* @author Behrooz Shabani * @copyright 2012 (c) ParsPooyesh Co * @copyright 2013 (c) Behrooz Shabani * @license MIT * @version GIT: $Id$ * @link http://xamin.ir */ namespace Handlebars; /** * Handlebars context * Context for a template * * @category Xamin * @package Handlebars * @author fzerorubigd * @author Behrooz Shabani * @copyright 2012 (c) ParsPooyesh Co * @license MIT * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://xamin.ir */ class Context { /** * @var array stack for context only top stack is available */ protected $stack = array(); /** * @var array index stack for sections */ protected $index = array(); /** * @var array key stack for objects */ protected $key = array(); /** * Mustache rendering Context constructor. * * @param mixed $context Default rendering context (default: null) */ public function __construct($context = null) { if ($context !== null) { $this->stack = array($context); } } /** * Push a new Context frame onto the stack. * * @param mixed $value Object or array to use for context * * @return void */ public function push($value) { array_push($this->stack, $value); } /** * Push an Index onto the index stack * * @param integer $index Index of the current section item. * * @return void */ public function pushIndex($index) { array_push($this->index, $index); } /** * Push a Key onto the key stack * * @param string $key Key of the current object property. * * @return void */ public function pushKey($key) { array_push($this->key, $key); } /** * Pop the last Context frame from the stack. * * @return mixed Last Context frame (object or array) */ public function pop() { return array_pop($this->stack); } /** * Pop the last index from the stack. * * @return int Last index */ public function popIndex() { return array_pop($this->index); } /** * Pop the last key from the stack. * * @return string Last key */ public function popKey() { return array_pop($this->key); } /** * Get the last Context frame. * * @return mixed Last Context frame (object or array) */ public function last() { return end($this->stack); } /** * Get the index of current section item. * * @return mixed Last index */ public function lastIndex() { return end($this->index); } /** * Get the key of current object property. * * @return mixed Last key */ public function lastKey() { return end($this->key); } /** * Change the current context to one of current context members * * @param string $variableName name of variable or a callable on current context * * @return mixed actual value */ public function with($variableName) { $value = $this->get($variableName); $this->push($value); return $value; } /** * Get a avariable from current context * Supported types : * variable , ../variable , variable.variable , . * * @param string $variableName variavle name to get from current context * @param boolean $strict strict search? if not found then throw exception * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException in strict mode and variable not found * @return mixed */ public function get($variableName, $strict = false) { //Need to clean up $variableName = trim($variableName); $level = 0; while (substr($variableName, 0, 3) == '../') { $variableName = trim(substr($variableName, 3)); $level++; } if (count($this->stack) < $level) { if ($strict) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'can not find variable in context' ); } return ''; } end($this->stack); while ($level) { prev($this->stack); $level--; } $current = current($this->stack); if (!$variableName) { if ($strict) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'can not find variable in context' ); } return ''; } elseif ($variableName == '.' || $variableName == 'this') { return $current; } else { $chunks = explode('.', $variableName); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { if (is_string($current) and $current == '') { return $current; } $current = $this->_findVariableInContext($current, $chunk, $strict); } } return $current; } /** * Check if $variable->$inside is available * * @param mixed $variable variable to check * @param string $inside property/method to check * @param boolean $strict strict search? if not found then throw exception * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException in strict mode and variable not found * @return boolean true if exist */ private function _findVariableInContext($variable, $inside, $strict = false) { $value = ''; if (empty($inside) || ($inside == 'this')) { return $variable; } elseif (is_array($variable)) { if (isset($variable[$inside])) { $value = $variable[$inside]; } } elseif (is_object($variable)) { if (isset($variable->$inside)) { $value = $variable->$inside; } elseif (is_callable(array($variable, $inside))) { $value = call_user_func(array($variable, $inside)); } } elseif ($inside === '.') { $value = $variable; } elseif ($strict) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('can not find variable in context'); } return $value; } }