2011-04-07 12:09:10 +04:00
/ *
This file is part of Mibew Messenger project .
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Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2011 Mibew Messenger Community
License : http : //mibew.org/license.php
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Ajax . PeriodicalUpdater = Class . create ( ) ;
Class . inherit ( Ajax . PeriodicalUpdater , Ajax . Base , { initialize : function ( a ) { this . setOptions ( a ) ; this . _options . onComplete = this . requestComplete . bind ( this ) ; this . _options . onException = this . handleException . bind ( this ) ; this . _options . onTimeout = this . handleTimeout . bind ( this ) ; this . _options . timeout = 5E3 ; this . frequency = this . _options . frequency || 2 ; this . updater = { } ; this . update ( ) } , handleException : function ( ) { this . _options . handleError && this . _options . handleError ( "offline, reconnecting" ) ; this . stopUpdate ( ) ; this . timer = setTimeout ( this . update . bind ( this ) ,
1E3 ) } , handleTimeout : function ( ) { this . _options . handleError && this . _options . handleError ( "timeout, reconnecting" ) ; this . stopUpdate ( ) ; this . timer = setTimeout ( this . update . bind ( this ) , 1E3 ) } , stopUpdate : function ( ) { if ( this . updater . _options ) this . updater . _options . onComplete = void 0 ; clearTimeout ( this . timer ) } , update : function ( ) { if ( this . _options . updateParams ) this . _options . parameters = this . _options . updateParams ( ) ; this . updater = new Ajax . Request ( this . _options . url , this . _options ) } , requestComplete : function ( a ) { try { var b = Ajax . getXml ( a ) ;
b ? ( this . _options . updateContent || Ajax . emptyFunction ) ( b ) : this . _options . handleError && this . _options . handleError ( "reconnecting" ) } catch ( c ) { } this . timer = setTimeout ( this . update . bind ( this ) , this . frequency * 1E3 ) } } ) ;
var HtmlGenerationUtils = { popupLink : function ( a , b , c , d , e , l , j ) { return '<a href="' + a + '"' + ( j != null ? ' class="' + j + '"' : "" ) + ' target="_blank" title="' + b + '" onclick="this.newWindow = window.open(\'' + a + "', '" + c + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=" + e + ",height=" + l + ",resizable=1');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;\">" + d + "</a>" } , generateOneRowTable : function ( a ) { return '<table class="inner"><tr>' + a + "</tr></table>" } , viewOpenCell : function ( a , b , c , d , e , l , j , n ) { var l =
2 , b = b + "?thread=" + c , g = "<td>" ; g += e || d ? HtmlGenerationUtils . popupLink ( n || ! d ? b : b + "&viewonly=true" , localized [ e ? 0 : 1 ] , "ImCenter" + c , a , 640 , 480 , null ) : '<a href="#">' + a + "</a>" ; g += "</td>" ; e && ( g += '<td class="icon">' , g += HtmlGenerationUtils . popupLink ( b , localized [ 0 ] , "ImCenter" + c , '<img src="' + webimRoot + '/images/tbliclspeak.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="' + localized [ 0 ] + '">' , 640 , 480 , null ) , g += "</td>" , l ++ ) ; d && ( g += '<td class="icon">' , g += HtmlGenerationUtils . popupLink ( b + "&viewonly=true" , localized [ 1 ] , "ImCenter" +
c , '<img src="' + webimRoot + '/images/tbliclread.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="' + localized [ 1 ] + '">' , 640 , 480 , null ) , g += "</td>" , l ++ ) ; j != "" && ( g += '</tr><tr><td class="firstmessage" colspan="' + l + '"><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="' + j + '" onclick="alert(this.title);return false;">' , g += j . length > 30 ? j . substring ( 0 , 30 ) + "..." : j , g += "</a></td>" ) ; return HtmlGenerationUtils . generateOneRowTable ( g ) } , banCell : function ( a , b ) { return '<td class="icon">' + HtmlGenerationUtils . popupLink ( webimRoot + "/operator/ban.php?" +
( b ? "id=" + b : "thread=" + a ) , localized [ 2 ] , "ban" + a , '<img src="' + webimRoot + '/images/ban.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="' + localized [ 2 ] + '">' , 720 , 480 , null ) + "</td>" } } ; Ajax . ThreadListUpdater = Class . create ( ) ;
