mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 16:17:07 +03:00
Remove messages indexing
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ $quiet = isset($_GET['q']);
// Run cron jobs of the core
@ -87,10 +87,7 @@ $dbtables = array(
"arguments" => "varchar(1024)"
// Temporal message storage. Contain only messages for for open threads.
// There is cron job that clean up this table and move messages of the core
// kinds to ${mysqlprefix}indexedchatmessage. Plugins messages must be
// converted to one of the core kinds before move.
// Store chat thread messages
"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array(
"messageid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
"threadid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatthread(threadid)",
@ -101,18 +98,6 @@ $dbtables = array(
"tname" => "varchar(64)"
// Indexed messages used for search, history and statistics.
// Contain messages only of the Core kinds.
"${mysqlprefix}indexedchatmessage" => array(
"messageid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
"threadid" => "int NOT NULL references ${mysqlprefix}chatthread(threadid)",
"ikind" => "int NOT NULL",
"agentId" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0",
"tmessage" => "text NOT NULL",
"dtmcreated" => "int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0",
"tname" => "varchar(64)"
"${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" => array(
"operatorid" => "int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
"vclogin" => "varchar(64) NOT NULL",
@ -229,9 +214,6 @@ $dbtables_indexes = array(
"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array(
"idx_agentid" => "agentid"
"${mysqlprefix}indexedchatmessage" => array(
"agentid" => "agentid"
"${mysqlprefix}chatsitevisitor" => array(
"threadid" => "threadid"
@ -250,7 +232,6 @@ $dbtables_can_update = array(
"${mysqlprefix}chatthreadstatistics" => array("missedthreads", "sentinvitations", "acceptedinvitations", "rejectedinvitations", "ignoredinvitations"),
"${mysqlprefix}requestbuffer" => array("requestid", "requestkey", "request"),
"${mysqlprefix}chatmessage" => array("agentId"),
"${mysqlprefix}indexedchatmessage" => array(),
"${mysqlprefix}chatoperator" => array("vcavatar", "vcjabbername", "iperm", "istatus", "idisabled", "vcemail", "dtmrestore", "vcrestoretoken", "code"),
"${mysqlprefix}chatoperatorstatistics" => array("sentinvitations", "acceptedinvitations", "rejectedinvitations", "ignoredinvitations"),
"${mysqlprefix}chatban" => array(),
@ -289,10 +289,6 @@ if ($act == "silentcreateall") {
runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatmessage ADD INDEX idx_agentid (agentid)", $link);
if (in_array("${mysqlprefix}indexedchatmessage.agentid", $absent_indexes)) {
runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}indexedchatmessage ADD INDEX (agentid)", $link);
if (in_array("${mysqlprefix}chatsitevisitor.threadid", $absent_indexes)) {
runsql("ALTER TABLE ${mysqlprefix}chatsitevisitor ADD INDEX (threadid)", $link);
@ -684,8 +684,6 @@ Class Thread {
* @param boolean $is_user Boolean TRUE if messages loads for user
* and boolean FALSE if they loads for operator.
* @param int $lastid ID of the last loaded message.
* @param boolean $indexed Indicates if indexed messages be should returned.
* Default value is false.
* @return array Array of messages. Every message is associative array with
* following keys:
* - 'id': int, message id;
@ -696,18 +694,16 @@ Class Thread {
* Thread::KIND_PLUGIN and message text string otherwise.
* @see Thread::postMessage()
public function getMessages($is_user, &$last_id, $indexed = false) {
public function getMessages($is_user, &$last_id) {
global $webim_encoding;
$db = Database::getInstance();
$messages_table = $indexed ? '{indexedchatmessage}' : '{chatmessage}';
// Load messages
$messages = $db->query(
"select messageid as id, ikind as kind, dtmcreated as created, " .
" tname as name, tmessage as message " .
"from " . $messages_table . " " .
"from {chatmessage} " .
"where threadid = :threadid and messageid > :lastid " .
($is_user ? "and ikind <> " . self::KIND_FOR_AGENT : "") .
" order by messageid",
@ -15,199 +15,6 @@
* limitations under the License.
* Index messages for closed threads
* History and serarch works only for indexed messages.
* Trigger 'pluginMessageIndex' event. Plugins can use this event to
* index their own messages.
* Event listener receives as argument an associative array with following keys:
* - 'message': associative array with message data;
* - 'result': array of indexed message data. Default value is boolean false.
* The 'message' element contains following keys:
* - 'plugin': string, name of the plugin which sent the message;
* - 'data': array, data sent by the plugin.
