread['userName']), $thread['locale'])
@@ -529,12 +529,12 @@ function thread_by_id_($id,$link) {
 	return select_one_row("select threadid,userName,agentName,agentId,lrevision,istate,ltoken,userTyping,agentTyping".
 			",unix_timestamp(dtmmodified) as modified, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created".
 			",remote,referer,locale,unix_timestamp(lastpinguser) as lpuser,unix_timestamp(lastpingagent) as lpagent, unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as current,nextagent,shownmessageid,userid,userAgent,groupid".
-			" from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread where threadid = ". $id, $link );
+			" from ${mysqlprefix}chatthread where threadid = ". $id, $link );
 function ban_for_addr_($addr,$link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
-	return select_one_row("select banid,comment from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatban where unix_timestamp(dtmtill) > unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND address = '".mysql_real_escape_string($addr,$link)."'", $link );
+	return select_one_row("select banid,comment from ${mysqlprefix}chatban where unix_timestamp(dtmtill) > unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND address = '".mysql_real_escape_string($addr,$link)."'", $link );
 function thread_by_id($id) {
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ function thread_by_id($id) {
 function create_thread($groupid,$username,$remoteHost,$referer,$lang,$userid,$userbrowser,$initialState,$link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$query = sprintf(
-		 "insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread (userName,userid,ltoken,remote,referer,lrevision,locale,userAgent,dtmcreated,dtmmodified,istate".($groupid?",groupid":"").") values ".
+		 "insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatthread (userName,userid,ltoken,remote,referer,lrevision,locale,userAgent,dtmcreated,dtmmodified,istate".($groupid?",groupid":"").") values ".
 			mysql_real_escape_string($username, $link),
 			mysql_real_escape_string($userid, $link),
@@ -655,9 +655,9 @@ function notify_operators($thread,$firstmessage,$link) {
 	global $settings, $mysqlprefix;
 	if($settings['enablejabber'] == 1) {
 		$groupid = $thread['groupid'];
-		$query = "select " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.operatorid as opid, inotify, vcjabbername, vcemail, (unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator";
+		$query = "select ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.operatorid as opid, inotify, vcjabbername, vcemail, (unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator";
 		if($groupid) {
-			$query .= ", " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid and " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.operatorid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator.operatorid and istatus = 0";
+			$query .= ", ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid and ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.operatorid = ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator.operatorid and istatus = 0";
 		} else {
 			$query .= " where istatus = 0";
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ function check_connections_from_remote($remote,$link) {
 		return true;
 	$result = select_one_row(
-			"select count(*) as opened from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ".
+			"select count(*) as opened from ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ".
 			"where remote = '". mysql_real_escape_string($remote, $link)."' AND istate <> $state_closed AND istate <> $state_left", $link );
 	if($result && isset($result['opened'])) {
 		return $result['opened'] < $settings['max_connections_from_one_host'];
@@ -707,7 +707,6 @@ function visitor_from_request() {
 		$userName = getgetparam('name', $userName);
-	$userId = "";
 	if (isset($_COOKIE[$usercookie])) {
 		$userId = $_COOKIE[$usercookie];
 	} else {
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/libs/common.php b/src/messenger/webim/libs/common.php
index 0abd5847..34a0bd86 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/libs/common.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/libs/common.php
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ function loadsettings_($link) {
 	$settingsloaded = true;
-	$sqlresult = mysql_query("select vckey,vcvalue from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatconfig",$link) or die(' Query failed: '.mysql_error($link).": ".$query);
+	$sqlresult = mysql_query("select vckey,vcvalue from ${mysqlprefix}chatconfig", $link) or die(' Query failed: '.mysql_error($link));
 	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
 		$name = $row['vckey'];
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/libs/groups.php b/src/messenger/webim/libs/groups.php
index 3a2aeaef..1688558e 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/libs/groups.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/libs/groups.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function group_by_id($id) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$group = select_one_row(
-		 "select * from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup where groupid = $id", $link );
+		 "select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup where groupid = $id", $link );
 	return $group;
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function get_operator_groupslist($operatorid, $link) {
 	global $settings, $mysqlprefix;
 	if($settings['enablegroups'] == '1') {
 		$groupids = array(0);
-		$allgroups = select_multi_assoc("select groupid from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid order by groupid",$link);
+		$allgroups = select_multi_assoc("select groupid from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid order by groupid",$link);
 		foreach($allgroups as $g) {
 			$groupids[] = $g['groupid'];	