Class . inherit ( Ajax . ThreadListUpdater , Ajax . Base , { initialize : function ( a ) { this . setOptions ( a ) ; this . _options . updateParams = this . updateParams . bind ( this ) ; this . _options . handleError = this . handleError . bind ( this ) ; this . _options . updateContent = this . updateContent . bind ( this ) ; this . _options . lastrevision = 0 ; this . threadTimers = { } ; this . delta = 0 ; this . t = this . _options . table ; this . periodicalUpdater = new Ajax . PeriodicalUpdater ( this . _options ) } , updateParams : function ( ) { return "since=" + this . _options . lastrevision + "&status=" + this . _options . istatus +
( this . _options . showonline ? "&showonline=1" : "" ) } , setStatus : function ( a ) { this . _options . status . innerHTML = a } , handleError : function ( a ) { this . setStatus ( a ) } , updateThread : function ( a ) { function b ( a , b , c , d ) { if ( a = CommonUtils . getCell ( c , b , a ) ) a . innerHTML = d } for ( var c , d , e , l = ! 1 , j = ! 1 , n = ! 1 , g = null , o = null , f = 0 ; f < a . attributes . length ; f ++ ) { var m = a . attributes [ f ] ; if ( m . nodeName == "id" ) c = m . nodeValue ; else if ( m . nodeName == "stateid" ) d = m . nodeValue ; else if ( m . nodeName == "state" ) e = m . nodeValue ; else if ( m . nodeName == "canopen" ) j = ! 0 ; else if ( m . nodeName ==
"canview" ) l = ! 0 ; else if ( m . nodeName == "canban" ) n = ! 0 ; else if ( m . nodeName == "ban" ) g = m . nodeValue ; else if ( m . nodeName == "banid" ) o = m . nodeValue } f = CommonUtils . getRow ( "thr" + c , this . t ) ; if ( d == "closed" ) f && this . t . deleteRow ( f . rowIndex ) , this . threadTimers [ c ] = null ; else { var m = NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "name" ) , s = NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "addr" ) , q = NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "time" ) , t = NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "agent" ) , r = NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "modified" ) , u = NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "message" ) , p = "<td>" + NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a ,
"useragent" ) + "</td>" ; g != null && ( p = "<td>" + NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "reason" ) + "</td>" ) ; n && ( p += HtmlGenerationUtils . banCell ( c , o ) ) ; p = HtmlGenerationUtils . generateOneRowTable ( p ) ; a = CommonUtils . getRow ( "t" + d , this . t ) ; n = CommonUtils . getRow ( "t" + d + "end" , this . t ) ; if ( f != null && ( f . rowIndex <= a . rowIndex || f . rowIndex >= n . rowIndex ) ) this . t . deleteRow ( f . rowIndex ) , f = this . threadTimers [ c ] = null ; if ( f == null ) { if ( f = this . t . insertRow ( a . rowIndex + 1 ) , f . className = g == "blocked" && d != "chat" ? "ban" : "in" + d , f . id = "thr" + c , this . threadTimers [ c ] = [ q , r , d ] ,
CommonUtils . insertCell ( f , "name" , "visitor" , null , null , HtmlGenerationUtils . viewOpenCell ( m , this . _options . agentservl , c , l , j , g , u , d != "chat" ) ) , CommonUtils . insertCell ( f , "contid" , "visitor" , "center" , null , s ) , CommonUtils . insertCell ( f , "state" , "visitor" , "center" , null , e ) , CommonUtils . insertCell ( f , "op" , "visitor" , "center" , null , t ) , CommonUtils . insertCell ( f , "time" , "visitor" , "center" , null , this . getTimeSince ( q ) ) , CommonUtils . insertCell ( f , "wait" , "visitor" , "center" , null , d != "chat" ? this . getTimeSince ( r ) : "-" ) , CommonUtils . insertCell ( f ,