* Plugin can use the 'result' element to return indexed message data. By default it
* equals to boolean false. To index message plugin should set this element to
* an associative array with following keys:
* - 'kind': int, indexed message kind. It must be one of the core messages
* kinds, not Thread::KIND_PLUGIN.
* - 'message': string, text of indexed message.
* - 'sender_name': string, name of person who sent the message. This field is
* arbitrary and do not use for some messages kinds.
* - 'operator_id': int, ID of the operator who send the message. This field is
* arbitrary and do not use for some messages kinds.
* If the 'result' element equals to boolean false message will be skipped.
* Example of event listener is listed below:
* <code>
* public function pluginMessageIndexListener(&$args) {
* // Create shortcut for stored data
* $data = $args['message']['data'];
* // Check if message was sent by current plugin
* if ($args['message']['plugin'] == 'example') {
* $args['result'] = array(
* // Plugin should set one of the core message kinds to indexed message
* 'kind' => Thread::KIND_INFO,
* // Plugin should set arbitrary text for indexed message
* 'message' => $data['title'] . ': ' . $data['body']
* );
* }
* }
* </code>
function cron_index_messages() {
$db = Database::getInstance();
$db_throw_exceptions = $db->throwExeptions(true);
try {
// Start transaction
$db->query('START TRANSACTION');
// Select messages from closed threads
$messages = $db->query(
"SELECT {chatmessage}.* FROM {chatmessage}, {chatthread} " .
"WHERE {chatmessage}.threadid = {chatthread}.threadid AND " .
"({chatthread}.istate = :closed OR {chatthread}.istate = :left)",
':closed' => Thread::STATE_CLOSED,
':left' => Thread::STATE_LEFT
array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)
// Prevent race condition. Remove only moved to {indexedchatmessage}
// messages. Get last loaded message ID for that.
$last_id = 0;
$dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
foreach($messages as $key => $message) {
// Find last message ID
if ($message['messageid'] > $last_id) {
$last_id = $message['messageid'];
// Leave core messages kind as is
if ($message['ikind'] != Thread::KIND_PLUGIN) {
// Provide an ability for plugins to index own messages
$event_args = array(
'message' => unserialize($message['tmessage']),
'result' => false
$dispatcher->triggerEvent('pluginMessageIndex', $event_args);
// Check if message was processed by a plugin correctly
$update_message = true;
if (empty($event_args['result']['message'])) {
$update_message = false;
// Check if kind set and correct
if (empty($event_args['result']['kind'])
|| $event_args['result']['kind'] == Thread::KIND_PLUGIN) {
$update_message = false;
// Check if message should be updated
if (! $update_message) {
// Update message
$messages[$key]['ikind'] = $event_args['result']['kind'];
$messages[$key]['tmessage'] = $event_args['result']['message'];
if (array_key_exists('sender_name', $event_args['result'])) {
$messages[$key]['tname'] = $event_args['result']['sender_name'];
if (array_key_exists('operator_id', $event_args['result'])) {
$messages[$key]['agentId'] = $event_args['result']['operator_id'];
// Check is there some messages that should be saved
if (count($messages) != 0) {
// Reindex messages array
$messages = array_values($messages);
// Prepare SQL query template
$message_fields = array_keys($messages[0]);
$placeholders = '(' .
implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($message_fields), '?')) . ')';
$sql_template = 'INSERT INTO {indexedchatmessage} (' .
implode(', ', $message_fields) . ') VALUES ';
// Insert indexed messages into database by $block_size messages per
// sql query
$block_size = 20;
$iteration_count = ceil(count($messages) / $block_size);
for($i = 0; $i < $iteration_count; $i++) {
// Get messages block
$messages_block = array_slice(
$i * $block_size,
// Count of $messages_block can be less than $block_size for
// the last block of messages.
$real_block_size = count($messages_block);
// Build array of inserted values
$fields_to_insert = array();
foreach($messages_block as $message) {
foreach($message_fields as $field_name) {
$fields_to_insert[] = $message[$field_name];
// Build query
$sql = $sql_template . implode(
', ',
array_fill(0, $real_block_size, $placeholders)
// Run query
$db->query($sql, $fields_to_insert);
// Check is there some processed messages that should be deleted
if ($last_id != 0) {
// Delete indexed messages
'DELETE FROM {chatmessage} where messageid <= :last_id',
array(':last_id' => $last_id)
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Something went wrong: warn and rollback transaction.
'Messages indexing faild: ' . $e->getMessage(),
// Set throw exceptions back
// Commit transaction
// Set throw exceptions back
* Generates cron URI
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function calculate_thread_statistics() {
"SUM(m.ikind = :kind_user) AS user_msgs, " .