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/libs/notify.php b/src/messenger/webim/libs/notify.php
index c34dc72c..113b2691 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/libs/notify.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/libs/notify.php
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 function log_notification($locale,$kind,$to,$subj,$text,$refop,$link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatnotification (locale,vckind,vcto,vcsubject,tmessage,refoperator,dtmcreated) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,%s)",
+		"insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatnotification (locale,vckind,vcto,vcsubject,tmessage,refoperator,dtmcreated) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,%s)",
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/libs/operator.php b/src/messenger/webim/libs/operator.php
index fc0dc9b1..8bfc5114 100755
--- a/src/messenger/webim/libs/operator.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/libs/operator.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function operator_by_login($login) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$operator = select_one_row(
-		 "select * from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where vclogin = '".mysql_real_escape_string($login)."'", $link );
+		 "select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where vclogin = '".mysql_real_escape_string($login)."'", $link );
 	return $operator;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function operator_by_email($mail) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$operator = select_one_row(
-		 "select * from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where vcemail = '".mysql_real_escape_string($mail)."'", $link );
+		 "select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where vcemail = '".mysql_real_escape_string($mail)."'", $link );
 	return $operator;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function operator_by_email($mail) {
 function operator_by_id_($id,$link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	return select_one_row(
-		 "select * from " .$mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where operatorid = $id", $link );
+		 "select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where operatorid = $id", $link );
 function operator_by_id($id) {
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function operator_get_all() {
 	$link = connect();
 	$query = "select operatorid, vclogin, vclocalename, vccommonname, istatus, (unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time ".
-			 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator order by vclogin";
+			 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator order by vclogin";
 	$operators = select_multi_assoc($query, $link);
 	return $operators;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ function update_operator($operatorid,$login,$email,$jabber,$password,$localename
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set vclogin = '%s',%s vclocalename = '%s', vccommonname = '%s'".
+		"update ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set vclogin = '%s',%s vclocalename = '%s', vccommonname = '%s'".
 		", vcemail = '%s', vcjabbername= '%s', inotify = %s".
 		" where operatorid = %s",
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function update_operator_avatar($operatorid,$avatar) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set vcavatar = '%s' where operatorid = %s",
+		"update ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set vcavatar = '%s' where operatorid = %s",
 		mysql_real_escape_string($avatar), $operatorid );
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ function update_operator_avatar($operatorid,$avatar) {
 function create_operator_($login,$email,$jabber,$password,$localename,$commonname,$notify,$link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator (vclogin,vcpassword,vclocalename,vccommonname,vcavatar,vcemail,vcjabbername,inotify) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)",
+		"insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator (vclogin,vcpassword,vclocalename,vccommonname,vcavatar,vcemail,vcjabbername,inotify) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)",
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ function create_operator_($login,$email,$jabber,$password,$localename,$commonnam
 	$id = mysql_insert_id($link);
-	return select_one_row("select * from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where operatorid = $id", $link );
+	return select_one_row("select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where operatorid = $id", $link );
 function create_operator($login,$email,$jabber,$password,$localename,$commonname,$notify) {
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ function create_operator($login,$email,$jabber,$password,$localename,$commonname
 function notify_operator_alive($operatorid, $istatus) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	perform_query("update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set istatus = $istatus, dtmlastvisited = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where operatorid = $operatorid",$link);
+	perform_query("update ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set istatus = $istatus, dtmlastvisited = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where operatorid = $operatorid",$link);
@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ function has_online_operators($groupid="") {
 	global $settings, $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	$query = "select count(*) as total, min(unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator";
+	$query = "select count(*) as total, min(unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator";
 	if($groupid) {
-		$query .= ", " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid and " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.operatorid = " . 