"etc" , "visitor" , "center" , null , p ) , d == "wait" || d == "prio" ) return ! 0 } else this . threadTimers [ c ] = [ q , r , d ] , f . className = g == "blocked" && d != "chat" ? "ban" : "in" + d , b ( this . t , f , "name" , HtmlGenerationUtils . viewOpenCell ( m , this . _options . agentservl , c , l , j , g , u , d != "chat" ) ) , b ( this . t , f , "contid" , s ) , b ( this . t , f , "state" , e ) , b ( this . t , f , "op" , t ) , b ( this . t , f , "time" , this . getTimeSince ( q ) ) , b ( this . t , f , "wait" , d != "chat" ? this . getTimeSince ( r ) : "-" ) , b ( this . t , f , "etc" , p ) ; return ! 1 } } , updateQueueMessages : function ( ) { function a ( a , b ) { var c = $ ( b ) , j = $ ( b + "end" ) ;
if ( c == null || j == null ) return ! 1 ; return c . rowIndex + 1 < j . rowIndex } var b = $ ( "statustd" ) ; if ( b ) { var c = a ( this . t , "twait" ) || a ( this . t , "tprio" ) || a ( this . t , "tchat" ) ; b . innerHTML = c ? "" : this . _options . noclients ; b . height = c ? 5 : 30 } } , getTimeSince : function ( a ) { var a = Math . floor ( ( ( new Date ) . getTime ( ) - a - this . delta ) / 1E3 ) , b = Math . floor ( a / 60 ) , c = "" ; a %= 60 ; a < 10 && ( a = "0" + a ) ; b >= 60 && ( c = Math . floor ( b / 60 ) , b %= 60 , b < 10 && ( b = "0" + b ) , c += ":" ) ; return c + b + ":" + a } , updateTimers : function ( ) { for ( var a in this . threadTimers ) if ( this . threadTimers [ a ] != null ) { var b =
this . threadTimers [ a ] , c = CommonUtils . getRow ( "thr" + a , this . t ) ; if ( c != null ) { var d = function ( a , b , c , d ) { if ( a = CommonUtils . getCell ( c , b , a ) ) a . innerHTML = d } ; d ( this . t , c , "time" , this . getTimeSince ( b [ 0 ] ) ) ; d ( this . t , c , "wait" , b [ 2 ] != "chat" ? this . getTimeSince ( b [ 1 ] ) : "-" ) } } } , updateThreads : function ( a ) { var b = ! 1 , c = NodeUtils . getAttrValue ( a , "time" ) , d = NodeUtils . getAttrValue ( a , "revision" ) ; if ( c ) this . delta = ( new Date ) . getTime ( ) - c ; if ( d ) this . _options . lastrevision = d ; for ( c = 0 ; c < a . childNodes . length ; c ++ ) d = a . childNodes [ c ] , d . tagName == "thread" &&
this . updateThread ( d ) && ( b = ! 0 ) ; this . updateQueueMessages ( ) ; this . updateTimers ( ) ; this . setStatus ( this . _options . istatus ? "Away" : "Up to date" ) ; b && ( playSound ( webimRoot + "/sounds/new_user.wav" ) , window . focus ( ) , updaterOptions . showpopup && alert ( localized [ 5 ] ) ) } , updateOperators : function ( a ) { var b = $ ( "onlineoperators" ) ; if ( b ) { for ( var c = [ ] , d = 0 ; d < a . childNodes . length ; d ++ ) { var e = a . childNodes [ d ] ; if ( e . tagName == "operator" ) { var l = NodeUtils . getAttrValue ( e , "name" ) , e = NodeUtils . getAttrValue ( e , "away" ) != null ; c [ c . length ] = '<img src="' +
webimRoot + "/images/op" + ( e ? "away" : "online" ) + '.gif" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="' + localized [ 1 ] + '"> ' + l } } b . innerHTML = c . join ( ", " ) } } , updateContent : function ( a ) { if ( a . tagName == "update" ) for ( var b = 0 ; b < a . childNodes . length ; b ++ ) { var c = a . childNodes [ b ] ; c . tagName == "threads" ? this . updateThreads ( c ) : c . tagName == "operators" && this . updateOperators ( c ) } else a . tagName == "error" ? this . setStatus ( NodeUtils . getNodeValue ( a , "descr" ) ) : this . setStatus ( "reconnecting" ) } } ) ;
function togglemenu ( ) { if ( $ ( "sidebar" ) && $ ( "wcontent" ) && $ ( "togglemenu" ) ) $ ( "wcontent" ) . className == "contentnomenu" ? ( $ ( "sidebar" ) . style . display = "block" , $ ( "wcontent" ) . className = "contentinner" , $ ( "togglemenu" ) . innerHTML = localized [ 4 ] ) : ( $ ( "sidebar" ) . style . display = "none" , $ ( "wcontent" ) . className = "contentnomenu" , $ ( "togglemenu" ) . innerHTML = localized [ 3 ] ) } var webimRoot = "" ; Behaviour . register ( { "#togglemenu" : function ( a ) { a . onclick = function ( ) { togglemenu ( ) } } } ) ;
EventHelper . register ( window , "onload" , function ( ) { webimRoot = updaterOptions . wroot ; new Ajax . ThreadListUpdater ( { table : $ ( "threadlist" ) , status : $ ( "connstatus" ) , istatus : 0 } . extend ( updaterOptions || { } ) ) ; updaterOptions . havemenu || togglemenu ( ) } ) ;