"MAX(m.dtmcreated) as last_msg_time, " .
"threadid " .
"FROM {indexedchatmessage} m " .
"FROM {chatmessage} m " .
// Calculate only users' and operators' messages
"WHERE m.ikind = :kind_user " .
"OR m.ikind = :kind_agent " .
@ -293,10 +293,10 @@ function calculate_operator_statistics() {
"COUNT(distinct m.threadid) AS threads, " .
"COUNT(m.messageid) AS messages, " .
"AVG(CHAR_LENGTH(m.tmessage)) AS avg_msg_length " .
// Use {indexedchatmessage} as base table because of one thread can
// Use {chatmessage} as base table because of one thread can
// be related with more than one operator (they can change each
// other during conversation).
"FROM {indexedchatmessage} m, {chatthread} t " .
"FROM {chatmessage} m, {chatthread} t " .
"WHERE m.ikind = :kind_agent " .
"AND m.threadid = t.threadid " .
"AND (m.dtmcreated - :start) > 24*60*60 " .
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ function calculate_page_statistics() {
"(SELECT " .
"COUNT(*) AS msgs, " .
"m.threadid " .
"FROM {indexedchatmessage} m " .
"FROM {chatmessage} m " .
"WHERE m.ikind = :kind_user OR m.ikind = :kind_agent " .
"GROUP BY m.threadid) tmp " .
"WHERE t.referer = p.address " .
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ page_login.login=Login:
page_search.intro=Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages. Last time messages was indexed {0}. You can index them <a href="{1}" target="_blank">manually</a>.
page_search.intro=Search the chat history for a specified user, an operator or a specified phrase in messages.
page_search.search.type.in_system_messages=Search in system messages
page_search.type.message=in messages
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ page_login.operator.disabled=
page_login.title=Âõîä â ñèñòåìó
page_search.intro=На данной странице можно осуществить поиск диалогов по имени пользователя, имени оператора или фразе, встречающейся в сообщении. Последний раз сообщения индексировались {0}. Вы можете выполнить индексацию <a href="{1}" target="_blank">вручную</a>.
page_search.intro=На данной странице можно осуществить поиск диалогов по имени пользователя, имени оператора или фразе, встречающейся в сообщении.
page_search.search.type.in_system_messages=Èñêàòü â ñèñòåìíûõ ñîîáùåíèÿõ
page_search.type.message=â ñîîáùåíèÿõ
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ if ($query !== false) {
$searchConditions = array();
if ($searchType == 'message' || $searchType == 'all') {
$searchConditions[] = "({indexedchatmessage}.tmessage LIKE :query" .
($searchInSystemMessages?'':" AND ({indexedchatmessage}.ikind = :kind_user OR {indexedchatmessage}.ikind = :kind_agent)") .
$searchConditions[] = "({chatmessage}.tmessage LIKE :query" .
($searchInSystemMessages?'':" AND ({chatmessage}.ikind = :kind_user OR {chatmessage}.ikind = :kind_agent)") .
if (! $searchInSystemMessages) {
$values[':kind_user'] = Thread::KIND_USER;
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ if ($query !== false) {
// Load threads
select_with_pagintation("DISTINCT {chatthread}.*",
"{chatthread}, {indexedchatmessage}",
"{chatthread}, {chatmessage}",
"{indexedchatmessage}.threadid = {chatthread}.threadid",
"{chatmessage}.threadid = {chatthread}.threadid",
"({chatthread}.invitationstate = :invitation_accepted " .
"OR {chatthread}.invitationstate = :invitation_not_invited)",
"(" . implode(' or ', $searchConditions) . ")"
@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ if ($query !== false) {
$page['formtype'] = $searchType;
$page['forminsystemmessages'] = $searchInSystemMessages;
$page['cron_path'] = cron_get_uri(Settings::get('cron_key'));
$page['last_cron_run'] = Settings::get('_last_cron_run');
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if (isset($_GET['threadid'])) {
// Build messages list
$lastid = -1;
$messages = $thread_info['thread']->getMessages(false, $lastid, true);
$messages = $thread_info['thread']->getMessages(false, $lastid);
$page['threadMessages'] = json_encode($messages);
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $page['menuid'] = "history";
function tpl_content() { global $page, $webimroot;
<?php echo getlocal2("page_search.intro", array(date_to_text($page['last_cron_run']), $page['cron_path'])) ?>
<?php echo getlocal("page_search.intro") ?>
<br />
<br />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user