-		$mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator.operatorid and istatus = 0";
+		$query .= ", ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid and ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.operatorid = " .
+		"${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator.operatorid and istatus = 0";
 	} else {
 		$query .= " where istatus = 0";
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ function is_operator_online($operatorid, $link) {
 	global $settings, $mysqlprefix;
 	$query = "select count(*) as total, min(unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time ".
-			 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where operatorid = $operatorid";
+			 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where operatorid = $operatorid";
 	$row = select_one_row($query,$link);
 	return $row['time'] < $settings['online_timeout'] && $row['total'] == 1;
@@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ function append_query($link,$pv) {
 function check_login($redirect=true) {
 	global $webimroot, $mysqlprefix;
-	if( !isset( $_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator'] ) ) {
+	if( !isset( $_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"] ) ) {
 		if( isset($_COOKIE['webim_lite']) ) {
 			list($login,$pwd) = preg_split("/,/", $_COOKIE['webim_lite'], 2);
 			$op = operator_by_login($login);
 			if( $op && isset($pwd) && isset($op['vcpassword']) && md5($op['vcpassword']) == $pwd ) {
-				$_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator'] = $op;
+				$_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"] = $op;
 				return $op;
@@ -217,17 +217,17 @@ function check_login($redirect=true) {
 			return null;
-	return $_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator'];
+	return $_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"];
 function get_logged_in() {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
-	return isset( $_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator'] ) ? $_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator'] : FALSE;
+	return isset( $_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"] ) ? $_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"] : FALSE;
 function login_operator($operator,$remember) {
 	global $webimroot, $mysqlprefix;
-	$_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator'] = $operator;
+	$_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"] = $operator;
 	if( $remember ) {
 		$value = $operator['vclogin'].",".md5($operator['vcpassword']);
 		setcookie('webim_lite', $value, time()+60*60*24*1000, "$webimroot/");
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ function login_operator($operator,$remember) {
 function logout_operator() {
 	global $webimroot, $mysqlprefix;
-	unset($_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator']);
+	unset($_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"]);
 	if( isset($_COOKIE['webim_lite']) ) {
 		setcookie('webim_lite', '', time() - 3600, "$webimroot/");
@@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ function setup_redirect_links($threadid,$token) {
 	$link = connect();
-	$operatorscount = db_rows_count($mysqlprefix . "chatoperator", array(), "", $link);
+	$operatorscount = db_rows_count("${mysqlprefix}chatoperator", array(), "", $link);
 	$groupscount = 0;
+    $groups = array();
 	if($settings['enablegroups'] == "1") {
-		$groups = array();
 		foreach(get_groups($link, true) as $group) {
 			if($group['inumofagents'] == 0) {
@@ -271,10 +271,9 @@ function setup_redirect_links($threadid,$token) {
 	$operators = select_multi_assoc(db_build_select(
 		"operatorid, vclogin, vclocalename, vccommonname, istatus, (unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time",
-		$mysqlprefix . "chatoperator", array(), "order by vclogin $limit"), $link);
+		"${mysqlprefix}chatoperator", array(), "order by vclogin $limit"), $link);
 	$groups = array_slice($groups, $p['start'], $p['end']-$p['start']);
 	$agent_list = "";
@@ -348,34 +347,34 @@ function prepare_menu($operator,$hasright=true) {
 function get_all_groups($link) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
-	$query = "select " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid as groupid, vclocalname, vclocaldescription from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup order by vclocalname";
+	$query = "select ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid as groupid, vclocalname, vclocaldescription from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup order by vclocalname";
 	return select_multi_assoc($query, $link);
 function get_groups($link,$checkaway) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
-	$query = "select " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid as groupid, vclocalname, vclocaldescription".
-			", (SELECT count(*) from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid = " . 
-			$mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator.groupid) as inumofagents". 
+	$query = "select ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid as groupid, vclocalname, vclocaldescription".
+			", (SELECT count(*) from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid = " .
+			"${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator.groupid) as inumofagents".
 			", (SELECT min(unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time ".
-					"from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where istatus = 0 and " . 
-					$mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator.groupid ".
-					"and " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator.operatorid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.operatorid) as ilastseen".
+					"from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator, ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where istatus = 0 and " .
+					"${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid = ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator.groupid ".
+					"and ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator.operatorid = ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.operatorid) as ilastseen".
 				 ? ", (SELECT min(unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time ".
-						"from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where istatus <> 0 and " . 
-						$mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator.groupid ".
-						"and " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator.operatorid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator.operatorid) as ilastseenaway"
+						"from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator, ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where istatus <> 0 and " .
+						"${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid = ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator.groupid ".
+						"and ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator.operatorid = ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator.operatorid) as ilastseenaway"
 				 : ""
-			 " from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup order by vclocalname";
+			 " from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup order by vclocalname";
 	return select_multi_assoc($query, $link);
 function get_operator_groupids($operatorid) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	$query = "select groupid from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid";
+	$query = "select groupid from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid";
 	$result = select_multi_assoc($query, $link);
 	return $result;
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/libs/settings.php b/src/messenger/webim/libs/settings.php
index 10904afd..9159867b 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/libs/settings.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/libs/settings.php
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ function update_settings() {
 	$link = connect();
 	foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
 		if(!isset($settings_in_db[$key])) {
-			perform_query("insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatconfig (vckey) values ('$key')",$link);
+			perform_query("insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatconfig (vckey) values ('$key')",$link);
-        $query = sprintf("update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatconfig set vcvalue='%s' where vckey='$key'", mysql_real_escape_string($value));
+        $query = sprintf("update ${mysqlprefix}chatconfig set vcvalue='%s' where vckey='$key'", mysql_real_escape_string($value));
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/ban.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/ban.php
index d038fd27..72a98b0e 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/ban.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/ban.php
@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ if( isset($_POST['address']) ) {
 		$utime = time() + $days * 24*60*60;
 		if (!$banId) {
 			$query = sprintf(
-				"insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatban (dtmcreated,dtmtill,address,comment) values (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,%s,'%s','%s')",
+				"insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatban (dtmcreated,dtmtill,address,comment) values (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,%s,'%s','%s')",
 		} else {
 			$query = sprintf(
-				"update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatban set dtmtill = %s,address = '%s',comment = '%s' where banid = $banId",
+				"update ${mysqlprefix}chatban set dtmtill = %s,address = '%s',comment = '%s' where banid = $banId",
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if( isset($_POST['address']) ) {
 } else if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
 	$banId = verifyparam( 'id', "/^\d{1,9}$/");
 	$link = connect();
-	$ban = select_one_row("select banid,(unix_timestamp(dtmtill)-unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) as days,address,comment from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatban where banid = $banId", $link);
+	$ban = select_one_row("select banid,(unix_timestamp(dtmtill)-unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) as days,address,comment from ${mysqlprefix}chatban where banid = $banId", $link);
 	if( $ban ) {
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/blocked.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/blocked.php
index e6ab371e..9581edab 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/blocked.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/blocked.php
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ if( isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'del' ) {
 	if( count($errors) == 0 ) {
-		perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatban where banid = $banId",$link);
+		perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatban where banid = $banId",$link);
 		header("Location: $webimroot/operator/blocked.php");
-$result = mysql_query("select banid,unix_timestamp(dtmtill) as till,address,comment from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatban", $link)
+$result = mysql_query("select banid,unix_timestamp(dtmtill) as till,address,comment from ${mysqlprefix}chatban", $link)
 	or die(' Query failed: ' .mysql_error());
 $blockedList = array();
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/canned.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/canned.php
index ef92a5fc..033acc69 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/canned.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/canned.php
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $page = array();
 function load_canned_messages($locale, $groupid) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	$query = "select id, vcvalue from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses ".
+	$query = "select id, vcvalue from ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses ".
 			 "where locale = '".$locale."' AND (".
 			 		? "groupid = $groupid" 
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function load_canned_messages($locale, $groupid) {
 			$result[] = array('id' => '', 'vcvalue' => $answer);
 		if(count($result) > 0) {
-			$updatequery = "insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses (vcvalue,locale,groupid) values ";
+			$updatequery = "insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses (vcvalue,locale,groupid) values ";
 			for($i=0;$i<count($result);$i++) {
 				if($i > 0) {
 					$updatequery .= ", ";
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'delete') {
 	if( count($errors) == 0 ) {
 		$link = connect();
-		perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses where id = $key",$link);
+		perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses where id = $key",$link);
 		header("Location: $webimroot/operator/canned.php?lang=$lang&group=$groupid");
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/cannededit.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/cannededit.php
index 6b8ffe10..0c137296 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/cannededit.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/cannededit.php
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ require_once('../libs/pagination.php');
 function load_message($key) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	$result = select_one_row("select vcvalue from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses where id = $key", $link);
+	$result = select_one_row("select vcvalue from ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses where id = $key", $link);
 	return $result ? $result['vcvalue'] : null;
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function load_message($key) {
 function save_message($key,$message) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	perform_query("update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses set vcvalue = '".mysql_real_escape_string($message,$link)."' ".
+	perform_query("update ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses set vcvalue = '".mysql_real_escape_string($message,$link)."' ".
 				"where id = $key", $link);
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function save_message($key,$message) {
 function add_message($locale,$groupid,$message) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	perform_query("insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatresponses (locale,groupid,vcvalue) values ('$locale',".
+	perform_query("insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatresponses (locale,groupid,vcvalue) values ('$locale',".
 				($groupid ? "$groupid, " : "null, ").
 				"'".mysql_real_escape_string($message,$link)."')", $link);
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/group.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/group.php
index 1b327ebf..8ba2cb82 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/group.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/group.php
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function group_by_name($name) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$group = select_one_row(
-		 "select * from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup where vclocalname = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."'", $link );
+		 "select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup where vclocalname = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."'", $link );
 	return $group;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function create_group($name,$descr,$commonname,$commondescr) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup (vclocalname,vclocaldescription,vccommonname,vccommondescription) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+		"insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup (vclocalname,vclocaldescription,vccommonname,vccommondescription) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function create_group($name,$descr,$commonname,$commondescr) {
 	$id = mysql_insert_id($link);
-	$newdep = select_one_row("select * from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup where groupid = $id", $link );
+	$newdep = select_one_row("select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup where groupid = $id", $link );
 	return $newdep;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function update_group($groupid,$name,$descr,$commonname,$commondescr) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$query = sprintf(
-		"update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup set vclocalname = '%s', vclocaldescription = '%s', vccommonname = '%s', vccommondescription = '%s' where groupid = %s",
+		"update ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup set vclocalname = '%s', vclocaldescription = '%s', vccommonname = '%s', vccommondescription = '%s' where groupid = %s",
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/groupmembers.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/groupmembers.php
index 3035d3f2..694b7759 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/groupmembers.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/groupmembers.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $operator = check_login();
 function get_group_members($groupid) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	$query = "select operatorid from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid";
+	$query = "select operatorid from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid";
 	$result = select_multi_assoc($query, $link);
 	return $result;
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ function get_group_members($groupid) {
 function update_group_members($groupid,$newvalue) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid", $link);
+	perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid", $link);
 	foreach($newvalue as $opid) {
-		perform_query("insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator (groupid, operatorid) values ($groupid,$opid)", $link);
+		perform_query("insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator (groupid, operatorid) values ($groupid,$opid)", $link);
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function get_operators() {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	$query = "select * from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator order by vclogin";
+	$query = "select * from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator order by vclogin";
 	$result = select_multi_assoc($query, $link);
 	return $result;
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/groups.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/groups.php
index 7c83d9d1..57566822 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/groups.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/groups.php
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ if( isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'del' ) {
 	if( count($errors) == 0 ) {
 		$link = connect();
-		perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup where groupid = $groupid",$link);
-		perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid",$link);
-		perform_query("update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread set groupid = 0 where groupid = $groupid",$link);
+		perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup where groupid = $groupid",$link);
+		perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where groupid = $groupid",$link);
+		perform_query("update ${mysqlprefix}chatthread set groupid = 0 where groupid = $groupid",$link);
 		header("Location: $webimroot/operator/groups.php");
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/history.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/history.php
index 06d52635..3c26ce94 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/history.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/history.php
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ $query = isset($_GET['q']) ? myiconv(getoutputenc(), $webim_encoding, $_GET['q']
 if($query !== false) {
 	$link = connect();
-	$result = mysql_query("select " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid as groupid, vclocalname ".
-			 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup order by vclocalname", $link);
+	$result = mysql_query("select ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid as groupid, vclocalname ".
+			 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup order by vclocalname", $link);
 	$groupName = array();
 	while ($group = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
 		$groupName[$group['groupid']] = $group['vclocalname'];
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ if($query !== false) {
 	$page['groupName'] = $groupName;
 	$escapedQuery = mysql_real_escape_string($query,$link);
-	select_with_pagintation("DISTINCT unix_timestamp(" . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.dtmcreated) as created, ".
-    	 "unix_timestamp(" . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.dtmmodified) as modified, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.threadid, ".
-		 $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.remote, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.agentName, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.userName, groupid, ".
+	select_with_pagintation("DISTINCT unix_timestamp(${mysqlprefix}chatthread.dtmcreated) as created, ".
+    	 "unix_timestamp(${mysqlprefix}chatthread.dtmmodified) as modified, ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.threadid, ".
+		 "${mysqlprefix}chatthread.remote, ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.agentName, ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.userName, groupid, ".
 		 "messageCount as size",
-		 $mysqlprefix . "chatthread, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage",
+		 "${mysqlprefix}chatthread, ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage",
-		 	$mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.threadid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.threadid",
-		 	"((" . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.userName LIKE '%%$escapedQuery%%') or (" . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.tmessage LIKE '%%$escapedQuery%%'))"
+		 	"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.threadid = ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.threadid",
+		 	"((${mysqlprefix}chatthread.userName LIKE '%%$escapedQuery%%') or (${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.tmessage LIKE '%%$escapedQuery%%'))"
 		 "order by created DESC",
-		 "DISTINCT " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.dtmcreated", $link);
+		 "DISTINCT ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.dtmcreated", $link);
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/notification.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/notification.php
index 6014b2df..d68e1393 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/notification.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/notification.php
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function notification_info($id) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
 	$notification = select_one_row(db_build_select(
-		"id, locale, vckind, vcto, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, vcsubject, tmessage, refoperator", $mysqlprefix . "chatnotification",
+		"id, locale, vckind, vcto, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, vcsubject, tmessage, refoperator", "${mysqlprefix}chatnotification",
 		array("id = $id"), ""), $link);
 	return $notification;
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/notifications.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/notifications.php
index 0d35f0f0..4ea11352 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/notifications.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/notifications.php
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ if($lang) {
 $link = connect();
-	"id, locale, vckind, vcto, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, vcsubject, tmessage, refoperator", $mysqlprefix . "chatnotification",
+	"id, locale, vckind, vcto, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, vcsubject, tmessage, refoperator", "${mysqlprefix}chatnotification",
 	"order by created desc", "", $link);
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/operators.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/operators.php
index 949b5158..f6a88dc6 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/operators.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/operators.php
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ if( isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'del' ) {
 	if( count($errors) == 0 ) {
 		$link = connect();
-		perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid",$link);
-		perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator where operatorid = $operatorid",$link);
+		perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid",$link);
+		perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator where operatorid = $operatorid",$link);
 		header("Location: $webimroot/operator/operators.php");
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/opgroups.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/opgroups.php
index a536ebdc..62999868 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/opgroups.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/opgroups.php
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ $operator = check_login();
 function update_operator_groups($operatorid,$newvalue) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	perform_query("delete from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid", $link);
+	perform_query("delete from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $operatorid", $link);
 	foreach($newvalue as $groupid) {
-		perform_query("insert into " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator (groupid, operatorid) values ($groupid,$operatorid)", $link);
+		perform_query("insert into ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator (groupid, operatorid) values ($groupid,$operatorid)", $link);
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/permissions.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/permissions.php
index 7cb9e34e..0c18e9e5 100755
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/permissions.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/permissions.php
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $operator = check_login();
 function update_operator_permissions($operatorid,$newvalue) {
 	global $mysqlprefix;
 	$link = connect();
-	$query = "update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set iperm = $newvalue where operatorid = $operatorid";
+	$query = "update ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set iperm = $newvalue where operatorid = $operatorid";
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ if( !$op ) {
 	if(count($errors) == 0) {
-		if ($opId && $_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator'] && $operator['operatorid'] == $opId) {
-			$_SESSION[$mysqlprefix . 'operator']['iperm'] = $new_permissions;
+		if ($opId && $_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"] && $operator['operatorid'] == $opId) {
+			$_SESSION["${mysqlprefix}operator"]['iperm'] = $new_permissions;
 		header("Location: $webimroot/operator/permissions.php?op=$opId&stored");
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/redirect.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/redirect.php
index 78541eaa..08339919 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/redirect.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/redirect.php
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if(isset($_GET['nextGroup'])) {
 			$link = connect();
 			$threadupdate = array("istate" => $state_waiting, "nextagent" => $nextid, "agentId" => 0);
 			if($thread['groupid'] != 0) {
-				if(FALSE === select_one_row("select groupid from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $nextid and groupid = ".$thread['groupid'], $link)) {
+				if(FALSE === select_one_row("select groupid from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where operatorid = $nextid and groupid = ".$thread['groupid'], $link)) {
 					$threadupdate['groupid'] = 0;
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/resetpwd.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/resetpwd.php
index 718c60f6..d8e194a2 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/resetpwd.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/resetpwd.php
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ if (count($errors) == 0 && isset($_POST['password'])) {
 		$page['isdone'] = true;
 		$link = connect();
-		$query = "update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set vcpassword = '".md5($password)."', vcrestoretoken = '' where operatorid = ".$opId;
+		$query = "update ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set vcpassword = '".md5($password)."', vcrestoretoken = '' where operatorid = ".$opId;
 		perform_query($query, $link);
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/restore.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/restore.php
index 610ad123..d86af70c 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/restore.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/restore.php
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ if (isset($_POST['loginoremail'])) {
 		$token = md5((time() + microtime()).rand(0,99999999));
 		$link = connect();
-		$query = "update " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator set dtmrestore = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, vcrestoretoken = '$token' where operatorid = ".$torestore['operatorid'];
+		$query = "update ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator set dtmrestore = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, vcrestoretoken = '$token' where operatorid = ".$torestore['operatorid'];
 		perform_query($query, $link);
 		$href = get_app_location(true,false)."/operator/resetpwd.php?id=".$torestore['operatorid']."&token=$token";
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/statistics.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/statistics.php
index d93d0f84..fc257049 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/statistics.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/statistics.php
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ if( $start > $end ) {
 $link = connect();
-$page['reportByDate'] = select_multi_assoc("select DATE(dtmcreated) as date, COUNT(distinct threadid) as threads, SUM(" . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.ikind = $kind_agent) as agents, SUM(" . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.ikind = $kind_user) as users ".
-	 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage where unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) < $end group by DATE(dtmcreated) order by dtmcreated desc", $link);
+$page['reportByDate'] = select_multi_assoc("select DATE(dtmcreated) as date, COUNT(distinct threadid) as threads, SUM(${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.ikind = $kind_agent) as agents, SUM(${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.ikind = $kind_user) as users ".
+	 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage where unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) < $end group by DATE(dtmcreated) order by dtmcreated desc", $link);
-$page['reportByDateTotal'] = select_one_row("select COUNT(distinct threadid) as threads, SUM(" . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.ikind = $kind_agent) as agents, SUM(" . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage.ikind = $kind_user) as users ".
-	 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage where unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) < $end", $link);
+$page['reportByDateTotal'] = select_one_row("select COUNT(distinct threadid) as threads, SUM(${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.ikind = $kind_agent) as agents, SUM(${mysqlprefix}chatmessage.ikind = $kind_user) as users ".
+	 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage where unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) < $end", $link);
 $page['reportByAgent'] = select_multi_assoc("select vclocalename as name, COUNT(distinct threadid) as threads, SUM(ikind = $kind_agent) as msgs, AVG(CHAR_LENGTH(tmessage)) as avglen ".
-	 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage, " . $mysqlprefix . "chatoperator ".
+	 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage, ${mysqlprefix}chatoperator ".
          "where agentId = operatorid AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) >= $start AND unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) < $end group by operatorid", $link);
 $page['showresults'] = count($errors) == 0;
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/threadprocessor.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/threadprocessor.php
index 6ff8aeee..663e1acf 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/threadprocessor.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/threadprocessor.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function thread_info($id) {
 	$thread = select_one_row("select userName,agentName,remote,userAgent,".
 			"unix_timestamp(dtmmodified) as modified, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created,".
 			"vclocalname as groupName ".
-			"from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread left join " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup on " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.groupid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid ".
+			"from ${mysqlprefix}chatthread left join ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup on ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.groupid = ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid ".
 			"where threadid = ". $id, $link );
 	return $thread;
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/update.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/update.php
index cf1fbd95..04913461 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/update.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/update.php
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ $threadstate_key = array(
 function thread_to_xml($thread,$link) {
-	global $state_chatting, $threadstate_to_string, $threadstate_key, $mysqlprefix,
+	global $state_chatting, $threadstate_to_string, $threadstate_key,
 			$webim_encoding, $operator, $settings,
-			$can_viewthreads, $can_takeover;
+			$can_viewthreads, $can_takeover, $mysqlprefix;
 	$state = $threadstate_to_string[$thread['istate']];
 	$result = "<thread id=\"".$thread['threadid']."\" stateid=\"$state\"";
 	if( $state == "closed" )
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ function thread_to_xml($thread,$link) {
 	$userAgent = get_useragent_version($thread['userAgent']);
 	$result .= "<useragent>".$userAgent."</useragent>";
 	if( $thread["shownmessageid"] != 0 ) {
-		$query = "select tmessage from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatmessage where messageid = ".$thread["shownmessageid"];
+		$query = "select tmessage from ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage where messageid = ".$thread["shownmessageid"];
 		$line = select_one_row($query, $link);
 		if( $line ) {
 			$message = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]+/", " ", $line["tmessage"]);
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ function print_pending_threads($groupids,$since) {
 	$revision = $since;
 	$output = array();
 	$query = "select threadid, userName, agentName, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated), userTyping, ".
-			 "unix_timestamp(dtmmodified), lrevision, istate, remote, nextagent, agentId, userid, shownmessageid, userAgent, (select vclocalname from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup where " . $mysqlprefix . "chatgroup.groupid = " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread.groupid) as groupname ".
-			 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread where lrevision > $since ".
+			 "unix_timestamp(dtmmodified), lrevision, istate, remote, nextagent, agentId, userid, shownmessageid, userAgent, (select vclocalname from ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup where ${mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid = ${mysqlprefix}chatthread.groupid) as groupname ".
+			 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatthread where lrevision > $since ".
 			 ($since <= 0 
 			 		? "AND istate <> $state_closed AND istate <> $state_left " 
 			 		: "").
@@ -151,8 +151,7 @@ function print_pending_threads($groupids,$since) {
 function print_operators() {
 	echo "<operators>";
 	$operators = operator_get_all();
-	$names = array();
 	foreach($operators as $operator) {
 		if (!operator_is_online($operator))
diff --git a/src/messenger/webim/operator/userhistory.php b/src/messenger/webim/operator/userhistory.php
index c77674f1..2484ff4d 100644
--- a/src/messenger/webim/operator/userhistory.php
+++ b/src/messenger/webim/operator/userhistory.php
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function threads_by_userid($userid) {
 	$query = sprintf("select unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, unix_timestamp(dtmmodified) as modified, ".
 			 " threadid, remote, agentName, userName ".
-			 "from " . $mysqlprefix . "chatthread ".
+			 "from ${mysqlprefix}chatthread ".
 			 "where userid=\"$userid\" order by created DESC", $userid);
 	$result = mysql_query($query, $link) or die(' Query failed: ' .mysql_error().": ".$query);